Experience Nutritional Ketosis - Amazon S3 Nutritional Ketosis ... Most people report a dramatic...

Experience Nutritional Ketosis (NK) Nutritional Ketosis is not new; it’s how we managed to survive as a species. Today people utilizing NK have moved well beyond surviving, in fact they are thriving! Nutritional Ketosis (NK) is a natural process that allows your body to convert fat to ketones for its energy needs. NK allows the body to perform at an optimal level, burning Ketones for energy instead of Glucose (Sugar). Ketones are the human bodies preferred form of energy. One of the main benefits of NK is that it increases the body's ability to utilize fats for fuel. Once in a state of Nutritional Ketosis, the body becomes efficient at mobilizing fats as energy. Additionally, NK tends to have a protein-sparing effect. Once you become “Keto Adapted”, the body actually prefers ketones to glucose. Since the body has copious quantities of fat that it can convert to ketones for energy, there is no need to oxidize protein to generate glucose through gluconeogenesis, therefore preserving your body’s lean muscle mass. Nutritional Ketosis or a “keto diet” is well known for being a low carb diet, where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. It’s referred to as many different names – NutriKeto, Ketogenic diet, low carb/high fat (LCHF). By lowering the intake of carbs and increasing your intake of fats, the body is induced into a state known as Nutritional Ketosis. Nutritional Ketosis is a natural metabolic state where you begin to burn ketones for your main energy source. As you transition into Nutritional Ketosis (NK), your body and your health are going to go through a massive transformation. With a NutriKeto diet you’re going to cease being a sugar (glucose) burner and become a fat (ketone) burner. As a matter of fact, your body is going to become a fat burning machine! Ketones are an energy sources that your body naturally produces when it metabolizes fat. Ketones are the end products of fatty acids metabolizing, and compared to your body’s other source of caloric energy (glucose), they are pretty amazing. Unlike glucose, ketones do not require insulin to enter cells and be incorporated into the metabolic cycles

Transcript of Experience Nutritional Ketosis - Amazon S3 Nutritional Ketosis ... Most people report a dramatic...

Experience Nutritional Ketosis (NK)

Nutritional Ketosis is not new; it’s how we managed to survive as a species.

Today people utilizing NK have moved well beyond surviving, in fact they

are thriving! Nutritional Ketosis (NK) is a natural process that allows your

body to convert fat to ketones for its energy needs. NK allows the body to

perform at an optimal level, burning Ketones for energy instead of Glucose

(Sugar). Ketones are the human bodies preferred form of energy. One of

the main benefits of NK is that it increases the body's ability to utilize fats

for fuel. Once in a state of Nutritional Ketosis, the body becomes efficient at

mobilizing fats as energy. Additionally, NK tends to have a protein-sparing

effect. Once you become “Keto Adapted”, the body actually prefers ketones

to glucose. Since the body has copious quantities of fat that it can convert

to ketones for energy, there is no need to oxidize protein to generate

glucose through gluconeogenesis, therefore preserving your body’s lean

muscle mass.

Nutritional Ketosis or a “keto diet” is well known for being a low carb diet,

where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. It’s

referred to as many different names – NutriKeto, Ketogenic diet, low

carb/high fat (LCHF).

By lowering the intake of carbs and increasing your intake of fats, the body is induced into a state known as Nutritional Ketosis. Nutritional Ketosis is a natural metabolic state where you begin to burn ketones for your main energy source.

As you transition into Nutritional Ketosis (NK), your body and your health

are going to go through a massive transformation. With a NutriKeto diet

you’re going to cease being a sugar (glucose) burner and become a fat

(ketone) burner. As a matter of fact, your body is going to become a fat

burning machine! Ketones are an energy sources that your body naturally

produces when it metabolizes fat. Ketones are the end products of fatty

acids metabolizing, and compared to your body’s other source of caloric

energy (glucose), they are pretty amazing. Unlike glucose, ketones do not

require insulin to enter cells and be incorporated into the metabolic cycles

that generate the cellular fuel ATP. They cannot be converted to body fat.

Also, ketones can freely enter the brain where they are an excellent fuel for

brain cells. On top of all that, ketones generate more ATP per unit oxygen

consumed than any other energy source. Ketones are essentially your

body’s super fuel.

The objective of the NurtiKeto Diet is to get your body to flip its natural

metabolic switch. Currently you are a carb burner, which means your

primary source of fuel is sugar/glucose. The NutriKeto diet is designed to

move your body into Nutritional Ketosis, a safe and natural state which

allows your body to switch from burning sugar/glucose to burning

fat/ketones as its primary fuel.

