Evony: Unoffical Strategy Guide - file.fromanywhere.com · 5 After picking your names and starting...

Evony: The UnOfficial Strategy Guide Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter I - The Basics of Evony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Chapter II - Resources & the Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 16 Chapter III - Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Chapter IV - Units & Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Chapter V - War & Diplomacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Chapter VI - Barbarians & Promotions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Chapter VII - Items & Heroes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

Transcript of Evony: Unoffical Strategy Guide - file.fromanywhere.com · 5 After picking your names and starting...

Evony: The UnOfficial Strategy Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Chapter I - The Basics of Evony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Chapter II - Resources & the Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 16

Chapter III - Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Chapter IV - Units & Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Chapter V - War & Diplomacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

Chapter VI - Barbarians & Promotions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

Chapter VII - Items & Heroes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71


Designed, edited, and produced by The Gamer's Academy.com.

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Both the writer and publisher have prepared this book to the best of their abilities. However, neither the writer nor the publisher makes any

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Evony: The Unofficial Strategy Guide is Copyright 2009, The Gamer's Academy. All Rights Reserved.



So, you have stumbled upon a new free browser game, it's sparked your interest

and now you want to learn how to be the best player possible. Well, I was once in

your shoes and I'm here to tell you this game is very addictive and will reward you

with many hours of fun. If you are willing to put the time into the game, I will

show you how to top the charts on your server. This guide will also show you all

the basics of the game from building your first city to acquiring the resources you

need for an army powerful enough that no one would dare attack you.

First, some information about the author of this guide. I started on Server 6 the

second day it opened and was able to build a solid start through my knowledge of

Civilization, a game I have played extensively. I spent many hours on the forums

researching methods and soaking up the knowledge base there. From this, I

started building techniques for a winning strategy. Within these pages, I have

compiled all of the knowledge and wisdom I used to get to this pinnacle. I present

it to you so that you too can climb the ladder of Evony success like a pro.


Chapter I

The Basics of Evony Evony uses a series of quests to teach you how to play the game and rewards you with

resources for each quest, which encourages new players to work though what amounts to a great

tutorial. We are going to go through some of this tutorial together and I am going to inform you

about the game mechanics and things you need to know to get your empire up and running.

After you have made an account and picked a server, choose a name for yourself and your first

city. Decide what region to start in - the map offered at the start up screen is not actually how the

game map is represented in the game. You can find a accurate look at how the map is actually

drawn out in the game below.

Unless you have friends that you want to start beside it really isn't important what region

you start in. As you become more involved in the game you will have chance to move your cities

around the map.


After picking your names and starting location you'll be thrust into the game and be brought to

your city screen with the quest page open. Here the game will ask you to build your first cottage.

Let's go ahead and build one and make it level two.

• Build a Cottage

1. Click on a building site and select the cottage from the list. Click Build.


Cottages provide population. At this point in the game, population will be a gold source in the

form of taxes. Also, your population is employed in your resource fields, which we will construct


2. You can go ahead and speed up the building of the cottage, so it builds instantly. You

will be able to do this free because it takes less than five minutes to build. Buildings that take

longer than this will require you to use an item or coin to speed them up. Click on Speedup and

then click OK.

3. Now, click on the cottage and select upgrade

and speed it up once more.

4. Go back to your quest page and take the rewards.


There should be two rewards available to you at this time if your population has reached one

hundred. The rewards you get from these quests will help keep you stocked with resources so you

can continue to build and play while you are learning.

Next, click on your view tab, which will show you the fields outside your town

limits where you can build various resource producing structures. Build a farm, and make it Level

Two as well. Then continue with the an iron mine, a saw mill, and a quarry, making each Level

Two. Now go ahead and get all of the quest rewards from those actions.

Evony starts the production, at 80% of full capacity in your resources fields, but we want

the city producing as much as possible so go to the button below your avatar

picture, and select the production tab and make your production 100%. Keep in mind as you

build or capture new cities that the game will always start your production at 80% so always check

to make sure you adjust your rate accordingly. Now go to the quest page and grab your reward.


Your next quest will be to adjust your tax

rate to 20%, Click on the Overview

button again and under the Tax Rate

window, adjust your tax rate to 20% and

then adjust it again to 100%. This will

give you maximum taxes, dramatically increasing your gold production.

In the first stage of the game, you will want to keep a close eye on your Tax Rate and City

Loyalty. Loyalty is the first statistic in your City Status bar. It plays a major part in the game -

cities are won and lost based on this number. We will get into more on that in Chapter Five, but

for now what you need to know is that population is limited only by how many people your

cottages will hold and your City Loyalty. The higher your tax rate is the lower your loyalty will

go. The sum of your loyalty and your tax rate will equal 100, but loyalty will not automatically

adjust to this level. It takes time to find its balanced level. Since you just set your tax rate at 100%,

the city's loyalty will begin to move to zero. It takes hours to get there but if it ever does you will

have zero population, which leads to a ghost town. You don't want that, so you must remember to

move the tax rate back down. When to do this is going to be based on your population. You need

enough population to run your resource buildings plus some extra citizens left to be employed

when you expand your production.


The mathematical formula for figuring how much

population you can have based on your loyalty is

Maximum Population * (Loyalty / 100). Note: You can

see what your Population Limit (maximum possible

population) is by scrolling over the population icon.

There are two main strategies for your dealings with the

tax rate. The simple one is to just set it at 50% and let it

run. This is the best long term rate while still giving you a

decent population to work with, and you don't have to

worry about losing all of your population; if you forget to

change it. The other strategy is to set the rate very high while you're online, and then bring it

down when you're offline or you run out of population to work your resource fields. The latter

strategy will net you more gold in the long run.

Alright, so let's go to the quest page and collect your reward for adjusting the tax rate.

Next, it will ask you to change the city name. To do this go to the Overview screen again, open the

City Rename tab, and give your city a new name, then collect your reward.

Your next quest will be to change your flag. When you find and join an alliance they will

usually have a standard flag name that they will want you to use, so if you want to wait until you

are in an alliance to change your flag, you can do that. On the other hand, the quest is worth one

thousand gold immediately and you can always change it again later when you join an alliance.

To change your flag double click on your avatar, and you will be brought to the player info



You can see an overall summary of your empire here, as well as change your flag and your player

status. Changing your player status will allow you to come out of the seven day protection

granted to you when you begin the game early or change your status to into a truce mode where

you cannot attack or be attacked for twelve hours. If you wish to use all seven days of your

beginners protection make sure you keep your town hall below level five, because building any

higher will automatically end your protection.

Now that we are done with the basic administration we can move on to more important

things. While you read this next section you should be constructing more cottages and resource

buildings, and leveling them up. Keep doing as many quests as possible. Also, every day you will

receive an Aries Amulet as a reward from the game. In the lower left corner of

your map or city view, you will see an icon that looks like a roulette wheel.

That is the Wheel of Fortune, and you can trade in your Aries

Amulet for a spin of the wheel for free gifts.

For those of you who are veterans and wish to climb the prestige ranks, I have developed a

method to do so and this next section is devoted to that end. What you will need to do is start on

a fresh server, you can get notification by e-mail through EvonyAlerts. Start your build just like

explained above, but after you build your cottages build one of each resource farm and then

lumberyards. You will put a market up and start trading lumber for the highest prices you can

get. Usually lumber will sell for close the 3g per unit at the very earliest stages of the game. Always

stay just below the cheapest offer, it will keep your product first in line to sell while getting the

best price available. Upgrade your market to allow multiple trades and work to buy food, stone,

and iron at the lowest possible price. Remember you want to stay just above the lowest bidder to

receive the best bang for you buck. You will also want to levy resources from your population and

then pray for them. Levying lumber in the beginning will result in a profit as long as lumber stays


above 1g per unit, plus you will get prestige from it. After your market is up and running and you

have a lumber production of around 10k you will want to put down an Inn and a Feasting Hall,

and hire a high politics hero to assign as mayor and then cast wealth of nations on him, this will

boost your production substantially , and the quests associated with it that have good rewards.

Keep your Town Hall at the lowest level possible, and do not complete any of the promote

quests at all until you are ready to build a Second City. Usually its best to have all of your resource

farms at level nine before you upgrade to a level two Town Hall. Just keep in mind that the more

you build with your Town Hall at level one the more prestige you will gain, so take your time.

Wait until two or three days into the game before you start putting down barracks and walls, you

want to have all of those lumberyards finished before military is a concern. Of course its not

harmful to build one barracks and have some warriors so that you can take forests to boost your

lumber production, and earn medals.

After you level your Town Hall up to level two you can start research technologies, you

need to research lumbering to level six before you do anything else. After that set your sites on

construction and level it up to six as well, after this is done you need to head to level six archery

and level five Metal Casting so that you can begin to build Ballista and raid NPCs once out of

protection. To maintain a high rate of prestige earning you need to stay small and concentrate on

economics as much as possible. The more smart trades you make on the market the more gold

you will have to do research and build armies.

• Building Your Second City

As you go through quests, you will achieve milestones that allow you to build new cities.

The first of these will be when you achieve the title of Knight, and you will gain one new city slot

for every title you gain. Below I have provided you with a table that details what you will need to

gather to achieve the titles required for all ten city slots. I will explain in more detail how to go

about gaining the prerequisites for these titles in Chapter Six.


Ranks and TitlesRank Prerequisite Title Prerequisite

Lieutenant 10,000 GoldTown Hall (Level 2)5 Medals

Knight 2 City Maximum

20,000 GoldLieutenant Rank1,000 Prestige10 Cross Medals5 Rose Medals

Captain 20,000 GoldTown Hall (Level 4)5 Cross Medals

Baronet3 City Maximum

40,000 GoldCaptain Rank2,000 Prestige10 Rose Medals 5 Lion Medals

Major 30,000 GoldTown Hall (Level 6)5 Rose Medals

Baron 4 City Maximum

60,000 GoldMajor Rank4,000 Prestige10 Lion Medals5 Honor Medals

Colonel 40,000 Gold Town Hall (Level 8)5 Lion Medals

Viscount 5 City Maximum

80,000 GoldColonel Rank8,000 Prestige10 Honor Medals5 Courage Medals

General 50,000 GoldTown Hall (Level 10)5 Honor Medals

Earl6 City Maximum

100,000 GoldGeneral Rank16,000 Prestige10 Courage Medals5 Wisdom Medals

Marquis7 City Maximum

200,000 GoldGeneral Rank32,000 Prestige10 Wisdom Medals5 Freedom Medals

Duke8 City Maximum

300,000 GoldGeneral Rank64,000 Prestige10 Freedom Medals5 Justice Medals

Furstin9 City Maximum

400,000 GoldGeneral Rank128,000 Prestige10 Justice Medals5 Nation Medals

Prinzessin10 City Maximum

500,000 GoldGeneral Rank256,000 Prestige30 Justice Medals10 Nation Medals


If you haven't built a barracks yet you should do so now, you will first need to first build a

rally point. After you get the barracks built you will want to build 500 warriors and 250 workers.

