F# for functional enthusiasts

F# for Functional Enthusiasts Jack Fox jackfoxy.com craftyThoughts @foxyjackfox Bibliography jackfoxy.com/ Fsharp_functional_enthusiasts_bibliography Sample Code https://gist.github.com/jackfoxy/6679238 https:// github.com/jackfoxy/CrockSolution https://github.com/jackfoxy/TestSandbox 2012 annular eclipse observed by the author from Sugarloaf Peak, Lake Shasta


Slides for my talk to the Bay Area Clojure User Group. Unlike most "entry level" F# talks, this presentation assumes some familiarity with functional programming concepts, although I think even folks unfamiliar with functional programming will find the content and demonstrations interesting. The talk includes a survey of the state of the F# community and community-driven (open source) projects.

Transcript of F# for functional enthusiasts

Page 1: F# for functional enthusiasts

F# for Functional Enthusiasts

Jack Foxjackfoxy.com craftyThoughts



Sample Codehttps://gist.github.com/jackfoxy/6679238



2012 annular eclipse observed by the author from Sugarloaf Peak, Lake Shasta

Page 2: F# for functional enthusiasts

Type ProvidersMicrosoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders




F# 3.0 Sample PackDGMLWordCsvDataStoreHadoop/Hive/HdfsHelloWorldManagementMiniCvsXrm

TsunamiRSS ReaderStart MenuNuGetTypeProvider *

S3TypeProvider *

FacebookTypeProvider *

DocumentTypeProvider *

* (samples inside Tsunami)

in the wild on GithubFunScriptRMatlabIKVM (Java)PythonPowerShell

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strongly typed ≠ object oriented

Typed Clojure project on indiegogo.com

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Parameterized Polymorphisma.k.a. Generics

let inline unsigned bitSize (zero : 'a) (one : 'a) =

let one' = one + zero let x' = one <<< (bitSize - 1) x' ||| one'

bitSize:int -> zero: ^a -> one: ^a -> ^a when ^a : (static member ( + ) : ^a * ^a -> ^a) and ^a : (static member ( <<< ) : ^a * int32 -> ^a) and ^a : (static member ( ||| ) : ^a * ^a -> ^a)

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// Base Type Constraint

type Class1<'T when 'T :> System.Exception> …

// Interface Type Constraint

type Class2<'T when 'T :> System.IComparable> …

// Comparison constraint

type Class10<'T when 'T : comparison> …

// Member constraint with property

type Class6<'T when 'T : (member Property1 : int)> …

Constraints on Type Definitions

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[<Measure>] type m // Distance, meters.

[<Measure>] type mile // Distance, miles.

[<Measure>] type s // Time, seconds.

[<Measure>] type h // Time, hours.

let distance1 = 100.0<m>let distance2 = 250.0<mile>

let speedMetersPerSec = distance1 / 10.0<s> // float<m/s>

let speedMPH = distance2 / 5.0<h> // float<mile/h>

let x = distance1 + distance2 //will not compile

Units of MeasureDesign Time Type Checking

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So far…Type Providers: strongly typed external data

Strong typing and type inference 

Type constraints

Units of Measure

Next up…Nuts and bolts programming

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Eager Rose Tree

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Construct Deconstruct



[ ]



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type JsonValue = | String of string | Number of decimal | Float of float | Object of Map<string, JsonValue> | Array of JsonValue[] | Boolean of bool | Null

JSON Parsing

Discriminated Union Type from FSharp.Data

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JSON Parsing

Demo Crock Solution

FSI (REPL) compiles to assembly and executes

F# scripts


Triple quoting

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Red Black Tree Balancing

Source: https://wiki.rice.edu/confluence/download/attachments/2761212/Okasaki-Red-Black.pdf

a b


db ca d



b c


b c






Page 13: F# for functional enthusiasts

Talk about reducing complexity!

type 'a t = Node of color * 'a * 'a t * 'a t | Leaf

let balance = function | Black, z, Node (Red, y, Node (Red, x, a, b), c), d | Black, z, Node (Red, x, a, Node (Red, y, b, c)), d | Black, x, a, Node (Red, z, Node (Red, y, b, c), d) | Black, x, a, Node (Red, y, b, Node (Red, z, c, d)) ->

Node (Red, y, Node (Black, x, a, b), Node (Black, z, c, d))

| x -> Node x Source: http://fsharpnews.blogspot.com/2010/07/f-vs-mathematica-red-black-trees.html