What Are the Health Benefits of the NutriKeto Diet?

The NutriKeto “Diet” really isn’t a diet at all, it becomes a way of life and it

may be the single best thing you can do for your body’s good health and

longevity. The NutriKeto diet is an accelerated, well formulated ketogenic

diet, which is to say it’s a High Fat, Medium Protein, Low Carbohydrate


Most people report a dramatic reduction in inflammation and joint pain.

Many people who are insulin resistant or Type II diabetics find that their

blood glucose returns to normal. Those with Metabolic Syndrome

frequently see this condition reversed as well as a dramatic body

transformation with the loss of body fat.

On the NutriKeto diet you will consume 20 grams of carbs per day or less.

This will almost guarantee that your body moves into a state of nutritional

ketosis. When you enter ketosis, you may feel a slight sense of euphoria

and your appetite will probably start to diminish. Over time your appetite

may go away completely. What a dramatic shift for those of us who have

been “Sugar Burners” and as a result constantly hungry for almost our

entire lives.

It’s Not Your Fault You’re Fat!

In the 1980’s America went “Fat Free”. Eating fat was determined to be the

reason why people got fat. This was based on bogus science and sadly,

faked research. Since the 1980’s, obesity rates have doubled. The

percentage of people overweight has doubled. Type 2 Diabetes has

doubled. Heart disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s have exploded across

America! Why? It’s simple; when you remove fat from a food you remove

the “good taste”. Food manufactures replaced good tasting fat with sugar

and highly processed, refined carbohydrates, which your body converts to

sugar in a matter of minutes. Overnight they turned Americans from Fat

Burners into Fat Storers and the effect on the American populous has been

devastating! It is a scientific fact that carbohydrates as a fuel burn fast and

dirty in the body! Shortly after consumption your body releases its largest

hormone, insulin to convert carbs into ATP for energy. Once insulin is

released your body moves into fat storing mode and any converted

carbohydrates that are not used for immediate energy are stored as fat.

Additionally, your brain releases a chemical called Dopamine. Dopamine is

a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain's reward and pleasure

centers. Dopamine is also the chemical released when someone ingests

cocaine. It is the chemical that produces “the high” feeling and once you

have that feeling, all you want is more and more of it! Study after study has

shown sugar to be a more addictive substance that cocaine! The more

sugar you have the more you want with your brain constantly screaming

give me more….give me more. This is why diets fail. Your “will power” will

only carry the day for so long. Eventually, you will give into the urges of

this powerful, legal drug! Food manufactures know this; it’s why over 80%

of all foods in your local grocery store have added sugar! They also know

that you already know that sugar is bad for you so they hide it under over

100 different label names like Sucrose, Maltose, Dextrose, Fructose,

Glucose, and High Fructose Corn Syrup just to name a few.

The Answer!

What we know about addiction to any drug, whether it is cigarettes, alcohol,

cocaine or sugar is Moderation Does Not Work! Abstinence is the only way

to break the cycle of the sugar addiction. With the help of NutriKeto, you

will win this battle and break the hold that sugar and refined carbohydrates

have on you, FOREVER!

The 7 Steps to Nutritional Ketosis with NutriKeto

• 1. START YOUR DAY WITH A HOT DRINK Contrary to popular belief, breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. One of

the guiding principles of Ayurvedic medicine for health, is to have a hot beverage in the

morning. Start your day by having 1 or 2 cups of Keto Cappuccino or a Hot KeTone

Shake. Utilizing this intermittent fasting strategy, is a GREAT way to get and keep your

body in the Fat Burning Zone.

• 2. DRINK MORE WATER When you begin the NutriKeto Weight Loss Protocol, you will start to burn body fat for

energy. Inside of that fat are many toxins that your body has been exposed to through

the air you breathe, the water you’ve drank and the food you’ve eaten. Try to drink 1/2

to 1 ounce of water per lb of body weight to help your body flush these toxins. It is easy

in the Low Carb/High Fat (LCHF) lifestyle to become dehydrated so make sure you’re

drinking plenty of water.

• 3. DO NOT CROSS THE RED LINE • No snacking, plan your meals ahead of time. If you’re hungry eat a high fat meal.

• Stay away sugary foods and drink this includes soft drinks, sports drink and fruit juices

and most fruits, the exception being Berries, but remember to count your carbs!