This is the first step in constructing a new city after you have the title requirement met. You will

also need to have built an inn and a feasting hall so that you can recruit a hero. If you don't

already have 10,000 units of each resource, please halt your construction for a bit after you have

the units queued to train, this way you can save up the required resources. You will need to send

out 10,000 of each resource - food, gold, lumber, stone, and iron with the 250 workers to start the

construction process. The workers will transport these resources to the new location in the time it

takes them to travel to the building site.

But before we can send them out to found a new city we must first conquer a flat. Click on

the icon and find a suitable flat to conquer, at this stage you will want to take a level

one flat that is within ten miles of your city. After you spot a suitable flat, double-click on it and

make sure that the flat you select is not currently owned by another player. Then select attack

from the menu.

This will bring up the March screen. You will need to select the hero you hired from the inn to

lead the attack, and the 500 warriors you built to do the attacking. Usually you want to scout

before any attacks are made, but 500 warriors will be plenty to win against a level one flat and we


will go over scouting in a later section. After you make your selections, press ok and you will see a

message saying that your march is successful, and the army is on the way.

You can check the progress of your army by selecting the icon at the bottom of

your screen. There you will see a progress meter with the coordinates that the troops are

marching too and the time it will take them to get there.

When your troops arrive to the flat they will battle the barbarians that inhabit the lands

and you will receive a battle report. Click on the icon and select the army tab to see

how the battle unfolded. Now your remaining troops are stationed at the flat, and we

are ready to send the workers there to build a new city. If you look at the map you will now see

that there is a small flag located on the flat, this makes it easy to recognize what flats and valleys

you currently own. The number of flats and valleys you may own is equal to the level of your

town hall. Double click on your flat and you will that there is a new button on

the flat information screen. When you click on Build City, a screen will appear asking you if you

would like to recall the reinforcing troops that are in the flat.


This is asking you if you would like to bring the troops

back home that conquered the flat. In some cases this is

a great idea, because you will only have 10,000 food to

start the city with and you will need to use it to start

constructing new buildings there, and you don't want the troops eating up the food. So select OK

to this question and then your workers will be on their way.

As you build more and more cities you will want to spread them out so that you have a

large choice of valleys, flats, and enemy targets for each city to utilize. You can also do this by

teleporting a city to a new location, but you do want to keep cities somewhat close to your capital

until you get them advanced enough to take care of themselves. You will want to build all of the

basic buildings (stable, workshop, academy, ect.) in your new cities as you put in the first ones. In

your resource fields, you just may want to specialize in a particular resource instead of all of the

resources like you may have done in your first city.


Chapter II

Resources & the MarketResources in Evony are the heart and soul of the game. Everything, your military might,

prestige, honor and every other measure in the game is going to depend on how well you can

acquire resources. There are many different ways of getting what you need, but there is one

important thing to remember - You can never have enough resources.

The first and most obvious way of obtaining resources comes from your resource

buildings. The higher in level they are the more you will receive, and besides the act of upgrading

them this method is passive, meaning you will gain resources over time whether you are at the

computer playing the game or not. In your first city you're going to need to build one of each type

- Food, Sawmill, Quarry, and Iron Mill, as you have to ramp up enough resources to get going,

after you get one resource field of each kind you can specialize in one resource.

As you add new cities, it is wise to specialize each of them into one type of resource. You

can go two different ways here. You can specialize each city into a different type of resource and

then transport the goods between your cities, but this takes time and can be very cumbersome.

The better alternative is to build your marketplace, find the most expensive resource (usually

lumber or stone) and specialize it in all of cities. Then you can just sell off your excess and buy

those resources that you aren't producing. That way the resources come directly to your city and

you don't have to spend time transporting them yourself. This is also a great way to obtain the


gold you need for your research.

After you start bringing in enough resources to build, research, and still have leftovers, it's

going to be time to build up your fighting units. At this point you want to keep units queued in

your barracks twenty four hours a day if you have the resources to sustain such a training regime.

You can use these units to acquire valleys, which can be accomplished with the same method used

in attacking the flat in the previous chapter. The valleys that you will be conquering are going to

give you bonuses to your production, which will in turn help you grow. Resource fields by

themselves do not produce a whole lot of resources but once you combine them with the valleys

you will be surprised how much you can churn out.

This leads us to the second way to obtain resources. You can only own up to ten

valleys per city, one for each level of your Town Hall. After you cap your valley limit you will earn

resources for attacking a valley instead of the land itself. If you attack a forest you will bring back

lumber from the valley, the amount will vary depending on the level of the valley and your armies

load capacity. If you attack a grassland, lake, or swamp, you bring back food. You will always

bring back the resource type that the valley would usually grant a bonus to production had you

conquered it successfully.

Once your army gets big enough you can move on to attacking barbarian cities, which are

very lucrative. They also regenerate every eight hours to provide you with fresh plunder, so use

them to your advantage. I will cover the number of units needed to attack barbarian cities as well

as a few other tricks related to this method in Chapter Six.

The final and most fun way to get resources is through attacking and looting other

players. I will cover this in detail in Chapter Five.


I spoke earlier about the marketplace, and that using it brought resources

directly to your city. You will want to build your marketplace very early in

the game and I recommend upgrading it to at least Level Three as you will

be using it constantly. The reason you will need a higher level marketplace

is because you can only have one active order per level of the marketplace. When you go to the

market to buy or sell goods you will, more often than not, want to make more than one

transaction. Once you start conquering barbarian cities you're going to find that you have more

gold than you can use for research or upkeep and you should use this extra money to buy

resources on the market.

Remember how I said that you can't get enough resources? I really meant that! You can

use them to grow your fighting units, buildings, wall defenses, and to put towards research. The

enemy cannot plunder resources that are safely queued in your barracks and walls in the form of

building fighting units or defensive units, so turning your extra gold into resources and using

your queues to your advantage protects your gold from plunderers.

One other note about the marketplace - in previous versions of the game you could hide

resources away from attackers by putting them up on the market. This is no longer the case, so

you must hide them in other ways. If necessary, you can queue them in the barracks as discussed

above or transport them to other cities or to a flat that you own. A last ditch effort can be made

right before the enemy arrives at the gates by sending out as much as possible and then turning

the transports around after the battle has been fought.

The actual marketplace where resources are traded can be manipulated to allow you to

become very wealthy. It takes a lot of patience and gold but you can earn millions of gold by

cornering the resource market, but I wouldn't advise that you try this until you have a couple


hundred million in gold to utilize. What you must do is drive up the cost of a highly valued

resource on your server, you buy it up when it dips to a low price and then when the price is

jacked up (because of your buying), start selling it. Since you will own such a large amount of the

resource, you can control the price to an extent. Anything that is sold under the price you choose

you purchase, so only your goods sell at your price. As the old adage goes "money is the seed of

money." This is how you make your wealth work for you so you don't have to work for it.


Chapter III

BuildingsBuildings are a vital link between your resources and armies. In this chapter, I will provide

more detail on the buildings mentioned in Chapter One. I have already discussed the cottages,

resources buildings and market so we won't go over them again here.

• Town Hall

I have previously spoken about the Town Hall and how it allows you to

conquer valleys, which in turn will help your resource buildings

produce more. But Town Halls also increase the actual number of

resource fields you can build on by three for each level that you

upgrade. The Town Hall also allows you to build higher walls, which in

turn increases your ranged defense and allows you to build city

defenses. You will need a Level Ten Town Hall to gain the rank of General, which is needed to

attain the Earl title. Also, you will need a higher level Town Hall to continue to build higher level



Town Hall Statistics

Town Hall Level Prerequisite Base Building Speed Grants

Town Hall Level 2 400 Food, 6,000 Lumber, 5,000 Stone, 200 Iron

30m 00s 2 Valleys 16 Resource Fields

Town Hall Level 3 800 Food, 12,000 Lumber, 10,000 Stone, 400 Iron, Walls

Level 1

1h 00m 00s 3 Valleys 19 Resource Fields

Town Hall Level 4Grants Walls on

Map Screen

1,600 Food, 24,000 Lumber, 20,000 Stone, 800 Iron, Walls

Level 2

2h 00m 00s 4 Valleys 22 Resource Fields

Town Hall Level 5 3,200 Food, 48,000 Lumber, 40,000 Stone, 1,600 Iron,

Quarry Level 2, Workshop Level 1

4h 00m 00s 5 Valleys 25 Resource Fields

Ends Beginner Protection

Town Hall Level 6 6,400 Food, 96,000 Lumber, 80,000 Stone, 3,200 Iron,

Quarry Level 2, Workshop Level 1

8h 00m 00s 6 Valleys 28 Resource Fields

Town Hall Level 7 Grants Castle on

Map Screen

12,800 Food, 192,000 Lumber, 168,000 Stone, 6,400 Iron, Quarry Level 2, Workshop

Level 1

16h 00m 00s 7 Valleys 31 Resource Fields

Town Hall Level 8 25,600 Food, 384,000 Lumber, 336,000 Stone, 12,800 Iron, Quarry Level 2, Workshop

Level 1

32h 00m 00s 8 Valleys 34 Resource Fields

Town Hall Level 9 51,200 Food, 768,000 Lumber, 672,000 Stone, 25,600 Iron, Quarry Level 2, Workshop

Level 1

64h 00m 00s 9 Valleys 37 Resource Fields

Town Hall Level 10Grants Large Castle on the Map Screen

102,400 Food, 1,536,000 Lumber, 1,344,000 Stone,

51,200 Iron, Quarry Level 2, Workshop Level 1

1 Michelangelo's Script

128h 00m 00s 10 Valleys 40 Resource Fields


From the Town Hall screen, which is the same as your Overview tab, you can access a

wealth of information about your city. We have discussed a few of these options in the first

chapter but we did not go over Comforting and Levy.

