THE SALT LAKE HEBAIJ T t t ONDAYJANUARYIUJUO a Evangelist Oliver Denounces Traffic in Intoxicants SALT LAEERS ABE CHEAP SELLING OTHBMSHLVES EOE 125 PIm HBAD Declares Bfer Brary Street Paved Tram Rum Liases Revenue the Plres of Hsa Will Be Heated Hot- ter to BecsiYe Those Who Permit the Practice Evangelist Oliver had a large con- gregation yesterday afternoon at the Grand opera house and was heartily cheered Wle he handled the social evil without slaves and tore to ahrede the mock modesty that prevents fathers and teachers from warning boys against it At the close of the eddresj fifty or sixty men aro e to request prayer while a number went up to the platform to shake the hand of the speaker The song service was led by Pro- fessor W A Wetzell who sang The Ninety and Nine as a solo and was rewarded by a hearty round of ap- plause Mr Oliver In opening said there would be no meeting if the opposition to him could have its way about it He would not fight back The possum would not fight the skunk He said he could have fought him and whipped him but afterwards be could not have gone home to his family The ttxt Dor the sermon was Be not Deceived God is not Mocked for Whatsoever a Man Soweth thai Shall He Also Reap The speaker denounced the street broker the little skinny fellows he called them who would skin a ties for the hide and tallow These constitute- the money power that is more to be feared than Wall street and the crime of 73 He next took hold of the beer guz- zlers He said the hog cholera was not known in this country until the slops from the breweries were fed to hogs and this stuff that has swept off hogs by the thousands men think makes them strong and fat The idea that beer or whisky makes men healthy- was comfoatted He thought beer loaded the man up with rotten flesh while whisky destroyed the liver and kidneys The social evil was next taken up and laid bare Mr Oliver did not mince his words here nor spare the sensibilities of his hearers I am afraid I am below the dignity- of the preachers here in Salt Lake he said one trouble is that the pulpit- is too high it is so far above the heads of men that it never touches them what we need is to get right down among the people raise them up and help them to God My only desire In coming to Salt Lake is to help men and women Mr Oliver spoke for an hour and a quarter to a very attentive audience that was evidently deeply moved by his exposure of social rottenness and sin Over 600people crowded into the lUff church and assembly room last even- ing to hear Evangelist Oliver denounce the liquor traffic and tell how whisky la sapping the life of the nation itself He poured hot soot into the camp of the enenry and exposed the army of vices that are generated by the out put of the dietilJeries and the input of the drunkards His text was from Mathew eighth chapter to thirtyfourth verses relating to the casting out of devils by Christ This is one of the strange Inci- dents in all Scripture Come out of- thoK men ye devils said Christ and they forthwith vent out and irate snrine that ran down a steep place and wer drowned in the sea Jesus asked the name of the deviis and they said Le gion Jesus Crist is able to cast out any number of devils he cast out seven ot them from Mary Magdalene and I wonkbVt be surprised if among them Mary pov esaed the devil of li- centiousness UK devil of a temper and the devil of a n tongue in her head euld Prefer Swine- If I v g a devil Id rather live with some of the swine mentioned in the Bible than with eome men youva got in Salt Lake City I want that to soak in After Christ cast out the devils the men who owned the swine ordered him to leave the country they didnt care anything about the men were redeemed of Un What they wanted was their hogs The atrkude manifested by men in control of the liquor traffic shows that they care nothing boot men wtnU they are af- ter is the money and revenue that ac ernes from the sale of whisky When the women protest against it they say You get off the platform your mission in life ia forth more men and boys for us to send to hell For every plank laid down in your city streets paid for out of the revenue from vhisky there wit be that much kindling wood added to the fires that aIM later on roast you in hell For every stone there wiM be that many additional millstones around your necks I want to say that the only class of traue that will suffer from the banishment of the faloons will he that fostered by the hoboes rift rat and plug uglies You people in Salt Lake must like saloons Why dont yeu wake up The revenue from whisky and rum amount- ed ij 170000WX laat year workingmen spent 1200WOO in wages for rt and department to nettle the questions brought on by use of whisy Blot out whisky and you will do away wttfe 70 per cent of harlotry You have more than 100 saloons in Salt Lake they pay 1200 license and if you will divide the total amount K iizpj from the liquor traffic by the number of inhabitants- you will find toot you are setting your sdhrts for 125 each for the Bake of a little revenue Will Sell Chea- pA man will sell himself and family for less than it would coat to buy a gooxsized hog This cheap towa of Zion mst wake up Whisky gnaw- ing at the vitals of the nation itself t i tearing down American citizenship and the only wuy to put it down is to get guns and RO out and shoot it down common decency t jnv the standpoint- of manhood We raise a huliabatoo about the sutan y Turkey when be kilte and send 000 souls to heaven aad we sit by and sr tae whisky killing 100000 jous and sending theta to hel YeT year Why not arouse yourselves Salt Lako City and put down awful demon that is stalking through your streets It is time you to get on board the good old gispel ship to assert your manhood and womanhood aul hurl dy- namite and ro X suit and bmb shells at the enemy that makes a Donkey of your brightest lawyers a bear oi scene of ycsit beet men and roaring lions of others I wart to say that I hope no young girl i oorvtemplatii marrying a drunkard f the purpose f reform- Ing him Tfc x are too many horrors oucmected wth it you wont reform him but he iii break your heart This subject is too avfu1 too extensive to admit cf its being touchea oMrwfse than casually In all the panorama a ihe past and all the expectations of future is nothing that can CAiirimre with it I EVIL SCUR- EDI That t f vast who devil S tobnng it tt l000OMIO to run judicial t nf is I am against It from the standpoint of deal- ers n t his fur I there l 4 4 a twenty eighth sql r the w pp V ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ± OOKDEEIOir