vmentoracademy.com examtrix€¦ · 12/10/2018  · FEINT (NOUN): pretense:(भुलावा)...

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Transcript of vmentoracademy.com examtrix€¦ · 12/10/2018  · FEINT (NOUN): pretense:(भुलावा)...

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  • 1. CIRCUMSPECT (ADJECTIVE): cautious: (सतर्क ) Synonyms: careful, prudent Antonyms: careless, unwise Example Sentence: Circumspect doctors avoid recommending wrong medicines to their patients. 2. FLUKE (NOUN): chance of occurrence: (अनायास सफलता) Synonyms: blessing, quirk Antonyms: misfortune, certainty Example Sentence: Their victory was a bit of a fluke. 3. INSURMOUNTABLE (ADJECTIVE): impossible: (अजेय) Synonyms: unbeatable, invincible Antonyms: attainable, defeatable Example Sentence: It is an unsurmountable task to get any high degree without studying for it. 4. INTRICATE (ADJECTIVE): very complicated or detailed: (र्ठिन) Synonyms: complex, difficult Antonyms: easy, straightforward Example Sentence: Biology is considered as an intricate subject. 5. RANCOUR (NOUN): bitterness, hatefulness: (द्वेष) Synonyms: animosity, hostility Antonyms: friendliness, kindness Example Sentence: Although my friend betrayed me, I have no rancour towards him. 6. EVINCE (VERB): to show, reveal: (ठिखाना)

    Synonyms: manifest, demonstrate Antonyms: conceal, hide Example Sentence: His nail biting evinced that he was nervous for the interview. 7. EXPIATE (VERB): to rectify: (क्षततपूतत क र्रना) Synonyms: amend, correct Antonyms: worsen, destroy Example Sentence: It is better to expiate your mistakes than to find excuses. 8. METTLESOME (ADJECTIVE): brave: (साहसी) Synonyms: courageous, high-spirited Antonyms: meek, fearful Example Sentence: Amit is a mettlesome boy. 9. SANGUINE (ADJECTIVE): optimistic and confident: (आशावािी) Synonyms: happy, cheerful Antonyms: morose, sad Example Sentence: The sanguine lady started her new business. 10. DEMUR (VERB): disagree: (आपत्ति र्रना) Synonyms: vacillate, oppose Antonyms: accept, agree Example Sentence: There were certain reasons to demur the proposal. Write us-

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    1. UPHILL (ADJECTIVE): difficult:(कठिन)Synonyms: tough, unimaginableAntonyms: banal, mundaneExample Sentence:The article had a glorious descriptionregarding the uphill task done by thearmy.2. DROUGHT (NOUN): scarcity: (अकाल)Synonyms: shrink, depletionAntonyms: plentiful, lavishExample Sentence:They criticized leaders who wereresponsible for the financial drought facedby the nation.3. PLEA (NOUN): request: (तकक )Synonyms: pray, appealAntonyms: order, instructExample Sentence:The doctor’s plea for silence wentunheard, resulting in extreme discomfortto the patient.4. ARREST (VERB): take in custody:(गिरफ्तार करना)Synonyms: abstain, detainAntonyms: liberate, emancipateExample Sentence:The judge will seek reasons for the arrestwithout a legal warrant.5. CONFLICT (VERB): fight: (लड़ना)Synonyms: brawl, scuffleAntonyms: serene, peaceExample Sentence:They have conflicted again and again.6. RIFT (NOUN): division: (मनमुटाव)Synonyms: gap, differenceAntonyms: bridge, jointExample Sentence:

    The opposition and the government seemed to be focused on removing the rift between them. 7. FORTHCOMING (ADJECTIVE): comingin future: (आिामी)Synonyms: new, futuristicAntonyms: obsolete, outdatedExample Sentence:Ever since I was of tender age, I havetrained for forthcoming technicalenhancements.8. BORROW (VERB): to take by request:(ऋण लेना)Synonyms: loan, begAntonyms: snatch, robExample Sentence:The new economic freedom has enabledpeople to borrow less and spend more.9. CRISIS (NOUN): problem: (संकट-स्थितत)Synonyms: mayhem, doomAntonyms: prosperity, harmonyExample Sentence:The writer’s crisis lies in the depiction ofnegative characters in a positive way andvice versa.10. JUMBLE (VERB): disturb: (िड़बड़करना)Synonyms: disturb, disorganizeAntonyms: organize, arrangeExample Sentence:All of us can jumble up our lives butmany few of us can arrange it properly.

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    1. BRACE (VERB): fortify:(बन्धनी) Synonyms: gird, prepare Antonyms: free, let go Example sentence: The posts were braced by timber. 2. TURGID (ADJECTIVE): swollen:(सूजा हुआ) Synonyms: bloated, disintended Antonyms: plain, simple Example sentence: A turgid river was ahead his way. 3. TROVE (NOUN): accretion:(जमाव) Synonyms: aggregation, agglomeration Antonyms: subtraction, dispersal Example sentence: I saw the cellar contained a trove of rare wine. 4. TURBID (ADJECTIVE): dense:(गंदा) Synonyms: muddy, murky Antonyms: clear, neat Example sentence: It was a turbid weather. 5. TWINGE (NOUN): sharp pain:(टीस) Synonyms: ache, pang Antonyms: advantage, blessing Example sentence: I was feeling twinge in my heels. 6. TAWDRY (ADJECTIVE): tacky:(घटटया)

    Synonyms: cheap, sleazy Antonyms: nice, tasteful Example sentence: His house was in a tawdry location. 7. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): urgent:(डरावना) Synonyms: drastic, extreme Antonyms: calm, mild Example sentence: The dire need is there to save water. 8. SAVVY (ADJECTIVE): calculating: (जानकार) Synonyms: cunning, impeachable Antonyms: blameless, innocent Example sentence: Why are you being so savvy? 9. CULPABLE (ADJECTIVE): guilty: (आपराधधक) Synonyms: liable, cosset Antonyms: upset, hurt Example sentence: He is a culpable minister. 10. CONCOMITANT (ADJECTIVE): contributing:(सहगामी) Synonyms: adjuvant, coefficient Antonyms: unrelated, accidental Example sentence: She loved mountaineering, with all its concomitant worries. Write us-

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    (ADJECTIVE): appropriate:(फ़ायदेमंद) Synonyms: feasible, practicable

    Antonyms: unfeasible, unseemly

    Example Sentence:

    We gave them an expedient solution to

    their problems.


    (ADJECTIVE): rotting:(कमज़ोर पड़ऩा) Synonyms: disintegrating, collapsing

    Antonyms: healing, restorative Example Sentence:

    The crumbling building got destroyed in



    (ADJECTIVE): annoying:(गुस्स़ा भड़क़ाने व़ाल़ा) Synonyms: tormenting, vexing

    Antonyms: pleasing, soothing

    Example Sentence:

    The provoking words of the boss made

    him resign.


    (ADJECTIVE): performed:(प्रतिप़ादन करऩा) Synonyms: concluded, accomplished

    Antonyms: incomplete, unfinished

    Example Sentence:

    They rendered a brilliant act of the play.

    5. BOLSTER (VERB): help:(सह़ाऱा) Synonyms: reinforce, sustain

    Antonyms: halt, neglect

    Example Sentence:

    His actions bolstered our actions.

    6. REPEL (VERB): push

    away:(हट़ाऩा/ट़ालऩा) Synonyms: ward off, fend off

    Antonyms: approve, aid

    Example Sentence:

    He repelled the enemies away.


    (ADJECTIVE): rebellious:(द्ऱोही) Synonyms: revolutionary, anarchical

    Antonyms: obedient, subordinate

    Example Sentence:

    The insurgent activists were killed.


    narrow:(संकीर्ण) Synonyms: bigoted, hidebound

    Antonyms: broad-minded, liberal

    Example Sentence:

    The provincial views must be changed.

    9. RETALIATE (VERB): get even with

    someone:(जैसे क़ो िैस़ा देऩा) Synonyms: reciprocate, retrospect

    Antonyms: pardon, forgive

    Example Sentence:

    The enemy didn’t retaliate at the same


    10. PROFOUND

    (ADJECTIVE): thoughtful:(प्रक़ांड) Synonyms: philosophical, thorough

    Antonyms: superficial, unintelligent

    Example Sentence:

    He took profound steps.

