Examples include: - Home - Community Action Suffolk€¦  · Web viewThe Babergh and Mid Suffolk...

Grant Funding Linked to COVID 19 (date: 24 August 2020) Sector: The Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Scope: This funding research focuses on grants to VCSE organisations which they themselves can apply for Covid 19 related grants. It doesn’t include donations from a range of organisations who’ve donated towards national COVID 19 schemes (National Emergencies Trust / Trussell Trust), however, some of that funding will materialise in Suffolk through various local partners and services. Fund Name Overview Revenue or Capital Grant Value Who can apply? More info Suffolk Community Foundation Suffolk Coronavirus Community Fund Suffolk Community Foundation has launched the Suffolk Coronavirus Community Fund. Also, in partnership with the National Emergency Trust, community foundations across the country will be distributing nationally raised Revenue and Capital £5,000 max Charities, Social Enterprises Click

Transcript of Examples include: - Home - Community Action Suffolk€¦  · Web viewThe Babergh and Mid Suffolk...

Page 1: Examples include: - Home - Community Action Suffolk€¦  · Web viewThe Babergh and Mid Suffolk Covid-19/Emerging Needs Grant has been set up to support groups during the current

Grant Funding Linked to COVID 19(date: 24 August 2020)

Sector: The Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE)

Scope: This funding research focuses on grants to VCSE organisations which they themselves can apply for Covid 19 related grants.

It doesn’t include donations from a range of organisations who’ve donated towards national COVID 19 schemes (National Emergencies Trust / Trussell Trust), however, some of that funding will materialise in Suffolk through various local partners and services.

Fund Name Overview Revenue or Capital

Grant Value Who can apply? More info

Suffolk Community Foundation

Suffolk Coronavirus Community Fund

Suffolk Community Foundation has launched the Suffolk Coronavirus Community Fund. Also, in partnership with the National Emergency Trust, community foundations across the country will be distributing nationally raised funds at a local level.

Revenue and Capital

£5,000 max Charities, Social Enterprises


Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils

COVID 19 Emerging Needs Fund

The Babergh and Mid Suffolk Covid-19/Emerging Needs Grant has been set up to support groups during the current crisis. The Emerging Needs Grant can be used to cover increased costs incurred by a group/organisation as a result of the Coronavirus (Covid-19).

Revenue or Capital (Equipment)

Up to £2,500

Not for Profit orgs and groups


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Applicants are being asked to return completed forms (see weblink righthand column) to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

East Suffolk Council – Communities Fund

COVID 19 Emergency Fund

£70,000 has been made available to provide financial support for new and existing groups who are helping vulnerable people in their homes, and to relieve the financial hardship of residents during these uncertain times. Funding can be used in many ways, including the support of pop-up food banks, buying essential goods or services for individuals, supporting telephone befriending services or providing funding for fuel to enable Good Neighbour Scheme volunteers to deliver medicines across the district.

Revenue or Capital (Equipment)

£50-£2,500 Not for Profit orgs and groups


Felixstowe Town Council

Felixstowe Town Council is keen to support the COVID 19 volunteer effort and has introduced a quick-decision grants scheme totalling £25,000 for local organisations and charities who are carrying out beneficial work in the community.

In addition, the Town Council has donated £10,000 to the Felixstowe Relief Charity. See webpage.

Revenue or Capital (Equipment)

£100-£1,000 Not for Profit orgs and groups


St Edmunds Trust(West Suffolk)

Covid 19 – Health / Medical services

The governors of St Edmunds Trust are wanting to support charitable organisations during the pandemic, and are willing to make donations to

Capital (equipment)


St Edmunds Trust supports, registered charities, registered charitable companies limited by guarantee, Community Interest Companies (CIC)

To apply please go to: www.stedmundstrust.co

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organisations that are supporting people who have health and medical needs. The usual three-month deadlines are being relaxed in order for organisations to apply and obtain funding quickly to support their beneficiaries.