OP UTAH AGIHGUX- iJUjfrATi COIiIiBE Annual Report Forwarded to the ef the Interior Beceipts and Bspoodittxres President Tanner of the Agricultural cflRege has forwarded tile annual to the secretary ef the interior Concern lug the condition and progress of the ih sOtution be says The course of study ranaioed the same the past year as during the pre- ceding year The last legiaiaiiuv sMife provuton for a months of study f tante r 1 befit of students who cannot leave the farm before time Title course accordance With the provision of act of congress Nov 1 next same legislature made provision for tire construction of a greenhouse ll butknng aas already been erected at an expense of most in the eftttbge ia the increased pcnttntaoe of students who remain throughout the ea- ts year of nine months The experiment station isnwd during the year bulletins and tn re- port as follows Bulletin 68 The Chemical History of Lusarn No W Utah Suar in 18 No BO Poultry Experiments No O Alfalfa or Lucern Its Cutting Time and Feeding Value No 3 Tree Planting in Utah and ninth annual report A spraying cat esxiar was also issued In addition to these station publica ions the college ismed durln the nscal year the second and third aouual reports- of rho Utah ftasfte Farmer Inrtttatah 122 tec tor and during the year ended Jane 36 tate Aid Appropriation for current ex pensos 1125000 Appropriations for building or for special purposes 2060 00 Endowment act of Aug 30 ISM 94891 M For experiment stations act oC 2 lilt 160K 00 Fees and alt other sources 76K 81 Total i 60a0e fit for and during the year ended June 90 18 Instruction in the subjects spec in sactton 1 act of Aug 30 mo se 9 ss Administrative expenses presi dents treasurers salary clerical serv ice fuel etc Experiment station 1800814 Total 09M59S Property year ended June 199 of fcuttln acres M8 acres under cultivation MS aorta used for experiments value of fart lands HOasO Number of bound volumes June ISM 9U pamphlets 4336 the year ended June 30 of and mechanic arts 3 female 1 College and spec ial classes Mate 19 3 Total covnting none twice Male female 3 of staff of Kp rtm nt station 10 Students during the year ended June Jtt 1889 or and me- chanic arts Preparatory cfeeses Male 24S female and special cUawes Male female grad- uate course Male 2 female L counting none twice Male Nit female Kumber of students that pursued giaeertng 3 civil enganearing 9 electric al engineering 0 architecture 0 4 vetertn der No 3 with en t Uon of military taetics apD es only to junior and senior years the ant two in ail courses there were in 1 90 2 mftnoal training 93 S domestic On sees nine B S on wo- men one B S CTTRUE3T AND C G SCOTT LOCKED TIP It Is Alleged That They Rolled a Brwnkea Man Prom the North in the Continental Saloon M H Curley and C O Scott were locked up by Officer Davies yesterday afternoon on the charge of roublng Joseph Hickey who came in from the north to svnd his money of a big Hickey was rolled in the Continental saloon It the stories of wit nevjBea are to be believed but he was too drunk himself to know anything about it Curley who chUme to be In charge of the railroad yards at Cheyenne and Scott also a railroader and who was in jail a few days ago for drunkenness- had been drinking with Hickey in the Continental bar and whil the latter was in a drunken stupor it is alleged Scott took his pocket book rar around the corner and was joined by Curley- In a few moments Scott returned and put the purse back in Hickeys pocket Thfe is the story told by two men who wefe in the saloon William Bingley reported the affair to Officer Davies and the men were looked up Hickey held as a wit- ness He not know how much money he had but thinks a time check for 30 to missing BAR MEETING TONIGHT Lwwyei Will Take Position On u S Circuit Matter Considerable interest i beina mani- fested by members of the bar in meeting is to be held this even- ing in the federal court room to take action regarding the proposition to cre ate a tenth federal circuit The com- mittee appointed at the lat meeting to draft a report of the position token by rtah in the matter met Saturday ned drew up a partial report but the documents will all be edy by this vetoing lU substance will be in favor of the establishment of a new circuit and will contain statistics to prov the proposed plan In all prob- ability there wjtl be a minority report the committee but that will not be determined untW the members hold another meetinaj today he plan aa It will be proposed by the committee Is to have the new cir- cuit include he states of Utah Idah Colorado Wyoming and Montana with court sitting alternately at Denver and Salt Lake All Doing Well There were no new developments In the local smallpox situation yesterday No cases were reported and Htalth Off- icer Keogh the patients at the pest were nil doing as well as could be expected On every Bott1e of Shiloas OmsumpUon Cure is the guarantee AM we ask of you is to use twothirds of the contents ef this bottle faithfully then if you can say you are not benefited return the bottle- to your druggist and he may refund the price paid Price 85 cents SO cents Save Money in Buying Shoes You can do it at the greet shoe aar gain sale at Z C M L conunenciog Monday Jan 8 Par Over Fifty Yaar Mm Winslows Soothing rup has been used for children teething It soothes the child softens the gums al- lays all pain cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea Twentyfive cents a bottle PRfSIDtHT TANNERS RErOIIT Se how- ever Jive to- rte bat I not I N es IllS Aid I lUll 21 ail IIO or other equipment 41 number of t College 2 I 4 8 the being the SZDCr In or special e anD If I- fARf CHARGfU WITH M K f by m aDS jag does D 0 the neces I the GPI said house to and L Z C M L department CI J c a 4 J ti 1 I rotary coil begins 2 l and other 30 159S Total 5 5 fures In agriculture 1 et e military tactics 210 NoteThe students Un years coursea R000EHI bC4S the from drug ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Two Missionaries on Their Way to Australia BELIEVE MIRACLES ET CA2T BB PHEEOIV2I- HD TODAY- C P Viking and J Thomas Wilhide With Their Families Are Going Into Foreign Countries to Tell the People About the Religion They Propos to Pound There are two mlntetens of the OathoHc church at the Kenyon wise with their families are going to Australia and China to preach a now creed to the people of those lands They are the Rev C F Viking and wife nd Rev J Thumae WiihidB and wife These gewtemen have most remark- able notions bout many things and if they aocceed ia getting