Exporting Hoof Trimmers to Nepal By Jonathan McLellan.

Exporting Hoof Trimmers to Nepal By Jonathan McLellan

Transcript of Exporting Hoof Trimmers to Nepal By Jonathan McLellan.

PowerPoint Presentation

Exporting Hoof Trimmers to NepalBy Jonathan McLellan

NepalLocated between China and IndiaGDP per capita is only 241 US dollarsOn the Human Development Index it ranks 145th of 187 countriesThree physiographic areas

Nepal-Livestock in Nepal

Product InformationEnderes F12 Hoof Trimmer

Low cost hoof trimmer

Supplier based in Wallenstein Ont.

High shipping costs

Need for Hoof TrimmersFoot rot in Nepal in Sheep, Goats57,076 cases of foot disease in Nepal in 2003 and over 2000 out breaks

Benefits to NepalHoof Rot and Hoof Disease have many negative effects on the livestock of Nepal

Properly trimmed hoofs have less favorable growing conditions for Bacteria

Benefits to CanadaIncreasing trade between Nepal and Canada can create more exporting opportunities for Canada.

Improving the Canadian Economy.

Problems with Hoof Trimmers in NepalLack of knowledge of the hoof and how to trim it.High cost of transportation and competition from neighboring countries

Info SlidePresentation done by Jonathan McLellanUniversity of Guelph in partnership with IDRC CIFSRT and DFAITFaculty Sponsor: Prof. Manish Raizada ([email protected])Total presentation time 4:11minFor more information visit http://agtradenepalcan.weebly.com/