EVOLUTION OF ECOSTARS Doncaster, 30 May 2012 Tom Parker, Donald Chalker Transport & Travel Research...

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EVOLUTION OF ECOSTARS Doncaster, 30 May 2012 Tom Parker, Donald Chalker Transport & Travel Research Ltd. Slide 2 Overview Concept Origins and development of scheme Benefits for Operators and Local Authorities Growth and evolution of scheme UK schemes EU ECO Stars Review of vehicle assessment criteria ECO Stars for Taxi Slide 3 Free local membership scheme Managed by cities or regions for operators of vehicle fleets (trucks, vans, coaches and buses) Recognition of best practice in clean and energy efficient operations Guidance and advice provided on how further environmental improvements can be achieved The Concept Slide 4 Member vehicles and operating practices are assessed, to recognise levels of environmental and energy-saving performance and a star rating is applied. The Concept (2) Performance Monitoring & Management Use of IT support systems Vehicle specification / Preventative Maintenance Driver skills development Fuel Management Fleet composition Slide 5 Funded by the 4 SY Authorities, supported by NHS Barnsley and DEFRA Part of the Care4Air campaign Engage, recognise and encourage Fleet Operators Developed from Aug 2008, launched Jan 2009 Now with: 46 Members (plcs and smaller, local operators) 6,000+ vehicles registered Origins and Development www.care4air.org/ecostars Slide 6 Target audiences Fleet operators of light and heavy goods vehicles, bus and coach Based, or operating within, area of promoting Local Authority All sizes of operators and sectors Other local businesses and public sector organisations Slide 7 Operator Benefits Recognition at both vehicle and management level for current operational practices Advice on measures which could help to improve performance (AQ, GHG, ) Opportunities to raise profile with other operators, customers & local communities Membership package: Star rating Certificate Road map for operational & environmental efficiency Ongoing guidance to progress Slide 8 Local Authority Benefits A tool to help with: Reduction in air pollutants (NO X, PM 10 ) Reduction in GHG emissions Work to meet EU limits and National LAQM obligations A communication channel with goods vehicle, bus & coach operators Slide 9 Clipper Logistics emissions per fleet km Emissions Benefits Slide 10 ECO Stars growth and evolution Expansion into new areas of UK: Mid-Devon, Gedling plus others EU ECOSTARS Revision of assessment criteria New sectors: private hire fleet feasibility study (Mid-Devon) New services: planning for enhanced roadmaps, evaluation of impacts Slide 11 New members in new areas Star rating South Yorks Mid Devon EdinburghGedling 2 / 7 -- 3 / 71 - 1 / 97 10 / 3450 1 / 163 2 / 757 2 / 82 5 / 103 4 / 36 4 / 719 2 / 105 19 / 1689 8 / 490 5 / 52 2 / 112 Total Members* 43 13126 * Plus, 5 member applications currently being processed. Slide 12 EU ECOSTARS The ECOSTARS Europe project is establishing 7 fleet recognition schemes in European cities between 2011-2014 Results will be evaluated and promoted to encourage other cities and regions to adopt the ECOSTARS concept Project is supported by Intelligent Energy Europe STEER programme Slide 13 EU ECOSTARS Seven new local schemes launched in 2012: Parma, Italy Cantabria, Spain Basque region, Spain Ostrava, Czech Republic Plus funding for developing South Yorkshire scheme South East Sweden Rotterdam, The Netherlands Edinburgh, UK www.ecostars-europe.eu Slide 14 Review of assessment criteria Vehicle and fleet assessment criteria and ECO Stars rating important to scheme operation Technology options have moved on, criteria need to change to stay relevant and credible Proposed changes circulated to Members and Local Authorities for consultation Growth/ coverage of scheme requires a broad view on how to recognise and encourage both fuel efficient and emission reduction by Operators. [ECO] Slide 15 Taxi ECO Stars Feasibility study, launch & roll out for Mid-Devon Council, supported by Defra Is there potential for an efficient and clean operational (ECO) recognition scheme for this sector? How to apply vehicle and fleet assessment criteria and ECO Stars rating. What potential to encourage improvement. Slide 16 Guiding objectives Increase adoption of fuel efficient operating practices and cleaner vehicles Contribute to local economic efficiency Improve engagement between local government and fleet operators Improve local air quality Slide 17 Thank you Tom Parker ECO Stars Programme Manager [email protected] 0117 907 0088 Donald Chalker ECO Stars South Yorkshire Manager [email protected]@ttr-ltd.com 0117 907 0088 www.care4air.org/ecostars Slide 18 Appendix Slide 19 Application & Assessment Criteria 5 Star Recognition for individual vehicles Euro engine standard, plus Booster stars A) types of fuel used & exhaust after- treatment B) in-cab technology 5 Star Recognition for overall operation Percentage of fleet achieving minimum star ratings Evidence of fuel management process, driver skills development, vehicle specification, use of supporting systems and performance monitoring Slide 20 Participation in the ECO Stars scheme is intended to facilitate improvements in the environmental performance of vehicle fleets in the South Yorkshire area The Environmental Evaluation uses two case study fleets to examine the trajectory of environmental progress made through participation in the scheme: Doncaster MBC Clipper Logistics This evaluation focuses on the environmental progress seen as a result of the fleet review and replacement policies and practices in place within each of these two fleets Note that other key measures promoted by ECO Stars, such as fuel management, driver training and anti-idling measures, will also help to reduce emissions Evaluation Emissions Reduction Slide 21 Methodology Two case study fleets were used to examine the trajectory of environmental progress made through participation in the scheme The fleet profile for four years was examined: At registration the data provided when initially registering with the scheme Start 2010 the current profile of the fleet registered with the scheme Start 2011 the predicted profile of the scheme in the first quarter Start 2012 the predicted profile of the scheme in the first quarter The fleet information was analysed to identify the types and numbers of vehicles complying with each vehicle emission standard - known as Euro standards, and consequently the emissions Slide 22 Scheme Evaluation based on road map measures provided Profiled for four years Doncaster MBC Fleet 25% cut in NO x, 50% cut in PM 10 Clipper Logistics Fleet 50% cut in NO x, 75% cut in PM 10 Fleet renewal has a significant impact in a short timescale Evaluation - Emissions Reduction