Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background...

Fabled Fourth Graders of Fabled Fourth Graders of Fabled Fourth Graders of Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: Aesop Elementary: Aesop Elementary: Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit A Thematic Unit A Thematic Unit A Thematic Unit Includes: Includes: Includes: Includes: This packet contains everything you need to create a Novel Study based around this anchor text by author Novel Study based around this anchor text by author Candace Fleming. Appropriate Grades: Appropriate Grades: Appropriate Grades: Appropriate Grades: 3 rd -5 th Scope: Scope: Scope: Scope: Comprehension, Prediction, Fables/Morals, Vocabulary, Compare/Contrast, Fact/Opinion, Inference, & Pictorial Representations Method of Delivery: Method of Delivery: Method of Delivery: Method of Delivery: Individual Assignments or Cut/Paste into an Interactive Notebook Created by: Angela West, M. Ed. Created by: Angela West, M. Ed. Created by: Angela West, M. Ed. Created by: Angela West, M. Ed.

Transcript of Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background...

Page 1: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Fabled Fourth Graders of Fabled Fourth Graders of Fabled Fourth Graders of Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary:Aesop Elementary:Aesop Elementary:Aesop Elementary:

A Thematic UnitA Thematic UnitA Thematic UnitA Thematic Unit

Includes:Includes:Includes:Includes:This packet contains everything you need to create a Novel Study based around this anchor text by author Novel Study based around this anchor text by author

Candace Fleming. Appropriate Grades:Appropriate Grades:Appropriate Grades:Appropriate Grades:

3rd -5th

Scope:Scope:Scope:Scope:Comprehension, Prediction, Fables/Morals,

Vocabulary, Compare/Contrast, Fact/Opinion, Inference, & Pictorial Representations

Method of Delivery:Method of Delivery:Method of Delivery:Method of Delivery:Individual Assignments or Cut/Paste into an

Interactive Notebook

Created by: Angela West, M. Ed.Created by: Angela West, M. Ed.Created by: Angela West, M. Ed.Created by: Angela West, M. Ed.

Page 2: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Building Background KnowledgeBuilding Background KnowledgeBuilding Background KnowledgeBuilding Background Knowledge

About the BookAbout the BookAbout the BookAbout the Book----The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary School is a collection of contemporary fables about a hilariously rambunctious group of kids, fearlessly led by a globetrotting, Mayan ceremonial-robe-wearing teacher named Mr. Jupiter.

About the AuthorAbout the AuthorAbout the AuthorAbout the Author---- Candace Fleming is the author of numerous books for children, including Ben Franklin'sAlmanac, an ALA Notable Book and an ALA Best Book for Young Adults, as well as Muncha!Muncha! Muncha!, Gabriella's Song, and When Agnes Caws, all ALA Notable Books.

Before You ReadBefore You ReadBefore You ReadBefore You Read----•Does anyone you know always use an expression to explain something? Examples might be “If you wrinkle your face up it will stay that way,” or “do as I say, not as I do,” or “if you eat too much candy your teeth will fall out.” Make a list of expressions people you know use._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

•Have you ever read any of Aesop’s fables? If so, which ones do you know?•Have you ever read any of Aesop’s fables? If so, which ones do you know?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

•Does anyone in your family tell stories? What are their stories about? Do they talk about adventures they had when they were younger?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

•Think about teachers you have had in the past. This person could be a school teacher, a music teacher, a coach or someone from a church, camp or after-school club. Can you remember a time when they did something strange, memorable, or extra-special?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 3: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Building Background KnowledgeBuilding Background KnowledgeBuilding Background KnowledgeBuilding Background Knowledge

What are Aesop’s Fables?What are Aesop’s Fables?What are Aesop’s Fables?What are Aesop’s Fables?Aesop may have lived in ancient Greece (620-560 BC) and he may have been a slave. Many of the fables he is credited with writing were actually created long before his lifetime. Today the phrase “Aesop’s Fables” has become a general term to describe any collection of brief fables, usually involving personified animals.