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    1. GRUBBY (ADJECTIVE): dirty:(मैला) Synonyms: filthy, soiled

    Antonyms: clean, spotless

    Example Sentence:

    His white coat was grubby and stained.


    (ADJECTIVE): invincible:(अखंडनीय) Synonyms: fortified, unyielding

    Antonyms: breakable, destructible

    Example Sentence:

    The old fort with its thick, high walls was virtually impregnable.

    3. CONTEMPLATE (VERB): think about

    seriously:(विचार करना) Synonyms: consider, ponder

    Antonyms: neglect, reject

    Example Sentence:

    Our busy schedule does not allow much

    time to contemplate about the pleasant



    (ADJECTIVE): thorough,

    careful:(अंतविििेकशील) Synonyms: diligent, fastidious

    Antonyms: careless, dishonest

    Example Sentence:

    The conscientious employees achieved the


    5. ELATION (NOUN): extreme

    happiness:(आनंद) Synonyms: bliss, ecstasy

    Antonyms: sorrow, woe

    Example Sentence:

    His elation increased at the sight of the

    little girl he had saved.

    6. GRAVELY (ADVERB): very much;

    desperately:(गंभीर भाि से) Synonyms: deeply, seriously

    Antonyms: lightly, calmly

    Example Sentence:

    She listened to her father gravely.


    airy, transparent:(पारदशी) Synonyms: flimsy, clear

    Antonyms: opaque, thick

    Example Sentence:

    Sunlight poured in through the diaphanous

    curtains, brightening the room.


    flattery:(चापलूसी) Synonyms: adulation, cajolery

    Antonyms: criticism, condemnation

    Example Sentence:

    At first he used his arts

    of blandishment and honeyed words in

    order to lure his boss.


    (NOUN): charlatanism:(नीमहकीमी) Synonyms: trickery, deception

    Antonyms: reality, frankness

    Example Sentence:

    The meanest and most contemptible kind

    of cheating is quackery.

    10. AVENGE (VERB): retaliate:(बदला लेना) Synonyms: vindicate, punish

    Antonyms: cheer, forgive

    Example Sentence:

    Hamlet delayed avenging the murder of

    his father. Write us-

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    (ADJECTIVE): having little or no

    money:(निर्धि) Synonyms: penniless, penurious

    Antonyms: wealthy, affluent

    Example Sentence:

    Back in the eighties he was an

    impecunious, would-be racing driver.


    balance:(स्थिरता) Synonyms: aplomb, coolness Antonyms: agitation, anxiety

    Example Sentence:

    His imperturbability always had the effect

    of a goad upon his father’s temper.


    gaudy, flashy:(बिावटी शोभा युक्त) Synonyms: garish, loud

    Antonyms: genuine, real

    Example Sentence:

    He believes in living a meretricious life.

    4. AUGURY (NOUN): omen:(शकुि) Synonyms: auspice, harbinger

    Antonyms: short-sighted, assurance

    Example Sentence:

    This incident of his infancy was accepted

    as an augury of his maturity, and he did


    belie it.

    5. GLIB (ADJECTIVE): slick, smooth-

    talking:(चिकिी िुपड़ी बातें करिे वाला) Synonyms: artful, facile

    Antonyms: stuttering, inarticulate

    Example Sentence:

    She advises women with similar issues not

    to settle for glib explanations.



    Synonyms: avoidance, boycott

    Antonyms: acceptance, allowance

    Example Sentence:

    Only cruel teachers can

    follow ostracism and ill-treat their


    7. REPINE (VERB): complain:(शशकायत करिा) Synonyms: grumble, lament

    Antonyms: appreciate, praise

    Example Sentence: She likes to repine about her colleagues.

    8. FEINT (NOUN): pretense:(भुलावा) Synonyms: ruse, bluff

    Antonyms: honesty, truth

    Example Sentence:

    She pretended to be making great efforts

    to cope up with the course but it was

    merely a


    9. INURE (VERB): accustom:(अभ्यथत करिा) Synonyms: familiarize, habituate

    Antonyms: neglect, soften

    Example Sentence:

    Poverty has inured them living in slums.


    mysterious, obscure:(गूढ़) Synonyms: arcane, cabalistic

    Antonyms: simple, straightforward

    Example Sentence:

    How else to explain the popularity of a

    novel so free of plot, so obsessed with

    existential rumination and recondite philosophy?

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    1. OVERRIDE (VERB): abrogate: (के विरुद्ध निर्णय देिा) Synonyms: annul, nullify

    Antonyms: sanction, validate

    Example Sentence:

    He decided to override his lawyer’s


    2. INVIOLABILITY (NOUN): sanctity:

    (पवित्रता) Synonyms: devotion, divinity

    Antonyms: impiousness, irreverence

    Example Sentence:

    The priest proclaimed the inviolability of

    the temple.

    3. POSIT (VERB): suppose:(माििा) Synonyms: assume, consider

    Antonyms: neglect, ignore

    Example Sentence:

    I shall posit her as my friend for the rest

    of my life.


    (NOUN): extraordinary:(अभूतपूिण) Synonyms: bizarre, exceptional

    Antonyms: regular, common

    Example Sentence:

    The Supreme Court has passed the

    unprecedented verdict on Adultery.


    (NOUN): townie:(शहरी) Synonyms: urbanite, city boy

    Antonyms: immigrant, foreigner

    Example Sentence:

    Many city dwellers live in rented


    6.BYSTANDAR (NOUN): observer:

    (दशणक) Synonyms: onlooker, witness

    Antonyms: participant, associate

    Example Sentence:

    As the drivers’ argument became physical,

    a bystander had to intervene.


    (NOUN): deception:(छल-कपट) Synonyms: trickery, duplicity

    Antonyms: honesty, truthfulness

    Example Sentence:

    He is up to his old chicanery, blaming all

    democrats for the recession.

    8.AGITATE (ADJECTIVE): disturb:

    (खलबली डालिा) Synonyms: churn, concuss

    Antonyms: calm, soothe

    Example Sentence:

    As his younger brother is a troublemaker,

    he likes to agitate his sister by hiding her


    9. CEREMONIAL (ADJECTIVE): ritual:

    (रीनत संबंधी) Synonyms: solemn, august

    Antonyms: unimpressive, unceremonial

    Example Sentence:

    The tribe has different ceremonial dance

    for each ceremony.

    10. GRUELING (ADJECTIVE): arduous:

    (भयंकर) Synonyms: exhausting, laborious

    Antonyms: easy, facile

    Example Sentence:

    In between work and school, the medical

    student managed a very grueling schedule.

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    1. DAWDLE (VERB): waste time:(समय नष्ट करना) Synonyms: laze, saunter

    Antonyms: rush, hasten

    Example Sentence:

    People hasten to ask for help but often

    dawdle when help is needed.

    2. SCURRY (VERB): move along

    swiftly:(शीघ्र चलना) Synonyms: scamper, dash

    Antonyms: loaf, dawdle

    Example Sentence:

    The little girl scurried towards her father

    when he called her name.


    (NOUN): belittlement:(बदनामी) Synonyms: defamation, ridicule

    Antonyms: cajolery, blandishment

    Example Sentence:

    Those who denigrate others often do it to

    hide their own failures.

    4. DRUDGERY (NOUN): tedious

    work:(कठिन पररश्रम) Synonyms: labor, travail

    Antonyms: lethargy, indolence

    Example Sentence:

    To lose weight one has to endure the

    drudgery of hard exercises.

    5. ORDEAL (NOUN): unpleasant and

    prolonged experience:(कठिन परीक्षा) Synonym: difficulty, trouble

    Antonyms: comfort, peace

    Example sentence:

    This article had a gory description about

    the ordeals faced by players who came

    back after loosing a match.

    6. RAMPANT (NOUN): flourishing or

    spreading unchecked:(अननयंत्रित) Synonyms: uncontrolled, unbridled

    Antonyms: restrained, moderate

    Example sentence: Corruption is rampant and government is

    trying its best to control it.

