f1 A HPnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kt08w/data/0278.pdfMedical Society, in the town ot M Prizes...

i AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. ? tn.'rA'yj:-y,"g- argftf jai;ig?T??SttSwfcJigyJRiE3ya.'C!HS' wrgCTCTtt BY DANIEL BRADFORD, LEXINGTON. TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1804. VOL. XVIL N. 919. V M S i . h 4- - h I f.i f u Id I'tf f mi . '" lii 1IT '' II KTtWrWi'BiTas-.--"- ' - - .. , TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. This paper is published weekly, .at two, dollars per annum, ptudjn aa- - vanci. Those who write to the Editor, mult pay the pottage of their letters. Thomas Love, . T"irii ... l.rlV F nWrlv twelVe i .ntWrnmh'is old'ftand in trank. sort, near the Ferry and Ware-hous- e, now informs his friends ana the puouc that he has refunud his old place of ENTERTAINMENT, Where those that may please to call on him, may rdy on meeting with every attention, both as to themselves and horses, that this country will afford. Private parties may have jooms undif-tu- i bed with the buttle of a Tavern ; .and srentkmen disposed to have piivate boarding, can be accommodated to their wishes. , Frankfurt, Feb 22, 1804. i Banks & Qwing. ti .., Jmnhrted fiom Philadelphia, and Vrp onenintr fur sale, on the lowed terms, in the house lately occupied by 2J7 p Meffrs. John Joroan jun. o to. next door to Mr. beitz s, Britifli and SpaniOi fa- petfme and common broad cloths, Constitution and fancy cotds, ( Coidurays, Velvets, Velverets, Jaconet, tambored & bpok,muflins, Humhum.s, Baftas, India lhawls, fiik and cotton; r- - Indu, (ilk and cotttfn handkci chiefs Chintzes and of the newest pat- terns, Irilh linens, whole Jind half bleached, Dur3nts, i:ahmancoes, . 4. . TntV-p- v varr.. Tames G Saddlery and hatnefs furniture, Shoe makers' and car- penters' tools, All kinds ol" hard ware aborted, cards, No. 3, 9 & 10. China.glars U queens ware, Imperial, Hyfon, Young hyfon, se bohca Coffey Sugars, Wines, Brandy, Pepper, Ginger, Mace, w.M'mrcs. &cW.,4AJnrinjon, 1 ,.. I'ftTitftirrl. Coperas, madder, in digoann aiiuui Nankeens, - lL im. of Tickings &c P"'ed fll0t the A ete attof traeni auk-rcii- t iiumutio. of I They keep a, constant supply of bar iion, ftcel, caftinfes and sheet iron of the brit qualities, affort'ed, and Mann's luUlalt. 7 Cotton Pry Milieu can ttfi lupplied with boulting cloths of the different numbeis. Lexington, April 7th, 1804. tf Alexand' - v Nutmegs, Alfpjce, , I Garrard Circuit, Si biuaiy 18041 .. uthrie, compl't. J In r't. ag a uitt wanccj" er Catn;s, deft.) TpHE deiendant not having entered f JL hi3 appearance herein, agreeable to lw, and thef 'illes of this court, and not b'rrjsr an inhabitant of the state, on mo- - tion f the by his cdunfel, it is ordered that the said defendant ap pear heiv on the third day of our next May trrni, andanfwer the complainant's bill, otherwise it will be taken for con-frff- ; and thit a of this order be forthwith inserted in the Kentucky Ga- zette, for two months according to law. A topy. Telle Ben). Letcber, C. G. C. C. 2 20 npHE partnership of Trotter and bcott, wns the 14th ult. clil-iov- by consent. All those iifdebted by either bond, note, or book account, are requested to make mfte.liate payment to George Trot- - teWoP. who will lettle :Hl the oufi-nefs't- if linn those who not avail theiyifelvcs of this notice, will compel us to the disagreeable jiecefiity of ciimmencing luits with- out relpeiTl to persons. GEo, TROTTER fen. ALEx. SCOTT. Lex. 26th Dec. 1803, y .. liLUE DYING. AhthE SUBSCRIBER, ' WISHES inform the public", thai he continues rv on the BLUE DYING, on Oofs btteet, between JVi r. Weber's a)d Myers's, whet e Lexington, 1893. 3&tf zaazcsssui. 'HOSli Gentlemen wno lUDicnueu with Dr. Brown, for Select Briltso 'assies. Barrotu's Travels' into the in- - erior of Africa, and Denon's Travels in Egypt, during tbe eampaignSrof gen. Bonaparte, are requested to call at this olhxe ana get tlieir-copies- . 600-Dollarsfor5l!- ! 1 10 40 200 on ca' A j BY SCHEME OF A To build a house for the Kentucky Medical Society, in the town ot M Prizes AUTHORITY. LOTTERY Lexington. CLASS. 1, SCHEME.' of Doll. is Boll. 600 last drawn ticket- - 600 250 100 50 20 IO 6 500 400 S00 400 400 Dollars 523 Blanks. 