What is a fable?What is a fable?What is a fable?What is a fable?Fables, short stories that teach a moral or lesson, have been around almost as long as spoken language. Their roots go back to India, where they were connected to the mystical sage Kasyapa, and were adopted by the early Buddhists. It is thought that Socrates changed Aesop’s fables into verse while he was in prison. Demetrius Phalereus, another Greek philosopher, created the first collection of these fables around 300 B.C, which was then translated into Latin by the slave Phaedrus, around 25 B.C. Around A.D. 230, Babrius retranslated the fables from these two collections into Greek. The collection was latertranslated to Arabic and Hebrew, with additional fables from these cultures being added.

Practice with MoralsPractice with MoralsPractice with MoralsPractice with Morals----Practice with MoralsPractice with MoralsPractice with MoralsPractice with Morals----

•In small groups, preview the list of morals and brainstorm a hypothetical situation for which each moral might apply. For example: “You can’t judge a book by its cover” could relate to a new student in class who looks different from everyone else. Perhaps he/she is beautiful/rich/outgoing and everyone is in awe until they see an uglier side. Or perhaps a family sits down to a meal that looks unappetizing but tastes wonderful.

•Put groups together and have them share their probable plots with each other.

•As a class, Look at four or five fables. What elements do all the fables share? Are they different in any way? Remember the storytelling elements: every story needs a beginning, middle and end; the story needs characters, a setting, and a conflict; the moral of a fable comes at the end after a conflict/problem has been resolved. Use your discoveries to support the following activities.


Act it out: Have the students create a short play/skit based on their scenario. Have each group perform their final piece for the rest of the class. ORORORORWrite a story: Have the students write a story based on one of the scenarios they discussed. Illustrate if desired and share with the rest of the class.

Page 4: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary


It is one thing to talk about it, another to do it. (Mr. Jupiter Goes Fourth)

He laughs best who laughs last. (The Absent Minded Morning)

You can’t judge a book by its cover. (The Librarian in Love)

Try to please all, and you end up by pleasing none. (Picture Day)

It is wise to prepare for today for the wants of tomorrow. (Dance, Stanford, Dance)

Be careful what you wish for, it might come true. (Calvin Goes to Kindergarten)

Liars are not believed even when they tell the truth. (The Boy Who Cried Lunch Monitor)

One good turn deserves another. (Please Don’t Tease Ashley Z.)

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. (Pffft!)

Slow and steady wins the race. (There Once Was a Man from Dancart)

In times of dire need, clever thinking is the key. (The Bad, the Beautiful, and the Stinky)

Necessity is the mother of invention. (Dewey or Don’t We?)

Half a handful is better than none. (Ham and Beans)

Honesty is the best policy. (Missy’s Lost Mittens)

No act of kindness—no matter how big or how small—is ever wasted. (Sticks and Stones)

Time is often wasted on things of little consequence. (March Madness)

Misery loves company. (Catch!)

Those who pretend to be what they are not, sooner or later find themselves in deep water. (The Problem with Being Earnest)

Practice what you preach. (Humphrey’s Lunch)

Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. (The Spelling Goddess)

Appearances aren’t everything. (First Kiss)

There is a time and place for everything. (Mr. Jupiter Tables the Fifth)

Page 5: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Chapters One & TwoVocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these two chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

Comprehension: Answer the following questions to share with the class.

1) Why hasn’t the principal, Mrs. Struggles, separated these troublemakers before going into fourth grade?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2) According to Mr. Jupiter’s conversation with Mrs. Struggles, what might his résumé look like? Do you think he is qualified for the job as the new fourth-grade teacher?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3) Without hesitation Mrs. Struggles hires Mr. Jupiter as the new fourth-grade teacher. Why does she jump to this decision?3) Without hesitation Mrs. Struggles hires Mr. Jupiter as the new fourth-grade teacher. Why does she jump to this decision?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4) Mr. Jupiter smiles, “I’m glad to know my students have a sense of humor.” Why does he make this remark?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5) The students are trying to get a reaction from Mr. Jupiter by behaving badly. Summarize the activities they use.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6) Once the students decide they should take the direct approach to get to Mr. Jupiter, what ideas do they have for rattling Mr. Jupiter?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 6: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Chapter One/TwoChapter One/TwoChapter One/TwoChapter One/Two---- Mr. Jupiter Goes Fourth Mr. Jupiter Goes Fourth Mr. Jupiter Goes Fourth Mr. Jupiter Goes Fourth