    7. FATHOM (VERB): to understand

    after much thought:(पूर्ण रूप से समझना) Synonyms: comprehend grasp

    Antonyms: misinterpret, misunderstand

    Example sentence: Since I have always scored good marks I

    cannot fathom why my teacher gave me

    poor grades.

    8. SPAWN (VERB): originate:(बनाना) Synonyms: create, generate

    Antonyms: destroy, kill

    Example sentence: The new economic freedom has spawned

    hundreds of new small businesses.

    9. LIMPID (ADJECTIVE): clear,

    transparent:(पारदशणक) Synonyms: comprehensible, lucid

    Antonyms: muddy obscure

    Example sentence: The writer's limpid writing style greatly

    pleased readers who disliked complicated


    10. GRATIS (ADJECTIVE): free:(मुफ़्त) Synonyms: complementary, costless

    Antonyms: costly, expensive

    Example sentence: Gratis distribution of net is already being

    applied successfully in several

    impoverished countries.

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  • \1. BARB (NOUN): pointed comment:(कटाक्ष)

    Synonyms: criticism, insult

    Antonyms: compliment, praise

    Example Sentence: Watch out for barbs as they can hurt you


    2. GROVEL (VERB): kowtow:(गिड़गिड़ाना)

    Synonyms: beseech, kneel

    Antonyms: authorize, command

    Example sentence:

    They criticized leaders who grovelled for

    foreign patrons.

    3. PALLIATE (VERB): to reduce the


    Synonyms: abate, cover up

    Antonyms: enlarge expose

    Example sentence:

    The doctor trusted that the new medication

    would palliate her patient's discomfort.

    4. AMBIVALENCE (NOUN): the state of

    having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas:(


    Synonyms: doubt irresolution

    Antonyms: sureness, decisiveness

    Example sentence:

    The judge's ambivalence about the defendant's

    guilt caused a delay in the penalty portion of

    the trial.

    5. NEOPHYTE (NOUN): beginner:(निदीगक्षत)

    Synonyms: amateur, novice

    Antonyms: professional, expert

    Example Sentence:

    Even the best player in the world was once a

    neophyte at the sport.

    6. PRETENSION (NOUN): self-


    Synonyms: snobbishness, pomposity

    Antonyms: modesty, propriety

    Example Sentence:

    He is adored by millions because he lacks in


    7. PITHY (VERB): to the point:(सारिगभित)

    Synonyms: concise, brief

    Antonyms: lengthy, verbose

    Example Sentence:

    In order to make it quick the teach gave pithy

    explanation for all the questions.

    8. PERVASIVE (ADJECTIVE): which is all

    over the place.:(व्यापक)

    Synonyms: omnipresent, prevalent

    Antonyms: deficient, scanty

    Example Sentence:

    Unemployment is a pervasive issue in India

    touching all the classes.

    9. HERMETIC (ADJECTIVE): airtight:(हिा


    Synonyms: impervious, sealed

    Antonyms: susceptible, penetrable

    Example Sentence:

    The cells were hermetic causing the prisoners

    to die of suffocation.


    (NOUN): revelation:(अगभव्यगि)

    Synonyms: pronouncement, declaration

    Antonyms: concealment, secret

    Example Sentence:

    The news would bubble inside his gut till it

    finds utterance.

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    1. FIDELITY (NOUN): Faithfulness to a

    person:(विश्िस्तता) Synonyms: devotion, obedience

    Antonyms: treachery disloyalty

    Example sentence: For many fidelity to a religion creed is



    (NOUN): demand:(आग्रह) Synonyms: urging, emphasis

    Antonyms: satisfaction, satiation

    Example Sentence: Our insistence for luxuries should not

    cause a misery to anyone.

    3. NEGATE

    (VERB): contradict:(नकारना) Synonyms: annihilate, disallow

    Antonyms: allow, assist

    Example Sentence: The criminal will negate all charges if you

    failed to prove him guilty.

    4. QUEER

    (ADJECTIVE): abnormal:(असामान्य) Synonyms: erratic, weird

    Antonyms: sensible, sound

    Example Sentence: They are queer in behavior and extremely

    uncultured in their lifestyle.


    (VERB): provoke:(उते्तजित करना) Synonyms: elate, arouse

    Antonyms: neglect, dishearten

    Example Sentence: The teacher has to stimulate the students

    in order to create a hunger in them.


    (ADJECTIVE): exceptional:(अभूतपूिव)

    Synonyms: bizarre, anomalous

    Antonyms: familiar, regular

    Example Sentence: We have come across unprecedented

    reactions that weren’t expected.

    7. PIQUANT

    (ADJECTIVE): sparkling:(सरस) Synonyms: peppery, spicy

    Antonyms: flavorless, tasteless

    Example Sentence: We need to eat piquant dishes in order to

    get the real taste of Royal Rajasthan.


    (VERB): expel:(दंडस्िरूप ननष्काससत करना) Synonyms: dispel, ostracize

    Antonyms: incorporate, inculcate

    Example Sentence: The principal will rusticate all the students

    who don’t deserve to be taught in a

    healthy environment

    9. DRAPE (VERB): cover:(ढांकना) Synonyms: wrap, envelop

    Antonyms: unwrap, uncover

    Example Sentence: The snow draped everything as the

    temperature kept deteriorating.


    (NOUN): advancement:(उन्ननत) Synonyms: elevation, aggrandizement

    Antonyms: hindrance, debasement

    Example Sentence: They have got the promotion because they

    deserved it in one way or the other.

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    1. WAFT (VERB): carry:(बहा ले जाना) Synonyms: drift, convey

    Antonyms: hold, keep

    Example Sentence:

    They waft the information.

    2. ROCOCO (ADJECTIVE): florid:

    (अत्यलंकृत) Synonyms: ornate, gilt

    Antonyms: plain, undecorated

    Example Sentence:

    It was a rococo flower-vase.

    3. CHIMERA (NOUN): bogy:

    Synonyms: delusion, monstrosity

    Antonyms: certainty, reality

    Example Sentence:

    The economic sovereignty you claim to defend

    is a chimera.

    4. PORTENT (NOUN): miracle:(कल्पना) Synonyms: marvel, prodigy

    Antonyms: expectation, doom

    Example Sentence:

    It was a portent that she won.

    5. PERVERSION (NOUN): spoof:(विकृतत) Synonyms: burlesque, distortion

    Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity

    Example Sentence:

    The absurdly lenient sentence is a perversion

    of justice.

    6. BURGESS (NOUN): civilian:(नागरिक) Synonyms: inhabitant, resident

    Antonyms: alien, foreigner

    Example Sentence:

    He is a nice burgess.

    8. ARRAIGN (VERB): accuse:(अपिाधी ठहिाना) Synonyms: incriminate, indict

    Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate

    Example Sentence:

    She was arraigned on charges of attempted


    9. APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): pertinent:

    (उपयुक्त) Synonyms: germane, relevant

    Antonyms: inappropriate, improper

    Example Sentence:

    There was an apposite quotation written in the

    side of the wall.

    10. ARROGATE (VERB): claim without

    justification:(हड़पना) Synonyms: confiscate, expropriate

    Antonyms: reject, refuse

    Example Sentence:

    They arrogate to themselves the ability to

    divine the nation's true interests.

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    disdain :(कृपालुता) Synonyms: civility, haughtiness

    Antonyms: humility, inferiority Example Sentence:

    One should never

    show condescension to others.

    2. EDDY (NOUN):current:(भंवर, बवन्डर) Synonyms: whirlpool, tide

    Antonyms: calm, rest Example Sentence:

    Don’t know when will the eddy come

    to rest?

    3. LEAVEN (VERB):ferment:(उत्प्रेरण) Synonyms: lighten, raise

    Antonyms: darken, depress Example Sentence:

    One should always try to leaven one’s


    4. LOLL (VERB):lay sprawled:(आलस करना) Synonyms: laze, loiter

    Antonyms: straighten, energize Example Sentence:

    They sing, loll and above all they


    5. HOOK (VERB):catch:(फँसाना) Synonyms: clasp, lock

    Antonyms: release, unhitch Example Sentence:

    He hooked a large fish.


    amusing:(दिलचस्प) Synonyms: entertaining, playful

    Antonyms: boring, unfunny Example Sentence:

    He is such a likeable, amusing man.

