EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö...

4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh la ö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 2769] ubZ fnYyh] 'kqØokj] tq ykbZ 20] 2018@vk"kk<+ 29 1940 No. 2769] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2018/ASHADHA 29, 1940 tq ykbZ

Transcript of EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö...

Page 1: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

4164 GI2018 (1)

jftLVordfh laouml Mhouml youmlamp3300499 REGD NO D L-3300499


Hkkx IImdash[kM 3mdashmiamp[kM (ii) PART IImdashSection 3mdashSub-section (ii)

izkfdkj ls izdkfkr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY

la- 2769] ubZ fnYyh] kqOslashokj] tqykbZ 20] 2018vkkklt+ 29 1940 No 2769] NEW DELHI FRIDAY JULY 20 2018ASHADHA 29 1940 पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन मालयपयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन मालयपयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन मालयपयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन मालय अिधसचनाअिधसचनाअिधसचनाअिधसचना नई द ली 20 tqykbZ 2018 काआ काआ काआ काआ 3535353544444444(अ)(अ)(अ)(अ)mdashmdashmdashmdashअिधसचना का िनिलिखत ाप िजस क13ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (2) क खड (v) और खड (xiv) तथा उपधारा (3) क साथ पठत उपधारा (1) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए जारी करन का ताव करती ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क िनयम 5 क उपिनयम (3) क अपानसार जनसाधारण क जानकारी क िलए कािशत कया जाता ह िजनक उसस भािवत होन क सभावना ह और यह सिचत कया जाता ह क उ ा2प अिधसचना पर उस तारीख स िजसको इस अिधसचना को अत3व4 ट करन वाल भारत क राजप6 क ितया जनसाधारण को उपल7ध करा दी जाती ह9 साठ दन क अविध क समाि पर या उसक पlt चात िवचार कया जाएगा ऐसा कोई =ि जो ा2प अिधसचना मgt अत3व ताव क सबध मgt कोई आपि या सझाव दन का इBछक ह वह िविनDद अविध क भीतर क13ीय सरकार ारा िवचार कए जान क िलए अपनी आपि या सझाव सिचव पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय इदरा पयावरण भवन जोर बाग रोड अलीगज नई दFली-110003 को या ई-मल esz-mefnicin पर िलिखत 2प मgt भज सकता ह

2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] ापापापाप अिधसचनाअिधसचनाअिधसचनाअिधसचना मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय िजस ldquoमलासलवनर-कलासलनवनर कनमईrdquo क नाम स भी जाना जाता ह तिमलनाड मgt रामानाथापरम िजला क कादालादी तालक मgt सयालकडी क िनकट िथत ह यह अाश 9deg13rsquo47rdquo और 9deg12rsquo27rdquo उ और दशातर 78deg32rsquo29rdquo और 78deg34rsquo28rdquo प क बीच िथत ह अभयारGय 321485 हMटयर क साथ 78 मलासलवनर क एसएफ स 166 और 271595 हMटयर क साथ 79 कलासलवनर क एस एफ स 128 मgt िथत ह िजसका कल 6फल 59308 59308 59308 59308 हटयर याहटयर याहटयर याहटयर या 593 593 593 593 वग कलोमीटरवग कलोमीटरवग कलोमीटरवग कलोमीटर मgt फला आ ह सरकार न दनाक 1122010 क अपन सरकारी आदश जी ओ (एमएस) स 206 पयावरण और वन (एफआर5) क ारा व13यजीव (सरण) अिधिनयम 1972 क धारा 26क (1) क अ13तगत पी अभयारGय क अितम अिधसचना जारी क ह औरऔरऔरऔर कई तरह क वासी पी िवV क िभW भाग स भोजन और घसल बनान क िलए यहा आत ह9 ऋत क दौरान लगभग 16000 पिय स सबिधत 45 जाितया सचीबZ क गई ह9 और मह[वपण पिय मgt ववाइट इिबस 7लक इिबस ओपन-िबFड ]ोक इगरट मना हीFस डMस डारटस हरस पिलकस आद शािमल ह9 मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय िविवध वनपितय और जीवजत^ क िलए सबस बड़ा पयावास ह और पी अभयारGय मgt लगभग सकटापW जाितय क जाितय क बतायत ह जस पिलकन पgtटड टोक यरिशयन पन िबFल ववाइट इिबस डारटर `लaमगो और जल पिय जस सामा13य कट िपन टल गागनी एbcस कॉमeरgtcस 7लक aवfड िटFट gकग फशर सामा13य मना hहमिन काइट पोटड ओलट और 78 स अिधक सामा13य पी अिभिलिखत कए गए ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर अभयारGय शीतकाल क दौरान वास करन वाली पिय क िलए आदश पयावास ह और साथ ही जनन और भोजन आचरण मgt यहा काफ िविवधता ह यह दिण भारत मgt हरोनरी जाितय और औपिनविशक वासी पिय क िलए घसल बनन का एक मjय थल ह अभयारGय मgt पख वाल पी अMटबर स फरवरी तक आत ह आभिम गहराई मgt अिनयिमत ह और यद वषा सामा13य ह तो 3 स 5 महीन तक जल 2का रहता ह सफल बधन उपाय स िविवध जनन जाितय और शीतकालीन जाितय को िविवधता मgt विZ करन क िलए आक3षत कया जाएगा जो बदल मgt अिधक पयटक पीिवद और छा6 को आक3षत करगा पिय को दखन क िलए अभयारGय का दौरा करन का सबस अBछा समय नवबर-जनवरी ह जब पिय क सjया और जाित क िविवधता उmतम होती ह औरऔरऔरऔर अभयारGय मल 2प स aसचाई ट9क ह िजसका उपयोग अMटबर स जनवरी तक पवeर मानसन ारा रचाज कए गए किष क िलए जल भडारण क िलए कया जाता ह ट9क माच स अगत तक परी तरह सख जाता ह अभयारGय मल 2प स aसचाई ट9क ह यहा अभयारGय क अतगत कोई ाकितक वन नहn ह वन िवभाग ारा बबल (अकिशया िनलोटका) बगान को थािपत कया जाता ह अभयारGय मgt aसचाई ट9क होन क कारण बत ही कम जीवजत जाितया (पी-जीव को छोड़कर) ह9 िजसमgt (एMसoट अिवफना) इिडयन b नवला (हरपटस इडवारद) भारतीय पाम िगलहरी (फनाबलस पमाम) िसयार (किनस ऑरयस) 7लक-नपड हर(लपस िनगरकोिलस) और बदीकोट रट (बदीकोटा बगालिसस) आद शािमल ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर अभयारGय मgt वनपितय और जीवज13त^ क िविवधता ह िजसमgt पी कड़-मकोड़ िततिलया सरीसप और उभयचर शािमल ह9 अभयारGय मgt वनपित क उदाहरण पानाई (बोरासस लबिलफर एल) इMक (कलोोिपस िगगाट (एल) आरबीआर) अवराम अवराई (सा ऑरकलटाटा (एल) रोसब) पिलया मरम

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 3 (तामारampदस इिडका एल) नाई कदग नाई वालई (िलयोम िवकोसा एल) आद पी क कछ उदाहरण िलटल bब (टिचब)टसफकोिलस) पॉट-िबलड पिलकन (पलकनसफिलपिampसस) िलटल कॉमeरgtट (फालाको+ोरिसगर) bट कॉमeरgtट (फालाको+ोरसकाब) डाटर (अनगा मलनोटर) आद सरीसप क उदाहरण हाउस गको (हिमडिटलस 1नाटस) पॉटड इिडयन गको (हिमडिटलस 2क3) गाडन िलजाड (कलो4स वस5कलर) कॉमन इिडयन aकक (योफस करनाटा) चकड कलबक (ज़नो+ोफस िपकटर) इिडयन कोबरा (नाजा नाजा) आद अिभिलिखत कए गए ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर अभयारGय मgt दलभ और लाय जाितया अिभिलिखत ह दलभ जाितय क उदाहरण bट कॉमeरgtट (फला+ोकोरस काब) परपल हरॉन (आद8या िसनररया) यलो िबटरन (एलसोि2चस सीनिampसस) चटनट िबpरम (एलसोि2चस िसनामोमस) 7लक िबटरन (डपटर लिवकोिलस) कॉqब डक (सकिडयोरस मलानोटोस) नाथन शोवलर (अनास लाइपाटा) कॉमन टील (अबास +3का) कॉमन रडश9क (ltगा टटनस) कॉमन bी13सह9क (ltगा नबलरया) और पाइड rटड कक (लमरटर जकोिबनस) ह9 लाय जाितय क उदाहरण पॉट-िबलड पिलकन (पलकनस फिलपिसस) और पgtटड टोक (माईटरया िलयकोसफाला) ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर अिधसिचत 6 क असपास तीन bाम मलासलवनर कलासलवनर ओरवायल मgt rमशः कल जनसjया 5855 क साथ प2ष 2817 और मिहला 3038 ह अिधकाश लोग वषा फड किष पर िनभर करत ह9 जबक शष दिनक मजदरी मजदर क 2प मgt अपनी आजीिवका कमात ह9 bामवासी पFलान आगामदयार याथवर असारी वानन और मिलम समदाय क ह9 इस कार जातीय पहचान अलग ह तदनसार परपरा और रीित-रवाज भी िभW होत ह9 समदाय क बीच कोई बड़ा मनमटाव नहn ह और वह अिधकतर िवyमान सामािजक-राजनीितक परदltय क अन2प रहत ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर तािवत पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt रहन वाल लोग क िलए अथ=वथा का मख zोत किष और सqबZ rयाकलाप जस क पश पालन मसय-पालन ह9 उनक आजीिवका मgt |ट बनाना और कोयला बनाना भी योगदान दता ह हालाक अभयारGय क आसपास क bाम मgt आय का ाथिमक zोत किष ह वषा क कमी क कारण अMसर फसलgt न हो जाती ह9 परणामव2प पश पालन जलावन क लकड़ी काटन और बचन और कोयला िविनमाण आय क वकिFपक zोत बन गए ह9 लगातार फसल का न होना और आजीिवका क अ13य zोत न होन क कारण bाम मgt आय का तर काफ कम दज हो गया ह मलासलवनर bाम मgt औसत वा3षक आय 36000 ह जबक अ13य bाम मgt यह 25000-30000 क बीच ह परणामव2प अिधकाश bामवासी गरीबी रखा स नीच ह अतः अब क13ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क िनयम 5 क उपिनयम (3) क साथ पठत पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपधारा (1) तथा धारा 3 क उपधारा (2) एव उपधारा (3) क खड (v) और खड (xiv) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए तिमलनाड रा~य मgt मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय क सीमा क चार ओर 0019 कलोमीटर स 200 कलोमीटर तक िवतारत 6 को मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय पारिथितक सवदी जोन (िजस इसमgt इसक पlt चात पारिथितक सवदी जोन कहा गया ह) क 2प मgt अिधसिचत करती ह िजसका िववरण िनानसार ह अथात -- 1 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका िव तारिव तारिव तारिव तार औरऔरऔरऔर सीमासीमासीमासीमा--(1) पारिथितक सवदी जोन का िवतार मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय क चार ओर 0019 कलोमीटर स 200 कलोमीटर तक ह पारिथितक सवदी जोन का 6फल 115108 वग कलोमीटर ह

4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (2) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा का वणन उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIII क 2प मgt सल ह (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क सरित 6 का मानिच6 उपाबउपाबउपाबउपाबध ध ध ध IIIIIIII कककक----डडडड मgt ह (4) पारिथितक सवदी जोन और सरित 6 क सीमा क भ-िनदशाक क सची rमश उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध III (III (III (III (कककक) ) ) ) और((((खखखख) ) ) ) मgt ह (5) मख aबद क भ-िनदशाक क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल bाम क सची उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV क 2प मgt सल ह 2222 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िलएिलएिलएिलए आचिलकआचिलकआचिलकआचिलक महायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनाndashndashndashndash((((1111) रा~य सरकार पारिथितक सवदी जोन क योजन क िलए राजप6 मgt अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स दो वष क अविध क भीतर थानीय =िय क परामश स और इस अिधसचना मgt दए गए अनबध का पालन करत ए रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी क अनमोदनाथ एक आचिलक महायोजना बनाएगी (2) रा~ य सरकार ारा पारिथितक सवदी जोन क िलए आचिलक महायोजना इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद4 ट रीित स तथा ासिगक कgt ीय और रा~ य िविधय क अन2प तथा कgt ीय सरकार ारा जारी दशा िनदश यद कोई ह क अनसार बनायी जाएगी (3) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पारिथितक और पयावरण सबधी सरोकार को शािमल करन क िलए इस रा~ य सरकार क िनिलिखत िवभाग क परामश स बनाया जाएगा अथात-- (i) पयावरण (ii) वन और व13यजीव (iii) किष (iv) राज व (v) शहरी िवकास (vi) पयटन (vii) bामीण िवकास (viii) aसचाई और बाढ़ िनय6ण (ix) नगरपािलका (x) पचायती राज (xi) लोक िन माण िव भाग (xii) राजमाग (xiii) तिमलनाड रा~य दषण िनय6ण बोड (4) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो आचिलक महायोजना मgt वतमान मgt अनमोदत भ-उपयोग अवसरचना और rयाकलाप पर कोई ितबध नहn लगाया जाएगा तथा आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी अवसरचना^ और rयाकलाप मgt सधार करक उ13ह अिधक द और पारिथितक-अनकल बनान क =वथा क जाएगी (5) आचिलक महायोजना मgt वनरिहत और अवrिमत 6 क सधार िवyमान जल िनकाय क सरण आवाह 6 क बधन जल-सभर क बधन भ-जल क बधन मदा और नमी क सरण थानीय जनता क

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 5 आवltयकता^ तथा पारिथितक एव पयावरण क ऐस अ13य पहल^ क =वथा क जाएगी िजन पर यान दया जाना आवltयक ह (6) आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी िवyमान पजा थल bाम एव शहरी बितय वन क िणय एव क म किष 6 ऊपजाऊ भिम उyान एव उyान क तरह क हरत 6 बागवानी 6 बगीच झील और अ13य जल िनकाय क सीमा का िनधारण कया जाएगा तथा सहायक मानिच6 भी दया जाएगा इस महायोजना मgt िवyमान और तािवत भ- उपयोग क िवशषता^ का 7यौरा दन वाल मानिच6 भी दए जाएग (7) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt होन वाल िवकास का िविनयमन कया जाएगा और सारणी मgt यथासचीबZ ितिषZ एव िविनयिमत rयाकलाप का पालन कया जाएगा इसमgt थानीय जनता क आजीिवका क सरा क िलए पारिथितक-अनकल िवकास का भी सिनय एव सवधन कया जाएगा (8) आचिलक महायोजना 6ीय िवकास योजना क सह-कािलक होगी (9) अनमोदत आचिलक महायोजना िनगरानी सिमित क िलए एक सदभ दतावज होगी ताक वह इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनसार िनगरानी क अपन कत= का िनवहन कर सक 3 रायरायरायराय सरकारसरकारसरकारसरकार $ारा$ारा$ारा$ारा कएकएकएकए जानजानजानजान वालवालवालवाल उपायउपायउपायउपाय---- रा~य सरकार इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए िनिलिखत उपाय करगी अथात-- (1) भभभभ----उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वन बागवानी 6 किष 6 मनोरजन क िलए िचि13हत उyान और खल थान का वहद वािणि~यक या आवासीय परसर या औyोिगक rयाकलाप क िलए योग या सपरवतन अनात नहn कया जाएगा (ख) परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भीतर भाग (क) मgt िविनDद योजन स िभW योजन क िलए किष और अ13य भिम का सपरवतन िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश पर और सम ािधकारी क पव अनमोदन स 6ीय नगर योजना अिधिनयम तथा यथा-लाग क13ीयरा~य सरकार क अ13य िनयम एव िविनयम क अधीन तथा इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनसार थानीय िनवािसय क िनिलिखत आवासीय ज2रत को परा करन क िलए अनात कया जाएगा (i) िवyमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उ13हgt सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमाण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा^ का सिनमाण और नवीकरण (iii) दषण उपW न करन वाल लघ उyोग (iv) कटीर उyोग एव bाम उyोग पारिथितक पयटन मgt सहायक सिवधा भGडार थानीय सिवधाए तथा bह वास और (v) बढ़ावा दए गए और परा-4 मgt उिFलिखत rयाकलाप (ग) परत यह भी क 6ीय शहरी िनयोजन अिधिनयम क अधीन सम ािधकारी क पव अनमोदन क िबना तथा रा~य सरकार क अ13य िनयम एव िविनयम एव सिवधान क अनBछद 244 क उपबध तथा तसमय व िविध िजसक अतगत अनसिचत जनजाित और अ13य परपरागत वन िनवासी (वन अिधकार क मा13यता) अिधिनयम 2006 (2007 का 2) भी आता ह का अनपालन कए िबना वािणि~यक या औyोिगक िवकास rयाकलाप क िलए जनजातीय भिम का योग अनात नहn होगा

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (घ) परत यह भी क पारि थितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली भिम क अिभलख मgt ई कसी 6ट को िनगरानी सिमित क िवचार ा करन क पात रा~य सरकार ारा यक मामल मgt एक बार सधारा जाएगा और उ 6ट को सधारन क सचना कgt ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को दी जाएगी (ड) परत यह भी क उपय 6ट को सधारन मgt इस उप-परा मgt यथा-उपबिधत क िसवाय कसी भी दशा मgt भ-उपयोग का परवतन शािमल नहn होगा (च) अनयM त या अन पादक किष 6 मgt पन वनीकरण तथा पयावास और जव- िविवधता क बहाली क यास कए जाएग (2) ाकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोत- आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी ाकितक जल zोतनदयजलमाग क आवाह 6 क पहचान करक उनक सरण और बहाली क योजना सिq मिलत क जाएगी और रा~ य सरकार ारा करक इस रीित स बनाए जाग क उसमgt इन 6 या इनक आसपास क 6 क िलए हािनकारक िवकास rयाकलाप को ितिषZ कया गया हो (3) पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी नए पारिथितक पयटन rयाकलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार पारिथितक सवदी जोन सqबधी पयटन महायोजना क अनसार अनात होगा (ख) पारिथितक पयटन महायोजना रा~य सरकार क पयावरण और वन िवभाग क परामश स पयटन िवभाग ारा बनायी जाएगी (ग) पयटन महायोजना आचिलक महायोजना का घटक होगी (घ) पारिथितक पयटन सबधी rयाकलाप िनq नानसार िविनयिमत कए जाएग अथात - (i) सरित 6 क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनमgt जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी होटल या रसोट का नया सिWमाण अनात नहn कया जाएगा तथािप पारिथितक पयटन सिवधा^ क िलए सरित 6 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क दरी स पर पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक पव परभािषत और अभीिहत 6 मgt पयटन महायोजना क अनसार नए होटल और रसोट क थापना अनात होगी (ii) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अ13दर सभी नए पयटन rया-कलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा जारी दशािनदश तथा पारिथितक पयटन पर बल दन वाल राीय =ा सरण ािधकरण ारा जारी पारिथितक पयटन सबधी दशािनदश (समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत) क अनसार होगा (iii) आचिलक महायोजना का अनमोदन होन तक पयटन क िवकास और िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप क िवतार को वातिवक थल-िविश सवीा तथा िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश क आधार पर सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण ारा अनात कया जाएगा और पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए होटलरसोट या वािणि~यक ितान का सिWमाण अनात नहn होगा (4) ाकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासत ndashndashndashndash पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल बमFय ाकितक िवरासत क सभी थल जस क जीन पल रजव 6 शल सरचना जल पात झरन दर उपवन गफाए थल वनपथ रोहण माग उपात आद क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt भवन सरचना^ कलाकित-6 तथा ऐितहािसक थापय सबधी सदयामक और साकितक महव क 6 क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी (6) + व+ व+ व+ विन दषणिन दषणिन दषणिन दषणndash तिमलनाड रा~ य सरकार का पयावरण िवभाग या रा~ य दषण िनय6ण बोड पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बन विन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय6ण) िनयम 2000 क उपबध क अनसार पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt विन दषण क िनय6ण सबधी िविनयम को लाग करगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण -- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वाय दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय6ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबध और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम और उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िन सारणिन सारणिन सारणिन सारण- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt उपचारत बिहzाव का िनसारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क अ13तगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िनसारण सबधी साधारण मानक या रा~य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक इनमgt जो भी अिधक कठोर ह क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव ब13धन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथe का िनपटान पारिथितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचि13हत कए गए थान पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (10) जव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 ट- जव िचकसा अपिश4 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt जव िचकसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (11) 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt oलािटक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत oलािटक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (12) िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt िनमाण और िववस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरणवन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िववस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (13) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध मgt आचिलक महायोजना मgt िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम एव िविनयम क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (15) वाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण लाग िविधय क अनसार कया जाएगा वBछतर |धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (16) औोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइया ---- (i) सरकारी राजप6 मgt इस अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख को या उसक बाद पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात नहn होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कgt ीय दषण िनय6ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 मgt जारी दशािनदश मgt कए गए उyोग क वगकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात होगी इसक अितर गर-दषणकारी कटीर उyोग को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलानgtढलानgtढलानgtढलानgt काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण ---- पहाड़ी ढलान का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पहाड़ी ढलान क उन 6 को दशाया जाएगा िजनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (ख) िजन ढलान या िवyमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान मgt अयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (18)(18)(18)(18) क13 सरकार और रा~य सरकार यद आवltयक समझgt तो इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए अ13य उपाय िविनDद करgtगी 4444 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन मममम ितिषAितिषAितिषAितिषA यायायाया िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत कए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वाल BयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgt कककक सचीसचीसचीसची---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी rयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध और तटीय िविनयमन जोन (सीआरजड) अिधसचना 2011 एव पयावरणीय भाव आकलन (ईआईए) अिधसचना 2006 सिहत उसक अधीन बन िनयम और वन (सरण) अिधिनयम 1980 (1980 का 69) भारतीय वन अिधिनयम 1927 (1927 का 16) व13यजीव (सरण) अिधिनयम 1972 (1972 का 53) सिहत अ13य लाग िनयम तथा उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार शािसत हग और नीच दी गई सारणी मgt िविनDद रीित स िविनयिमत हग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी म स याकलाप टपणी (1) (2) (3) क ितिष याकलाप 1 वािणियक खनन (क) थानीय िनवािसय क वातिवक घरल आवयकता क प$त क िलए कए जान वाल याकलाप िजनम घर क िनमा(ण या मर)मत और मकान बनान एव अय याकलाप क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वत(मान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) प9थर खोदन एव तोड़न वाली ईकाइया त9काल भाव स िनिष क जाती हlt (ख) खनन याकलाप टीएन गोदावम(न िथgtमलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अगत 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उCतम यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 दषण (जल वाय मदा Fविन आद) उ9पH करन वाल उIोग क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म कोई नया उIोग लगान और वत(मान दषणकारी उIोग का िवतार करन क अनJा नहK होगी जब तक क इस अिधसचना म िविनMदN न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन म फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी दशािनदWश म कए गए उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर- दषणकारी उIोग क थापना होगी इसक अितरY गर-दषणकारी कटीर उIोग को ो9साहन दया जाएगा 3 बड़ी ताप एव जल िवIत परयोजना क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 4 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ( का योग या उ9पादन या सकरण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 5 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भिम [U म अनपचारत बिहाव का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 6 नई आरा िमल क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल क थापना और िवIमान आरा िमल का िवतार अनJात नहK होगा 7 ]ट भ^ क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग खखखखिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलाप 8 होटल और रजॉट` क वािणियक थापना पारिथितक पय(टन याकलाप हत लघ अथायी सरचना क िनमा(ण को छोड़कर सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणियक होटल और रजॉट( क थापना अनJात नहK होगी परत सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क बाहर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पय(टन याकलाप करन या िवIमान याकलाप का िवतार पय(टन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदWश क अनसार अनJात होगी 9 सिनमा(ण याकलाप (क) सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी नय वािणियक सिनमा(ण क अनJा नहK होगी परत थानीय लोग को अपनी आवास स)बधी िनbिलिखत आवयकता को परा करन क िलए परा 6 क उप-परा (1) म सचीब याकलाप सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म भवन उप-िविधय क अनसार सिनमा(ण करन क अनJा होगी -