“It is one thing to talk about it, another to do it.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter One? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Page 7: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Chapters Three & FourVocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these two chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

Comprehension: Design a Comic Strip based on either Chapter Three or Four.

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

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Chapter ThreeChapter ThreeChapter ThreeChapter Three---- The Absent Minded MorningThe Absent Minded MorningThe Absent Minded MorningThe Absent Minded Morning

“He laughs best who laughs last.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Three? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Chapter FourChapter FourChapter FourChapter Four---- The Librarian in LoveThe Librarian in LoveThe Librarian in LoveThe Librarian in Love

“You can’t judge a book by its cover.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Four? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Page 9: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Chapters One – Four Review

The soon-to-be fourth graders at Aesop Elementary School had a reputation for being –“Precocious,” said their former first-grade teacher; Ms. Bucky. She ground her teeth. “High-energy,” added their second-grade teacher, Mrs. Chen. The muscle beneath her jaw twitched. “Robust,” agreed their third-grade teacher; Mr. Frost. He patted his now all-white hair. “Humph!” snorted Bertha Bunz, the lunchroom monitor. “Those kids are just plain naughty.” Because she wasn’t a teacher; Mrs. Bunz felt free to speak the truth.

ARTFUL ARTIST:It is your job to draw a picture related to the paragraph above.

Think about the comments that have been made about this group of students. What do you see these students doing or acting like that has the teachers making these comments about them and feeling wore out?

The class I have illustrated shows ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 10: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Chapters Five & SixVocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these two chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

Character List: Use the space below to describe each character you have met so far. Include physical characteristics as well as personality traits.

1) Humphrey Parrot-

2) Bruce Vanderbanter-

3) Lenny Wittier-

4) Bernadette Braggadocio-

5) Missy Place-

6) Rose Clutterdorf-

7) Lillian Ditty-

8) Hamilton Samitch-8) Hamilton Samitch-

9) Jackie Jumpbaugh-

10) Ashley Zamboni-

11) Ashlee A-

12) Ashleigh Brown-

13) Amisha Spelwadi-

14) Emberlee Everclass=

15) Rachel Piffle=

16) Victoria Sovaine-

17) Melvin Moody-

18) Standford Binet=

19) Calvin Tallywong-

20) Mrs. Struggles=

21) Mr. Jupiter-

22) Paige Turner-

23) _________________________________

24) _________________________________

25) _________________________________

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Chapter FiveChapter FiveChapter FiveChapter Five---- Picture DayPicture DayPicture DayPicture Day

“Try to please all, and you end up pleasing none.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Five? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Chapter SixChapter SixChapter SixChapter Six---- Dance Stanford DanceDance Stanford DanceDance Stanford DanceDance Stanford Dance

“It is wise to prepare for today for the wants of tomorrow.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Six? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Page 12: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Chapters Seven & EightVocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these two chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

Read the original Aesop’s fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” online- http://www.storyarts.org/library/aesops/stories/boy.htmlUsing the Venn Diagram below, compare and contrast that story with Chapter Eight from you anchor text.