• Avoid refined carbohydrates like bread, pasta and cereals. Refined carbs convert

almost immediately in your body to SUGAR!

• Be careful with nuts and seeds. Nuts & Seeds are a great source of fat and protein, but

they also have a pretty good amount of carbs. It’s very easy to have a couple of

handfuls, which can equate to 4-5 servings which means you’re now over your 20g

carbs/day limit (even using Net Carbs which is calculated by taking the Total Carb

Grams and subtracting Total Fiber Grams = Net Carbs)

• Avoid Chemical artificial sweeteners like Saccharine (Sweet n Low), Aspartame (Equal),

Sucralose (Splenda) instead opt for Truvia (In the Packets only), Swerve, and Stevia.


Your body converts fat in the liver to ketones for energy. In order to convert fat to

ketones your liver needs plenty of salt. Many Nutritional Ketosis experts recommend 4-

5 grams of salt per day. Once you stop eating processed food, it is almost impossible to

get this much salt with just a salt shaker. We recommend using KetoSalt and Trace

Minerals as a supplement. Each Veggie Cap contains over 1 gram of organically mined

salt that have over 70 trace minerals.

• 5. INCREASE YOUR HEALTHY FATS A Ketogenic Diet is not just low carb but low carb, high fat (LCHF). While the Atkins diet

was low carb, it wasn’t high fat; instead Atkins was a high protein diet.

The NutriKeto Diet strives to put your body into Nutritional Ketosis. To accomplish this

we operate within the classic Ketogenic Macro Nutrient ratio of 80/15/5. This means

80% of your daily calories will come from fat, 15% from Protein and only 5% (or less)

from Carbohydrates.

• Good Fats: Coconut Oil, MCT Oil, Avocados and Avocado Oil, Grass Feed Butter, High

Fat Beef, Pork, Chicken, Bacon, Olives, Cheese, Sour Cream, Cream, Nut Butters,

Dark Chocolate (at least 78% Cocao) NutriKeto Ketone Shake and Keto Cappuccino.

• Bad Fats: Margarine, Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated Oils, Vegetable Oils

(Corn, Canola, Etc.)

• Good Protein: High Fat Beef, Chicken and Pork.

• Bad Protein: Processed or Deli Meats, Tofu

• Maybe Protein: Beans make sure to count the Net Carbs

• Good Carbs: Vegetables (Grown Above Ground)

• Bad Carbs: All Junk Food and Candy, Sugar, Soft Drinks including Diet Soft Drinks,

Fruit Juice, Pasta, Any Vegetable Grown in the Ground(Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Etc.)

All Grains (Gluten Free is still a Carb)

• Maybe Carbs: Fruit (Berries are an occasional treat)

*Remember… You will most likely need to keep your Carbs to under 20g/Day and your primary source of Carbohydrates will come from Vegetables. All Vegetables taste better with loads of butter and Hollandaise Sauce.

• 6. Test your Blood Glucose Daily You will know you are Keto adapted (using Ketones as your primary energy source)

when your blood ketones are between .5 and 3.0 millimolars. This is the sweet spot and

higher doesn’t necessarily mean better, you just want to be in this range. The best way

to check your blood ketones is with a blood ketone monitor; unfortunately ketone test

strips are expensive. The second best way is to test your blood glucose. As a rule

blood ketones and blood glucose have an inverse relationship, the lower your blood

glucose the higher your blood ketones. When your fasting blood glucose gets in to the

80’s or even high 70’s you can pretty much be assured you have keto adapted.

• 7. Get Your BODY Moving • Beginners: Start with walking at a pace where you can carry on a conversation with

someone without being out of breath. Yoga is also a great way to get your body moving.

• Advanced: Look to do H.I.I.T, whether you are running or lifting look make it High

Intensity Interval Training.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are for information purposes only. Both the products and information contained here, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As with any weight loss system, please consult you medical practitioner before starting.

Trouble Shooting Your NK Diet

If you want to lose weight and get healthy, the Low-Carb/High Fat (LCHF)

lifestyle and diet is the way to go. Before LCHF and NutriKeto, I struggled

with my weight for more than 25 years. Now, after losing more than 50 lbs.

and keeping it off, I can tell you that there’s no more effective and

sustainable weight loss program. Low Carb/High Fat (LCHF) diets are very

effective. That is a scientific fact.

