Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily

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  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily




    Miles [email protected]


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily



    Aleister Crowle (45)

    !inette Shumwa (25)Crowley's lover and disciple

    Howard (3) Ninette's son

    Hansi (2) Leah's son

    "iordano "iosusA local landlord

    #eah Hirsig (37)Crowley's lover and disciple

    Crowle as !arrator(54)

    $talian %aternit &ard !urse

    'ou(eeCrowley/irsi!'s "a"y !irl

    %essenger )o (1#)

    Cecil rederick Russell (25)$isciple

    Raoul #oveda(23)$isciple

    )ett %a (27)Loveday's wi%e

    +ane &ol,e (45)$isciple

    'oliceman -


    * See postscript for full character info.


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily



    April 2nd1920. Morning. Cefalu in Sicily. A run-down hotel.

    Crowley, Ninette and the two boy !oward and !ani are at the brea"fat table.

    Crowley #loo"ing around in conte$pt% I'm not spending a second night here.

    Ninette (nodding) I agree. he !ood's dread!"#.

    Howard(ha"ing Ninette& ar$) $"mmy% can &e go bac to merica no&

    Crowley Ignore his &hining. It's "nman#y. 'Stamp do&n the &retched and the &ea% this

    is the #a& o! the strong.'

    Howard$"mmy I hate this rotten p#ace*

    Crowley (ho'e unfinihed plate aide) +ermes does ha,e a point. I! I o&ned this p#ace%

    I'd !ire the che!.

    Howard I don't li"e Sici#y*

    Crowley(pointing at !ani) -ionys"s has maintained a stoica# si#ence thro"gho"t o"r

    tria#s. +e's on#y t&o% b"t he's p"tting yo" to shame. ((o Ninette) I can't to#erate this dining

    room any #onger. Let's go and sit o"tside.

    (hey lea'e the dining roo$.


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    (he adult are itting on a bench at the front of the hotel. (he boy run around playing.!ani tart throwing tone at a cat.

    Ninette (houting) Stop being so cr"e#* hat creat"re has done yo" no harm.

    CrowleyNo ea"ty% #et him contin"e. he games o! the boy re,ea# the r"e Wi## o! the


    NinetteLeah is too so!t. +er son's become a #itt#e b"##y.

    Crowley -on't yo" see +is nat"re has a strain o! br"ta#ity. he S"nday Schoo#

    hypocrites &o"#d deny him it% b"t I &i## not. Let him tread a sa,age path* -ionys"s may

    gro& "p to be a great genera#. We need s"ch men to de!end o"r nation.

    Ninette I thin the tr"th o! the matter is that yo" detest cats.

    Crowley(chuc"le ruefully) I don't. ho"gh I did s#ay one at age !o"rteen.


    Crowley I'd been to#d 'a cat has nine #i,es.' I decided to s#ay one% as +erc"#es did the

    se,en/headed hydra. I there!ore ca"ght a cat% and ha,ing administered a #arge dose o!

    arsenic% I ch#oro!ormed it% hanged it abo,e the gas 0et% stabbed it% c"t its throat% smashed its

    s"## and% &hen it had been pretty thoro"gh#y b"rnt% dro&ned it and thre& it o"t o! the

    &indo& that its !a## might remo,e the ninth #i!e. In !act the operation &as s"ccess!"#% I had

    i##ed the cat. I remember that a## the time I &as gen"ine#y sorry !or the anima#1 I simp#y

    !orced myse#! to carry o"t the e2periment in the interest o! p"re science.

    ()iordano )iou approache the$)


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    Giordano (hea'ily accented *nglih) re yo" the mericans

    Crowley No% I'm Eng#ish.

    Ninette +&$merican.

    Giordano Yo" need some&here to stay

    Crowley Yes.

    Giordano I ha,e a ,i##a to #et. I can sho& yo" it% i! yo" #ie

    Crowley When

    GiordanoNo&% i! yo"'re ready

    Crowley Yes. We sho"#d #ie that ,ery m"ch.

    ()iordano lead, and the four of the$ follow)

    Crowley (nder breath to Ninette) I hope yo" can appreciate this mirac#e* It norma##y

    taes at #east a month to get the most tri!#ing b"siness done in Ita#y.


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    (he ground of the illa Santa arbara. (he 'iitor gather outide the front door.Crowley i pacing about, inpecting the ground. !e point at o$ething, e/citedly.

    Crowley &o 3ersian n"t trees% #ie the ones &hich gre& near the 4i##a Ca#dara55o. It's a

    toen !rom the gods* hey mean me to #i,e here. ((o )iordano) $ay &e #oo inside

    Giordano Certain#y.

    Crowley enter. Ninette follow, then the boy. *choe e$anate fro$ within a the boy

    ta$p their feet and hout. )iordano wait outide, $o"ing. (he four of the$ e'entually


    Crowley he innermost chamber is encirc#ed by !i,e rooms. he con!ig"ration o! a star.

    Ninette 'E,ery man and &oman is a star.'

    Crowley he centra# chamber &i## be a temp#e de,oted to magica# &orings. We'## p#ace

    the a#tar there. 6pon it sha## rest the s&ord% dagger% c"p% #amen and be##.

    (he regard )iordano)

    Giordano We## Yo" #ie

    Crowley Yes. What is the rent

    Giordano 78 #ira per month.

    Crowley I thin it's &orth 97.

    Giordano(*/tending hand) -one. I'## co##ect on the !irst :riday o! e,ery month.


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    (hey ha"e hand. */it )iordano.

    Crowley his 4i##a !"#!i#s a## my conditions. here's e,en a &e## !or "s to drin !rom.

    Ninette No r"nning &ater

    CrowleyR"nning &ater* +o& spoi#ed yo" are% ea"ty*

    Ninette I'm "sed to city #i,ing.

    Crowley Yo" didn't !ind &hat yo" &anted in Ne& Yor% did yo" What did her

    sophisticated degenerates ha,e to o!!er

    Ninette Nothing% I g"ess.

    Crowleyhere are no tr"e mystics in merica. ;"st char#atans pedd#ing snae oi#. "t

    yo" hall disco,er yo"r r"e Wi## here% in Ce!a#".

    Ninette It's a bea"ti!"# to&n% a#right. he !ishing boats on the shore. he &hite&ashed


    Crowleyhe name means 'head'% by the &ay% as in 'encepha#itis'.

    Ninette Isn't that a disease

    Crowley In!#ammation o! the brain tiss"es. I do"bt yo" are at ris.

    Ninette (gaing around) he ,ie&'s bea"ti!"#. Yo" can 0"st stand in the door&ay and see

    the great roc o! Ce!a#" and the $editerranean sea.

    CrowleyI can't stand the sight o! "ncon

  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    Crowley ae the boys and &a# bac to the hote#. +a,e the porters !etch o"r !"rnit"re

    and be#ongings here. hen send the pe a te#egram% s"mmoning her.

    Ninette I'## need money.

    Crowley(hand her o$e ban" note) Whi#st yo"'re at it% hire a man. We need someone

    to maret% coo and c#ean ship.

    Howard re &e going to #i,e here% "nc#e #eister

    Crowley(rubbing the boy& head) Yes% +ermes. We sha## be as m"ch at home as a

    m"mmy in a pyramid*

  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily



    awn. Crowley, eah and Ninette tand outide the 'illa, facing the riing un. (hey'oice a ritual alutation.

    "ll+ai# "nto hee &ho art Ra in thy rising% e,en "nto thee &ho art Ra in thy strength% &ho

    tra,e##est o,er the hea,ens in thy bar at the "prising o! the s"n. ah"ti standeth in his

    sp#endo"r at the pro&% and Ra/+oor abideth at the he#m. +ai# "nto thee !rom the abodes o!


    Crowley tand before hi two lo'er, deli'ering a peech.

    Crowley he pe has arri,ed% and o"r !ami#y is comp#ete. No& the e2periment can begin

    in earnest. We sha## estab#ish the La& o! he#ema as the ethica# basis o! a ne& socia# order.

    +ere% in this Collegiu$ ad Spiritu$ Sanctu$% &e sha## estab#ish a &oring mode# o! the

    society to come. society &here e,ery man and &oman !o##o&s their r"e Wi##s.

    :"rthermore% this Co##ege o! the +o#y Spirit &i## stand as a training gro"nd% attracting ne&

    discip#es !rom across the g#obe. hey sha## be initiated in the mysteries o! the rgenti"m

    str"m% the Si#,er Star. he oo o! the La& sha## be o"r ho#y te2t% rendering a## others

    obso#ete* &ay &ith the capita#ists% the crass and so"##ess ones% chasing the tai# o! pro!it.