The area we cover is loosely defined by the borders of West Suffolk, and includes the towns of Bury St Edmunds, Mildenhall, Haverhill, Newmarket and Sudbury.

and Charitable Incorporated Companies (CIO).

.uk and find application form and guidelines.

Or contact [email protected]

West Suffolk Council We have made additional funding available through our councillor locality budgets and changed some of the rules so that we can get swifter support to some of the community groups emerging to respond to the COVID19 crisis. You can contact your local councillor to discuss: details on how to contact your councillor

You can also contact our Families and Communities Team by emailing [email protected] who can also direct you to other funding sources and guidance.

Revenue or Capital (Equipment)

TBA Not for Profit orgs and groups


National Lottery Community Fund

The government funded Coronavirus Community Support Fund (CCSF), which is being managed by the National Lottery, closes at 12 noon on 17 August 2020. The National Lottery aim to finish distributing these funds by the end of October 2020.

Revenue or Capital (Equipment)

Awards from £300-£100k

Not for Profit orgs Click

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After this, you can still apply for emergency National Lottery funded grants in England to help your community through COVID-19. The National Lottery will be focusing on funding for organisations supporting people and communities who experience disproportionate challenge and difficulty as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, specifically for user-led equality groups supporting:

Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + (LGBTQ+) communities

Disabled people

This is for six months’ emergency funding, for small and medium organisations and for between £300 and £100K.

Other National Lottery funding will be available again later this year.

Beyond the emergency response, National Lottery funding to support communities in England will be available, and we’ll keep you updated on our funding as it develops.

To find out more click here: https://www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/

Arts Council England Arts Council England is re-opening the Revenue / £1k-£100k Individuals / Not for Click

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(National Lottery) programme for applications today, aiming to support individuals and organisations to get activities up and running again.

The total amount of funding available between July 2020 and April 2021 is £59.8 million.

The grants can support a broad range of activities, ranging from projects that directly create and deliver creative and cultural activity and content for audiences, visitors and digital users, to those that have a longer term impact on strengthening the sector, such as organisational development, research and development and sector support.

Equipment Profits

Arts Council England’s Culture Recovery Fund (England)

The fund makes grants of between £50,000 to £3 million to cultural organisations that were financially stable before Covid-19, but are now at imminent risk of failure.

This funding is available to: Cultural organisations (both profit and not for profit) based in England that are properly constituted and are registered at Companies House and/or Charity Commission and are able to produce at least one year’s full independently certified or audited financial statements. Local Authorities, Universities and other Public Sector bodies who run or maintain cultural services can also apply. For this programme, ‘cultural’ is defined as sitting within the remit of Arts Council England, however Library services are not eligible to apply.

Revenue £50k-£3m See description left Click

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The closing date for applications for round two is 12 midday on the 4th September 2020.

Art Fund’s Respond and Reimagine grants

Funding to Help Museums, Galleries and Cultural Organisations Affected by Coronavirus (UK) can apply for funding to help them respond to immediate challenges connected to the Covid-19 crisis, and to adapt and reimagine ways of working in the future.

Through the Art Fund’s Respond and Reimagine grants, funding of between £10,000 and £50,000 is available to support the priority areas of audiences, collections, adaptable digital skills and infrastructure, and supporting the workforce. Funding can be used to provide immediate practical support connected to reopening such as staffing, equipment, training, or planning for future activities, and to provide opportunities for organisations to help them adapt for the future.

Next deadline 12th October 2020.

Revenue / Equipment

£10-£50k UK public museums, galleries, historic houses, libraries, and archives that are:


Community Incorporated Organisations (CIO)

Community Interest Companies (CIC)

Charitable Community Benefit Societies


The UK Theatres Trust Theatre Reopening Fund (UK) The UK Theatres Trust has announced that in response to the Coronavirus, they have repurposed the UK Theatres Small Grants Scheme (Theatre Reopening Fund) to support theatres to cover the additional costs of reopening after several months’ closure, including making adaptations for increased hygiene and social distancing measures.

