Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

ExamHZReviewpacketanswe.ir# Integrals complete Square b t - 2 I ' - f I4×+Tdx= fins . I ? dx - - final , at du b' - Yao - he - yeah , =¥7a tarpan (E) I ! -2 × 12 A 16 Cx - A- xI4xt4 - - fig , # ¥tant) - arta] ¥EI = # 1¥ . left converges 2 . Ix¥sd×=¥ .SE#.pdx=f;m.Ynttiii..e;m.znhent t ¥x isfyeg I converges 3. go.ca#y*gdx--fsimofot***gdxEofism.J ! # - Ifs " p.F T - = fish lnlxtsl - lnkxtslf! ' ( Xa)l2XtS ) " x¥t¥ ) = fism.eu#I-enkttsI-ln2tenS I = A (2×+5)+131×+2 ) = 2AxtSAt Bx -1213 = lfhfa.hn/ttt+Igtftq/-ln2t-lnS--(2AtB)XtL5A-t2B)

Transcript of Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

Page 1: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

ExamHZReviewpacketanswe.ir#Integrals complete- Square

b t- 2 I' -

f !×I4×+Tdx= fins.I? dx -- final



b'- Yao- he- yeah,=¥7a tarpan (E) I!


×12 A


Cx -A- xI4xt4 -

- fig ,# ¥tan⇐t) - arta⇒]¥EI

= # 1¥ . left converges

2 .

Ix¥sd×=¥.SE#.pdx=f;m.Ynttiii..e;m.znhentt¥x isfyeg I converges

3. go.ca#y*gdx--fsimofot***gdxEofism.J!# - Ifs "

p.F T- = fish lnlxtsl - lnkxtslf!

' (Xa)l2XtS)"x¥t¥)= fism.eu#I-enkttsI-ln2tenS

I = A (2×+5)+131×+2)= 2AxtSAt Bx-1213 =lfhfa.hn/ttt+Igtftq/-ln2t-lnS--(2AtB)XtL5A-t2B)

Page 2: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

Conditions⇒ 2AtB=o ⇒ B= -2A =hzi.7al.nl/ztIft#f-ln2tln5-5At2B=ltSAt2t2A)--


A- =L ⇒ 13=-2= duly,) - lnzt lens Converges

= l# luz- tu 2 thus


" ftp.g#gdx=fi7aftxLT*gdx--fimLty.*zdxux⇒⇒u -

- fin )!:# du --ftp.tfzarctanf#yt-4du--dXX--t=u--t-4"""""''' '

¥1 Iain"¥F¥E÷÷¥;¥EiIComplete

squares '

f? ¥+4 dx-ufiyzf.tn#+ydx--figgfzt1-dx(x - c)73×2--2×+1

I t, ¥7.IT#dn--Eim.t.aruanEr.H!"





6- f ¥×wdx=jµ¥dx=Ju÷du=arctanutC=arctanCxt

[email protected]#iiiix--eig*.-fYIuan=ei.%Eenluiliost

Page 3: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

u -_ cosx ×=o⇒u= cos0=1

an-- -sinxdx *t ⇒u-eost-li.yq.li?I!ttenTo=-IiIFI@-du--sinxdx

8- ftp.#ydx--Eig.E*rdxux⇒⇒

'¥iI÷iii=¥÷÷µ. "

du --ax x=t⇒u=t -4

=¥hf¥y¥yI÷=⑨ Diverges



fjfedx -

- final :#dx -- fig, tudufimlnlulleii

a¥dxYt⇒⇒%[email protected]! dx=¥%+2#"du -- fimoieuti

' Etoile -'


" - fiolnxxdx -

- being filnxxdx -- fiyafontuda-fiya.ua/fnt=E÷t¥ -

- ⑨ Diverges

Page 4: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

Lu-2- 5


" '

1×24%7 DX= I 2¥j dx


- Jif du = gzu④ dusplit - spit

!!" -0 x⇒* = 4¥ - Yuk. du

= Lulu 2t l l - 7

arcthnutc-lnlx.tt#-7arutanCxtDtTis .