audiences in Cohen and Auatralii the people of those will have very curious ideas of Americans Rev Viking is go lag to Shanghai And Rev Wilhide to finally to locate in Mel beurnA Contempt For Other Sects The sect to which thay belong teach- es many ooctrins which it considers for the salvation of the world If it is rapresemed correctly by Mr VIking it a supreme contempt for the followers of all othar sects When Mr Viking was asked to say something about himself and hie re ligioB h was a little bit scornful and disdainful Reporter cant be Christians said he They dont understand the Bible tor they read it and they rouMnt it if they did Oh where will they go wh n they die And th editors too and ihv managers and the owners of newspapers Whats to of them They wont publish the truth and they are all liars more or less They cant be Chris tians What about the bankers and the merchants and the lawyem was asked Yen they are included also said Mr Viking rolling his eyes toward the ceiling People who conduct buslneaj in the present methods cant be People in the churches the Metho dists are not any better They lie and cheat and go to theatres and swear and smoke t oacco Tobacco is Satans couftHirfng fire And the Mormons They are no better they smoke and drink and chew Whet Mr Viking was assured that as a matter of fact the Mormons as a class probably ISO lees tobacco and liquor per capita than any other sect a half sneering and wearied smile spread over his face It was impossible to convince him Dont Practice Doctrines Oh yes they all teach very fine doctrines but they dont live up to them I was a Baptist missionary in China and I quit that church One of the main doctrines of the Christian OathoHc church and Its dis tincthm from other churches is its in divine healing not faith healing or Christian Science for Mr Viking quite indignant when the compar Ion won made Christina Scientists are mostly hum bugs said he We heal by the power ot tOte Lord We will hive twelve ties after awhile They will be the men workthe most miracles for we believe miracles can be worked today They will be the successors of the iarelve apostles who lived at the time of Christ Mr Viking said that the twelve apos ties wouldnt be appointed by any off- icer of the church but thy would come to be recognized i time the number he was aeked to perform a couple of miracles just to show what he could do in that line oC business he didnt comply The Christian Catholic church was founded in Chicago about four years ago by Rev John Alex Dowie who is its general overseer It leas a member ship of about 40000 It nghts Free and tobacco among many other things Here is what Rev Dowle says about Masons I want to afflict the SQuIB of Masons I want the women in America to rise up and if they eannot save the wretch- ed hypocrites who are their husbands to at least help in preventing any more young men entering1 Into that covenant with death and that agreement with hell I am much stirred up about this fact that there is not a minister who is Free Ion tout Is a hypocrite Here Is what he say about tobacco speaking of a reformed drummer He is now a meonfjer of the church and walks with God in his daily life havfr found better use for his tal- ents than selling the Devils S F B smoke fire and brimstone which had been his occupation when sin and slck neee had driven him to the verge of dtsoair Mother Seal and Baby YouThTs Companion Near Anacapa Cal one day recently lbs skipper of n captured a young succeeded to getting it on board unharmed When made for Santa Barbara the mother seal appeared She swam about the vessel uttering piteous cries while the captive av1 whined in U Santa Barbara the youngster en- closed in a bag wa carelessly left on deck wheo followed the vessel souse elnty stiles revealed herself in person and voice and her off- spring as if in appealing promptings wormed himself to vessel end tumbled overboard The raotnars tarp teeth made quick work with the bag In trice her baby was tree We are not sequel of the bat it is to be that the mothers devotion were appropriately re- warded o Why Did He Not Want to Go Tit BitS A German peasant family had made Hts to emigrata to tho United State On the tbe family was to take its departure the son Hen who wa an enormous cater mOlested that ne did not care to go to remain behind asked the father of the kind with usr Ive been to the school master Well what did he say He that when it is 12 oclock with ue In Germany i- We rf He that when it Is 12 oclock with us here In America it is 4 in the morn what of that I dont want to go to a place where I have to wait so long for nry dinner and poor fellow completely broke down at the mere Not Natural TitBits A certain lawyer portrait paint- ed in his favorite attitude with one hand In his pocket His clients ail went to see it and everybody said Oh how like Its the of MmAn old farmer dissented Taint like no taint said he drily looking out the corner of his raid like exclaimed everybody Talnt like no taint responded the old farmer dont see gut his hand in his pocket Twould he as like in if he it in somebody eloes pocket j t TEACH CURIOUS J t 1N o THnX t ChrIs- tian Countries has never Chris- tians j be- ef was a wee by of nraelea ttter But when a I I tile love and e their eld- est west thee Nothtac Why then dolt thou not wish to go taking IDC Veil Q IQ London his stan lDg e show us talWt OQ 4 CREED S gu- lag prformnd Ma- sonry a soot r o all Has some viflae maiden beguiled and says the had lust ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < Knights of Pythias Calantbfe lodge meetS tonight alter missing two conventions on account of hoUSays and expects a large attendance- to greet the newlyInetalletl ofRcevs Last Ttfssday evening the lodges met in joint session for Sn allatton of off- icers Fred W Gardiner the grand chancellor presided and Grand Vice Chancellor Charles P Jennings and Grand Keeper of Records and Seal W C Wardlalgh of Ogden and Grand Outer Guard H N Standish of occupied their stations The fair was one of the most pleasant In a tong time There was a very large attendance the ceremony and after its ciosto all sat down to an elaborate spread Supreme Represen tative JSd W in his usually happy style presided as master of toasts Past Grand Chancellor John P Meakin wan present and entertained the boys with a rousing talk on Py thlanism Rocky Mountain No 3 is preparing for a sociable to be given in a week from next Thursday The meeting will be open to Knights their ladles and friends Cardo music addresses and lunch Is being arranged for Chancel lor Commander