Capital / Equipment

Up to £5k Small theatres (Charites and Not for Profits)


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The closing date for applications is noon on the 5th October 2020.

English Heritage English Heritage has announced that grants of between £1 million and £10 million are available for the repair of nationally important heritage properties that are managed primarily as visitor attractions; and where repair work was stalled by the restrictions caused by Covid-19, or by the uncertainty over available funding sources. A total of £34 million is available. The aim is to stimulate the economy, by upgrading important heritage tourist attractions, boosting the visitor economy and revitalising decaying historic buildings as well as help to protect jobs in the heritage construction sector and underpin specialist heritage professionals and crafts people. The funding is being made available through Grants for Programmes of Major Works which is part of Heritage Stimulus Fund which forms part of the Culture Recovery Fund.

Deadline: 28 August

Capital £1m-£10m To be eligible for support the attractions must be listed Grade I or II* or are Scheduled Monuments and open for 28 days or more per year.


Architectural Heritage Fund

Transformational Project Grants scheme

Funding for the Restoration of Historic Buildings (England) capital costs of restoring redundant or underused historic buildings in Town Centres for the benefit of the local community.

The funding is being made available through the Transformational Project Grants scheme is part of

Capital Up to £350k Not-for-profit organisations, such as charitable incorporated organisations, community interest companies and parish and town councils


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a £15 million Transforming Places Through Heritage Programme and support restoration projects that:

• will make a positive impact on the vitality and distinctiveness of the local area.

• include introducing new uses for the building and offering new

• opportunities for local people;

• bringing vacant floor space or whole buildings into use;

• having the potential to act as a catalyst for nearby owners to revitalise their property.

Next deadline is 30th September 2020

Assura Health Ltd




Community Fund to support local health projects. That provide activities targeted at improving mental and emotional health and wellbeing.

This might include supporting for life challenges that people may experience and providing increased activities and opportunities to learn new skill to enable improved self-confidence, self-esteem and a strong sense of belonging.

Funding will be provided for organisations supporting communities within a 15-mile radius of Assura GP surgeries, primary care and treatment centre buildings around the UK. The fund is managed by the Cheshire Community Foundation.

Revenue Grants of between £1,000 and £5,000

Charities, local community groups, social enterprises and CICs


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The deadline: 14th September 2020.

Volant Trust Volant Trust Announces Launch of Covid-19 Response Fund (UK / International)

The Volant Trust has announced that it will open its Covid-19 Response Fund on the 1st August 2020. The Trust will be accepting applications from registered charities, community interest companies, community organisations or social enterprises in the UK and internationally that demonstrate a strong focus on alleviating social deprivation and helping vulnerable groups who have been particularly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Funding will be available to support running and core costs as well as for medical equipment and the production or distribution of PPE will also be considered.

There are no funding levels indicated at the award of grants will be at the discretion of the Trustees.

The closing date is 31st December 2020

Revenue TBC Charities, Social Enterprise, CIC’s


BAME Infrastructure Support Fund

The UK Community Foundations (UKCF) has launched this new fund to support Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) groups who have been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis.

The funding is intended to support BAME-led groups and organisations that can, in turn, help

Revenue An initial £250,000 is being made available with more funds anticipated

Charities(BAME infrastructure service providers that support other BAME groups to develop project / grant applications)


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other BAME organisations to access their local Community Foundation and secure National Emergencies Trust (NET) funds from them.

Up to 20% of core costs can be funded.

The funding is to be used for the following (not an exhaustive list):

Awareness-raising via marketing and communications.

Mentoring/supporting of groups through the local Community Foundation application process.

Support with monitoring and reporting.

Provision of micro grants to enable applications for NET funding through community foundations.

Building relationships to help community foundations identify and address barriers to funding BAME-led organisations and communities.