    7. CAULK (VERB):secure:( सन्िबन्ि या कलापट्टी करना) Synonyms: block, barricade

    Antonyms: free, loosen Example Sentence:

    The sensitive area was caulked with

    the iron rods.


    (ADJECTIVE):agreeable:(अनुकूल) Synonyms: conforming, concurring

    Antonyms: unharmonious, disagreeable Example Sentence:

    The committee reached on to

    a congruent decision.

    9. DISSEMBLE (VERB):disguise:(ढोंग करना) Synonyms: falsify, feign

    Antonyms: unmask, disclose Example Sentence:

    The little girl often dissembles her

    feelings .

    10. DOTE (VERB):show excessive

    fondness:(स्नेह में डूबना) Synonyms: cherish, fawn

    Antonyms: ignore, offend Example Sentence:

    She doted on her two kids

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    (NOUN): perception:(समझ) Synonyms: acumen, understanding

    Antonyms: ignorance, stupidity

    Example Sentence:

    Tact is skill in touching; nice perception or

    discernment in dealing with others.

    2. NARCISSISM (NOUN): egotism:(अहंकार) Synonyms: arrogance, selfishness

    Antonyms: shyness, timidity

    Example Sentence:

    Narcissism is a result of stunted growth and of

    childhood abuse.

    3. MUTINY (NOUN): resistance:(विद्रोह) Synonyms: defiance, insurrection

    Antonyms: calm, peace

    Example Sentence:

    This was a clear case of mutiny, and the only

    one in which I was ever implicated


    4. SABOTAGE (NOUN): damage:(तोड़-फोड़) Synonyms: vandalism, disruption

    Antonyms: fidelity, loyalty

    Example Sentence:

    The sabotage of the Preliminary had been the

    first local step in that direction.

    5. PROTRUDE (VERB): stick out:(निकला हुआ होिा) Synonyms: extrude, extend

    Antonyms: shrink, sink

    Example Sentence:

    She had no flesh left; her bones seemed to

    protrude through the skin.

    6. RECEDE (VERB): withdraw:(पीछे हटिा) Synonyms: abate, regress

    Antonyms: increase, extend

    Example Sentence:

    The Cabinet will recede more and more from

    our principles, our party.


    (ADJECTIVE): extravagant:(आिारा) Synonyms: lustful, outrageous

    Antonyms: good, moral

    Example Sentence:

    Between 1868 and 1872 they added ten

    millions by wanton extravagance to the State


    8. NULLIFY (VERB): cancel:(प्रभािहीि करिा) Synonyms: revoke, abolish

    Antonyms: approve, allow

    Example Sentence:

    Fortunately, the attempt to nullify its benefits

    proved ineffectual.

    9. ALIGN (VERB): line up:(पंक्ततबद्ध करिा) Synonyms: array, adjust

    Antonyms: disorder, mess up

    Example Sentence: Similar instruction is given the troopers in

    aligning themselves to the left.

    10. GRAPPLE (VERB): grab:(भभड़ जािा) Synonyms: confront, cope Antonyms: release, let go Example Sentence: Every blood-vessel was striving to grapple

    with the present.

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    1. DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): harsh:

    (बेददद) Synonyms: cruel, strict

    Antonyms: contrite, pliable

    Example Sentence:

    Adolf Hitler was a draconian leader.

    2. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): foul:(बहुत अप्रिय) Synonyms: toxic, pernicious

    Antonyms: good, healthy

    Example Sentence:

    This perfume has a noxious smell.


    wise:(कुशाग्रबुद्धि) Synonyms: intelligent, astute

    Antonyms: dull, unperceptive

    Example Sentence:

    This child has a perspicacious mind to

    solve the questions.

    4. SPLURGY (ADJECTIVE): flamboyant

    :(ददखावटी) Synonyms: showy, dashing

    Antonyms: plain, modest

    Example Sentence:

    The singer loves to wear splurgy suits

    while performing.

    5. TIFF (NOUN): dispute:(मनमुटाव) Synonyms: squabble, fight

    Antonyms: accord, harmony

    Example Sentence:

    I want to be out of this tiff.

    6. SUPERVENE (VERB): follow:(पीछे आना) Synonyms: pursue, supersede

    Antonyms: founder, precede

    Example Sentence:

    The federal court decision will supersede

    the decision of the lower court.

    7. BESTOW (VERB): present:(िदान करना) Synonyms: confer, entrust

    Antonyms: withhold, deprive

    Example Sentence:

    The principal will bestow the awards to

    the meritorious students.

    8. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): depressing:

    (प्रवकट) Synonyms: gloomy, dark

    Antonyms: cheerful, happy

    Example Sentence:

    It was a grim night yesterday.

    9. REINFORCE (VERB): strengthen:

    (मजबूत बनाना) Synonyms: assist, augment

    Antonyms: discourage, obstruct

    Example Sentence:

    Article 377 will surely reinforce the

    integrity of our law and order system.


    knowing:(अननच्छापूवदक) Synonyms: accidently, unintentionally

    Antonyms: knowingly, purposefully

    Example Sentence:

    The little girl unwittingly let the sneaky

    kitten out the back door when she left for


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    1. VITUPERATE (VERB): criticize

    harshly:(ननिंदा करना) Synonyms: accuse, blame

    Antonyms: exonerate, exculpate

    Example Sentence:

    Vinta Nanda Vituperated Alok Nath for

    his misconduct.


    depravity:(भ्रष्टता) Synonyms: corruption, criminality

    Antonyms: decency, morality Example Sentence:

    Alok was sentenced to life in prison for

    the acts of turpitude he committed.

    3. PEPSINATE (VERB): ferment:(बढ़ाना) Synonyms: lighten, raise

    Antonyms: darken, depress

    Example Sentence:

    One should always try to pepsinate one’s



    ingratiating:(चापलूस) Synonyms: buttery, smarmy

    Antonyms: blunt, genuine

    Example Sentence:

    Navneet considers me unctuous.

    5. HOOK (VERB): catch:(जकड़ना) Synonyms: clasp, lock

    Antonyms: release, unhitch

    Example Sentence:

    He hooked a large fish.

    6. WANGLE (VERB): manipulate

    someone:(प्राप्त कर लेना) Synonyms: finagle, maneuver

    Antonyms: abandon, discard

    Example Sentence:

    He wangled a free ticket to the show.

    7. FLEECE (VERB): steal:(चुराना) Synonyms: defraud, swindle

    Antonyms: give, offer

    Example Sentence:

    He fleeced the gold coins from the pot.


    agreeable:(एक मत होना) Synonyms: conforming, concurring

    Antonyms: disagreeable

    Example Sentence:

    The committee reached on to a concurring decision.


    disguise:(निपाना) Synonyms: falsify, feign

    Antonyms: unmask, disclose

    Example Sentence:

    The little girl often dissembles her



    and calm:(आसानी से विचललत न होने िाला) Synonyms: composed, impassive

    Antonyms: disconcerted, nervous

    Example Sentence:

    Amit is a sheerly unflappable man.

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    1. STIFLE (VERB): Restrain:(बुझाना)Synonyms: suppress, repress

    Antonyms: release, free

    Example Sentence:

    She makes no attempt to stifle a yawn.


    fashioned:(अप्रचलित)Synonyms: obsolete, antiquated

    Antonyms: latest, modern

    Example Sentence:

    These archaic practices are advocated by peop

    le of limited outlook.

    3. PRUNE (VERB): Pare down:(छााँटना)Synonyms: trim, reduce

    Antonyms: include, increase

    Example Sentence:

    Economic hard times are forcing the

    companies to prune their budget.

    4. ASCENSION (NOUN): Taking

    over:(अधिरोहण)Synonyms: succession, assumption

    Antonyms: declension, decline

    Example Sentence:

    He was

    killed after his ascension to the throne.