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (i) िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमा(ण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा का सिनमा(ण और नवीकरण करना (iii) फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा कए गए वगXकरण क अनसार गर- दषणकारी लघ उIोग क थापना (iv) dामीण उIोग सिहत कटीर उIोग सिवधा भeडार और dह-वास सिहत पारिथितक पय(टन म सहायक थानीय सिवधा क fवथा और (v) इस अिधसचना म सचीब बढ़ावा दए गए याकलाप (ख) परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उIोग स सबिधत सिनमा(ण याकलाप लाग िनयम और िविनयम यद कोई ह क अनसार स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम हग (ग) 10 कलोमीटर स आग य आचिलक महायोजना क अनसार िविनयिमत हग 10 गर दषणकारी लघ उIोग फरवरी 2016 म कTीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार गर-दषणकारी उIोग तथा अपरसकटमय लघ और सवा उIोग किष पhप किष बागबानी या किष आधारत उIोग जो पारिथितक सवदी जोन स दशी सामिdय स उ9पाद बनात हlt स[म ािधकारी Vारा अनJात हग 11 व[ क कटाई (क) राय सरकार क स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित क िबना वन भिम या सरकार भिम या राजव भिम या िनजी भिम पर व[ क कटाई क अनJा नहK होगी (ख) व[ क कटाई क Tीय या सबिधत राय क अिधिनयम और उनक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क उपबध क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी 12 फमi कारपोरट कपिनय Vारा बड़ पमान पर वािणियक पशधन सपदा और कjकट फामi क थापना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत हग 13 वन उ9पाद और गर काk वन उ9पाद (एनटीएफपी) का सdह लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 14 िवIत और सचार टॉवर लगान तार-िबछान तथा अय बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 15 नागरक सिवधा सिहत बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा यह fवथा लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ क जाएगी 16 िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना और नई सड़क का िनमा(ण करना य काय( लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ कय जाएग 17 पय(टन स सबिधत अय याकलाप जस क पारिथितक सवदी जोन [U क ऊपर स गम( वाय क गnबार हलीकाटर oोन माइोलाइpस उडाना आद लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 18 पव(तीय ढलान और नदी तट का सर[ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
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2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] ापापापाप अिधसचनाअिधसचनाअिधसचनाअिधसचना मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय िजस ldquoमलासलवनर-कलासलनवनर कनमईrdquo क नाम स भी जाना जाता ह तिमलनाड मgt रामानाथापरम िजला क कादालादी तालक मgt सयालकडी क िनकट िथत ह यह अाश 9deg13rsquo47rdquo और 9deg12rsquo27rdquo उ और दशातर 78deg32rsquo29rdquo और 78deg34rsquo28rdquo प क बीच िथत ह अभयारGय 321485 हMटयर क साथ 78 मलासलवनर क एसएफ स 166 और 271595 हMटयर क साथ 79 कलासलवनर क एस एफ स 128 मgt िथत ह िजसका कल 6फल 59308 59308 59308 59308 हटयर याहटयर याहटयर याहटयर या 593 593 593 593 वग कलोमीटरवग कलोमीटरवग कलोमीटरवग कलोमीटर मgt फला आ ह सरकार न दनाक 1122010 क अपन सरकारी आदश जी ओ (एमएस) स 206 पयावरण और वन (एफआर5) क ारा व13यजीव (सरण) अिधिनयम 1972 क धारा 26क (1) क अ13तगत पी अभयारGय क अितम अिधसचना जारी क ह औरऔरऔरऔर कई तरह क वासी पी िवV क िभW भाग स भोजन और घसल बनान क िलए यहा आत ह9 ऋत क दौरान लगभग 16000 पिय स सबिधत 45 जाितया सचीबZ क गई ह9 और मह[वपण पिय मgt ववाइट इिबस 7लक इिबस ओपन-िबFड ]ोक इगरट मना हीFस डMस डारटस हरस पिलकस आद शािमल ह9 मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय िविवध वनपितय और जीवजत^ क िलए सबस बड़ा पयावास ह और पी अभयारGय मgt लगभग सकटापW जाितय क जाितय क बतायत ह जस पिलकन पgtटड टोक यरिशयन पन िबFल ववाइट इिबस डारटर `लaमगो और जल पिय जस सामा13य कट िपन टल गागनी एbcस कॉमeरgtcस 7लक aवfड िटFट gकग फशर सामा13य मना hहमिन काइट पोटड ओलट और 78 स अिधक सामा13य पी अिभिलिखत कए गए ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर अभयारGय शीतकाल क दौरान वास करन वाली पिय क िलए आदश पयावास ह और साथ ही जनन और भोजन आचरण मgt यहा काफ िविवधता ह यह दिण भारत मgt हरोनरी जाितय और औपिनविशक वासी पिय क िलए घसल बनन का एक मjय थल ह अभयारGय मgt पख वाल पी अMटबर स फरवरी तक आत ह आभिम गहराई मgt अिनयिमत ह और यद वषा सामा13य ह तो 3 स 5 महीन तक जल 2का रहता ह सफल बधन उपाय स िविवध जनन जाितय और शीतकालीन जाितय को िविवधता मgt विZ करन क िलए आक3षत कया जाएगा जो बदल मgt अिधक पयटक पीिवद और छा6 को आक3षत करगा पिय को दखन क िलए अभयारGय का दौरा करन का सबस अBछा समय नवबर-जनवरी ह जब पिय क सjया और जाित क िविवधता उmतम होती ह औरऔरऔरऔर अभयारGय मल 2प स aसचाई ट9क ह िजसका उपयोग अMटबर स जनवरी तक पवeर मानसन ारा रचाज कए गए किष क िलए जल भडारण क िलए कया जाता ह ट9क माच स अगत तक परी तरह सख जाता ह अभयारGय मल 2प स aसचाई ट9क ह यहा अभयारGय क अतगत कोई ाकितक वन नहn ह वन िवभाग ारा बबल (अकिशया िनलोटका) बगान को थािपत कया जाता ह अभयारGय मgt aसचाई ट9क होन क कारण बत ही कम जीवजत जाितया (पी-जीव को छोड़कर) ह9 िजसमgt (एMसoट अिवफना) इिडयन b नवला (हरपटस इडवारद) भारतीय पाम िगलहरी (फनाबलस पमाम) िसयार (किनस ऑरयस) 7लक-नपड हर(लपस िनगरकोिलस) और बदीकोट रट (बदीकोटा बगालिसस) आद शािमल ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर अभयारGय मgt वनपितय और जीवज13त^ क िविवधता ह िजसमgt पी कड़-मकोड़ िततिलया सरीसप और उभयचर शािमल ह9 अभयारGय मgt वनपित क उदाहरण पानाई (बोरासस लबिलफर एल) इMक (कलोोिपस िगगाट (एल) आरबीआर) अवराम अवराई (सा ऑरकलटाटा (एल) रोसब) पिलया मरम

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 3 (तामारampदस इिडका एल) नाई कदग नाई वालई (िलयोम िवकोसा एल) आद पी क कछ उदाहरण िलटल bब (टिचब)टसफकोिलस) पॉट-िबलड पिलकन (पलकनसफिलपिampसस) िलटल कॉमeरgtट (फालाको+ोरिसगर) bट कॉमeरgtट (फालाको+ोरसकाब) डाटर (अनगा मलनोटर) आद सरीसप क उदाहरण हाउस गको (हिमडिटलस 1नाटस) पॉटड इिडयन गको (हिमडिटलस 2क3) गाडन िलजाड (कलो4स वस5कलर) कॉमन इिडयन aकक (योफस करनाटा) चकड कलबक (ज़नो+ोफस िपकटर) इिडयन कोबरा (नाजा नाजा) आद अिभिलिखत कए गए ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर अभयारGय मgt दलभ और लाय जाितया अिभिलिखत ह दलभ जाितय क उदाहरण bट कॉमeरgtट (फला+ोकोरस काब) परपल हरॉन (आद8या िसनररया) यलो िबटरन (एलसोि2चस सीनिampसस) चटनट िबpरम (एलसोि2चस िसनामोमस) 7लक िबटरन (डपटर लिवकोिलस) कॉqब डक (सकिडयोरस मलानोटोस) नाथन शोवलर (अनास लाइपाटा) कॉमन टील (अबास +3का) कॉमन रडश9क (ltगा टटनस) कॉमन bी13सह9क (ltगा नबलरया) और पाइड rटड कक (लमरटर जकोिबनस) ह9 लाय जाितय क उदाहरण पॉट-िबलड पिलकन (पलकनस फिलपिसस) और पgtटड टोक (माईटरया िलयकोसफाला) ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर अिधसिचत 6 क असपास तीन bाम मलासलवनर कलासलवनर ओरवायल मgt rमशः कल जनसjया 5855 क साथ प2ष 2817 और मिहला 3038 ह अिधकाश लोग वषा फड किष पर िनभर करत ह9 जबक शष दिनक मजदरी मजदर क 2प मgt अपनी आजीिवका कमात ह9 bामवासी पFलान आगामदयार याथवर असारी वानन और मिलम समदाय क ह9 इस कार जातीय पहचान अलग ह तदनसार परपरा और रीित-रवाज भी िभW होत ह9 समदाय क बीच कोई बड़ा मनमटाव नहn ह और वह अिधकतर िवyमान सामािजक-राजनीितक परदltय क अन2प रहत ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर तािवत पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt रहन वाल लोग क िलए अथ=वथा का मख zोत किष और सqबZ rयाकलाप जस क पश पालन मसय-पालन ह9 उनक आजीिवका मgt |ट बनाना और कोयला बनाना भी योगदान दता ह हालाक अभयारGय क आसपास क bाम मgt आय का ाथिमक zोत किष ह वषा क कमी क कारण अMसर फसलgt न हो जाती ह9 परणामव2प पश पालन जलावन क लकड़ी काटन और बचन और कोयला िविनमाण आय क वकिFपक zोत बन गए ह9 लगातार फसल का न होना और आजीिवका क अ13य zोत न होन क कारण bाम मgt आय का तर काफ कम दज हो गया ह मलासलवनर bाम मgt औसत वा3षक आय 36000 ह जबक अ13य bाम मgt यह 25000-30000 क बीच ह परणामव2प अिधकाश bामवासी गरीबी रखा स नीच ह अतः अब क13ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क िनयम 5 क उपिनयम (3) क साथ पठत पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपधारा (1) तथा धारा 3 क उपधारा (2) एव उपधारा (3) क खड (v) और खड (xiv) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए तिमलनाड रा~य मgt मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय क सीमा क चार ओर 0019 कलोमीटर स 200 कलोमीटर तक िवतारत 6 को मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय पारिथितक सवदी जोन (िजस इसमgt इसक पlt चात पारिथितक सवदी जोन कहा गया ह) क 2प मgt अिधसिचत करती ह िजसका िववरण िनानसार ह अथात -- 1 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका िव तारिव तारिव तारिव तार औरऔरऔरऔर सीमासीमासीमासीमा--(1) पारिथितक सवदी जोन का िवतार मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय क चार ओर 0019 कलोमीटर स 200 कलोमीटर तक ह पारिथितक सवदी जोन का 6फल 115108 वग कलोमीटर ह

4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (2) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा का वणन उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIII क 2प मgt सल ह (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क सरित 6 का मानिच6 उपाबउपाबउपाबउपाबध ध ध ध IIIIIIII कककक----डडडड मgt ह (4) पारिथितक सवदी जोन और सरित 6 क सीमा क भ-िनदशाक क सची rमश उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध III (III (III (III (कककक) ) ) ) और((((खखखख) ) ) ) मgt ह (5) मख aबद क भ-िनदशाक क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल bाम क सची उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV क 2प मgt सल ह 2222 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िलएिलएिलएिलए आचिलकआचिलकआचिलकआचिलक महायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनाndashndashndashndash((((1111) रा~य सरकार पारिथितक सवदी जोन क योजन क िलए राजप6 मgt अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स दो वष क अविध क भीतर थानीय =िय क परामश स और इस अिधसचना मgt दए गए अनबध का पालन करत ए रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी क अनमोदनाथ एक आचिलक महायोजना बनाएगी (2) रा~ य सरकार ारा पारिथितक सवदी जोन क िलए आचिलक महायोजना इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद4 ट रीित स तथा ासिगक कgt ीय और रा~ य िविधय क अन2प तथा कgt ीय सरकार ारा जारी दशा िनदश यद कोई ह क अनसार बनायी जाएगी (3) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पारिथितक और पयावरण सबधी सरोकार को शािमल करन क िलए इस रा~ य सरकार क िनिलिखत िवभाग क परामश स बनाया जाएगा अथात-- (i) पयावरण (ii) वन और व13यजीव (iii) किष (iv) राज व (v) शहरी िवकास (vi) पयटन (vii) bामीण िवकास (viii) aसचाई और बाढ़ िनय6ण (ix) नगरपािलका (x) पचायती राज (xi) लोक िन माण िव भाग (xii) राजमाग (xiii) तिमलनाड रा~य दषण िनय6ण बोड (4) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो आचिलक महायोजना मgt वतमान मgt अनमोदत भ-उपयोग अवसरचना और rयाकलाप पर कोई ितबध नहn लगाया जाएगा तथा आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी अवसरचना^ और rयाकलाप मgt सधार करक उ13ह अिधक द और पारिथितक-अनकल बनान क =वथा क जाएगी (5) आचिलक महायोजना मgt वनरिहत और अवrिमत 6 क सधार िवyमान जल िनकाय क सरण आवाह 6 क बधन जल-सभर क बधन भ-जल क बधन मदा और नमी क सरण थानीय जनता क

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 5 आवltयकता^ तथा पारिथितक एव पयावरण क ऐस अ13य पहल^ क =वथा क जाएगी िजन पर यान दया जाना आवltयक ह (6) आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी िवyमान पजा थल bाम एव शहरी बितय वन क िणय एव क म किष 6 ऊपजाऊ भिम उyान एव उyान क तरह क हरत 6 बागवानी 6 बगीच झील और अ13य जल िनकाय क सीमा का िनधारण कया जाएगा तथा सहायक मानिच6 भी दया जाएगा इस महायोजना मgt िवyमान और तािवत भ- उपयोग क िवशषता^ का 7यौरा दन वाल मानिच6 भी दए जाएग (7) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt होन वाल िवकास का िविनयमन कया जाएगा और सारणी मgt यथासचीबZ ितिषZ एव िविनयिमत rयाकलाप का पालन कया जाएगा इसमgt थानीय जनता क आजीिवका क सरा क िलए पारिथितक-अनकल िवकास का भी सिनय एव सवधन कया जाएगा (8) आचिलक महायोजना 6ीय िवकास योजना क सह-कािलक होगी (9) अनमोदत आचिलक महायोजना िनगरानी सिमित क िलए एक सदभ दतावज होगी ताक वह इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनसार िनगरानी क अपन कत= का िनवहन कर सक 3 रायरायरायराय सरकारसरकारसरकारसरकार $ारा$ारा$ारा$ारा कएकएकएकए जानजानजानजान वालवालवालवाल उपायउपायउपायउपाय---- रा~य सरकार इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए िनिलिखत उपाय करगी अथात-- (1) भभभभ----उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वन बागवानी 6 किष 6 मनोरजन क िलए िचि13हत उyान और खल थान का वहद वािणि~यक या आवासीय परसर या औyोिगक rयाकलाप क िलए योग या सपरवतन अनात नहn कया जाएगा (ख) परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भीतर भाग (क) मgt िविनDद योजन स िभW योजन क िलए किष और अ13य भिम का सपरवतन िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश पर और सम ािधकारी क पव अनमोदन स 6ीय नगर योजना अिधिनयम तथा यथा-लाग क13ीयरा~य सरकार क अ13य िनयम एव िविनयम क अधीन तथा इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनसार थानीय िनवािसय क िनिलिखत आवासीय ज2रत को परा करन क िलए अनात कया जाएगा (i) िवyमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उ13हgt सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमाण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा^ का सिनमाण और नवीकरण (iii) दषण उपW न करन वाल लघ उyोग (iv) कटीर उyोग एव bाम उyोग पारिथितक पयटन मgt सहायक सिवधा भGडार थानीय सिवधाए तथा bह वास और (v) बढ़ावा दए गए और परा-4 मgt उिFलिखत rयाकलाप (ग) परत यह भी क 6ीय शहरी िनयोजन अिधिनयम क अधीन सम ािधकारी क पव अनमोदन क िबना तथा रा~य सरकार क अ13य िनयम एव िविनयम एव सिवधान क अनBछद 244 क उपबध तथा तसमय व िविध िजसक अतगत अनसिचत जनजाित और अ13य परपरागत वन िनवासी (वन अिधकार क मा13यता) अिधिनयम 2006 (2007 का 2) भी आता ह का अनपालन कए िबना वािणि~यक या औyोिगक िवकास rयाकलाप क िलए जनजातीय भिम का योग अनात नहn होगा