    With my ha&'s head I pec at the eyes o! ;es"s as he hangs "pon the cross* I !#ap my

    &ings in the !ace o! $ohammed and b#ind him* With my c#a&s I tear o"t the !#esh o! the

    Indian and the "ddhist% $ongo# and -in. I spit on yo"r crap"#o"s creeds*


    -o &hat tho" &i#t sha## be the &ho#e o! the #a&.

    Wo#enLo,e is the #a&% #o,e "nder &i##.

    Crowley -"ring the ne2t !e& days% I sha## occ"py myse#! &ith my magic% painting and

    poetry. Sisters Cypris and #ostrae#% yo" m"st begin yo"r systematic training. -o not

    neg#ect to #og yo"r acti,ities in yo"r magica# diaries.

  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    SCENE !I$E

    (he te$ple cha$ber. (he (hele$ite are holding a e/ $agic rite, deigned to celebratethe entry of the un into the odiacal ign of (auru. Crowley enter, robed in a golden

    gown and ah. Ninette wear a carlet gown and ah. eah, deep indigo.

    Leah and Ninette +ai# "nto thee% +e#ios/po##o* +ai# "nto thee Ra and So#* reader o!

    days% on thy sanda#s o! !#ame. Come "nto "s as a phoeni2% a chi#d.

    Ninette e$brace hi$.

    NinetteWi#t tho" not c#ea,e to the bosom o! ries $ine is the #"st o! the goat1 myrt#e =

    pheasant are sacred "nto me. I &o"#d anoint thee &ith the b#ood o! thine enemies% #aying

    their s&ords be!ore thee.

    Crowley hy ho"se &anes% maid o! ries. he ho"se o! a"r"s gro&s strong.

    Ninette $y d"s o"tshines her da&n*

    Ninette trip, then "neel. She raie Crowley& robe, fellating hi$. eah lowly circle

    the$, with an alluring trut, before pea"ing.

    Leah Sh"n the ro"gh gir# o! $ars% s&eet #ion. With mine ,apo"rs I god thee.

    She put ether under hi noe.

    CrowleyWho tempteth me !rom marriage to the da"ghter o! stri!e

    Leah I% the b"## o! 4en"s. $y #imbs are 0e&e##ed &ith topa5 and my garden's ripe &ith

    ma##o&. With my b#ood I in,ite thee. -rin% and be dr"nen thereo!.

    She cut her ar$, letting blood drip into a goblet of wine. She hand it to Crowley who


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    conu$e it.

    Crowley Let modesty be o!!% or I'## !ore,er sh"n thee.

    eah hi"e up her gown, bending o'er the altar pro'ocati'ely.

    LeahYo" &ho ha,e &andered acacia gardens% come% be e2a#ted in my ho"se.$ae thy

    ,o&% then sacri!ice "nto me.

    CrowleyI% #eister Croey% Laird o! o#esine% do hereby ,o& to attain the grade o!

    Ipsissim"s be!ore the &inter so#stice.

    !e $o'e toward eah, preparing to $ount her.

    Crowley(loo"ing bac" at Ninette) -a"ghter o! ries% I desert and sh"n yo". ho" art #e!t

    deso#ate% shado&ed% a#one. Yo"r iron cro&n r"sts% it's r"by !a##en.

    Ninette (weeping) >o then*

    Crowley ho" art !a##en !rom !emininity. noint thy s"ccessor &ith oi# and isses. Ser,e

    her as a man1 coo# her #"st &ith yo"r #ips.

    Ninette tride to the altar. She angrily plahe ritual oil o'er eah& bac".

    Crowley ?iss her*

    Ninette No* Why sho"#d+be the man I don't #o,e her* She's not e,en pretty. I'm the

    pretty one* I sho"#d ha,e p#ayed a"r"s% not her*

    Leah -o as yo"'re to#d*

    Ninette No* Yo" t&o designed this rit"a# behind my bac% 0"st to h"mi#iate me* I'm not

    ha,ing any more o! it*


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    3ut on her robe and tor$ out in tear.

    CrowleyNinette* Where are yo" going

    Leah Come bac* We ha,en't !inished*

    eah neaten her gown.

    Crowley She can't go o"t in the dar #ie that. She's practica##y naed. esides% it's

    po"ring &ith rain.

    Leah She's 0"st s"#ing. She'## ret"rn.

    CrowleyI can't ha,e her roaming abo"t in that state. Wait here% I'## go a!ter her.

    !e lea'e.

    eah& left alone a Crowley earche for Ninette. A light trobe lowly on, then off,

    howing the paage of ti$e.

    *ach ti$e it flahe, eah i een brooding in a different poition. After the third flah,

    he i een clutching a bottle of brandy. A few flahe later, it& e$pty and he& rolling on

    the floor, drun". (hen it i $ahed, and he bahe her head on the wall.

    (he light go up a Crowley return with Ninette. oth are oa"ing wet. Crowley wear a

    raincoat, Ninette 4ut her gown. Ninette hi'er. eah narl.

    LeahYo" si##y #itt#e s#"t* Where ha,e yo" been


    LeahYo" rotten :rench so&* Yo"',e r"ined e,erything*

    Ninette E"ghh* Yo"r breath rees o! #i

  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    Leah -on't eughhme* Who do yo" thin yo" are

    Ninette (point) I'm his #o,er* Yo"'re 0"st a shabby dr"n.

    eah narl and attac" Ninette. (hey cratch, lap, wretle and pull each other& hair.Crowley ta"e a long-handled opiu$ pipe fro$ the altar. !e light it, watching the

    $ayhe$ with growing indifference.


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily



    Spring, 1921. A year after their arri'al in Cefalu. Ninette ha been in the 'illage all day.She arri'e bac" inide the illa. eah greet her, in an e/cited $ood, ta"ing her by the

    ar$ and leading her.


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    Ninette In yo"r bedroom I sho"#dn't #ie to spend a night in here.

    Leah Nobody's in,iting yo" to% Sh"m&ay* I share this bedroom &ith herion*

    CrowleyNo& no&% sisters* Yo"'re beha,ing #ie t&o s#"ts at scot. 6s he#emites are

    abo,e petty 0ea#o"sies.

    Ninette and LeahSorry.

    !e face Ninette.

    CrowleyYo" g"essed the tr"e p"rpose o! this chamber% Sister Cypris. hese m"ra#s are

    meant to be contemp#ated a#one thro"gho"t the co"rse o! a !"## night.

    Leah She made a #"cy g"ess.

    Crowley No% it &as a sign. Cypris sho"#d be !irst to end"re he Chamber o! Nightmares.

    LeahNo% #et me* She'## be scared o"t o! her &its* What "se &o"#d that be

    Crowley he process is simi#ar to that o! psychoana#ysis. Cypris m"st !athom the abysses

    o! horror. She m"st con!ront the most ghast#y possibi#ities o! he##. hen% &hen she's come

    s"ccess!"##y thro"gh the tria#% she'## be imm"ne to those ideas o! e,i# &hich di,ide the so"#

    !rom its di,ine se#!. She'## ha,e attained permanent mastery o! her mind.

    (handing her a goblet)

    Come% Sister Cypris. -rin this e#i2ir o! nightmares. I ha,e prepared it by a secret process.

    It contains opi"m% anha#oni"m and hashish.

    Ninette accept the goblet, but hold it ner'ouly, reluctant to drin". (he other regard

    her intently.

    Ninette ## night #one I can hard#y stand these horrors !or a second.

    Crowley(placinghi ar$ round her houlder) Come% drin* S#ay a## yo"r ne"roses in one


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    !e## s&oop. I sha## re#ease yo" !rom the !ear o! rea#ity.

    Ninette :ear $y on#y !ear is that I sha## go star ra,ing mad.

    Leah(oftly "iing her chee"%$adness is geni"s.

    Ninette I !ee# #ie #ice in Wonder#and.

    Crowley >ood. hen perhaps yo"'## be#ie,e si2 impossib#e things be!ore s"pper

    !e clap her writ, raiing the cup to her $outh, then tipping it bac". A he wallow,

    he whiper o'er her right houlder.

    >ood gir#. Yo" sha## remain in here a## night% and I sha## brace the door c#osed. Yo"r #o&er

    se#! sha## die in here. When da&n comes% the nightmare o! rea#ity sha## be "tter#y dispe##ed.


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    Crowley and eah ha'e $o'ed into the te$ple cha$ber in the centre of the houe.

    Ninette i loc"ed in the ad4oining night$are roo$. eah light a cigarette. Crowley ta"ea $all gla 'ial, and nort two doe of cocaine fro$ a poon.

    LeahYo"'re taing too m"ch o! that*

    Crowley I'm tired.