Comforting is a method used to increase your Loyalty and decrease your Public Grievance.

Loyalty is a measure of a city's pride to be part of your rule, if a city's loyalty reaches zero the

maximum population of a city will reach zero and the city will be ready convert to another lord's

rule. Public Grievance is a measure of the happiness of your people in a city. When the Public

Grievance reaches one hundred there will be rioting in your city. Your tax rate effects your Public

Loyalty, while Public Grievance can be raised by losing battles to attackers on your city. There are

four different ways to manage your Loyalty and Public Grievance. You can only comfort your

people once every fifteen minutes so make it count!

1. Disaster Relief will deduct food from your Treasury and increase your loyalty by five and

decrease your grievance by fifteen. This is helpful if you are attacked and need to get rid of

your Public Grievance quickly.

2. Praying will deduct gold from your Treasury, increase Loyalty by 25 and Grievance by

five, and is best used to boost your Loyalty in an emergency after keeping a high tax rate

running for too long. You can also use it in conjunction with a levy to raise extra

resources. which will be explained next.


3. Blessing basically turns gold from your Treasury into food for your people. This is a great

save if you run out of food and need immediate assistance. If you run out of food, your

troops and people will start leaving your city. So make sure you keep enough around to

cover any times you may spend offline.

4. Population Raising will cost food but boost your population, a great tactic to use if you

need to train some extra troops or fill some employment spaces quickly.

Next to the Comforting tab is the Levy tab. Levying resources allow you to instantly gain

the resource of your choosing, and the amount raised will equal 10% of the current population of

the city, but it angers the population and will cost you 20 Loyalty. There are times when you will

want to do this, and with a large stash of gold, you can pull this off every 15 minutes by praying


Under the Cities tab, you can also choose to abandon a city. You may ask, "but why would

I ever want to do that?" but there is good reason to do so, which will be explained later in Chapter

Six. Lastly, under the Valleys tab you can view your conquered valleys and abandon them as well

to make room for better ones or different types.

• Walls and Fortifications

Once you start leveling up your Town Hall you will be required to build

your walls up as well. A Level 2 Quarry and Level 1 Workshop are

required to build walls. The quest rewards for walls are very nice so your

first city's walls will be easy to construct with minimal costs. The main

purpose Walls serve is to defend your city against attack. As your Walls

gain levels, you will be able to construct fortifications in and around them that help to protect

your city. Also, each level of your Wall adds durability that must be overcome by the enemy to get


inside the city. This durability must be overcome within 100 rounds, otherwise your army will

march home defeated. The durability of your walls and the endurance of its fortifications can be

enhanced by the engineering technology, but the base values are displayed in the table below.

City Wall Statistics

Wall Level Prerequisite Base Building Speed Grants

Walls Level 1 3,000 Food, 1,500 Lumber, 10,000 Stone, 500 Iron

Quarry Level 2, Workshop Level 1

30m 00s 100,000 Durability 1,000 Fortified Spaces

Allows Traps

Walls Level 2 6,000 Food, 3,000 Lumber, 20,000 Stone, 1,000 Iron, Quarry Level 2,

Workshop Level 1

1h 00m 00s 300,000 Durability 3,000 Fortified Spaces

Allows Abatis

Walls Level 3 24,000 Food, 6,000 Lumber, 40,000 Stone, 2,000 Iron,

Quarry Level 2, Workshop Level 1

2h 00m 00s 600,000 Durability 6,000 Fortified SpacesAllows Archer Towers

Walls Level 4 24,000 Food, 12,000 Lumber, 80,000 Stone, 4,000 Iron, Quarry

Level 2, Workshop Level 1

4h 00m 00s 1,000,000 Durability 10,000 Fortified Spaces

Walls Level 5 48,000 Food, 24,000 Lumber, 160,000 Stone, 8,000 Iron, Quarry

Level 2, Workshop Level 1

8h 00m 00s 1,500,000 Durability 15,000 Fortified Spaces

Allows Rolling Log

Walls Level 6 96,000 Food, 48,000 Lumber, 320,000 Stone, 16,000 Iron,

Quarry Level 2, Workshop Level 1

16h 00m 00s 2,100,000 Durability 21,000 Fortified Spaces

Walls Level 7 192,000 Food, 96,000 Lumber, 640,000 Stone, 32,000 Iron,

Quarry Level 2, Workshop Level 1

32h 00m 00s 2,800,000 Durability 28,000 Fortified Spaces

Allows Defensive Trebuchet

Walls Level 8 384,000 Food, 192,000 Lumber, 1,280,000 Stone, 64,000 Iron,

Quarry Level 2, Workshop Level 1

64h 00m 00s 3,600,000 Durability 36,000 Fortified Spaces

Walls Level 9 768,000 Food, 384,000 Lumber, 2,560,000 Stone, 128,000 Iron,

Quarry Level 2, Workshop Level 1

128h 00m 00s 4,500,000 Durability 45,000 Fortified Spaces

Walls Level 10 1,536,000 Food, 768,000 Lumber, 5,120,000 Stone, 256,000 Iron,

Quarry Level 2, Workshop Level 11 Michelangelo's Script

256h 00m 00s 5,500,000 Durability 55,000 Fortified Spaces


There are five different defensive structures that you can build inside and around your

City Walls. This is done by double clicking on the Walls and queueing the fortifications just like

you would a troop in the barracks.

• Traps:

Traps are great against infantry and are cheap to build.

Used in great numbers, traps can be extremely helpful.

They are designed to distribute losses evenly across

attacking troops. The number of troops that they can defend against depends on the

proportion of armies versus the traps. For example, it has been discovered that if an

attacker sends 100 warriors at 100 traps, 100 warriors will die. However, if an attacker

sends 200 warriors then only about 90 warriors will die, and sending 300 will result in

even less losses. The only drawback to traps is the fact that they cost more to build than a

warrior so if they are attacked by warriors the defender will lose honor.

• Abatis:

Abatis defend against mounted units, such as Cavalry

or Cataphracts. Because an often used tactic for

attackers is to send cavalry to bring the loyalty of a city

down quickly, Abatis can be vital to keep someone from capturing your city. They work

very well when you plan to have the doors of your walls closed, meaning you are

protecting your city with only your wall defenses. If you plan to defend with your walls

and normal units (gates open), I recommend using Pikemen in conjunction with the

Abatis to deal with the mounted units, this will free up more room for more important


fortifications. But do not underestimate the power of the Abatis, their strongest selling

point is the fact that only mounted units can kill them, and mounted units cost more to

build than Abatis, therefore, mounted units that die as a result of Abatis defense will earn

honor in your favor.

• Archer Tower:

Archer Towers are ranged units that shower down attacks

from the height of your Walls. They should form the

majority of your wall defenses, and with higher level walls their range is increased. The

mathematical equation for the range increase is Archer Tower Range = ((.05 * Archery

level) + (.05 * Wall Level) * 1300) + 1300. Basically, you gain a 5% bonus for each level of

Archery technology and 5% bonus for each level of your City Walls. Archer Towers have

huge advantage against all other ranged units when they are fully utilized, their only major

weakness is the fact that they can be attacked by all units.

• Rolling Log:

Rolling logs will help against infantry units. They have an

attack of 500 and are a one time use fortification. Although they have a good range they

are very expensive, for a one time defense, so the space can be more effectively used

elsewhere. I recommend skipping this fortification and just build more Traps if your

looking for infantry defense because they are more cost effective.

• Defensive Trebuchet:


• The Defensive Trebuchet is basically just a trap for siege weapons. They are a one shot

defender but are very effective in keeping siege units from engaging your defenses from a

untouchable range. They have an attack of 800, but they have one major flaw. They can be

killed by warriors, and if warriors are sent ahead of an attacking force they can effectively

clear your Defensive Trebuchets away and get a very large amount of honor in the

process. Until their weakness is corrected these units are not safe to build, and the space

will be better utilized building Archer Towers.

• Forge

The forge only serves the purpose of meeting prerequisites for other

buildings and technologies, it is vital to the Military Science line of

technology. To Build it, you must have a Level 3 Iron Mine. Each level of

Military Science requires that you have a Forge of equal level., so you will

want a level 10 Forge in one city to research that technology's maximum level. Other than that

you won't need to build it past level 2 which is required to build a workshop. When you get your

workshop, you can go ahead and demolish it and build higher priority buildings because you

won't be needing it anymore.

• Workshop

The Workshop is very similar to the forge in that it only serves the purpose of

meeting prerequisites. A level 1 Workshop is need to upgrade the Town Hall

to the level of 5, and also to build City Walls. It is connected with the

technology of Metal Casting which plays a major part in allowing the

construction of mechanical units, which are extremely useful in combat. Just as in the case with

the Forge you will need one upgraded to level 10 to be able to research Metal Casting to it's



• Inn

The Inn allows you to recruit Heroes. Heroes are used for many different

purposes and are very important. We will discuss Heroes in complete detail in

Chapter Seven. Constructing a higher level Inn offers a bigger selection of

Heroes for hire, and will also offer a higher level of Hero. Different Heroes will

arrive at your Inn each day, with a variety of levels and attributes. It is recommend that you use a

Level 1 Inn because you can simply hire a Hero, and then dismiss him, which will provide you

with another Hero in the Inn to select from. It may seem like a costly endeavor but with a Level 1

Inn you will get Heroes in the Level 1-6 range, and Heroes in this range are inexpensive to


A Hero will cost you 1,000 gold per level to hire and 20 gold per level an hour in upkeep.

Recruit low level Heroes with high starting attributes because they have more room for growth,

and you can allocate the attribute points more effectively as they gain experience. This concept is

explained in more detail in Chapter Seven as well. The Inn is disposable after you upgrade your

Feasting Hall to Level 9 and fill it with Heroes, at which point you can demolish the Inn and

rebuild the space with higher priority buildings. If a Hero is captured and you find yourself in

need of another but have already demolished your Inn you can either recruit a hero from another

city that still has an Inn, or you can use a instant hero recruitment item, that are sometimes given

by the Wheel of Fortune.

• Feasting Hall


The Feasting Hall allows you to station Heroes in your cities. You can station

one Hero per level of the Feasting Hall. You need to have a Level 1 Inn to

upgrade your Feasting Hall, so again, don't destroy your Inn prematurely.