800 Tickets at 5 Dollars is Doll. 4000 THE laudable obje& of this Lotte- - ry tne vaiuaDie jrriicb uut-- " .iwit nm lino- - two blanks and a halt to a Prize) are conliderations which a wall grounded hope in the managers, tfiflt the of the tickets will be lapid. The drawino- - will cflmi.ience on the firtt Monday inyMay llext, and tiftrty days aster, the completion of the drawing, the Prizes will be paid to the fortunate adventurers, fubjecT. to a deduction ol 15 per Such prizes as not be demanded within twelve months the drawing is finiflied, be eoniraer-e- d as relinquished for the benefit of the Society. tor the latistattion 01 tne purchafersjit be neceffary to men- - tion, thatrthe ruanagers'have ftiven bond foi the due payment of the prize that may be drawn. Tickets ib be had An ailort merit of the managers teim, copy mutual Lil will to to Jam Mr. u$ FIRST jvhn Pope, T'-bo- Wallace, Geo. Trotter, jun. Danl. Bradford, Jas. Fisbback, Andrew M'Calls, Toos. Bodley, CHEAP GOODS. 1200 4000 excite sale cent. (hall aftci shall may ri. J- - accoiin &Tilford, TT AVE just received from Philadel-JLJ- L phia, and are now opening; at their Store on .Main ttrett, an' extensive, ele gant aflortment of CHEAP MERCHANDIZE; of the latett European iiflportationsj chiefly purchased from vendue houfet, which they are determihed to sell at the lowed prices Goods are fdld at in this state, lor Latin 1 hey have alio a large alid general aflortment of BOOKS, of the latere publications ; and keep a constant supply of NAILS, made of bed Pennsylvania Iron, at their Nail. Manufactory. ' Lexington, Jan. 16, 1801. county, let. Notice is hereby given, '"ft'HAT pursuant to an aft of the last Ken fl tucky Lcgiflature, conuniflioners appointed bv the Governor forth? purpose of perpetuating teUunony concerning the records papeis which destroyed in the ohice ot countv, the com low for the tbe who were and were late this laid miflioners will continue to meet at the court house of" Paid county, tor the said purpose, on the fiift Alonday in eveiy In nth until the first tla) of July next, at which tune their orEte as coinmilhoneis expire By order of laid Commiflionrrs. LEVI TODD, Clk. March 1 2th, 1804. j Harrison Circuit Set. February term, 1804, Albion, complainant, Fayette C"iirt Againlt Willaro Ward, George Ward, Joftph and ? B. Wards, defendants. 5 IN CHANCERY. j T appearing to the latiif irtii n of the court I thnt thf Acc n!n. illiam W'.irH. i nnf 11 I - ' . Will u e an inhabitant ot this state, and nothivuip Cn Cottrt'n, Linen and AVool, WHh aiteredln appearantc herein, it U ordered that Cotton at!he(loal'l,earneye'on tl thir.' diy 01 the next wirm dye deepest blue, -- , , ,T j.. une and enter his appearance lierem, ' n r-- r pounu wool at 10 per auH ;. feturitv to oeriorm the decree of the pot"" 1, which he will warrant to bejeourt, oti.erwifethe co.np!ain?nt(s biilwill be till cqua' to an dye in the town cn Lex- - .taUen anamit h.m tor conieiir-t- i and tliat . order lie pubhtt.ed in fonie pulilu k nev (h 4 c im tliisitate, lor fvo lutculuve'y. irrT a t- - uuan.uti. Acopy. Atteif, June 25, that W. Moore, C. II. CCA n .... ..-t--i Has a Large and of - for the piefent, or season, which he will sell CASH, SALT TAL S& AND A John Jorddn Jim. General.Affortment SUITABLE TOBACCO,HEMP, GINSENG, WHEAT, PETRE, BEES-WA- kLOW, HOG's LAKU, 3RK, COUNTRY LINEN, THREAD. m SC7Thofe indebted to the late firm of John Jordan Jun. Sc Co. are re- qusfted to call and.pay or at least set tle their accounts. tf Lexington, K. Nov. 14th 1803. JOHN A. SEITZ & CO. on hand a large and HAVE afloitment of M.ev e , wffich they will sell unusually low for Cash, Hemp, Tobacco, Whiskey, Country Linen, Salt-Petr- e, &? Bees Wax. Lexington, "Martfc 13th, 1804. FOR SALE, At a reduced' price in Cash aid personal probing at valuation, tbefollowing Jy 40) acres entered for Jojin May, on the north side of the Kentucly river, and lower side of Cedar creek. 30 acres, part of 40, entered by Geo. May, on the fait lick, on Sandy. 216 -4 acres halt ot 433 1.2 en ered by John May, aiound the the last entry. 250 acres, halt ot 500, e.iterea, may 1780, by George May, near Lydia's Mount. 400 acres, half 800, ;n the "ame of IfaaC Shelby, adouiin;, the last entei ed Tune 23, 1780. About 30 acres, being that of John May's entry of 1000, including the confluence of the South fork with Main Licking, v. hah lies within the U'olvSr,.'a."ii including a paVt of the town Falmouth. 666 2-- 3 acres, part of Samuel Mere- dith's 1000, in the folks of Licking, adjoining the last entrv, and including the remainder of Falmouth Patented lOJiJuly, 1786. 1333 -3 acres, pait of Samuel Me- redith's .&' Geoige Clymer's 2000 acres, on Bank Lick creek Patented 14th November, 1786. 266 2-- 3 acres pait of Samuel Mere- dith's 'and George titer's 400, north (ide of Licking, md joining John May's 1000 before mentioned. 