There are no deadlines. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

on a rolling basis.

Grants of between £5,000 and £20,000 over a maximum of three months are available.

Global Fund for Children (GFC) and The National Lottery Community Fund

The Phoenix Fund - grants to support small BAME led organisations

Global Fund for Children (GFC) and The National Lottery Community Fund are partnering to support the creation and delivery of the Phoenix

Revenue (core funding): For example, this may include staff costs, running costs, activities,

Up to £20k Micro and Small VCSE orgs


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Fund – an initiative that will provide £1 million in emergency grants to Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities across England.

Summary: The Phoenix Fund aims to put racial justice at the heart of COVID-19 pandemic response. The initiative will support a network of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic charities and groups in England that are working in the heart of their communities, providing essential and emergency services, support, and education tailored to the BAME community.

Fund purpose:

Offer core funding to BAME grassroots groups across England working with BAME communities

Raise awareness of the unique challenges facing BAME communities across England

Establish an effective, innovative partnership to improve and promote community-based organisations within English philanthropy

Deadlines for applications: 2 September, 16 September, and 30 September 2020.

equipment, and other resources.

Do it Now Now’s Common Call - Covid Fund

Small grants are available to UK based organisations led by people that identify as Black or Mixed with Black for actions that have a positive impact on deprived communities and are

Revenue / Capital (equipment)

£1k-£3k BAME-led Charities or Social Enterprises


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providing services to people that have been adversely affected by the COVID crisis in terms of physical health, mental health and/or financially. The funding is specifically aimed at supporting Black-led social enterprises and charities so that they can survive and even thrive in the COVID period. This is a flexible fund that can be spent on anything that will help organisations best deliver impact to their beneficiaries

Hope for the Young charity

The objectives of the scheme are to support the immediate health and well-being of young asylum seekers and refugees during the pandemic, and to help to relieve destitution and poverty in general.

Grants can be used to cover essential costs such as:

• Food, Medicine, Essential toiletries

• Topping up gas and electric meters

• Pay as you go mobile phone credits and data

Grant payments will be allocated on a case by case basis depending on young people’s needs. For example:

• Regular weekly or monthly payments for food or mobile phone top ups.

• A one off payment to buy a mobile phone to help young people stay connected.

Revenue Up to £250 Individuals: young asylum seekers and refugees (via social or support worker)


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Update 24 Aug: Round 2 now reopen to applications

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)

Starting Well Fund

Funding for VCSE Organisations in England to Improve Health Outcomes for Mothers and Babies (up to 2 and a half years old) in Deprived Areas or from BAME Backgrounds

Grants will be awarded to VCSE organisations in England to allow them to expand or develop existing projects and programmes that have been running for at least three years, and are whole-family and/or community-centred.

Projects that aim to support the following health outcomes are eligible:

Improvement in perinatal mental health. Reduction in the percentage of babies

born with low birthweight. An increase in babies being breastfed. Obesity prevention and support. Reduced smoking or smoke-free homes. Improvement in learning and speech and

language development. High immunisation rates and reduction in

rates of preventable disease.

Organisations interested in applying are strongly advised to register for one of the “Meet the Funders” webinars taking place on 8 September 2020 (2pm - 3pm) and 10 September 2020 (2pm -

Revenue Grants of between £200,000 and £510,000 are available over three financial years

High Medium – Large income VCSE organisations

(Not apply for grant funding amount of more than 25% of their current annual turnover, as demonstrated by their audited or independently examined accounts.

Have been working with families and carers with children from preconception to two and a half years old for the past three years)


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Deadline midday 30 October 2020

Comic Relief – Change Makers

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Comic Relief is launching a new funding programme to support changes in the way which community and voluntary sector organisations work.

Funding of between £150,000 and £600,000 will be available for projects lasting up to 3 to 5 years. The focus will be on work in areas that are of particular interest to Comic Relief.