- finna. ftp.#k=f;mo+f

'x=t⇒u .

e! =¥io+ rule!


du -- exdx x-- I ⇒ u= e - I

-fight 2€-④µ° = Converges

14 .

ftp.lnxdx-fijffylnxitdx-liyotxlnx/I- f ! I dx


÷t¥a×din ''

em't'- He'¥÷ti÷-too


* ¥*Eiit%¥%e¥¥¥¥¥.it?ei:oiti--ois.fi#shdx--finsrfot*p.--fjY. I!¥zpd×

= hi ios =¥%¥I÷. do

Page 5: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

Yog) >↳ costs-0


° t-y-fseco-do-limto.no/X--t⇒Fx ✗⇒t -11-


= him X- O =② Divergest.ir#/ot--limu-n-,

16 - f.) ×!¥d×=f°×¥+,od×+¥¥→d✗⑦

b2-4ac= 36-4117110)= hims→→fs°×¥→d×+¥Y•|?×¥→d×

u=✗-3 Complete

a Eteimc- →aol.tl#+,dXs-s-aofix-!p+-dx+eimX=o--u--


=÷.gg#+eimt-u.+.- an+→ • )-3

OR split at 3could have made

nice values= him antanu + him avctanuf??s→ - n t-so

k →

= tianya.am/tan-DO-ar/tanlT-Dtfi-yzarctF#-3T-ar/an-3 ]If= Tyzttz = Converges Both Pieces Finite

ADD them .

Page 6: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

" I.it#x.dx--foscxIIyx.7dx=EEstI:cxfsTx.dxPFD


=¥7st.#Htsltt.lu/x-i//I=Ax-AtBxt5B--AtB3xtsB-A--fiy.s+flns- then-ofqen¥si¥en¥iI

Conditions" AtB=l ⇒ 13=1-A

- SB -A- O 6 = ⑨ DivergesSH-A)-A=os -SA -A -- o


A- = ⇒ 13--1-5/6=46

18 . Jxsxztydx =) x'txt dx=Jx3txt%z,- ×÷dx

(x - next- D

txsnx t-dtxftzenlx-y-tlnlxi.tt#x*¥'yX/t2-lxXt 2


Xt 2Et://T.fi#txIiH' ''' to::iIF⇒*.Xt2= ACXTIJTBCX- t )

" A - 13=2 • I- B- 13=2

I - 213=2= Axt- At BX-B 213=-1

= (At B)XTA-B D= - Ig ⇒ A- = I - Hk) -- 3k

Page 7: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

" ' I!¥gdx=dxtf.jo#dx--sligz-fos*.dxtfi7z+II*tzdx=a÷. t

a ;÷l :-




Hottoo i


too here


i, Diverges!

Original Integralgesbk one piece Diverges (BOTH do . . .)

Note : Both pieces finished to check answers . . .

but you only need to finish one piece .

if Divergent .

"' §×z¥+zdX=¥7oJot×¥d×=¥3Jo¥pd×PFI @ =L}:)! -¥zt¥ ,


t¥¥¥i=x¥tx¥¥ktD =¥y.

-bnlxtzltlnlxt 'll0

I = AHH )tBlXt2) - O N-

= AxtAt BXTZB= tiny , -¥t4t¥il- f- ln2tl)= AftB)Xt At 2B

Indeterminateconditions Difference

Page 8: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College



¥g Converges

21 . foan2Xdx=¥y gotta'xdx=fgz . seok - ldx


es. =¥y% - tax - xl !