1000 acres, tnteicd for Ben. Holli- - day, on Battle creek, alj-inin- g John Saunders- - 1000 acres, entered for John May, north side of the Rolling fork Salt river, joining George Undeiwood, and including the mouth of Wiilon's creek The claims to the above parcels of U ,,,,' r nana are deduced, oy private pei of ait of CI of from the persons for whom 'they were located. irK GEO. M. BIBB. Lexington, Jan. 3, 1804. tf. JwgSSm f1 r7TP HT1 HP MERCHANDIZE', chandiz Lands, ,1A contracts, miSs5-- - William Ross, BOOT-- SHOE-MAKE- R, HAS on hand a large affortment BOOTS & SHOES, which he intends, selling at reduced prices. Brown top BoOtSj Black top do. Three quarter do. 5 1 is foxed, Half do; 5, is foxed Mens'HnedandboundShoes Mens' kip-ski- n do. Mens' coarse do. D. Womens' Slippers from to bmall Shots according. At these lov prices, no tr-f- r neei' be e'peSled. lie means to sell at these prices through the course of the year. N. B. Any gentleman that wiflies 'o purchase quaTtity of any of the above work, the pi ices will Hill be1 reduced. Two or three APPRENTICES wanted to the above business imme diatelv. (Laws of Kentucky For snlciattLis Qf;e. To Lease, VALUABLE 'FARM", NG Mercer county on Sslt ver, about one mile and half above Maj. 3uchanan's mill,, on the road leading from Frankfort to Harrcdfburgh with ibout 100 acres of Gleare'd Land, a Tood Dwelling House and other Conve- - uient Buildings, a large apple and Peach Oichard, Meadow and'Pafture; the whole in good-'repai- r. jfatnes Maccoun. Lexington, March 14, 1803. 8 7 6 5 5 1 75 1 5 i i 25 I a "TV - in ri , MILITARY LANDS. For Sale, . ' ' valuable trafts of MILL TARJf LAND.fituate on the met Ohio (state of Ohio) about 3; miles C. tf below Limeltone, including the mouth ol liear creek, and extending; up the riviOTi5i9 perches to the mouth of Maple creek. One of these traces containing 1400 acres, was granted to Gen. John Nevill; tne otner containng 2222 acr.es,- - granted to Genl. Daniel Morgan. A large proportion df each of thele tracts, is river bottom of the first qua-lit- y, on which are several improve ments ; the balance excellent upland well watered and timbered. The lines of survey will be fliewn by Jo nathan 1 aylor, or Peter Demols, who Jive or the lands. 1 will sell on a long credit, on the interefc being paid annually For further information enquire of James Mormon, in Lexington, Kentucky, who is in potlelhon of a draught dei- - criptive of the surveys, or the sub- - lcriber in rittlburgh. PRESLEY NEVILL. Oft. 8, 1803. Tbe imported Stallion Speculator, WILL stand the enfuingfeafon, which will commence the 1st day of March, and end the fiift day of August next, at the tarm ot-Jo- hn Breckinridge, efq. near Lexington, in Kentucky, and may coj vrr mar.es at ten dollars the 'leap, to"be" paid at the stable door ; twenty-sou- r dollars the season, to be discharged any urne befoie thei first day of August, by the payment of twenty dollars ; and for ty dollars to enfuie a mare to be with fqal, to be returned is fuclvfllould not lie the case, is the mare remains the pro prrty of the person who put her to the hone ; with one dollar to the groom in every instance. Attested notes for the season, and insurance to be sent with the P SPECULATOR fL.0iW riling nine years old, is a very handsome horse, near lixteeu hands high, a hue bay with as many good running points as any horse on the continent, and - 11 1...1-.- -J .... -- ... ...1 ib wen caiLuiaicu iu gci cuiici cali-le- nt race, saddle or carriage horses ; and has eftabhfhea himlelt to be a most capi tal uallion, ab may be leen by his colts, which are now riling one year old his blood is unexceptionable, and of the pureu kind, as may be seen by his. PEDIGREE. SPECULATOR was bred bvthe Duke of Bedford, and got by his favorite ftal- - lion Dragon, (now in Virginia, and co vered I'lo mares lalt lealon, at ten gui- neas per mare) who Was son to Wood-pecke- r, his dam by Iving Herod, a sis-- er to L'lopzel, Bourdeaux, and Sting, and the dam of Portia, NarcilTa, Jeffica, .md larantula; his grand dam by Cyg- net, who was got by the Godolphjn Ara- bian ; his great graudidam by Cartouch, 11 very capital stallion: his great great grand dam, Ebony, by ChilderS, out of 01a libcwyy Bafto, who was got by the Byerly Turk, out of Bay Peg, by the Lccd's Arabian. PERFORMANCES. SPECULATOR has been a capital running horse In 1793 he won once, being the only time on th- - turf that year in 17'jy, oemg tnen tour years 010, it the New-Mark- et Craven meetings, he hc.it mr. Watson's Young Magpie, for 100 guinea" at New-Mark- et spring meetinr.be belt Lord Sackvilk'a famous horse Sober Robin, far 50 gui-ie- ., it the lame meeting he vfnii a hanJicappldte, ol 50 guinea each, bs"- - ing hx r;ood holies, among which u as 'he celebrated hoife Ai.intor; the hf rerpivfd 41 Guineas for tion at the Julv New M uki t nieetin", he heit mr. Ci.fun's Youn )t a , tot ino j-- , 7 to 4 on '"platji ; a. Brighton lie won a handkau,piate (.he new courf.) 