This includes addressing:


Forced migration

Gender justice

Mental health, and

Early childhood development

Organisations will be able to apply in one of two categories. Grants for small and medium-sized organisations that focus on equalities and are user-led; and grants for medium-sized organisations. 20% of the available funding is ring-fenced for efforts led by and working with BAME communities.

Application deadline now 25 September

Revenue £150k-£600k


Income range


£250,000-£2m per annum


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Rosa Fund - Covid 19 Women – small grants programme

Organisations that are non-profitable and run predominantly by, for and with women can now apply for grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 to meet short-term funding needs for a period of up to six months.

To be eligible, organisations do not have to be registered charities, but their activities must be charitable, legal and for the benefit of women in one or more of the following areas:

Economic justice. Health and wellbeing. Leadership and representation. Safety.

Applications are particularly welcome from women’s organisations that:

Address the critical needs of women and girls that miss out the most, including:

Marginalised populations.

BME women.

LGBTQ+ women and girls.

Women and girls with disabilities.

Older women.

Homeless women.

Survivors of gender violence.

Revenue £1,000-£10,000

Not for profits Click

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Women in prison and ex-offenders

Other underserved and disadvantaged groups of women.

Operate in less economically resilient towns, cities and rural areas within the UK.

Both existing and new work can be funded. Eligible organisations can apply for unrestricted funding towards core costs but the application must directly relate to challenges emerging from the coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis.

Applications are considered on a rolling basis.

Comic Relief –Covid 19 Community Fund

Grants for organisations to provide emergency relief in their communities during the coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis and to recover from the impact that the crisis has had on their services.

A new Fund has launched for local grassroots organisations in England that deliver projects against the themes of gender justice, mental health, homelessness and early childhood development.

Organisations can apply for funding to:

Respond to the needs of vulnerable individuals, families and communities during the coronavirus/COVID-19

Revenue / Equipment

Up to £4,000

Applications are accepted from grassroots, not-for-profit voluntary or community organisations that include members with lived experience and have an annual turnover of under £250,000 can apply.

Organisations who support BAME and LGBTQ communities, who have been disproportionally affected by the COVID-19 crisis, are especially encouraged to apply.


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crisis. Recover and develop organisational

resilience following the coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis.

Grants of up to £4,000 are available for emergency relief to help support organisations become more robust and better able to deliver projects and bring about lasting change. Approximately 150 grants will be awarded in total.

The funding, which must be spent by the end of February 2021, can be used for activities and costs such as the following:

Supporting an increased number of homeless beneficiaries with food, shelter and general welfare.

Providing telephone help lines, food parcels, support with wellbeing and mental health.

Increasing organisational capacity by recruiting new volunteers or sessional staff.

Hiring suitable spaces for services. Making changes to an existing space

in order to provide services eg, protective screens or increasing hand washing facilities.

Increasing range or types of services delivered.

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Applications are accepted from grassroots, not-for-profit voluntary or community organisations that include members with lived experience and have an annual turnover of under £250,000 can apply. Organisations who support BAME and LGBTQ communities, who have been disproportionally affected by the COVID-19 crisis, are especially encouraged to apply.

Lloyds Bank Foundation – Covid 19 Recovery Fund

Small and medium sized local charities that are helping people overcome complex social issues can now apply for two-year unrestricted grants of £50,000 with dedicated organisational development support.

COVID-19 funding to support charities to recover beyond the immediate crisis on 3rd August 2020. Eligibility will focus on those charities tackling complex social issues such as mental health, homelessness and domestic abuse and with a proven track record of helping people achieve positive change in their local communities.

The COVID Recovery Fund will offer 140 charities across England and Wales a two-year unrestricted grant of £50,000 alongside the support of a Development Partner to help charities identify and act on any organisational needs.