- fi;÷[ tant-tE¥o- o)


=@ Diverges

n.pe#..dx=fiusz.I.t*.yd*Ei7I! """





- lien. # tanolx-o-fins.tk#.hE!Z

Itis I, !¥?¥,T°=⑨ Diverges

Page 9: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

zz . J4x47 dx = f # tdx=f¥t¥.it#qydxXt4Cx2t4)



=Ax2t4At Bx't

[email protected]=4 ⇒ 13=4- A

- 2BtC=7 6214-A) tC=7 ⇒ 8- 2AtC=7. 4At2C=6 c- 2A - I

4At 2. (21--1)=64A t 4A - 2=6


c-- 2-1=1⇐ A -_ I ⇒ 13--4-1=3


f,⑨¥jdx=¥m, .LI#,dx--fi;sf!xt-xt+idxPEI Illya lnlxtlnlxttll !x¥⇒=¥±xB⇒""" J! M

I --AlxtDtBx =fY. Wenz)Indeterminate

=(At B)x +A Difference

conditions• At 13=0 then 2a -- i ⇒Ba

'Eisen )"



Page 10: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

= lying.lt/y#yotln2--④ Converges

as .fi#ydx-- " life .- I ;*¥⇒d×PFI

¥n¥¥⇒=¥.tt#fx-xxto=E:z-lifE-ffdx( €Alxt4tBlx- z) Ishim kylnlx -4 -4lnlxt.cl/zt=AXt2AtBX-2B

dull lot= HtB)xtut-ZB-eim.z.ly#ft-4-QylntYtfy-ltTIf-tyln5)conditions t "

I -41. At 13=0 ⇒ D= -A

- 2A- 213=1 6 ⑦Aza -d-A)=/ =⑥ Diverges47=1

A -_ 44 ⇒ D=-


26. folarcsinxdx =) !arcsinxtdx-xarcsinxlol-f.PT#dxIBPIY÷*Y

""""" t'- fi;iµ¥.

""""" " '¥:#sittin'

- xarcsinxlo'

thing ,.ru/i-t2=arcsinTEo+ein.r*.?ra! 'es

Page 11: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

" f ax -- txt x-



x 'ttxt- (x 's TX)Txt

28 . ) ¥¥Tt6x2d×= J × +X75Xt# dx

Htt ) (X'ti)

Htt) (x71 )



longtivision =/ X - II ,×

x3tX2tXtt¥¥xt6Xt2 IXZ-l.in/xtt/tlnlx2tilt3arctanXtC#tYIIsa


=¥it¥'H""" "

X 't 5×+2 = A IX't 1) t Xtc)Htt )= Ax2t At Bx't BXTCXTC

= (At B)X't t c)X t Atc

conditions' At 13=1 ⇒ 13=1-A

. Btc = 5 l - ft c -- S- Atc = 2 ↳ c =4tA

At 4th = 2

2. A = - Z

A-= - I ⇒ 13--1-1-13=2

⇒ c-- 4-1=3

Page 12: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

" f dx= finna f! e¥adx= figo +


e" du


÷÷¥÷ ':#hi. o.ie

= ⑥ Diverges

Same u-sub


so. dx -- figo - f!E

.. .-- Eino . -e

" I. .

÷= him - e¥oE e

"= ⑤ converges

t→ o-

31 . dx = [email protected]! :# ax

¥i."" ""



du +⇒"

÷ ..

fish. I ' I aretan (F) Isit lying.Is . Is a rot an⑦ to'


-stig.kLantana an III;m. 'afI¥E¥ij

Page 13: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College


- ta ( IL) + 4th)= Converges

zz.gg#dx-- fins. fixe'

"dx=fi%z¥[ III!-"joke . "=3


a- x dree-"ok ¥7 . 5¥17 - text

,du=dxv= -% O

'Ii: :# ÷. -4¥.


Fitting f÷t÷ the = converges


33. fgelhfydt-lingofflnx.x-kdx-hi.gg. zrxlnxl! - 21¥ dxIBI =fjmo+ zrxlnxl! -45×1 !

O ← f- N)


I- zt't

④ fig. ii÷¥%+e¥%=¥.mn#--fi;no+-arF--o⇒E' kw.