McGill promises a live half year tot the lodges The Knights of Pythlas band met and perfected Arrangements for the work of the comlng year Lovers of the best music will be pleased to know that the organisation win be brought- up to its old standard On the 22nd of this month the P0 1C K meets for the election of officers for the coming year The meeting should have been held in December but was postponed because the regular meeting night fell on Christmas Fraternal Union of America The members of Evergreen lodg No 161 are requested to attend tonights meeting to hear a from Deputy Supreme President Loder who has just returned from a visit to the officers at Denver and Omaha He speaks enthusiastically of Ms re- ception by the supreme officers and the buolnessilke method of conducting the affairs of the order The supreme off- icers are eminently fitted for their sev eraF positions being affable to all vis- itors energetic and yet duly cautious- in nil the ritual affairs of the order passing upon every claim in a way which prevents fraud and yet paying promptly every call upon them as soon as verified as correct and Just The growth during 1889 was marvelous and yet even better things sUM are anticipated for 1998 T J tIne regiment organizer- for Evergreen lodge died last week in Denver All candidates elected- to become members are notified to at- tend tonight for initiation Next week installation of officers The supreme officers look upon No 151 a one of the very strongest in the order The deputy brought from the supreme lodge a check for 1000 for the bene- ficiaries of deceased brother Deliiuh Smith 411 claims promptly met when proofs are filed WoodInen The Woodmen of the World in Salt Lake and throughout the state in gen- eral feel most gratified at prosper- ous condition of the various camps at the present time It is certainly most satisfactory beginning for the saw year to note that we have ten camps in the state comprising a membership- of 1400 and new camps are being con timmjiy organized and new members being continually introduced into the camps already existing Salt Lake camp 53 leads the state with a reaching above the 460 meeting last week one candidate was introduced into the mysteries of the forest Neighbor Head Sentry Elliott made a rousing speech touching very forcibly upon the of taking more decided steps to- ward making 53s degree team the best in the jurisdiction Neighbor Evans who has had a great deal of military experience and especially as drill mas- ter was elected as of the team which adds materially to the possibtlii- ftee of a perfectnese in the work of the team Council Commander G J of 406 was an interested visitor of the evenJng Utah 838 will hold installation of officers next week Last week strangers B A Shoemaker and D Thompson were initiated into the mys- teries of tfate forest and three are oooked for next meeting A continuation of this good means that 338s memtfership will run above 300 mark by tfi of another six months- If some of the neighbors from other camps that boast of bright and cheer- ful meetings could have happened in on Desert camp 408 last Wednesday evening they would have been well re paid for the4r visit and in fact they would have been compelled to concede the superior character of the work be ing carried on around this ever glow- Ing camp fire Strangers Gibbs Hines Brown Parish and Madison wore con- ducted into the mysteries of this forest After the initiation work and the of several matters of business an abundance of cigars and oranges were distributed among those present at the expense of the ingoing officers which proved a Stoat pleasing manner of showing the appreciation by the new officers of the confidence placed in them by the neighbors of the camp That was most pleasing to all present it is needless to state it put everyone present in a most cheerful mood and as a result one of the best programmes ever rendered at his camp was given by the following neighbors J Donaldson B S Rives T B New man P P Christensen E Sloan W L Dunn and Neighbor Hudson of Multan ohma No 77 Portland Orewho thogether with Warden of 18 were appreciative and well entertained visitors of the evening Neighbor Hud son brings gratifying news from Ore gon reporting Woodcraft circles up there as most flourishing SHEEPMEN AROUSED Will Tight Measure Closing Forest Reserves SpecIal Correspondence Casper Wyo Jan 6 The sheepmen of central Wyoming are up In arms over the bill now before congress which provides for the regulation of the land leasing business In this state and the closing of the forest reserves to range 3hj r The sefcpmen say that the bill was prepared by and for the benefit of the cattlemen who are doing everything in their power to the sheepmen off the ranges of the west If they the measure will result in a de- moralization of the sheep business and will have the effect of driving the small owner out of the business An organization has been effected and apetitlon is now being circulated which will be presented to the states ropresantativte calling upon them to thfllr intluence to detent the measure Consumption Is preventable Science has proven that and also that neglect Is suicidal The worst cold or can be with Shliohs Cough and Consumption Cure Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years Sold by Z C M I drug department At It Again Halfpenny COmic She If I could live my Me over again I would not marry you well its hardy possible bad luck would stick to a man two lifetimes Lewis Dennis Salem In L says KodoJ Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than anything I ever took It digests what you eat and cannot help but cure dyspepsia and stomach troa bier F C Schramm drug gist McCormick block SECRET SOCIEtIES to witness su- preme L the a neces- SIty Spen- cer candi- dates th end this feature T If Wyom- ing I ute D Do You Know r3IQII C I HeUrn U Bing- ham membership dis- posal say cured ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < jNEWS fROM OVER TilE STATE PUBLIC MEETING HELD AT BIUHKIBLD Utah Sugar Company Will Give the Farmers Expert Assistants Will Raise Crop This Year Special Correspoadence- RIc flSd Jan 7 A public meeting was held here Friday evening to discuss the sugar beet raisins situation G rg Austin the Loin Sugar company expert and Bishop CA Madaen of Gunniaon and of SaUna two pioneer ecp rimenters were present reviewed the results tests made at th Agricultural college and the L hl factory of the experimental beets raised in last year showing a without expert care but a few of that of Utah Where much proficiency has been