    5. STIFFEN (VERB): Make or become

    harder:(ठोस बनाना)Synonyms: tighten, solidify

    Antonyms: weaken, dilute

    Example Sentence:

    The blood supply to the skin is reduced when

    muscles stiffen.

    6. FRET (VERB): To worry:(धचढ़ना)Synonyms: agonize, bother

    Antonyms: please, delight

    Example Sentence:

    She was always fretting about something or

    the other.

    7. ETHEREAL (ADJECTIVE): Extremely


    Synonyms: light, sublime

    Antonyms: earthly, indelicate

    Example Sentence:

    In this ethereal realm are the currents

    that make possible wireless telegraphy.


    Chastened:(पश्चात्तापी)Synonyms: repentant, sorrowful

    Antonyms: indifferent, unapologetic

    Example Sentence:

    He was so contrite that he wrote me a letter of


    9. CORNUCOPIA (NOUN): Abundance:(प्राचुर्य)Synonyms: bounty, fullness

    Antonyms: need, lack

    Example Sentence:

    I shall come from London Town with a cornu

    copia of presents.

    10. FLOP (VERB): Slump:(धिर पड़ना)Synonyms: fall, drop

    Antonyms: succeed, achieve

    Example Sentence:

    She flopped, exhausted, on to the sofa.

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    1. STAID (ADJECTIVE): serious:(गंभीर) Synonyms: steady, conventional

    Antonyms: frivolous, funny

    Example Sentence:

    He is a staid professor.

    2. GOB (NOUN): multitude:(ढेर सारा) Synonyms: abundance, fullness

    Antonyms: individual, one

    Example Sentence:

    All bakery products are found in gob at this


    3. REVEL (NOUN): carousal:(आनंदोत्सव) Synonyms: gaiety, gala

    Antonyms: gloom, despair

    Example Sentence:

    They all had a huge nocturnal revel out there.

    4.SUBSISTENCE (NOUN): livelihood:(जीववका) Synonyms: sustenance, gratuity

    Antonyms: neglect, ignorance

    Example Sentence:

    He is doing very hard work for his

    smooth subsistence.

    5. DABBLER (NOUN): dilettante:( शौक़ीन) Synonyms: abecedarian, novice

    Antonyms: expert, professional

    Example Sentence:

    Ayush is a dabbler singer.

    6. SEDUCE (VERB): lure:(बहकाना) Synonyms: entice, decoy

    Antonyms: dissuade, disenchant

    Example Sentence:

    Ripen mangoes seduced the travellers on the


    7. STILT (NOUN): footing:(चलने के ललये बड़े डंडे) Synonyms: flotation, base

    Antonyms: stop, opposition

    Example Sentence:

    The iron rods provide basic stilt to the


    8. SQUAT (ADJECTIVE): broad:(चौड़ा) Synonyms: splay, chunky

    Antonyms: small, thin

    Example Sentence:

    Anish was a muscular and squat man.


    (ADJECTIVE): bossy:(नकचढा) Synonyms: cocky, haughty

    Antonyms: humble, modest

    Example Sentence: He has

    a supercilious attitude.

    10. SMUG (ADJECTIVE): pleased with

    oneself:(दंभी) Synonyms: complacent, pompous

    Antonyms: unsure, unhappy with oneself

    Example Sentence: He is utterly

    a smug person.

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    1. CONDONE (VERB): Ignore: (ध्यान न देना) Synonyms: excuse, forgive

    Antonyms: veto, regard

    Example Sentence:

    I condoned him at the party.

    2. SURMOUNT (VERB): Conquer: (विजय पाना) Synonyms: defeat, overpower

    Antonyms: surrender, yield

    Example Sentence:

    He surmounted his enemy.

    3. OBLOQUY (NOUN): Calumny: (नन िंदा) Synonyms: aspersion, humiliation

    Antonyms: commendation, exaltation

    Example Sentence:

    His parent could not stand their obloquy at the


    4. SOLIDARITY (NOUN): Union: (एकता) Synonyms: consensus, agreement

    Antonyms: disagreement, discord

    Example Sentence:

    He believes in solidarity.

    5. HARDLINE (ADJECTIVE): Unyielding:

    (कट्टरपिंथ) Synonyms: militant, staunch

    Antonyms: flexible, irresolute

    Example Sentence:

    Those hardline opinions he carries would lead

    him nowhere.

    6. STORMY (ADJECTIVE): Violent like a

    storm: (प्रचण्ड) Synonyms: rough, furious

    Antonyms: calm, quiet

    Example Sentence:

    They are going through a stormy phase in

    their career.

    7. ESTEEM (NOUN): Respect: (आदर) Synonyms: regard, honour

    Antonyms: disregard, dishonour

    Example Sentence:

    It is a matter of great esteem.


    (फुतीला) Synonyms: brisk, speedy

    Antonyms: slow, lag

    Example Sentence:

    He is so alacritous to be caught.

    9. BLABBER (VERB): Talk foolishly

    : (बकिास करना) Synonyms: babble, blather

    Antonyms: be quiet, be silent

    Example Sentence:

    Don’t blabber before your boss.

    10. BRAG (VERB): Boast: (ड िंग मारना) Synonyms: bluster, gloat

    Antonyms: be modest, be quiet

    Example Sentence:

    She always brags about her achievements.

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    going:(कह ीं भी जाने को आज़ाद) Synonyms: unattached, free and


    Antonyms: bound, enslaved

    Example Sentence:

    I am a footloose person and so is she.


    (ADJECTIVE): Joyous:(मौज उडानेवाला) Synonyms: jaunty, spirited

    Antonyms: sad, depressed

    Example Sentence:

    We enjoyed his rollicking performance.

    3. LANGUID

    (ADJECTIVE): Dropping:(कमज़ोर) Synonyms: sluggish, laid-back

    Antonyms: energetic, lively

    Example Sentence:

    Why are you looking so languid?

    4. MURKY (ADJECTIVE): Dark:(ध ींधला) Synonyms: gloomy, dreary

    Antonyms: bright, luminous

    Example Sentence:

    The stress lines on his face are the clear sign

    of murky life that he is leading.

    5. RAKISH (ADJECTIVE): Charming:(बााँका) Synonyms: dashing, raffish

    Antonyms: boorish, adhesive

    Example Sentence:

    He is a rakish man.

    6. COHORT (NOUN): Companion:(सींगी) Synonyms: comrade, partner

    Antonyms: opponent, adversary

    Example Sentence:

    Adivasis and their cohort made the violent



    (ADJECTIVE): Depleted:(कमज़ोर) Synonyms: exhausted, tired

    Antonyms: energetic, invigorated

    Example Sentence:

    His eyes were looking

    painstakingly weakened.

    8. SUBLIME

    (ADJECTIVE): Magnificent:(उत्कृष्ट) Synonyms: glorious, heavenly

    Antonyms: inferior, lowly

    Example Sentence:

    The function we attended took place at

    a sublime lodge.


    (ADJECTIVE): Situate:(आश्रय देना) Synonyms: stash, cache

    Antonyms: unsettle, depart

    Example Sentence:

    There is no need to worry about the witness

    because she is ensconced in the safe house.

    10. DETOUR (NOUN): Deviation:(ववमागग) Synonyms: turn, diversion

    Antonyms: straightness, direction

    Example Sentence:

    Due to metro work, traffic has to

    follow detour.

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    1. PRODIGY (NOUN): (गुणी): person who is an expert Synonyms: virtuoso, adept Antonyms: amateur, ignoramus Example Sentence: He is a prodigy in painting.

    2. WHEEDLE (VERB): (खुशामद से मना लेना): flatter Synonyms: cajole, coax Antonyms: disgust, bully Example Sentence: To wheedle your boss is not a solution of every problem.

    3. EFFACE (VERB): (ममटाना): destroy Synonyms: abolish, annihilate Antonyms: retain, maintain Example Sentence: He effaced the building completely.

    4. EPIGRAM (NOUN): (चुटकुला): joke Synonyms: witticism, quirk Antonyms: seriousness, sincerity Example Sentence: He is an expert in cracking epigrams.

    5. NOISY (ADJECTIVE): (उधमी): loud, energetic Synonyms: boisterous, rambunctious Antonyms: calm, quiet Example Sentence: It was a noisy party.

