Face 2 Face - kingston.ymca.ca · Welcome to our 8th annual Face 2 Face conference. This is an...

Face 2 Face Saturday April 14th, 2018 8:00AM - 5:00PM $125 Four Points Sheraton Kingston, ON 8 annual th

Transcript of Face 2 Face - kingston.ymca.ca · Welcome to our 8th annual Face 2 Face conference. This is an...

Face 2 Face

Saturday April 14th, 2018

8:00AM - 5:00PM$125

Four Points SheratonKingston, ON

8 annualth

Welcome to our 8th annual Face 2 Face conference. This is an opportunity for fitness professionals to come together for a day of learning, rejuvenation and sharing of knowledge. We have formed some great new partnerships with canfitpro , Mad Dog Spinning and Fitness Kickboxing Canada Incorporated to offer a more diverse conference with additional certification opportunities. Our theme this year is “Self Care”. As professionals in an industry of helping others, we often neglect our own needs. Take the day to celebrate yourself!

Location This year’s event is located at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, 285 King Street E in Kingston. Hotel rooms are available for $129.00 per evening plus applicable taxes for single or double occupancy. Reservations must be made in advance with the Four Points by contacting them directly at 613-544-4434. Underground parking is also available for $10.00 per day, per vehicle.

Session Selection Sessions for the conference are divided into 3 time slots. When making your selections, please indicate your 1st choice, 2nd choice and 3rd choice for each time slot on the registration form included in this guide. Session preferences are determined on a first come, first serve basis. There will be no opportunity to switch sessions on the day of the conference.

Continuing Education Credits Face 2 Face has been approved to offer 6 YMCA CEC’s or 4 canfitpro TM CEC’s.

What to Bring Bring appropriate work out clothes and shoes (bathing suit if doing aquafit workshop) Refillable water bottle Beverages, snacks and lunch will be provided

TM ®


Day at a Glance

7:00am – 7:45am Registration

7:45am – 8:00am Opening Session and Welcome Notes

8:00am – 8:50am Master Class, physical activity

9:00am – 10:30am Session One


10:45am – 12:15pm Keynote Speaker

12:15pm – 1:00pm Lunch

1:15pm – 2:45pm Session 2


3:00pm – 5:00pm Session 3 *Cyclefit participants will be shuttled to the YMCA from the Four Points main entrance at 3:00pm and shuttled back to the Four Points Hotel by 5:20pm

Understanding the Program Guide All workshops will indicate the appropriate stream

GF = Group Fitness

PT = Personal Training

AF = Aquafit

CF = Cyclefit

All = Workshop is suitable for all streams

A= Activity

L= Lecture

B= Activity& Lecture (Both)

Each workshop is eligible for

2 YMCA CECs for a total of 6 OR 1 canfitpro CEC for a total of 4

Adding Partner Acrobatics and Accessibility to Group Classes Erin Ball ALL/B

Participants will experience a brief talk about Erin’s story and how she came to be a double below knee amputee circus artist and coach. The majority of this workshop will be focused on some basic positions for partner and group acrobatics and pyramids. We will explore the roles of flyers, spotters, and bases. Safety, technique, and progressions will be priorities. This workshop will also cover ideas on how to make classes more inclusive for people with disabilities.

Participants will leave knowing how to incorporate inclusive beginner positions into their classes. There will also be a handout discussing alignment cues.

Face 2 Face

Saturday April 14th, 2018

8:00AM - 5:00PM$125

Four Points SheratonKingston, ON

Session 1 - 9:00am-10:30am


Workshops and Presenters

The Glorification of Busy Pam Fountas ALL/L

Our society is quick to hand out badges of honour and accolades for productivity. If what we do is never enough, where does that leave us? Overscheduled, exhausted and playing the mental tape that many of us have on repeat; “I am not enough.” BUT what if there were another way? By slowing down and creating space in our lives we can start to listen to and honour what we really need. This session promises to deliver insights and tools to help make shifts in your mindset, behaviour, and environment that will support you in creating a life that you want to show up for. Goodbye to exhaustion and the glorification of busy. Welcome energy, self worth, and a sense of ease.