gained in the raising and harvestlatr of boats Mr Austin made the proposition to them who were interested In matter east Uw Ixftrf Sugar company would pro vide expert year free of cost to person who would pleat two acres of The cost of seed and drilling would be about Bishop Madsen of the SanpeteSevter company said that a factory in this vAlley was assured when a certain num sores of boots were guara t d By a little enerjetii work now this cotrid be secured and he wanted tho various precinct clubs to take hold of the matter hundred acres were wanted precinct It was moved and carried that a corn mittee of one be elected to promote the matter la this precinct and Simon Chris tenson was thte work Sub- scribers to a proposition to plant two acres were a number With a canvass it is believed the fifty subscribers wanted in tWs place ann be secured Madsen said the outlook for a factory was very encouraging It all responding heartily to the call for xcre age CM The committee la visIting other towns in the county on th same mission UGHT FOR HT PLEASANT New Plant of Double the Capacity- of the Old Special Correspondence Mt Pleasant Jan 7 O a Mt Pleasant Electric Light company held an important business meeting yesterday Judge Jacob Johnson of City who elected president of the company at its last tendered his resignation as his ottl- otel duties with the duties requisite upon the president of the com- pany elected to succeed Mr Johnson Mayor John H Seely who Is in Usible serve as an officer since as mayor tendered his resignation He was succeeded by W D Olof Roeentof a director who wilt be succeeded by of a flrstclogs was next taken up has had a great AM of lately with the plant- at present In use The action taken yes- terday was to the ertfect that machinery an new plant would be provided immediately and arrangements made to supply enough nratctaaa light to meet city for twenty to come The power plant owned by the is as s could be asked for ae It is sufficient to run several times the amount of machinery necessary In orating the light The new there ftire will be one of move than double the capacity of the one is the new plant cannot be In and ready for of three months but in meanwhile the old one will be repaired aad made to meet the demand a far as possible A of the nw will be switch boards placed at cross street so that absolute control of the current may be retained and the light made as strung a distance away from the plant as it is decision of the meets with universal and unqualified approval as oirizeias almost exception will support tOo entarnrlm if can receive a sa saetory service BECBPTIOir AO PBICE Wedding of a Popular Young Couple Special Correspondence Price Jan 6Mr and Mrs Eraetua were married In this city Wednesday afternooR and later left for a and gave a wedding reception and ball a is cue It seemed as if almost the entire town turned out and the large crowded almost to its full capacity There were from old and young and the dancing was kept until an oarly hour this morning This popular young couple will be at to in Price after the 7th of January- Dr Shepard who ha detained- in the pest house Just outside ot Castle date Emery quarantine au- thorities has been released through here the other day for the coast The claims there is no use of his trying to do business there now as the people are scored of him and will be until and resume the practice of his profes The dally man service which re- sumed between here and the towns of contractor are going out on schedule every and continue to move on Sundays until such time as G T Olsen Is able to get end look after wrestling with the snail pox PROVO BBEBFSr Names of Jurors Drawn Boys In Saloons Special Correspondence Provo Jan 6 George M Smoot of The Utah stake church Two minors were arrested Marshal NewaM for frequenting sa The boys paid 0 each into City Justice Moonfs court The B Y academy and gchoola of Provo resume sessions Monday mora- ine Tho foltowing names wore drawn this tefteraoon to serve as Jurors in the Fourth Judicial district court for Fork A Dean Provo John H Vooten American Fork Edwin Alpha Pleasant Grove Don C villeGeorB Beck Lehi John fr Prank Benjamin Provo Packard R Pleasant William Spanish Fork Coal Mine Sold Special Correspondence CoalvWe Jan 6 A sheriffs j known a Wilson eros coal mine with all Improvements machinery hoisting works coal i screens and Ute root estaieconsld Coaivflle precinct Summit county It was sold to satisfy a judg- ment of the district court wherein There- at Simon of Salt Lake was plaintiff and the Salt Lake Coal company was defend- ant The Judgment was for something by S through her attorney Simon for the sum of Springville Druggist Pined Special Correspondence Springville Jan Today in Police Justice Houtzs court Earl Tranchel manager of the City to tOO of Illegally selling ir unseating liquors He was and agreed to laws mince pta recovered are apparently none the worse for the dose i RAISING ir SfVlfR t i Bt p1 the k in Richfield d sub- scribed I BI the farmers but they were wee elec- tion absent coming two yearn was TIle service throughout the City I I pre feature near The the d880 o short tftlG trip to StIlt lAke City re turned ytday evening tuna at town in the even- ing bail was been I as the of the epi- demic Is on He wilt return next fail sI use Emery county under by ub time da his Is ins Prove on I1JIeA Juab County Attorney Edward Pike is In the City today OR legal bust DeaB is being held at the Mor- mon here last evening- by the January term Green American Fork leone Brown Sprlngvilte George S E Steel American fleet CUnJn J S Scott De Hyrum Cluff R jr Provo It Brertota Provo Oharles Pleasant Grove J W Thomas Pork Nelson Fentoe took thl Of KOpe I the tra chute able of the quarter section In townlp 2 north range S east in over property was bill in The boys who ate of polf ned yesterday by accident have DEEI Th evier 3228 was llphting neoi the hero hail excitement the in- terests priest- hood thetm MeKlnsie Irlne W Spanish Jones sale the for- merly el northwest of 2 l5O0 moa two sniab ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < i j jBEOPBNING OP EHE EESESVA nON SOHOOLS Larger Number In Attendance This Year Than Ever Befora Polics- Brougnt Them In eiel Correspondence Price Jia Indian boarding school at WhIte Rooks agency will resume Monday mernlrtg a vacation of two for the Christmas holidays There ore about In attendant at which is about though efforts were made this Agent Mytoa to get every cMM oiv raaarvatlon- Iivatan police on roundun of the child ren of aohool The lulu is must antI