    Leah hat's no e2c"se.

    CrowleyYo" &ant to be !"ced tonight% don't yo"


    Crowleyhen don't begr"dge me a #itt#e arti!icia# stim"#"s.

    Leah >i,e me some% then.

    CrowleyNot &hi#st yo"'re pregnant.

    (hey "i paionately, until interrupted by crea$. (hee echo fro$ the Cha$ber of

    Night$are ne/t door. eah truggle to turn her head, but Crowley beco$e aroued

    and pull her bac", "iing her harder. (he crea$ increae in 'olu$e, beco$ing $ore

    ani$alitic and de$ented.

    !oward and !ani enter the roo$, !oward in tear. !e tug on eah& lee'e until he

    top "iing Crowley and turn to hi$.

    HowardWhy is mother screaming

    Leah here's a mo"se in the bedroom.


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    HowardIt m"st be !right!"##y #arge. $ay I go and com!ort her

    !oward goe o'er to the bo/ of cigarette, e/pertly lighting one. !e puff at it and


    Crowley ae the boys o"t !or an e,ening stro##% pe.

    Leaht this time Where on earth sha## &e go

    Crowleyhat o#d maid in the ,i##age dotes on them. She'## ha,e them !or the night.

    Leahs yo" say.

    (hey lea'e. Crowley i left alone in the te$ple, with Ninette& de$ented crea$ echoing

    fro$ ne/t door.

    Ninette:or god's sae% #et me o"t*

    Crowley ignore her plea. !e begin pacing up and down, co$poing poetry. !e ta"e

    down note in an e/peni'e leather-bound diary.

    CrowleyOh "ddha co"#d'st tho" no&here rest% a pi,ot !or the "ni,erse1 m"st a## things

    be a#ie con!essed% mere changes r"ng "pon a c"rse.


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    +nide the cha$ber of night$are. Crowley and eah ha'e 4ut finihed ha'ing e/. (heylie ide by ide on the bed. eah i wearing a lip, co'ering her pregnant belly5 Crowley

    wear only hi hirt.

    Crowley I'm &riting to the patent o!!ice tomorro&.

    Leah Oh Why's that

    CrowleyI'm app#ying to ha,e yo"r c"nt patented. he '+irsig patent ,ac""m p"mp'.

    Leah-onAt be so !#ippant* Yo" are the >reat east% and I am yo"r Scar#et Woman.

    CrowleyYo"'re po"ting% pe. -o yo" need another !"c "rn o,er% #et me tae yo" #ie a


    LeahYo" so"nd #ie a na"ghty chi#d* Why do yo" re,e# in petty sins% #ie sodomy

    CrowleyWhy do yo" goad me

    Leah eca"se yo" are sti## yo"r !ather's son. he preacher's son in rebe##ion against the

    ib#e. Yo" are good at breaing r"#es in a r"#e/boo% that's a##.

    Crowley I piss on the ib#e.

    LeahWho cares abo"t that* I &i## in,ent ne& sins% !resh b#asphemies. garden o! eterna#


    Crowley (tro"ing her hip) $mmmmmm. Where do &e start

    Leah I &i## taeyouas a gir# this time. s my #esbian #o,er.


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    Crowley4ery &e##.Alice has been po"ting !or &ant o! #o,e.

    She lap hi face then ho'e hi$ off the bed, onto the floor. She perche on the edge of

    the bed.

    LeahYo"A## get no #o,e !rom me% remember :or I ha,e i##ed my heart. >et on yo"r

    nees% pretty one% and iss my !eet.

    !e co$plie

    e a dear and open yo"r shirt.

    !e obey. She reache out, idly careing hi$.

    Yo"r breast is ro"nded% #ie a &omanAs.

    Crowley I ha,e a bise2"a# nat"re. I am a per!ect !#o&er. I rape myse#!.

    Leah Not this time. :etch me a cigarette.

    !e obey, ta"ing one fro$ a ide table, then lighting and inhaling it. !e hand it to eah,

    who ta"e a long drag, before blowing $o"e in hi face.

    I need an ashtray. pretty one &hich screams.

    She e/tend her hand, o that the tip of the cigarette glow inche fro$ hi chet.

    3ress onto it.

    Crowley flinche bac", $oaning.

    Co&ard* Yo" hide yo"r !ear o! s"!!ering* ## the mo"ntains yo"',e c#imbed. ## the tigers

    yo"',e shot. hey'## co"nt !or nothing i! yo" !ai#.

    She puhe the cigarette toward hi$. 6nce again, he hrin" bac".

    I no& a## yo"r &eanesses. I a#one can c"re yo" o! them. No& be a good gir# and !o#d yo"r


    !e obey. She uc" at the cigarette until the tobacco crac"le. (hen he lower it in front

    of hi$. !e tighten hi lip and pree againt the cigarette.

    Crowley rrrrrrr*** hat h"rt% yo" b#oody so&*

    Leah (touling hi hair a he "neel before her) >ood gir#% #ice. Yo" see We can ha,e !ar

    more !"n breaing yo"r r"#es. ## the #ies yo"',e to#d me. ## the b#"!!s. t !irst I tho"ght


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    yo" &ere a &hore. "t no& I see yo"'re nothing b"t a !ra"d. Yo"',e b#"!!ed yo"r &ay

    thro"gh #i!e.

    Crowleyitch* (he point to hi chet, hi pride outraged) I s"r,i,ed ?angchen0"nga*

    I i##ed a thie! in Ca#c"tta* I attained the trance o! Samadhi% and the ?noedge andCon,ersation o! mine +o#y >"ardian nge#* +o& then am I a b#"!!er

    LeahYo"r magica# boasts are beyond yo"r po&ers* Yo" c#aim that yo" can contro# matter%

    and t"rn my shit into nectar and ambrosia.


    Leah>o on then* Eat my shit*


    Leah I'm going to shit on the !#oor% and yo" are going to eat it*

    eah $o'e into deep hadow, where he hit. Crowley watche aghat. After, he

    point to the e/cre$ent.

    LeahEat it*

    Crowley No*

    Leah-e,o"r the he#emic +ost*

    Crowley (ha"e hi head) here is no &isdom a!ter this.

    Leah #"!!er* Liar* he Indian Saddh"s #i,e on cremation gro"nds% and gorge themse#,es

    on h"man !#esh. heir magic has beaten yo"rs*

    Crowley!ter this% I'm going to !"c yo" in the arse.


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    Leah "t !irst yo" m"st obey me% #itt#e #ice*

    Crowley obey. !e $o'e into the hadow where he "neel and eat, retching, cho"ing

    and 'o$iting all the while. eah tand o'er hi$ watching, her face conte$ptuou. After

    a $inute he 4oin in, eating her own wate without apparent difficulty. (o the ide of thetage, an older 'erion of Crowley decribe the deed.

    Crowley as Narratorhen I obeyed. $y mo"th b"rned1 my throat choed1 my be##y

    retched1 my b#ood !#ed &ither &ho no&s% and my sin s&eated. She stood abo,e me

    hideo"s in contempt1 she !i2ed snae's eyes on mine% and &ith most patient discip#ine% as

    &ith most eager passion% as &ith s"b#ime de#ight% &as !ace to !ace &ith me% epiphany o! my

    d"ty's archetype. +ierophantia stood she% her eyes "ttering #ight% her mo"th radiant

    si#ence. She ate the body o! god% and &ith her so"#'s comp"#sion she made me eat. $y teeth

    gre& rotten% my tong"e "#cered1 ra& &as my throat% spasm/torn my be##y% and a## my do"bt

    o! that &hich to her teeth &as moon#ight% and to her tong"e ambrosia1 to her throat nectar%

    in her be##y the one god o! &hose p"re body she sho"#d !resh her b#ood.


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    eah i in a hopital bed, following labour. Crowley i ad$itted to her roo$ by a nure.!e approache eah, and tand by the bedide bea$ing. She i holding a baby girl.

    CrowleyYo"'re #ooing &e##. 3ositi,e#y g#o&ing.

    Leah Rea##y I !ee# e2ha"sted.

    Crowley di!!ic"#t #abo"r

    Leah No. :ar easier than &hen I bore +ansi.

    eah coo and ing to the baby.

    LeahYo" ha,e a baby da"ghter. Wo"#d yo" #ie to ho#d her

    Crowley lift the baby.

    Crowley She's ,ery pretty. She deser,es a dainty 3arisian name. I sha## name her 3o"pee.

    Leah She has yo"r eyes.

