Fa102b asign1

Angelina Izzo FA102b Professor Klinkowstein Research from Web & Quora Beyond Wearables - Get Ready for Broadcast Hugs and Books that Punch You in the Stomach http://www.iftf.org/future-now/article-detail/the-new-body-language/

Transcript of Fa102b asign1

Page 1: Fa102b asign1

Angelina IzzoFA102b ProfessorKlinkowstein

Research from Web & Quora

BeyondWearables - GetReadyforBroadcastHugsandBooksthatPunchYouintheStomach


Page 2: Fa102b asign1

Angelina IzzoFA102b ProfessorKlinkowstein

Research from Web & QuoraEXCERPT


Page 3: Fa102b asign1

Angelina IzzoFA102b ProfessorKlinkowstein

Research from Web & QuoraEXCERPT
