FA Booklet Infinite

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  • 8/13/2019 FA Booklet Infinite


    BII Infinite

    Concierge Service.

    BII Credit Card

  • 8/13/2019 FA Booklet Infinite


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    Travel Services

    1. Pre-trip Inoculation and Visa Requirement Information BII Infinite Concierge Service shall provide information concerning Visa

    and inoculation requirements for foreign countries, as those requirementsare specified from time to time in the most current edition of WorldHealth Organization Publication Vaccination Certificates Requirementsand Health Advice for International Travel (for inoculations) and theABC Guide to International Travel Information (for Visa).

    2. Hotel Referral and Reservation Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,

    address and telephone number of hotels and holiday resorts in majorcities. If requested by the User and whenever possible, BII InfiniteConcierge Service will facilitate in making the reservation on behalf of theUser.

    3. Flight Information and Ticketing Assistance

    BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,address and telephone number of airlines in major cities as well as flighttimes whenever possible. If requested by the User and whenever possible,BII Infinite Concierge Service will facilitate in making the flight reservationon behalf of the User.

    4. Luxury Car Rental and Limousine Referral and ReservationAssistance

    BII Infinite Concierge Service shall assist the User by providing the name,address and telephone number of luxury car/bike rental and limousinecompanies in major cities. If requested by the User and whenever possible,BII Infinite Concierge Service will facilitate in making the reservation onbehalf of the User.

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    Travel Services


    9. Airport Lounge Access Service BII Infinite Concierge Service shall avail access to selected airport lounges

    for the User whenever requested upon.

    10. Overseas Language/Translation Support BII Infinite Concierge Service shall provide the User with telephonic

    translation services and emergency support whenever a need arises.

    11. Sightseeing and Destination Recommendations BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,

    address and telephone number of travel agencies at the Users traveldestination. If requested by the User and whenever possible, BII InfiniteConcierge Service will assist in the faxing of travel packages from thesetravel agencies to the User and coordinate the arrangements on behalf ofthe User.

    12. Luxury Yacht/Cruise Information and ReservationsBII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,address and telephone number of luxury yacht/cruise/sea-liner operatorsin major cities as well as departure/arrival times whenever possible. Ifrequested by the User and whenever possible, BII Infinite ConciergeService will facilitate in making the reservation on behalf of the User.

    13. Train or Rail Information and Ticketing BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,

    address and telephone number of train/rail operators in major cities aswell as departure/arrival times whenever possible. If requested by the Userand whenever possible, BII Infinite Concierge Service will facilitate inmaking the reservation on behalf of the User.

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    1. Golf Course Referral and Reservation Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service shall assist the User, whenever possible, by

    providing the address and telephone number of golf courses within andoutside the usual country of residence. If requested by the User andwhenever possible, BII Infinite Concierge Service will facilitate in makingthe reservation on behalf of the User.

    2. Golf Lessons Information and Referral Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service shall provide the User with referrals to private

    golf coaches and classes on a worldwide basis. If possible and uponrequest, BII Infinite Concierge Service shall also provide the User withinformation concerning the class schedules as well as the locations wherethese classes are held.

    3. Golf Equipments and Apparels BII Infinite Concierge Service shall, whenever requested upon by the User,

    assist him/her with the purchase and delivery of high-end golf clubs andgolf accessories such as apparels from authorized boutiques. BII InfiniteConcierge Service shall not be responsible for cost of the item as well as allassociated third party costs which shall be borne by the User.

    4. Golf Events Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service shall assist in the provision of information on

    major golfing events and/or competitions on a global basis. Wheneverrequested upon, BII Infinite Concierge Service shall facilitate in thebooking and purchase of entry tickets to the designated event.

    Golfing Services

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    1. Dining Referral and Reservation Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,

    address and telephone number of restaurants in major cities. If requestedby the User and whenever possible, BII Infinite Concierge Service willfacilitate in making the reservation on behalf of the User.

    2. Private Dining Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service shall assist the User in providing referrals to

    caterers based on the type of cuisine as specified by the User. AlthoughBII Infinite Concierge Service shall provide such referrals, the ultimateselection of the caterer as well as the food menu shall be the responsibilityof the User.

    3. Food Tours Referral and Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service shall provide referrals to event companies

    who organize food tours on a worldwide basis. Whenever requestedupon, BII Infinite Concierge Service shall assist the User in the purchase ofthe air tickets and the bookings of hotel accommodation in the location asadvised by the User. BII Infinite Concierge Service shall not be responsiblefor the planning of the itinerary of the tour on behalf of the User.

    4. Food Tasting Events Information Service BII Infinite Concierge Service shall provide to the User, as and when

    available, with information concerning food tasting events on a worldwidebasis.