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (घ) परत यह भी क पारि थितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली भिम क अिभलख मgt ई कसी 6ट को िनगरानी सिमित क िवचार ा करन क पात रा~य सरकार ारा यक मामल मgt एक बार सधारा जाएगा और उ 6ट को सधारन क सचना कgt ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को दी जाएगी (ड) परत यह भी क उपय 6ट को सधारन मgt इस उप-परा मgt यथा-उपबिधत क िसवाय कसी भी दशा मgt भ-उपयोग का परवतन शािमल नहn होगा (च) अनयM त या अन पादक किष 6 मgt पन वनीकरण तथा पयावास और जव- िविवधता क बहाली क यास कए जाएग (2) ाकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोत- आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी ाकितक जल zोतनदयजलमाग क आवाह 6 क पहचान करक उनक सरण और बहाली क योजना सिq मिलत क जाएगी और रा~ य सरकार ारा करक इस रीित स बनाए जाग क उसमgt इन 6 या इनक आसपास क 6 क िलए हािनकारक िवकास rयाकलाप को ितिषZ कया गया हो (3) पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी नए पारिथितक पयटन rयाकलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार पारिथितक सवदी जोन सqबधी पयटन महायोजना क अनसार अनात होगा (ख) पारिथितक पयटन महायोजना रा~य सरकार क पयावरण और वन िवभाग क परामश स पयटन िवभाग ारा बनायी जाएगी (ग) पयटन महायोजना आचिलक महायोजना का घटक होगी (घ) पारिथितक पयटन सबधी rयाकलाप िनq नानसार िविनयिमत कए जाएग अथात - (i) सरित 6 क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनमgt जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी होटल या रसोट का नया सिWमाण अनात नहn कया जाएगा तथािप पारिथितक पयटन सिवधा^ क िलए सरित 6 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क दरी स पर पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक पव परभािषत और अभीिहत 6 मgt पयटन महायोजना क अनसार नए होटल और रसोट क थापना अनात होगी (ii) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अ13दर सभी नए पयटन rया-कलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा जारी दशािनदश तथा पारिथितक पयटन पर बल दन वाल राीय =ा सरण ािधकरण ारा जारी पारिथितक पयटन सबधी दशािनदश (समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत) क अनसार होगा (iii) आचिलक महायोजना का अनमोदन होन तक पयटन क िवकास और िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप क िवतार को वातिवक थल-िविश सवीा तथा िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश क आधार पर सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण ारा अनात कया जाएगा और पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए होटलरसोट या वािणि~यक ितान का सिWमाण अनात नहn होगा (4) ाकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासत ndashndashndashndash पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल बमFय ाकितक िवरासत क सभी थल जस क जीन पल रजव 6 शल सरचना जल पात झरन दर उपवन गफाए थल वनपथ रोहण माग उपात आद क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt भवन सरचना^ कलाकित-6 तथा ऐितहािसक थापय सबधी सदयामक और साकितक महव क 6 क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी (6) + व+ व+ व+ विन दषणिन दषणिन दषणिन दषणndash तिमलनाड रा~ य सरकार का पयावरण िवभाग या रा~ य दषण िनय6ण बोड पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बन विन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय6ण) िनयम 2000 क उपबध क अनसार पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt विन दषण क िनय6ण सबधी िविनयम को लाग करगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण -- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वाय दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय6ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबध और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम और उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िन सारणिन सारणिन सारणिन सारण- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt उपचारत बिहzाव का िनसारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क अ13तगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िनसारण सबधी साधारण मानक या रा~य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक इनमgt जो भी अिधक कठोर ह क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव ब13धन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथe का िनपटान पारिथितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचि13हत कए गए थान पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (10) जव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 ट- जव िचकसा अपिश4 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt जव िचकसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (11) 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt oलािटक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत oलािटक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (12) िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt िनमाण और िववस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरणवन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िववस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (13) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध मgt आचिलक महायोजना मgt िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम एव िविनयम क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (15) वाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण लाग िविधय क अनसार कया जाएगा वBछतर |धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (16) औोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइया ---- (i) सरकारी राजप6 मgt इस अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख को या उसक बाद पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात नहn होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कgt ीय दषण िनय6ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 मgt जारी दशािनदश मgt कए गए उyोग क वगकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात होगी इसक अितर गर-दषणकारी कटीर उyोग को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलानgtढलानgtढलानgtढलानgt काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण ---- पहाड़ी ढलान का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पहाड़ी ढलान क उन 6 को दशाया जाएगा िजनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (ख) िजन ढलान या िवyमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान मgt अयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (18)(18)(18)(18) क13 सरकार और रा~य सरकार यद आवltयक समझgt तो इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए अ13य उपाय िविनDद करgtगी 4444 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन मममम ितिषAितिषAितिषAितिषA यायायाया िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत कए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वाल BयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgt कककक सचीसचीसचीसची---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी rयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध और तटीय िविनयमन जोन (सीआरजड) अिधसचना 2011 एव पयावरणीय भाव आकलन (ईआईए) अिधसचना 2006 सिहत उसक अधीन बन िनयम और वन (सरण) अिधिनयम 1980 (1980 का 69) भारतीय वन अिधिनयम 1927 (1927 का 16) व13यजीव (सरण) अिधिनयम 1972 (1972 का 53) सिहत अ13य लाग िनयम तथा उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार शािसत हग और नीच दी गई सारणी मgt िविनDद रीित स िविनयिमत हग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी म स याकलाप टपणी (1) (2) (3) क ितिष याकलाप 1 वािणियक खनन (क) थानीय िनवािसय क वातिवक घरल आवयकता क प$त क िलए कए जान वाल याकलाप िजनम घर क िनमा(ण या मर)मत और मकान बनान एव अय याकलाप क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वत(मान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) प9थर खोदन एव तोड़न वाली ईकाइया त9काल भाव स िनिष क जाती हlt (ख) खनन याकलाप टीएन गोदावम(न िथgtमलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अगत 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उCतम यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 दषण (जल वाय मदा Fविन आद) उ9पH करन वाल उIोग क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म कोई नया उIोग लगान और वत(मान दषणकारी उIोग का िवतार करन क अनJा नहK होगी जब तक क इस अिधसचना म िविनMदN न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन म फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी दशािनदWश म कए गए उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर- दषणकारी उIोग क थापना होगी इसक अितरY गर-दषणकारी कटीर उIोग को ो9साहन दया जाएगा 3 बड़ी ताप एव जल िवIत परयोजना क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 4 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ( का योग या उ9पादन या सकरण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 5 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भिम [U म अनपचारत बिहाव का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 6 नई आरा िमल क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल क थापना और िवIमान आरा िमल का िवतार अनJात नहK होगा 7 ]ट भ^ क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग खखखखिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलाप 8 होटल और रजॉट` क वािणियक थापना पारिथितक पय(टन याकलाप हत लघ अथायी सरचना क िनमा(ण को छोड़कर सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणियक होटल और रजॉट( क थापना अनJात नहK होगी परत सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क बाहर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पय(टन याकलाप करन या िवIमान याकलाप का िवतार पय(टन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदWश क अनसार अनJात होगी 9 सिनमा(ण याकलाप (क) सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी नय वािणियक सिनमा(ण क अनJा नहK होगी परत थानीय लोग को अपनी आवास स)बधी िनbिलिखत आवयकता को परा करन क िलए परा 6 क उप-परा (1) म सचीब याकलाप सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म भवन उप-िविधय क अनसार सिनमा(ण करन क अनJा होगी -

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (i) िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमा(ण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा का सिनमा(ण और नवीकरण करना (iii) फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा कए गए वगXकरण क अनसार गर- दषणकारी लघ उIोग क थापना (iv) dामीण उIोग सिहत कटीर उIोग सिवधा भeडार और dह-वास सिहत पारिथितक पय(टन म सहायक थानीय सिवधा क fवथा और (v) इस अिधसचना म सचीब बढ़ावा दए गए याकलाप (ख) परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उIोग स सबिधत सिनमा(ण याकलाप लाग िनयम और िविनयम यद कोई ह क अनसार स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम हग (ग) 10 कलोमीटर स आग य आचिलक महायोजना क अनसार िविनयिमत हग 10 गर दषणकारी लघ उIोग फरवरी 2016 म कTीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार गर-दषणकारी उIोग तथा अपरसकटमय लघ और सवा उIोग किष पhप किष बागबानी या किष आधारत उIोग जो पारिथितक सवदी जोन स दशी सामिdय स उ9पाद बनात हlt स[म ािधकारी Vारा अनJात हग 11 व[ क कटाई (क) राय सरकार क स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित क िबना वन भिम या सरकार भिम या राजव भिम या िनजी भिम पर व[ क कटाई क अनJा नहK होगी (ख) व[ क कटाई क Tीय या सबिधत राय क अिधिनयम और उनक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क उपबध क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी 12 फमi कारपोरट कपिनय Vारा बड़ पमान पर वािणियक पशधन सपदा और कjकट फामi क थापना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत हग 13 वन उ9पाद और गर काk वन उ9पाद (एनटीएफपी) का सdह लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 14 िवIत और सचार टॉवर लगान तार-िबछान तथा अय बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 15 नागरक सिवधा सिहत बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा यह fवथा लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ क जाएगी 16 िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना और नई सड़क का िनमा(ण करना य काय( लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ कय जाएग 17 पय(टन स सबिधत अय याकलाप जस क पारिथितक सवदी जोन [U क ऊपर स गम( वाय क गnबार हलीकाटर oोन माइोलाइpस उडाना आद लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 18 पव(तीय ढलान और नदी तट का सर[ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 3: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 3 (तामारampदस इिडका एल) नाई कदग नाई वालई (िलयोम िवकोसा एल) आद पी क कछ उदाहरण िलटल bब (टिचब)टसफकोिलस) पॉट-िबलड पिलकन (पलकनसफिलपिampसस) िलटल कॉमeरgtट (फालाको+ोरिसगर) bट कॉमeरgtट (फालाको+ोरसकाब) डाटर (अनगा मलनोटर) आद सरीसप क उदाहरण हाउस गको (हिमडिटलस 1नाटस) पॉटड इिडयन गको (हिमडिटलस 2क3) गाडन िलजाड (कलो4स वस5कलर) कॉमन इिडयन aकक (योफस करनाटा) चकड कलबक (ज़नो+ोफस िपकटर) इिडयन कोबरा (नाजा नाजा) आद अिभिलिखत कए गए ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर अभयारGय मgt दलभ और लाय जाितया अिभिलिखत ह दलभ जाितय क उदाहरण bट कॉमeरgtट (फला+ोकोरस काब) परपल हरॉन (आद8या िसनररया) यलो िबटरन (एलसोि2चस सीनिampसस) चटनट िबpरम (एलसोि2चस िसनामोमस) 7लक िबटरन (डपटर लिवकोिलस) कॉqब डक (सकिडयोरस मलानोटोस) नाथन शोवलर (अनास लाइपाटा) कॉमन टील (अबास +3का) कॉमन रडश9क (ltगा टटनस) कॉमन bी13सह9क (ltगा नबलरया) और पाइड rटड कक (लमरटर जकोिबनस) ह9 लाय जाितय क उदाहरण पॉट-िबलड पिलकन (पलकनस फिलपिसस) और पgtटड टोक (माईटरया िलयकोसफाला) ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर अिधसिचत 6 क असपास तीन bाम मलासलवनर कलासलवनर ओरवायल मgt rमशः कल जनसjया 5855 क साथ प2ष 2817 और मिहला 3038 ह अिधकाश लोग वषा फड किष पर िनभर करत ह9 जबक शष दिनक मजदरी मजदर क 2प मgt अपनी आजीिवका कमात ह9 bामवासी पFलान आगामदयार याथवर असारी वानन और मिलम समदाय क ह9 इस कार जातीय पहचान अलग ह तदनसार परपरा और रीित-रवाज भी िभW होत ह9 समदाय क बीच कोई बड़ा मनमटाव नहn ह और वह अिधकतर िवyमान सामािजक-राजनीितक परदltय क अन2प रहत ह9 औरऔरऔरऔर तािवत पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt रहन वाल लोग क िलए अथ=वथा का मख zोत किष और सqबZ rयाकलाप जस क पश पालन मसय-पालन ह9 उनक आजीिवका मgt |ट बनाना और कोयला बनाना भी योगदान दता ह हालाक अभयारGय क आसपास क bाम मgt आय का ाथिमक zोत किष ह वषा क कमी क कारण अMसर फसलgt न हो जाती ह9 परणामव2प पश पालन जलावन क लकड़ी काटन और बचन और कोयला िविनमाण आय क वकिFपक zोत बन गए ह9 लगातार फसल का न होना और आजीिवका क अ13य zोत न होन क कारण bाम मgt आय का तर काफ कम दज हो गया ह मलासलवनर bाम मgt औसत वा3षक आय 36000 ह जबक अ13य bाम मgt यह 25000-30000 क बीच ह परणामव2प अिधकाश bामवासी गरीबी रखा स नीच ह अतः अब क13ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क िनयम 5 क उपिनयम (3) क साथ पठत पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपधारा (1) तथा धारा 3 क उपधारा (2) एव उपधारा (3) क खड (v) और खड (xiv) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए तिमलनाड रा~य मgt मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय क सीमा क चार ओर 0019 कलोमीटर स 200 कलोमीटर तक िवतारत 6 को मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय पारिथितक सवदी जोन (िजस इसमgt इसक पlt चात पारिथितक सवदी जोन कहा गया ह) क 2प मgt अिधसिचत करती ह िजसका िववरण िनानसार ह अथात -- 1 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका िव तारिव तारिव तारिव तार औरऔरऔरऔर सीमासीमासीमासीमा--(1) पारिथितक सवदी जोन का िवतार मलासलवनर-कलासलवनर पी अभयारGय क चार ओर 0019 कलोमीटर स 200 कलोमीटर तक ह पारिथितक सवदी जोन का 6फल 115108 वग कलोमीटर ह

4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (2) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा का वणन उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIII क 2प मgt सल ह (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क सरित 6 का मानिच6 उपाबउपाबउपाबउपाबध ध ध ध IIIIIIII कककक----डडडड मgt ह (4) पारिथितक सवदी जोन और सरित 6 क सीमा क भ-िनदशाक क सची rमश उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध III (III (III (III (कककक) ) ) ) और((((खखखख) ) ) ) मgt ह (5) मख aबद क भ-िनदशाक क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल bाम क सची उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV क 2प मgt सल ह 2222 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िलएिलएिलएिलए आचिलकआचिलकआचिलकआचिलक महायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनाndashndashndashndash((((1111) रा~य सरकार पारिथितक सवदी जोन क योजन क िलए राजप6 मgt अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स दो वष क अविध क भीतर थानीय =िय क परामश स और इस अिधसचना मgt दए गए अनबध का पालन करत ए रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी क अनमोदनाथ एक आचिलक महायोजना बनाएगी (2) रा~ य सरकार ारा पारिथितक सवदी जोन क िलए आचिलक महायोजना इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद4 ट रीित स तथा ासिगक कgt ीय और रा~ य िविधय क अन2प तथा कgt ीय सरकार ारा जारी दशा िनदश यद कोई ह क अनसार बनायी जाएगी (3) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पारिथितक और पयावरण सबधी सरोकार को शािमल करन क िलए इस रा~ य सरकार क िनिलिखत िवभाग क परामश स बनाया जाएगा अथात-- (i) पयावरण (ii) वन और व13यजीव (iii) किष (iv) राज व (v) शहरी िवकास (vi) पयटन (vii) bामीण िवकास (viii) aसचाई और बाढ़ िनय6ण (ix) नगरपािलका (x) पचायती राज (xi) लोक िन माण िव भाग (xii) राजमाग (xiii) तिमलनाड रा~य दषण िनय6ण बोड (4) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो आचिलक महायोजना मgt वतमान मgt अनमोदत भ-उपयोग अवसरचना और rयाकलाप पर कोई ितबध नहn लगाया जाएगा तथा आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी अवसरचना^ और rयाकलाप मgt सधार करक उ13ह अिधक द और पारिथितक-अनकल बनान क =वथा क जाएगी (5) आचिलक महायोजना मgt वनरिहत और अवrिमत 6 क सधार िवyमान जल िनकाय क सरण आवाह 6 क बधन जल-सभर क बधन भ-जल क बधन मदा और नमी क सरण थानीय जनता क

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 5 आवltयकता^ तथा पारिथितक एव पयावरण क ऐस अ13य पहल^ क =वथा क जाएगी िजन पर यान दया जाना आवltयक ह (6) आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी िवyमान पजा थल bाम एव शहरी बितय वन क िणय एव क म किष 6 ऊपजाऊ भिम उyान एव उyान क तरह क हरत 6 बागवानी 6 बगीच झील और अ13य जल िनकाय क सीमा का िनधारण कया जाएगा तथा सहायक मानिच6 भी दया जाएगा इस महायोजना मgt िवyमान और तािवत भ- उपयोग क िवशषता^ का 7यौरा दन वाल मानिच6 भी दए जाएग (7) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt होन वाल िवकास का िविनयमन कया जाएगा और सारणी मgt यथासचीबZ ितिषZ एव िविनयिमत rयाकलाप का पालन कया जाएगा इसमgt थानीय जनता क आजीिवका क सरा क िलए पारिथितक-अनकल िवकास का भी सिनय एव सवधन कया जाएगा (8) आचिलक महायोजना 6ीय िवकास योजना क सह-कािलक होगी (9) अनमोदत आचिलक महायोजना िनगरानी सिमित क िलए एक सदभ दतावज होगी ताक वह इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनसार िनगरानी क अपन कत= का िनवहन कर सक 3 रायरायरायराय सरकारसरकारसरकारसरकार $ारा$ारा$ारा$ारा कएकएकएकए जानजानजानजान वालवालवालवाल उपायउपायउपायउपाय---- रा~य सरकार इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए िनिलिखत उपाय करगी अथात-- (1) भभभभ----उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वन बागवानी 6 किष 6 मनोरजन क िलए िचि13हत उyान और खल थान का वहद वािणि~यक या आवासीय परसर या औyोिगक rयाकलाप क िलए योग या सपरवतन अनात नहn कया जाएगा (ख) परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भीतर भाग (क) मgt िविनDद योजन स िभW योजन क िलए किष और अ13य भिम का सपरवतन िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश पर और सम ािधकारी क पव अनमोदन स 6ीय नगर योजना अिधिनयम तथा यथा-लाग क13ीयरा~य सरकार क अ13य िनयम एव िविनयम क अधीन तथा इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनसार थानीय िनवािसय क िनिलिखत आवासीय ज2रत को परा करन क िलए अनात कया जाएगा (i) िवyमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उ13हgt सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमाण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा^ का सिनमाण और नवीकरण (iii) दषण उपW न करन वाल लघ उyोग (iv) कटीर उyोग एव bाम उyोग पारिथितक पयटन मgt सहायक सिवधा भGडार थानीय सिवधाए तथा bह वास और (v) बढ़ावा दए गए और परा-4 मgt उिFलिखत rयाकलाप (ग) परत यह भी क 6ीय शहरी िनयोजन अिधिनयम क अधीन सम ािधकारी क पव अनमोदन क िबना तथा रा~य सरकार क अ13य िनयम एव िविनयम एव सिवधान क अनBछद 244 क उपबध तथा तसमय व िविध िजसक अतगत अनसिचत जनजाित और अ13य परपरागत वन िनवासी (वन अिधकार क मा13यता) अिधिनयम 2006 (2007 का 2) भी आता ह का अनपालन कए िबना वािणि~यक या औyोिगक िवकास rयाकलाप क िलए जनजातीय भिम का योग अनात नहn होगा

