Ex pr 21.doc

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  • 8/14/2019 Ex pr 21.doc


    Exam practice 2

    Exam practice 2

    Section A: 40 items. Each answer is worth 1p.

    Choose the best answer.

    1. _____ envelopes are manufactured in Finland.

    a Finnish b Finish c Finland d Finns e Finn

    2. _____ live in the !etherlands.a "utch b "utches c #he "utch d $olland e"utch

    %. & 'ole is a citi(en of _____.

    a 'ole b 'oles c 'olonia d 'olen e 'oland

    4. _____ is where the )wedes live.

    a )weden b )wedes c )wed d )wede e )wedish

    *. _____ live in )wit(erland.

    a #he )wiss b )wisses c )wiss d )wis e #he )wisses+. #here has been a rise _____ the number of applications.

    a of b on c in d out e with

    ,. -t too a lon/ time to find a solution _____ the problem.

    a on b in c of d about e to

    . e can subcontract. #his wa3 we could avoid emplo3in/unualified staff56 7ie said.

    a 7ie told he could subcontract5 and added that wa3 the3 couldavoid emplo3in/ unualified staff.

    b 7ie said the3 could subcontract5 and added that that wa3the3 could avoid emplo3in/ unualified staff.

    c 7ie said the3 can subcontract5 and added that that wa3 the3can avoid emplo3in/ unualified staff.

    d 7ie said the3 could subcontract5 and added that wa3 the3could avoid to emplo3 unualified staff.

    e 7ie said the3 could have subcontracted5 and added that wa3the3 could avoid emplo3in/ unualified staff.

    8. 9ou must eep a record _____ all ban transfers.

    7arius elic; < '&=#!E=11,

  • 8/14/2019 Ex pr 21.doc


    Exam practice 2

    a in b with c on d of e off

    10. )he _____ ever3bod3 in the office that $uman =esources_____ to present a report as soon as possible.

    a tell5 had been ased b told5 have been ased

    c told5 had been ased d told5 are ased

    e will tell5 had been ased

    11. #he number of emplo3ees has been reduced5 so we areunderstaffed56 the "irector>?eneral said.

    a #he "irector>?eneral told that the number of emplo3ees hasbeen reduced5 so the3 were understaffed.

    b #he "irector>?eneral said that the number of emplo3ees has

    been reduced5 so the3 are understaffed.c #he "irector>?eneral said that the number of emplo3ees isreduced5 so the3 were understaffed.

    d #he "irector>?eneral said that the number of emplo3ees havebeen reduced5 so the3 had been understaffed.

    e #he "irector>?eneral said that the number of emplo3ees hadbeen reduced5 so the3 were understaffed.

    12. e or/ani(ed interviews last month too5 and the results arenot satisfactor356 "iana said.

    a "iana said that the compan3 or/ani(ed interviews the previousmonth too5 and the results are not satisfactor3.

    b "iana said that the compan3 had or/ani(ed interviews theprevious month too5 and the results were not satisfactor3.

    c "iana told that the compan3 had or/ani(ed interviews theprevious month too5 and the results were not satisfactor3.

    d "iana said that the compan3 has or/ani(ed interviews theprevious month too5 and the results had not been satisfactor3.

    e "iana said that the compan3 had or/ani(ed interviews the nextmonth too5 and the results are not satisfactor3.

    1%. -f 3ou __________ @be free on #uesda35 perhaps 3ou__________ @like to tae part in the /eneral meetin/A

    a are5 would lie b were5 lie c would be5 lie

    d are5 lie e would be5 would lie

    14. -f we did more maret research5 we __________ @find outthat no one needs this ind of social service an3 more.

    a find out b would found out c would find out

    d will find out e have found out

    7arius elic; < '&=#!E=11

  • 8/14/2019 Ex pr 21.doc


    Exam practice 2

    1*. -f we do more maret research5 we __________ @find outthat no one needs this ind of social service an3 more.