Inside the Feasting

Hall you have access to your Heroes. You

can appoint a Mayor of the town here, and

you will be using this ability very often as it

will pay off to switch out your Heroes when

completing different tasks in your city. For constructing buildings you would want a Hero with a

high politics attribute, for technology, a higher intelligence attribute, and to build troops you

want to have a Hero with a attack attribute. You can also recall marching Heroes from this screen.

The View tab allows you to

upgrade your Hero's level,

dismiss your Hero, or reward

your Hero so that you can

keep him loyal to your cause

or temporarily increase an attribute. You will see a Redistribute button as well - this option

requires you use one Holy Water for every ten levels the Hero possesses, but it allows you to

redistribute Hero attribute points evenly, this is explained in more detail in Chapter Seven.

You will also notice the green sign beside your Hero's experience bar. This button

will lead you to an Item screen where you can use certain items to give your Hero more

experience. Remember to your changes before exiting this screen or they

will be lost!

• Stables


Stables do two important things - they allow for Relief Stations to be built and

upgraded and also for the technology Horseback Riding to be researched.

Decide which city that you would like to research Horseback Riding and

upgrade that city's Stable to Level 9. Use that city only to do the Horseback

Riding research so that you only need to build a Level 1 Stable in the rest of your cities.

• Relief Station

Relief Stations reduce the travel time between two of your cities, and the

speed is determined by the level of the Relief Station in the city sending the

troops. There is a speed multiplier that takes effect when the Relief Station

reaches certain levels. For each of these thresholds the traveling speed of

reinforcements or transports will increase by 100%. The thresholds are at Levels 1, 4, 5, 8, and 10,

so with a Level 10 Relief Station your moving speed will be increased six-fold.

• Beacon Tower

The Beacon Tower is your city's eyes. It will warn you of impending attacks against

your city. The higher the level of the Beacon Tower, the more information you will

receive about the attacking army.

• Level 1 - You will only receive notice of the invasion.

• Level 2 - You can see whether the purpose of the army is a scout mission, or a conquering

army sent to plunder.

• Level 3 - You can see the arrival time of the approaching army.

• Level 4 - You will see the Lord's status of the enemy.

• Level 7 - You can see the actual head count of the enemy troops as opposed to general

figures like "Zounds" or "Hordes."


• Level 9 - You will be able to see the level of the Hero leading the enemy army.

Once you have notice that there is an enemy army on it's way you may need to call for help from

your alliance members. An alliance is setup through your city's Embassy.

• Embassy

Embassies host convoys from other players. With a Level 1 Embassy you will be

able to join alliances created by other players, and at Level 2 you can establish

an alliance yourself and combine forces for a common goal. The host of the

alliance can increase the limit of the members who can join the alliance by

upgrading his or her own Embassy, which can also be done with an Item called The Ritual of

Pact, it will be discussed further in Chapter Seven. Even if you do need help from other alliance

members in defending your city against attack, the Embassy also serves to station, or garrison, the

outside alliance armies. Once reinforce with alliance troops, you will be granted control of the

troops sent.

The level of the Embassy is equal to the number of armies that can be stationed in the

embassies city, no matter what size the army of your own may already be stationed there. Each

army that garrisons in your city sent by alliance members can be of infinite size, but keep in mind

you will have to feed the armies that are stationed there so plan to have plenty of food. Also to

have friendly armies stationed in a city you must check the box that allows allied members to

garrison there troops inside the Embassy.

You can also enter your alliance

page from the Embassy screen. This will allow you to view the other members of your alliance,

the current warring status of your alliance versus the other alliance, alliance events and war



• Academy

The Academy is where all your research is conducted. You must have a Town

Hall Level 2 as a prerequisite to build an Academy. The more Academies you

can accumulate, the more research you're going to be able to do at once. A Level

1 Academy allows for Agriculture. Lumbering, and Military Science to be

researched. Level 2 allows for Masonry, Mining, and Military Tradition. Level 3 allows for Metal

Casting, Informatics, and Iron Working. Level 4 allows for Archery, Logistics and Compass. Level

5 allows for Horseback Riding and Construction. Level 6 allows for Stockpile and Medicine.

Levels 8, 9, and 10 allow for Engineering, Machinery, and Privateering, respectively. I will break

each of these technologies down in the next chapter.

• Warehouse

The Warehouse is where you essentially hide your resources from attacking

armies. Armies cannot plunder resources stored in your Warehouse, although

they can reduce the effective storage space with the Privateering technology.

You can increase the amount of resources safely stored with the Stockpiling

technology. In the current state of the game, the Warehouse is pretty much useless and I don't

recommend using them. The total amount of resources they protect is very small compared to the

amount you will be dealing with, so they are really not worth the effort to build up. The only

method to effectively use the warehouse would be to devote an entire city to nothing but resource

storage. And considering the fact that we want to be constantly using our resources this is not a

viable option.


• Rally Spot

The Rally Spot is the place where your armies will gather before going

on a mission or attack, or to exercise before an attack is made. Each

level of the Rally Spot will allow you to send out 10,000 troops for a

maximum of 100,000. These numbers can be increased by 25% with a

War Ensign Item, but be forewarned that if you check the War Ensign

box, you must make sure that it is deselected before your next march or you will use another one,

that you might not need!

The Open gate option will allow troops garrisoned inside your city to take part in the

defense of the city. If your gates are closed, troops will stay behind the walls until your city's

loyalty declines to five. The exercise option is a calculator that allows you to pit hypothetical

armies against each other. It can be used as a rough guide on how a battle would turn out in the

field. It's most useful when dealing with smaller armies. You should use Exercise after scouting

out lower level valleys when you are new and only have a meager amount of troops to utilize. Plug

the scouted numbers in and weigh them against your own. Once you start getting more troops

you should stop using it for the most part and just follow the combat strategies that will be laid

out in the next chapter.

The Medic tab allows you to heal units, for a price who are hurt during battle. This

number will depend on your casualties during a battle (usually 10% of the number killed) and will

dwindle over time. so remember to visit it often. Remember you don't have to wait for your

troops to return to use the medics, they are available to heal troops immediately after the battle.

The amount of gold charged to heal the unit is based on the type of unit. After conquering a

player's city, you can also go in and heal the troops he lost and use them for yourself. This is a


good way to replenish troops you lost during the battle, and a nice trick to get Catapults from

people who got mechanics battalions as a Wheel of Fortune reward.

• Barracks

You must have a Rally spot to build a Barracks, and Barracks are the

absolute, hands down, most important building in the game, so I've save the

best for last. You will build all of your troops in your Barracks and the

troops you can build there corresponds to the level of the Barracks and the

Science that you have researched. You may also queue one group of units per level of your

Barracks so you can have more units ready to be built even if you will be offline. Also, instead of

building the maximum number of troops that you can build all at once, break your queues down

into several batches. Then you're hiding your resources and also have the option of pulling them

back off the queue a little at a time if you need them.

A Level 1 Barracks may build Workers and Warriors. Level 2 allows Scouts and Pikemen

to be built. At Level 3, Swordsman can be queued, Archers come from Level 4. Levels 5,6, and 7

will yield Cavalry, Transporters, and Cataphract, respectively. A Level 9 Barracks allows for

Ballista and Battering Rams, and lastly a Level 10 Barracks allows for the building of Catapults.

To build big armies you will need as many Barracks as can be fit into your cities while still

maintaining the other buildings you need. You can fit 14 to 20 Barracks in a single city depending

on the development of the city. For example, if you have maximized the level of your Feasting

Hall, City Walls, and have your Metal Casting research done, you no longer need a Inn or a

Workshop and those buildings can be destroyed to make room for a Barracks.

Your army size is only limited by three things - Resources, Population, and Time. We


have reviewed resources, but I want to mention that food is going to be the limiting reagent here.

Not only does it cost food to queue and build troops, but also it costs food to maintain them. Be

prepared to spend a lot of time and coin on food.

Population won't be a big problem. You will want to keep six to eight cottages so that you

have enough population to recruit the troops you need. Remember that once you're bringing in

millions of gold from Barbarian cities, you no longer need to tax your people. You can run a 1%

tax rate, your population will bloom and you'll see a flux of eager bodies ready to be trained into

the army. Your population will refresh itself in a matter of hours so that you can keep queuing


This brings me to a small note on canceling troop queues, by way of sharing a mistake I

have made many times myself. A Hero, appointed as Mayor, with a high Attack attribute will

decrease the time it takes to train troops. On several occasions, I have sent a high level Hero to a

city but forgot to actually appoint him or her as Mayor before queuing up massive troop builds.

Since the difference in time to train is substantial, it is best to cancel the troops in training,

appoint the Mayor, and queue them again with the correct Mayor. If the troops are waiting in line

behind other troop queues, you can cancel them and regain your resources, losing only the

population used to queue. If the troops are already being built, you will lose most of the resources

you committed to their training. Therefore, be very careful about not only moving your high level

hero to new cities but in remembering to also appoint the Hero as Mayor before you start


The last limiting factor is time. I cannot relay to you how many times I've scouted a city,

and found only four or five Barracks, which dramatically limits how many troops can be built.

You will not make this mistake because with your city having 15 Barracks training units 24 hours


a day, you're going to be able to build three times as many units as the opponent. This is why you

will be able to start even on an established server and work your way to the top. And although

prestige is a moderate guidepost to how well developed a player might be, it is a player's army that

determines their true strength.

The other two factors that help with the speed of training units are the city Mayor's Attack

attribute and the Military Science technology. If for some reason, and I can't think of a good one,

the situation ever arises where you would need to dismiss some troops, there is a Dismiss icon by

the unit picture in the Barracks.

Now that we have a good idea of what role the Barracks plays in the game, let's discuss the

fighting units and their separate roles in combat.


Chapter IV

Units & TechnologiesThere are 19 technologies that you may research, and 10 of these directly effect your units.

Of the remainder, six of them affect the resources that you use to build and sustain your armies

and the other three relate to buildings and wall fortifications. Because research is so closely

related to your troops and combat, I will explain both the research and the impact on your troops

at the same time.

Two different types of units exist in the game; infantry and mechanic. The difference

between the two unit types relates to the way they interact with other units and wall defenses on

the battlefield. Transporters, Ballista, Battering Rams and Catapults are mechanical units, all the

other units are consider infantry. Beyond this there is a subdivision between mounted, melee and

ranged units. Archers, Ballista and Catapults are all ranged units, Cavalry and Cataphract are

mounted and all other units are considered melee.