The Boy Who Cried Lunch MonitorThe Boy Who Cried Lunch MonitorThe Boy Who Cried Lunch MonitorThe Boy Who Cried Lunch Monitor The Boy Who Cried WolfThe Boy Who Cried WolfThe Boy Who Cried WolfThe Boy Who Cried Wolf

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Chapter SevenChapter SevenChapter SevenChapter Seven---- Calvin Goes to KindergartenCalvin Goes to KindergartenCalvin Goes to KindergartenCalvin Goes to Kindergarten

“Be careful what you wish for, it might come true.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Seven? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Chapter EightChapter EightChapter EightChapter Eight---- The Boy Who Cried Lunch MonitorThe Boy Who Cried Lunch MonitorThe Boy Who Cried Lunch MonitorThe Boy Who Cried Lunch Monitor

“Liars are not believed even when they tell the truth.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Eight? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Page 14: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Chapters Five- Eight Review

Finally, Rose stepped gloomily in front of the camera.“Smile,” said the photographer.“How can I?” she sighed. “Look what I’m wearing!”The photographer shrugged.


ARTFUL ARTIST:It is your job to draw a picture related to the paragraph above.

What does Rose’s class picture look like? Illustrate her photo below.

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Calvin participates in several activities while visiting the kindergarten class. The following sentences will Calvin participates in several activities while visiting the kindergarten class. The following sentences will Calvin participates in several activities while visiting the kindergarten class. The following sentences will Calvin participates in several activities while visiting the kindergarten class. The following sentences will summarize this chapter, but they are out of order. Using the numbers 1summarize this chapter, but they are out of order. Using the numbers 1summarize this chapter, but they are out of order. Using the numbers 1summarize this chapter, but they are out of order. Using the numbers 1----10, sequence the following 10, sequence the following 10, sequence the following 10, sequence the following activities that Calvin participated in to summarize Chapter Seven.activities that Calvin participated in to summarize Chapter Seven.activities that Calvin participated in to summarize Chapter Seven.activities that Calvin participated in to summarize Chapter Seven.

_______ Then Miss Fairchild clap-clapped her hands again. “Boys and girls, let’s end circle time with something special --- the squirrel dance!”

_______ Maybe, thought Calvin, kindergarten’s a little too easy. Maybe -- Miss Fairchild clap-clapped, “Snack time,” she said.

_______ The kindergarteners were sitting on the carpet when Calvin arrived.

_______ Calvin tucked up his legs like a pretzel and followed along as the class read ChickaChicka Boom Boom. Calvin already knew the story, so it was easy.

_______ Calvin pulled out his pencil and chewed on the eraser. “Boys and girls, can you tell Calvin our rule about pencils?” “Chewing is for beavers. Now put your pencil away and come sit down.”

_______ “Calvin has learned to spell his name! Let’s give him three cheers. Ready? Hip-hip---“_______ “Calvin has learned to spell his name! Let’s give him three cheers. Ready? Hip-hip---“

_______ “Class, let’s sing hello to Calvin.” Seventeen kindergarteners burst into song.

_______ Miss Fairchild wrote the rest of Calvin’s name on the bus, then tied a piece of yarn to it and draped it around his neck. “Now you may sit,” she said.

_______ Next, they recited the days of the week. That was easy too.

_______ Calvin imagined the peace and tranquility of his fourth-grade classroom. “I wish I was in fourth grade again,” whispered Calvin.

Page 16: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Chapters Nine & TenVocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these two chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

Comprehension: Answer the following questions to share with the class.

1) How does Ashley Z. differ from Ashlee A. and Ashleigh B. who are in Mr. Jupiter’s class also?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2) Give three examples from the chapter that show the teasing of Ashley Z.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3) Under what circumstances does Ashley Z. and Tarantula become friends?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4) Explain how Ashley Z.’s friendship with Tarantula helps to understand the moral of this chapter: One good turn deserves another._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5) Describe Rachel Piffle.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6) Why does Rachel anticipate Music class?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter NineChapter NineChapter NineChapter Nine---- Please Don’t Tease Ashley Z.Please Don’t Tease Ashley Z.Please Don’t Tease Ashley Z.Please Don’t Tease Ashley Z.

“One good turn deserves another.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Nine? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Chapter TenChapter TenChapter TenChapter Ten---- PffftPffftPffftPffft!!!!

“The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Ten? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Page 18: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Dictionary DigDictionary DigDictionary DigDictionary DigUse a dictionary to dig the best definition for your vocabulary words from Chapters 9 & 10.