Embarking on a Low-Carb/High Fat (LCHF) journey may be the most rewarding decision you have ever made. Yet, like all the rewarding experiences you’ve had, it won’t come without its own unique set of challenges, especially when you don’t see that extra weight coming off right away. I often see post from community members who say, “I feel good, but I’m not losing any weight or I’m frustrated, the scale isn’t moving”

You are a unique individual with a unique history and unique level of metabolic damage. Healing can take time, so stay the course and enjoy the journey; Nutritional Ketosis (NK) is a beautiful and rewarding lifestyle.

If you’re experiencing the same frustration, know this: When your body gets totally healthy and you ditch the sugary high-carb foods that cause blood sugar swings, inflammation and gut damage, you will eventually begin to lose weight naturally. You just need to give your body time to flip its fat-burning switch to “on”….at that point you will become A Fat Burning Machine!

In the meantime, if you’ve been eating Low Carb/High Fat (LCHF) and following the NK protocol for a while and feel you still haven’t “taken off,” here are some troubleshooting tips.

Winner-Winner Chicken Dinner: The Top 21 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight On A Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) Diet

1. You Are Losing Fat While Building Lean Muscle

Losing weight is not the same as losing fat. It is possible and actually

highly probably on a Ketogenic diet (especially if you’re new to exercise) to

be gaining muscle at the same time that you’re losing fat, so the scale may

not be moving but the body fat is melting away. To make sure that you’re

losing, use something other than just the scale. Use a measuring tape and

the NutriKeto Body Awareness Journal to track your ongoing progress.

Also, you may want to get a DEXA scan every 6 months or so to measure

your body fat percentage as well as your lean mass percentage. It’s also a

good idea to take pictures and note how your clothes fit. If you’re looking

thinner and your clothes are looser, then you ARE losing fat no matter what

the scale says.

Many people lose a lot of weight in their first week of Nutritional Ketosis

(NK), but it is mostly water weight. Weight loss will slow down significantly

after that initial phase. Be patient and stay the course.

NK Quick Tip: You are not a number on a scale! Scale weight is not the final measure of your success…How do you feel? How do you look? Are your clothes fitting loser. These are equal measure’s for NK success!

2. You’re Not Sticking to Your Daily Macros & Consuming Too Much Fat.

At the end of the day, it is possible to be perfectly Keto Adapted and not

lose any weight. At some point on your NK journey you will arrive at this

point. This will be a time for celebration because you have reached your

ideal weight…Congratulations!

But if along your journey you happen to stall or plateau for more than a

couple of weeks you may be consuming to much fat. Use the NurtiKeto

Macro Calculating Chart to determine your daily needs of Fat and Protein

and keep your Carbs under 20g/day. Remember you can be completely

Keto Adapted but if you are bringing in to many external fat grams, your

body never needs to burn your internal body fat for its energy needs.

Again, quantity is an issue here. I love coconut fats, olives and avocados, animal fats, nuts and nut butters. They are nutrient dense and feed our body’s deep nutrition at the cellular level. But you can have to much of a good thing when it comes to weight loss.

NK Quick Tip: It is possible to be completely Keto Adapted and not lose weight if you’re eating too much fat.

3. You’re Eating Too Much Fruit?

Eating too much fruit is easy to do. Remember, fruit is nature’s candy! Just because fruit is natural doesn’t mean it’s good for weight loss. Fruit has fructose (Sugar) and most fruit cause a high glycemic response causing a huge insulin spike which will throw you out of Ketosis and back into fat storing mode. Fruit should be saved for special occasions….you should stick to berries with seeds (Strawberries, Raspberries, Black Berries not Blue Berries) and should be consumed with Heavy Whipping Cream…Yum Yum!

NK Quick Tip: Fruit is high in fructose (sugar) and is not a Ketogenic food so eat your vegetables.

4. You’re Eating Too Many Nuts?

Nuts are fantastic….in moderation. Nuts are High Fat and Medium Protein but they are also Medium Carbohydrate, which is OK as long as you count the carbs. The problem with nuts is that it is really easy to eat several handfuls and before you know it, you’ve eaten 50g of Carbs. A nut serving size is a closed handful…. Not half a bag. Nuts will pile on the pounds if you crunch away on them mindlessly. Also, many nuts have an off-balance omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, which won’t help you move toward optimal health and can be rough if you struggle with inflammation.

NK Quick Tip: It is easy to eat too many nuts. Look to potion control single serving bags or switch to nut butters like Almond Butter or Cashew Butter but remember a serving is 2 tablespoons!