50 quneas eVh, beating Ascot, mr. WvnJha.n's hoife bv Fidget, Cypress, Sister, Mid- night, PI iv or P?y, and Oppofit'oii ; at iSItw Maiket first October meetng, he walked over for a fw.ep ll.l'e of. r aaasHsaswa 50 guineas.- - each, Bollenamuck and Combatant feaung to run against him, paid him a forfeit ; at the second Oaob-- r meetinjr he beat mr. Wvnrlh.rt,' i,.r-- by Fjget, for 50' guinea 5. and 6 to 4 on speculator ; making eight times he won thi, year, which is oftcner than any other horse won i;i said year, and cam in second, for a handicap plate of 50 gui- neas each, beating eight good horses" al- though he carried 7lb more than anv horse started ; in 1800 then 5 years ., ,. iitwivxaiivci craven meetings, he beat mr. Hayvorth's Filbert for 100 guineas carrying him 71bs. at the same meeting he won the great Oatlandfta'k-- s of 50 guineas each (26 fubfenbers) beat- ing Expedition, Wrangler, Herby-Li- Stamford, Telegraphe, Antrim, and Vandall ; all- - good horses at the first spring meeting, he won a nveep itake ot 50 guineas each (4 sub- - lcuoers; carrying 12 (tone 2, lbs. (say 170lbs.) beating loid Burford's Way-mot- h, with gieateule, 7 to 4 on Specu- lator; at the second spring: meeting, he received forfeit of 130 omneas from the Duke of Queenlbury's rhelhut horse Eo-- - i.ham, carrying him 4 lbs. It mull be ob- - lerved,-tha- t the great Oatland stakes is considered among the fnft races in Engj lana ; at the end of LTOO he was taken with the distemper which put an ei.d to his racing ; and was then purchased of the Prince of Wales for me ; and im- ported from London last fall. The a- - bove pedigree and ptiformances of Spe- culator, are taken frcm the general itud. book and racing callenders of England ; the authority of which has never yet been called in question, and they are always referred as authentic records upon those fubjefts. JOHN HOOMES. iJowlingOreen, Virginia. - The above horse Was at our requeib sent by John Hoomesefq. to this state, & will stand the enfuingleafon at the plan- tation of John Breckinridge, on North Elkhorn, where very extensive and ex cellent bluegrais pasture, well encloitd and well watered, will be furnished to mares coming at a distance, grans. i ne greatelt care wiil be taken of the mircs,-t- d corn furnished is required, at tne marKet price ; but we will not be li- able for escapes Or accidents. Mr. Hoomes has been In the practice formany years, of importing from Eng- land, the finest horses which that country produce's'; and from his character, and our acquaintance with him, the most im- plicit reliance can be placed in any cer tifkate he gives. Any person putting seven mares, and becoming responsible, g'ets one gratis; is the hoi se (lands in the state, and conti- nues the present owners, those mares that do not prove in foal, has the next year gratis, except the room's see. UUiilRD TAYLOR, JOHN- - BRECKINRIDGE. Feb. 30,1804. Speculator and Speculator's Colts. , We whole names are hereunto fubferi-be- d have colts got by mr. Jno, Hoomes' horse Speculator, for which we will not take less than the fumi annexed to our names respectively, in money, the colts are rifmg one year old this spring, 1804. Wro. N. Line I hc2 me Jos E. X.ane lhc Rodes Thrimptbn i he Clark jun. i m c ilic Nathl. Hart ih c Caleb Wallace 2 c J. L. Mai tin . i m c Win Dudley i ho t Dudley 1 in c dp foal'd thisfpring Jhc , Benj. Graves I lie , John Allen i m c Benj. Robinton lhc James Eubank i b c in the fall Jacob Fifhback i,m c id the fall L. Claiborne I c Jos Bofwell i mc 6) D. each i20d 140 300 203 esch 300 ioa 300 ljo each 200d 420 IOO 170 103 IOO 5-- 0 250 T nomas Hart 4hcime caclnoo530 A. liuford 3 mc do ioo Jo3 A Eaftin i he 15 Same i m c in 1804 1 5 Chas. Lynch 1 he 303 James Ward 1 m c , 200 G. It. Tomgkins 1 mc 100 Richd. Mitchell Imc . IOO Charles Burk I mc 1 20 From the bed information I have re- ceived, the ?hove prices are not equal to the avLijitred valne of Speculator's colts tocLj in 1803 1 lje above lilt has been ndifctimin itcly taken, .md are all that have ht en lirfonally applied to and listed, I (lull coi'tmu' to piocure all I can and ft.it from Mr. Keathrote's Oppofi-!at,- d tbcm v '" ' oum .Combatant, that New-Mark- et Robt. 330 to employ a care- - lul v hic m mi that can the books & "fTiftch; 11 11 .11 taking care of,arjd feed-in- g th. The list is a tiuc 19 April, 1804. 363' achi50d 150a Iwd.i kep mirca. above copy. H. TAYLOR. Writing Paper, Fir Suli b) ihj Ream. $ 1