    6. FEUD (VERB): (झगडा): quarrel Synonyms: fight, bicker Antonyms: agree, socialize Example Sentence: He feuded unnecessarily with his friends.


    (कट्टर): narrow minded

    Synonyms: orthodox, biased Antonyms: liberal, unprejudiced Example Sentence: In old days most of the people had fanatical thinking.


    (फरेब): tricky behaviour Synonyms: chicanery, crafty Antonyms: probity, modesty Example Sentence: He always knew about his brother’s skullduggery towards others.

    9. QUASH (VERB): (समाप्त करना): cancel Synonyms: revoke, abrogate Antonyms: permit, authorize Example Sentence: For no reasons her job offer letter was quashed.

    10. NOVICE (NOUN):

    (नवमशक्षित): beginner Synonyms: tyro, learner Antonyms: expert, veteran Example Sentence:

    Ankit was a complete novice in foreign affairs.

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    (NOUN): inhibition:(विक्षिप्त) Synonyms: aberration, abnormality Antonyms: normality, sanity Example Sentence: Ritika got a neurosis about chemicals and imagined them everywhere doing her harm.

    2. BASTION (NOUN): bulwark:(गढ़) Synonyms: support, stronghold Antonyms: weak spot, weakness Example Sentence: The king had his place fortified with bastions.


    (ADJECTIVE): alarming:(अपशकुन) Synonyms: intriguing, haunting Antonyms: encouraging, hopeful Example Sentence: She has given a portentous performance.

    4. WIELD (VERB): apply:(सँभालना) Synonyms: operate, exercise Antonyms: fail, misuse Example Sentence: She wielded the new rules carefully.


    (NOUN): weakening:(कमी) Synonyms: lessening, abatement Antonyms: expansion, growth Example Sentence: An oversupply made a permanent diminution in the product’s value.

    6. JIBE (VERB): conform:(मेल खाना) Synonyms: match, tally Antonyms: differ, disagree Example Sentence: She jibed all the details of the account.


    (NOUN): annulment:(पि परििततन) Synonyms: cancellation, rescinding Antonyms: enactment, validation Example Sentence: There was a volte-face for Naveen about the decision to marry Natasha. 8. AFFABLE

    (ADJECTIVE): friendly:(ममलनसाि) Synonyms: amiable, genial Antonyms: rude, unfriendly Example Sentence: She has an affable nature.

    9. OBVERSE (NOUN): opposite:(सीधी तिफ़) Synonyms: complement, counterpart Antonyms: back, rear Example Sentence: He needs to practise humbleness which is the obverse of your usual arrogance.

    10. EAGER

    (ADJECTIVE): anxious:(अधीि) Synonyms: keen, ambitious Antonyms: dispassionate, uneager Example Sentence: The CBI was eager to prosecute the vice chancellor for extortion.

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    vulnerable:(अतिसंवेदनशील) Synonyms: receptive, prone

    Antonyms: insensitive, resistant

    Example Sentence:

    Dress your children warmly because they are

    very susceptible to illness after being exposed

    to cold weather.

    2. FEAT (NOUN): accomplishment:(कमाल) Synonyms: triumph, victory

    Antonyms: failure, forfeit

    Example Sentence:

    The man was honored when the king learned

    of his feat.


    (ADJECTIVE): disregardful:(त्यागा हुआ) Synonyms: regardless, remiss

    Antonyms: careful, improved

    Example Sentence:

    Thanks to several volunteer organizations in

    our community, many derelict areas have

    been turned into stunning gardens.

    4. WOE (NOUN): suffering:(दुुःख) Synonyms: anguish, misfortune

    Antonyms: contentment, blessing

    Example Sentence:

    Because the witch was angry about being

    excluded from the festivities, she promised a

    lifetime of woe to the prince’s parents.


    (NOUN): acquirement:(अर्जन) Synonyms: achievement, attainment

    Antonyms: lack, failure

    Example Sentence:

    After appearing on a travel show, the small

    hotel was experiencing an acquisition of


    6. DISSUADE (VERB): thwart:(रोकना) Synonyms: divert, prevent

    Antonyms: help, aid

    Example Sentence:

    The purpose of the fence is to dissuade my

    neighbours from trespassing on my property.

    7. EXODUS (NOUN): leaving:(कूच) Synonyms: departure, retreat

    Antonyms: arriving, coming

    Example Sentence:

    Because of the exodus of so many refugees,

    the town’s public shelters were filled to


    8. PLIGHT (NOUN): dilemma:(गंभीर स्थिति) Synonyms: predicament, quandary

    Antonyms: advantage, benefit

    Example Sentence:

    Most wealthy people are unaware of the

    plight suffered by people who are hungry and



    typical:(आद्यप्ररूपीय) Synonyms: stereotypical, hackneyed

    Antonyms: atypical, unique

    Example Sentence:

    Gospel reveals the archetypal realities.


    CHRONIC (ADJECTIVE): incessant:(चचरकाललक) Synonyms: persistent, continual

    Antonyms: halting, ceasing

    Example Sentence:

    She has been dealing with chronic pain for

    several months.

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    1.CADAVEROUS (ADJECTIVE): pale:(पीला वििर्ण) Synonyms: blanched, ashen

    Antonyms: lively, lifelike

    Example Sentence:

    Her face looked so cadaverous.

    2. DECADENT (ADJECTIVE): corrupt:

    (अनैतिक) Synonyms: immoral, depraved

    Antonyms: moral, noble

    Example Sentence:

    He is a decadent person.

    3. CASTIGATION (NOUN): punishment:

    (दंड) Synonyms: chastisement, retribution

    Antonyms: pardon, forgiveness

    Example Sentence:

    I am not afraid of castigation


    giving in:(आत्मसपणर्) Synonyms: submission, yielding

    Antonyms: defending, finding

    Example Sentence:

    I was overwhelmed with my brother’s

    capitulation to allow me to drive his car.


    exceptionally smart:(अत्याधिक बुद्धिमान) Synonyms: intelligent, advanced

    Antonyms: moronic, imbecile

    Example Sentence:

    She is extremely precocious girl of our college.

    6. PLACID (NOUN): calm:(नम्र) Synonyms: serene, tranquil

    Antonyms: agitated, disturbed

    Example Sentence:

    Placid surroundings of Kashmir enthralled me

    deep within.


    detrimental:(क्षतिकर) Synonyms: harmful, destroying

    Antonyms: helpful, aiding

    Example Sentence:

    Smoking is deleterious to health.

    8. MOROSE (ADJECTIVE): glum:(उदास) Synonyms: grouchy, cranky

    Antonyms: cheerful, happy

    Example Sentence:

    Her father’s funeral was a morose event which

    left her and her family in tears.

    9. DIFFIDENT (ADJECTIVE): meek:(संकोची) Synonyms: timid, sheepish

    Antonyms: brave, confident

    Example Sentence:

    You are kind of diffident person.

    10. DEBACLE (NOUN): catastrophe:(विध्िंस) Synonyms: beating, collapse

    Antonyms: attainment, accomplishment

    Example Sentence:

    When the movie was released, it was called a

    debacle by the audience.

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    1. DECOY (NOUN): Trap: (पाश) Synonyms: attraction, inducement Antonyms: honesty, frankness Example Sentence: We caught a rat, using a decoy to trick it into the cage. 2. DEBONAIR (ADJECTIVE): Charming:

    (मोहक) Synonyms: affable, elegant Antonyms: awkward, inelegant Example Sentence: Suneet has a debonair personality.

    3. PESTILENT (ADJECTIVE): Baneful:

    (प्राणघाती) Synonyms: contagious, deleterious Antonyms: harmless, innocuous Example Sentence: To many, homeless beggars are nothing more than pestilent irritants.

    4. PERPETRATE (VERB): Be responsible

    for: (करना) Synonyms: carry out, commit Antonyms: halt, stop Example Sentence: Who would perpetrate for this crime?

    5. RAKISH (ADJECTIVE): Charming and

    immoral: (विलासी जैसा) Synonyms: dashing, jaunty Antonyms: moral, upright Example Sentence: She gave Maddy a rakish smile.