5. You’re Not Consuming Enough Salt

Salt is essential for success with a Nutritional Ketosis Lifestyle. Most Keto

experts, including myself recommend 4-5 grams of salt every day. You liver

needs salt in order to convert fat to ketones and without it your weight loss

will eventually stall and you’ll begin to feel tired. I personally learned this

the hard way, going 2 ½ months without losing a single ounce….ouch!

When you give up processed foods as part of you NK way of eating, getting

5 grams of salt per day can be almost impossible so we created KetoSalt

and Trace Minerals in a veggie cap. You can find it @ www.ketosalt.com

Additionally, both the KeTone Shakes and the Keto Cappuccino have ½

gram of salt per serving.

NK Quick Tip: Salt is ESSENTIAL for a well formulated Ketogenic Diet as well as essential for achieving and maintaining healthy Nutritional Ketosis (NK)

6. You Are Always Eating (No Grazing or Snacking)

It is a persistent myth in health and fitness circles that everyone should be

eating 5-6 small meals (grazing) throughout the day. This has actually been

studied thoroughly. No advantage has been found to eating more frequent

and smaller meals in fact it will probably keep you from becoming Keto

Adapted. It is natural for humans to eat fewer meals per day and

sometimes go long time periods without food. Some people do intermittent

fasting, eating in a 6 hour window each day or do 24 hour fasts 1-2 times

per week. This can be very useful to break through a plateau and it is one

of the guiding philosophies and strategies we use with the NutriKeto weight

loss protocol.

NK Quick Tip: There is no proven benefit to eating many small meals throughout the day (Grazing). Try eating fewer meals and consider giving intermittent fasting a shot.

7. You’re Not Eating Real Food

A Low Carb/High Fat (LCHF) diet is about more than just lowering your

intake of carbs. You have to replace those carbohydrates with real, nutrient

dense foods, especially FAT. Throw away all processed low-carb products

like Atkins bars or even Keto Bars that are spiked with sugar alcohols, they

are not real food and they are NOT good for your health.

Stick to meats, fish, eggs, vegetables and healthy fats if you need to lose

weight. What is also important is to eat enough FAT. If you try to cut back

on carbs AND fat, you will end up ravenously hungry and feel like crap.

Eating a diet with nothing but protein is also a very bad idea. High protein

diets are very hard on your body. Low-carb, high-fat and moderate protein

is the way to go if you want to get in and stay in Nutritional Ketosis (NK),

which is the optimal hormonal environment to burn body fat.

NutriKeto proudly produces “REAL FOOD PRODUCTS” that are High Fat,

Medium Protein and Low Carb, which are perfect for supporting you on

your Nutritional Ketosis (NK) journey.

NK Quick Tip: Let Thy Food….Be Thy Medicine You need to replace carbs with real, nutrient dense foods. To lose weight, stick to meats, fish, eggs, healthy fats and vegetables. Eat “Real Food Products”

8. You’re Experiencing “Carb Creep”

Some people are more carb sensitive than others. “Carbohydrate

Intolerance” is real and it’s a real problem in America today! If you’re

striving for Nutritional Ketosis (NK) and your weight starts to plateau, the

first thing you will want to do is start counting your carb grams. It’s easy to

have a little of this or a little of that and have your daily carbs rise well over

20 grams which could be throwing you out of Fat Burning Mode.

Remember, carbs are hidden in all sorts of foods and sugar is added to

80% of the foods you but at your local grocery store!

Eliminate most fruits from your diet, and stick to eating just healthy fats, protein and leafy green vegetables. Also, vegetables that are grown under the ground (Potatoes, Sugar Beets, and Carrots etc.) have high sugar content.

NK Quick Tip: Be careful of “Carb Creep” if you are carb sensitive, then you will need to eat less than 50 grams of carbs per day. “Carbohydrate Intolerance” is real and it’s a real problem in America today!

9. You’re Eating Too Much Protein

Nutritional Ketosis (NK) is a High Fat, Medium Protein and Low Carb diet. It is not a High Protein diet. High protein diets can be very hard on your body and can keep you out of ketosis. Your body will convert excess protein to glucose through a process called Gluconeogenesis. That glucose can then elevate your insulin levels, throwing you into fat storing mode. Calculate your daily protein needs with the NurtiKeto Marcos Chart and stick to or even below your daily protein allotment. Also your body can only use between 20 and 30 grams of protein at one sitting so plan your meals accordingly and never exceed 30g of protein per meal.