    Crowley he Orienta# physiognomy comes !rom my mother's side. +er schoo# !riends

    ca##ed her 'the #itt#e Chinese gir#' on acco"nt o! it. I inherited her #oos% a#ong &ith a

    pre!erence !or Chinese and Egyptian tho"ght. (7oc" her in hi ar$, $iling proudly.) I

    thin she'## gro& "p to be a &anton% heart#ess s#"t.


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    Morning. Ninette i in the te$ple, writing in her $agical diary. eah enter, loo"inge/hauted. Ninette hatily cloe the boo".

    LeahWhere's #eister

    Ninette +e'sAlicetoday. +e's gone into 3a#ermo to !ind some coc.

    Leah nd &hat are yourp#ans !or today

    Ninette I don't no&. pinch o! this% a dash o! that.

    Leah+o& is yo"r mediation progressing Come on% I &ant to see yo" in asana.

    NinetteYoga phooey. It isn't my Wi## to be a mystic. I'm more o! a sorceress.

    Leah -on't "se that tone o! ,oice. It maes yo" so"nd #ie a cretin.

    Ninette-on't #ect"re me. Yo" aren't my g"r".

    Leah-id he s#eep &ith yo" #ast night

    NinetteYes. What &ere yo" "p to% yo" #oo e2ha"sted

    LeahN"rsing 3o"pee. She had a high !e,er.

    NinetteIs she better no&

    LeahYes% no thans to yo".

    NinetteWhat's that s"pposed to mean


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    LeahI mean that in bygone days% yo"'d ha,e been b"rnt at the stae.

    Ninettere yo" saying I'm a &itch

    LeahYo" said it.

    Ninette -on't ca## $e a &itch% yo" haggard o#d s#"t*

    eah lap Ninette hard acro the face. Ninette burt into tear.

    Leah+and o,er yo"r magica# diary* I &ant to no& &hat yo"',e been "p to*

    NinetteNo* It's !or hi eyes% not yo"rs* Yo" aren't my master1 yo" mean nothing to me*

    Or to anyone e#se !or that matter.

    LeahI am the Scar#et Woman o! the >reat east*

    NinetteOne in a #ong #ine* Yo" sho"#d chec #eister's diaries1 he casts &omen aside #ie

    cigarette b"tts.

    LeahYo"'re sore#y mistaen i! yo" thin yo" can tae my p#ace*

    NinetteOpen yo"r eyes% pe. I a#ready ha,e* +e on#y eeps yo" here as a &et/n"rse to his


    Leahitch* +and o,er that diary.

    eah lurche forward, grabbing for Ninette& Magical 7ecord. Ninette clap it to her

    chet. (he two wo$en pit, cure, cratch and wretle for the boo". 8inally Ninette pull

    away, running out of the cha$ber.

    eah reache for a 'ial of cocaine, norting it aggrei'ely up her noe.


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    All fi'e $e$ber of the fa$ily are ae$bled at the dinner table. (hey tand for$ally

    before their plate.

    Crowley Let "s say &i##. '-o &hat tho" &i#t sha## be the &ho#e o! the #a&'.

    "ll-o &hat tho" &i#t sha## be the &ho#e o! the #a&.

    Crowley'Lo,e is the #a&% #o,e "nder &i##'.

    "ll Lo,e is the #a&% #o,e "nder &i##.

    Crowley e seated and dine.

    (hey obey. brie! si#ence is broen &hen Ninette stops eating and #oos at Croey.)

    Ninette I ha,e some good ne&s.


    Ninette I'm e2pecting yo"r baby.

    Ninette tare at eah, gauging the i$pact of her word. eah $ile bac" cal$ly.

    Leah Rea##y hat maes t&o o! "s.

    Crowley($iling) here m"st be something in the &e## &ater. 3erhaps I sho"#d bott#e it%

    and se## it to chi#d#ess co"p#es

    Leah +o& can yo" 0oe abo"t money/maing schemes We're bare#y ab#e to pay the rent.


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    CrowleyS"##en ape* Why do yo" snar# in this time o! happiness

    Leah eca"se &e ha,e t&o more mo"ths to !eed. +o& &i## 0oes pay !or more !ood

    CrowleyCa"tion is the dead#iest sin. #&ays #eap be!ore yo" #oo1 the gods &i## s"re#y

    c"shion yo"r #anding.

    Leah 3o"pee is i##* +er medicine is e2pensi,e. We can't a!!ord more o! yo"r rec#ess


    CrowleyI! I &ere in a desert and I had b"t a ga##on o! &ater% my !irst act &o"#d be to

    drin it to the dregs. I am the !oo# o! the tarot% tr"sting my !eet to the ya&ning abyss.

    Ninette ($ug, uperior) he master's right. he gods ha,e a#ready repaid o"r !aith. he

    broch"re &e printed has attracted a !irst rate discip#e.


    Ninette certain ;ane Wo#!e &ants to ,isit "s. She's a +o##y&ood actress. Others &i##

    !o##o& in her &ae% and pay !or the pri,i#ege.

    Leah Oh. Why &asn't I to#d

    Ninetteeca"se yo" ne,er ased.

    Leah (tanding up to lea'e) 3o"pee needs me.

    NinetteYes% go to yo"r da"ghter. he sic#y chi#d o! do"bt.

    eah lea'e the roo$, 'iibly upet.


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    Crowley i lying flat on hi bac" in the te$ple cha$ber. !i eye are cloed, a if$editating. A boy of ten enter, holding an en'elope. !e regard Crowley with a $i/ of

    fear and bewilder$ent. *'entually he pluc" up the courage to "neel beide Crowley,

    gently ha"ing hi ar$. (hi ha no effect, o he ha"e harder. (hen again, uite

    'iolently. Crowley wa"e. !i eye nap open, the ret of hi$ $otionle.

    Messen%er &oy (proffering the en'elope) $essage mister Cro&/#er.

    Crowley turn to face hi$

    CrowleyWhat is it Who sent yo"

    Messen%er &oyI bring message.

    Crowley it up, rubbing hi nu$b ar$ before ta"ing the en'elope.

    Crowley4ery good.

    !e fihe in hi poc"et, then tip the boy with a coin.

    Messen%er &oyYo" are dr"n

    Crowley No. I &as pro0ecting my body o! #ight. 3erhaps in !"t"re yo"'d be so ind as to

    #ea,e me to it. o be shoo a&ae is terrib#y 0arring to one's energies.

    Messen%er &oyWhat

    Crowley read the $eage, and hi face fall.

    Crowley (flat tone) Ne,er mind. ;"st go% there's a good #ad.


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    Crowley tride into the hopital at 3aler$o. eah it in the waiting roo$. A he hearhi$ approach, he glance up at hi$ blea"ly. Crowley tand a few feet fro$ her ide.

    Leah(till eated) Yo"r da"ghter died #ast night.

    Crowley $o'e away. !e lean againt a wall in the tre poition, burying hi face.

    eah tentati'ely approache hi$, tanding to hi right.

    Leah (doubtful, hyterical 'oice) his is right. he gods &ere right to s#ay o"r da"ghter.

    Yo" are a prophet% not a !ather. his &as neither o! o"r &i##s. he baby &as an accident.


    No repone.

    It's my o&n !a"#t. he oo o! the La& &arned me this &o"#d happen. 'Let the Scar#et

    Woman be&are* I! pity and compassion and tenderness ,isit her heart% i! she #ea,e my

    &or to toy &ith o#d s&eetnesses% then sha## my ,engeance be no&n. I &i## s#ay me her

    chi#d% I &i## a#ienate her heart% I &i## cast her o"t !rom menB as a shrining and despised

    har#ot sha## she cra thro"gh d"s &et streets% and die co#d and an/h"ngered.' his is the

    0"stice o! the gods. Right

    Crowley hrug her away. !e re$ain froen in poition. eah $o'e to hi left, facing

    tage front. She drop to her "nee and huddle in a ball, obbing, her face buried.


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    eah i reco'ering in a bedroo$ at the 'illa, ha'ing uffered a $icarriage. Ninette itending to her, $opping her brow.

    Leah (enfeebled 'oice) Where is #ec +e hasn't "ttered a &ord to me since the


    Ninette $editating. +eAs been sitting in asana !or !i,e ho"rs. +e says menta# discip#ine is

    his on#y re!"ge no&.

    Leahnd &hat is my re!"ge e a dear and pass me the coe.

    Ninette&e',e none #e!t.

    Leah he heroin% then.

    NinetteNo. Yo"'re too &ea.

    Leah So &hat i! it i##s me What ha,e I #e!t to #ose oth my babies are dead. Yo"r baby is

    hea#thy &ithin yo"r be##y. So be a good &inner% and prepare a !e& grains o! dope.

    Crowley enter.