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Computational ExpressionsOne syntactic sugar to rule them all

( monad, monoid, applicative functor )

seq {for n in 1..10 do yield n yield n * 2} seq {for n in 1..10 do yield (n, n * 2)}

Sequence Generators

Page 15: F# for functional enthusiasts

Computational ExpressionsRecursive Generators

let rec listFiles dir = seq { yield! Directory.GetFiles(dir)

for subdir in Directory.GetDirectories(dir) do

yield! listFiles subdir } let musicFiles = listFiles "E:\music" |> List.ofSeq

Page 16: F# for functional enthusiasts

Computational ExpressionsQuery Expressions

let htmlPage = query { for content in db.tbContentLib do

where (content.companyID.Value > 0 and content.isHtml) join template in db.tbTemplate on (content.templateID.Value = template.templateID) select (content.styleID, template.title, template.body) }

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Computational ExpressionsQuery Expressions (Freebase)

let topBooksWithNameContaining (s:string) =

query { for book in data.``Arts and Entertainment``.Books.Books do

where (book.Name.ApproximatelyMatches s)

take 10

select book.Name }

Page 18: F# for functional enthusiasts

Asynclet someBinding =

async {let! x = … // asynchronous binding

let y = … // synchronous binding

let! z = … // another asynchronous binding

do! … // asynchronous execution

return z // return something (or not)}

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Agentsa.k.a. Mailbox Processor

Message passing

Actor Model

Erlang-like processing

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{m}braceCloud Computing (beta)

[<Cloud>]let calculatePi (iterations : bigint) (digits : int) : ICloud<string> = cloud { let! workers = Cloud.GetWorkerCount() let workers = bigint (2 * workers)...

let runWorker iterations = cloud { return monteCarloPiWorker iterations } let! results = ... |> Cloud.Parallel...

return getDigits a b |> ... }

Page 21: F# for functional enthusiasts


let ``Vector<Vector<'T>>, windowSeq``() =

test<@ [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10;] =

([0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; ] |> Vector.windowSeq 3 |> Vector.flatten |> List.ofSeq) @>

Page 22: F# for functional enthusiasts

Now we’ve seen…ML-style pattern matching

Syntactic sugar over common FP abstractions

Async and friends


Next: Community-Driven DevelopmentFsharp.org

Some “core” projects

Dev environments

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Fsharp.orgF# Foundation

Owns resources relating to F# including:

the domain fsharp.org

the github.com/fsharp community organization

the fsharporg twitter account

Seeks to:

promote the adoption of F#

expand the relevance and importance of F# skills and knowledge

expand the range of technologies which can interoperate with F#

expand the range of platforms where F# can be used

facilitate the ongoing development of F#-related technology and resources

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DSL implementation of build automation system

Full use of F# language

Access to any and all libraries

Develop with powerful debuggers and IDEs

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Literate Programming


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Javascript and Single Page Apps

JQuery and Javascript DOM APIs

TypeScript TypeProvider

Mini Web Server

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Fully composeable client-server web development.

#websharper on irc.freenode.net

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GPU ProcessAlea.cuBase

Complete commercial solution to develop highly optimized CUDA accelerated GPU applications from F# quotations by QuantAlea.

Advantages of functional composition and rapid prototyping

Don’t have a NVIDIA card?

Try Brahma.Fsharp F# quotations to OpenCL translation

Page 29: F# for functional enthusiasts

Testing Options

FsUnit – native F# functional syntax across test tools

FsCheck – QuickCheck for F#

TickSpec – lightweight, but fully featured Gherkin BDD

Canopy – lightweight F# syntax for web-client Selenium testing

Unquote – step-by-step F# expression evaluations

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Development AlternativesTsunami IDE (beta)

Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013 (free Express edition)

Xamarin Studio -- iOS, Android, Mac, Mono, .NET(free edition limits project size)




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IKVM lets Java and .NET Get Along!

Java from .NET, .NET from Java

JVM bytecode IL instruction native JIT(not a bunch of wrappers) 

10+ years of development effort

Actively supported

Powers Mono

Extremely few edge incompatibilities

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F# Programminghttp://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/F_Sharp_Programming

A Course of F# Studyhttp://jackfoxy.com/a-course-of-fsharp-study

A directory of useful pageshttp://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/site-contents

Learning F#