NK Quick Tip: Protein is an essential Macro Nutrient, but too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

10. You’re Eating Too Frequently

In the last 100 years of so, food (or food like substances) have become much more abundant leading to social eating & the 3 meal a day routine. For successful Nutritional Ketosis (NK), you’ll need to break these patterns and “Let Keto Take Over”. When you become Keto Adapted you’ll begin to notice that you’re not hungry. This means the program is working! With Nutritional Ketosis (NK) life becomes pretty simple, If you’re hungry…EAT (but eat high fat nutrient dense foods) If you’re not hungry….Don’t Eat….Pretty Simple!

NK Quick Tip: Let Keto Take Over….If you’re not hungry, don’t eat and let your body burn stored fat for its energy needs.

11. You’re Using Artificial Sweeteners

Even though some sweeteners like Sucralose and Aspartame have no calories, they still can negatively affect your Nutritional Ketosis (NK) Journey.

Several studies have shown that artificial sweeteners can increase your appetite. These sweeteners have also been linked to sugar cravings as well as insulin spikes. This probably depends on the individual, but if you’re eating a lot of artificial sweeteners and aren’t losing weight then you may want to try removing them.

NK Quick Tip: Despite being calorie free, artificial sweeteners can affect our appetite, increase sugar cravings and cause insulin spikes throwing you out of NK.

12. You’re Not Testing Your Blood Glucose

You will know you are Keto Adapted (using Ketones as your primary energy source) when your blood ketones are between .5 and 3.0 millimolars. This is the sweet spot and higher doesn’t necessarily mean better, you just want to be in this range. The best way to check your blood ketones is with a blood ketone monitor; unfortunately ketone test strips are expensive. The second best way is to test your blood glucose. As a rule blood ketones and blood glucose have an inverse relationship, the lower your blood glucose the higher your blood ketones. When your fasting blood glucose gets in to the 80’s or even high 70’s you can pretty much be assured you have keto adapted.

NK Quick Tip: Ketones and Blood Glucose have an inverse relationship. As a rule, the lower your Blood Glucose, the higher you Blood Ketones.

13. You’re Not Eating Enough Fat or Eating The Wrong Fats

The human body is almost a perfect machine. It has 1 job….to survive at ALL cost. Many people have ingrained in their minds that fat is evil. Some fats like vegetable oil, Hydrogenated or Partially Hydrogenated oils and Margarine are horrible for you, but healthy fats like coconut oil and avocado oil and Grass Feed Butter are fantastic for you. Adding the right quantities of fat to your diet can actually help you to lose fat. Not giving the body enough fat when drastically cutting your carbs can send the body into starvation mode, which means your body’s metabolic rate will dramatically slow down which is exactly what we don’t want to happen.

NK Quick Tip: Stick to your Macros when it comes to consuming fat and opt for Real Food Fat as opposed to industry produced fats like margarine and vegetable oil.

14. You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep is incredibly important for overall health and studies show that sleep deprivation causes you to gain weight. Not sleeping enough causes you and your body systems (including important hormones) to become sluggish and inefficient. Sleep is one of the pillars of health. If you’re doing everything right but still not getting proper sleep, then you won’t see anywhere near the results you might expect.

Here are some tips to improve sleep:

§ Avoid caffeine after 2pm.

§ Sleep in complete darkness.

§ Avoid alcohol and physical exercise in the last few hours before sleep.

§ Do something relaxing before sleep, like reading.

§ Try to go to bed at a similar time each night.

NK Quick Tip: Sleep is absolutely crucial for optimal health. Studies show that a lack of sleep can make you eat more and gain weight.

15. Your Expectations Are Not Realistic

It has been said that the source of ALL upset is unfulfilled expectations. Someone expects X, they get Y and they are upset about it. Managing your own expectations is critical to your success on your Nutritional Ketosis (NK) Journey. A Low Carb/High Fat (LCHF) diet is by no means a quick-fix diet. Nutritional Ketosis (NK) is not the fad diet of the month, it is a Lifestyle and at the end of the day, weight loss takes time. If you expect results fast or even at a moderate pace, you may be disappointed. For some people, it takes time for the body to release its extra weight.

Take Charge of Your Life and feel confident that you are doing the ALL the right things to heal your body and restore it to optimal health. Your Nutritional Ketosis (NK) journey is a marathon, not a sprint. You didn’t gain all those excess pounds in a month so it’s unrealistic to think you’re going to lose it all in a month or even 90 days. Losing 1-2 pounds per week is a realistic goal and remember Nutritional Ketosis is about producing sustainable results…Forever Weight Loss!