-÷t -3k

Page 14: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

g.simplify %, or indeterminate



191%7" hiya


Yg, =L;gF = converges3 t#+9¥

" ' tis. hi


① converges

" ' fig. City

-- dnigzf-EY-figdtszf-exi.tn#-%59N

' O

= Fo④left-%)


@figs dnfts




etin. eexi.io#*Iss..e-sg" tins . him.

=④ Converges

° % expand


38' ftp.arotan#t7I-- Converges

Page 15: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College



satins. i÷% -



÷ E: ÷#¥⇒= ein 4¥ is

. ¥¥i"!e.in.



"o - ein.i in

=÷m. xxx =e¥%④=e¥. ± . e:""


eGing %=

efish ¥5:

= e:① converges

L' It

41 . figsIii in Hnl -- fins x. sin Hx) = exits singly


=¥zcosl"x!I= lying.=① converges

" fish. EI)" = fig. 4¥ Y -- fight = e¥FolnHx9l im

= ex-so④left thx! e¥z bnl


+ E%

=②- learn for ratio Test .

Page 16: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College


43 .fi#Y--fig.f*xY=exiholnlxxtTT9a- o %



[email protected]" converges


- elxihs.IE?=..exi:it=e''



"" E.

E. Inte

.IE?.iEt+E..ET--E..ztnt.EE.s=IztztztzIzt. - - = tztztzt # t ' " a=kz

a- 43✓ = 43 Cow .

GST 14=11321 Cow.GST 14=1/24

" = 't

sun -- Fi't.it#sEI+sun--Fr--'

Ii."¥= '

Page 17: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

✓Sumof 2 Convergent serieshttis convergent

n= , n=2 4=3Thot needed here


?= -¥ t - i bkdiohitasklo

na prize ConvergeUr=Z


9 ⑥ nvergent GST Irl = I-431=43not needed for Justsaw

"Fsum. =¥⇒=¥=⑤


" "


a= -234=-1 Convergent GST lrkl -3%1=346- I


r=÷=÷sun- ⇐¥⇒=i7÷'i'

u -_ I n -- L n =3

ME t ;÷-4÷t . . -


br= -1


✓not needed for

JustSumA= -13 Convergent GST Irl=/-41=4-4"¥ 't sun -- ÷¥⇒=I÷i¥

Page 18: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College


Not: only pass to Absolute series if" Helpful


Convergent, to use Act .

See 1*1048 . §.mg?-fY=ulim2n3-lnn-K3--lim2-lII=z=ou-n5ns -9 Yup " + °

-53*0⇒ series DsbynTDT

A) dim×,,¥yY*= him#0=0x→n×¥%=lim

✗→ a 3X\g

PreconditionsPositive ×> I49 . §


ln÷EE fix -_ln¥

Continuous ✗ > 0

DecreasingCompute Integral fllx)=X4kD-ln×l

- 2 ✗4

f ?ln¥dx= limftlnx. xdxtin I


-2 =×-2¥yu=bn× dv=x"d××d×v=¥=¥=¥%¥HIt¥d× =;¥,

= 1-2×-4,11<0 when=¥%¥I¥liI -21in✗ < 0

=eim=¥¥¥%Il iaaenx+→ to

d-< dux

e eEa ¥7, →! +1 = ① Integral converges

✗ >Teak.

⇒ SeriesCo by I.T. [Note : could also run CT if use]Bound bun t.TN . ..

Page 19: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

So - €,÷z Nn €


F- = §,

÷ Converges p-series p=% > I

÷a÷÷:÷:i±÷¥÷e÷:÷÷. "finite

,Non- Zero

⇒ 0.5 . alsoConve by LCT

" E.