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (घ) परत यह भी क पारि थितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली भिम क अिभलख मgt ई कसी 6ट को िनगरानी सिमित क िवचार ा करन क पात रा~य सरकार ारा यक मामल मgt एक बार सधारा जाएगा और उ 6ट को सधारन क सचना कgt ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को दी जाएगी (ड) परत यह भी क उपय 6ट को सधारन मgt इस उप-परा मgt यथा-उपबिधत क िसवाय कसी भी दशा मgt भ-उपयोग का परवतन शािमल नहn होगा (च) अनयM त या अन पादक किष 6 मgt पन वनीकरण तथा पयावास और जव- िविवधता क बहाली क यास कए जाएग (2) ाकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोत- आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी ाकितक जल zोतनदयजलमाग क आवाह 6 क पहचान करक उनक सरण और बहाली क योजना सिq मिलत क जाएगी और रा~ य सरकार ारा करक इस रीित स बनाए जाग क उसमgt इन 6 या इनक आसपास क 6 क िलए हािनकारक िवकास rयाकलाप को ितिषZ कया गया हो (3) पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी नए पारिथितक पयटन rयाकलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार पारिथितक सवदी जोन सqबधी पयटन महायोजना क अनसार अनात होगा (ख) पारिथितक पयटन महायोजना रा~य सरकार क पयावरण और वन िवभाग क परामश स पयटन िवभाग ारा बनायी जाएगी (ग) पयटन महायोजना आचिलक महायोजना का घटक होगी (घ) पारिथितक पयटन सबधी rयाकलाप िनq नानसार िविनयिमत कए जाएग अथात - (i) सरित 6 क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनमgt जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी होटल या रसोट का नया सिWमाण अनात नहn कया जाएगा तथािप पारिथितक पयटन सिवधा^ क िलए सरित 6 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क दरी स पर पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक पव परभािषत और अभीिहत 6 मgt पयटन महायोजना क अनसार नए होटल और रसोट क थापना अनात होगी (ii) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अ13दर सभी नए पयटन rया-कलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा जारी दशािनदश तथा पारिथितक पयटन पर बल दन वाल राीय =ा सरण ािधकरण ारा जारी पारिथितक पयटन सबधी दशािनदश (समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत) क अनसार होगा (iii) आचिलक महायोजना का अनमोदन होन तक पयटन क िवकास और िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप क िवतार को वातिवक थल-िविश सवीा तथा िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश क आधार पर सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण ारा अनात कया जाएगा और पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए होटलरसोट या वािणि~यक ितान का सिWमाण अनात नहn होगा (4) ाकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासत ndashndashndashndash पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल बमFय ाकितक िवरासत क सभी थल जस क जीन पल रजव 6 शल सरचना जल पात झरन दर उपवन गफाए थल वनपथ रोहण माग उपात आद क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt भवन सरचना^ कलाकित-6 तथा ऐितहािसक थापय सबधी सदयामक और साकितक महव क 6 क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी (6) + व+ व+ व+ विन दषणिन दषणिन दषणिन दषणndash तिमलनाड रा~ य सरकार का पयावरण िवभाग या रा~ य दषण िनय6ण बोड पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बन विन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय6ण) िनयम 2000 क उपबध क अनसार पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt विन दषण क िनय6ण सबधी िविनयम को लाग करगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण -- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वाय दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय6ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबध और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम और उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िन सारणिन सारणिन सारणिन सारण- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt उपचारत बिहzाव का िनसारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क अ13तगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िनसारण सबधी साधारण मानक या रा~य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक इनमgt जो भी अिधक कठोर ह क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव ब13धन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथe का िनपटान पारिथितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचि13हत कए गए थान पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (10) जव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 ट- जव िचकसा अपिश4 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt जव िचकसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (11) 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt oलािटक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत oलािटक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (12) िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt िनमाण और िववस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरणवन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िववस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (13) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध मgt आचिलक महायोजना मgt िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम एव िविनयम क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (15) वाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण लाग िविधय क अनसार कया जाएगा वBछतर |धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (16) औोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइया ---- (i) सरकारी राजप6 मgt इस अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख को या उसक बाद पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात नहn होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कgt ीय दषण िनय6ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 मgt जारी दशािनदश मgt कए गए उyोग क वगकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात होगी इसक अितर गर-दषणकारी कटीर उyोग को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलानgtढलानgtढलानgtढलानgt काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण ---- पहाड़ी ढलान का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पहाड़ी ढलान क उन 6 को दशाया जाएगा िजनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (ख) िजन ढलान या िवyमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान मgt अयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (18)(18)(18)(18) क13 सरकार और रा~य सरकार यद आवltयक समझgt तो इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए अ13य उपाय िविनDद करgtगी 4444 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन मममम ितिषAितिषAितिषAितिषA यायायाया िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत कए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वाल BयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgt कककक सचीसचीसचीसची---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी rयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध और तटीय िविनयमन जोन (सीआरजड) अिधसचना 2011 एव पयावरणीय भाव आकलन (ईआईए) अिधसचना 2006 सिहत उसक अधीन बन िनयम और वन (सरण) अिधिनयम 1980 (1980 का 69) भारतीय वन अिधिनयम 1927 (1927 का 16) व13यजीव (सरण) अिधिनयम 1972 (1972 का 53) सिहत अ13य लाग िनयम तथा उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार शािसत हग और नीच दी गई सारणी मgt िविनDद रीित स िविनयिमत हग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी म स याकलाप टपणी (1) (2) (3) क ितिष याकलाप 1 वािणियक खनन (क) थानीय िनवािसय क वातिवक घरल आवयकता क प$त क िलए कए जान वाल याकलाप िजनम घर क िनमा(ण या मर)मत और मकान बनान एव अय याकलाप क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वत(मान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) प9थर खोदन एव तोड़न वाली ईकाइया त9काल भाव स िनिष क जाती हlt (ख) खनन याकलाप टीएन गोदावम(न िथgtमलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अगत 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उCतम यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 दषण (जल वाय मदा Fविन आद) उ9पH करन वाल उIोग क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म कोई नया उIोग लगान और वत(मान दषणकारी उIोग का िवतार करन क अनJा नहK होगी जब तक क इस अिधसचना म िविनMदN न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन म फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी दशािनदWश म कए गए उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर- दषणकारी उIोग क थापना होगी इसक अितरY गर-दषणकारी कटीर उIोग को ो9साहन दया जाएगा 3 बड़ी ताप एव जल िवIत परयोजना क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 4 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ( का योग या उ9पादन या सकरण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 5 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भिम [U म अनपचारत बिहाव का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 6 नई आरा िमल क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल क थापना और िवIमान आरा िमल का िवतार अनJात नहK होगा 7 ]ट भ^ क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग खखखखिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलाप 8 होटल और रजॉट` क वािणियक थापना पारिथितक पय(टन याकलाप हत लघ अथायी सरचना क िनमा(ण को छोड़कर सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणियक होटल और रजॉट( क थापना अनJात नहK होगी परत सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क बाहर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पय(टन याकलाप करन या िवIमान याकलाप का िवतार पय(टन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदWश क अनसार अनJात होगी 9 सिनमा(ण याकलाप (क) सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी नय वािणियक सिनमा(ण क अनJा नहK होगी परत थानीय लोग को अपनी आवास स)बधी िनbिलिखत आवयकता को परा करन क िलए परा 6 क उप-परा (1) म सचीब याकलाप सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म भवन उप-िविधय क अनसार सिनमा(ण करन क अनJा होगी -

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (i) िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमा(ण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा का सिनमा(ण और नवीकरण करना (iii) फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा कए गए वगXकरण क अनसार गर- दषणकारी लघ उIोग क थापना (iv) dामीण उIोग सिहत कटीर उIोग सिवधा भeडार और dह-वास सिहत पारिथितक पय(टन म सहायक थानीय सिवधा क fवथा और (v) इस अिधसचना म सचीब बढ़ावा दए गए याकलाप (ख) परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उIोग स सबिधत सिनमा(ण याकलाप लाग िनयम और िविनयम यद कोई ह क अनसार स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम हग (ग) 10 कलोमीटर स आग य आचिलक महायोजना क अनसार िविनयिमत हग 10 गर दषणकारी लघ उIोग फरवरी 2016 म कTीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार गर-दषणकारी उIोग तथा अपरसकटमय लघ और सवा उIोग किष पhप किष बागबानी या किष आधारत उIोग जो पारिथितक सवदी जोन स दशी सामिdय स उ9पाद बनात हlt स[म ािधकारी Vारा अनJात हग 11 व[ क कटाई (क) राय सरकार क स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित क िबना वन भिम या सरकार भिम या राजव भिम या िनजी भिम पर व[ क कटाई क अनJा नहK होगी (ख) व[ क कटाई क Tीय या सबिधत राय क अिधिनयम और उनक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क उपबध क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी 12 फमi कारपोरट कपिनय Vारा बड़ पमान पर वािणियक पशधन सपदा और कjकट फामi क थापना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत हग 13 वन उ9पाद और गर काk वन उ9पाद (एनटीएफपी) का सdह लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 14 िवIत और सचार टॉवर लगान तार-िबछान तथा अय बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 15 नागरक सिवधा सिहत बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा यह fवथा लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ क जाएगी 16 िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना और नई सड़क का िनमा(ण करना य काय( लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ कय जाएग 17 पय(टन स सबिधत अय याकलाप जस क पारिथितक सवदी जोन [U क ऊपर स गम( वाय क गnबार हलीकाटर oोन माइोलाइpस उडाना आद लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 18 पव(तीय ढलान और नदी तट का सर[ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 4: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (2) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा का वणन उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIII क 2प मgt सल ह (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क सरित 6 का मानिच6 उपाबउपाबउपाबउपाबध ध ध ध IIIIIIII कककक----डडडड मgt ह (4) पारिथितक सवदी जोन और सरित 6 क सीमा क भ-िनदशाक क सची rमश उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध III (III (III (III (कककक) ) ) ) और((((खखखख) ) ) ) मgt ह (5) मख aबद क भ-िनदशाक क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल bाम क सची उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV क 2प मgt सल ह 2222 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िलएिलएिलएिलए आचिलकआचिलकआचिलकआचिलक महायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनाndashndashndashndash((((1111) रा~य सरकार पारिथितक सवदी जोन क योजन क िलए राजप6 मgt अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स दो वष क अविध क भीतर थानीय =िय क परामश स और इस अिधसचना मgt दए गए अनबध का पालन करत ए रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी क अनमोदनाथ एक आचिलक महायोजना बनाएगी (2) रा~ य सरकार ारा पारिथितक सवदी जोन क िलए आचिलक महायोजना इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद4 ट रीित स तथा ासिगक कgt ीय और रा~ य िविधय क अन2प तथा कgt ीय सरकार ारा जारी दशा िनदश यद कोई ह क अनसार बनायी जाएगी (3) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पारिथितक और पयावरण सबधी सरोकार को शािमल करन क िलए इस रा~ य सरकार क िनिलिखत िवभाग क परामश स बनाया जाएगा अथात-- (i) पयावरण (ii) वन और व13यजीव (iii) किष (iv) राज व (v) शहरी िवकास (vi) पयटन (vii) bामीण िवकास (viii) aसचाई और बाढ़ िनय6ण (ix) नगरपािलका (x) पचायती राज (xi) लोक िन माण िव भाग (xii) राजमाग (xiii) तिमलनाड रा~य दषण िनय6ण बोड (4) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो आचिलक महायोजना मgt वतमान मgt अनमोदत भ-उपयोग अवसरचना और rयाकलाप पर कोई ितबध नहn लगाया जाएगा तथा आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी अवसरचना^ और rयाकलाप मgt सधार करक उ13ह अिधक द और पारिथितक-अनकल बनान क =वथा क जाएगी (5) आचिलक महायोजना मgt वनरिहत और अवrिमत 6 क सधार िवyमान जल िनकाय क सरण आवाह 6 क बधन जल-सभर क बधन भ-जल क बधन मदा और नमी क सरण थानीय जनता क

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 5 आवltयकता^ तथा पारिथितक एव पयावरण क ऐस अ13य पहल^ क =वथा क जाएगी िजन पर यान दया जाना आवltयक ह (6) आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी िवyमान पजा थल bाम एव शहरी बितय वन क िणय एव क म किष 6 ऊपजाऊ भिम उyान एव उyान क तरह क हरत 6 बागवानी 6 बगीच झील और अ13य जल िनकाय क सीमा का िनधारण कया जाएगा तथा सहायक मानिच6 भी दया जाएगा इस महायोजना मgt िवyमान और तािवत भ- उपयोग क िवशषता^ का 7यौरा दन वाल मानिच6 भी दए जाएग (7) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt होन वाल िवकास का िविनयमन कया जाएगा और सारणी मgt यथासचीबZ ितिषZ एव िविनयिमत rयाकलाप का पालन कया जाएगा इसमgt थानीय जनता क आजीिवका क सरा क िलए पारिथितक-अनकल िवकास का भी सिनय एव सवधन कया जाएगा (8) आचिलक महायोजना 6ीय िवकास योजना क सह-कािलक होगी (9) अनमोदत आचिलक महायोजना िनगरानी सिमित क िलए एक सदभ दतावज होगी ताक वह इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनसार िनगरानी क अपन कत= का िनवहन कर सक 3 रायरायरायराय सरकारसरकारसरकारसरकार $ारा$ारा$ारा$ारा कएकएकएकए जानजानजानजान वालवालवालवाल उपायउपायउपायउपाय---- रा~य सरकार इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए िनिलिखत उपाय करगी अथात-- (1) भभभभ----उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वन बागवानी 6 किष 6 मनोरजन क िलए िचि13हत उyान और खल थान का वहद वािणि~यक या आवासीय परसर या औyोिगक rयाकलाप क िलए योग या सपरवतन अनात नहn कया जाएगा (ख) परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भीतर भाग (क) मgt िविनDद योजन स िभW योजन क िलए किष और अ13य भिम का सपरवतन िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश पर और सम ािधकारी क पव अनमोदन स 6ीय नगर योजना अिधिनयम तथा यथा-लाग क13ीयरा~य सरकार क अ13य िनयम एव िविनयम क अधीन तथा इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनसार थानीय िनवािसय क िनिलिखत आवासीय ज2रत को परा करन क िलए अनात कया जाएगा (i) िवyमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उ13हgt सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमाण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा^ का सिनमाण और नवीकरण (iii) दषण उपW न करन वाल लघ उyोग (iv) कटीर उyोग एव bाम उyोग पारिथितक पयटन मgt सहायक सिवधा भGडार थानीय सिवधाए तथा bह वास और (v) बढ़ावा दए गए और परा-4 मgt उिFलिखत rयाकलाप (ग) परत यह भी क 6ीय शहरी िनयोजन अिधिनयम क अधीन सम ािधकारी क पव अनमोदन क िबना तथा रा~य सरकार क अ13य िनयम एव िविनयम एव सिवधान क अनBछद 244 क उपबध तथा तसमय व िविध िजसक अतगत अनसिचत जनजाित और अ13य परपरागत वन िनवासी (वन अिधकार क मा13यता) अिधिनयम 2006 (2007 का 2) भी आता ह का अनपालन कए िबना वािणि~यक या औyोिगक िवकास rयाकलाप क िलए जनजातीय भिम का योग अनात नहn होगा

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (घ) परत यह भी क पारि थितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली भिम क अिभलख मgt ई कसी 6ट को िनगरानी सिमित क िवचार ा करन क पात रा~य सरकार ारा यक मामल मgt एक बार सधारा जाएगा और उ 6ट को सधारन क सचना कgt ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को दी जाएगी (ड) परत यह भी क उपय 6ट को सधारन मgt इस उप-परा मgt यथा-उपबिधत क िसवाय कसी भी दशा मgt भ-उपयोग का परवतन शािमल नहn होगा (च) अनयM त या अन पादक किष 6 मgt पन वनीकरण तथा पयावास और जव- िविवधता क बहाली क यास कए जाएग (2) ाकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोत- आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी ाकितक जल zोतनदयजलमाग क आवाह 6 क पहचान करक उनक सरण और बहाली क योजना सिq मिलत क जाएगी और रा~ य सरकार ारा करक इस रीित स बनाए जाग क उसमgt इन 6 या इनक आसपास क 6 क िलए हािनकारक िवकास rयाकलाप को ितिषZ कया गया हो (3) पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी नए पारिथितक पयटन rयाकलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार पारिथितक सवदी जोन सqबधी पयटन महायोजना क अनसार अनात होगा (ख) पारिथितक पयटन महायोजना रा~य सरकार क पयावरण और वन िवभाग क परामश स पयटन िवभाग ारा बनायी जाएगी (ग) पयटन महायोजना आचिलक महायोजना का घटक होगी (घ) पारिथितक पयटन सबधी rयाकलाप िनq नानसार िविनयिमत कए जाएग अथात - (i) सरित 6 क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनमgt जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी होटल या रसोट का नया सिWमाण अनात नहn कया जाएगा तथािप पारिथितक पयटन सिवधा^ क िलए सरित 6 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क दरी स पर पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक पव परभािषत और अभीिहत 6 मgt पयटन महायोजना क अनसार नए होटल और रसोट क थापना अनात होगी (ii) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अ13दर सभी नए पयटन rया-कलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा जारी दशािनदश तथा पारिथितक पयटन पर बल दन वाल राीय =ा सरण ािधकरण ारा जारी पारिथितक पयटन सबधी दशािनदश (समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत) क अनसार होगा (iii) आचिलक महायोजना का अनमोदन होन तक पयटन क िवकास और िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप क िवतार को वातिवक थल-िविश सवीा तथा िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश क आधार पर सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण ारा अनात कया जाएगा और पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए होटलरसोट या वािणि~यक ितान का सिWमाण अनात नहn होगा (4) ाकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासत ndashndashndashndash पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल बमFय ाकितक िवरासत क सभी थल जस क जीन पल रजव 6 शल सरचना जल पात झरन दर उपवन गफाए थल वनपथ रोहण माग उपात आद क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt भवन सरचना^ कलाकित-6 तथा ऐितहािसक थापय सबधी सदयामक और साकितक महव क 6 क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी (6) + व+ व+ व+ विन दषणिन दषणिन दषणिन दषणndash तिमलनाड रा~ य सरकार का पयावरण िवभाग या रा~ य दषण िनय6ण बोड पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बन विन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय6ण) िनयम 2000 क उपबध क अनसार पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt विन दषण क िनय6ण सबधी िविनयम को लाग करगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण -- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वाय दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय6ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबध और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम और उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िन सारणिन सारणिन सारणिन सारण- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt उपचारत बिहzाव का िनसारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क अ13तगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िनसारण सबधी साधारण मानक या रा~य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक इनमgt जो भी अिधक कठोर ह क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव ब13धन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथe का िनपटान पारिथितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचि13हत कए गए थान पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (10) जव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 ट- जव िचकसा अपिश4 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt जव िचकसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (11) 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt oलािटक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत oलािटक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (12) िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt िनमाण और िववस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरणवन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िववस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (13) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध मgt आचिलक महायोजना मgt िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम एव िविनयम क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (15) वाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण लाग िविधय क अनसार कया जाएगा वBछतर |धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (16) औोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइया ---- (i) सरकारी राजप6 मgt इस अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख को या उसक बाद पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात नहn होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कgt ीय दषण िनय6ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 मgt जारी दशािनदश मgt कए गए उyोग क वगकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात होगी इसक अितर गर-दषणकारी कटीर उyोग को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलानgtढलानgtढलानgtढलानgt काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण ---- पहाड़ी ढलान का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पहाड़ी ढलान क उन 6 को दशाया जाएगा िजनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (ख) िजन ढलान या िवyमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान मgt अयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (18)(18)(18)(18) क13 सरकार और रा~य सरकार यद आवltयक समझgt तो इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए अ13य उपाय िविनDद करgtगी 4444 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन मममम ितिषAितिषAितिषAितिषA यायायाया िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत कए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वाल BयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgt कककक सचीसचीसचीसची---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी rयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध और तटीय िविनयमन जोन (सीआरजड) अिधसचना 2011 एव पयावरणीय भाव आकलन (ईआईए) अिधसचना 2006 सिहत उसक अधीन बन िनयम और वन (सरण) अिधिनयम 1980 (1980 का 69) भारतीय वन अिधिनयम 1927 (1927 का 16) व13यजीव (सरण) अिधिनयम 1972 (1972 का 53) सिहत अ13य लाग िनयम तथा उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार शािसत हग और नीच दी गई सारणी मgt िविनDद रीित स िविनयिमत हग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी म स याकलाप टपणी (1) (2) (3) क ितिष याकलाप 1 वािणियक खनन (क) थानीय िनवािसय क वातिवक घरल आवयकता क प$त क िलए कए जान वाल याकलाप िजनम घर क िनमा(ण या मर)मत और मकान बनान एव अय याकलाप क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वत(मान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) प9थर खोदन एव तोड़न वाली ईकाइया त9काल भाव स िनिष क जाती हlt (ख) खनन याकलाप टीएन गोदावम(न िथgtमलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अगत 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उCतम यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 दषण (जल वाय मदा Fविन आद) उ9पH करन वाल उIोग क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म कोई नया उIोग लगान और वत(मान दषणकारी उIोग का िवतार करन क अनJा नहK होगी जब तक क इस अिधसचना म िविनMदN न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन म फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी दशािनदWश म कए गए उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर- दषणकारी उIोग क थापना होगी इसक अितरY गर-दषणकारी कटीर उIोग को ो9साहन दया जाएगा 3 बड़ी ताप एव जल िवIत परयोजना क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 4 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ( का योग या उ9पादन या सकरण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 5 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भिम [U म अनपचारत बिहाव का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 6 नई आरा िमल क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल क थापना और िवIमान आरा िमल का िवतार अनJात नहK होगा 7 ]ट भ^ क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग खखखखिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलाप 8 होटल और रजॉट` क वािणियक थापना पारिथितक पय(टन याकलाप हत लघ अथायी सरचना क िनमा(ण को छोड़कर सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणियक होटल और रजॉट( क थापना अनJात नहK होगी परत सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क बाहर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पय(टन याकलाप करन या िवIमान याकलाप का िवतार पय(टन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदWश क अनसार अनJात होगी 9 सिनमा(ण याकलाप (क) सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी नय वािणियक सिनमा(ण क अनJा नहK होगी परत थानीय लोग को अपनी आवास स)बधी िनbिलिखत आवयकता को परा करन क िलए परा 6 क उप-परा (1) म सचीब याकलाप सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म भवन उप-िविधय क अनसार सिनमा(ण करन क अनJा होगी -

