Experiencing Japanese Food

Experiencing Japanese food


japanese nihongo this idk

Transcript of Experiencing Japanese Food

Page 1: Experiencing Japanese Food

Experiencing Japanese food

Page 2: Experiencing Japanese Food


Page 3: Experiencing Japanese Food

はしのマナー (Chopsticks manners)The following actions are considered to be against the manner:

1.Playing with chopsticks2.Licking your chopsticks3.Move chopsticks over multiple dishes of food not being able to decide which one to pick.4.Over-mixing the food with chopsticks 5.Spearing your food with your chopsticks.6.Leaving your chopsticks standing in a bowl of food.

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Japanese table manners

Page 5: Experiencing Japanese Food

Before eating, you



After eating,

you say…


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Line up of Japanese food

Page 7: Experiencing Japanese Food

Udon & Soba noodles

カレーうどん  karee udon

てんぷらそば  tenpura soba

なべやきうどん nabeyaki udon

つきみそば  tsukimi soba

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Hot pot

すきやき  Sukiyaki しゃぶしゃぶ    Shabushabu

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Single plates

さしみ   Sashimi

ぎょうざ   Gyouza

とんかつ  tonkatsu

すのもの  sunomono

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やきとり   yakitori とうふステーキ   Toufu steeki

とりのてりやき  tori no teriyaki

コロッケ    korokke (croquette)

Single plates

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ハンバーグ   Hanbaagu

てんぷら   tenpura

うなぎどん   unagi don

Single plates

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ちらしずし   Chirashi zushi

にぎりずし   Nigiri zushi

まきずし  Maki zushi

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こうちゃ    Koucha

おちゃ    Ocha

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Dessertフルーツパフェ Furuutsu pafeサンデー     Sandeeプリン       Purinあんみつ     Anmitsu

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Making Sushi rollsまきずし を つくりましょう

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ざいりょう  ingredients すしめし  sushi rice

おこめ  Medium grain rice 水(みず)  Water す(こめず) Vinegar (rice vinegar) さとう   sugar しお    salt

ぐ  Fillings のり   Sea weed ツナかん  Tuna in the tin マヨネーズ  mayonnaise しょうゆ   soy sauce きゅうり  cucumber わさび wasabi

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すしめし の つくりかた How to make sushi rice

1. Measure and rinse the rice2. Measure water 3. Cook in the rice cooker


Vinegar: 3 tbsp.Sugar: ¾ tbsp.Salt: ½ tsp.

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1. Wrap the bamboo sushi mat in cling wrap2. Place sea weed on sushi mat3. Spread the sushi rice evenly on the sea weed4. Place the fillings in a narrow strip in the middle5. Roll from the edge of the seaweed6. Squeeze gently to close the ends of the seaweed7. Cut the sushi roll

すし の まきかた How to roll the sushi

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いただきます! みんなでたべると もっとおいしいです。It tastes better if you share!