Exploring User Wishthrough Mind Mapping -...

Seeing is understanding. Seeing is understanding. Exploring User Wish through Mind Mapping Kenji HIRANABE Mind map by Michal Splho

Transcript of Exploring User Wishthrough Mind Mapping -...

Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

Exploring User Wish through

Mind Mapping


Mind map by Michal Splho

Hello,!I’m from Japan.

3 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.


• Introduction

• What is a Mindmaping and Why

• Mindmapping and Agile

• User Wish Mind Mapping

• Conclusion

4 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

Kenji HIRANABE(1/2)• (co-)Translator of …

OO, UML books Mind Map book

XP/ Agile books

• (co-)Author of …C++ book

Scrum book

Agile and Scrum:

Collaborative Software

Development That Connects

Customers, Engineers and


5 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

Kenji HIRANABE(2/2)• CEO of Astah.net.

• astah – UML editor

– With Mind Map, ERD, SysML

– http://astah. net/

– Runs on• PC, Mac, Linux, iPad


7 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

Mind Map

• Tony Buzan

• Graphical note technique

– And more than that

• Visualize thoughts with

a radiant structure

8 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.da Vinci uses Pictures and Words at the same time

10 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

“How it feels to have a stroke”

Brain Scientist Jill Bolte Taylor


Mind map by Michal Splho

12 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

13 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

Mind Mapping

• Examples …

14 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.Kent Beck’s XP 2nd

Product Feature Map in Release Planning

Seminar Ideas

Project Christmas Planning

Meeting Minutes Template

Guitar Chord


20 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

“Mastering the Requirements” Process by Suzanne and James Robertson,1999.

21 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

22 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

Mind Map

1. Keyword Oriented

2. Loose syntax and semantics

3. Fast and Easy

4. High level View

5. Evocative

6. Explore and Gather Ideas


24 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

User Stores: Ron Jeffries’ 3 Cs

• Card

– Written on note cards.

– Cards may be annotated with estimates, notes, etc.

• Conversation

– Details behind the story come out during conversation with customer

• Confirm

– Acceptance tests confirm the story was coded correctly

25 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

User Stories: Mike Cohn

• Shift focus from writing to talking

• Metaphor of Trawling (by Suzanne and James Robertson)– Requirements can be captured with different sized nets

– Requirements change, mature, possibly die

– Skill is a factor

• Avoid “The user”, find “Roles”

• In order to <benefit>,as a <role>,I want to <story>,

26 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

Why Mind Map and User Stories Fit ?

• Shift focus from writing to talking

• Trawl requirements with coarse sized net first

• Capture Emotion, Use your right brain !

Colors, and Pictures !

– To fully utilize broadband communication and

preserve it in your brain, as the same time, keep it

into a mind map as a memento of the situation. In

the future conversation, you can use it to resume

the context back.


28 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

User Wish Mind Map

• The first step of getting what you want.

• Get the Big Picture.

• Who? first.

• Semi-structured.

• Gather info and mine UseCases/User Stories.

29 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.


• City Library System Interview…

–Assume visiting a client at a library

–Building a new library system

–Interview with mindmapping

Interview Template

Mindmap Modeling

(ex. Library Interview Mind Map)

UseCase Diagram

User Stories Mind Map

User WishUser Wish

Big Picture Mind MapBig Picture Mind Map

User Stories/ Use CasesUser Stories/ Use Cases




Estimate, Plan, Prioritize, Test


The big picture of this presentation

38 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.


• Mind Mapping is effective when

– Gathering Information

– Exploring topics freely

• User interview with Mind Mapping

– Is Semi-structured

– Gives a high-level view of user wish

– Creates a big picture of the user wish from which

you can carve out good use cases or user stories.

• Why, Who, When are good input to user stories.

39 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

Stickyminds.com article“Agile Modeling with Mind Map and UML”

Search: stickyminds Kenji HIRANABE

40 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

41 Seeing is understanding.Seeing is understanding.

Seeing isUnderstanding.