Experiences and Success of Conserving the last one thousand Jakar sheep in Bhutan

Experiences and Success of Conserving the last one thousand Jakar sheep in Bhutan Jigme Dorji Animal Genetic Resources Unit National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests 9 th ITWG-AnGR side events, 8 th July, 2016, Rome-Italy

Transcript of Experiences and Success of Conserving the last one thousand Jakar sheep in Bhutan

Page 1: Experiences and Success of Conserving the last one thousand Jakar sheep in Bhutan

Experiences and Success of Conserving the last one thousand Jakar sheep in Bhutan

Jigme Dorji

Animal Genetic Resources Unit

National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

9th ITWG-AnGR side events, 8th July, 2016, Rome-Italy

Page 2: Experiences and Success of Conserving the last one thousand Jakar sheep in Bhutan

Content • Background• Livestock farming • Sheep farming • Jakar sheep • Population and status • Factors contributing to decline • Interventions • Way forward

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Background • Country profile

• Population: > 700,000• Area: >38,000 sq. Km• Elevations: 200 - 4500 masl

• Rich biodiversity• 700 bird species; 200 mammal species, • 91 freshwater fishes, 124 reptiles, • 61 amphibians species and over 800 butterflies

• Strict conservation policy • 60 % forest cover (Constitution of Bhutan) • Conservation of environment (GNH : Development


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Livestock farming • Subsistence farming system

• Livestock is integral part of subsistence farming (draught and manure)

• 60 % of rural farmers livestock dependent and are important source of food and nutrition

• Major livestock species and diversity • Cattle: 5 LA breeds, chicken 10 types, pigs 5 breeds, • Yak: 2 breeds, sheep: 3 types, goat

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Sheep farming • Concentrated Southern, central and

eastern regions

• Necessity for clothes, garments and rugs to protect against cold weather in high altitudes

• 3 major breeds/types• Jakar sheep (central region) • Sakten sheep (east region) • Sipsoo sheep (south west region)• Comeback breed (Australia) was introduced in

early 1980s (Poor survival under migration system)

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Jakar Sheep • Small body sized (about 30 kg) • Utility: Wool and manure

• Coat color: predominantly black

• Wool: fineness: 17-80 micron; Yield: 1kg/year

• Distribution: Central Bhutan

• Management: Migratory along with yaks in past but now are sedentary

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Jakar sheep population trend and status

Population trend

2003 2007 2011 20150








12415 12459 1141011000

2619 2389 1411

Total sheep Jakar

Jakar sheep population composition (2015)

 Site PhobjikhaChumey & Dhur Total

1. Lamb (male) 96 31 127

2. Breeding male 95 21 116

3. Lamb (female) 196 41 237

4. Breeding female 834 97 931

Total 1221 190 1411

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Reasons for decline

• Lack of awareness

• Utility of sheep for family needs was no longer relevant

• Farm labour shortages

• Depredation by wild animals (bear, leopard, wild dogs)

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Reasons for decline contd….

• Burden and lack/low income

• Traditional wool processing and product making are labor intensive

• 1 kg of wool requires about 3 days for cleaning, drying, carding and spinning

• Lack of interest in sheep farming by younger generations

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In-situ interventions • Awareness/education in 2007

• Formation of Jakar sheep conservation groups

• Exchange and supply of breeding rams in sites with small population

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In-situ conservation contd…..

• Provided labour saving wool processing devices to the group

• Training on the use

• Involvement of younger generations

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In-situ interventions continued

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Ex-situ conservation • Initiated cryopreservation of Jakar

sheep semen in Animal Gene Bank (2009)

• > 4000 doses of semen from about 40 rams in Genbank

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Ex-situ conservation contd…• Established Nucleus Farm for Jakar

sheep in 2015

• 400 animals unit for research and improving productivity

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Way forward• Utilization for income and sustainability

• Linking Jakar sheep conservation sites with the tourism sector

• Promote high value traditional niche products • Labelling and identification of products

• Sustainability • Group saving schemes initiated • Compensations for loss of animals to wildlife

• Cryo-conservation of semen will continue• Nucleus farm will be involved in selection and

breeding for improved production

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