Exercise and diet

Exerci se and Diet



Transcript of Exercise and diet

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Exercise and Diet

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Exercise is very important in every human. It can make the body in good condition. A person that has heart problems usually does exercise to strengthen their heart. People who don’t do exercise are the ones who gains heart problem. There are lots of good things that can be gain from doing exercise like; it can strengthen a human physical body. It can also make the flow of blood in our body normal. People can also improve their cardiovascular system by doing an intense exercise. For people who are lazy doing exercise, it is natural if you woke up in the morning and your body feels heavy, but if you start doing exercise, your body will surely be in condition when you woke up early in the morning. Exercise can also set an individual’s mood in condition. If you want to get fit, you should do exercise and at the same time you should have a balanced diet. You can also go into a fitness gym or a mixed martial arts gym so that you can gain tips from trainers.

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Here are some Tips on How to Exercise and have a Balance


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If you want to make sure that your exercise and diet will be perfect, you should consult a professional. You can consult a nutritionist; it can give you a diet plan for your health needs. Your nutritionist will definitely give you a list of healthy foods. If you want to have a good exercise program, you can consult a professional trainer. A personal trainer will surely give the best program for you. The program will also depend on the condition of your physical body. There are people who have a hard time improving their physical condition or health because they are forgetting one thing. There are people who has a good exercise program but don’t have a proper diet. There are also people who has a proper diet but don’t have a good exercise program. Your exercise and diet must be proper in order to have good and fast improvements.

Consult a professional

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If you already have a good exercise program, the next thing you need to know is the food you eat. As mentioned above, you should consult a nutritionist for your diet plan. Not because you already know the right food to eat, you should also consider the amount of food you eat daily. Some people think that they will have a good diet if they just eat one large amount of food each day. The best way to have a balance diet is to eat four to six meals daily. It will definitely help you lose weight. To have energy before you do some work out, you should eat food that has high carbohydrates. After your work out, you might want to eat food that has high in protein to revitalize. Always remember to eat small amount of food before you go to sleep (especially if you want to lose fat in your tummy).


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Water is very important in a human body. Before you do some work out, you should drink plenty of water in order for you to sweat. You can also drink water after you work out so that you won’t be dehydrated. Every human needs to consume eight glasses of water every day. Drinking water can help to boost up metabolism and cell production. Water has lots of contribution in the human body like, digestion, circulation, transporting nutrients. It can also maintain the temperature of a human body. Water can clean the human body by urinating. When you are dehydrated, you will feel weak. If you don’t want to be like that, you should drink lots of water every day.


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If you don’t have enough money to consult or hire a personal trainer, you can search some tips on wikihow to know more about a proper exercise program. People think if they do workout in a hard way or starts intense work out they will have a quick progress. It is not a good idea; it will be dangerous if you push yourself too hard in an intense way. You should start with a mild exercise like, running, weight lifting or swimming. You should have patience; you cannot get what you want instantly. For example, you can also do running for 10 to 15 minutes until you run out of energy or stamina. Don’t push yourself too hard. If you do it every day, your stamina or energy will definitely improve and you will surely be able to run for more than 15 minutes. You need to make a diet plan and an exercise plan that is not extreme. It is a good idea to make a regular diet and exercise plan. If you push yourself too hard, you will definitely be discouraged to do workout if you had accident.

Exercise plan

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If you go to work every day, you can do work out in the morning before you go to work. Do at least 1 hour of exercise every day. Doing exercise in the morning will make your metabolism high all day. If your work is very early and you don’t have time to do workout before you go to work, you can still do exercise after work. It will surely remove the heaviness in your body and your stress. You can also do exercise before you go to sleep; you can spend at least 1 or two hours of workout. In that way, your body will be relaxed and you will surely have a good sleep.

Workout on a time that will suit you

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To gain more improvements in your training program, you should have a goal. For example, you put in your program that you will run for 20 minutes every day for the first week. You can improve your program and run for 30 minutes for the second week. It will surely keep you motivated to continue on doing exercise especially if you want to have a good figure or visible muscles. You can first do lots of cardiovascular and weight loss exercise in order for you last long when you are working out. Always remember that you still need to rest even if you are very eager to have a fit and good body. If you don’t feel comfortable because you rest and stop doing exercise, you can still do some mild exercise.


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If you lend money for your physical improvements or exercise, you can join a fitness gym to know more about exercise or workout. You can also join a mixed martial arts gym to also know about self defense. I recommend Evolution Gym because they have a good facility and professional trainers.