All units have assigned attributes - Life, Attack, Defense, Load, Speed, and Range. Aside

from this they have resource and population cost to build and a food upkeep cost. The Life of a

unit is the same as its hit points how much damage the unit is able to take before it expires. The

Attack is how much damage the unit does each round if the unit is attacking. Defense is amount

of damage the unit does if it is defending. The Load is how many resources the unit can carry.

The Speed of the unit is how fast it moves over the field of battle and the world map. And the

Range of the unit is how far away the unit can engage other units or fortifications in combat.


The Worker serves three purposes, the main

one being to transport resources until you can build actual

Transporters. Workers will carry 200 units each. A Worker’s second purpose is to build new

cities, and you will need 250 of them to carry resources to the building site. Their third purpose is

cannon fodder, although in most cases they don't even do a very good job of that. Build only as

many Workers as you need to serve these purposes, and once you are able to use Transporters

don't bother with them anymore.

The Warrior is your bread and butter unit. They are

cheap and quick to build, have a decent amount of Life (200)

and they don't eat all that much food (3). I suggest you always keep some training in your queues.

Most often they are used in large numbers as a meat shield, and you will want to use them to

attack low level barbarian NPC cities for resources until you can get you on your feet. These units

are also amazing and earning honor as they can be sent into battle before your main attack strikes

to clear fortifications and soften the enemy's defenses.

The Scout is an informative unit designed to


gather information about enemy territory and armies. The Scout is the fastest unit in the game,

clocking in at a speed of 3000, but he has almost no Attack value at all (20). You do not need to

send a Hero to run a scout mission, although you do need the Informatics technology to gather

detailed information. If you are scouting a valley, you will want to have your Informatics one level

higher than the level of the valley you are scouting in order to obtain detailed information about

the valley. If your Informatics is at the same level

you will only get an estimate of the number of troops defending it. You can apply

the numbers to the estimates by using the table below. If you are scouting cities

you only need to have the Informatics at the same level as the city you’re scouting

(or higher) to gain the information needed. The important thing here to remember is the higher

your Informatics technology the better information you will be able to gather.

Amount Range

Few 1-24

Pack 25-49

Lots 50-99

Horde 100-249

Throng 250-499

Swarm 500-999

Zounds 1000-2499

Legion 2500-4999

Bulk 5000-9999

Giga >10,000


The Pikeman is the most efficient unit in the

game in terms of food upkeep. Once you get enough Barracks

and a high level of Military Science, which will increase the speed at which you build armies by

10% for each level, you will want to always keep some of these queued. This unit is

also your best defense against Cavalry. In fact, excluding technologies,

Pikemen receive an 80% bonus against Cavalry. They also have very good

speed (300) so they tend to get themselves into the heart of the battle and die off quickly[A1] , but

with an Attack of 150 and a upkeep of 6 food, a Pikeman is doing the damage of 3 Warriors but

only using 66% of the food to maintain. This means you can field 33% more at the same cost!

The big down side to the Pikeman is the amount lumber it takes to train one (500), which

can really break the bank if you’re not producing a healthy amount of lumber from your cities.

But the bottom line here is when you start dealing with huge armies, you’re capped at sending out

100,000 troops from a Rally Spot in a single attack, and 10k Pikeman will do the work of 30k


The Swordsman is a great defensive melee

unit (250), but he doesn't have the speed or range of the

Pikeman. To build this unit you will need to have researched the technology Iron Working, which

will increase the defense of your units by 5%, for every level that is researched.

The Swordsman is ideally suited for melee city defense, as they receive a 10%

bonus against Pikeman.


The game information says that the Swordsman is effective against Archers but this is not

the case if the Swordsman is alone. If pitted against an Archer alone in the exercise screen it

would take six Swordsman to kill one Archer even though the Swordsman has an extra 100 Life.

The fact that the Archer will get round after ranged round of attack against the Swordsman before

the Swordsman can close the gap makes it clear that the Swordsman will need some cover so that

he can bring his bonus against the Archer to bare. Archers will always attack other ranged units

first in battle, so in order to make the Swordsman effective you need to have a ranged unit that

will be close enough to the enemy archers so that they don't target the Swordsmen and mow them

down before they can get in a position to attack. Another tactic to use to get your Swordsman in

range of archers is to put a large amount of Pikeman in front of the Swordsman to absorb all the

ranged damage. The bottom line here is if you’re going to use Swordsman as an attack unit you

must pair them with Pikemen, Archers, or a combination of both so that they don't get shot down

before the Swordsmen can get within striking distance.

The Archer is arguably the most powerful unit

in the game. To build this unit, you will need the technology

Archery, which will also increase your Archery range by 5% per level. This is a

technology that you will want to upgrade early and often, as it is critical for

success in the game.

The Archer’s ability to attack from a distance is the key to its power. The unit has an

Attack of 120 and a range of 1200. Although there is a ranged damage modifier of .5, meaning it

does half the damage that melee units do, it is able to make up for this by getting four attacks in

on even the fastest melee unit before they can be reached and engaged in melee combat. They also


do double damage against Cavalry. Considering these attributes, the resource costs and build time

are relatively meager, so you should concentrate on building these units throughout your career

at Evony.

Because the Archer is so powerful, there are many defensive counters to them. Besides the

tactic that I explained in the Swordsman section, Archers will also have to contend with

mechanical ranged units, the Archer Tower, and the mounted unit types, all of which will always

target the Archer first.

In the case of the mounted units, you can always put melee units in front of your Archers to

defend them. For the rest, you can simply out number them, as Ballista, Catapults and Archer

Towers are rarely seen in mass numbers - they are expensive to build and in the case of Archer

towers, have a hard cap on how many can be built, depending on the Wall level.

When attacking with Archers, you must remember to use infantry with them, also known

as a meat shield. This will give you a buffer so that melee units must fight through the shield to

reach your archers, protecting them and making them more effective.

This brings us to the mounted units. Calvary are

the fastest attacking unit in the game (1000) and play a major role in the conquering of player

cities. Because so many attacks must be made on a player’s city to conquer it, this unit allows you

to vastly shorten the time from first attack to capture.


Cavalry require you to have researched the Horse Back Riding technology, which

enhances the speed of mounted and mechanical units by 5% per level researched.

Each level requires a Stable at the respective level of research level, so plan


One thing to note about this Horseback Riding while we are on the subject - your

Academy must be Level 5 to research this technology, and since it affects mechanical units as well

as mounted units, at higher levels Horseback Riding will cause your Ballista to be so fast that they

will begin to move into the range of Archer Towers and Mounted units before the battle is

over] and take more casualties while attacking, This is especially true during the siege of

Barbarian cities where only Ballista are used, so there is a trade off for the speed of certain units

on the world map versus the battlefield.

That being said, you will most certainly want to have Level 10 Horseback Riding - just be

sure to keep options open to have a city with a level 4 Academy so that you may take advantage of

the slower Ballistas in the scenarios that require them.

Cavalry receive a 20% bonus against Archers and can also carry a decent Load (100),

which makes the very good for plundering when sent on their own. By virtue of their speed

Cavalry get to move before combat begins. But they will not attack archers first if infantry are


The counter to Cavalry are Pikeman and Abatis. We have already discussed the 80%

damage modifier Pikemen have against Cavalry, which means that technology excluded, Pikemen

only need a 1.3 to 1 ratio to defeat Cavalry as a defender. With this in mind, you will want to

avoid attacking Pikeman with Cavalry alone. Abatis defend against Cavalry as wall fortifications


and they do a pretty good job of it, so be aware of how many an opponent has in his arsenal

before you commit to an attack.

The Cataphract are heavy Cavalry, a stronger,

slower version of Cavalry. Cataphract require Level 5 Horseback

Riding and Iron Working to build. They receive a 20% bonus against Archers as well.

Cataphract are expensive units but have a high amount of Life (1000). For the power they

pack, this upgraded form of Cavalry are nice to have on the battlefield but they have a major

drawback -they are extremely expensive to maintain. Use Cataphracts in both defensive and

offensive roles along with other troops, as they are a tough, all purpose unit.

The Transporter is your heavy lifter. It's Load is

massive (5000), and it requires you to have researched the

technologies Metal Casting Level 3 and also Logistics Level 1. Metal Casting will be required for

all of your mechanical units and also allows you to build those

units 10% faster per level. Logistics will increase the maximum

load of your army by 10% per level note that I said “army,” not just

mechanical units, which makes this is an extremely useful technology.

The bottom line is that Transporters are slow mechanical units designed for one thing

only - to carry all that plunder back with your army. Whether you send these or not depends on


the army make up and how much loot you plan on bringing back with you. If you are attacking

solely for the purpose of making yourself richer, you'll want to use as many Transporters as it

takes to grab all the resources a city or valley has. If, on the other hand, you are looking for speed,

you may want to leave these units at home and go with Cavalry instead.

One huge advantage Transporters have over workers is they don't tend to die in battles.

They are targeted last in a battle and unless you lose the battle they will always be kept safe.

The Ballista is your best choice for a heavy

ranged unit and it only requires a Level nine Barracks, so you

can produce these in large numbers. This unit requires that you have the technology research of

Metal Casting Level 5 and Archery Level 6.

With a massive Range of 1400, these units are hard to kill if they have proper support.

They also boast an Attack of 450, which can be deadly for slower units that cannot get close to

melee range quick enough to kill them off.

These units are very important to the growth of your empire, with the proper technology

levels they can defeat up to Level 5 NPC cities on their own without any incurring losses, and in

this regard they will pay for themselves many times over. Ballistas have a double damage bonus

against Cavalry.

The counters to Ballistas are Archer Towers, Defensive Trebuchets, and sheer numbers of

troops to overcome the range. Mechanical units tend to be targeted late in the battle, so usually


you won't lose your Ballista unless you don't have enough infantry and archers at the front lines

taking the brunt of the damage. The one exception to this is Defensive Trebuchets, which will

target your mechanical units first and with a Range of 5000, they will always hit some of your

units. Be very careful when sending attacks against these fortifications because they can really put

a beating down on your Ballistas.

The Battering Ram is a mechanical melee unit, a

heavy duty tank used as meat shield. It has more Life (5000) than any other unit in the game.

To build a Battering Ram you will need to have researched the technologies Metal Casting

Level 7 and Iron Working Level 8. There is another technology that goes extremely well with this

unit and that is Medicine. This technology allows 5% extra life per level, and will

increase the life of your ram significantly.