WordWordWordWord_________________________ Page Number______ Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Definition (one meaning) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WordWordWordWord_________________________ Page Number______ Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Definition (one meaning) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WordWordWordWord_________________________ Page Number______ Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Definition (one meaning) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WordWordWordWord_________________________ Page Number______ Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Definition (one meaning) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WordWordWordWord_________________________ Page Number______ Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Definition (one meaning) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WordWordWordWord_________________________ Page Number______ Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Definition (one meaning) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WordWordWordWord_________________________ Page Number______ Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Definition (one meaning) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WordWordWordWord_________________________ Page Number______ Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Definition (one meaning) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WordWordWordWord_________________________ Page Number______ Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Definition (one meaning) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WordWordWordWord_________________________ Page Number______ Guide Words_______________ _______________ Part of Speech___________________Definition (one meaning) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 19: Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary: A Thematic Unit...Apr 01, 2014  · Building Background Knowledge About the BookAbout the Book- ---The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Chapters Eleven & TwelveVocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these two chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

Victoria Sovaine was the most beautiful girl in Mr. Jupiter’s class... at least she thought

so. “I have the silkiest hair,” she often said. “The bluest eyes. The most dazzling smile.

Why, I’d be Miss America if I wasn’t in the fourth grade.”

Yes, Victoria had good looks. But she also had…a bad temper.

If Victoria looked in a mirror, what would she see? She has good looks, but her

temper may distort her appearance. Contrast her picture from the

bold and beautiful to the bad and tempered.

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Chapter ElevenChapter ElevenChapter ElevenChapter Eleven----There Once Was a Man from There Once Was a Man from There Once Was a Man from There Once Was a Man from DancartDancartDancartDancart

“Slow and steady wins the race.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Eleven? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Chapter TwelveChapter TwelveChapter TwelveChapter Twelve---- The Bad, the Beautiful, and the StinkyThe Bad, the Beautiful, and the StinkyThe Bad, the Beautiful, and the StinkyThe Bad, the Beautiful, and the Stinky

“In times of dire need, clever thinking is the key.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Twelve? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


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Expository Prompt:Expository Prompt:Expository Prompt:Expository Prompt:

Lenny gave a dry little cough and dramatically cleared his throat. “Gee, Victoria,” he said in a fake croaking voice, “I’ve got such a bad cold, I can’t smell a thing.” That was clever thinking by Lenny in a time of dire need.

Think of a time when you’ve had to think cleverly on your feet. Share your short story below.


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Chapters Nine – Twelve Review

Directions: Use the vocabulary words to complete the sentences in the story.Directions: Use the vocabulary words to complete the sentences in the story.Directions: Use the vocabulary words to complete the sentences in the story.Directions: Use the vocabulary words to complete the sentences in the story.

advantage anticipation competition condone digressdiscarded fumigate impeccable retorted sauntered

Mr. Jupiter decided to have a poetry ________________________. Jackie felt Lil would have

a better _____________________ because she already knew so many poems. “This contest

is unfair in every way Mr. Jupiter!” Jackie whined. Lil ____________________, “Don’t whine.

Why, I’m so much better than everyone, I could win this race without reciting another line of

poetry after the first day!” Mr. Jupiter _______________________ into the classroom and

reminded Lil that he doesn’t _____________________ bragging in his class. Also, the

___________________ of the contest shouldn’t cause Lil to _________________ from what

she needs to do in order to win. Lil ___________________________ Mr. Jupiter’s advice and

thought of an ______________________ way to win. If she recited a poem with just a few

lines everyday, no one would be able to catch her total, and she would be declared the

winner. Unfortunately, Lil dallied when she should have been studying. The day before the

contest’s conclusion, her home was _______________________ for bugs. On this same day,

Jackie recited a poem with 58 lines; enough lines to win the contest when Lil wasn’t prepared

to recite any poem on this day.

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Chapters Thirteen & FourteenVocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these two chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

Context CluesContext CluesContext CluesContext CluesDirections: For each of the underlined words, write a short definition that makes sense to you. You may use a dictionary if you need to or use context clues to help you figure it out. Then write the word in a sentence of your own to show you understand what it means. Circle the part of speech that the word falls under. The first one is done for you as an example.