    a had found out b will find out c would have found out

    d have found out e found out

    1+. -f 3ou __________ @call me tomorrow5 - __________ @havethe answer to 3our uer3.

    a called5 will have b call5 will have c call5 would have

    d call5 have e had called5 would have

    1,. )ome of the shareholders are threatenin/ to sale their stocsunless we __________ @pa3 them B2 million in dividends.

    a pa3ed b paid c would pa3 d don6t pa3 e pa3

    1. -f we paid the shareholders5 there __________ @be muchmone3 left for future investments.

    a wouldn6t be b are c will be d was e can be

    18. ______ 3ou pa3 within a wee5 we will cancel all deliveries.

    a &s b -f c nless d Decause e hen

    20. & citi(en of the .). ma3 be ________ native>born ornaturali(ed.

    a or b neither c an3 d a e either

    21. arious acts of Con/ress _______ on this subect.a bear b carr3 c deal d write e read

    22. -f she dresses lie that5 ever3bod3 will lau/h _______ her.

    a on b of c over d at e with

    2%. ho does this pen belon/ _______A

    a off b from c in d of e to

    24. -t won6t be lon/ before he recovers _______ mumps.

    a from b to c on d over e up

    2*. -t is said that the ueen _________ @notGsee since last


    a hadn6t been seen b hasn6t been seen

    c wasn6t seen d saw e won6t be seen

    2+. e are sure that this stor3 _______ @publish in thenewspaper tomorrow.

    a was published b publish c can publish

    d will be published e is publish

    7arius elic; < '&=#!E=118

  • 8/14/2019 Ex pr 21.doc


    Exam practice 2

    2,. )he saw that the boo _______ @return two da3s before.

    a had been returned b had returned c returned

    d was returned e has been returned

    2. #he C" pla3er _______ @canGnotGrepair toda3.

    a couldn6t be returned b can be repaired

    c cannot be repaired d can not be repaired

    e can be not repaired

    28. e _____ one of the pipes in the bathroom _____ two da3sa/o.

    a have5 fixed b had5 fixed c have5 fix

    d had5 fix e had5 fixin/%0. "id 3ou _____ 3our attic _____A

    a had5 clean b had5 cleaned c have5 cleaned

    d do5 clean e mae5 clean

    %1. #he professor _____ 'aula _____ the essa3 last 7onda3.

    a mae5 rewrite b made5 rewrote c maes5 rewrite

    d maes5 rewrote e made5 rewrite

    %2. e still can6t believe he was capable _______ such thin/H

    a of b in c to d for e at

    %%. )he felt uneas3 _______ tain/ the euros.

    a of b to c over d about e on

    %4. - thou/ht he was used _______ worin/ lon/ hours.

    a in b to c for d on e of

    %*. )he was alwa3s faithful _______ her principles.

    a to b for c with d about e on

    %+. hat are 3ou doin/ ____ the weeendA

    a at b in c on d to e off

    %,. #he scorchin/ temperatures made ever3one tae da3s off____ Iul3.

    a around b when c while d in e on

    %. )end the mail ______ 1+ Februar3.

    a in b over c on d at e to

    %8. Jet6s meet ____ noon.

    a as b at c in d on e when

    7arius elic; < '&=#!E=120

  • 8/14/2019 Ex pr 21.doc


    Exam practice 2

    40. hat else can 3ou do ____ an autumn afternoonA

    a in b of c unless d because e on

    Section B: %0 items. Each answer is worth 2p.

