Exams 1992

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Transcript of Exams 1992

A. READING: Read the following text and answer the question.Adela Cartwright was quite aware of the whole business after a few weeks. Did she have to work hard to get on well? She wondered. And then she replied to the question herself. She had to work harder and harder. Every day was almost the same at the office. She typed letters from 9 to 10 or sometimes to 11.30 and she had hardly any time left thereafter to do anything else, but go to the nearby restaurant and have lunch. Did she have lunch alone? Most of the time none of her colleagues were free to accompany her, so she had lunch alone.She went to the restaurant, had a quick one course-lunch and then back to the office. She rushed to work again, typed some more leters and prepared everything before four o clock when she met Mr Clarkson.1. How did Adele have to work?

2. When did she type letters

3. Did she have lunch alone?

4. What kind of lunch did she have at the restaurant?

B. GRAMMAR1. Change the following sentences into the Simple Pastexample : He likes her job very much ..He liked his job very much

a. He explains the situation very clearly

b. Mr Smith always starts his lessons in time

c. Jane always waits for a letter anxiously

d. Bert wants a new job.

e. Colin always thinks very much before doing something.

2. Answer the following questions as in the example:example : Does she go to her office by bus? Yes, she does Do they work in a big company? No, they dont

a. Do they come to London by plane? Yes,.b. Does he take his car in the morning? No, .c. Do you get off at Bond street station? Yes,d. Does she leave from her house late? No, ..e. Do they wake up at 6.30 every morning? No,..

3. Turn the following sentences into the interrogative form as in the example:example : Adela entered the local Tech last year..Did Adela enter the local Tech last year?

a. We explained the problems clearly..b. She started the lessons in time...c. The job seemed very promising.d. Colin waited for their reply...e. Peter asked the way...

4. Choose the correct option.

a. James sister is/are a secretaryb. We arrive/ arrived late for the meeting yesterday afternoon.c. John wakes up/ woke at 8.00 every day.d. We sometimes walk/walked to work in the morning.e. The secretary calls/called Mr Simon and left the office.

C. WRITINGDescribe what you did yesterday. You can use some of the following expressions(wake up, had breakfast, left house, walked to the station)