Transcript of f1 A HPnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kt08w/data/0278.pdfMedical Society, in the town ot M Prizes...

Page 1: f1 A HPnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kt08w/data/0278.pdfMedical Society, in the town ot M Prizes AUTHORITY. LOTTERY Lexington. CLASS. 1, SCHEME.' of Doll. is Boll. 600 last drawn ticket--600



argftf jai;ig?T??SttSwfcJigyJRiE3ya.'C!HS' wrgCTCTtt




i .


4- -






mi . '" lii 1IT '' IIKTtWrWi'BiTas-.--"- ' - - .. ,


This paper is published weekly, .at

two, dollars per annum, ptudjn aa- -

vanci.Those who write to the Editor, mult

pay the pottage of their letters.

Thomas Love,. T"irii ... l.rlV F nWrlv twelVe

i .ntWrnmh'is old'ftand in trank.sort, near the Ferry and Ware-hous- e,

now informs his friends ana the puouc

that he has refunud his old place of

ENTERTAINMENT,Where those that may please to call on

him, may rdy on meeting with every

attention, both as to themselves and

horses, that this country will afford.

Private parties may have jooms undif-tu- i

bed with the buttle of a Tavern ; .and

srentkmen disposed to have piivate

boarding, can be accommodated to their

wishes. ,

Frankfurt, Feb 22, 1804.


Banks & Qwing.ti .., Jmnhrted fiom Philadelphia, and

Vrp onenintr fur sale, on the lowed

terms, in the house lately occupied by 2J7 pMeffrs. John Joroan jun. o to. nextdoor to Mr. beitz s,

Britifli and SpaniOi fa-

petfme and common

broad cloths,Constitution and fancy

cotds, (

Coidurays,Velvets,Velverets,Jaconet, tambored &

bpok,muflins,Humhum.s,Baftas,India lhawls, fiik and

cotton; r- -

Indu, (ilk and cotttfnhandkci chiefs

Chintzes andof the newest pat-

terns,Irilh linens, whole Jind

half bleached,Dur3nts,i:ahmancoes, . 4. .

TntV-p- v varr..

Tames G

Saddlery and hatnefsfurniture,

Shoe makers' and car-

penters' tools,All kinds ol" hard ware

aborted,cards, No. 3,

9 & 10.China.glars U queens

ware,Imperial,Hyfon,Young hyfon,se bohcaCoffeySugars,Wines,Brandy,


w.M'mrcs. &cW.,4AJnrinjon,1 ,.. I'ftTitftirrl.

Coperas, madder, indigoann aiiuuiNankeens, - lL

im. ofTickings &c P"'ed fll0t theA ete attof traeni auk-rcii- t iiumutio.

of I

They keep a, constant supply of bar

iion, ftcel, caftinfes and sheet iron of the

brit qualities, affort'ed, and Mann's





Milieu can ttfi lupplied with boulting

cloths of the different numbeis.Lexington, April 7th, 1804. tf







Garrard Circuit,Si biuaiy 18041

..uthrie, compl't. J

In r't.ag a uitt wanccj"er Catn;s, deft.)

TpHE deiendant not having entered

f JL hi3 appearance herein, agreeable tolw, and thef 'illes of this court, and notb'rrjsr an inhabitant of the state, on mo- -

tion f the by his cdunfel,it is ordered that the said defendant ap

pear heiv on the third day of our nextMay trrni, andanfwer the complainant'sbill, otherwise it will be taken for con-frff-

; and thit a of this order be

forthwith inserted in the Kentucky Ga-

zette, for two months according to law.A topy. Telle

Ben). Letcber, C. G. C. C.



npHE partnership of Trotter andbcott, wns the 14th ult. clil-iov-

by consent. All thoseiifdebted by either bond, note, orbook account, are requested to makemfte.liate payment to George Trot- -

teWoP. who will lettle :Hl the oufi-nefs't- if

linn those whonot avail theiyifelvcs of this notice,will compel us to the disagreeablejiecefiity of ciimmencing luits with-out relpeiTl to persons.


Lex. 26th Dec. 1803,

y .. liLUE DYING.

AhthE SUBSCRIBER,' WISHES inform the public",

thai he continues rv on theBLUE DYING, on Oofsbtteet, between JVi r. Weber'sa)d Myers's, whet e

Lexington, 1893. 3&tf


'HOSli Gentlemen wno lUDicnueuwith Dr. Brown, for Select Briltso

'assies. Barrotu's Travels' into the in- -

erior of Africa, and Denon's Travelsin Egypt, during tbe eampaignSrof gen.Bonaparte, are requested to call at this

olhxe ana get tlieir-copies- .











ATo build a house for the Kentucky

Medical Society, in the town ot






1, SCHEME.'of Doll. is Boll.

600 last drawn ticket- - 600250100




Dollars523 Blanks.