they arrive at bout the g S 16 them to aT0ia to school as then it Is not At lower agency Ouray the in former not averaged over fortyfive but this year it was no vans tton hers for reason that the chfldran are behind with their studies bj reason of the fact that of them were not in until tale m the school year and then it was through the efforts of tine Indian police were given H a head for all the truants that were and the were compelled by agent to round in at least ne cMld a week ef they were subjected to a fine themselves Old chief Chavaneaux who has been partly blind for several years now went through bera the other en route to wipers he will have his eyes treated by an eye specialist Dr Nie wWo dew the for The government through Indian Agent furnishes the money for his expenses either blind or partly blind on the lower reservation the other two old Tab friend and old Sowowto of Meeker massacre fame The latter two are beyond medical if the government wanted to do anything for thorn Inspector Graves of the Irrigating of the Indian reservation has recommended that an appropriation of 18000 be made to on two reservations tn coming year The money will be expended under direction- of Agent Myton Indians as- a rude are moro more to farm- ing every year and It will not be according to officials out there until they will be The un ruty ones are almost entirely conflnM to the White River tribe BPTTRATM MAYORS MESSAGE City Is Out of Delft With Funds In Treasury Special Bphraim Jan 7 Ths n w city council held its first session last night and the mayor d l nated the standing commit- tees Hansons contained- a statement of the financial condition of the city showing it to bo giltedged The city is entirely out ofdebt and starts the new year with a balance of nearly 1S0 in the treasury Among things the mayor recommended the improvement of the city cemetery the abolition of street vax fur the year a more equitable method of levying tie tax for the distribution and control of water a better system of distributing water for Ir rigation Said the building of reservoirs and digging out springs to increase the supply of water an attempt to demon strata whether or not artesian wells can be bad in the city the purchase of a land ft public park of the city property on MAIn street and the purchase apparatus for fight log flre line eouncH wilt meet again tomorrow night tine will present the names of officers Politics religion the Roberts oas and aU other topics are laid aside for the present all absorbing of Wtteo does the twentieth century be gin is betes discussed Whenever men are sean together on the street it is safe say that the matter la under Wagers have been freely offered ad sense money has changed band as a result or the strong views en- tertained by different persons Ettwin was a business visitor at tine Temple City yesterday is enjoying balmy spring- w thW this snow is fast disappearing and if the present weather continues be but a until the streats dry and dusty The weather has as a tonic on the baseball enthusiasts of this city and they have decided to hold a meeting some time this week to arrange for ways and means to secure new uniforms and equipments for the coming season with the board of health being detained any longer by quarantine against smallpox Mr Jeneens wno with has contracted the while there was no between the rQom she Tm eonsldwed it wise to continue the mander and wife were called to Sterling yesterday a message an nouncine the Illness of Mrs Edwards had a stroke of paralysis some his healtk very from Salina Sat 1ONTI WATER SUPPLY Effort to Secure Control of Canyon Watershed Special Correspondence ManU city council to TUwHw a of ManU canyon as the senator has promised to bring the matter- to the attention congress so that Manti nay secure oeatrol of the canyon water yesterdays of the council a f asked be reduced in order that their thus e ep city taxation The council Dr B T Horford was appointed quar antine physician in place W J Hosford as latter was to be cbeent ap William her deputy released from quarantine The coun- cil accepted Mr C F Carlsons chL t was burred thH afternoon The services were held in the South ward hall The following parties have Delved marrla j licenses Oscar letta Attrad 17 John Humphrey 51 both of Mount Pleasant Andrew and Olena Jane Blancett IS both of Fairview LOGAN STORE CLOSED Isaac Elwells Establishment Taken Salt Lake Creditors Correspondence Logan Jan 7People here were vastly surprised this morning to learn that the FTlwjJl been otosed creditors c and hardware doors was done late last even Btw is nPt at all alarmed how likely resume business on Monday days are warm asu Visitors at Coelville Special CorresponaeiMS- QCoalilte Jan G Coalville was thronged trh visitors from various parts of the county slid eCsewhere notably whom were the following L Pak J K Lemon of Kamas Bishop Jotii PaskU and Micah Harris of Heow and Peter llfgstm f Warship Bishop Marfon Frazier and Ralph Marwell of Oakley Nels Pearson of Peoa Biiop- Klward Richins of Echo Bishop John ROUNDING UP THE CllhLDRE I The after I t oot e a I IllS Dd ha wtet so far as to send out a for- e4acj married the au anon gO- tten the My ton while In or his a good There are hre old chiefs mans de- partment The ng Correspondence tract- or for Jt eon era paM I Jensen has a protest has been occupying 1 OOm In slime lien U6bBn was liken down dis- ease morsel and com- munication oc Dd tile of the house by Mr terla the health board b father James Edwards Mr time aO and was UP ur I ManiA Jan GIt Is the of the forward to SaJILlor Shed At delegation that the bound property be left outSide the city deoflined to take any action from the for some time Mrs E M Bradford city treasurer tin nomination aSS and C 4Q all of Mills 7 suit Martha Spens IS ttaneen eSpecial I business establishment of Isaac had Mr Ehvel stove store and his business Is rated as one ot I the In the cIty yesterday afternoon his chattel on a demand I note and alter getting this in legal slbape the mortgagee Lake I qompafly proc d to alone his ls tag Mr ever as seine of the business men of the city have come to his and he will is Most of the snow disappeared and tho among W and JohnT Bowen R MeMlcbael and hop WUtlam811nt tJt E- R Young Ysting H F j Inert t year the age when s he Cit ration being In Inn lou daor ben his rest- derace family quarantine ern S poor tnCO then PetOiSOii lntenUo and LeTS ty- Artlitit 0 test signed a LS the Hardware old morn- ing Logan enjcylng weather for Hoievflle Peter- son 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Jast