Pam FountasCertified Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Spin Instructor, Public Speaker, and Entrepreneur Over the past 15 years, Pam has established herself as a coach and consultant in the areas of wellness, per-sonal development, and business. In addition to her own entrepreneurial endeavours, Pam also has profes-sional experience with McMaster University, the YMCA, St. Lawrence College, and Queen’s University School of Business. Her current work focuses on challenging the conversations that we are having internally and externally. She is all too aware of the socio-cultural climate that holds us back personally and professionally and she is determined to spark and inspire conversations and movement that challenge the status quo. Pam coaches others to show up unapologetically and live a life they have designed and deserve.

321 HIIT Sonja O’Meara GF, PT/A

321 HIIT is an all-encompassing workout that is based on Jillian Michaels’ 321 formula (3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of core). It can be adapted for participants of all fitness levels in that each exercise can either be regressed or progressed. The workout is versatile as different equipment can be used (resistance bands, dumbbells, body bars) and various strength, cardio and core exercises can be inter-changed to make up a variety of workouts. The workout is quick and effective. Participants will get a great full body workout and it will be done before it “HIITS” them!

Erin BallFitness and Lifestyle Management Diploma (George Brown College), Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer. AcroYoga Montreal Teacher Training, Handstand Coach Certification, Hooping and many more aerial and acrobatic certificates and train-ings. Owner and coach at Kingston Circus Arts. Erin Ball is a circus artist and coach based in Kingston, Ontario and she is the owner of Kingston Circus Arts. She is also a double below knee amputee. Erin is passionate about adapting and creating new/different ways of executing skills. Erin loves to move and to connect with others through movement and play. She performs and teaches regularly in Kingston and the surrounding areas. Erin teaches all bodies, shapes, sizes and situations. She has worked with amputees, people in wheelchairs, Autism Ontario, etc. She also teaches her workshop called Flying Footless, a course for coaches working with lower limb amputees. Find out more about Erin’s classes and performances at https://kingstoncircusarts.com.

Sonja O’MearaYMCA Individual Conditioning Basic Training, Yoga Fit, Levels 1 & 2, Fitness Kickboxing, Level 1 Sonja O’Meara is an elementary school educator with the ALCDSB. She was a grade one teacher for 18 years and currently works as a Special Education Resource teacher. After having her 2 boys, she made a commit-ment to get back into shape and once she started, she never stopped! In 2010, she went back to teaching part-time in order to train and certify as a personal trainer through the YMCA. In 2011, she started up Maxi-mum Fitness which provides personal and small group training and offers fitness classes such as Boot Camp, Pump, and R&R (Run and Restorative Yoga). Sonja is passionate about exercise and nutrition and is always ready and willing to help individuals maxi-mize their health and fitness levels through clean eating and balanced training.

Mindfulness for Self-Compassion Susan Young ALL/B

This workshop combines the skills of mindfulness with self-compassion to enhance your capacity for emo-tional well-being. It will include several short talks, experiential exercises, meditation and group discussion. You do not need to have meditation experience to participate. A handout of resources and practice will be included.

Cueing and Doing Andrea Weese GF/B

In this workshop, you will learn how to properly cue for your participants. Cueing is extremely important in having an effective, fun and safe class. Andrea will take you from beginner to advanced showing different options and modifications; offering verbal and non-verbal cues that you can incorporate into any choreographed class.

Andrea WeeseYMCA Group Fitness Certification

Andrea Weese has been a Step and CSI (Cardio, Sculpt and Intervals) group instructor at the YMCA for 5 years. She is a Grade 1/2 teacher in Belleville, so keeping busy is never an issue for her. She likes to bring some of her exercises into the classroom with her students to help them de-stress when feeling tight or anxious. Her goal is to be the best teacher she can be, both in the classroom and during her group fitness classes.

She strives to motivate others to work their bodies and push past their limits at a comfortable rate. She looks forward to continuing to teach group fitness and would love to get involved teaching Zumba.

Session 2 - 1:15pm - 2:45pm

Inflammation and Your Diet Brenda Riddell ALL/L

In this workshop, we will discuss certain foods and nutrients that can either promote or inhibit inflammation and discuss the potential impact on our health. Inflammation has been recognized as an indicator of illness and injury for thousands of years. It is a normal and vital part of our body’s means of self-protection, with our immune system working to heal wounds and fight infection. But sometimes the immune response process can go into overdrive, producing excessive inflammatory compounds causing diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis). It’s long been thought that diet plays a role in easing symptoms of inflammation.