The Ram is an extremely slow unit with a Speed of 120 so it won't make it into battle

before your infantry, but what it lacks in speed it makes up for in Range (600). The main purpose

of the Ram is to support your Archery units and bring down enemy fortifications, and it should

be used as such. If used in large numbers they are a very effective meat shield for your Archery


The last unit available to build is the Catapult. This


unit is the best Archery unit in the game because it does the most Attack (600) and it has the

longest Range (1500). These units also receive a double damage bonus against Cavalry.

The Catapult requires that you to have researched the technologies Metal Casting Level 10

and Archery Level 10. It also requires a Level 10 Barracks, which means you have to either spend

a Michelangelo's Script to upgrade them to this level or capture cities that contain Level 10

Barracks already. This is a major drawback to the unit because without spending a lot of coin on

scripts, you will not be able to mass produce them.

If you can get your hands on the Barracks, always keep them queued because when you've

built up enough, they can be a special surprise for someone when you’re in need of an attack

boost to put you through an opponent’s defenses.

Another drawback to the Catapult is the fact that it's horribly slow (80) and it will take a

long time to travel to a distant location, but if you don't mind waiting, they get the job done when

they finally do get there.

Defensive Trebuchets are the number one enemy of the Catapult. Even with this unit’s

massive range, the Defensive Trebuchets will take out a large number of them. I suggest you steer

clear of using Catapults against cities with Defensive Trebuchets unless you are willing to take the

losses or clear out the Defensive Trebuchets first with warriors before your main attack strikes.

The bottom line is that Catapults are great but they are very difficult to acquire and have their

limitations. It’s great to have them but don't make it your number one priority to build them.

There are two technologies which have a major impact on battle that we have not

discussed yet - Compass and Military Tradition.


Compass is the infantry version of Metal Casting. It will allow your infantry units

to move 10% faster per Level.

Military Tradition will enhance your army’s Attack by 5% per level. Although

these two technologies are not required to build any units they are invaluable in

the field.

The remaining technologies are split into groups, City and Resource. The City technologies are

Construction, Engineering, and Machinery.

Construction enhances the speed at which you build buildings and fortifications

by 10% per level researched. It a very valuable technology and you will want to

reach Level 10 as soon as have an extra city to research it in.

Engineering improves the endurance of your walls by 10% per level reached. You

can reference the base numbers in Chapter 3 under the “Walls” section, so that if

your sending out a small attacking force you can make sure you have enough fire

power to overcome the enemies walls. The basic idea of this technology is to make it more

difficult for an attacker to overcome the base value of the walls, forcing them to attack you with a

higher minimum force to break inside your city and plunder your resources.

Machinery enhances the repairable rate of your fortifications by 100% per level.

This helps you keep your wall defenses in place - if only a small portion of your

wall defenses are destroyed and you have the resources in your city to repair them,

they will regenerate immediately after the battle. All of the resources required for repairing the


units must be in the city though, it’s an all or nothing with this technology. If you only have a

portion of the resources required to repair the fortification none will be repaired. If you suffer a

devastating attack where most or all of your fortifications are destroyed a smaller portion of the

walls will be repaired.

The Resource technologies are Agriculture, Lumbering, Masonry, Mining, Stockpile, and

Privateering. The first four technologies are bonuses to your cities base resource production

because each level will increase the amount produced by 10%.

I suggest you level Agriculture and Lumbering first as you will be in need of these resources early

on, then work Masonry and Mining up as needed. Stockpile and Privateering should be the last

technologies you research as they Do not have much practical use in the game. You will still want

to research them for prestige eventually, though.

Stockpiling will enhance the amount of resources protected from attackers by 10%

per level. Since even a Level 10 Warehouse only protects 550k resources,

maximizing this technology would mean you could still only protect 1.1 million

resources. By the time you get to a Level 10 Warehouse you will be dealing with resources that

number in the tens of millions so essentially you would only protect a tiny portion of your


The building’s one saving grace would be in the event that you are attacked and

completely plundered. Using my method of 1% tax rate you may be making a negative amount of


gold and in this case your Heroes would flee, so one Warehouse to store enough gold to keep

your Heroes paid in case of total plunder is a decent insurance policy.

If you are powerful enough to thwart most enemy attacks I suggest that you demolish any

Warehouses you have and put Barracks in their place. The Stockpiling technology itself is useful

to research after all others have been completed for its value in prestige, and the reason stated


The Privateering technology can help you overcome people with large numbers of

Warehouses so that you can still plunder them on attacks. It will decrease the

defender’s Warehouse ability down by 3% for each level gained. Since most people

are not even using Warehouses because of their small storage place, this technology is pointless to

research except for prestige.

One last trick to use with technologies is before you abandon a conquered city, use the

academy to do research, Even though you no longer have the city the research will continue, You

can also use this method by just building cities for yourself, constructing an academy and then

abandoning the city and repeating the process.


Chapter V

War and DiplomacyNow that we have established what all the units and technologies do for our empire lets

take some time to discuss combat. The first thing you need to know about combat is the manner

in which it unfolds.

Imagine the combat area as a large football field. This field of battle is as large or small as

the greatest ranged attacking unit, so for example, it would start out at 5000 yards if a Trap or

Defensive Trebuchets are involved.

At the very beginning of the battle all units show up on the battlefield and combat begins

and it is assumed that any units that can attack will attack and all other units will proceed forward

according to their speed. For example, excluding variations for different technology levels, a troop

of Pikeman would move forward 300 yards after the traps hit them at the 5000 yard range. After

all troops have moved up by their speed the next round starts and combat is calculated again.

Cavalry are the exception to this rule, it seems that they will move before combat begins

advancing to the first troop they can engage, They are the spearhead of your forces and this

explains why your Cavalry seem to die so quickly in battle.

It is assumed that ranged units will always prioritize their attack on other ranged units

first, and after that units will attack the greatest threat in range when given a choice of targets.

One set of troops will always attack only one other set of troops per round meaning that a

troop of archers will use an entire round killing off just one Pikeman. This leads us to what has

been referred as Darwin's Maneuver named after the player who pioneered its use. In this method

you will send out a main force of attacking units, along with a single unit of complementary types


of troop to layer the attack and cause the enemy to use up rounds.

To illustrate you could send 10,000 Warriors and 10,000 archers, which is a fairly

common attack pair, against a players city, but you would also send one of each type of infantry

unit to pad your attack and keep the enemy Archers from whittling away at your Warriors as they

move into attacking range.

All of the specifics of the combat have not yet been fully realized, but strategies like this

are proven to work. From all the information that I have gathered it seems that there are many

idiosyncrasies within the combat system. And although it would be wonderful to know how to

make exact calculations until more research is done we are left with with the trial and error of

experience to guide us.

So lets tackle a few other examples of winning strategies to use against against other

players, both offensively and defensively. Below you will find actual attacks that took place in the

game. You can see how the attacker utilized Darwin's maneuver, and a solid warrior shield to

keep his Archers and Ballista from taking many casualties. And although the defender had a wide

range of units to guard his city, he was never able to kill the warriors fast enough to close the

ranged gap and prevent his own units from being destroyed in a hail of arrows. A successful

defense of this city could have included Archers, Swordsmen, Warriors, Archer Towers and

Traps in much larger numbers.


Despite the way this battle report makes things seem, the game is weighted toward a

defensive favor. Behind your walls, you can put as many units in your city as you can build, feed,

and have alliance members send to reinforce it. On the other and you can only send out a

maximum of 125,000 combat units to attack a city at once, this means it is fairly easy to thwart

attackers if you are online and have a responsive alliance to help you.


Lets look at a winning combination as a defender. In this example the attacker had the idea of

using his archers to stand back away from the walls and shoot the enemy. But it didn't turn out

the way he had hoped. Since the attacker did not use a infantry shield, nor utilize Darwin's

Maneuver the attack was doomed. The defenders mounted units and infantry had nothing

standing in their way and they closed the ranged gap quickly spelling certain death for the 90,000



As a defender, remember to fill your City Walls with large number Archer Towers. 15,000 of

these with a combination of Level 10 Archery and Level 10 City Walls will easily take out three

times their number in attacking archers on their own.

Another defensive strategy is to keep plenty of Scouts in your city with your gates open.

This makes it very difficult for the enemy to get information on your city and most competent

attackers will never attack blindly. The way around this is to send a smaller attack, (suicide

mission) to get an assessment of the enemies strength, this method is much slower and gives the

enemy more time to react to danger, also you must kill at least 10% of his troops to receive any

information. Often times people will build scout armies to either gain honor from killing scouts

or to gain valuable city information for alliance use. No matter how many scouts are defending a

city they can be killed if enough scout waves are sent to kill them off, deep in the game you will

start to see cities that will contain around 160k scouts to deter honor hunters. What usually

happens is the offender will send 100k scouts in the first wave, and these will be defeated by the

defender, losses with level 10 medicine will be around 55k scouts, Therefore the offender will

need to send another 100k which will also be defeated gaining the defender even more honor. So

anyone hunting for honor will lose a major portion to this scout defense, and the defense

numbers of are still reasonable enough to make it worth the trouble in terms of food demand.

In any case, Scouts on there own are not a good reason to keep your gates open, You want

to have a good Archer force as well as a hearty infantry corps. Warriors always work well in large

numbers, but Pikemen and Swordsmen are also ideal. You want to beware of keeping a large

force of Cavalry in your city with gates open as they will die quickly and since they are expensive

to build there is a potential for you to lose a large amount of honor when they defend your city

from attack.


The most important thing to remember when defending a city is timing. Just because you

know an attack is coming doesn't mean you need to reinforce your city right away. Most attackers

will scout a city many times as their attackers get closer to their destination. If you allow the

attacker to believe you are offline and then reinforce your city at the last moment you can lure

him into the attack and defeat him with the sudden appearance of reinforcements.

Another great maneuver to use against an enemy, if your extremely patient, is to build

your cities on Level 10 flats. If it looks as though you will be overwhelmed and your city may be

wiped out anyway you can always abandon the city right before the enemy arrives and this will

turn the city into a Level 10 barbarian city, effectively wiping out a large amount if not all of the

attackers forces.

With these defensive maneuvers in mind lets talk a little about offensive strategies more.

There are three different reasons to engage in player versus player attacks - to gain resources, to

build honor, and to destroy other players.