800 Tickets at 5 Dollars is Doll. 4000

THE laudable obje& of this Lotte- -

ry tne vaiuaDie jrriicb uut-- " .iwitnm lino- - two blanks and a halt to a

Prize) are conliderations which a

wall grounded hope in the managers,tfiflt the of the tickets will be lapid.The drawino- - will cflmi.ience on the firtt

Monday inyMay llext, and tiftrty days

aster, the completion of the drawing,the Prizes will be paid to the fortunateadventurers, fubjecT. to a deduction ol

15 per Such prizes as not bedemanded within twelve monthsthe drawing is finiflied, be eoniraer-e- d

as relinquished for the benefit of theSociety. tor the latistattion 01 tnepurchafersjit be neceffary to men- -

tion, thatrthe ruanagers'have ftivenbond foi the due payment of the prizethat may be drawn. Tickets ib be had

An ailort merit of the managers




Lil will





jvhn Pope,T'-bo- Wallace,Geo. Trotter, jun.Danl. Bradford,Jas. Fisbback,Andrew M'Calls,Toos. Bodley,






cent. (hallaftci




J- -

accoiin &Tilford,TT AVE just received from Philadel-JLJ- L

phia, and are now opening; at theirStore on .Main ttrett, an' extensive, ele

gant aflortment of

CHEAP MERCHANDIZE;of the latett European iiflportationsjchiefly purchased from vendue houfet,which they are determihed to sell at thelowed prices Goods are fdld at inthis state, lor Latin 1 hey have alio alarge alid general aflortment of

BOOKS,of the latere publications ; and keep aconstant supply of

NAILS,made of bed Pennsylvania Iron, attheir Nail. Manufactory.

'Lexington, Jan. 16, 1801.

county, let.Notice is hereby given,

'"ft'HAT pursuant to an aft of the last Kenfl tucky Lcgiflature, conuniflioners

appointed bv the Governor forth?purpose of perpetuating teUunony concerningthe records papeis which destroyedin the ohice ot countv, the com

low for


tbewho were

and werelate this laid

miflioners will continue to meet at the courthouse of" Paid county, tor the said purpose, onthe fiift Alonday in eveiy In nth until the firsttla) of July next, at which tune their orEteas coinmilhoneis expire

By order of laid Commiflionrrs.LEVI TODD, Clk.

March 1 2th, 1804.

j Harrison Circuit Set.February term, 1804,

Albion, complainant,



AgainltWillaro Ward, George Ward, Joftph and ?

B. Wards, defendants. 5IN CHANCERY.

j T appearing to the latiif irtii n of the courtI thnt thf Acc n!n. illiam W'.irH. i nnf

11 I - ' .Will u e an inhabitant ot this state, and nothivuip Cn

Cottrt'n, Linen and AVool, WHh aiteredln appearantc herein, it U ordered that

Cotton at!he(loal'l,earneye'on tl thir.' diy 01 the nextwirm dye deepest blue,-- , , ,T j.. une and enter his appearance lierem,' n r-- r pounu wool at 10 per auH ;. feturitv to oeriorm the decree of the

pot"" 1, which he will warrant to bejeourt, oti.erwifethe co.np!ain?nt(s biilwill betillcqua' to an dye in the town cn Lex- - .taUen anamit h.m tor conieiir-t-i and tliat

. order lie pubhtt.ed in fonie pulilu k nev (h

4 c im tliisitate, lor fvo lutculuve'y.irrT a t--

uuan.uti. Acopy. Atteif,June 25,


W. Moore, C. II. CCA

n .... ..-t--i

Has a Large and of


for the piefent, orseason, which he will sell




John Jorddn Jim.General.Affortment







SC7Thofe indebted to the late firm

of John Jordan Jun. Sc Co. are re-

qusfted to call and.pay or at least set

tle their accounts.tf Lexington, K. Nov. 14th 1803.

JOHN A. SEITZ & CO.on hand a large and

HAVE afloitment of

M.ev e ,wffich they will sell unusually low forCash, Hemp, Tobacco, Whiskey,Country Linen, Salt-Petr- e, &? BeesWax.

Lexington, "Martfc 13th, 1804.

FOR SALE,At a reduced'price in Cash aid personalprobing at valuation, tbefollowing

Jy40) acres entered for Jojin May, on

the north side of the Kentucly river, and

lower side of Cedar creek.30 acres, part of 40, entered by Geo.

May, on the fait lick, on Sandy.216 -4 acres halt ot 433 1.2 en ered

by John May, aiound the the last entry.250 acres, halt ot 500, e.iterea, may

1780, by George May, near Lydia'sMount.

400 acres, half 800, ;n the "ame ofIfaaC Shelby, adouiin;, the last enteied Tune 23, 1780.

About 30 acres, being that of

John May's entry of 1000, includingthe confluence of the South fork withMain Licking, v. hah lies within the

U'olvSr,.'a."ii including a paVt of the townFalmouth.666 2-- 3 acres, part of Samuel Mere-

dith's 1000, in the folks of Licking,adjoining the last entrv, and includingthe remainder of Falmouth PatentedlOJiJuly, 1786.

1333 -3 acres, pait of Samuel Me-redith's .&' Geoige Clymer's 2000 acres,on Bank Lick creek Patented 14thNovember, 1786.