Susan YoungM.Ad.Ed., IPC, RSSW, Life Coach, Mindfulness Facilitator and registered Yoga Teacher in private practice Susan Young has passionately practised meditation and mindfulness for over 20 years with teachers in Canada, the U.S., and India. She is presently with the Centre for Mindfulness Studies in Toronto, ON. Students recently said that Susan has “knowledge and compassion” and shows “a deep understanding of the foundation of mindfulness”.

Keynote Speaker

Nova Browning Rutherford Nova lectures on the importance of mental health, social and emotional intelligence on the media, academic, public and private sectors. She has been named one of the Top 5 Life Coaches in Toronto and is a certified facilitator with the global organization, Mindfulness Without Borders.

Brenda RiddellYMCA Trainer of Trainers, Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), BFAHon (York U.), DSA (Concordia), canfitpro Brenda Riddell has been involved with the YMCA as a volunteer, staff member, and/or Trainer since 1988. She is a Registered Holistic Nutrition-ist and teaches Sports Nutrition and Eating for Health and Weight Man-agement in her role as a Health Promotion Specialist. Eating to be healthy and well so we can truly enjoy life is a passion for Brenda. Brenda has always been interested in food. She cooked her first pie at the age of 6 and a full Thanksgiving dinner at 11. Originally from Ottawa, she now lives in Prince Edward County with her husband and dog.

Yogalates Jen Draper GF/PT/ B

In this workshop, you will learn to combine the principles of yoga and pilates to add a new and interesting twist to existing disciplines. This ever increasing popular exercise has positive effects on body and mind alike. Yogalates will push and stretch your body while opening up your mind. This workshop will show you how yogalates promotes flexibility, muscle tone and endurance while adapting to individual needs.

Jen DraperAmara Vidya 200hr Yoga Teacher Training, canfitpro Group Fitness Certification, YMCA Aquafit Certification Jen Draper is a 200-hour certified Yoga Instructor with 7 years teaching experience. Jen has been teaching Yogalates in the Kingston area for 2.5 years. She is passionate about teaching yoga and strives to make all her yoga and yogalates classes accessible for all. Jen is also an experienced Personal Trainer and is certified in Group Fitness and Aquafitness. Jen teaches numerous classes in the community such as Yoga, Yogalates, Pilates, Bootcamp, Mom and Baby Fitness, and wheelchair yoga. Jen has been involved in fitness for many years and shares her love of fitness with her family doing yoga, swimming, and Zumba together.

Core and Stretch Hellen Bennett PT/GF/A

In this workshop, you will learn how to engage the core properly. You will be challenged with full range of movement through all the abdominal and low back areas. We will then stretch our muscles to lengthen the body.


Hellen BennettOFC, canfitpro Hellen Bennett has engaged in physical fitness throughout her life. She came onboard with the YMCA in January 2013 as a fitness instructor. In 2014, she graduated from Fitness and Health Promotion and also joined as a Personal Trainer. Hellen’s focus is helping YMCA members live a stronger and more well-balanced life. Her enthusiasm and commitment show in everything she does.



Edward ItliongCSEP-CPT, Fitness and Health Promotion, YMCA Group Fit, YMCA IC2 Edward Itliong has worked for the YMCA as a Personal Trainer, Group Fit Instructor, Youth Coach and travelling Food and Fitness teacher at vari-ous schools and communities. Currently, Edward runs various programs in schools and communities teaching his participants the value of physi-cal literacy and healthy food choices with a holistic view in mind. Three years ago, Edward started the #SpreadTheHappy project which focuses on boosting youth’s self-esteem, body image, and confidence through motivational talks at various schools in and around the Kingston area. He continues to educate individuals about the positive effects of physi-cal activity, both physical and mental, after experiencing them firsthand.

Session 3 - 3:00pm - 5:00pm

FKCI Fitness Kickboxing for Fitness Professionals Ross O’Donnell PT/GF/A

This session is designed specifically for the fitness professional looking to incorporate real kickboxing punch, kick and block techniques into their programs. Participants will come away with a complete personal and group training session format including combination selection and virtual in-the-ring drills from warm-up, hand wrapping, stance, footwork, boxing drills, and combinations using focus pads to partner training, ab routines and cool-down stretches. This workshop is designed for the ultimate in authenticity and fitness ensuring a safe and efficient small group or personal training session.