before retiring If your liver Is sluggish out of tune and you feel dull constipated tae a dose ol And yonll bo all right in the morning Clark and James Judd of Upton J H Grant of Bountiful and of SaCt Lake- J H Grant of Bountiful Davis county is Snore for a few days in the ia tereet of tbe Improvement BOBBOEKCS ES6OITTI1ONS Meetings In TJiatah County to Take Action Special CorrasOBdaaee Vernal Jan 4 The Robert question Is Denting in toe considerable discussion Just now A meeting was held at Merrti ward last to discuss tie matter and ap point a committee to draft resolutions protesting against the action of congress will be hevl in Vernal next Monday evening BennIon who was elected co city council has ravicned owing to an opinion from Attorney Gent em bop to the effect that he U In to the office under the state con sdtufloo Went KL Puck was chosen as his succiauur by the counciL Mrs Boyar Explains Circumstances of Spriugville Affair Special Si As there are a few errors in the report of the Harry Boyer smallpox case in your Issue of yesterday It to us all that be cor rooted Harry took late Sunday night and Dr Dunn was called early but did not arrive until afternoon after the school hour Dunn dW not pronounce the caa small afternoon when he ordered quarantine and vaccination We at once sent to school for the boy A calamity of kind 1 sad enough exaggeration Harry was taken to the pest navse on Friday afternoon awl the house is being thoroughly disin fected under the of the quar antine physician Respectfully A BOYBR A JTODEM STORY Animal Fell Through Roof Into tha Babys Boom PhHadeipiiia North American All day yedterday Samuel Reid a oonnty farmer was kept telling and retelOngr how on Sunday and hte family were lit- erally caged in their home by a bear which finally broke through the roof and fell into the room where their baby boy was sleeping Mr Reids pretty little twostory cot tage nestles in an apple orchard three miles north of Willow Grove He comes to Philadelphia on market days hay in a stand in the Kensington market There it was that hte friends gathered yesterday to hear him tell of his experience It was about 3 oclock on Sunday afternoon Reid says that he and his wife having put their 3yearold boy to bed started out toenjoy the after noon air Just at the edge of the or- chard a strange sight met their eyes Two hundred feet from the house directly toward them huge bear lumbering along wh two Ital- ians in hot pursuit With a dash the Relds fled inside and bolted the recovering from their first fright they ventured to peep out of a window when to their surprise and horror they spied bruin seated at the top of an- ppple tree one great branch of which overhangs the cottage The two Italians below danced around gesticulited and howled vain In answer to question it did not take the two foreigners long to explain to the farmer that the bear was a pet which they exhibited They intended taking him to Reading but he broke chain and ran off A council of war was held and for the next hour all sorts of devices were made use of to induce the animal to descend but he would not budge All but the bear were in despair when new octets appeared upon the scene Three hunters whose Sunday tramp had ap- parently yielded them nothing FO far came in sight Seeing the bear they stopped in astonishment Then not knowing it was tame and anxious to distinguish themselves they opened lire upon the animal At the first shot bruin was percepti- bly alarmed At the second volley bx made a mad rushalong the bough the house lost his footing and felt plump upon the trail roof Right through he weat into the babys room to the intense fright of Mrs Reid The Italians however dashed into the house upstairs There they found things In contusion The furniture had lx en smashed by the infuriated animal but the child was not injured The bear bad not succeeded in removing his muzzle Throwing themselves on the animal the Italians by the use of a whip brought him into subjection Then leading him downstairs they speedily decamped leaving a party of foollsb hunters to look bte and a 3 nt omery county farmr bewail the loss of some 50 worth je fur mshinge and a damaged r o American Kumai- Wllltent Archer in his new book America Today reproduces the follow ing as of American humor On board of the Florida Bteambots whlrfi lease to be built with exceedingly light to get over the frequent of the rivers an Englishman accosted tine captain the remark I under- stand that you think nothing of steeenlns across a meadow where there hefevy fall of dew Well I dont know about that replied the captain but man ahead with a watering pot Again- a southern colonel was conducted to the theatre to see Salvinis Othello He remarked at the close That mighty show and I dont see but the did a well e any of em A tWrd anecdote that charmed me was that of the man Who being invited to take e replied No no I solemnly promised my dear dead mother never to touch a besides boys its too early in tine morning besides I vo just ha r How Is Your Wife Has she lost her beauty If so con- stipation indigestion sick headache are the principal causes Karls Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century Price 2S cents and 60 cents Money refunded if results not sat- isfactory Z C H I drug department oiigM HOtbdis Era 1 the KAKEY BOYBltS CASE Corre bce sick morm Dr until BEAR prosperous 1rODtK9 he huge thrill- Ing com- Ing wan r- After Reid j his over- hanging and c one 9 w th beet a Its true have to a witsesed the performance gravely and was a r11k oase are Pills city this a sa ecnd 050 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ EUGENE FIELDS POEMS A 100 BOOKs THE Book of the century Ihnd somely illustrat- ed by of the Worlds Ureateat Artists GIVEN FREEt- o each person inter- ested in to the Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fund Subscribe any amount desired Subscriptions as low as ILOO will donor to his artistic volume FIELD FLOWERS cloth bound 8x100 as a certificate of subscription to fund Book contains a selection of Fields best and most works and is ready for But the noble contribution of the greatest artists book could not Save manufactured tot lees than 700 Fund created acm repr- esentative del- ivery rot The worlds been ¬ Is equally between the tate Eugene and the for the building of a monument to the mem ary of the beloved pOet of childhood AI EUGENE FIELD MONVMENT 8OUV- Kxm FrNJL IbO Morr e St Chicago Also at Book If you also wieh to send postage enclose 1 eta Mention thl Joirral as Adv is i rMd as our Contribution Fuad dress tore