Example: Ashley Z. liked to play in the dirt and burp the alphabet. After all, Ashley Z. was a boy. “And don’t you forget it!” he had holleredholleredholleredhollered just that morning.

hollered – yelled; shoutedHe hollered insults at his classmates for teasing him.Part of Speech: Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Article

1) “Don’t you belong in the girl’s line Ashley?” Humphrey had asked. “Oh, yeah, you’re really funny, Parrot,” Ashley retorted.Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Part of Speech: Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Article

2) “I do not condone name-calling,” Mr. Jupiter continued.Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Part of Speech: Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Article

3) With a wink, Tarantula sauntered off to scare some third graders.Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Part of Speech: Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Article

4) In the back row, Rachel shivered in anticipation. Music time was the only time she felt free to raise her voice.Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Part of Speech: Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Article

5) “’Ode to a Popsicle,’” Lil announced at recess one morning after finding a discarded stick on the tetherball court.Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Part of Speech: Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Article

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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

SEQUENCINGSEQUENCINGSEQUENCINGSEQUENCING- Complete the timeline with key events from each chapter so far.

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter ThirteenChapter ThirteenChapter ThirteenChapter Thirteen---- Dewey or Don’t We?Dewey or Don’t We?Dewey or Don’t We?Dewey or Don’t We?

“Necessity is the mother of invention.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Thirteen? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Chapter FourteenChapter FourteenChapter FourteenChapter Fourteen---- Ham and BeansHam and BeansHam and BeansHam and Beans

“Half a handful is better than none.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Fourteen? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


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Reader’s TheaterReader’s TheaterReader’s TheaterReader’s Theater

Copy the reader’s theater piece and distribute it to the class. Have them read it in smallgroups or divide the class into three parts.

The Crow and the PitcherThe Crow and the PitcherThe Crow and the PitcherThe Crow and the PitcherA note: The chapter Dewey or Don’t We? in The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop ElementarySchool is based on this fable. This Reader’s Theater piece calls for three readers. They can beindividual readers or the class can be divided into three groups.

Reader One: A crow

Reader Three: Half-dead with thirst

Reader Two: Caw! Caw!

Reader One: Came across a pitcher

Reader Two: A pitcher?

Reader One: An empty pitcher that had once been filled with water.

Reader Three: Well it wasn’t completely empty. There was a little water left in the bottom.

Reader Two: Unfortunately…

Reader Three: When the Crow put his beak into the mouth of the pitcher

Reader One: To drink that little bit of water that was left

Reader Three: The Crow discovered that his beak wasn’t long enough to reach the water.

Reader Two: Tough luck.

Reader Three: He tried

Reader One: And he tried

Reader Two: But at last he had to give up.

Reader One: Then the Crow thought of something

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Reader Three: Brilliant!

Reader Three: He took a pebble off the ground

Reader One: And dropped it into the pitcher.

Reader Three: Plunk!

Reader Two: Smart crow

Reader One: Then he took another pebble and dropped it into the pitcher.

Reader Two: And another

Reader Three: And another

Reader One: He took pebble after pebble and dropped them into the pitcher.

Reader Two: Plunk!

Reader Three: Plunk! Plunk!

Reader One: Plunk! Plunk! Plunk!

Reader Three: Finally

Reader One: At last

Reader Two: After working really hard

Readers One, Two, Three: Victory!

Reader Three: The Crow saw that the water was getting closer to the top of the pitcherReader Two: So he dropped in a few more pebbles

Reader One: Until the water was finally close enough to the top for the Crow to take a drink.

Reader Two: Ahh…

Reader Three: And the moral of the story is…

Readers One, Two, Three: Little by little does the trick! Or … Necessity is the mother of invention!

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Chapters Fifteen & SixteenVocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these two chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

It was Valentine’s Day and Mr. Jupiter’s class was excited to share their special treats with each other. There were the traditional gifts that we all think of and some unusual ones as well. In each box below, tell who the pictured gift was for and what was special about that gift.