Deadline 11 September 2020

Revenue £50k Small / Medium charities

Eligible for support are charities with an income between £25,000 and £1 million


The Ministry of Business Resilience and Recovery Fund is a new Revenue / £1k-£5k Small / Medium Press

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Housing, Communities and Local Government

£20 million fund to help smaller businesses in England recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic Small and medium sized businesses will have access to grants of between £1,000 - £5,000 to help them access new technology and other equipment as well as professional, legal, financial or other advice to help them get back on track. The support will be fully funded by the government from the England European Regional Development Fund and distributed through Growth Hubs, embedded in local areas across England.

Equipment businesses statement

Local contact


The Foyle Foundation Small Grants Scheme Re-Opens to Support Charities Affected by Covid-19 (UK) The Foyle Foundation has re-opened its Small Grants Scheme to support smaller, grass-roots and local charities across the UK during the Covid-19 crisis. Organisations which are currently delivering services to the young, vulnerable, elderly, disadvantaged or the general community either directly or through online support can apply for grants of between £1,000 and £10,000.

Funding can be used to cover core costs or essential equipment, to enable ongoing service provision, homeworking, or delivery of online digital services for charities with a turnover of less than £150,000 per annum that can show financial stability and a clear need for their services. Competition for funding is expected to be strong.

Revenue / Capital (equipment)


Small Charities

Income Under £150,000 per annum


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Applications can be submitted at any time.

The Antonio Carluccio Foundation

We support hospitality related training and development, to promote a better understanding of food origins and nutrition and to make direct support available for organisations working to feed those in need.

Increased funding programme to respond to Covid 19 needs.

Update: 24 Aug: closed to new applications for now

Revenue Up to £10,000

Charities Click

Government – Ministry of Justice (MoJ)

COVID-19 Extraordinary Funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services

The Ministry of Justice is providing extraordinary COVID-19 funding which is being made available locally through Police and Crime Commissioners across England and Wales.

The funding is intended to meet the additional costs that charities and other not-for-profit organisations have faced as a result of adapting their services during the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, and to cope with the associated increases in demand. The funding can be used to address costs associated with COVID-19 from 24 March 2020, the first day of lockdown to 31 October 2020.

For example, funding may be used to:

Revenue TBA TBA Click

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Address short term income disruption. Meet essential costs of sustaining current

activities, such the purchasing of assets to support the move to remote and digital working, and additional staff to cover those unable to work for reasons related to the pandemic.

Address increased demand.

The £25 million will be distributed via PCCs will be allocated as follows:

Domestic abuse services that are already commissioned by local PCCs (£10 million).

Sexual violence services that are already commissioned by the PCC, and those that are not currently funded by the PCC (£5 million).

Domestic abuse services that are not currently commissioned by the PCC (£5 million).

Further details, including the level of grant, will be provided by each Police and Crime Commissioner.

Groups should contact their local PCC for details.www.suffolkcf.org.uk

Eligible organisations are urged not to delay applying for the funding, as there is a short window of opportunity for bids to be received.

Independent Age Funding to Support Older People Most Revenue £5,000- Charities Click

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Vulnerable to Impact of Coronavirus Crisis

Applications are now being accepted for a new Fund that aims to support charities that are making a real and immediate difference to vulnerable older people during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and beyond.

Registered charities that have at least one paid member of staff (part-time is fine) and an annual income of £1 million or less can apply for grants of between £5,000 and £15,000.

The funding is for work in one of the following two priority areas:

Supporting older people living in particularly complex and challenging situations:

Providing targeted, practical services for older people who are managing additional difficulties in their lives.

Supporting older people in danger of being out of sight and out of mind:

Making connections with older people who are very isolated and most at risk of missing out on the help available from government or charities that serve a very wide client group.

A total of £2 million will be awarded in grants over four funding rounds, with £500,000 available during each round.

£15,000 With an annual income of £1 million or less

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The next funding round deadline 11 September

The Fore Trust In Autumn 2020, The Fore’s RAFT Transition Fund is offering unrestricted grants of up to £15,000 to help fantastic small charities and social enterprises plan for the longer term and gain a stronger footing in a post-coronavirus world.