' E. hit --E.tn'' '




wht 40n6t4n3tl9 n

- hut 40Mt 4h"t 19h 4h20

dim 4t-1.IM/--limy+#nhaohtt htt


- him lt¥i¥.in#Ioh-d4hfyotnFfsotl=Hnile, non-zero⇒ ons . alsoD by LCT

52 -

[email protected]

- rim. :÷÷e÷÷÷.e÷¥i-

- fi's.xeEo to

Page 20: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College


Constant Multiple of Convergent Geometricconvergent p -Series10=571 is

Irk Ys Llf not needed

Convergent [ by Arithmetic of Series )V s

Sum of 2 Convergent Series is Convergent

[email protected] : CT not helpful→ bound in wrong order ]

iii." :c:÷:÷÷*÷÷÷...

⇒ O - S . alsoge by LCT positive x > 1

Continuous X>0

55 - §z÷p - fu,y=÷×p= IXHNXT)"

Decreasing when

compute Hx) = -fxllnxpjjxflenxlb.ly/-knxYllDf#enpdx--fismfExTexpdx= - Cenxlbfi -end

=-7t co

a¥* ' fish. du 4¥72 x' thnx)'

to ①

-I but when → tlnxco ⇒ thx > 7

'ftp.bulenz ⇒ x > e' Vox .

Page 21: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

=¥7.-#eyu¥°I¥y6=÷y Integral converges

⇒ o - S . [email protected] .

56. €7,arytfnh of Tyz §


# Constant Multiple of convergent

p- series p--271 is convergent

Bound Terms

YII÷eTae and) ⇒ os .es by et


€44372 I Cow . p- series p-- 2 > I

eimarotann-jien.is. attain"

the;m.¥÷o⇒.n-7A Ith 2

Ia2 Finite

,Non - Zero

⇒ o - s .es by LCT

0kg Integral Test . . .

57 - ZI,

na!fy Ds by NTDT He


II. an-

- fins." → to



Page 22: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

58 . &, }nz I ÷ = €


utz Converges, p-Series p--271


2ntS n2

him Sn't 3u2

m.ein.:¥÷"Iie÷. es


⇒ O 'S . alsoes by LCTNon - zero

a htt

59 . Z ft )

u=,¥3 ⇐ nz¥z " IT Converges , p-series

p = 271

Bound Terms

÷" nests ' ut and]

as.C #T⇒ A 's . also Converges by c.t.

by ACT Remember : ACT gets a Conclusion from A. s .

only helpful if A - S. Converges .

Go . It ges by NTDT b'c


him an -_ him -1¥ = 2 tous. m. '

¥7421161 . In


3T In Ds by nTDT ble

II. an -- ftp.3#iI3Fo .

Page 23: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

62 . Iz,

eh Di by nTDT ble

1h18=e° -- I tolingnan -- Gimme

63 . E. ftp.#.--6?.TtEnFix• : ¥.



, p-- 671ConstantMultiple of .

i BoundTerms

Convergent p -Series f-6>1 :

" ¥56 andI

is Convergent ;'

; ⇒ Series here Converges'

.. by CT

✓Original Series tsk

+series convergesSum of 2 Convergen

64 . I,


(Tiglath) ges by NTDT ble

kisan cost

= lui;z cos' (Yt = cost -_ Eh! Ito

Page 24: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

65 .£41 ""%IY E. [ =Éu÷ converses


H. lpful"

p- series

4=1 p=2>

Bound Terms

Zork faround± and

O.s.IE/rges ⇒ As . Converges by CTby ACT

[note: Os . A.c. but not needed here]

EvenMoves Note : here must Analyze AbsoluteSeries (As) btcQ-A.c.cc , Diverge?N

66. £ C- """

¥ [ 1- ← { In Diverges Harmonic


n= ,5h14 n= , p- series p=1

2 LAST note : CT not helpful here ¥ Ent[ " smaller than Diverge "not helpful① bn=¥z >0 ↳ inconclusive compar

)LCT Limit

② limbn-ni.gs#.i--o eni.gg#;-i--limh-h--lim1--- Isn.in n→n59+1 Yn n> a 5T¥


③Terms decreasing Finite,Non- Zero

µ.,=¥,,,÷÷¥. ⇒a,ig , ,,¥, BYAST ↳Not A.c.