    5. Vineyards Information and Referral Services BII Infinite Concierge Service shall assist the User by providing information

    on the popular vineyards on a worldwide basis. If possible, BII InfiniteConcierge Service shall also provide the User with their opening hours andaddresses. On a best effort basis, BII Infinite Concierge Service shall alsoassist the User in the purchase and delivery of selected wine as specifiedby the User from the vineyards and/or authorized distributor.

    Wine and Dine

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    1. Special Events and Performance Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User, whenever possible, by

    providing information of special events and performance held in majorcities. If requested by the User and whenever possible, BII InfiniteConcierge Service will facilitate in making the reservation on behalf of theUser.

    2. Information on New Books and Albums Releases BII Infinite Concierge Service shall, upon request from the User, provide

    information on the release of the latest books and music records, and ifnecessary, the locations of book and music stores where these items areavailable. Whenever possible, BII Infinite Concierge Service shall facilitatein the purchase of any such item from the stores and/or provide the Userwith the website link where these items are available.

    3. Cultural Centers, Museums, Art Gallery and Exhibition Information

    and Referral Services BII Infinite Concierge Service shall provide, upon request by the User,

    information on exhibition events, including the date, operating hours aswell as the venue. Whenever necessary, BII Infinite Concierge Service shallassist the User in the reservation, purchase, and delivery of the tickets.

    4. Cultural and Historical Tours BII Infinite Concierge Service shall assist the User in providing referral

    services to authorized tour agents specializing in cultural and historicaltours. Whenever requested upon by the User, BII Infinite Concierge Servicewill also assist in the booking of designated tours with the selectedauthorized tour agent. Should the User require tailor-make tour packages,BII Infinite Concierge Service shall refer the User to the authorized touragent for direct liaison.

    Arts and Culture

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    1. Flower and Gift Delivery Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by arranging for delivery

    of flowers or gifts to his or her family or business associates.2. Jewelry and Watches Referral Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,

    address and telephone number of jewelers and timepiece shops in majorcities.

    3. Arts and Antiques Dealers Information Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,

    address and telephone number of arts and antiques dealer in major cities.If possible and upon request, BII Infinite Concierge Service shall alsoprovide the User with the opening hours of the shop/dealer.

    4. Major Shopping Belts/Locations Information Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,

    address and telephone number of shopping locations in major cities. Ifpossible and upon request, BII Infinite Concierge Service shall also providethe User with the opening/closing hours of the shops.

    5. Spa, Fitness Center and Sports Center Information and Referral Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,

    address and telephone number of spa and fitness centers in major cities.Whenever possible, BII Infinite Concierge Service shall also provide the

    User with the opening/closing hours of the shops. If requested by the Userand whenever possible, BII Infinite Concierge Service will facilitate inmaking the reservation on behalf of the User.

    6. Tailoring BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,

    address and telephone number of tailoring shops in major cities.Whenever possible, BII Infinite Concierge Service shall also provide theUser with the opening/closing hours of the shops.

    Shopping Services

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    1. Conference Information and Referral Services BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing conference

    service referral. If requested by the User and whenever possible, BII InfiniteConcierge Service will facilitate in making the arrangements on behalf ofthe User.

    2. Messenger Service Assistance

    BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing assistance torelay message between the User and his/her family or business associates.

    3. Courier Service Assistance BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User to send documents or

    parcels by arranging courier services to his or her family or businessassociates.

    4. Translation Services

    BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist the User by providing the name,address and telephone number of translating agencies in major cities.Whenever possible, BII Infinite Concierge Service shall also provide theUser with the opening/closing hours of these agencies. If requested by theUser and whenever possible, BII Infinite Concierge Service will facilitate inmaking the arrangements on behalf of the User with an identifiedtranslating agency.

    Business Services

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    1. Event Planning BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist in referral the User to an event

    planner for the organization of birthday parties, black tie events or privateget-togethers.

    2. Laundry Pick-up/Drop-off Services BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist in arranging on behalf of the User

    laundry service provider who is able to provide a pick-up/drop-off servicefrom/to the Users home.

    3. Home Grocery Delivery BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist in the ordering and delivery of

    non-perishable groceries to the Users home.

    4. Massage and Aromatherapy Services BII Infinite Concierge Service will assist in the arrangement of a qualified

    masseur or aromatherapies for home visits to provide a spa at homeservice for the Users holistic well-being.

    Other Services

    For further information & reservation: Infinite Concierge Hotline (62-21) 75900089

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    Terms & Conditions

    BII Infinite Concierge Service is managed by International SOS (legally presented in Indonesiaby PT Asih Eka Abadi) as an authorized partner to act on the behalf of BII. All servicesrendered are based on best effort basis. Requests should be made within reasonable leadtime. International SOS will proceed with the purchase of goods/services after receivingcardholders written confirmation. All services are purely on referral and/or arrangementand/or recommendation based only. BII and International SOS will not be held liable for theperformance of goods/services purchased.

    Terms and Conditions applied.

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