Funding will enable grantees to strengthen their organisations, plan ahead, become more sustainable and refocus on the new needs of their beneficiaries.

Preference for services supporting marginalised groups.

Registration: now

Deadline: 7 September.

Revenue / Equipment

Up to £15k Small charities and Social Enterprises; income less than £500,000


ASDA Foundation Covid 19: Getting Schools Back on Track

This grant has been put together in response to schools reopening in September to help ensure children are safe, comfortable and able to learn.

Local to ASDA stores.

Small items / Clothing / PEE

£500 Charity

Not for Profit Company

Community Interest Company (CIC)

Unincorporated Club or Association



Morrisons Foundation COVID 19 – Homeless Support Fund

Registered charities that care for the homeless can apply for support to cover three broad areas:

● Outreach and support for rough sleepers, including provision of essentials

Capital (Equipment)

Up to £10,000

Charities Click

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● Delivery of services in hostels and shelters

● Information and advice

(guidance for grants indicates less interest in supporting staff / running costs)

Yorkshire Building Society Charitable Foundation

Local branches: Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds, Lowestoft, Newmarket, Woodbridge

Coronavirus Response Fund will make donations between £250 and £2,000 to registered charities.

We aim to provide support for the following: (this list is not exhaustive) Activities that help vulnerable people who are

self-isolating Supplies for foodbanks and organisations, to

alleviate the impact of children no longer receiving free school meals due to school closures

Community response coordination, including volunteer costs

Additional costs of working remotely and adapting services delivered in the wider community

The loss of income for charities providing support for vulnerable groups

Applications for this fund will be reviewed on a fortnightly basis by the Trustees. Applicants can expect to hear back within one month of applying.

Revenue / Capital (Equipment)

£250-£2,000 Charities working with:

Children,The seriously ill, Elderly people and Those with disabilities

Preference to support small charities / income less than £100,000 pa


Covid 19: Emergency Fund for Homelessness Charities

(2nd round)

Grants of between £10,000 and £100,000 (depending on the annual turnover of the organisation) are available for either or both of the following purposes:

To help alleviate the financial impact of COVID-19

Revenue £10k-£100,000

Homeless charities Click

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on the organisation. This may be because of a reduction in actual or expected income this year, and/or as a result of higher costs that have been incurred or are expected to be incurred as a result of providing services to beneficiaries as a direct result of the crisis.

To expand or adapt services in light of COVID-19 to support people experiencing homelessness safely and effectively.

The deadline is 14th September 2020

Sport England: Community Emergency Fund (England)

Community Emergency Fund – on hold from 14 May 2020This new fund aims to help community sport and physical activity organisations who are experiencing short term financial hardship or the ceasing of operations due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

Note: Sport England have closed their Small Grants programme and the Community Asset Fund programmes.

Revenue (Period: 1 March to end July 2020)

Awards will be between £300 and £10,000. In exceptional circumstances Sport England will consider awards of more than £10,000

Sports Not for Profit orgs Click

Sport England ‘Active Together’

£1 Million Crowdfunding Support for Sports Clubs and Organisations (England) Sport England has committed another £1 million to combating the impact of coronavirus by match funding money raised by sports clubs and community activity groups through the fundraising platform Crowdfunder. Through the ‘Active Together’ partnership with Crowdfunder Sport England are matching crowd funds of up to

Revenue Crowdfudning match

Sports Clubs Click

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£10,000 raised by clubs and organisations hit by the coronavirus crisis. Clubs and organisations can sign up via the Crowdfunder website. They’ll then need to set their crowdfunding target and put in place incentives and rewards. Once 25% of the crowdfunding is met, Sport England will confirm the match funding – up to £10,000 – and can distribute the money within seven days of being raised.

Alpkit Foundation As a community, we believe we are a resourceful and adventurous bunch and we welcome any applications from individuals or organisations serving those affected by coronavirus, across the country.