    Leah Co"#d yo" #ea,e "s% p#ease% Sister Cypris I'd #ie to spea to #ec a#one.

    NinetteO! co"rse. (Ninette lea'e. Crowley begin tending to eah.)

    LeahWe need to ta#. It's abo"t Sister Cypris.


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    (he te$ple cha$ber. Crowley and eah are tood behind the altar. oth are wearing

    blue and gold robe. Crowley ha a word in hi right hand, holding it point upward,li"e a ceptre. eah hold a la$p in her left hand. (he roo$& in hadow, e/cept a few

    candle on the altar.

    A "noc" on the door.


    Ninette enter.

    Crowley ?nee# on both thine nees.

    Ninette obey.

    CrowleyI ha,e e2amined yo"r magica# record. It's c#ear that yo"',e &ored a b#ac

    magica# c"rrent against my chi#dren% born and "nborn. -o yo" ha,e anything to say in

    yo"r de!ence

    NinetteIt's a pac o! #ies* he pe doctored my diary. She !orged my hand&riting.

    Crowley(hout) Si#ence* Yo" m"rdered my chi#dren*


    NinetteWhat sha## become o! me

    CrowleyYo" admit it% then (3aue.) I ne,er dreamed s"ch things &ere possib#e. hat I

    had this mess in my o&n circ#e.

    Leah I demand her death* Send demons to rend her% and her "nborn chi#d*


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    Crowley (regarding Ninette) No. She carries my #i,ing chi#d. Let her be banished instead.

    Ninette protrate herelf at Crowley& feet, claping hi an"le and obbing hyterically.

    Ninette No* I can't be parted !rom yo"% my #o,e* Yo" ha,e cast the &or#d into shado&.

    Yo" are my on#y #ight*

    Crowley egone &itch. egone ,ampire. egone asp. ho" sha#t be sh"nned hence!orth%

    as a centre o! pesti#ence.

    NinetteI did it !or yo"* he oo o! the La& co"nse#s "s to s#ay the &ea* It commands

    brothers to !ight% so that the pro"d and bea"ti!"# may be dr"n on the p#eas"re o! tri"mph.

    hat they may stamp the &ea#ings into the soi#. What abo"t sisters re &e not &arriors

    too I sa& &eaness and "g#iness in the pe and a## her brood. So I t"rned yo"r &ords into

    deeds and s#e& her o!!spring.

    Crowley -on't #ect"re me on my o&n re#igion* >o*

    Ninette lea'e laughing hyterically.


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    A dar" tage. (he elder Crowley tand in a potlight.

    Crowley as Narrator $y bbey o! he#ema began to attract ne& discip#es. hey &ere o!


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    Crowley hat's

  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    e2periments at home% nothing happened. Yo"'re the ey ,ariab#e. hey ca## it 'the Croey


    Crowley hey're #a5y% that's a##.

    Ce'ilYo" sho&ed them &onders.

    Crowley r"e. "t I don't pride myse#! on empty mirac#es. ## my po&ers are de,oted to

    one ca"seB besto&ing theoo" of (he aw "pon manind. hat% and e#"cidating the

    mysteries encoded in its pages. Wi## yo" p"t aside yo"r persona# ambitions% and he#p me

    &ith this ca"se

    Ce'ilI &i##% great teacher* Yo"r nobi#ity is an inspiration. With yo"r po&ers% yo" co"#d

    achie,e any goa#. Yo" co"#d become rich% or sei5e &or#d#y po&er. Instead yo" see to teach


    Crowley($ile) >ood. nd I'## repay yo"r ser,ices by teaching yo" the !"ndamenta#s.

    Yo" mericans are easi#y sed"ced by g#amo"r. So &e'## start &ith the #east g#amoro"s% and

    most ard"o"s co"rse o! st"dy. Yo" are to #earn yoga.

    Ce'ilYoga I don't see myse#! as one o! those India/r"bber men.


    Ce'il$y goa# is to #earn astra# !#ight. o rise on the p#anes% and con,erse &ith s"per/

    h"man inte##igences.

    CrowleyWhat "se &i## that be% i! yo" ha,e no inte##igence o! yo"r o&n

    Ce'ilI'm sorry

    CrowleyYo"r mind #acs discip#ine* I co"#d send yo" soaring "p into the astra# p#anes%

    0"st as s"re#y as I co"#d #o!t a ba## onto the green at St. ndre&s. "t it &o"#d be a point#ess



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    Ce'il"t that's precise#y &hat I came here !or*

    Crowley I co"#d b"y +ermes a ticet to the Lo",re% and &atch him mi## abo"t #ie the

    rest#ess yo"ng anima# he is. I sho"#d ha,e &asted my :ranc. he same is tr"e o! yo"% inre#ation to the astra#. Yo" ha,en't #earnt yo"r C's yet.

    Ce'ilI'm not s"re I #ie yo"r ana#ogy.

    Crowley (pat hi$ on the houlder) -on't tae it persona##y% o#d chap. his is a scienti!ic

    organi5ation. Impersona# criticism is the order o! the day. (!e roll up hi lee'e,

    re'ealing a ladder of horiontal car.) Yo" see these scars +o&'d yo" s"ppose I got


    Ce'il (itting bac", croing hi ar$) I',e no idea.

    Crowley hey're so",enirs o! bitter d"e#s I !o"ght &ith my o&n mind. Yo" see% e,ery time

    my attention &a,ered d"ring meditation practice% I c"t myse#! &ith a ra5or. I sha##% o!

    co"rse% e2pect yo" to do the same.

    Ce'ilYo" can't serio"s#y e2pect me to c"t myse#!

    CrowleyIt's nothing &hen yo" consider the re&ards. Consider any mo"ntaineer. Isn't he

    prepared to sacri!ice his toes to !rostbite% 0"st to e2perience the ,ie& !rom the s"mmit

    Ce'ilYes% I s"ppose...

    Crowley 3recise#y. $editation &i## sho& yo" things &hich mae the most spectac"#ar

    ,ie&s seem #ie p#ates in a chi#d's pict"re boo. I promise yo"% the re&ards are &orth it.

    Start by sitting in the #ot"s position.

    Cecil it in the lotu poition, leg croed, hand reting on hi thigh.

    he ne2t step is to remain motion#ess in yo"r asana.

    Crowley fill a gla fro$ a pitcher, and ret it on Cecil& head.


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    Crowleynd so yo"r !irst test begins. I'## ret"rn in an ho"r to chec yo"r progress. "t be

    &arned. I! yo"',e spi##ed so m"ch as a drop% it &i## mean !ai#"re. hen the &ho#e e2ercise

    &i## start !rom scratch.

    Cecil lift the gla fro$ hi head.

    Ce'il I didn't come a## this &ay to #earn deportment*

    Crowley 3erse,ere. Concentration is e,erything in magic.

    Ce'ilWhy Why is it e,erything 3ro,e it*

    CrowleyYo" &ant to see &hat a trained mind can do 4ery &e##. Crowley ta"e a eat at

    the dining table. !e unwind hi il" carf, uing it to blindfold hi$elf.

    Ce'ilWhat are yo" doing

    CrowleySet "p the chessboard. (Cecil obey.) Is it done

    Ce'ilI thin so.

    Crowley>ood. here's another board in the st"dio. e## the pe to stop &hate,er she's

    doing% and set it "p. I'm going to p#ay yo" both% b#ind!o#ded.

    Cecil lea'e, returning a $inute later.

    Ce'ilShe's ready.

    Crowley E2ce##ent. Yo"r board &i## be designated board 1 Leah's board . $ae yo"r

    !irst mo,e.

    Ce'il I'm sorry% I',e ne,er p#ayed chess be!ore. Is it the same as dra"ghts



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    Ce'il It's on#y a game.

    Crowley(angrily re$o'ing the blindfold) Can't p#ay chess* hat's yo" mericans a## o,er%

    isn't it ## be##s and &hist#es and gimmics* Not a brain amongst yo".

    Ce'il -on't ins"#t my co"ntry*

    Cecil tor$ out of the cha$ber.


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    (hat night, in hi bedroo$, Crowley it down at a dreing table $a"ing hi face up

    with co$etic. eah $a"e e/ual ad'ance which he refue.

    LeahWhat are yo" doing

    Crowley$aing "p my !ace #ie the #o&est ind o! &hore.

    LeahWhy Where are yo" going

    CrowleyO"r merican g"est is being

  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    Ce'ilCroey* What do yo" &ant

    Crowley o stir thee &ith rapt"res &hich transcend reason. I &o"#d anoint thee &ith the

    in o! c"tt#es% and per!"me thee &ith the song o! snaes.

    Ce'ilSorry #ice. Yo"'re not my type.