PT Client Individual Assessment Techniques Edward Itliong PT/L

Motivating your clients to continue to progress is not easy, especially if they are set on what the scale says. This workshop will help trainers learn a variety of assessment techniques to help motivate their clients using stats that count such as VO2 Max test, Ebbeling Protocol or Step Cadence, Skin Folds, 6 Point Measurement Test, Periodization techniques, and PNF Flexibility tests. ( If possible please bring tape measure and Calipers, also available at this site: http://amzn.to/2ExugeT

If You Like to Help Others, Learn to Heal Yourself Tanya Harrington ALL/L

This workshop will combine yoga philosophies with acupressure and Thai massage to bring about an awareness of one’s own body. Participants will learn different techniques to treat and heal the body from fatigue and tension.

Tanya Harrington Tanya is a certified Bikram Yoga instructor with over 15 years experience. She has assisted other instruc-tors and clients build their practice by offering 1 on 1 coaching. Tanya is also a practitioner of Thai Massage, acupressure and 5 Element Chinese medicine. Combining all disciplines, Tanya has helped her clients to heal themselves to achieve personal greatness.


Ross O’DonnellBA, canfitpro 2017 Canadian Presenter of the Year Award Winner Ross O’Donnell is President of Fitness Kickboxing Canada Incorporated (KFCI) and oversees operation of its certification programs and CEC courses across Canada. He is the host of the TV show, “MMA Hot Seat, an international fitness and martial arts presenter, a fitness columnist with over 300 published articles and 15 instructor-training manuals to his credit, and author of “The Ultimate Fitness Boxing and Kickboxing Workout” with over 45 years training in disciplines including karate, boxing, kickboxing and MMA. Ross is a Black Belt instructor, licenced professional MMA coach, and head coach of the FKCI-MMA Fight Team having worked with amateur Kickboxing and MMA athletes at the national level and professional fighters and coaches at the UFC level.

Vision & Goals & the 5 Energy Zones™-A Ride Martha Williams CF/ALL/B

“Using the 5 Spinning®Energy Zones™ to pair with Personal Vision and Goals. Recovery – the 10 year vision we ride relaxed, meditative with a vision of our 10 year dream Endurance – 1 year goals – the putting to practice the first step to setting goals Strength – 5 year goal – as we move toward our dreams we are given opportunities to gain strength, to overcome and persevere Interval – 10 Year goals – ups and downs as we get closer to realizing everything we’ve dreamt of. Some days it’s so hard, and then other days things are easy and the vision is clearRace Day - The vision realized - the celebration and race to the finish

Take Away: a journal and clear view of what steps are needed to reach the 10 year vision and a better understanding of the 5 Spinning®Energy Zones™”


Martha WilliamsSpinning®Master Instructor, USA Level 2 Cycling Coach, Behaviour Science Degree, ACE Certified Martha Williams has an undergraduate degree from Wellesley College and a Master’s Degree from UCLA. Academically her focus was in psychology which later developed into addressing the mental component of athletic training. With over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, Martha has become an expert fitness professional.

Martha spent five years as a competitive rower, seven years as a competitive club GS skier, and twenty seven years as an avid cyclist and mountain biker.

Her specialties include: Mat/Ball Pilates, Spinning®, IN-TRINITY®, Small Group Personal Training, Exercise Rehab Programming, Endurance Training and Meditation/Visualization for competitive athletes.

Y Water Works Laura Garofalo AF/B

This workshop will provide a brief overview of the unique properties of water and its merits as a suitable training medium for all fitness levels. Participants will gain insight regarding the positive effects that vertical training has on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems. They will learn how water’s resistance can impact balance, agility, coordination and endurance. Often dubbed “the liquid weight room”, aquatics workouts involve resistance which is ideal for strength training while the buoyant nature of water reduces impact on joints. Workshop will provide a brief introduction to aquatic exercise design appropriate to various work intensities and water depths. Please bring swimsuit, flip flops and towel for the water portion of the workshop.

Laura GarofaloCanadian Aquafitness Leaders Alliance Inc. (CALA) certified With a background in Holistic Health, Gerontology, and as a twenty year veteran Aquafitness Leader, Laura has enjoyed sharing her purpose, passions, and energy with a diverse client base within her community in pursuit of a more fulfilling and balanced life. Laura is inspired by activities that integrate mind, body, and spirit. Being a part of YMCA Kingston has afforded Laura the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share her enthusiasm for personal growth and wellness.