Examples include:Being active in your local community to help elderly or vulnerable people

Minimising the impact of self-isolation for those in quarantine and need access to food, medicines or social care

Supporting foodbanks and increasing the number of meals on wheels deliveries to support the elderly

Supporting those who are homeless or in temporary accommodation

Bringing adventure indoors and overcoming the obstacles that prevent us benefiting from going outdoors.

Revenue or Capital


Individuals / Not for Profits


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Tesco Bags of Help (UK) Covid-19 Communities Fund

Tesco Bags of Help is responding to the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis by setting up a new short-term fund to support local communities. Organisations that support vulnerable groups will be encouraged to apply for a grant of £500 to support organisational need in this time of crisis rather than fund specific projects. Typically, the fund will support organisations that have experienced;

Increased demand – a holiday hunger club needs more resources to support children through the summer months or a food bank whose stocks are running low and needs an immediate donation to enable the food bank to restock.

Disrupted services – a local charity setting up a delivery service to replace its monthly lunch club, or a charity needing to set up a telephone service to support beneficiaries.

New services – a health focused charity having to set up a new online patient service requires new IT equipment or a mental health charity developing a new service.

Final deadline for this: 18 September 2020

Revenue / Equipment

Up to £500 voluntary and community organisations, registered charities, schools, health bodies, Parish and Town councils, social enterprises, Community Interest Companies, community councils, local authorities and social housing organisations


Persimmon Homes: Community Champions Fund

COVID 19: Community Champions Fund

Every month, each Persimmons Homes Area Office has £2,000 to award to local causes

Revenue or Capital

Up to £1,000

Not for profits groups or orgs


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We have supported thousands of community groups and charities over the years, but from 1st April for the foreseeable future, we want to focus on organisations that support the over-70s - a vulnerable group in our society that we feel need our support at this time.

Social Enterprise Support Fund

The funding can be used for two types of support:

Funding for activities supporting people and communities affected by COVID-19; and/or

Helping organisations overcome any acute financial difficulties they are facing as result of the crisis.

Substantially reliant on trading income (e.g. sales and delivery of contracts) to deliver social impact.

You can apply for grants of between £10,000 and £300,000 that must be spent within six months. Funding is very limited, so we encourage you to please only apply for what you need.

Round 3: Opens at 1pm on Thursday 10th September, closes at 1pm on Thursday 17th September 2020

Revenue Based upon income

Social Enterprises established for more than 1 year and whose income is between £25,000 and £1.5m


More than a Pub Rural and urban communities that wish to take over the ownership of their failing local pub can apply for loan and grant funding as well as business development support through the £2.2 million “More than a Pub” programme.

Revenue Up to £2.5 for business planning

Community Not for Profits


John Lewis Partnership A new £1 million Community Support Fund will be Product n/a Community engagement Local store

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(John Lewis / Waitrose)available to communities across the UK to help those in need in their local communities.

Teams in each shop will work together with their communities to choose the best way to use the fund. Help could include setting up additional local delivery services to support the self-isolating, the vulnerable, the elderly and those looking after them; delivering boxes of staples to local care homes and community groups, and donating products to create care packages for customers to share with vulnerable neighbours.

Local store engagement.

donations engagement

The 7 Stars Foundation Funding to Support the Most At-Risk Young People Affected by the Covid-19 Crisis (UK) From July 2020, UK charities with a turnover of less than £1.5 million per year and who are working with at-risk young people affected by the Covid-19 crisis will be able to apply for unrestricted grants of up to £2,500. The funding can be used for overheads, salary costs, and/ or wherever else the organisation needs to ensure its survival and sustainable services in the future. The funding is being made available through the 7Stars Foundation. To apply, applicants are encouraged to email the Foundation.

Revenue Up to £2,500

Charitiesincome less than £1.5m pa


Fund Name Overview Revenue or Capital

Grant Value Who can apply? More info