    Crowley hen #ea,e tomorro& morning.

    Cecil open the door a fraction.

    Ce'ilre yo" serio"s

    CrowleyYo" ne& that se2 magic &as on the c"rric"#"m. Yo" are o! no !"rther "se to


    Ce'ilOh yeah We## I don't thin m"ch to yo"% or yo"r magic* Yo"'re an a"thor% a

    #itterate"r. Yo" dream "p metaphors &hi#st meditating. Yo"r magic is a peg on &hich to

    hang yo"r a"thoring.

    Crowley $y pen is mightier than any s&ord yo" co"#d hope to &ie#d.

    Ce'ilre yo" threatening me

    CrowleyNo. "t I &i## destroy yo" in print. >ood night. -on't #et the ,ampires bite.

    !e wal" off. Cecil i left leaning againt the doorfra$e, de'atated.


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    ondon. Noon. A cheap flat off 7egent Street. 7aoul o'eday i in bed, in a doped leep.

    !i wife, etty May, ha"e hi$ awa"e.

    Loveday$mmmm. $y head's sp#itting. :etch a g#ass o! &ater% p#ease

    etty fetche the water, handing it to hi$. o'eday drin". !i wife it on the ide of the


    &etty MayYo"',e been gone t&o days.

    Loveday Oh >one &here

    &etty May >od no&s. When yo" ret"rned #ast night% yo" &ere co,ered in d"st and soot.

    Yo"r breath reeed o! ether. I had to p"t yo" to bed.

    LovedayWhat time is it no&

    &etty MayNoon. Yo"',e been as#eep se,enteen ho"rs.

    Loveday :"c.

    &etty May I tho"ght &e both agreed to #ay o!! dope

    LovedaySorry. It's a## starting to come bac. I "sed some ether as a scienti!ic e2periment.

    &etty MayYo" no& it too me year to

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    Loveday Sorry. I didn't &ant to "ndermine yo".

    &etty MayWho &ere yo" &ith% any&ay


    &etty May#eister Croey he mystic

    LovedayYes. +e ga,e me ether to #oosen the girders o! my so"#.

    &etty MayI',e met him. +e ,isited Epstein's st"dio &hen I &as mode##ing there. I'd

    sooner yo" stayed a&ay !rom him.


    &etty May+e scared me.

    Loveday +e's a great man. nd he sees greatness in me. +e says I'm the man he's been

    seeing !or the #ast ten years. man &ith e,ery gi!t that a $ag"s co"#d need.

    &etty May hat's 0"st !#attery% Rao"#* +e's a parasite. +e'## #atch onto yo"% and s"c yo"


    Loveday Listen% etty $ay. I no& he "ses &ea#thy patrons to !"nd his &or. "t &e ha,e

    no money% so he can't be e2p#oiting "s. I'm a nat"ra# magician. It's my !orte% 0"st as yo"rs is

    mode##ing. It's my r"e Wi## to de,e#op my po&ers.

    &ettyMay No& yo"'re spo"ting his gobb#edegoo.

    Loveday3#ease. We',e been in,ited to stay &ith Croey in his abbey at Ce!a#". +e'## be

    paying o"r #i,ing e2penses. I sincere#y &ant to go% and I'd #ie yo" to bac my decision.

    &etty May#right% a#right. We're !#at broe% so I s"ppose &e sho"#d consider his o!!er.


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    Where'd yo" say he's based

    Loveday Ce!a#". It's a sma## to&n on the coast o! Sici#y.

    &etty MayIt so"nds bac&ards and d"##.

    LovedayWe'## stay !or a year% at most. +is organi5ation% the rgenti"m str"m% is

    attracting &ea#thy discip#es !rom E"rope and merica. Once I',e attained the grade o!

    $ag"s% I'## be entr"sted &ith a #odge in Ne& Yor or London.

    &etty May So yo" ,ie& it as a career mo,e

    LovedayYes. Croey's training methods are s&i!t and s"re. +e achie,es res"#ts in wee"%

    &hereas it too the >o#den -a&n year to de,e#op their candidates. +e's the rea# thing%

    that's !or s"re. he heosophists and Rosicr"cians are !ae% b"t their members n"mber in

    the tho"sands. Once &ord gets aro"nd that there's a rea# mystica# schoo#% their members

    &i## !#oc to "s.

    &etty May >en"ine or not% Croey has a habit o! maing enemies. I &o"#dn't &ant to be

    amongst them.


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    o'eday and etty May arri'e outide the Abbey. o'eday "noc" on the front door.Crowley anwer.

    Crowley (to o'eday) -o as tho" &i#t sha## be the &ho#e o! the #a&.

    Loveday Lo,e is the #a&% #o,e "nder &i##.

    Crowley Enter. (o'eday enter, Crowley regard etty a he re$ain tanding

    outide). -o as tho" &i#t sha## be the &ho#e o! the #a&.

    &etty May >ood e,ening*

    Crowley glare at her. A few econd aw"ward ilence.

    $ay I come in no&% p#ease

    Crowley (enraged) 6se the correct greeting*

    &etty May Is it rea##y necessary

    Crowley his is the bbey o! he#ema. Yo" &i## ,oice an appropriate greeting% or be

    denied entry.

    &etty MayWhat &as it Rao"# said

    CrowleyLo,e is the #a&% #o,e "nder &i##.

    &etty MayOay% oay. (half-heartedly) Lo,e is the #a&% #o,e "nder &i##.

    Crowley (preing hi face to her%Say. It. 3roper#y.


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    &etty May (uddenly inti$idated) Lo,e is the #a&% #o,e "nder &i##.

    Crowley>et inside.


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    +nide the "itchen:dining roo$. Crowley lead the pair to the dining table. eah i buycoo"ing at a to'e. ;ean

  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    (hey ign, handing bac" the heet. Crowley reache into hi poc"et. !e hand each guet

    a $all ob4ect wrapped in red il".

    Crowley R"#e n"mber !i,e is o! specia# importance. I bo"ght yo" each a sma## gi!t% to he#pyo" obey it.

    &etty Mayopen it c"t/throat ra5or* I did pac my o&n% yo" no&. I',e no intention o!

    t"rning into the earded Lady o! 3a#ermo.

    Crowley his is no #a"ghing matter. -"ring yo"r stay% yo"'## be s"b0ect to strict magica#

    discip#ine. he ra5ors are to be se#!/administered on yo"r arms% in the case o! yo" #apsing

    into the "se o! the persona# prono"n.

    &etty May he &hat

    LovedayWe're not a##o&ed to "se the &ord 'I'.

    CrowleyYo" 0"st did.

    Loveday3oint taen.

    o'eday open the raor and roll up hi left lee'e. !e ad$initer a $all cut on hi left

    ar$, wincing at the pain. Crowley watche appro'ingly, before handing hi$ a dreing.

    etty watche with growing horror.

    &etty May(hurling the raor acro the roo$%We## I'm ha,ing none o! it* I'## spea

    e2act#y as I sho"#d &here,er I am.

    LovedayRemember that yo"'re a g"est% etty*

    &etty MayI'm a mode#% I can't a!!ord to &rec my arms. esides% I can't stand the sight o!



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    Crowleyhat's se,en times yo"',e "sed the persona# prono"n. I thin yo" sho"#d

    !o##o& yo"r h"sband's e2amp#e.

    &etty MayWhat abo"t yo" Yo" 0"st said 'I'

    CrowleyI'm the teacher. Yo" are both my p"pi#s. What ind o! teacher gi,es himse#!


    Lovedaypo#ogies% #eister. We're both a #itt#e tired !rom o"r #ong 0o"rney. One thins

    etty needs a #ie/do&n.

    Crowley4ery &e##. I',e prepared separate rooms !or yo" in the 6mbi#ic"s.

    LovedayI'## e2p#ain the e2ercise to my &i!e tomorro&. Once she no&s the point% she'## be

    eager to co/operate.

    &ettyMay No I &on't.

    CrowleyYo" "sed the persona# prono"n again% :rater "d.

    Loveday-id I Oh drat*

    Crowley hat's t&o more c"ts. "t since yo"'re !atig"ed% &e'## ca## it one.

    Loveday4ery &e##.

    !e cut hi ar$ again.

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    CrowleyNo. Indeed one &o"#dn't.


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    o'eday i in the te$ple, tripped to the wait. !e it cro-legged, $o"ing fro$ ahoo"ah pipe. 6n hi right i hi $agical diary, on the left i a copy of Crowley& boo" ===.

    !e ta"e a long drag, then cloe hi eye for a $inute, in re'erie. (hen he write an

    entry in hi diary, before conulting ===. etty enter.