    6. ENGROSS (VERB): (मोहहत करना): Bewitch Synonyms: captivate, enrapture Antonyms: disenchant, disgust Example Sentence: I was totally engrossed by her beauty.

    7. MIDDLING (ADJECTIVE): Adequate:

    (पर्ााप्त) Synonyms: mediocre, passable Antonyms: extreme, exceptional Example Sentence: The patient needs middling amount of water every half an hour.

    8. MOUTHY (ADJECTIVE): Talkative:

    (िाचाल) Synonyms: chatty, gabby Antonyms: reticent, silent Example Sentence: Mohak is an extremely mouthy boy. 9. CANTANKEROUS (ADJECTIVE): Ill-

    tempered: (झगडालू) Synonyms: quarrelsome, critical Antonyms: pleasant, peaceful Example Sentence: You are a cantankerous man.

    10. DANK (ADJECTIVE): Moist: (नम) Synonyms: clammy, muggy Antonyms: parched, dry Example Sentence: The middle section of the house is fully dank.

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  • \1. CORNUCOPIA (NOUN): Abundance:

    (प्रचुरता) Synonyms: bounty, fullness Antonyms: need, lack Example Sentence: I shall come from London Town with a cornucopia of presents.

    2. FRET (VERB): Feel uneasy:

    (चचड़चचड़ाना) Synonyms: be upset, be anxious Antonyms: please, delight Example Sentence: She was always fretting about something or the other. 3. ETHEREAL (ADJECTIVE): Extremely

    delicate: (कोमल) Synonyms: light, sublime Antonyms: earthly, indelicate Example Sentence: In this ethereal realm are the currents that make possible wireless telegraphy.


    (ADJECTIVE): Uneducated: (ननरक्षर) Synonyms: ignorant, illiterate Antonyms: educated, literate Example Sentence: Such misconceptions have not been confined to the unlettered masses.


    (प्रमुदित) Synonyms: agile, active Antonyms: spiritless, lethargic Example Sentence: The sprightly old woman walks two miles every day. 6. SANCTIMONIOUS (ADJECTIVE): Self-

    righteous: (पाखंडी) Synonyms: insincere, hypocritical Antonyms: honest, sincere Example Sentence:

    His sanctimonious expressions explained his intentions.

    7. SULLEN (ADJECTIVE): Morose: (उिास) Synonyms: gloomy, brooding Antonyms: cheerful, pleasant Example Sentence: The offenders lapsed into a sullen silence.

    8. CHAOTIC (ADJECTIVE): Disordered:

    (अराजकतापूर्ण) Synonyms: uncontrolled, lawlesss Antonyms: ordered, organized Example Sentence: My house becomes a chaotic place in the absence of my wife.

    9. CONTRITE (ADJECTIVE): Chastened:

    (पछताया हुआ) Synonyms: repentant, sorrowful Antonyms: indifferent, unapologetic Example Sentence: He was so contrite that he wrote me a letter of apology.

    10. PRUNE (VERB): Pare down:(काटना/ छााँटना) Synonyms: trim, reduce Antonyms: include, increase Example Sentence: Economic hard times are forcing the companies to prune their budget.

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  • \1. PROCLIVITY (NOUN): Inclination:

    (इच्छा/प्रवतृ्ति) Synonyms: penchant, predilection Antonyms: dislike, hate Example Sentence: Your proclivity towards him is getting on my nerves.

    2. SARTORIAL (ADJECTIVE): Pertaining

    to tailors: (दर्ज़ी-संबंधी) Synonyms: stylish, elegant Antonyms: frumpy, dumpy Example Sentence: Those sartorial coats made me chew the cud.

    3. CAULK (VERB): Secure: (गहनी करना) Synonyms: block, barricade Antonyms: free, loosen Example Sentence: Faiz caulked me from a broken reed.

    4. TUTELARY (ADJECTIVE): Protecting:

    (संरक्षी) Synonyms: guardian, advisory Antonyms: careless, inattentive Example Sentence: Ajay is using tutelary fabian policy in his company.

    5. PURGE (NOUN): Elimination:

    (पररशोध) Synonyms: expulsion, extermination Antonyms: keeping, holding Example Sentence: Naimish was feeling shy of telling her about her purge from the contest.

    6. QUANTUM (NOUN): Quantity: (मात्रा) Synonyms: sum, amount Antonyms: part, whole Example Sentence: While quantum energy could not be measured fully, the scientist continued to work on the experiment.

    7. PRECINCT (NOUN): Department:

    (प्रसीमा) Synonyms: area, ward Antonyms: whole, full Example Sentence: I am working in this precinct. 8. CONTEMPORANEOUS

    (ADJECTIVE): Coeval: (आधुननक) Synonyms: simultaneous, contemporary Antonyms: different, separate Example Sentence: The contemporaneous ringing of the multiple phone lines kept the new receptionist very busy.

    9. PUNITIVE (ADJECTIVE): Retaliatory:

    (दंडात्मक) Synonyms: vindictive, punishing Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding Example Sentence: Don’t be punitive otherwise you’ll get into a soup.

    10. QUIETUDE (NOUN): Calm:

    (शांनि/संिोष) Synonyms: doldrums, hush Antonyms: disturbance, agitation Example Sentence: Be quietude don’t escape your lips.

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  • 1. PATOIS (NOUN): jargon:(खास बोली)Synonyms: argot, dialect

    Antonyms: standard, normal

    Example Sentence:

    Most words were understood by teenager, but the

    gentleman looked confused at some of the words

    due to the teenager’s patois.

    2. PRECEPT (NOUN): law:(आदेश)Synonyms: doctrine, axiom

    Antonyms: lawlessness, disbelief

    Example Sentence:

    Change is the precept of the nature.

    3. FERMENT (NOUN): agitation and

    excitement among a group of people:(विक्षोभ)Synonyms: frenzy, storm

    Antonyms: calm, peace

    Example Sentence:

    The highest court was in a state of ferment.

    4. MAUL (VERB): Savage:(घायल करना)Synonyms: drub, lacerate

    Antonyms: protect, guard

    Example Sentence:

    A boy was mauled by a lion at Lucknow Zoo.

    5. DELINEATE (VERB): describe

    precisely:(िर्णन करना)Synonyms: define, limn

    Antonyms: confuse, distort

    Example Sentence:

    The judge delineated the composition of the

    bench to hear the case.


    (ADJECTIVE): Declining:(पश्चगामी)Synonyms: reverting, deteriorating

    Antonyms: forward, positive

    Example Sentence:

    The company is consistently facing the retrograde

    growth parameter this year.

    7. QUEASY (ADJECTIVE): not

    feeling well:(व्याकुल)Synonyms: sick, ill

    Antonyms: comfortable, healthy

    Example Sentence:

    He didn’t want to do any work because he felt


    8. MAMMOTH (ADJECTIVE): huge:(विशालकाय)Synonyms: enormous, gargantuan

    Antonyms: little, miniature

    Example Sentence:

    A mammoth project will be completed very soon.

    9. CONVENE (VERB): bring together for a

    meeting:(एकत्र होना)Synonyms: assemble, congregate

    Antonyms: disperse, separate

    Example Sentence:

    The Chief Justice must convene a meeting of

    the full court.

    10. PAROCHIAL (ADJECTIVE): narrow-

    minded:(संकुचचत)Synonyms: petty, limited

    Antonyms: cosmopolitan, liberal

    Example Sentence:

    A parochial approach is not enough to get success

    in life.

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  • 1. TURMOIL (NOUN): chaos:(खलबली) Synonyms: turbulence, ferment

    Antonyms: contentment, tranquility

    Example Sentence:

    There was widespread turmoil in the city.

    2. RIFT (NOUN): a flaw, fault:(मनमुटाव) Synonyms: breach, fissure

    Antonyms: closure, agreement

    Example Sentence:

    It is a great misfortune that an internal rift has

    moved inexorably towards a full-blown crisis.

    3. INEXORABLY (ADVERB): in a way that

    is impossible to stop:(अनवरत रूप से) Synonyms: ferociously, atrociously

    Antonyms: gently, humanely

    Example Sentence:

    The public is enraged by the inexorable rise in

    petroleum prices.