In the case of attacking for resources, there are times when real player cities will yield

many times more resources at a lower cost than will a barbarian city. Also it takes time for NPC

cities to repopulate resources, so if you require more resources but are waiting for barbarian cities

to replenish their stock, you can turn to attacking player cities.

The second reason you might attack a player would be to build honor and I will outline

some of the methods used to do this as well, but first let's discuss the main reason to attack



It is imperative that you work with your alliance members when attacking a city to

conquer it for following reason, attacks that are properly coordinated within your alliance have a

much better chance off success as they will take less time and effort. The end goal for the attacker

is to completely overrun a city, meaning that you are going to take the city and either use it for

your own needs or abandon it to destroy it from the world.

You will begin by scouting a enemy city with one Scout. This is called the James Bond

tactic for obvious reasons and it will save you many Scouts because if the enemies city gates are

open you will lose only that Scout and then on a following mission you can send the maximum

amount of Scouts you have built, giving you the best possible chance to win the battle, and obtain

the information. Using just one Scout on your first mission to a city is also all that is needed to

gain full information about a city assuming your Informatics is level is higher than your


After you gain the information on a enemy city you want to calculate his defenses to

decide what you should send. If he has a bunch of Traps, Rolling Logs and Defensive Trebuchets

you will want to send a fodder attack that will hit before your main attack arrives at the city. This

should be filled with Warriors and layered with infantry troops, one unit per layer. This will allow

you to set off the Traps, Rolling Logs and Defensive Trebuchets and clear the way for your main

force to attack.

What you send in your main attack will be determined by the make up of his defending

force. Refer to the units section to decide what will work best, but a few good methods were given

as examples earlier in the Chapter. If they are heavily fortified you'll want to add in some

mechanical units, Ballista or Catapults, and even a large force Battering Rams because they soak

up damage very well.


Cavalry will come into play after the main defenses are taken out, you will save them in

reserve and once defensives are cleared they will be dispatched as a quick way to bring down the

cities loyalty and bring back any remaining resources. If your opponent has his walls stacked

heavily with Abatis use Warriors for this purpose instead.

Another option is to send in Warriors to clear out the traps completely before you begin

spamming your Cavalry attacks because traps will kill Cavalry and this will result in a loss of

honor.After that the only thing standing will be Abatis which will only die from mounted units.

If your opponent chooses to keep his gates closed you will have to wait until his loyalty

reaches 5 to kill the troops inside the city, this is when the gates are forced open so plan your

attacks accordingly. I have found that when your opponents city falls to 16 loyalty if you send

massive attack waves in the order of five or six waves the loyalty will drop to 12 immediately

otherwise it will take a lot longer for you to whittle him away.

When the city finally reaches a loyalty of 0 the city will be yours if you have an open city

slot. Then you can either use it as your own or abandon it, this will cause it to turn into a

barbarian city of the level of the flat used to build the city upon. Killing an opponent cities can be

devastating as he will not be able to build and field as many troops, and doing it quickly will bring

him to his knees.

If your alliance mates are close you can coordinate with them to send Cavalry attacks as

well greatly reducing the amount of time it takes to bring a city's loyalty to 0. The most efficient

method to do this would be to have your alliance mates teleport a city into the region you are


attacking in, get five or ten people in your alliance to do this and you will be able to all focus fire

city after city to the ground in a matter of hours. Just have the person closest to the enemy city

send the main wave of attacks and everyone else send the Cavalry or Warriors to clear the loyalty.

There have been circumstances of stronger alliances having problems getting close

enough to targets to start taking their cities. They would teleport into an area to start their attacks

and the enemy would teleport away to a different region to escape being attacked. To get around

this get your host to expel the members teleporting into the area from the alliance until everyone

gets into place, then you can add them back and start the attack. Its like using a bit of camouflage

to fool the enemy.

Use these same attacking strategies for resource farming other players, you just won't need

to bring the loyalty down.

Now for gaining honor things can be a little different. The amount of honor you get is

based on the relative resources expended in battle, so if you kill units that are of higher value than

you expend in your attack you will gain more honor in that battle, even if you lose the battle itself!

Warriors are going to be a major selling point when farming honor because they are so cheap.

When clearing a city of wall fortifications you will most likely lose all the Warriors you send while

doing it but if you notice you will gain honor in the process. So it is completely possible to just

send Warriors attacking wall fortifications to build massive amounts of honor.

Beware of Cavalry, in almost every attack they make they will lose honor for you, whether

defending or attacking. They have there uses, but as far as honor is concerned they should be

avoided. Also since seeing that most of your honor will be gained from wall fortifications because

they are so expensive to build, you can fall victim to this tactic as well. It is best to build Archer


towers because even though they can lose honor for you they are the most feared of the wall

fortifications and behind high walls with a high level of Archery they do their job very well. Abatis

are also wonderful because they hinder your opponent from using Cavalry to bring down your

loyalty and they are the only fortification that will actually gain honor for you in most cases.

Chapter VI

Barbarians & Promotions

Barbarian cities will end up being the mainstay of your economic prowess, you will want

depend on them heavily to fund every aspect of your civilization. They have a very high output of

food and gold which you can use to by other resources on the market.

Before we break down what each barbarian city rewards for its defeat and how to defeat

barbarian cities with minimum or even no loses lets talk about how to create your own barbarian

cities. I have hinted in the previous chapter how this works, you need to capture either a player

city or a empty flat. In either case you will want to have a extra city slot and that means you need

to have built up your title. After you build a new city you go into your city overview screen in a

city other than the one you have built and abandon the new city, this will create a barbarian city

that equals the level that the flat your city was abandoned on.


Once you have created a new barbarian city troops will spawn instantly but the resources

will not. It currently takes eight hours for a barbarian city to fully repopulate it's resource cache.

This means you want to attack as many as you can every eight hours. When you first start out you

won't be able to build Ballista so you will have to use Warriors and workers or Transporters to

plunder the barbarians. I will give a basic idea of how many to send but your numbers will vary

depending on the level of your technologies.

Ballista and Transporters can defeat barbarian cities on their own without any loses up to

Level 5. The debate of exactly how many Ballista to use is highly dependent on your Archery level

and the level of your Horseback Riding. Of course, you want to attack with the lowest amount of

units without losing any, so I present to you a helpful table of information to help you in that

quest. Darwin's Maneuver was utilized on attacks involving Level 6 and higher. Note that

technologies and Heroes attack attributes can drastically change the number of units needed to

successfully attack Barbarian Cities, as well as the number of loses that will be incurred. Although

the numbers presented here have been checked there are many combinations and variables not

shown here.

Barbarian City Level

Troops Required Approximate Losses

Recommended Technologies


Level One 1000 Warriors800 Workers

or 50 Ballista

30 Transports

300 Warriors300 Workers

or0 Ballista

0 Transports

Military Tradition VLogistics IV

orArchery VI

Horseback Riding III

Food 100,000Wood 20,000Stone 20,000Iron 20,000Gold 55,000Total 215,000

Level Two 2000 Warriors1200 Workers

or100 Ballista

50 Transports

650 Warriors450 Workers

or 0 Ballista

0 Transports

Military Tradition VILogistics V

orArchery VII

Horseback Riding IV

Food 200,000Wood 30,000Stone 30,000Iron 30,000Gold 65,000Total 355,000


Level Three 150 Ballista160 Transports

0 Ballista0 Transports

Archery VIIIHorseback Riding V

Food 900,000Wood 75,000Stone 75,000Iron 75,000Gold 75,000Total 1,200,000

Level Four 400 Ballista265 Transports

0 Ballista0 Transports

Archery IXLogistics VII

Horseback Riding VII

Food 1,600,000Wood 120,000Stone 120,000Iron 120,000Gold 300,000Total 2,260,000

Level Five 500 Ballista430 Transports

0 Ballista0 Transports

Archery X Logistics X

Horseback Riding X

Food 3,000,000Wood 180,000Stone 180,000Iron 180,000Gold 450,000Total 3,990,000

Level Six 3,000 Warriors35,000 Archers8,000 Ballista

550 Transports

2,500 Warriors2,000 Archers

0 Ballista0 Transports

Archery X Logistics X

Horseback Riding X

Food 4,000,000Wood 200,000Stone 200,000Iron 200,000Gold 600,000Total 5,200,000

Level Seven 4,000 Warriors50,000 Archers10,000 Ballista725 Transports

4,000 Warriors2,500 Archers

0 Ballista0 Transports

Archery X Logistics X

Horseback Riding X

Food 4,500,000Wood 500,000Stone 500,000Iron 500,000Gold 800,000Total 6,800,000

Level Eight 5,000 Warriors70,000 Archers10,000 Ballista

1200 Transports

5,000 Warriors7,500 Archers

0 Ballista0 Transports

Archery X Logistics X

Horseback Riding X

Food 8,000,000Wood 800,000Stone 800,000Iron 800,000Gold 1,000,000Total 11,400,000

Level Nine 6000 Warriors78000 Archers10,000 Ballista

1800 Transports

6,000 Warriors9,500 Archers

0 Ballista0 Transports

Archery X Logistics X

Horseback Riding XLevel 10 Rally Spot

Food 14,000,000Wood 550,000Stone 550,000Iron 550,000Gold 1,200,000Total 16,850,000


Level Ten 85,490 Archers12,000 Ballista

2500 Transports

20,000 Archers0 Ballista

0 Transports

Archery X Logistics X

Horseback Riding XLevel 10 Rally Spot

Food 19,000,000Wood 600,000Stone 600,000Iron 600,000Gold 1,500,000Total 22,300,000

Another great way to utilize a barbarian city is to capture it outright, because all the

buildings inside the city will be the same level of the city. This will save you hundreds of hours of

building time.

Most people wait until they can attack a Level 10 barbarian city giving themselves the

equivalent of 72 Michelangelo's scripts, although some of the buildings will have to be scraped to

make room for Barracks since the city only gives you one. You do not have to wait for a Level 10

city, it is possible to capture one at a lower level, but you won't receive the Level 10 buildings so it

is more cost effective to wait. So I will go over the steps needed to conquer a Barbarian Level 10

city only.

The first thing you will want to have when conquering a barbarian city is an open city slot.

Not only so you can capture the city but you may need to make one to conquer unless you

happen to be lucky enough to have one within an expectable range. I have taken one at a distance

of 3.6 miles, and I believe that's about the maximum range you would want to try to complete the

undertaking. The basic reason for this is a barbarians troops will begin repopulate every six

minutes and in the case of a Level 10 city this means that you will need to send more and more

attacks on the city to keep deceasing the loyalty. If you are too far away you will not be able to

send enough attacks to accomplish this task or at best it will take you much longer than it would

if they city were close.