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (i) िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमा(ण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा का सिनमा(ण और नवीकरण करना (iii) फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा कए गए वगXकरण क अनसार गर- दषणकारी लघ उIोग क थापना (iv) dामीण उIोग सिहत कटीर उIोग सिवधा भeडार और dह-वास सिहत पारिथितक पय(टन म सहायक थानीय सिवधा क fवथा और (v) इस अिधसचना म सचीब बढ़ावा दए गए याकलाप (ख) परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उIोग स सबिधत सिनमा(ण याकलाप लाग िनयम और िविनयम यद कोई ह क अनसार स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम हग (ग) 10 कलोमीटर स आग य आचिलक महायोजना क अनसार िविनयिमत हग 10 गर दषणकारी लघ उIोग फरवरी 2016 म कTीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार गर-दषणकारी उIोग तथा अपरसकटमय लघ और सवा उIोग किष पhप किष बागबानी या किष आधारत उIोग जो पारिथितक सवदी जोन स दशी सामिdय स उ9पाद बनात हlt स[म ािधकारी Vारा अनJात हग 11 व[ क कटाई (क) राय सरकार क स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित क िबना वन भिम या सरकार भिम या राजव भिम या िनजी भिम पर व[ क कटाई क अनJा नहK होगी (ख) व[ क कटाई क Tीय या सबिधत राय क अिधिनयम और उनक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क उपबध क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी 12 फमi कारपोरट कपिनय Vारा बड़ पमान पर वािणियक पशधन सपदा और कjकट फामi क थापना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत हग 13 वन उ9पाद और गर काk वन उ9पाद (एनटीएफपी) का सdह लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 14 िवIत और सचार टॉवर लगान तार-िबछान तथा अय बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 15 नागरक सिवधा सिहत बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा यह fवथा लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ क जाएगी 16 िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना और नई सड़क का िनमा(ण करना य काय( लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ कय जाएग 17 पय(टन स सबिधत अय याकलाप जस क पारिथितक सवदी जोन [U क ऊपर स गम( वाय क गnबार हलीकाटर oोन माइोलाइpस उडाना आद लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 18 पव(तीय ढलान और नदी तट का सर[ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 5: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 5 आवltयकता^ तथा पारिथितक एव पयावरण क ऐस अ13य पहल^ क =वथा क जाएगी िजन पर यान दया जाना आवltयक ह (6) आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी िवyमान पजा थल bाम एव शहरी बितय वन क िणय एव क म किष 6 ऊपजाऊ भिम उyान एव उyान क तरह क हरत 6 बागवानी 6 बगीच झील और अ13य जल िनकाय क सीमा का िनधारण कया जाएगा तथा सहायक मानिच6 भी दया जाएगा इस महायोजना मgt िवyमान और तािवत भ- उपयोग क िवशषता^ का 7यौरा दन वाल मानिच6 भी दए जाएग (7) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt होन वाल िवकास का िविनयमन कया जाएगा और सारणी मgt यथासचीबZ ितिषZ एव िविनयिमत rयाकलाप का पालन कया जाएगा इसमgt थानीय जनता क आजीिवका क सरा क िलए पारिथितक-अनकल िवकास का भी सिनय एव सवधन कया जाएगा (8) आचिलक महायोजना 6ीय िवकास योजना क सह-कािलक होगी (9) अनमोदत आचिलक महायोजना िनगरानी सिमित क िलए एक सदभ दतावज होगी ताक वह इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनसार िनगरानी क अपन कत= का िनवहन कर सक 3 रायरायरायराय सरकारसरकारसरकारसरकार $ारा$ारा$ारा$ारा कएकएकएकए जानजानजानजान वालवालवालवाल उपायउपायउपायउपाय---- रा~य सरकार इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए िनिलिखत उपाय करगी अथात-- (1) भभभभ----उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वन बागवानी 6 किष 6 मनोरजन क िलए िचि13हत उyान और खल थान का वहद वािणि~यक या आवासीय परसर या औyोिगक rयाकलाप क िलए योग या सपरवतन अनात नहn कया जाएगा (ख) परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भीतर भाग (क) मgt िविनDद योजन स िभW योजन क िलए किष और अ13य भिम का सपरवतन िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश पर और सम ािधकारी क पव अनमोदन स 6ीय नगर योजना अिधिनयम तथा यथा-लाग क13ीयरा~य सरकार क अ13य िनयम एव िविनयम क अधीन तथा इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनसार थानीय िनवािसय क िनिलिखत आवासीय ज2रत को परा करन क िलए अनात कया जाएगा (i) िवyमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उ13हgt सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमाण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा^ का सिनमाण और नवीकरण (iii) दषण उपW न करन वाल लघ उyोग (iv) कटीर उyोग एव bाम उyोग पारिथितक पयटन मgt सहायक सिवधा भGडार थानीय सिवधाए तथा bह वास और (v) बढ़ावा दए गए और परा-4 मgt उिFलिखत rयाकलाप (ग) परत यह भी क 6ीय शहरी िनयोजन अिधिनयम क अधीन सम ािधकारी क पव अनमोदन क िबना तथा रा~य सरकार क अ13य िनयम एव िविनयम एव सिवधान क अनBछद 244 क उपबध तथा तसमय व िविध िजसक अतगत अनसिचत जनजाित और अ13य परपरागत वन िनवासी (वन अिधकार क मा13यता) अिधिनयम 2006 (2007 का 2) भी आता ह का अनपालन कए िबना वािणि~यक या औyोिगक िवकास rयाकलाप क िलए जनजातीय भिम का योग अनात नहn होगा

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (घ) परत यह भी क पारि थितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली भिम क अिभलख मgt ई कसी 6ट को िनगरानी सिमित क िवचार ा करन क पात रा~य सरकार ारा यक मामल मgt एक बार सधारा जाएगा और उ 6ट को सधारन क सचना कgt ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को दी जाएगी (ड) परत यह भी क उपय 6ट को सधारन मgt इस उप-परा मgt यथा-उपबिधत क िसवाय कसी भी दशा मgt भ-उपयोग का परवतन शािमल नहn होगा (च) अनयM त या अन पादक किष 6 मgt पन वनीकरण तथा पयावास और जव- िविवधता क बहाली क यास कए जाएग (2) ाकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोत- आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी ाकितक जल zोतनदयजलमाग क आवाह 6 क पहचान करक उनक सरण और बहाली क योजना सिq मिलत क जाएगी और रा~ य सरकार ारा करक इस रीित स बनाए जाग क उसमgt इन 6 या इनक आसपास क 6 क िलए हािनकारक िवकास rयाकलाप को ितिषZ कया गया हो (3) पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी नए पारिथितक पयटन rयाकलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार पारिथितक सवदी जोन सqबधी पयटन महायोजना क अनसार अनात होगा (ख) पारिथितक पयटन महायोजना रा~य सरकार क पयावरण और वन िवभाग क परामश स पयटन िवभाग ारा बनायी जाएगी (ग) पयटन महायोजना आचिलक महायोजना का घटक होगी (घ) पारिथितक पयटन सबधी rयाकलाप िनq नानसार िविनयिमत कए जाएग अथात - (i) सरित 6 क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनमgt जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी होटल या रसोट का नया सिWमाण अनात नहn कया जाएगा तथािप पारिथितक पयटन सिवधा^ क िलए सरित 6 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क दरी स पर पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक पव परभािषत और अभीिहत 6 मgt पयटन महायोजना क अनसार नए होटल और रसोट क थापना अनात होगी (ii) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अ13दर सभी नए पयटन rया-कलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा जारी दशािनदश तथा पारिथितक पयटन पर बल दन वाल राीय =ा सरण ािधकरण ारा जारी पारिथितक पयटन सबधी दशािनदश (समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत) क अनसार होगा (iii) आचिलक महायोजना का अनमोदन होन तक पयटन क िवकास और िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप क िवतार को वातिवक थल-िविश सवीा तथा िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश क आधार पर सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण ारा अनात कया जाएगा और पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए होटलरसोट या वािणि~यक ितान का सिWमाण अनात नहn होगा (4) ाकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासत ndashndashndashndash पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल बमFय ाकितक िवरासत क सभी थल जस क जीन पल रजव 6 शल सरचना जल पात झरन दर उपवन गफाए थल वनपथ रोहण माग उपात आद क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt भवन सरचना^ कलाकित-6 तथा ऐितहािसक थापय सबधी सदयामक और साकितक महव क 6 क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी (6) + व+ व+ व+ विन दषणिन दषणिन दषणिन दषणndash तिमलनाड रा~ य सरकार का पयावरण िवभाग या रा~ य दषण िनय6ण बोड पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बन विन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय6ण) िनयम 2000 क उपबध क अनसार पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt विन दषण क िनय6ण सबधी िविनयम को लाग करगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण -- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वाय दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय6ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबध और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम और उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िन सारणिन सारणिन सारणिन सारण- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt उपचारत बिहzाव का िनसारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क अ13तगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िनसारण सबधी साधारण मानक या रा~य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक इनमgt जो भी अिधक कठोर ह क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव ब13धन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथe का िनपटान पारिथितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचि13हत कए गए थान पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (10) जव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 ट- जव िचकसा अपिश4 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt जव िचकसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (11) 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt oलािटक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत oलािटक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (12) िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt िनमाण और िववस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरणवन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िववस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (13) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध मgt आचिलक महायोजना मgt िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम एव िविनयम क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (15) वाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण लाग िविधय क अनसार कया जाएगा वBछतर |धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (16) औोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइया ---- (i) सरकारी राजप6 मgt इस अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख को या उसक बाद पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात नहn होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कgt ीय दषण िनय6ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 मgt जारी दशािनदश मgt कए गए उyोग क वगकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात होगी इसक अितर गर-दषणकारी कटीर उyोग को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलानgtढलानgtढलानgtढलानgt काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण ---- पहाड़ी ढलान का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पहाड़ी ढलान क उन 6 को दशाया जाएगा िजनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (ख) िजन ढलान या िवyमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान मgt अयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (18)(18)(18)(18) क13 सरकार और रा~य सरकार यद आवltयक समझgt तो इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए अ13य उपाय िविनDद करgtगी 4444 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन मममम ितिषAितिषAितिषAितिषA यायायाया िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत कए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वाल BयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgt कककक सचीसचीसचीसची---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी rयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध और तटीय िविनयमन जोन (सीआरजड) अिधसचना 2011 एव पयावरणीय भाव आकलन (ईआईए) अिधसचना 2006 सिहत उसक अधीन बन िनयम और वन (सरण) अिधिनयम 1980 (1980 का 69) भारतीय वन अिधिनयम 1927 (1927 का 16) व13यजीव (सरण) अिधिनयम 1972 (1972 का 53) सिहत अ13य लाग िनयम तथा उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार शािसत हग और नीच दी गई सारणी मgt िविनDद रीित स िविनयिमत हग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी म स याकलाप टपणी (1) (2) (3) क ितिष याकलाप 1 वािणियक खनन (क) थानीय िनवािसय क वातिवक घरल आवयकता क प$त क िलए कए जान वाल याकलाप िजनम घर क िनमा(ण या मर)मत और मकान बनान एव अय याकलाप क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वत(मान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) प9थर खोदन एव तोड़न वाली ईकाइया त9काल भाव स िनिष क जाती हlt (ख) खनन याकलाप टीएन गोदावम(न िथgtमलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अगत 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उCतम यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 दषण (जल वाय मदा Fविन आद) उ9पH करन वाल उIोग क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म कोई नया उIोग लगान और वत(मान दषणकारी उIोग का िवतार करन क अनJा नहK होगी जब तक क इस अिधसचना म िविनMदN न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन म फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी दशािनदWश म कए गए उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर- दषणकारी उIोग क थापना होगी इसक अितरY गर-दषणकारी कटीर उIोग को ो9साहन दया जाएगा 3 बड़ी ताप एव जल िवIत परयोजना क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 4 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ( का योग या उ9पादन या सकरण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 5 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भिम [U म अनपचारत बिहाव का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 6 नई आरा िमल क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल क थापना और िवIमान आरा िमल का िवतार अनJात नहK होगा 7 ]ट भ^ क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग खखखखिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलाप 8 होटल और रजॉट` क वािणियक थापना पारिथितक पय(टन याकलाप हत लघ अथायी सरचना क िनमा(ण को छोड़कर सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणियक होटल और रजॉट( क थापना अनJात नहK होगी परत सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क बाहर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पय(टन याकलाप करन या िवIमान याकलाप का िवतार पय(टन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदWश क अनसार अनJात होगी 9 सिनमा(ण याकलाप (क) सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी नय वािणियक सिनमा(ण क अनJा नहK होगी परत थानीय लोग को अपनी आवास स)बधी िनbिलिखत आवयकता को परा करन क िलए परा 6 क उप-परा (1) म सचीब याकलाप सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म भवन उप-िविधय क अनसार सिनमा(ण करन क अनJा होगी -

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (i) िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमा(ण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा का सिनमा(ण और नवीकरण करना (iii) फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा कए गए वगXकरण क अनसार गर- दषणकारी लघ उIोग क थापना (iv) dामीण उIोग सिहत कटीर उIोग सिवधा भeडार और dह-वास सिहत पारिथितक पय(टन म सहायक थानीय सिवधा क fवथा और (v) इस अिधसचना म सचीब बढ़ावा दए गए याकलाप (ख) परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उIोग स सबिधत सिनमा(ण याकलाप लाग िनयम और िविनयम यद कोई ह क अनसार स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम हग (ग) 10 कलोमीटर स आग य आचिलक महायोजना क अनसार िविनयिमत हग 10 गर दषणकारी लघ उIोग फरवरी 2016 म कTीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार गर-दषणकारी उIोग तथा अपरसकटमय लघ और सवा उIोग किष पhप किष बागबानी या किष आधारत उIोग जो पारिथितक सवदी जोन स दशी सामिdय स उ9पाद बनात हlt स[म ािधकारी Vारा अनJात हग 11 व[ क कटाई (क) राय सरकार क स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित क िबना वन भिम या सरकार भिम या राजव भिम या िनजी भिम पर व[ क कटाई क अनJा नहK होगी (ख) व[ क कटाई क Tीय या सबिधत राय क अिधिनयम और उनक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क उपबध क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी 12 फमi कारपोरट कपिनय Vारा बड़ पमान पर वािणियक पशधन सपदा और कjकट फामi क थापना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत हग 13 वन उ9पाद और गर काk वन उ9पाद (एनटीएफपी) का सdह लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 14 िवIत और सचार टॉवर लगान तार-िबछान तथा अय बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 15 नागरक सिवधा सिहत बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा यह fवथा लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ क जाएगी 16 िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना और नई सड़क का िनमा(ण करना य काय( लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ कय जाएग 17 पय(टन स सबिधत अय याकलाप जस क पारिथितक सवदी जोन [U क ऊपर स गम( वाय क गnबार हलीकाटर oोन माइोलाइpस उडाना आद लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 18 पव(तीय ढलान और नदी तट का सर[ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 6: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (घ) परत यह भी क पारि थितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली भिम क अिभलख मgt ई कसी 6ट को िनगरानी सिमित क िवचार ा करन क पात रा~य सरकार ारा यक मामल मgt एक बार सधारा जाएगा और उ 6ट को सधारन क सचना कgt ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को दी जाएगी (ड) परत यह भी क उपय 6ट को सधारन मgt इस उप-परा मgt यथा-उपबिधत क िसवाय कसी भी दशा मgt भ-उपयोग का परवतन शािमल नहn होगा (च) अनयM त या अन पादक किष 6 मgt पन वनीकरण तथा पयावास और जव- िविवधता क बहाली क यास कए जाएग (2) ाकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोत- आचिलक महायोजना मgt सभी ाकितक जल zोतनदयजलमाग क आवाह 6 क पहचान करक उनक सरण और बहाली क योजना सिq मिलत क जाएगी और रा~ य सरकार ारा करक इस रीित स बनाए जाग क उसमgt इन 6 या इनक आसपास क 6 क िलए हािनकारक िवकास rयाकलाप को ितिषZ कया गया हो (3) पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन पयटनपारि थितक पयटन ndashndashndashndash (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी नए पारिथितक पयटन rयाकलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार पारिथितक सवदी जोन सqबधी पयटन महायोजना क अनसार अनात होगा (ख) पारिथितक पयटन महायोजना रा~य सरकार क पयावरण और वन िवभाग क परामश स पयटन िवभाग ारा बनायी जाएगी (ग) पयटन महायोजना आचिलक महायोजना का घटक होगी (घ) पारिथितक पयटन सबधी rयाकलाप िनq नानसार िविनयिमत कए जाएग अथात - (i) सरित 6 क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनमgt जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी होटल या रसोट का नया सिWमाण अनात नहn कया जाएगा तथािप पारिथितक पयटन सिवधा^ क िलए सरित 6 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क दरी स पर पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक पव परभािषत और अभीिहत 6 मgt पयटन महायोजना क अनसार नए होटल और रसोट क थापना अनात होगी (ii) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अ13दर सभी नए पयटन rया-कलाप या िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप का िवतार क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा जारी दशािनदश तथा पारिथितक पयटन पर बल दन वाल राीय =ा सरण ािधकरण ारा जारी पारिथितक पयटन सबधी दशािनदश (समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत) क अनसार होगा (iii) आचिलक महायोजना का अनमोदन होन तक पयटन क िवकास और िवyमान पयटन rयाकलाप क िवतार को वातिवक थल-िविश सवीा तथा िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश क आधार पर सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण ारा अनात कया जाएगा और पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए होटलरसोट या वािणि~यक ितान का सिWमाण अनात नहn होगा (4) ाकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासत ndashndashndashndash पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल बमFय ाकितक िवरासत क सभी थल जस क जीन पल रजव 6 शल सरचना जल पात झरन दर उपवन गफाए थल वनपथ रोहण माग उपात आद क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt भवन सरचना^ कलाकित-6 तथा ऐितहािसक थापय सबधी सदयामक और साकितक महव क 6 क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी (6) + व+ व+ व+ विन दषणिन दषणिन दषणिन दषणndash तिमलनाड रा~ य सरकार का पयावरण िवभाग या रा~ य दषण िनय6ण बोड पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बन विन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय6ण) िनयम 2000 क उपबध क अनसार पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt विन दषण क िनय6ण सबधी िविनयम को लाग करगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण -- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वाय दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय6ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबध और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम और उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िन सारणिन सारणिन सारणिन सारण- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt उपचारत बिहzाव का िनसारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क अ13तगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िनसारण सबधी साधारण मानक या रा~य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक इनमgt जो भी अिधक कठोर ह क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव ब13धन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथe का िनपटान पारिथितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचि13हत कए गए थान पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (10) जव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 ट- जव िचकसा अपिश4 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt जव िचकसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (11) 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt oलािटक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत oलािटक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (12) िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt िनमाण और िववस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरणवन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िववस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (13) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध मgt आचिलक महायोजना मgt िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम एव िविनयम क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (15) वाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण लाग िविधय क अनसार कया जाएगा वBछतर |धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (16) औोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइया ---- (i) सरकारी राजप6 मgt इस अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख को या उसक बाद पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात नहn होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कgt ीय दषण िनय6ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 मgt जारी दशािनदश मgt कए गए उyोग क वगकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात होगी इसक अितर गर-दषणकारी कटीर उyोग को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलानgtढलानgtढलानgtढलानgt काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण ---- पहाड़ी ढलान का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पहाड़ी ढलान क उन 6 को दशाया जाएगा िजनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (ख) िजन ढलान या िवyमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान मgt अयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (18)(18)(18)(18) क13 सरकार और रा~य सरकार यद आवltयक समझgt तो इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए अ13य उपाय िविनDद करgtगी 4444 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन मममम ितिषAितिषAितिषAितिषA यायायाया िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत कए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वाल BयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgt कककक सचीसचीसचीसची---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी rयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध और तटीय िविनयमन जोन (सीआरजड) अिधसचना 2011 एव पयावरणीय भाव आकलन (ईआईए) अिधसचना 2006 सिहत उसक अधीन बन िनयम और वन (सरण) अिधिनयम 1980 (1980 का 69) भारतीय वन अिधिनयम 1927 (1927 का 16) व13यजीव (सरण) अिधिनयम 1972 (1972 का 53) सिहत अ13य लाग िनयम तथा उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार शािसत हग और नीच दी गई सारणी मgt िविनDद रीित स िविनयिमत हग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी म स याकलाप टपणी (1) (2) (3) क ितिष याकलाप 1 वािणियक खनन (क) थानीय िनवािसय क वातिवक घरल आवयकता क प$त क िलए कए जान वाल याकलाप िजनम घर क िनमा(ण या मर)मत और मकान बनान एव अय याकलाप क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वत(मान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) प9थर खोदन एव तोड़न वाली ईकाइया त9काल भाव स िनिष क जाती हlt (ख) खनन याकलाप टीएन गोदावम(न िथgtमलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अगत 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उCतम यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 दषण (जल वाय मदा Fविन आद) उ9पH करन वाल उIोग क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म कोई नया उIोग लगान और वत(मान दषणकारी उIोग का िवतार करन क अनJा नहK होगी जब तक क इस अिधसचना म िविनMदN न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन म फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी दशािनदWश म कए गए उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर- दषणकारी उIोग क थापना होगी इसक अितरY गर-दषणकारी कटीर उIोग को ो9साहन दया जाएगा 3 बड़ी ताप एव जल िवIत परयोजना क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 4 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ( का योग या उ9पादन या सकरण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 5 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भिम [U म अनपचारत बिहाव का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 6 नई आरा िमल क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल क थापना और िवIमान आरा िमल का िवतार अनJात नहK होगा 7 ]ट भ^ क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग खखखखिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलाप 8 होटल और रजॉट` क वािणियक थापना पारिथितक पय(टन याकलाप हत लघ अथायी सरचना क िनमा(ण को छोड़कर सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणियक होटल और रजॉट( क थापना अनJात नहK होगी परत सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क बाहर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पय(टन याकलाप करन या िवIमान याकलाप का िवतार पय(टन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदWश क अनसार अनJात होगी 9 सिनमा(ण याकलाप (क) सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी नय वािणियक सिनमा(ण क अनJा नहK होगी परत थानीय लोग को अपनी आवास स)बधी िनbिलिखत आवयकता को परा करन क िलए परा 6 क उप-परा (1) म सचीब याकलाप सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म भवन उप-िविधय क अनसार सिनमा(ण करन क अनJा होगी -