NK Quick Tip: The Source of ALL upset is unfulfilled expectations. Weight Loss with Nutritional Ketosis (NK) takes time but it is sustainable weight loss.

16. You’re Not Managing Your Stress Levels

We live in a fast, high paced world and unfortunately, it isn’t always enough to just eat healthy and exercise. . Being stressed all the time keeps the body in a constant state of “fight or flight” – with elevated levels of stress

hormones like cortisol. Too much stress means too much cortisol and

having chronically elevated cortisol levels can increase your hunger and

cravings for unhealthy foods.

If your goal is weight loss, make stress management part of your plan. If

you want to cut back on stress, try going on walks, meditation, and/or


NK Quick Tip: Chronic stress can have negative effects on your hormonal environment, making you hungrier and preventing you from losing weight.

17. You’re Eating Too Much Cheese

Another low-carb food that can cause problems for some people is cheese.

Despite being low in carbs, most cheese can be pretty high in protein.

Protein, like carbs, can raise insulin levels, which flips your bodies switch

and can throw you into fat storing mode.

Even though you may seem to tolerate cheese just fine, eating cheese to

often can cause insulin spikes and may be detrimental to your quest for

Keto Adaption.

NK Quick Tip: Say Cheese….but try to limit your cheese intake to 1 or 2 servings per day!

18. You’re Not Exercising Correctly (or at all)

Exercise is critical for both physical and mental health. Exercise, can help

you lose weight by improving your metabolic efficiency, increasing your

lean muscle mass and improving your overall sense of wellbeing.

For weight loss, it’s important to do the right kind of exercise. In the 90’s a

Japanese researcher named Dr. Izumi Tabata turned the fitness world on

its head when he published that long term aerobic exercise actually sends

your metabolism backwards by 10%-15%. Dr. Tabata has proven that

raising and sustaining your heart rate above 70% max sends the body into

“Starvation Mode” so the body begins to shut down and conserve energy for survival.

Dr. Tabata’s research has led to the rise of HITT (High Intensity Interval Training) which has been proven to both build lean muscle,ramp up the metabolic rate and rapidly improve VO2 Max (Anaerobic Capacity).

When we look at overall health and longevity it’s valuable to examine how we evolved as a species (ie Paleo Man). Paleo man walked everywhere he went (walking keeps your heart rate under the 70% max capacity threshold). When we ran, we ran really fast for short burst (ie HIIT…Paleo man was either chasing or being chased) and, when we lifted, we lifted heavy (climbing trees to get away from predators or carrying dinner back home)

Today for overall health and longevity as well as weight loss look to incorporate these 4 types of workouts into your week and don’t be afraid to combine 2-3 of these for maximum impact.

Walk –Walking is a fantastic for you, whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a reformed couch potato. The human body was designed to move around, not sit in a chair all day. Walking is great for reducing stress as well as a starting point to ramp the metabolism. Try to walk at a pace that you can carry on a conversation, that way you know you’re not going above that 70% max threshold.

Stretching - A flexible body is a healthy body. One of the major causes of injury as we age is lack of muscle flexibility and joint lubrication. Yoga is a great way to combat father time and hot yoga is even better for injury prevention.

Lift – Weight Lifting will greatly improve your hormonal environment and increase your muscle mass, which will help you lose weight over the long term. If you’ve never lifted, it’s best to hire a coach! The quickest way to injure your self is to start throwing around heavy weights incorrectly with bad form. You may also want to try just body lifts (push-ups, pull-ups,

lunges etc. and remember, slower is better) some of the strongest people I have met, never touch weights!

Burst – HIIT or Burst training (doing high intensity intervals) is an excellent form of cardio that improves your metabolism and raises your levels of human growth hormone. Burst training can be done with almost all types of exercise so pick your favorite and set up your circuit or your routine.

NK Quick Tip: The right kinds of exercise improve your hormonal environment, increase your lean muscle mass and improving your overall sense of wellbeing. (Walk, Stretch, Lift and Burst)

19. You Have a Medical Condition Getting in Your Way

There are certain medications that are known to stimulate weight gain; Pain Killers, Antibiotics and Anti-Depressants top the list. If “Weight Gain” is listed as a side effect for the medications you are taking – then make an appointment with your doctor. Perhaps there is another drug available that doesn’t cause weight gain.

If you’re doing everything right and still aren’t getting results, then perhaps you have some underlying medical problem. Many hormonal disorders can cause problems losing weight, particularly hypothyroidism. Also, women

who are experiencing Perimenopause sometimes have a difficult time becoming keto adapted. Stick with LCHF and it will happen for you. Make sure you’re keeping your carbs to under 20g/day.