266 2-- 3 acres pait of Samuel Mere-

dith's 'and George titer's 400, north(ide of Licking, md joining John May's1000 before mentioned.

1000 acres, tnteicd for Ben. Holli- -

day, on Battle creek, alj-inin- g JohnSaunders- -

1000 acres, entered for John May,north side of the Rolling fork Saltriver, joining George Undeiwood, andincluding the mouth of Wiilon's creek

The claims to the above parcels ofU ,,,,' rnana are deduced, oy private







from the persons for whom 'they werelocated. irK

GEO. M. BIBB.Lexington, Jan. 3, 1804. tf.


f1 r7TP HT1 HP






miSs5-- -

William Ross,BOOT-- SHOE-MAKE- R,

HAS on hand a large affortmentBOOTS & SHOES, which

he intends, selling at reduced prices.

Brown top BoOtSjBlack top do.Three quarter do. 5 1 is

foxed,Half do; 5, is foxedMens'HnedandboundShoesMens' kip-ski- n do.Mens' coarse do.


Womens' Slippers from tobmall Shots according.

At these lov prices, no tr-f- r neei'be e'peSled. lie means to sell atthese prices through the course ofthe year.

N. B. Any gentleman that wiflies

'o purchase quaTtity of any of theabove work, the pi ices will Hill be1

reduced.Two or three APPRENTICES

wanted to the above business immediatelv.

(Laws of KentuckyFor snlciattLis Qf;e.


NG Mercer county on Ssltver, about one mile and half above Maj.3uchanan's mill,, on the road leadingfrom Frankfort to Harrcdfburgh withibout 100 acres of Gleare'd Land, aTood Dwelling House and other Conve- -

uient Buildings, a large apple and PeachOichard, Meadow and'Pafture; thewhole in good-'repai- r.

jfatnes Maccoun.Lexington, March 14, 1803.



65 5

1 751 5

i i 25I




in ri



For Sale, .' '

valuable trafts of MILLTARJf LAND.fituate on the metOhio (state of Ohio) about 3; miles



below Limeltone, including themouth ol liear creek, and extending;up the riviOTi5i9 perches to themouth of Maple creek. One ofthese traces containing 1400 acres,was granted to Gen. John Nevill;tne otner containng 2222 acr.es,- -

granted to Genl. Daniel Morgan.A large proportion df each of theletracts, is river bottom of the first qua-lit- y,

on which are several improvements ; the balance excellent uplandwell watered and timbered. Thelines of survey will be fliewn by Jonathan 1 aylor, or Peter Demols,who Jive or the lands.

1 will sell on a long credit, on theinterefc being paid annually Forfurther information enquire of JamesMormon, in Lexington, Kentucky,who is in potlelhon of a draught dei- -

criptive of the surveys, or the sub- -

lcriber in rittlburgh.PRESLEY NEVILL.

Oft. 8, 1803.Tbe imported Stallion

Speculator,WILL stand the enfuingfeafon, which

will commence the 1st day of March, andend the fiift day of August next, at thetarm ot-Jo- hn Breckinridge, efq. nearLexington, in Kentucky, and may cojvrr mar.es at ten dollars the 'leap, to"be"paid at the stable door ; twenty-sou- rdollars the season, to be discharged anyurne befoie thei first day of August, bythe payment of twenty dollars ; and forty dollars to enfuie a mare to be withfqal, to be returned is fuclvfllould notlie the case, is the mare remains the proprrty of the person who put her to thehone ; with one dollar to the groom inevery instance. Attested notes for theseason, and insurance to be sent with the

P SPECULATORfL.0iW riling nine years old, is a veryhandsome horse, near lixteeu hands high,a hue bay with as many good runningpoints as any horse on the continent, and- 11 1...1-.- -J .... -- ... ...1ib wen caiLuiaicu iu gci cuiici cali-le- nt

race, saddle or carriage horses ; andhas eftabhfhea himlelt to be a most capital uallion, ab may be leen by his colts,which are now riling one year old hisblood is unexceptionable, and of thepureu kind, as may be seen by his.

PEDIGREE.SPECULATOR was bred bvthe Duke

of Bedford, and got by his favorite ftal- -

lion Dragon, (now in Virginia, and covered I'lo mares lalt lealon, at ten gui-neas per mare) who Was son to Wood-pecke- r,

his dam by Iving Herod, a sis--

er to L'lopzel, Bourdeaux, and Sting,and the dam of Portia, NarcilTa, Jeffica,.md larantula; his grand dam by Cyg-

net, who was got by the Godolphjn Ara-

bian ; his great graudidam by Cartouch,11 very capital stallion: his great greatgrand dam, Ebony, by ChilderS, out of01a libcwyy Bafto, who was got by theByerly Turk, out of Bay Peg, by theLccd's Arabian.


running horse In 1793 he won once,being the only time on th- - turf that year

in 17'jy, oemg tnen tour years 010,

it the New-Mark- et Craven meetings, hehc.it mr. Watson's Young Magpie, for100 guinea" at New-Mark- et

spring meetinr.be belt Lord Sackvilk'afamous horse Sober Robin, far 50 gui-ie- .,

it the lame meeting he vfnii a

hanJicappldte, ol 50 guinea each, bs"- -

ing hx r;ood holies, among which u as'he celebrated hoife Ai.intor; the

hf rerpivfd 41 Guineas for

tion at the Julv New M uki t nieetin",he heit mr. Ci.fun's Youn )t a , tot

ino j--, 7 to 4 on '"platji ; a.

