Exodus group curriculum 11-9-14

Application Discussion Introduction Sermon Date: Nov. 9, 2014 Sermon Title: Joined Sermon Text: Exodus 19-20 God has always had a plan for all his creation. The Exodus Journey is not simply a story of a group of people that are the sole recipients of God’s love. Rather the Israelites represent a chosen group of people who experience the love of God in their Journey towards the promised land. They represent a transformed life, exuding God’s presence and turning others from false gods to the one true God. God has called us to do the same, and as believers we are to represent Him to our world. 1. Briefly, explain what or who drew you to the faith? 2. Review Exodus 19 & 20. What do you think is the Lord’s purpose and plan for His people? And for you? 3. In Exodus 19 how does the Lord reveal himself to His people? How has He revealed himself to you? 4. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-20. What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? 5. What attributes of God do you wish others knew more about? 6. What are some things that you can do to better share God’s love with people in this city? 7. What behaviors or attitudes can you change in order to better represent God’s love to others? Read: 1 Peter 2:9-12 1. After reading the passage above, what similarities do you find with yourself and the Israelites? 2. How can you begin or continue to model God to those who you come in contact with? 3. Share your thoughts on the following statement: People are dying. Lives are in the balance. Families are on the brink. Eternity is at stake, Christ is the Answer.



Transcript of Exodus group curriculum 11-9-14




Sermon Date: Nov. 9, 2014 Sermon Title: Joined

Sermon Text: Exodus 19-20

God has always had a plan for all his creation. The Exodus Journey is not simply a story of a group of people that are the sole recipients of God’s love. Rather the Israelites represent a chosen group of people who experience the love of God in their Journey towards the promised land. They represent a transformed life, exuding God’s presence and turning others from false gods to the one true God. God has called us to do the same, and as believers we are to represent Him to our world.

1. Briefly, explain what or who drew you to the faith?

2. Review Exodus 19 & 20. What do you think is the Lord’s purpose and plan for His people? And for you?

3. In Exodus 19 how does the Lord reveal himself to His people? How has He revealed himself to you?

4. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-20. What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ?

5. What attributes of God do you wish others knew more about?

6. What are some things that you can do to better share God’s love with people in this city?

7. What behaviors or attitudes can you change in order to better represent God’s love to others?

Read: 1 Peter 2:9-12

1. After reading the passage above, what similarities do you find with yourself and the Israelites?

2. How can you begin or continue to model God to those who you come in contact with?

3. Share your thoughts on the following statement: People are dying. Lives are in the balance. Families are on the brink. Eternity is at stake, Christ is the Answer.