The way I go about conquering a Level 10 city is first I send out 86,000 Archers, 12,000

Ballista, the transports needed to bring back the resources plus one of every other unit. Then I

time an attack with 15,000 Warriors to hit 2 seconds before my main attack to clear out some of

the fortifications so I don't suffer as many loses on my main attack. With this strategy I only lose

around 13-16k archers depending on the level of the Hero in the town. After that I send one wave

of 25,000 archers and 15,000 Warriors because the city will respawn decent defenses after the

main attack.

Then I slowly bring down the number sent, third wave will be 20k archers and 10k

Warriors, and then 17,500 Archers and 10,000 Warriors. Six minutes later the Warriors will

respawn and then it is smooth sailing. I send 17,500 Archers and 10,000 Warriors to hit the six

minute respawn and 10,000 Pikeman or Archers and 10,000 Warriors to attack in between the six

minute respawn. Depending on how far the city is from me it only takes around one hour to

complete the conquer. Once the city is mine I use a speech text to bring the cities loyalty up to

100, and reinforce it with resources and units.

I mentioned earlier that you would need city slots to conquer and make barbarian cities.

You will be granted one new city slot for every title you gain. To get new titles you need to gain

ranks, and to do this you must gather a few things for the royal family of Evony. You are usually

asked to gather three different things. These are gold, prestige and medals. The gold is the easy

part as you can build it up attacking lower level barbarian cities that are already established on the

map. Prestige and medals are more difficult to come by and require more effort to achieve. The

ranking system, titles and what is required to achieve each level their prerequisites can be viewed

in Chapter One.


Prestige is gained throughout the game by doing three things. First, you can gain prestige

from building and upgrading your buildings, wall fortifications, and also by training units. It has

been said that the prestige you gain depends on your rank, title, and also the level of your Town

Hall. The higher level of these factors the less prestige you will gain from building or training


Secondly, you can gain prestige from researching technologies, the higher the technology

level the more prestige you will gain. The third way to gain prestige is from winning close battles

over barbarians in battle. It works in the same basic way as honor, but on a smaller scale; the

more troops in resource value that are lost relative to the value of the resource value of the troops

or fortifications killed the more prestige you will gain. The only exception to this is you must win

the battle to get prestige.

On an alliance note if you wish to leave your alliance the game will remind you that it will

cost you 10% of your prestige to do so. You can get around this deduction by having an alliance

host or officer expel you from the alliance. Also, if you are over 400,000 prestige ahead of an

alliance mate you may not send them resources, if you try all of your resources and the units that

carry them will be stolen/destroyed.

Medals have two different uses, besides being needed for the ranking and title systems they

can also be awarded to your Heroes to boost their loyalty. One of the biggest questions that I

receive about the game is where to find certain medals. Although you need to acquire Cross and

Rose medals from valleys, all the other medals can be obtained through attacking barbarian cities.

For lower level medals you will want to use lower level NPC cities. For higher level medals you

will need to attack higher level NPC cities.


For the Cross and Rose medals just keep attacking level 1-3 valleys. The quickest way to

succeed in this endeavor is to build your rally spot and feasting all to level nine, then make sure

you have a open valley spot in your city. Send out nine attacks to an open valley separated by ten

seconds, then wait for each attack to hit making sure you abandon the valley each time. It is still a

slow process, but it is the quickest way in the game to find those tough to get Rose medals. For

Lion and Courage medals you will want to attack Level 1-3 barbarian cities. To gain Honor and

Wisdom medals attack Levels 4-8. Freedom and Wisdom medals drop from Level 9. Justice and

Nation medals only drop from Level 10 barbarian cities.

You will need a total of 45 justice medals for the last three titles, this means you will have

to make many attacks on Level 10 Barbarian cities to get the medals you need. The most efficient

way to go about this will be to make sure all your city slots are full. Then go about attacking a

Level 10 Barbarian city as if you were going to take it, since it will never flip you can keep the

attacks up as long as you need to until you have the medals you require.

The city will only drop medals on its 6 minute respawn when the Warriors regenerate so

you won't need to attack more than once every 6 minutes, although sending more attacks during

that time will keep the fortifications from building up and you'll take less losses over the long

haul. In a perfect world you would only have to make one main attack on the city, but since it will

take so long depending on your luck with the drop rate you may have to make more than one

main attack. The server will go down for maintenance at some point after all.


Chapter VII

Items & Heroes

Heroes have been mentioned throughout the guide so by now you should be fairly

familiar with them, but there are a few things that need to be said about Heroes that I have not yet

covered. When you start out, your Inn will be a low level and it won't offer any higher level

Heroes. This is perfectly fine because with higher level Heroes the computer automatically

allocates the extra points you would've been able to choose to allocate and it's out of your control

where they go. The one exception to this is the use of holy water, allowing you to reallocate the

points of a Hero to their base level, but holy water is best used on higher level Heroes, and I will

explain that in the items section.

When you select a Hero you want to look for one attribute that is over 60 and use that

Hero to specialize in that particular attribute. Heroes, of course, are required to spearhead attacks.

And as a Hero attacks and gains experience they will level up and you will be able to allocate this

experience toward one of three attributes.

Allocating a Hero's experience towards politics will allow the Hero to supervise the

construction of buildings and they will be built quicker. This is very useful throughout the game

and you will want to build up a good politician preferably in each city.

Allocating a Hero's experience towards attack will give a bonus to the units he leads in

combat making them more combat effective, it will also allow you to build units faster. Most of

your Heroes will be attackers, and you want to have as many as possible and use them constantly

to keep gaining more levels.


Allocating a Hero's experience to intelligence will allow the Hero to research technologies

more quickly. Remember though that the Hero needs to be Mayor of the town before the building

or research begins. So you may have to switch Heroes in your town often to gain the bonuses they


Items in the game can be won from the wheel of fortune, bought with Evony coin or won

through battles. You will also have chances to obtain items through your gift box. Items come in

very handy so remember to use them as needed. There are three different types of items in the

game: Items that effect your cities and buildings, items that effect your Heroes, and items that

effect your armies. I will outline each type of item.

First off the items that effect your cities are as follows:

• Civil Code will add 20% or 100 population to your maximum city

population if it is not already at its maximum. This is good to use when

you need extra population to build units or bring employment in line with

your resource buildings.

• The Speech Text is great to use after conquering a city because it brings

your city loyalty up to 100 instantly and clears your city of grievance. It

can also be used to thwart an enemy from conquering your city.

• Michelangelo's script will allow you to upgrade a building to Level 10

these are priceless items as you will want as many as you can get your

hands on, they do drop from battles, but they are very rare.

• The City Teleporter and it's advanced version will allow

you to change the location of your cities on the map. This

is one of the best items in the game as it will help you

refresh the targets near your city, or if you are having a bad time with an


enemy you can escape his grasp. With the regular teleporter you will not be able to choose

the exact place you teleport to, although you will be able to choose the region. The

advanced version does allow you teleport to the spot of your choosing, but to avoid the

exploit of teleporting right beside someone and attacking them immediately they have put

a twenty-four hour halt on all marches after you use this item.

• Truce Agreement will put you in a state of peace for twelve hours in

which time you cannot attack or be attacked, although it can only be used

once every twenty-four hours you will see this used many times when you

become a successful attacker. Just note that if you already have an army marching on a

city and someone uses a truce against you the army that is marching will still attack the

city the truce has been cast on. So don't turn your attacks around!

• The national flag is a very simple item that allows you to change the text

of your flag.

• The New ID item works in much the same way but you can change your

lord name.

• Dynamite is great for tearing down cottages after conquering an NPC city

you will use all of these for this purpose so don't waste them on lower

level buildings.

• The Ritual of Pact will instantly increase the alliance member limit to 100,

and the Speaker will allow you to send group message or messages in

world chat.


• The Tax Policy and it's Advanced version increase tax revenue by 100%

for 24 and 7 days respectively.

Items that will effect your Heroes are next.

• The Anabasis will increase a single Heroes experience by 1,000, or 8% of

the current level cap which ever is greater.

• The Epitome of Military Science will increase a single Heroes experience

by 10,000, or 30% of the current level cap which ever is greater.

• On War will increase a single Heroes experience by 100,000, or 100% of

the current level cap which ever is greater.

• The Wealth of Nations will increase the Heroes politics attribute by 25%

for 7 days.

• The Art of War will increase the intelligence attribute of a Hero by 25%

for 7 Days.

• Excalibur will increase attack attribute by 25% for 7 Days.


• Hero Hunting will refresh the recruitment list of Heroes in your Inn, there

are also the 3 other items that will grant you Heroes but you can only win

these from the wheel and they are not available to buy with coin, these are

the Leather Helm of Robin Hood, Chain Helm of Beowulf, and Holy Helm of Mars.

• Holy Water will allow you to reallocate a Hero's attribute by defaulting

them back to their base values, one Holy Water is used for every ten levels

the Hero has earned. Take note however that the computer will assign

points to a Hero's attributes automatically once the Hero enters the Inn. For example, if a

Hero is Level four in your Inn, four attributes have been assigned randomly by the

computer so the base attributes are not truly known until you use the water. For this

reason it makes sense to use Holy Water on high level Heroes that are generated from the

Inn, because you have a better chance to get a base value that is in the attribute range you

are hoping for, you will also have more points to allocate.

Lastly, the items that effect your army:

• War Ensign, allows you to send 25% more troops in a battle, use this item

from your Rally Spot, just make sure that you deselect it before you send

your next march or reinforcement because it will stay checked until you

change it.

• The War Horn and it's advanced version, the Ivory Horn

will increase your armies attack 20% for twenty-four and

seven days respectively.

• The Corselet and it's Ultra version are used in the same

way except they give you 20% defense but last the same

amount of time respectively.


• Penicillin will decrease your personnel losses up to 30% during battles for

7 Days. This is a great item to use while attacking Level 10 barbarian cities

to get your justice and nation medals.

This concludes the guide and I hope that it serves you well on your journey through the

world of Evony. Remember to check back for updates as this is a living world and new tricks and

strategies are constantly being uncovered and developed. The second age of Evony isn't too far off

and there will be so much more to learn, and conquer.