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Chapter FifteenChapter FifteenChapter FifteenChapter Fifteen----Missy’s Lost MittensMissy’s Lost MittensMissy’s Lost MittensMissy’s Lost Mittens

“Honesty is the best policy.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Fifteen? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Chapter SixteenChapter SixteenChapter SixteenChapter Sixteen----Sticks and StonesSticks and StonesSticks and StonesSticks and Stones

“No act of kindness—no matter how big or how small—is ever wasted.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Sixteen? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


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Chapters Thirteen – Sixteen Review

Answer the following questions from Chapter Fifteen to share with the class.

1) Why is everyone afraid of the Lost and Found? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2) What does Mr. Jupiter compare going into the basement to search the Lost and Found to? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3) While looking for Missy’s mittens, Mr. Jupiter finds other mittens that do not belong to Missy. What is special about the mittens that do not belong to Missy?is special about the mittens that do not belong to Missy?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapters Seventeen & Eighteen

Vocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these two chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

Directions: Write the vocabulary words from Chapters 13-20 in alphabetical order. Then draw lines to break each word into the correct syllables and indicate its part of speech. You may use a dictionary to help you.

versatile ingenious spelunk contagious buoyancy goblet harvest imitation


1. ______________________ ______________________ ________

2. ______________________ ______________________ ________

3. ______________________ ______________________ ________

4. ______________________ ______________________ ________

5. ______________________ ______________________ ________

6. ______________________ ______________________ ________

7. ______________________ ______________________ ________

8. ______________________ ______________________ ________

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Directions: Match each vocabulary word to the correct definition. Write the letter of the correct definition on the line.

Vocabulary Word Definition____ 1. buoyancy A. capable of or able to adapt for turning easily

from one to another for various tasks; having many uses____ 2. contagious B. capable of being transmitted by bodily contact with an infected

person or object ____ 3. goblet C. cleverly inventive or resourceful____ 4. harvest D. the power to float or rise in a fluid

E. to explore caves____ 5. imitation F. a drinking glass with a foot and stem____ 6. ingenious G. (n.) the season when ripened crops are gathered

(v.) to gather the crop____ 7. spelunk H. a result of imitating; a counterfeit or copy____ 8. versatile

Use the vocabulary words from the list above to correctly complete each sentence.Use the vocabulary words from the list above to correctly complete each sentence.

9. Ordinarily Miss Turner wouldn’t shelve books and magazines together, but in order to show how_______________________the Dewey decimal system is, she felt it necessary to shelf the magazine..10. Mr. Jupiter strapped a headlamp to his pith helmet to search the Lost and Found. He claims to have used this same headlamp when he would _________________________ as he did into the room’s center.

11. Varicella doesn’t feel sick, but with chicken pox being __________________________, she can’t go back to nursery school until her spots form scabs.

12. The students will be taking a field trip to the Esther C. Williams Public Natatorium where they will conduct experiments with ___________________________ and currents.

13. In perfect _______________________ of the gym teacher, Humphrey Parrot moans, “Food is the fuel that runs our engines.”

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Chapter SeventeenChapter SeventeenChapter SeventeenChapter Seventeen---- March MadnessMarch MadnessMarch MadnessMarch Madness

“Time is often wasted on things of little consequence.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Seventeen? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Chapter EighteenChapter EighteenChapter EighteenChapter Eighteen---- Catch!Catch!Catch!Catch!

“Misery loves company.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Eighteen? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


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Chapters Nineteen & Twenty

Vocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these two chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

The Crab and its MotherThe Crab and its MotherThe Crab and its MotherThe Crab and its Mother

A mother crab, sitting next to her friend the frog, was watching her baby crab walking along the sand.

“Oh, how awkwardly my son walks. His sideways walk is so graceless and unbecoming.”

The mother crab called her baby crab over to her. “Son, please, you’re embarrassing me, Don’t walk likethat, it’s so much more refined to walk straight forward.”