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (i) िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमा(ण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा का सिनमा(ण और नवीकरण करना (iii) फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा कए गए वगXकरण क अनसार गर- दषणकारी लघ उIोग क थापना (iv) dामीण उIोग सिहत कटीर उIोग सिवधा भeडार और dह-वास सिहत पारिथितक पय(टन म सहायक थानीय सिवधा क fवथा और (v) इस अिधसचना म सचीब बढ़ावा दए गए याकलाप (ख) परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उIोग स सबिधत सिनमा(ण याकलाप लाग िनयम और िविनयम यद कोई ह क अनसार स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम हग (ग) 10 कलोमीटर स आग य आचिलक महायोजना क अनसार िविनयिमत हग 10 गर दषणकारी लघ उIोग फरवरी 2016 म कTीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार गर-दषणकारी उIोग तथा अपरसकटमय लघ और सवा उIोग किष पhप किष बागबानी या किष आधारत उIोग जो पारिथितक सवदी जोन स दशी सामिdय स उ9पाद बनात हlt स[म ािधकारी Vारा अनJात हग 11 व[ क कटाई (क) राय सरकार क स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित क िबना वन भिम या सरकार भिम या राजव भिम या िनजी भिम पर व[ क कटाई क अनJा नहK होगी (ख) व[ क कटाई क Tीय या सबिधत राय क अिधिनयम और उनक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क उपबध क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी 12 फमi कारपोरट कपिनय Vारा बड़ पमान पर वािणियक पशधन सपदा और कjकट फामi क थापना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत हग 13 वन उ9पाद और गर काk वन उ9पाद (एनटीएफपी) का सdह लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 14 िवIत और सचार टॉवर लगान तार-िबछान तथा अय बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 15 नागरक सिवधा सिहत बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा यह fवथा लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ क जाएगी 16 िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना और नई सड़क का िनमा(ण करना य काय( लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ कय जाएग 17 पय(टन स सबिधत अय याकलाप जस क पारिथितक सवदी जोन [U क ऊपर स गम( वाय क गnबार हलीकाटर oोन माइोलाइpस उडाना आद लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 18 पव(तीय ढलान और नदी तट का सर[ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 7: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt भवन सरचना^ कलाकित-6 तथा ऐितहािसक थापय सबधी सदयामक और साकितक महव क 6 क पहचान क जाएगी और उनक सरण क िलए आचिलक महायोजना क भाग क 2प मgt एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी (6) + व+ व+ व+ विन दषणिन दषणिन दषणिन दषणndash तिमलनाड रा~ य सरकार का पयावरण िवभाग या रा~ य दषण िनय6ण बोड पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बन विन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय6ण) िनयम 2000 क उपबध क अनसार पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt विन दषण क िनय6ण सबधी िविनयम को लाग करगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण -- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt वाय दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय6ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबध और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम और उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िन सारणिन सारणिन सारणिन सारण- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt उपचारत बिहzाव का िनसारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क अ13तगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िनसारण सबधी साधारण मानक या रा~य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक इनमgt जो भी अिधक कठोर ह क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव ब13धन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथe का िनपटान पारिथितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचि13हत कए गए थान पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (10) जव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 टजव िचक5सा अपिश6 ट- जव िचकसा अपिश4 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt जव िचकसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (ख) पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt मा13य ौyोिगकय का योग करत ए िवyमान िनयम और िविनयम क अन2प ठोस अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनात कया जाएगा (11) 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन 7लाि टक अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt oलािटक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत oलािटक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (12) िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन िनमाण और िव+वस अपिश2 का बधन ---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt िनमाण और िववस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरणवन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय क समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िववस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (13) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध मgt आचिलक महायोजना मgt िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम एव िविनयम क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (15) वाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण लाग िविधय क अनसार कया जाएगा वBछतर |धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (16) औोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइया ---- (i) सरकारी राजप6 मgt इस अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख को या उसक बाद पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात नहn होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कgt ीय दषण िनय6ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 मgt जारी दशािनदश मgt कए गए उyोग क वगकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात होगी इसक अितर गर-दषणकारी कटीर उyोग को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलानgtढलानgtढलानgtढलानgt काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण ---- पहाड़ी ढलान का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पहाड़ी ढलान क उन 6 को दशाया जाएगा िजनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (ख) िजन ढलान या िवyमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान मgt अयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (18)(18)(18)(18) क13 सरकार और रा~य सरकार यद आवltयक समझgt तो इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए अ13य उपाय िविनDद करgtगी 4444 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन मममम ितिषAितिषAितिषAितिषA यायायाया िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत कए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वाल BयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgt कककक सचीसचीसचीसची---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी rयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध और तटीय िविनयमन जोन (सीआरजड) अिधसचना 2011 एव पयावरणीय भाव आकलन (ईआईए) अिधसचना 2006 सिहत उसक अधीन बन िनयम और वन (सरण) अिधिनयम 1980 (1980 का 69) भारतीय वन अिधिनयम 1927 (1927 का 16) व13यजीव (सरण) अिधिनयम 1972 (1972 का 53) सिहत अ13य लाग िनयम तथा उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार शािसत हग और नीच दी गई सारणी मgt िविनDद रीित स िविनयिमत हग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी म स याकलाप टपणी (1) (2) (3) क ितिष याकलाप 1 वािणियक खनन (क) थानीय िनवािसय क वातिवक घरल आवयकता क प$त क िलए कए जान वाल याकलाप िजनम घर क िनमा(ण या मर)मत और मकान बनान एव अय याकलाप क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वत(मान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) प9थर खोदन एव तोड़न वाली ईकाइया त9काल भाव स िनिष क जाती हlt (ख) खनन याकलाप टीएन गोदावम(न िथgtमलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अगत 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उCतम यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 दषण (जल वाय मदा Fविन आद) उ9पH करन वाल उIोग क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म कोई नया उIोग लगान और वत(मान दषणकारी उIोग का िवतार करन क अनJा नहK होगी जब तक क इस अिधसचना म िविनMदN न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन म फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी दशािनदWश म कए गए उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर- दषणकारी उIोग क थापना होगी इसक अितरY गर-दषणकारी कटीर उIोग को ो9साहन दया जाएगा 3 बड़ी ताप एव जल िवIत परयोजना क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 4 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ( का योग या उ9पादन या सकरण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 5 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भिम [U म अनपचारत बिहाव का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 6 नई आरा िमल क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल क थापना और िवIमान आरा िमल का िवतार अनJात नहK होगा 7 ]ट भ^ क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग खखखखिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलाप 8 होटल और रजॉट` क वािणियक थापना पारिथितक पय(टन याकलाप हत लघ अथायी सरचना क िनमा(ण को छोड़कर सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणियक होटल और रजॉट( क थापना अनJात नहK होगी परत सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क बाहर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पय(टन याकलाप करन या िवIमान याकलाप का िवतार पय(टन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदWश क अनसार अनJात होगी 9 सिनमा(ण याकलाप (क) सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी नय वािणियक सिनमा(ण क अनJा नहK होगी परत थानीय लोग को अपनी आवास स)बधी िनbिलिखत आवयकता को परा करन क िलए परा 6 क उप-परा (1) म सचीब याकलाप सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म भवन उप-िविधय क अनसार सिनमा(ण करन क अनJा होगी -

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (i) िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमा(ण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा का सिनमा(ण और नवीकरण करना (iii) फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा कए गए वगXकरण क अनसार गर- दषणकारी लघ उIोग क थापना (iv) dामीण उIोग सिहत कटीर उIोग सिवधा भeडार और dह-वास सिहत पारिथितक पय(टन म सहायक थानीय सिवधा क fवथा और (v) इस अिधसचना म सचीब बढ़ावा दए गए याकलाप (ख) परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उIोग स सबिधत सिनमा(ण याकलाप लाग िनयम और िविनयम यद कोई ह क अनसार स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम हग (ग) 10 कलोमीटर स आग य आचिलक महायोजना क अनसार िविनयिमत हग 10 गर दषणकारी लघ उIोग फरवरी 2016 म कTीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार गर-दषणकारी उIोग तथा अपरसकटमय लघ और सवा उIोग किष पhप किष बागबानी या किष आधारत उIोग जो पारिथितक सवदी जोन स दशी सामिdय स उ9पाद बनात हlt स[म ािधकारी Vारा अनJात हग 11 व[ क कटाई (क) राय सरकार क स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित क िबना वन भिम या सरकार भिम या राजव भिम या िनजी भिम पर व[ क कटाई क अनJा नहK होगी (ख) व[ क कटाई क Tीय या सबिधत राय क अिधिनयम और उनक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क उपबध क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी 12 फमi कारपोरट कपिनय Vारा बड़ पमान पर वािणियक पशधन सपदा और कjकट फामi क थापना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत हग 13 वन उ9पाद और गर काk वन उ9पाद (एनटीएफपी) का सdह लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 14 िवIत और सचार टॉवर लगान तार-िबछान तथा अय बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 15 नागरक सिवधा सिहत बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा यह fवथा लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ क जाएगी 16 िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना और नई सड़क का िनमा(ण करना य काय( लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ कय जाएग 17 पय(टन स सबिधत अय याकलाप जस क पारिथितक सवदी जोन [U क ऊपर स गम( वाय क गnबार हलीकाटर oोन माइोलाइpस उडाना आद लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 18 पव(तीय ढलान और नदी तट का सर[ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 8: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िववस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (13) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश2अपिश2अपिश2अपिश2---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय-समय पर यथा-सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध मgt आचिलक महायोजना मgt िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा~य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम एव िविनयम क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (15) वाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनतवाहन जिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय6ण लाग िविधय क अनसार कया जाएगा वBछतर |धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (16) औोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइयाऔोिगक ईकाइया ---- (i) सरकारी राजप6 मgt इस अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख को या उसक बाद पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कसी नए दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात नहn होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना मgt िविनDद न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt कgt ीय दषण िनय6ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 मgt जारी दशािनदश मgt कए गए उyोग क वगकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उyोग क थापना अनात होगी इसक अितर गर-दषणकारी कटीर उyोग को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलानgtढलानgtढलानgtढलानgt काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण ---- पहाड़ी ढलान का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना मgt पहाड़ी ढलान क उन 6 को दशाया जाएगा िजनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (ख) िजन ढलान या िवyमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान मgt अयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनमgt कसी भी सिनमाण क अना नहn होगी (18)(18)(18)(18) क13 सरकार और रा~य सरकार यद आवltयक समझgt तो इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए अ13य उपाय िविनDद करgtगी 4444 पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन मममम ितिषAितिषAितिषAितिषA यायायाया िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत कए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वालकए जान वाल BयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgtBयाकलापgt कककक सचीसचीसचीसची---- पारिथितक सवदी जोन मgt सभी rयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध और तटीय िविनयमन जोन (सीआरजड) अिधसचना 2011 एव पयावरणीय भाव आकलन (ईआईए) अिधसचना 2006 सिहत उसक अधीन बन िनयम और वन (सरण) अिधिनयम 1980 (1980 का 69) भारतीय वन अिधिनयम 1927 (1927 का 16) व13यजीव (सरण) अिधिनयम 1972 (1972 का 53) सिहत अ13य लाग िनयम तथा उनमgt कए गए सशोधन क अनसार शािसत हग और नीच दी गई सारणी मgt िविनDद रीित स िविनयिमत हग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी म स याकलाप टपणी (1) (2) (3) क ितिष याकलाप 1 वािणियक खनन (क) थानीय िनवािसय क वातिवक घरल आवयकता क प$त क िलए कए जान वाल याकलाप िजनम घर क िनमा(ण या मर)मत और मकान बनान एव अय याकलाप क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वत(मान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) प9थर खोदन एव तोड़न वाली ईकाइया त9काल भाव स िनिष क जाती हlt (ख) खनन याकलाप टीएन गोदावम(न िथgtमलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अगत 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उCतम यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 दषण (जल वाय मदा Fविन आद) उ9पH करन वाल उIोग क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म कोई नया उIोग लगान और वत(मान दषणकारी उIोग का िवतार करन क अनJा नहK होगी जब तक क इस अिधसचना म िविनMदN न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन म फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी दशािनदWश म कए गए उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर- दषणकारी उIोग क थापना होगी इसक अितरY गर-दषणकारी कटीर उIोग को ो9साहन दया जाएगा 3 बड़ी ताप एव जल िवIत परयोजना क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 4 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ( का योग या उ9पादन या सकरण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 5 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भिम [U म अनपचारत बिहाव का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 6 नई आरा िमल क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल क थापना और िवIमान आरा िमल का िवतार अनJात नहK होगा 7 ]ट भ^ क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग खखखखिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलाप 8 होटल और रजॉट` क वािणियक थापना पारिथितक पय(टन याकलाप हत लघ अथायी सरचना क िनमा(ण को छोड़कर सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणियक होटल और रजॉट( क थापना अनJात नहK होगी परत सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क बाहर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पय(टन याकलाप करन या िवIमान याकलाप का िवतार पय(टन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदWश क अनसार अनJात होगी 9 सिनमा(ण याकलाप (क) सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी नय वािणियक सिनमा(ण क अनJा नहK होगी परत थानीय लोग को अपनी आवास स)बधी िनbिलिखत आवयकता को परा करन क िलए परा 6 क उप-परा (1) म सचीब याकलाप सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म भवन उप-िविधय क अनसार सिनमा(ण करन क अनJा होगी -

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (i) िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमा(ण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा का सिनमा(ण और नवीकरण करना (iii) फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा कए गए वगXकरण क अनसार गर- दषणकारी लघ उIोग क थापना (iv) dामीण उIोग सिहत कटीर उIोग सिवधा भeडार और dह-वास सिहत पारिथितक पय(टन म सहायक थानीय सिवधा क fवथा और (v) इस अिधसचना म सचीब बढ़ावा दए गए याकलाप (ख) परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उIोग स सबिधत सिनमा(ण याकलाप लाग िनयम और िविनयम यद कोई ह क अनसार स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम हग (ग) 10 कलोमीटर स आग य आचिलक महायोजना क अनसार िविनयिमत हग 10 गर दषणकारी लघ उIोग फरवरी 2016 म कTीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार गर-दषणकारी उIोग तथा अपरसकटमय लघ और सवा उIोग किष पhप किष बागबानी या किष आधारत उIोग जो पारिथितक सवदी जोन स दशी सामिdय स उ9पाद बनात हlt स[म ािधकारी Vारा अनJात हग 11 व[ क कटाई (क) राय सरकार क स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित क िबना वन भिम या सरकार भिम या राजव भिम या िनजी भिम पर व[ क कटाई क अनJा नहK होगी (ख) व[ क कटाई क Tीय या सबिधत राय क अिधिनयम और उनक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क उपबध क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी 12 फमi कारपोरट कपिनय Vारा बड़ पमान पर वािणियक पशधन सपदा और कjकट फामi क थापना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत हग 13 वन उ9पाद और गर काk वन उ9पाद (एनटीएफपी) का सdह लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 14 िवIत और सचार टॉवर लगान तार-िबछान तथा अय बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 15 नागरक सिवधा सिहत बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा यह fवथा लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ क जाएगी 16 िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना और नई सड़क का िनमा(ण करना य काय( लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ कय जाएग 17 पय(टन स सबिधत अय याकलाप जस क पारिथितक सवदी जोन [U क ऊपर स गम( वाय क गnबार हलीकाटर oोन माइोलाइpस उडाना आद लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 18 पव(तीय ढलान और नदी तट का सर[ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 9: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी म स याकलाप टपणी (1) (2) (3) क ितिष याकलाप 1 वािणियक खनन (क) थानीय िनवािसय क वातिवक घरल आवयकता क प$त क िलए कए जान वाल याकलाप िजनम घर क िनमा(ण या मर)मत और मकान बनान एव अय याकलाप क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वत(मान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) प9थर खोदन एव तोड़न वाली ईकाइया त9काल भाव स िनिष क जाती हlt (ख) खनन याकलाप टीएन गोदावम(न िथgtमलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अगत 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष( 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उCतम यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 दषण (जल वाय मदा Fविन आद) उ9पH करन वाल उIोग क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म कोई नया उIोग लगान और वत(मान दषणकारी उIोग का िवतार करन क अनJा नहK होगी जब तक क इस अिधसचना म िविनMदN न हो पारिथितक सवदी जोन म फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी दशािनदWश म कए गए उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर- दषणकारी उIोग क थापना होगी इसक अितरY गर-दषणकारी कटीर उIोग को ो9साहन दया जाएगा 3 बड़ी ताप एव जल िवIत परयोजना क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 4 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ( का योग या उ9पादन या सकरण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 5 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भिम [U म अनपचारत बिहाव का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग 6 नई आरा िमल क थापना पारिथितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल क थापना और िवIमान आरा िमल का िवतार अनJात नहK होगा 7 ]ट भ^ क थापना लाग िविधय क अनसार ितिष (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) हग खखखखिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलापिविनयिमत याकलाप 8 होटल और रजॉट` क वािणियक थापना पारिथितक पय(टन याकलाप हत लघ अथायी सरचना क िनमा(ण को छोड़कर सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणियक होटल और रजॉट( क थापना अनJात नहK होगी परत सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क बाहर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पय(टन याकलाप करन या िवIमान याकलाप का िवतार पय(टन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदWश क अनसार अनJात होगी 9 सिनमा(ण याकलाप (क) सरि[त [U क सीमा स 10 कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारिथितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी नय वािणियक सिनमा(ण क अनJा नहK होगी परत थानीय लोग को अपनी आवास स)बधी िनbिलिखत आवयकता को परा करन क िलए परा 6 क उप-परा (1) म सचीब याकलाप सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म भवन उप-िविधय क अनसार सिनमा(ण करन क अनJा होगी -