    41. $e _______ several obs since &u/ust.

    a has putted in b has put in c put in

    d had put in e has put on

    42. e _______ mone3 to pa3 for /as.

    a have run out of b had run out of c run out

    d have ran out of e have run of out

    4%. -t6s extremel3 difficult to _______ social securit3.

    a leave off b leave of c live of d live off e leave in

    44. #heir firm had _____ sales _____ ours.

    a hi/her5 then b hi/her5 than c hi/h5 as

    d hi/her5 as e the hi/hest

    4*. Kur services were ______ theirs.

    a bad than b bad lie c worst than

    d worst then e worse than4+. 73 apartment is ______ hers.

    a as lar/e as b lar/er as c lar/e lie

    d not lar/e lie e lar/er

    4,. $er car is ______ expensive.

    a as b the more c not as d not so e lest

    4. & contract that lasts five 3ears is a _______________.

    a five 3ears contract b five3ear contract c five>3ear contract

    d five3ears contract e five>3ears contract

    48. & letter which is written well is a _____________________.

    a wellwritten letter b well>written letter c well written letter

    d /ood>written letter e badl3>written letter

    *0. & decision which has been disputed for a lon/ time is a ___.

    a lon/disputed decision b lon/>disputed decision

    c lon/l3 disputed decision d lon/er disputed decision

    e lon/ disputed>decision

    7arius elic; < '&=#!E=121

  • 8/14/2019 Ex pr 21.doc


    Exam practice 2

    *1. e had /one to bed ____________ @early usual.

    a earl3er than b earlier then c earl3 than

    d more earl3 than e earl3 then

    *2. $e could also be a bit __________ @tidy he is.

    a tidier than b tid3er than c t3di than

    d tidier then e tidder than

    *%. -t was __________ @far the places he alread3 visited.

    a further than b farther then c farther than

    d further then e father than

    *4. #omm3 behaved ____________ @good.

    a the worse b the better c the best d best e beter**. -6m _________ the schedule.

    a be3ond b b3 c between d below e behind

    *+. ?ood mornin/5 7r. )imms. &re 3ou here _________appointmentA

    a as b with c in d b3 e on

    *,. - am writin/ _________ behalf of 7s. Jei/h.

    a as b in c on d with e at

    *. "o 3ou thin she6ll _____________ the noiseA

    a put up with b put with up c puts up with

    d be put up with e put up in

    *8. _____________ those wiresH

    a Leep from awa3 b Leep from c Lept awa3 from

    d Joo awa3 from e "o awa3 from

    +0. -t6s time she _______ @spend mone3 more rationall3.

    a will spend b spended c has spend d spend e spent

    +1. -t started to rain5 and we wished we _______ @not G go forsuch a lon/ wal.

    a hadn6t /one b had /one c haven6t /one

    d had /one not e didn6t went

    +2. -6d rather 3ou _______ @tell me the truth when we met theother wee.

    a told b tell c had told d should tell e ma3 tell

    7arius elic; < '&=#!E=122

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    Exam practice 2

    +%. -f onl3 3ou _______ @take /reater care of the carH

    a will tae b would tae c shall tae

    d should tae e can tae

    +4. 9ou were talin/ as thou/h - _______ @not G be in the roomfor the last half hour.

    a haven6t been b wasn6t c weren6t

    d wasn6t bein/ e hadn6t been

    +*. =obert hasn6t /ot a computer but he wishes he _____.

    a can b did c does d had e has

    ++. -6m not /oin/ to 'aris but - wish - _____.

    a were b did c had d will e ma3+,. e didn6t visit the estate but we wish we _____ done so.

    a mi/ht b could c have d will e had

    +. - spoe to her so rudel3.

    a - wish - hadn6t spoen to her lie that.

    b - wish - didn6t spoen to her lie that.

    c - wish - hadn6t spea to her lie that.

    d - wish - had spoen to her lie that.

    e - wish - hadn6t spoe to her lie that.

    +8. -6d rather _______ @work home than _______ @sit at thisoffice des.

    a to wor5 sit b wor5 sit c wor5 to sit

    d to wor5 to sit e worin/5 sittin/

    ,0. )he would prefer _______ @type the letter rather than_______ @handwrite it.

    a to t3pe5 to handwrite b t3pe5 handwrite

    c t3pe5 to handwrite d to t3pe5 handwritee t3pin/5 handwritin/

    Section A: 40 items M 40 points

    Section B: %0 items M +0 points

    #otal amount of points N 100

    7arius elic; < '&=#!E=12%