Losing Balance? Find Your Sway! Angela Kimmet PT/GF/B

This workshop will examine the elements of balance: physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually to answer the question, What is BALANCE? Is it a skill? An ability? A sense? As we explore the physiological system or rather multiple systems within the body that come together to achieve balance, we will challenge our balance and our beliefs. Learn how to assess balance, challenge it, and work with imbalances to build strength, resilience and re-sponsiveness in yourself and your clients. Balance is not just an aging issue, but resonates with all abilities.

Angela KimmetBAHons Queen’s University (1991), YMCA Canada Trainer Educator, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Older Adult Specialist Angela Kimmett has been with the YMCA of Kingston for the past 14 years and counting. She is a YMCA Canada Trainer Educator, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, and Older Adult Specialist. In her day job, Angela is the General Manager of the YMCA of Kingston.

Name:Address:Postal Code:Contact Number:Email:Certifications Obtained: YMCA canfitpro OtherEmergency Contact Name:Emergency Contact Number:

How to register:

In person at the YMCA (100 Wright Crescent, Kingston ON) using this registration form

Online by visiting kingston.ymca.ca/register*account set up is required to register online

Call 613.546.2647 ext. 0 and register with membership services

Please note that registering online or over the phone is for payment only. You are required to email your workshop preferences to [email protected] or leave the completed forms at the Y Front Desk.

Session Workshop Order of Preference

Session1 The Glorification of Busy Adding Partner Acrobatics and Accessibility to Group Classes 321 HIIT Mindfulness for Self-Compassion Cueing and Doing Session 2 Inflammation and Your Diet Core and Stretch Yogalates PT Client Individual Assessment Techniques If you Like to Help Others, Learn to Heal Yourself Session 3 FKCI™ Fitness Kickboxing For Fitness Professionals Vision & Goals & the 5 Energy Zones™- A Ride Losing Balance? Find Your Sway! Y Water Works


Face 2 Face

Saturday April 14th, 2018

8:00AM - 5:00PM$125

Four Points SheratonKingston, ON


Workshops and Presenters

2018 Face 2 Face Waiver of Liability and Consent Form

The YMCA of Kingston recommends that you consult with your physician prior to starting an exercise or fit-ness program, and prior to participating in this event.

This is a release of claims and by signing it I agree to the following:

1. I am in excellent physical health and do not suffer from any physical ailment or any cognitive impairment. I am not taking any medication or drugs which might cause me harm or limit my participation.

2. I consent to receive medical treatment which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident or illness during the Conference.

3. I understand and agree to abide by the conditions of the cancellation policy, session request and stand-by procedures and that pre-paid registration does not guarantee session requests.

4. YMCA of Kingston may videotape, audiotape or photograph me and retain the rights to use these items and may employ any or all of these for all commercial and non-commercial purposes without payment of any kind to me and without further notice to me or permission from me. Please choose the appropriate box below. I consent I do not consent

5. I consent that the information collected herein may be used to send me updates on YMCA offerings.

6. I am aware that there are risks associated with participating in fitness activities and exercise. My participa-tion is completely voluntary and I freely accept and fully assume all responsibility for all risks, and all pos-sibilities of personal injury, death, property damage or loss to myself or any other person as a result of my participation in fitness activities. I agree as do my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns:

a) To waive all claims, known or unknown, that I have or may have in the future against the YMCA of Kings-ton including their owners, officers, directors, agents, employees, volunteers, business operators, indepen-dent contractors and site property owners, lessees or exhibitors;

b) That YMCA of Kingston is not liable or responsible for any damage to, loss or theft of my property;

c) To release and forever discharge YMCA of Kingston from all liability for any personal injury, death, prop-erty damage or loss resulting from my participation in fitness activities due to any cause; including, but not limited to negligence, (failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent and careful person would use under similar circumstances), breach of any duty imposed by law, breach of contract or mistake in error of judg-ment of YMCA of Kingston;

d) To be liable for and hold harmless and indemnify YMCA of Kingston from all actions, proceedings, claims, damages, costs demands, including court costs on a solicitor and own client basis, and all liabilities of what-soever nature or kind arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in fitness activities.


Signature: ________________________________________________

Print Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________