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (i) िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमा(ण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा का सिनमा(ण और नवीकरण करना (iii) फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा कए गए वगXकरण क अनसार गर- दषणकारी लघ उIोग क थापना (iv) dामीण उIोग सिहत कटीर उIोग सिवधा भeडार और dह-वास सिहत पारिथितक पय(टन म सहायक थानीय सिवधा क fवथा और (v) इस अिधसचना म सचीब बढ़ावा दए गए याकलाप (ख) परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उIोग स सबिधत सिनमा(ण याकलाप लाग िनयम और िविनयम यद कोई ह क अनसार स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम हग (ग) 10 कलोमीटर स आग य आचिलक महायोजना क अनसार िविनयिमत हग 10 गर दषणकारी लघ उIोग फरवरी 2016 म कTीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार गर-दषणकारी उIोग तथा अपरसकटमय लघ और सवा उIोग किष पhप किष बागबानी या किष आधारत उIोग जो पारिथितक सवदी जोन स दशी सामिdय स उ9पाद बनात हlt स[म ािधकारी Vारा अनJात हग 11 व[ क कटाई (क) राय सरकार क स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित क िबना वन भिम या सरकार भिम या राजव भिम या िनजी भिम पर व[ क कटाई क अनJा नहK होगी (ख) व[ क कटाई क Tीय या सबिधत राय क अिधिनयम और उनक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क उपबध क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी 12 फमi कारपोरट कपिनय Vारा बड़ पमान पर वािणियक पशधन सपदा और कjकट फामi क थापना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत हग 13 वन उ9पाद और गर काk वन उ9पाद (एनटीएफपी) का सdह लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 14 िवIत और सचार टॉवर लगान तार-िबछान तथा अय बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 15 नागरक सिवधा सिहत बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा यह fवथा लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ क जाएगी 16 िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना और नई सड़क का िनमा(ण करना य काय( लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ कय जाएग 17 पय(टन स सबिधत अय याकलाप जस क पारिथितक सवदी जोन [U क ऊपर स गम( वाय क गnबार हलीकाटर oोन माइोलाइpस उडाना आद लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 18 पव(तीय ढलान और नदी तट का सर[ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 10: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (i) िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क का सिनमा(ण करना (ii) बिनयादी ढाच और नागरक सिवधा का सिनमा(ण और नवीकरण करना (iii) फरवरी 2016 म क Tीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा कए गए वगXकरण क अनसार गर- दषणकारी लघ उIोग क थापना (iv) dामीण उIोग सिहत कटीर उIोग सिवधा भeडार और dह-वास सिहत पारिथितक पय(टन म सहायक थानीय सिवधा क fवथा और (v) इस अिधसचना म सचीब बढ़ावा दए गए याकलाप (ख) परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उIोग स सबिधत सिनमा(ण याकलाप लाग िनयम और िविनयम यद कोई ह क अनसार स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम हग (ग) 10 कलोमीटर स आग य आचिलक महायोजना क अनसार िविनयिमत हग 10 गर दषणकारी लघ उIोग फरवरी 2016 म कTीय दषण िनयUण बोड( Vारा जारी उIोग क वगXकरण क अनसार गर-दषणकारी उIोग तथा अपरसकटमय लघ और सवा उIोग किष पhप किष बागबानी या किष आधारत उIोग जो पारिथितक सवदी जोन स दशी सामिdय स उ9पाद बनात हlt स[म ािधकारी Vारा अनJात हग 11 व[ क कटाई (क) राय सरकार क स[म ािधकारी क पव( अनमित क िबना वन भिम या सरकार भिम या राजव भिम या िनजी भिम पर व[ क कटाई क अनJा नहK होगी (ख) व[ क कटाई क Tीय या सबिधत राय क अिधिनयम और उनक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम क उपबध क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी 12 फमi कारपोरट कपिनय Vारा बड़ पमान पर वािणियक पशधन सपदा और कjकट फामi क थापना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत हग 13 वन उ9पाद और गर काk वन उ9पाद (एनटीएफपी) का सdह लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 14 िवIत और सचार टॉवर लगान तार-िबछान तथा अय बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 15 नागरक सिवधा सिहत बिनयादी ढाच क fवथा यह fवथा लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ क जाएगी 16 िवIमान सड़क को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना और नई सड़क का िनमा(ण करना य काय( लाग िविधय िनयम िविनयम और मौजदा दशािनदWश क अनसार उपशमन उपाय क साथ कय जाएग 17 पय(टन स सबिधत अय याकलाप जस क पारिथितक सवदी जोन [U क ऊपर स गम( वाय क गnबार हलीकाटर oोन माइोलाइpस उडाना आद लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 18 पव(तीय ढलान और नदी तट का सर[ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 11: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 19 रािU म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय क अधीन वािणियक योजन क िलए िविनयिमत होगा 20 थानीय जनता Vारा अपनायी जा रही वत(मान किष और बागवानी पितय क साथ डयरया दqध उ9पादन जल किष और म9य पालन थानीय जनता क योग क िलए लाग िविधय क अधीन अनJात हग 21 ाकितक जल िनकाय या भ [U म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण जल िनकाय म उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व क िनसारण स बचा जाएगा उपचारत अपिशN जल क पनच(ण और पनउपयोग क यास कए जाएग अयथा उपचारत अपिशN जलबिहा(व का िनसारण लाग िविधय क अनसार िविनयिमत कया जाएगा 22 सतही और भजल का वािणियक योग एव िनhकष(ण लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 23 किष या अय उपयोग क िलए खल कए बोर कए आद का िनमा(ण समिचत ािधकारी Vारा िविनयिमत कया जाएगा तथा याकलाप क सsत िनगरानी क जाएगी 24 ठोस अपिशh ट बधन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 25 िवदशी जाितय को लाना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 26 पारिथितक पय(टन लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 पोिलथीन बग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 28 वािणियक सकत बोड( और होuडग का योग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 जलन वाल पटाख का उपयोग लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 कोयल का जलना लाग िविधय क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा गगगगसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलापसवधत याकलाप 31 वषा( जल सचय स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 32 जिवक खती स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 33 सभी गितिविधय क िलए हरत ौIोिगक का अगीकरण स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 34 dामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उIोग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 नवीकरणीय ऊजा( और ]धन का योग बायोगस सौर काश इ9याद को सय बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 किष वािनक स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 पारिथितक अनकल यातायात का योग स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 कौशल िवकास स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 अविमत भिमवन पया(वास क बहाली स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 पया(वरण क ित जागvकता स य gtप स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5िनगरानी सिमित- कgt ीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (3) ारा द शिय का योग करत ए पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित गठत करती ह- 1 िजला कलjटर रामानाथापरम -अF य[ 2 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला वयजीव सर[ण क [U म काम कर रह गर-सरकारी सगठन का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 12: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 3 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाला एक जविविवधता िवशषJ ndashसदय 4 राय सरकार Vारा नािमत कया जान वाल एक पारिथितक और पया(वरण िवशषJ ndashसदय 5 राय लोक िनमा(ण िवभाग का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 6 राय दषण िनयUण बोड( का एक ितिनिध ndashसदय 7 वयजीव वाड(न मHार समTी राwीय उIान रामानाथापरम क खाड़ी ndashसदय सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय- (1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा~य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा~य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल और भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल rयाकलाप इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोडकर वातिवक िविनDद थलीय दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13हgt उ अिधसचना क उपबध क अधीन पव पयावरण अनापि क िलए क13ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय को भजा जाएगा (4) इस अिधसचना क परा 4 क अधीन सारणी मgt यथा िविनDद ितिषZ rयाकलाप को छोड़कर भारत सरकार क त कालीन पयावरण और वन म6ालय क अिधसचना सjया काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 क अनसची मgt शािमल न कए गए परत पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल rयाकलाप क वातिवक थल- िविश दशा^ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा क जाएगी और उ13ह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सदय-सिचव या सबिधत उपाय ऐस =ि क िव2Z जो इस अिधसचना क कसी उपबध का उFलघन करता ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग क ितिनिधय या िवशष औyोिगक सघ क ितिनिधय या सबिधत प को यक मामल म आवltयकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश मgt सहायता क िलए आमि6त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित यक वष 31 माच क िथित क अनसार अपनी वा3षक कारवाई रपोट रा~य क मjय व13यजीव वाडन को उपाबध V मgt दए गए प6 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक तत करगी (8) क13ीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म6ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कय क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 13: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 7 इस अिधसचना क उपबध को भावी बनान क िलए कgt ीय सरकार और रा~ य सरकार अितरM त उपाय यद कोई ह िविनDद4 ट कर सकgtगी 8 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उmतम 13यायालय या उm 13यायालय या रा4 ]ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अयधीन हग [फा स 25162018-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIII सरितसरितसरितसरित कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक सीमासीमासीमासीमा काकाकाका वणनवणनवणनवणन उर उर उर उर सीमा कलासलवनर-ओरवायल dाम सड़क क yबद म मला-सलवनर कनमोई क उzर स 105 कलोमीटर क दरी स आरभ होती ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल- कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ उzर पवX ओर जाती ह यह yबद स छती ह जहा सड़क कलासलवनर स ओरवायल तक सवरयरप^ीनम dाम क िलए िV-िवभािजत ह इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण पवX दशा म जाती ह उर पवउर पवउर पवउर पव ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ सीमा सीतादयान dाम क दिNकोण सड़क म ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क िV-िवभािजत yबद को छती ह पवपवपवपव इसक बाद सीमा ओरवायल ndash कलासलवनर सड़क क साथ दि[ण दशा क ओर जाती ह दिण पवदिण पवदिण पवदिण पव इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( पर कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( क साथ पि|म क ओर जाती ह दिणदिणदिणदिण सीमा कलासलवनर कनमोई क दि[ण और कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) क साथ मलासलवनर कनमोई जाती ह दिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिमदिण पिम इसक बाद सीमा कलाकराई-सयालगडी राजमाग( (ईसीआर सड़क) पर सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क अवरोधन yबद को छती ह इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ उzर क ओर जाती ह पिमपिमपिमपिम इसक बाद सीमा सतनगडी-वदानदई dाम दिNकोण सड़क (िम^ी सड़क-फट पाथ) क साथ और अलगलम कनमोई और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध पर उzर क ओर जाती ह उर पिमउर पिमउर पिमउर पिम इसक बाद सीमा अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध क साथ जाती ह यह अलगलम और मीननगडी कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप yबद को छती ह इसक अितरY सीमा आरिभक yबद को छकर उzर पवX दशा म जाती ह

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 14: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIकककक मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 15: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIखखखख मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका गगलगगलगगलगगल मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 16: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIगगगग भारभारभारभारतीयतीयतीयतीय सवEणसवEणसवEणसवEण ((((एसएसएसएस ओओओओ आईआईआईआई) ) ) ) कककक टोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीटटोपोशीट परपरपरपर मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 17: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIघघघघ 10 10 10 10 कलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटरकलोमीटर बफरबफरबफरबफर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका भभभभ----उपयोगउपयोगउपयोगउपयोग मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 18: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध---- IIIIIIIIडडडड मखमखमखमख अव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgtअव थानgt कककक अाशअाशअाशअाश औरऔरऔरऔर दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका मानिचमानिचमानिचमानिच

उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDयकलासलवनर पी अभयारDय तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt तिमलनाड क मख थानgt क अाशक अाशक अाशक अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथित दशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 उ प 78deg32257712 9deg13415308 2 2 उ प 78deg32435588 9deg13423912 3 3 (एस1) उ प मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg3310476 9deg13449796 4 4 उ 78deg33218808 9deg1339828 5 5 उ 78deg33220752 9deg13420672 6 6 उ 78deg33224496 9deg13423192 7 7 उ 78deg33233748 9deg1341898 8 8 उ 78deg33241884 9deg13446592 9 9 उ 78deg33228924 9deg13449868 10 10 उ 78deg33242064 9deg13498144 11 11 उ 78deg3326388 9deg13493716 12 12 (एस 2) उ मलासनवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 19: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 13 13 (एस 3) उ कलासलवनर कनमोई क उzरी सीमा 78deg33394092 9deg1347676 14 14 उ प 78deg34206976 9deg13457356 15 15 (एस4) उ प कलासलवनर टltक क उzर पवX िसर कलासलवनर - ओरवायल सड़क 78deg34256872 9deg1346344 16 16 उ प 78deg34230232 9deg13394104 17 17 उ प 78deg34202656 9deg13301764 18 18 उ प 78deg34194268 9deg1325302 19 19 प 78deg34170904 9deg13194196 20 20 प 78deg34154632 9deg13171084 21 21 प 78deg34145236 9deg13149088 22 22 प 78deg34116256 9deg139714 23 23 प 78deg3499588 9deg1382776 24 24 प 78deg3490192 9deg136618 25 25 प 78deg3477484 9deg1356388 26 26 प 78deg3460492 9deg1337704 27 27 प 78deg343756 9deg1301128 28 28 प 78deg3428812 9deg12565776 29 29 (एस5) प कलासलवनर dाम क परिध पर पवX बाध 78deg3410308 9deg12517644 30 30 द प 78deg33596232 9deg12440928 31 31 द प 78deg33595224 9deg12406404 32 32 (एस6) द प कलाकारई- सयालकडी सड़क क पास कलासलवनर टltक क दि[ण पवX टप 78deg33595152 9deg12384012 33 33 द प 78deg33562644 9deg12370152 34 34 द प 78deg33540324 9deg12366552 35 35 द प 78deg33515052 9deg12367308 36 36 द 78deg33487224 9deg12359208 37 37 (एस 7) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33437004 9deg1235514 38 38 द 78deg33343368 9deg12335988 39 39 द 78deg33304272 9deg1235244 40 40 द 78deg3329322 9deg1236144 41 41 द 78deg33281448 9deg123636 42 42 द 78deg33245808 9deg1234722 43 43 द 78deg33241848 9deg12325764 44 44 द 78deg33241236 9deg1231752 45 45 (एस 8) द दि[णी सीमा क साथ कलाकराई - सयालकडी सड़क 78deg33221904 9deg12312264

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 20: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 46 46 द 78deg33211752 9deg12312696 47 47 द 78deg33180108 9deg1232994 48 48 द 78deg33168624 9deg12331812 49 49 द प 78deg3312096 9deg12350748 50 50 द प 78deg3334596 9deg12353448 51 51 द प 78deg32588336 9deg1236126 52 52 द प 78deg32583008 9deg12318888 53 53 द प 78deg32557988 9deg12324468 54 54 द प 78deg32503304 9deg12347328 55 55 द प 78deg32462588 9deg12394488 56 56 प 78deg32432564 9deg1243992 57 57 प 78deg32422592 9deg12488772 58 58 प 78deg32440448 9deg12540288 59 59 प 78deg32450312 9deg12545076 60 60 प 78deg3246248 9deg12547236 61 61 प 78deg32457944 9deg1255872 62 62 प 78deg32449376 9deg12583452 63 63 प 78deg32447648 9deg1307356 64 64 प 78deg32470976 9deg1335364 65 65 प 78deg32466836 9deg1351456 66 66 प 78deg32475548 9deg1374784 67 67 प 78deg32465396 9deg1396996 68 68 प 78deg3247022 9deg1311388 69 69 (एस9) प बाध क साथ मलासलवनर टltक क पि|मी सीमा 78deg3245816 9deg131983 70 70 उ प 78deg32359016 9deg13311412 71 71 उ प 78deg32311064 9deg13323904 72 72 (एस 10) उ प पडकदvपप dाम क परिध क साथ पि|मीतम टप 78deg32252276 9deg13333228 73 73 उ प 78deg32260304 9deg13393672 सारणी खसारणी खसारणी खसारणी ख पारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाशपारि थितक सवदी जोन क मख थानgt क अाश----दशातर दशातर दशातर दशातर स मख yबद क पहचान मख yबद क अविथितदशा अ[ाश (उ) डीएमएस ाgtप दशातर (प) डीएमएस ाgtप 1 1 (ई 1) उ प मीननगडी और अलगलम कनमोई क सामाय बाध क उzरी टप 78deg31314328 9deg13555384 2 2 उ प 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 21: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 3 3 उ 78deg32263904 9deg14113136 4 4 (ई 2) उ ओरयावल dाम क पास कलासलवन-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क 78deg32489156 9deg14181032 5 5 उ 78deg32582144 9deg1426178 6 6 उ 78deg338298 9deg14327516 7 7 उ 78deg332034 9deg14355848 8 8 (ई 3) उ कलासलवन-ओरयावल dाम दिNकोण सड़क पर सवरयरप^नम dाम का िVिवभािजत yबद 78deg333402 9deg14377592 9 9 उ प 78deg3432556 9deg14166056 10 10 उ प 78deg34135228 9deg1482248 11 11 (ई 4) उ प कलासलवनर ndash ओरवायल सड़क क साथ 78deg34238908 9deg1416116 12 12 उ प 78deg34272424 9deg13549912 13 13 प 78deg34273756 9deg13444828 14 14 प 78deg34262668 9deg1335184 15 15 प 78deg34215544 9deg1315924 16 16 प 78deg34171012 9deg1329532 17 17 द प 78deg3499012 9deg1247268 18 18 (ई 5) द प कलाकराई ndashसयालकडी सड़क पर कलासलवनर-ओरयावल दिNकोण सड़क का अवरोधन yबद 78deg3461788 9deg12379116 19 19 द प 78deg3421648 9deg1238412 20 20 द प 78deg33561024 9deg1236054 21 21 द 78deg334491 9deg12350496 22 22 द 78deg33267732 9deg12317412 23 23 द 78deg33149184 9deg1229286 24 24 द 78deg3398856 9deg12265392 25 25 द 78deg3252746 9deg12140004 26 26 द 78deg32454128 9deg121224 27 27 द प 78deg32272724 9deg1266852 28 28 (ई 6) द प 78deg3254744 9deg11465612

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 22: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] पव( तटीय सड़क पर सथानगडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क का जjशन 29 29 द प 78deg3203264 9deg11556764 30 30 प 78deg31581772 9deg1202772 31 31 प 78deg31568812 9deg1271064 32 32 प 78deg3157018 9deg12124128 33 33 प 78deg31542496 9deg12185364 34 34 प 78deg3153778 9deg12249264 35 35 प 78deg31522228 9deg12278676 36 36 (ई 7) प स^ागडी dाम दिNकोण सड़क क साथ 78deg31537024 9deg12351504 37 37 प 78deg31537996 9deg12438444 38 38 प 78deg31501744 9deg12486108 39 39 प 78deg31462216 9deg12534744 40 40 प 78deg31444216 9deg1310236 41 41 प 78deg31459084 9deg1319002 42 42 उ प 78deg31419016 9deg1322944 43 43 (ई 8) उ प अलगलम कनमोई क पि|मी बाध पर yबद 78deg31391296 9deg13258204 44 44 उ प 78deg31350508 9deg13283836 45 45 उ प 78deg31341508 9deg13382404 46 46 उ प 78deg31309396 9deg13478848 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgtिनदEशाकgt कककक साथसाथसाथसाथ मलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनरमलासलवनर----कलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनरकलासलवनर पीपीपीपी अभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDयअभयारDय कककक पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक अतगतअतगतअतगतअतगत आनआनआनआन वालवालवालवाल HामHामHामHाम कककक सचीसचीसचीसची स dाम का नाम तहसीलतालक िजला अ[ाश (डीएमएस ाgtप) दशातर (डीएमएस ाgtप) 1 मलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg122919 78deg325847 2 पथकदीियvप कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg132953 78deg323232 3 अलगलम कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878 4 कलासलवनर कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg123900 78deg34282 5 ओरवायल कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg142051 78deg324862 6 सथानगडी कदालदी रामानाथापरम 9deg13355 78deg315878

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 23: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----VVVV पारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितकपारि थितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- कककक गईगईगईगई कारवाईकारवाईकारवाईकारवाई सIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधीसIबJधी रपोटरपोटरपोटरपोट काकाकाका पपपप 1 बठक13 क स या और तारीख 2 बठक13 का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय बद का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि थित 4 भ-अिभलख13 क प +टय13 क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण उपाबध क -प म सल कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय13 स सबिधत सवी2ा कए गए मामल13 का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 4प म सल कर 7 पयावरण (सर2ण) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत13 का सार 8 कोई अ7 य मह9 वपण मामला MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE


New Delhi the 20th July 2018

SO 3544(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to

issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby

published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the

information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft

notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on

which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft

notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period

so specified to the Secretary Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran

Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at -esz-

mefnicin Draft Notification

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary otherwise known as ldquoMelaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Kanmairdquo is located near Sayalkudi in Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil

Nadu It is located between 9deg13rsquo47rdquo and 9deg12rsquo27rdquo N latitude and 78deg32rsquo29rdquo and 78deg34rsquo28rdquo E longtitude

The sanctuary lies in SF No 166 of 78 Melaselvanoor with 321485 ha and SF No 128 of 79

Keelaselvanoor with 271595 ha totally extending over an area of 59308 ha or 593 Sq Kms The

Government vide its government order GO (Ms) No 206 Environment and Forests (FR5) dated 1122010

has made the final notification of Bird Sanctuary under Section 26 A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act


AND WHEREAS many of the different varieties of migratory birds arrive from various parts of

countries for feeding and nesting purpose About 16000 birds belonging to 45 species have been listed during

the season and the important birds include white ibis black ibis open-billed stork egrets mynas teals

ducks darters herons pelicans etc The Melaselvanoor amp Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary is biggest resident


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 24: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M


for variety of floral and faunal diversity and has species richness of nearly threatened species such as Pelican

Painted stork Eurasian Spoon bill White ibis Darter Flamingo and water birds such as common coot Pin

tail Garganey Egrets Cormorants Black winged stilt King fisher Common myna Brahminy kite Spotted

Owlet and More than 78 common birds are documented

AND WHEREAS the sanctuary offers ideal habitat for winter migratory birds with considerable

diversity in nesting and feeding behaviour for breeding and feeding It is one of the preferred nesting sites for

heronry species and colonial birds migrating to South India The feathered visitors flock the sanctuary from

October to February The wetland is irregular in depth and retains water for 3 to 5 months if rain is normal

Envisaging successful management measures will attract more breeding species and wintering species to

enhance the diversity which in turn will attract more tourists birdwatchers and students The best time to visit

the sanctuary for bird watching is November-January when bird population and species diversity is at the


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank that is used for storing water for

agriculture recharged by the northeast monsoons from October till January The tank remains completely dry

from March to August As the sanctuary is basically an irrigation tank there is no natural forest within the

sanctuary Babul (Acacia nilotica) plantations were raised by the Forest Department The sanctuary being a

irrigation tank has very less faunal species (except Avifauna) which include Indian Grey Mongoose