Brighton lie won a handkau,piate (.henew courf.) 50 quneas eVh, beating

Ascot, mr. WvnJha.n'shoife bv Fidget, Cypress, Sister, Mid-

night, PI iv or P?y, and Oppofit'oii ; atiSItw Maiket first October meetng, he

walked over for a fw.ep ll.l'e of.r

aaasHsaswa50 guineas.- - each, Bollenamuck andCombatant feaung to run against him,paid him a forfeit ; at the second Oaob-- rmeetinjr he beat mr. Wvnrlh.rt,' i,.r--by Fjget, for 50' guinea 5. and 6 to4 on speculator ; making eight times hewon thi, year, which is oftcner than anyother horse won i;i said year, and camin second, for a handicap plate of 50 gui-neas each, beating eight good horses" al-

though he carried 7lb more than anvhorse started ; in 1800 then 5 years., ,. iitwivxaiivci craven meetings,he beat mr. Hayvorth's Filbert for 100guineas carrying him 71bs. at the samemeeting he won the great Oatlandfta'k-- sof 50 guineas each (26 fubfenbers) beat-ing Expedition, Wrangler, Herby-Li-

Stamford, Telegraphe, Antrim, andVandall ; all- - good horses at the first

spring meeting, he won anveep itake ot 50 guineas each (4 sub- -lcuoers; carrying 12 (tone 2, lbs. (say170lbs.) beating loid Burford's Way-mot- h,

with gieateule, 7 to 4 on Specu-lator; at the second spring: meeting, hereceived forfeit of 130 omneas from theDuke of Queenlbury's rhelhut horse Eo-- -

i.ham, carrying him 4 lbs. It mull be ob- -lerved,-tha- t the great Oatland stakes isconsidered among the fnft races in Engjlana ; at the end of LTOO he was takenwith the distemper which put an ei.d tohis racing ; and was then purchased ofthe Prince of Wales for me ; and im-ported from London last fall. The a- -bove pedigree and ptiformances of Spe-culator, are taken frcm the general itud.book and racing callenders of England ;the authority of which has never yet beencalled in question, and they are alwaysreferred as authentic records upon thosefubjefts.

JOHN HOOMES.iJowlingOreen, Virginia. -The above horse Was at our requeib

sent by John Hoomesefq. to this state, &will stand the enfuingleafon at the plan-tation of John Breckinridge, on NorthElkhorn, where very extensive and excellent bluegrais pasture, well encloitdand well watered, will be furnished tomares coming at a distance, grans.i ne greatelt care wiil be taken of the

mircs,-t- d corn furnished is required, attne marKet price ; but we will not be li-

able for escapes Or accidents.Mr. Hoomes has been In the practice

formany years, of importing from Eng-land, the finest horses which that countryproduce's'; and from his character, andour acquaintance with him, the most im-plicit reliance can be placed in any certifkate he gives.

Any person putting seven mares, andbecoming responsible, g'ets one gratis;is the hoi se (lands in the state, and conti-nues the present owners, those maresthat do not prove in foal, has the nextyear gratis, except the room's see.


BRECKINRIDGE.Feb. 30,1804.

Speculator and Speculator's Colts. ,

We whole names are hereunto fubferi-be- dhave colts got by mr. Jno, Hoomes'

horse Speculator, for which we will nottake less than the fumi annexed to ournames respectively, in money, the coltsare rifmg one year old this spring, 1804.

Wro. N. Line I h c 2 m eJos E. X.ane lhcRodes Thrimptbn i he

Clark jun. i m c ilicNathl. Hart ih cCaleb Wallace 2 cJ. L. Mai tin . i m cWin Dudley i hot Dudley 1 in cdp foal'd thisfpring Jhc ,

Benj. Graves I lie ,

John Allen i m cBenj. Robinton lhcJames Eubank i b c in the fallJacob Fifhback i,m c id the fallL. Claiborne I cJos Bofwell i m c


D.each i20d


esch 300ioa300ljo

each 200d 420


170103IOO5-- 0

250T nomas Hart 4hcime caclnoo530A. liuford 3 m c do ioo Jo3A Eaftin i he 15

Same i m c in 1804 1 5

Chas. Lynch 1 h e 303James Ward 1 m c , 200G. It. Tomgkins 1 m c 100Richd. Mitchell Imc . IOO

Charles Burk I m c 1 20From the bed information I have re-

ceived, the ?hove prices are not equal tothe avLijitred valne of Speculator's coltstocLj in 1803 1 lje above lilt has beenndifctimin itcly taken, .md are all that

have ht en lirfonally applied to and listed,I (lull coi'tmu' to piocure all I can and

ft.it from Mr. Keathrote's Oppofi-!at,- dtbcm v '" '




New-Mark- et



to employ a care- -lul v hic m mi that can the books &"fTiftch; 11 11 .11 taking care of,arjd feed-in- g

th. The list is a tiuc

19 April, 1804.





mirca. abovecopy.


Writing Paper,Fir Suli b) ihj Ream.