    &etty MayOh my* Yo"r &ho#e body is co,ered in scars*

    LovedaySo",enirs o! my d"e#s &ith the persona# prono"n.

    &etty MayWhat're yo" smoing It sme##s #ie hashish.

    Loveday he $aster herion said his p"pi# is s"!!ering !rom spirit"a# dryness. he hemp

    e2cites the acti,ities o! said p"pi#'s so"#.

    &etty MayYo"'re pa#e* +o& m"ch ha,e yo" smoed

    Loveday Eno"gh. een at it !o"r ho"rs. he ,isions began an ho"r ago. One #ogs them in

    one's magica# record% and interprets them &ith===. What do yo" s"ppose a b#ac cat


    &etty May here's one sitting o,er there% &hy don't yo" as it

    Crowley enter. !e glare at the cat.

    CrowleyWho #et that b#asted thing in the temp#e

    &etty May It #ooed dread!"##y thin% so I !ed it some scraps in the itchen. It m"st ha,e

    crept in here a!ter&ards.

    CrowleyIt has to go. It's attracting bad #"c.


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    (he te$ple cha$ber. etty enter to find the cat till rooted to the pot.

    &etty May (to the cat) What are yo" doing bac here I carried yo" !ar !rom the bbey

    this morning. -on't te## me yo" &ant to be sacri!iced

    *nter o'eday and Crowley in cere$onial robe. A large >u"ri "nife i trapped to

    o'eday& belt.

    CrowleyStep aside% etty $ay.

    &etty MayNo* his &ho#e a!!air is rep"gnant* It rees o! anima# cr"e#ty.

    Loveday 3#ease% etty. Lea,e the bbey !or an ho"r. >o !or a stro##.

    &etty May (lea'ing) Yo"'re as re,o#ting as he is*

    A brief ilence. (hey regard the ani$al a it it froen in place.

    CrowleyS#ay the cat.

    o'eday draw the "u"ri. !e hold it poied abo'e the ani$al& head, hi hand tre$bling.

    CrowleyWhat are yo" &aiting !or% :rater "d

    Loveday It's 0"st....I',e ne,er act"a##y i##ed be!ore.

    CrowleyYo" eat meat% don't yo"


    Crowleynd yo"'re happy eno"gh to #et s#a"ghter/men do yo"r dirty &or% so #ong as it's


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    done o"t o! yo"r sight


    Crowley hen b#ood's a#ready on yo"r hands. Come on% the cat &on't mind. 3erhaps it'##be reborn as a god.


    o'eday wing the blade clu$ily. (he cat howl horribly. +t run around the te$ple

    cha$ber, wailing.

    LovedayIt...it's sti## a#i,e* Oh the &retched s"!!ering* What am I s"ppose to do

    Crowley Stand aside yo" !oo#. Let me etherise it.

    Crowley ta"e a bottle of ether and oa" hi hand"erchief. !e catche the cat and hold it

    to it noe.

    +ere. No& ho#d it !irm#y.

    Loveday #holding the cat under hi left ar$)It's b#eeding a## o,er me. I% I can't stand it*

    CrowleyYo"r co&ardice is pro#onging its s"!!ering* ?i## it !ast% yo" &ea#ing*

    Loveday It's escaped*


    LovedayCan't &e spare it

    Crowleynd #et it die a s#o& death !rom in!ection -on't be s"ch a !oo#.

    !e catche it.


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    +ere% I'm ho#ding it. S&ing hard% s&ing s"re. -on't b#in this time.

    Crowley e/tend hi ar$, holding the cat in both hand. o'eday obey.

    Crowley Idiot. Yo"',e a## b"t decapitated it* F"ic% grab a bo and !i## it &ith b#ood.

    o'eday co$plie. Crowley dip hi finger in and trace a pentagra$ on o'eday&

    forehead. (hen he pour a little blood into a il'er cup.

    ae this c"p% and drin to the dregs.

    o'eday obey. Crowley $ile.

    >ood. his bbey has been prey to hosti#e spirits !or too #ong. O"r b#ood sacri!ice has

    p"rged and c#eansed it.

    o'eday cho"e, and 'o$it a little in the corner. Crowley pat hi$ on the houlder.

    Crowley## done No& be a good man and he#p me c#ean "p this mess.


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    A bedroo$ in the Abbey. o'eday i ill in bed. !e leep. etty it beide hi$, touchingher pal$ to hi hot forehead. Crowley tand watching.

    &etty May +e's !e,erish* +e &as a !oo# to tr"st yo". I can't be#ie,e yo" made him drin

    cat's b#ood* +e's probab#y contracted hepatitis. nd !or &hat What p"rpose did the &ho#e

    ,i#e charade ser,e

    Crowley i ilent.

    &etty May Rao"# is a good man* he best yo" co"#d hope to attract to yo"r #"natic sect.

    +a,e yo" any idea ho& precio"s he is to me

    Crowley i ilent.

    &etty May(raied 'oice) Yo" doped him &ith hashish and &eaened his hea#th. Yo" too

    a good man and &rote him o!! him% cas"a##y and rec#ess#y. Yo"rs is a re#igion o! death*

    CrowleyIt's 0"st a #itt#e !e,er. Sister #ostrae# has sent !or a doctor.

    o'eday awa"en. !e pea" in a wea", fe'erih 'oice.

    Loveday-on't b#ame Croey. I bro"ght this on myse#!.

    &etty MayWhen &i## yo" stop de!ending him*

    LovedayIt's tr"e* Remember &hen &e &ent hiing the other day Croey &arned "s not

    to drin !rom the springs. Yo" heeded him% b"t I didn't. he midday s"n &as

    o,er&he#ming. I became so thirsty that I co"#dn't resist.

    CrowleyIs this tr"e


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    etty nod.

    hose springs are s&arming &ith bacteria. Why did yo" ignore me*

    LovedayI'm sorry.

    Crowley I ased those imbeci#es to p"t "p &arning signs. hey didn't #isten.

    !e loo" at o'eday, gra'ely.

    (8orcing opti$i$) Come on% etty $ay. -r. $aggio &i## be a#ong in d"e co"rse. We

    sho"#d #et yo"r h"sband rest.


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    o'eday i till in bed. !i health ha deteriorated. etty May 'iit hi$. She herelfloo" pale and unwell.

    &etty May his sho"#d cheer yo" "p. It's a #etter !rom yo"r mother.

    7aoul open and read it.

    Loveday +mmm% this isn't good at a##. he ne&spapers are sti## attacing Croey. I!

    anything their attacs are getting &orse. $other's beside herse#! &ith &orry.

    &etty May -o yo" ha,e copies o! those ne&spapers

    LovedayYes. $others been sending them e,ery !ortnight. We need to &rite bac and p"t

    her mind at ease. I'## dictate a #etter.

    etty ta"e pen and paper. o'eday begin dictation.


    -earest $other.

    It appears that some cheap ne&spapers ha,e been printing #ies in order to increase their

    circ"#ation. ##o& me to reass"re yo" that their scanda#/mongering has no !o"ndation in

    !act. Croey and his bbey are thoro"gh#y respectab#e. Li!e &ithin its &a##s is &ho#esome

    and a"stere. +is integrity and cond"ct are e2emp#ary.

    I'm p#eased to add that both myse#! and my &i!e are in good hea#th. We are sa!e and happy.

    Ce!a#" is a simp#e% "nspoi#ed Ita#ian to&n. We are ab#e to en0oy !resh !ish% o#i,es and c#ean

    co"ntry air. O"r days are !i##ed &ith hard% honest &or% and &e are bo"nd together in



  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    I tr"st that yo"r !ears ha,e been a##ayed. 3#ease a,oid the g"tter press in !"t"re.


    Yo"r son% Rao"#.

    &ettyMay hat &as a pac o! #ies* Yo"'re as &ea as &ater% and bare#y ab#e to mo,e*

    Loveday3#ease% etty $ay. ;"st post the #etter. I &ant it sent in the ne2t post.

    &etty Mays yo" &ish.

    etty May lea'e. 6n the way out, he urreptitiouly grab o$e of the newpaper.


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    etty it at the table in the "itchen:dining roo$. She write on the bac" of o'eday&letter.

    &etty MayIt grie,es me to go behind my h"sband's bac% b"t I am dread!"##y &orried.

    Yo"r son has been sending reass"ring #etters !or the #ast t&o months. 6n!ort"nate#y he has

    been sparing yo" the harsh !acts. Yo"r son is se,ere#y i##% and is too &ea to be mo,ed. nd

    that's not the &orst o! it.