The little crab tried his best to follow his mother’s instructions, but he could not seem to get his legsThe little crab tried his best to follow his mother’s instructions, but he could not seem to get his legsto walk straight ahead.

After a frustrating day of trying, he went back to his mother.

“Mother, I have tried to start walking straight ahead, but I just can’t seem to do it. Could you pleaseshow me how it’s done?”

The mother crab crawled out of her hole and put one foot in front of the other, but no matter howhard she tried, the only direction that she could go was sideways.

She sighed and scuttled over to her baby crab. “Maybe sideways isn’t so bad…” and off they scurried, assideways as could be.

How is this Aesop’s Fable like Chapter 20? How is it different?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter NineteenChapter NineteenChapter NineteenChapter Nineteen---- The Problem with Being EarnestThe Problem with Being EarnestThe Problem with Being EarnestThe Problem with Being Earnest

“Those who pretend to be what they are not, sooner or later find themselves in deep water.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Nineteen? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Chapter TwentyChapter TwentyChapter TwentyChapter Twenty---- Humphrey’s LunchHumphrey’s LunchHumphrey’s LunchHumphrey’s Lunch

“Practice what you preach.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Twenty? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


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Chapters Seventeen – Twenty Review

Emberly Everclass has had the best attendance record at Aesop Elementary School until he decides to take a day (or two weeks) off by getting the chicken pox from Varicella Zoster. On the same day of this decision, he finds out that his class will have other activities taking place during the same two weeks he will be out after getting the chicken pox.

First, name the other activities each person announced that are being scheduled during the time that Emberly will be out.

1. Nurse Betadine __________________________________________2. Mrs. Bunz __________________________________________3. Mrs. Gluteal __________________________________________4. Mr. Jupiter __________________________________________

Ernest crocheted. Very few people were as passionate about crocheting as Ernest. There was nothing he loved more than looping and hooking, looping and hooking. But what would his classmates think about this hobby? They would probably think But what would his classmates think about this hobby? They would probably think crocheting was as dull as vanilla ice cream. A better thought, “swimming!” blurted Ernest. “I…I…swim!” Swim? He couldn’t believe his own ears. He couldn’t swim. He couldn’t even float. He opened his mouth to take it back, but—

Crocheting, swimming, horseback riding, dancing, or gymnastics, we all enjoy different activities. Some of these activities we are good at and some we wish we could just do.

Use the boxes to illustrate an activity you do well and one you might pretend to be good at.

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Chapters Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, & Twenty-Three

Vocabulary: Fill in the ten words from these three chapters that you were unsure of or didn’t understand within the context of the story. 1) ________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________3) _______________________________________ 4) _______________________________________5) _______________________________________ 6) _______________________________________7) _______________________________________ 8) _______________________________________9) _______________________________________ 10) _______________________________________

Chapter TwentyChapter TwentyChapter TwentyChapter Twenty----OneOneOneOne---- The Spelling GoddessThe Spelling GoddessThe Spelling GoddessThe Spelling Goddess

“Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Twenty-One? Have you ever encountered a similar How does this moral apply to Chapter Twenty-One? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter TwentyChapter TwentyChapter TwentyChapter Twenty---- TwoTwoTwoTwo---- First KissFirst KissFirst KissFirst Kiss

“Appearances aren’t everything.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Twenty-Two? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


Chapter TwentyChapter TwentyChapter TwentyChapter Twenty---- ThreeThreeThreeThree---- Mr. Jupiter Tables the FifthMr. Jupiter Tables the FifthMr. Jupiter Tables the FifthMr. Jupiter Tables the Fifth

“There is a time and place for everything.”

How does this moral apply to Chapter Twenty-Three? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?


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Chapters Twenty-One – Twenty-Three Review

Reflection and Prediction:Reflection and Prediction:Reflection and Prediction:Reflection and Prediction:

If you were assigned to write a new Chapter Twenty-Four to follow this book ending, what fable would it be based on? Research some of Aesop’s Fables that were not used in this story and use this sheet to write an outline for a sequel chapter.