To be on the safe side you may want to make an appointment with your doctor. Explain that you’re having problems losing weight and that you want to rule out any medical issues. Make sure you select a doctor that understands the benefits of a LCHF Diet & Lifestyle.

NK Quick Tip: Certain medical issues and medications can cause weight problems. See a doctor to discuss your options.

20. Your Filter Is Clogged Up

Your liver is your bodies filter and does much of the heavy lifting on a Ketogenic diet. It is the organ that is responsible for converting fat into ketones for energy. If you are using Nutritional Ketosis (NK) for weight loss, (using your own stored body fat energy) it is important to support your liver. The more efficient your liver, the more efficient your weight loss will be. Milk Thistle is a GREAT herb for liver support and a little goes a long way. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water. Keeping your body well hydrated will assist in flushing any toxins that may have been released.

NK Quick Tip: Your liver is your bodies filter and does much of the “Heavy Lifting” on a Ketogenic diet. Drink plenty of water and use Milk Thistle to support it!

21. You’ve Been “Cutting” For Too Long

It is never a good idea to be in a calorie deficit for too long at a time. The human body is a machine with 1 job….to adapt and survive!

If you eat at a calorie deficit for many months (or years) then eventually your body will get used to operating on this amount of calories and metabolic rate may slow down. A recent study of participants of the “Biggest Loser” showed exactly that and nearly all of the contest participants had gained most or all of their weight back.

As part of the Nutri Keto ReBoot Camp and weight loss protocol we train

and teach people how to “Reset” their “Set Point” (the weight that your

body naturally maintains)

Once you’ve lost 10% of your body weight (i.e. you weighed 200lbs and

have lost 20lbs), you should increase your Fat and Protein Macros. Your

new Macros should be based on your current weight and should be for

maintenance. You should stay at this weight until your body “Resets” your

“Set Point). This should take 30-60 days and you may need to do some

days of intermittent fasting if the scale starts to tick up. This process is

more like an art than a science because everybody’s level of metabolic

damage is different. Also, this is a great time to be working on strength

training. Adding a pound or 2 of muscle is great for enhancing your bodies


NK Quick Tip: Resetting your body’s set point once you’ve lost 10% of your body weight is the surest way to combat “Yoyo Dieting”

Date: ______BloodGlucose: Weight:

Fat Protein CarbohydrateDailyAllowanceofMacroNutrients:

Breakfast Food Quantity

SubTotalBreakfast Lunch

Food Quantity

SubTotalLunch Dinner

Food Quantity

SubTotalDinner DailyTotal

Nutri Keto Food Journal Nutri Keto Food Journal

Date Weight Waist Hips UpperArms

Thighs Chest TotalInches

NutriKeto Body Awareness Journal NutriKeto Body Awareness Journal

Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is an estimate of how many calories you'd burn if you were to do

nothing but rest for 24 hours. It represents the minimum amount of energy needed to keep your body

functioning, including breathing, keeping your heart beating and maintaining your current weight.

You need to Know Your Weight (in pounds), Your Height (in inches) and your age in whole numbers


655 + (4.35 x weight) + (4.7 x height) – ( 4.7 x age) = ________ (Calories Women)


66 + (6.23 x weight) + (12.7 x height – ( 6.8 x age) = _________ (Calories Men)

Workout Allowance:

Do You Work Out at least 5 times per week? Yes ____ No _____


If Yes Above add _______ (BMR Women) x 1.1 = __________( Women Workout Allowance)


If Yes Above add _______ (BMR Men) x 1.1 = __________( Men Workout Allowance)

Weight Loss Reduction:

Do you want to lose weight? Yes ____ No _____


Calories Women + Women Workout Allowance – 750 = ___________ Women Daily Calories


Calories Men + Men Workout Allowance – 750 = ___________ Men Daily Calories

Determine Your Daily Macro Nutrient Needs:

Daily Calories x .8 = __________ Fat Calories / 9 = _______Fat Grams

Daily Calories x .15 = _________ Protein Calories / 4 = _______ Protein Grams

Daily Calories x .05 = _________Carbohydrate Calores / 4 = _______ Carbohydrate Grams*

*Carbohydrate Grams must be below 20 Grams per day no matter what this number indicates to get

your body Keto Adapted.

Basil Metabolic Rate (BMR) Basil Metabolic Rate (BMR)