    Croey has become a manip"#ati,e tyrant. +e is #aying do&n a## sorts o! r"#es% r"#es that

    co"#d not possib#y be ept. I ha,e ne,er &ored so hard in my #i!e as I ha,e here. I am ,ery

    i##% myse#!% b"t I am #ooing a!ter Rao"# as best I can. +e &ants a good &arm bed and

    no"rishment &hich &e cannot get here. I! Rao"# gets better% Croey thins o! parting "s

    and &hat can &e do We ha,e no money and are dependent "pon him !or o"r !ood.

    etty eal the en'elope. (hen he begin to read the *nglih newpaper. Crowley wal"

    in and catche her.

    CrowleyWhat the he## are those*

    &etty MayWhat does it #oo #ie

    CrowleyYo" are !orbidden to read Eng#ish ne&spapers. Yo" s&ore an oath in &riting on

    yo"r arri,a#.

    &etty MayWhy% &ere yo" trying to hide something

    She tart reading the headline aloud.

    '#eister Croey's Orgies in Sici#y.' 'he Wicedest $an In the Wor#d.' ' $an We'd Lie

    to +ang.' Yes% &o"#dn't &e*


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    Crowley (grabbing at the paper) >i,e me those*

    &etty May No*

    !e chae her around the table, finally natching the paper fro$ her grap, and tearing

    the$ in two.

    Crowley No& get o"t*

    &etty MayWhat

    CrowleyYo"',e broen bbey r"#es !or the #ast time* >o* I order yo" to #ea,e*

    &etty May No* I'm not abandoning Rao"# to die in this !i#thy madho"se.

    Crowley au$e a wretling tance.

    Crowley>et o!! my property% be!ore I thro& yo" o!!*

    !e $o'e forward. etty grab the re'ol'er fro$ the table.

    Yo" &o"#dn't dare*

    etty fire a wild hot which $ie. Crowley laugh, lapping the pitol fro$ her hand.

    She ruhe at hi$, failing to get a grip on hi ha'ed head. Crowley pic" her up, flinging

    her out of the front door. !e la$ it.

    &etty May(fro$ behind the door) Where am I s"pposed to go

    CrowleyYo" can stay in the hote#*

    &etty May I'm not going any&here &itho"t Rao"#. I'd rather s#eep on the doorstep.

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    CrowleyWe shoot stray dogs% etty $ay. Yo"'d better #ea,e the gro"nds.

    #She ob%

    Crowley I'm s"re yo"'## be conso#ed by a host o! admirers*


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily



    o'eday i in bed, left unconciou by a fe'er-leep. Crowley enter, and begin tro"inghi hair.

    CrowleyYo"r &i!e thins I'm a monster% Lo,eday. She b#ames me !or yo"r condition. he

    tr"th is% I am a monster. Yet I'm a#so an ange#. I am the mo"ntain t&inned &ith the abyss.


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    Yo"'re dying% Lo,eday.

    o'eday $oan

    -on't &orry% it is yo"r right. Yo" can go no&1 I &on't #et the others ho#d yo" bac. Not yo"r&i!e% not yo"r parents% not yo"r d"ties. Yo"r &or here is done% and the go#den da&n

    a&aits yo".

    Stro"e hi hair, 'ery tenderly.

    Yo" came here to die. I a#&ays ne& this. ae my hand% Rao"#.

    Crowley ta"e hi hand, then whiper in o'eday& ear.

    'I ca## it gro&th% and #o,e#ier than a## the g#amo"rs o! the day.'

    o'eday $oan, awa"ening.

    LovedayWhat is it What's happening

    Crowley Nothing. >et some rest% my !riend.

    !e lea'e the bedroo$.


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    Afternoon in the Abbey. Crowley i itting at the dining table, along with eah. o'edayi propped up in a chair, with a wo'en blan"et up to hi nec", loo"ing pale and wea".


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    (he ground of the illa Santa arbara. etty tand outide the front door. Crowley,eah and ;ane tand in front, denying her entry.

    &etty MayI demand to see my h"sband% and n"rse him bac to hea#th*

    CrowleyWe'## meet yo"r demands on one condition.

    &etty MayWhat

    eah wal" toward her with an affida'it and a pen.

    Crowley I &ant yo" to sign this a!!ida,it. It's a ne"tra# acco"nt o! recent e,ents% dra&n "p

    by Sister #ostrae#.

    &etty MayWhy sho"#d I

    Crowley o ho#d yo"r #ies in chec. I no& yo"',e been p#anning a smear campaign.

    etty "i$-read the affida'it, before rapidly igning. She thrut it toward eah.

    &etty May here. Satis!ied*

    Crowley and the other tep aide, e/poing the doorway.

    Crowley Stay in yo"r room and don't bother the others.


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    rea"fat in the "itchen:dining roo$ of the Abbey. Crowley, etty, eah and ;ane aretood at the dining table. Crowley i aying

  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    LeahYo" sho"#d &rite to the ritish Cons"#ate. hey'## send the ret"rn tra,e# !are.

    &etty May I can't thin straight at the moment. Yo"'re good &ith these things% Leah. Wi##

    yo" arrange it !or me

    Leah ($iling) O! co"rse.

    )ane(to Crowley) She can stay here &hi#st she &aits !or the money% can't she It'## on#y be

    a matter o! days.

    CrowleyYes. I thin &e can manage a brie! detente.


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    (he dining roo$ again. etty ha returned to *ngland. Crowley i pacing up and down

    in a fury, reading bad pre. ;ane and eah watch ner'ouly in their chair.

    Crowley -amn those #iars at the S"nday E2press* hey',e t&isted the !acts to me #oo

    #ie a i##er*

    )aneWhy What ha,e they printed

    Crowley (read) 'Sinister death at bbey. -read!"# ordea# o! yo"ng &i!e.' here are reams

    o! this dri,e#.

    (hrow the paper down.

    Leah hey're act"a##y acc"sing yo" o! Lo,eday's m"rder

    CrowleyNo% the co&ards are "sing inn"endo. hey',e co,ered themse#,es by ascribing

    his death to enteritis. "t then they',e gone on to ca## him my '#atest ,ictim'. he

    imp#ication is p#ain.

    )aneYo" sho"#d tae them to co"rt. S"e them !or #ibe#.

    CrowleyWith &hat money


    hat bitch etty $ay* In,iting her here &as the mistae o! my #i!e.

    (here& a loud "noc" at the door. Crowley anwer. (here are two police$en outide.

    Crowley &eed#e -"m and &eed#e -ee. No pri5es !or g"essing &hat yo" &ant.


  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    Poli'e#an *re yo" #eister Croey

    Crowley I dreamed I &as% in a !ormer incarnation. "t no& I am an Ipsissim"s. he

    creat"re yo" see be!ore yo" is b"t a she##. he !#o&er has b"rst its seed.

    Poli'e#en + (reading fro$ notice) $r. #eister Croey% by order o! enito $"sso#ini

    yo" are hereby e2pe##ed !rom Ita#y.

    Crowley4ery &e##. I &o"#dn't &ant to bring yo"r :ascist regime into disrep"te% &o"#d I

    Poli'e#an *(grippingthe truncheon on hi belt) re yo" 0oing &ith "s

    CrowleyNo. hat &o"#d be !oo#ish% &o"#dn't it


    $ight I re

  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily


    etty $ay p"b#ished a #"rid acco"nt o! the period% entit#ed (iger

  • 8/13/2019 Expulsion : Crowley in Sicily



    "leister Crowley (97).?.. '3erd"rabo'% '$aster herion'% 'GGG'% '#ice C"sac'% '#ec'

    Ninette Sh,#way (H7)Croey's #o,er% -iscip#e o! he#ema

    .?.. 'Sister Cypris'% 'ea"ty' :rench nationa# &hose merican h"sband recent#y died

    Howard () Ninette's son.?.. '+ermes'Not !athered by Croey

    Hansi (H) Leah's son.?.. '-ionysi"s'Not !athered by Croey

    Giordano Gios,s #oca# #and#ord

    Leah Hirsi% ./0Croey's #o,er and Scar#et Womanorn S&it5er#and% gre& "p in Ne& Yor.?.. 'he Scar#et Woman'% '#ostrae#'% 'he pe'Note@- pregnant fro$ tart, hea'ily by Scene *ight.

    Crowley as Narrator(79)

    Italian Maternity Ward N,rse

    Po,1eeCroeyK+irsig's baby gir#

    Messen%er &oy (8)

    Ce'il !rederi'2 ,ssell (H7)merican $athematician% -iscip#e o! he#ema

    ao,l Loveday(H)ritish -iscip#e o! he#ema% .?.. ':rater "d'

    &etty May (HJ)Lo,eday's &i!e% artist's mode#

    )ane Wol3e (97)merican ctress% -iscip#e o! he#ema