✓ ↳ Test 0.5 .

0%1-1×1=5%+20.5.É by Definition[ ↳ f 'HFÉ¥y

Page 25: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

④" E. '" I:# ÷÷EH÷E÷=E÷s%÷÷÷.

Let limit

÷ :÷÷i:÷÷÷¥÷÷ii÷÷. .Finite

,Non- zero

⇒Agesby LCT↳

o .Absoluteywge by DefinitionA Done . Not necessary



to analyze 0.5 .

68 E-na

(2hH) ! lun

ri . ysmµ←[2ktDtl] ! lnlnti )


Ent ) ! lnn

5€52' him.

"s refining -H(24+3) !/ H) 2n¥


- ftp.enaf#si--o4⇒ O.S.JAbsolulelyunvwgentbyR.IT

Page 26: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

* fine.:*: i:*.


:* .÷¥¥÷¥÷÷÷¥for

Divide '¥)

69 . I n ! - nb . n"

na 10¥ ⑤gboth !

104N - e2h



I m

e-÷¥nt÷f÷÷÷÷t÷: ÷÷÷


extract . .HI "%)


a e

' tis. an

⇒ O - S . Ds by Ratio Test

" E.e'" ÷ :÷ E.¥ .EE "

:[CT order on Bounds not helpful]

Page 27: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

④lastaim.¥÷i=q÷¥E=e÷÷*:#① bn=I >o


,Non- Zero

②nhiyfbn-nhjm.ly#% ⇒ As. Diverges by LCT


Ii:÷÷÷÷÷÷÷. .

41¥ ✓04, fly=L O - S .dihayCgewt by Definition

( mix'i÷¥⇒!warning : Remember


[email protected].


" ÷tan÷t÷/:÷÷÷f÷i÷

Page 28: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

④¥13 2n-12

* É¥÷¥i÷*= him

×⇐④*É=÷¥¥÷÷÷÷x:÷⇒÷.= him"""÷#q;*:*


5extra Inti )

= dim makes L→ 0

→ ÷ !¥!-04

⇒ 0.5 . 2 by RT .



eY;gtann_ Es ?§÷I I 2¥ converges p-seriesmust

p⇒ > I

not RT.

limn→. T.FI#-ji=eimarutann.nI+-nk;n.)n-x÷

=lim aruÉnÉ=¥u → a

Page 29: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

OR,run CT with Tf Ent . Finite,

Non - Zero

[÷¥÷÷i÷ ,"

÷÷÷÷÷⇒aug. but⇒ O . S

.T by Definition

73 . I (3n)!na


. (u !)? n n

R -T.

C- IT"


÷t÷l t1,01,

= . ÷. ÷. .

CI- 8% Ht"! !




'¥4te/ '

h "n

③ ③-

- iii. z E-see "

" te I a> see ⇒ o . s.Ds by Ratio Test

Page 30: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College

" E. ''"I Its E


' E.I'E. itconverges p - series

p-- 471

(CT limit

÷. '÷÷÷Iti¥ie÷t÷.

⇒ AS . also Converges by LCT

⇒ o - S. tegument by Definition

75. n€,

Ehhlnn.T"l2uh 4h n !

R -T -

eight' lnlnt ,) Th


@ Int 'D !

÷⇐i÷÷÷÷÷t=÷÷÷¥i . ÷÷÷÷÷÷i

Page 31: Exam 2 Review Packet Answer Key - Amherst College


= him it .@t4l2u.@n,÷/%u→ a (htt) th

2 ✓ I 3-14


- him. Ie - zf.in#o--YyFe--Ie "I12.718.

- .

⇒ as . by Raho!* '

him. ÷eyx÷¥÷¥i⇒÷¥%¥. 't '

org use' '

Divides by"