    4. DISSENSION (NOUN): disagreement that

    leads to discord:(मतभेद) Synonyms: controversy, friction

    Antonyms: harmony, conformity

    Example Sentence:

    The SC has exposed an unprecedented level

    of dissension.

    5. LAX (ADJECTIVE): careless:(शिथिलीकरण) Synonyms: negligent, derelict

    Antonyms: strict, careful

    Example Sentence:

    One of the problems is lax security for airport


    6. OMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): giving the

    worrying impression:(अननष्टसूचक) Synonyms: apocalyptic, baleful

    Antonyms: bright, hopeful

    Example Sentence:

    A suggestion that is being read by some as an

    ominous reference to an unknown external



    characteristics way:(अंतरननहीत रूप से) Synonyms: naturally, genetically

    Antonyms: unusually, affectedly

    Example Sentence:

    The inherently dangerous nature of the bull-

    taming event is a major concern.

    8. POSTERITY (NOUN): all future

    generation of people:(भावी पीढी) Synonyms: progeny, lineage

    Antonyms: parent, past

    Example Sentence:

    This incident is regarded by posterity as an

    aberration rather than a precedent.


    examination of one’s own mental

    processes.:(आत्मववश्लेषण) Synonyms: contemplation, reflection

    Antonyms: ignorance, disregard

    Example Sentence:

    It is a moment for collective introspection.

    10. DANK (ADJECTIVE): moist:(सीला) Synonyms: clammy, muggy

    Antonyms: parched, dry

    Example Sentence:

    The kitchen was very dank.

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  • \1. ARENA (NOUN): an area surrounded by

    seating in which sports are held:(अखाडा) Synonyms: field, ring

    Antonyms: sky, vault

    Example Sentence:

    The barricades separating the spectators from

    the arena were inadequate.

    2. ONLOOKER (NOUN): spectator:

    (तमाशबीन) Synonyms: observer, viewer

    Antonyms: participant, player

    Example Sentence:

    Two onlookers have died in the space of two

    days in the Jallikattu events.

    3. CIPHER (NOUN): Nonexistence:(शून्य) Synonyms: nonentity, nobody

    Antonyms: entity, somebody

    Example Sentence:

    He is worried of his cipher.

    4. INDUCT (VERB): allow into:(भरती करना) Synonyms: invest, install

    Antonyms: close, reject

    Example Sentence:

    With some of the events inducting more than

    400 bulls and almost twice as many tamers

    are seen here.

    5. FOREFRONT (NOUN): the leading

    position:(अग्र स्थान) Synonyms: limelight, front

    Antonyms: background, history

    Example Sentence:

    The AWBI was earlier in the forefront of


    6. SUBMISSION (NOUN): agreement:(ननवेदन) Synonyms: appeasement, capitulation

    Antonyms: disagreement, resistance

    Example Sentence:

    The SC banned Jallikattu on the basis of

    submissions made by the AWBI.

    7. HUNCH (NOUN): instinct:(सहज प्रवृत्ति)

    Synonyms: intuition, premonition

    Antonyms: certainty, fact

    Example Sentence:

    The commentators had various hunches about

    the outcome of the next election.

    8. INTENSIFY (VERB): aggravate:(तीव्र करना) Synonyms: enhance, increase

    Antonyms: diminish, hinder

    Example Sentence:

    The PDS in Jharkhand is intensified by the


    9. DISCLOSE (VERB): to make known:(प्रकट करना) Synonyms: divulge, expose

    Antonyms: cover, hide

    Example Sentence:

    You should not disclose your name here.

    10. FUME (VERB): rage:(कु्रद्ध होना) Synonyms: seethe, blow up

    Antonyms: be happy, be calm

    Example Sentence:

    The people of the town fumed against the


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  • \1. SIPHON (VERB): transfer

    illegally:(बेइमानी से ननकालना) Synonyms: transport, draw off

    Antonyms: conclude, finish

    Example Sentence:

    Those who failed the biometric test was

    siphoned off with abandon.

    2. REVENGE (NOUN): reaction to a wrong

    action:(प्रनिकार) Synonyms: vengeance, retribution

    Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon

    Example Sentence:

    I will surely take revenge for I have suffered.

    3. RAMPAGE (NOUN): riot:(उपद्रव) Synonyms: disturbance, frenzy

    Antonyms: calm, harmony

    Example Sentence:

    On a deadly rampage, a person killed an

    innocent man.

    4. SUBDUED (ADJECTIVE): controlled:

    (संयममि) Synonyms: hushed, muted

    Antonyms: boisterous, communicative

    Example Sentence:

    He was subdued by his boss.

    5. STAGNATION (NOUN): inactivity:

    (ननष्क्रियिा) Synonyms: quiescence, stasis

    Antonyms: movement, activity

    Example Sentence:

    It is hard to bear the stagnation of the


    6. MOMENTUM (NOUN): push:(िाक़ि) Synonyms: impulse, strength

    Antonyms: meekness, weakness

    Example Sentence:

    His efforts gained momentum.

    7. BANTER (NOUN): fun:(मज़ा) Synonyms: chitchat, gossip

    Antonyms: flattery, praise

    Example Sentence:

    We had a lot of banter in the locker room.

    8. HEARTFELT (ADJECTIVE): sincere: (हार्दिक) Synonyms: genuine, unaffected

    Antonyms: insincere, pretended

    Example Sentence:

    I pay my heartfelt regards to them.

    9. SNITCH (VERB): reveal:(खुलासा करना) Synonyms: divulge, evince

    Antonyms: conceal, suppress

    Example Sentence:

    Ravi is going to snitch the secret.

    10. BOOR (NOUN): clod:(असभ्य व्यष्क्ति) Synonyms: barbarian, brute

    Antonyms: charmer, enthusiast

    Example Sentence:

    Why do act as a boor?

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    1. INVECTIVE (NOUN): verbal abuse:(न िंदाकर ा)Synonyms: denunciation, tirade

    Antonyms: exculpation, exoneration

    Example Sentence:

    The invective he faced for his actions were of

    no effect.

    2. SERENE (ADJECTIVE): calm:(शािंत)Synonyms: laid-back, placid

    Antonyms: clamorous, turbulent

    Example Sentence:

    Afghan refugees have never been given space

    in India nor should Baloch political dissident.

    3. ABSOLVE (VERB): To forgive; to free

    from guilt:(मुक्त कर ा)Synonyms: exculpate, pardon

    Antonyms: accuse, blame

    Example Sentence:

    Marta felt greatly relieved after her mother

    absolved her for breaking the vase.

    4. BUFFOONERY (NOUN): Foolish

    behavior:(मसखराप )Synonyms: jocularity, clowning

    Antonyms: tragedy, seriousness

    Example Sentence:

    Clarence, an irrepressible comic, was held

    after class for his buffoonery.

    5. GARISH (ADJECTIVE): offensively

    bright:(भड़कीला)Synonyms: gaudy, loud

    Antonyms: plain, simple

    Example Sentence:

    The garish wallpaper offended Jerome, who

    preferred subtle colors.

    6. BALK (VERB): hesitate:(टाल जा ा)Synonyms: resist, shirk

    Antonyms: accept, face

    Example Sentence:

    He balked at such a drastic solution.

    7. CASTIGATE (VERB): berate:(दरु्वच कह ा)Synonyms: chastise, criticize

    Antonyms: praise, laud

    Example Sentence:

    She was castigated by the teacher.

    8. SURGE (NOUN): growth:(बढ़त)Synonyms: deluge, upsurge

    Antonyms: decline, decrease

    Example Sentence:

    Sudden surge can be seen in dollar in the

    stock exchange today.

    9.PORTLINESS (NOUN): overweight:(मोटाप )Synonyms: adiposity, corpulence

    Antonyms: slimness, thinness

    Example Sentence:

    They adopt surgical procedures for portliness.

    10. REVELRY (NOUN): merrymaking:(आ िंदोत्सर्)Synonyms: debauchery, carousal

    Antonyms: sadness, mourning

    Example Sentence:

    Siddhartha is involved in revelry these days.

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