(Herpestes edwardsii) Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) Jackal (Canis aureus) Indian Flying

Fox (Pteropus giganteus Black -naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) and Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)


AND WHEREAS the sanctuary has variety of flora and fauna including birds insects butterflies

reptiles and amphibians Examples of flora recorded in the sanctuary are Panai (Borassus flabellifer L)

Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L) RBr) Avaram Avaarai (Senna auriculata (L) Roxb) Puliya maram

(Tamarindus indica L) Nai kadugu Nai vaelai (Cleome viscosa L) etc some example of birds are Little

Grebe (Tachybaptusruficollis) Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis) Little Cormorant

(Phalacrocoraxniger) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo) Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) etc examples

of reptiles are House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Spotted Indian Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii) Garden

lizard (Calotes versicolor) Common Indian Skink (Eutrophis carinata) Checkered Keelback (Xenochrophis

piscator) Indian Cobra (Naja naja) etc

AND WHEREAS rare and threatened species has been recorded in the sanctuary Examples of rare

species are Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Purple Heron (Ardea cinerea) Yellow Bittern

(Lxobrychus sinensis) Chestnut Bittrem (Lxobrychus cinnamomeus) Black Bittern (Dupetor flavicollis)

Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) Common Teal (Abas crecca)

Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) and Pied Crested Cuckoo

(Clamator jacobinus) Examples of threatened species are Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) and

Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)

AND WHEREAS Melaselvanoor Keelaselvanoor and Orivayal the three villages surrounding the

notified area have population of men 2817 and 3038 women respectively with the total of 5855 Most of the

people depend upon Rain fed agriculture while the rest earn their livelihood as daily wage labourers The

villagers belong to Pallan Agamudiyar Yathaver Asari Vannan and Muslim communities The ethnic

identity is thus varied tradition and customs are also varying accordingly There is no major rift between

communities and they mostly live in harmony with existing socio-political scenario

AND WHEREAS agriculture and allied activities such as live stock rearing poultry are the major

sources of economy for the people living in the proposed Eco sensitive zone Brick making and charcoal

making also contribute to their livelihood Though the primary source of income in villages around the

sanctuary is agriculture due to lack of rain often the crops fail As a result cattle rearing firewood cutting and

selling and charcoal manufacturing become alternative sources of income Owing to frequent crop failure and

absence of other sources of livelihood the income levels recorded in the villages is quite low In Melaselvanur

village the average annual income is Rs 36000 while in other villages it ranged between Rs 25000-30000 As

a consequence majority of the villagers are below poverty line

Now Therefore in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-

section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies an

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 25: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25

area with an extent varying from 0019 kilometre to 200 kilometre around the boundary of Melaselvanoor -

Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary in the State of Tamil Nadu as the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (herein after referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as

under namely-

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 0019

kilometer to 200 kilometer around the Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird Sanctuary The area of the Eco-

Sensitive Zone is 115108 square kilometers

(2) The boundary description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is appended at Annexure I

(3) The map of the Protected Area demarcating the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary is at Annexure IIA-E

(4) List of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure

III (A) and (B) respectively

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent

points is appended as Annexure IV

2 Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone - (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of effective

management of the Eco-Sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the

date of publication of Final Notification in the Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering

to the stipulations given in this Notification for approval of Competent Authority in the State Government

(2) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such

manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and

the guidelines issued by the Central Government if any

(3) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for

integrating environmental and ecological considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panjayati Raj

(xi) Public Works Department

(xii) Highways

(xiii) Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure

and activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of

all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for restoration of denuded and degraded areas conservation of

existing water bodies management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management

soil and moisture conservation needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and

environment that need attention

(6) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places villages and urban settlements

types and kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places

horticultural areas orchards lakes and other water bodies and also with supporting maps The Plan shall be

supported by Maps giving details of existing and proposed land use features

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone and adhere to prohibited

regulated activities listed in table and also ensure and promote eco-friendly development for livelihood

security of local communities


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 26: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M


(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall be co-terminus with the Regional Development Plan

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for

carrying out its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for

giving effect to the provisions of this notification namely-

(1) Land use ndash

(a) Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational

purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for major commercial or major

residential complex or industrial activities

(b) Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands for the purpose other than that specified

at part (a) within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring

Committee and with the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and

other rules and regulations of CentralState Government as applicable and vide provisions of this Notification

to meet the residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-

tourism including home stay and

(v) Promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

(c) Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development

activities without the prior approval of the competent authority under Regional Town Planning Act and other

rules and regulations of State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the

Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional

Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

(d) Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected

by the State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the

correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest

and Climate Change

(e) Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as

provided under this sub-paragraph

(f) Efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and

habitat restoration activities

(2) Natural water bodies - The catchment areas of all natural springsriverschannels shall be identified and

plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines

shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near

these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3)Tourism Eco-tourism

(a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-Sensitive

Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State

Departments of Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the

protected area or up to the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer However beyond the distance of 1 km from

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 27: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

the boundary of the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of new hotels

and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone

shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment

Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority

(as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) Until the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism

activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny

and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment

construction is permitted within ESZ area

(4) Natural Heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool

reserve areas rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall

be identified and a heritage conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation as a

part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artifacts areas and precincts of historical architectural

aesthetic and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan

for their conservation shall be prepared as part Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution - The Environment Department of the State Government or Tamil Nadu State Pollution

Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in

accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 under

the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and amendments thereto

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be complied with in

accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and

rules made there under and amendments thereto

(8) Discharge of effluents - Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with

the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the

Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 and rules made there under or standards stipulated by State Government

whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under

(a) the solid waste disposal and management in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forests and Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated 8th April 2016 as

amended from time to time the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at

site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste - Bio-medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-

Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide Notification Number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016

as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules

and regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Plastic Waste Management- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried

out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India

in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the

18th March 2016 as amended from time to time


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

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  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 28: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M


(12) Construction and Demolition Waste Management - The Construction and Demolition Waste

Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and

Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March

2016 as amended from time to time

(13) E-waste - The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time

(14) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner

and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the

Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government the

Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules

and regulations made there under

(15) Vehicular Pollution - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in

accordance with applicable laws Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG LPG etc

(16) Industrial Units- (i) On or after the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette no new

polluting industries shall be allowed to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per classification of Industries in the

Guidelines issued by Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be promoted

(17) Protection of Hill Slopes The protection of hill slopes shall be as under

(a) The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) No construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

(18) The Central Government and the State Government shall specify other additional measures if it

considers necessary in giving effect to the provisions of this notification

4 List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone

All activities in the Eco sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under including the Coastal Regulation Zone

(CRZ) 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006 and other applicable laws

including the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (69 of 1980) the Indian Forest Act 1927 (16 of 1927) the

Wildlife(Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972) and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner

specified in the Table below namely-


S No Activity Description

(1) (2) (3)

A Prohibited Activities

1 Commercial Mining (a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone quarrying

and crushing units are prohibited with immediate effect except for

meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including

digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for

manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing and for other


(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance with the

order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 04082006 in the matter of

TN Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs UOI in WP (C) No 202 of 1995

and dated 21042014 in the matter of Goa Foundation z UOI in WP

(C) No 435 of 2012

2 Setting of industries causing

pollution (Water Air Soil Noise


No new industries and expansion of existing polluting industries in the

Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted

Only non-polluting industries shall be allowed within ESZ as per

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 29: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

classification of Industries in the guidelines issued by Central

Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless so specified in this

notification In addition non-polluting cottage industries shall be


3 Establishment of major hydroelectric


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

4 Use or production or processing of

any hazardous substances

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

5 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

6 Setting of new saw mills

No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within

the Eco-sensitive Zone

7 Setting up of brick kilns

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws

B Regulated Activities

8 Commercial establishment of hotels

and resorts

No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one

kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or up to the extent of

Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer except for small temporary

structures for Eco-tourism activities

Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or up to the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is

nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of existing activities

shall be in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines as


9 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted

within one Kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area or upto

extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their use including the activities listed in

sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 6 as per building byelaws to meet the

residential needs of the local residents such as

(i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of

new road

(ii) Construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution termed as per

Classification done by Central Pollution Control Board of February


(iv) Cottage industries including village industries convenience

stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism including home

stays and

(v) Promoted activities listed in this Notification

(b) Provided that the construction activity related to small scale

industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the

minimum with the prior permission from the competent authority as

per applicable rules and regulations if any

(c) Beyond one kilometre it shall be regulated as per the Zonal Master


10 Small scale non polluting industries

Non polluting industries as per classification of industries issued by

the central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-

hazardous small scale and service industry agriculture floriculture

horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from

indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted

by the competent authority

11 Felling of Trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees on the forest or Government or

revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent

authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 30: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M


provisions of the concerned Central or State Act and the rules made

there under

12 Establishment of large scale

commercial live stock and poultry

farms by firms corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

13 Collection of Forest produce or Non-

Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)

Regulated under applicable laws

14 Erection of electrical and

communication towers and laying of

cables and other infrastructures

Regulated under applicable laws Underground cabling may be


15 Infrastructure civic amenities

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

16 Widening and strengthening of

existing roads and construction of

new roads

Shall be done with mitigation measures as per applicable laws rules

and regulation and available guidelines

17 Undertaking other activities related

to tourism like over flying the ESZ

area by hot air balloon helicopter

drones Microlites etc

Regulated under applicable law

18 Protection of hill slopes and river


Regulated under applicable laws

19 Movement of vehicular traffic at


Regulated for commercial purpose under applicable laws

20 Ongoing agriculture and horticulture

practices by local communities along

with dairies dairy farming

aquaculture and fisheries

Permitted under applicable laws for use of locals

21 Discharge of treated waste

watereffluents in natural water

bodies or land area

The discharge of treated waste watereffluents shall be avoided to

enter into the water bodies Efforts to be made for recycle and reuse of

treated waste water Otherwise the discharge of treated waste

watereffluent shall be regulated as per applicable laws

22 Commercial extraction of surface

and ground water

Regulated under applicable law

23 Open Well Bore Well etc for

agriculture or other usage

Regulated and the activity should be strictly monitored by the

appropriate authority

24 Solid Waste Management

Regulated under applicable laws

25 Introduction of Exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

26 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

27 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

28 Commercial sign boards and


Regulated under applicable laws

29 Use of Fire Crackers Regulated under applicable laws

30 Charcoal Burning Regulated under applicable laws

C Promoted Activities

31 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

32 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

33 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

34 Cottage industries including village

artisans etc

Shall be actively promoted

35 Use of renewable energy and fuels Bio gas solar light etc to be actively promoted

36 Agro-Forestry Shall be actively promoted

37 Use of eco-friendly transport Shall be actively promoted

38 Skill Development Shall be actively promoted

39 Restoration of Degraded Land


Shall be actively promoted

40 Environmental awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

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Page 31: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

5 Monitoring Committee -

The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring of the

provisions of this notification under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29

of 1986) comprising of the following namely-

1 The District Collector Ramanathapuram Chairman

2 A representative of Non-government Organisation working in the field of

wildlife conservation to be nominated by State Government


3 An expert in Biodiversity nominated by the State Government Member

4 An expert in Ecology and Environment to be nominated by the State Government Member

5 A representative from State Public Works Department Member

6 A representative from State Pollution Control Board Member

7 Wildlife Warden Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Ramanathapuram Member Secretary

6 Terms of Referencendash

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new

Committee by the State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the

State Government

(3) The activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the

erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and

are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific

conditions and referred to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change for prior environmental clearances under the provisions of the said notification

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in

the erstwhile Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change number SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th

September 2006 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in

the Table under paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinized by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual

site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned regulatory authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) shall

be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 against any

person who contravenes the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments

representatives from industry associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on

the requirements on issue to issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on the 31st

March of every year by the 30th June of that year to the Chief Wildlife Warden in the State as per Performa

given in Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such

directions as it deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect

to provisions of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification are subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble

Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25162018-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

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Page 32: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M





The boundary starts at a distance of 105 Km north of Mela-Selvanoor Kanmoi at a point on the road

of Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal village road Thence the boundary proceeds north eastwards along the

Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road until it touches a point where the road from Keelaselvanoor to

Orivayal bifurcates for Savariarpattinam village Thence the boundary travels along south eastern

direction along Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

North East Along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road the boundary touches the bifurcation point on the Orivayal

ndash Keelaselvanoor road at approach road to Sittadayan Village


Thence the boundary travels southward direction along the Orivayal ndash Keelaselvanoor road

South East Thence the boundary touches at the interception point of Keelaselvanoor ndash Orivayal approach road on

the Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway Then the boundary travels westwards along the Keelakarai ndash

Sayalgudi highway

South The boundary travels south of the Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi and Melaselvanoor Kanmoi along the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road)

South West Thence the boundary touches the point of interception of Sattangudi village approach road on the

Keelakarai ndash Sayalgudi highway (ECR road) Thence the boundary travels northwards along the

Sattangudi village approach road


Thence the boundary travels northwards along the Sattangudi - Vedandai village approach road (mud

road ndash foot path) and on the common bund of Alangulam Kanmoi and Meenangudi Kanmoi

North West Thence the boundary travels along the western bund of Alangulam Kanmoi till it touches a point on

the northern tip of common bund of Alangulam and Meenangudi Kanmoi Further the boundary

proceeds in north eastern direction to touch the start point




sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 33: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 34: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M





sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 35: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35









TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 36: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M






TABLE A Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Melaselvanoor - Keelaselvanoor Bird

Sanctuary Tamil Nadu



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of

Prominent Point

Latitude (N)

DMS format

Longitude (E)

DMS format

1 1 NW 78deg32257712 9deg13415308

2 2 NW 78deg32435588 9deg13423912

3 3 (S1)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg3310476 9deg13449796

4 4 N 78deg33218808 9deg1339828

5 5 N 78deg33220752 9deg13420672

6 6 N 78deg33224496 9deg13423192

7 7 N 78deg33233748 9deg1341898

8 8 N 78deg33241884 9deg13446592

9 9 N 78deg33228924 9deg13449868

10 10 N 78deg33242064 9deg13498144

11 11 N 78deg3326388 9deg13493716

12 12 (S2)


Northern boundary of

Melaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33272628 9deg13522048

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 37: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37

13 13 (S3)


Northern boundary of

Keelaselvanoor Kanmoi

78deg33394092 9deg1347676

14 14 NE 78deg34206976 9deg13457356

15 15 (S4)


North Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank along

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal Road

78deg34256872 9deg1346344

16 16 NE 78deg34230232 9deg13394104

17 17 NE 78deg34202656 9deg13301764

18 18 NE 78deg34194268 9deg1325302

19 19 E 78deg34170904 9deg13194196

20 20 E 78deg34154632 9deg13171084

21 21 E 78deg34145236 9deg13149088

22 22 E 78deg34116256 9deg139714

23 23 E 78deg3499588 9deg1382776

24 24 E 78deg3490192 9deg136618

25 25 E 78deg3477484 9deg1356388

26 26 E 78deg3460492 9deg1337704

27 27 E 78deg343756 9deg1301128

28 28 E 78deg3428812 9deg12565776

29 29 (S5)


Eastern bund on periphery of

Keelaselvanoor village

78deg3410308 9deg12517644

30 30 SE 78deg33596232 9deg12440928

31 31 SE 78deg33595224 9deg12406404

32 32 (S6)


South Eastern tip of

Keelaselvanoor Tank near

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33595152 9deg12384012

33 33 SE 78deg33562644 9deg12370152

34 34 SE 78deg33540324 9deg12366552

35 35 SE 78deg33515052 9deg12367308

36 36 S 78deg33487224 9deg12359208

37 37 (S7)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33437004 9deg1235514

38 38 S 78deg33343368 9deg12335988

39 39 S 78deg33304272 9deg1235244

40 40 S 78deg3329322 9deg1236144

41 41 S 78deg33281448 9deg123636

42 42 S 78deg33245808 9deg1234722

43 43 S 78deg33241848 9deg12325764

44 44 S 78deg33241236 9deg1231752

45 45 (S8)


Southern Boundary along

Keelakarai - Sayalkudi Road

78deg33221904 9deg12312264

46 46 S 78deg33211752 9deg12312696

47 47 S 78deg33180108 9deg1232994

48 48 S 78deg33168624 9deg12331812

49 49 SW 78deg3312096 9deg12350748

50 50 SW 78deg3334596 9deg12353448

51 51 SW 78deg32588336 9deg1236126

52 52 SW 78deg32583008 9deg12318888

53 53 SW 78deg32557988 9deg12324468

54 54 SW 78deg32503304 9deg12347328

55 55 SW 78deg32462588 9deg12394488


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 38: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M


56 56 W 78deg32432564 9deg1243992

57 57 W 78deg32422592 9deg12488772

58 58 W 78deg32440448 9deg12540288

59 59 W 78deg32450312 9deg12545076

60 60 W 78deg3246248 9deg12547236

61 61 W 78deg32457944 9deg1255872

62 62 W 78deg32449376 9deg12583452

63 63 W 78deg32447648 9deg1307356

64 64 W 78deg32470976 9deg1335364

65 65 W 78deg32466836 9deg1351456

66 66 W 78deg32475548 9deg1374784

67 67 W 78deg32465396 9deg1396996

68 68 W 78deg3247022 9deg1311388

69 69 (S9)


Western boundary of

Melaselvanoor Tank along the


78deg3245816 9deg131983

70 70 NW 78deg32359016 9deg13311412

71 71 NW 78deg32311064 9deg13323904

72 72 (S10)


Westernmost tip along the

periphery of Pudukudirruppu


78deg32252276 9deg13333228

73 73 NW 78deg32260304 9deg13393672

TABLE B Latitude-Longitude of Prominent Locations of Eco-Sensitive Zone



Identification of

prominent points

Location Direction of Prominent

Point Longitude Latitude

1 1 (E1)


Northern tip of the common bund

of Meenangudi and Alangulam


78deg31314328 9deg13555384

2 2 NW 78deg31508728 9deg1411184

3 3 N 78deg32263904 9deg14113136

4 4 (E2)


Near Orivayal Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal

appraoch road

78deg32489156 9deg14181032

5 5 N 78deg32582144 9deg1426178

6 6 N 78deg338298 9deg14327516

7 7 N 78deg332034 9deg14355848

8 8 (E3)


Bifurcation point to

Savariarpattinam Village on

Keelaselvanoo - Orivayal Village

approach road

78deg333402 9deg14377592

9 9 NE 78deg3432556 9deg14166056

10 10 NE 78deg34135228 9deg1482248

11 11 (E4)


Along Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal


78deg34238908 9deg1416116

12 12 NE 78deg34272424 9deg13549912

13 13 E 78deg34273756 9deg13444828

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 39: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 14 E 78deg34262668 9deg1335184

15 15 E 78deg34215544 9deg1315924

16 16 E 78deg34171012 9deg1329532

17 17 SE 78deg3499012 9deg1247268

18 18 (E5)


Intersection point of

Keelaselvanoor - Orivayal

approach road on Keelakarai -

Sayalkudi Road

78deg3461788 9deg12379116

19 19 SE 78deg3421648 9deg1238412

20 20 SE 78deg33561024 9deg1236054

21 21 S 78deg334491 9deg12350496

22 22 S 78deg33267732 9deg12317412

23 23 S 78deg33149184 9deg1229286

24 24 S 78deg3398856 9deg12265392

25 25 S 78deg3252746 9deg12140004

26 26 S 78deg32454128 9deg121224

27 27 SW 78deg32272724 9deg1266852

28 28 (E6)


Junction of Sathangudi village

approach road on East Coast


78deg3254744 9deg11465612

29 29 SW 78deg3203264 9deg11556764

30 30 W 78deg31581772 9deg1202772

31 31 W 78deg31568812 9deg1271064

32 32 W 78deg3157018 9deg12124128

33 33 W 78deg31542496 9deg12185364

34 34 W 78deg3153778 9deg12249264

35 35 W 78deg31522228 9deg12278676

36 36 (E7)


Along the Sattangudi village

approach road

78deg31537024 9deg12351504

37 37 W 78deg31537996 9deg12438444

38 38 W 78deg31501744 9deg12486108

39 39 W 78deg31462216 9deg12534744

40 40 W 78deg31444216 9deg1310236

41 41 W 78deg31459084 9deg1319002

42 42 NW 78deg31419016 9deg1322944

43 43 (E8)


Point on western bund of

Alangulam Kanmoi

78deg31391296 9deg13258204

44 44 NW 78deg31350508 9deg13283836

45 45 NW 78deg31341508 9deg13382404

46 46 NW 78deg31309396 9deg13478848






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530
Page 40: EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section ... · 4164 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M






No Village Name


Taluk District


(DMS format)

Longitude (DMS


1 Melaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg122919 78deg325847

2 Puthukudiyiruppu Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg132953 78deg323232

3 Alangulam Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

4 Keelaselvanoor Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg123900 78deg34282

5 Orivayal Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg142051 78deg324862

6 Sathangudi Kadaladi Ramanathapuram 9deg13355 78deg315878

Annexure ndashV

Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee - Performa of Action Taken Report-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate


3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone

wise) Details may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment

Notification 2006 Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-07-30T150757+0530