Facade Access Flyer

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  • 8/16/2019 Facade Access Flyer



    1/1 Ramboll UK Limited

    240 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NW

    Registered in England and Wales

    Reg No 03659970

    Now more than ever facade access and maintenanceequipment plays an increasingly important role inbuilding design development.

    As the quest grows to develop more individual andimpressive buildings, increasing emphasis is beingplaced on the building envelope with respect to thedetail, quality and proportion of overall budgetattributable to the building facade. Economical andeffective maintenance of the facade is a prime concernin the overall design concept.

    The client's expectations of ever improving and moreprestigious building shape has led to a significantincrease in the technical expertise necessary to provideappropriate access. "Off-the-shelf" equipment may notbe appropriate and the designer now requires acomprehensive knowledge of the real capability ofcompanies in the field and the ingenuity to develop

    appropriate cost-effective schemes.

    Even for lower budget projects careful access design isstill important. An equivalent but more straightforwardapproach is necessary to provide a low cost solution

    and reduce long term building maintenance costs. Theprovision of a permanent system, temporary system,or combination of both is as important a considerationin the overall maintenance costs of the building as isthe heating and lighting systems.

    When considering refurbishment and retrofitinstallations, the full scope of options and their effecton the existing building structure must be fullyassessed and considered to arrive at an optimalsolution.

    Many existing installations may require a survey oraudit to review the installation in the light of currentcodes, legislation and HSW Act and practices to assessrisk and ensure their continued safe use. Independentguidance is again important in formulating a risk

    assessment and where necessary cost effectiveupgrading solutions.

    The very wide and diverse requirements for buildingaccess systems highlight the importance of a totallyimpartial, independent consultancy to identify andresolve the specific requirements. The optimumsolution has to be reached often with a degree oftechnical innovation and an open mind. This processcan no longer be constrained by advice from suppliers,which is restricted by their own specific knowledge,capabilities and equipment.

    As impartial experts, Ramboll Vertical Transportationteam are equipped to provide this service in a co-ordinated approach, drawing on the various experttechnical skills within our international group.

    Consultancy can be provided from the very earlyconcept stages, through project management, toequipment testing and beyond, providing a trulycomprehensive service.

    Please feel free to send us your query [email protected] 

    Specialist Services Available

    1.  Initial Concept Design and Feasibility Introduction of ideas and concepts at a very earlydesign stage and impartial advice on the most efficientand effective solution, having due regard to thebudgetary, safety, architectural, structural, visual andplanning constraints.

    2.  Scheme DesignDevelopment of scheme designs and budgetsincorporating structural, operational, and servicesconsiderations to enable outline design to progress.BMU swept path analysis.

    3.  Design Development for Tender ActionProduction and presentation of design and specificationdocumentation for competitive tender action.

    4.  Tender EvaluationReturned tender evaluation and report, includingdetailed consideration of suppliers design proposals.Make recommendation to the client.


    Post Contract Assessment and review of supplier’s final design, andreview of the proposals within the overall project.

    6.  Post Contract Management Full specialist technical support to the client and maincontractor.

    Equipment review, evaluation and report.

    7.  Review / Audit Independent review/audit of existing installations andfull supervision of equipment upgrading ormodernisation.

    Risk assessment and implementation of safe systemsof work.