Transcript of EVIL SCUR- I jNEWS fROM STATE oiigM...

Page 1: EVIL SCUR- I jNEWS fROM STATE oiigM EDIchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1900-01-08/ed-1/seq-5.… · THE SALT LAKE HEBAIJ t t T ONDAYJANUARYIUJUO a Evangelist Oliver Denounces


Tt t


Evangelist Oliver DenouncesTraffic in Intoxicants



Declares Bfer Brary Street PavedTram Rum Liases Revenue thePlres of Hsa Will Be Heated Hot-ter to BecsiYe Those Who Permitthe Practice

Evangelist Oliver had a large con-gregation yesterday afternoon at theGrand opera house and was heartilycheered Wle he handled the socialevil without slaves and tore to ahredethe mock modesty that prevents fathersand teachers from warning boysagainst it At the close of the eddresjfifty or sixty men aro e to requestprayer while a number went up tothe platform to shake the hand of thespeaker

The song service was led by Pro-fessor W A Wetzell who sang TheNinety and Nine as a solo and wasrewarded by a hearty round of ap-plause

Mr Oliver In opening said therewould be no meeting if the oppositionto him could have its way about itHe would not fight back The possumwould not fight the skunk He saidhe could have fought him and whippedhim but afterwards be could not havegone home to his family

The ttxt Dor the sermon was Benot Deceived God is not Mocked forWhatsoever a Man Soweth thai ShallHe Also Reap

The speaker denounced the streetbroker the little skinny fellows hecalled them who would skin a ties forthe hide and tallow These constitute-the money power that is more to befeared than Wall street and the crimeof 73

He next took hold of the beer guz-zlers He said the hog cholera wasnot known in this country until theslops from the breweries were fed tohogs and this stuff that has sweptoff hogs by the thousands men thinkmakes them strong and fat The ideathat beer or whisky makes men healthy-was comfoatted He thought beerloaded the man up with rotten fleshwhile whisky destroyed the liver andkidneys

The social evil was next taken upand laid bare Mr Oliver did notmince his words here nor spare thesensibilities of his hearers

I am afraid I am below the dignity-of the preachers here in Salt Lakehe said one trouble is that the pulpit-is too high it is so far above theheads of men that it never touchesthem what we need is to get rightdown among the people raise them upand help them to God My only desireIn coming to Salt Lake is to help menand women

Mr Oliver spoke for an hour and aquarter to a very attentive audiencethat was evidently deeply moved byhis exposure of social rottenness andsin

Over 600people crowded into the lUffchurch and assembly room last even-ing to hear Evangelist Oliver denouncethe liquor traffic and tell how whiskyla sapping the life of the nation itselfHe poured hot soot into the camp ofthe enenry and exposed the armyof vices that are generated by the output of the dietilJeries and the input ofthe drunkards His text was fromMathew eighth chapterto thirtyfourth verses relating to thecasting out of devils by Christ

This is one of the strange Inci-dents in all Scripture Come out of-thoK men ye devils said Christ andthey forthwith vent out and irate snrinethat ran down a steep place and werdrowned in the sea Jesus asked thename of the deviis and they said Legion Jesus Crist is able to cast outany number of devils he cast outseven ot them from Mary Magdaleneand I wonkbVt be surprised if amongthem Mary pov esaed the devil of li-

centiousness UK devil of a temper andthe devil of a n tongue in herhead

euld Prefer Swine-If I v g a devil Id rather live with

some of the swine mentioned in theBible than with eome men youva gotin Salt Lake City I want that to soakin After Christ cast out the devilsthe men who owned the swine orderedhim to leave the country they didntcare anything about the men wereredeemed of Un What theywanted was their hogs The atrkudemanifested by men in control of theliquor traffic shows that they carenothing boot men wtnU they are af-ter is the money and revenue that acernes from the sale of whisky

When the women protest against itthey say You get off the platformyour mission in life ia forthmore men and boys for us to send tohell For every plank laid down inyour city streets paid for out of therevenue from vhisky there wit bethat much kindling wood added to thefires that aIM later on roast you in hellFor every stone there wiM bethat many additional millstones aroundyour necks I want to say that theonly class of traue that will suffer fromthe banishment of the faloons will hethat fostered by the hoboes rift ratand plug uglies

You people in Salt Lake must likesaloons Why dont yeu wake up Therevenue from whisky and rum amount-ed ij 170000WX laat year workingmenspent 1200WOO in wages for rt and

department to nettle the questionsbrought on by use of whisy Blotout whisky and you will do away wttfe70 per cent of harlotry You have morethan 100 saloons in Salt Lake they pay1200 license and if you will divide the

total amount K iizpj from the liquortraffic by the number of inhabitants-you will find toot you are setting yoursdhrts for 125 each for the Bake of alittle revenue

Will Sell Chea-pA man will sell himself and family

for less than it would coat to buy agooxsized hog This cheap towa ofZion mst wake up Whisky gnaw-ing at the vitals of the nation itselft i tearing down American citizenship

and the only wuy to put it down is toget guns and RO out and shoot it down

common decency t jnv the standpoint-of manhood We raise a huliabatooabout the sutan y Turkey when bekilte and send 000 souls to heavenaad we sit by and sr tae whisky

killing 100000 jous and sendingtheta to hel YeT year Why notarouse yourselves Salt Lako Cityand put down awful demon that isstalking through your streets

It is time you to get on boardthe good old gispel ship to assert yourmanhood and womanhood aul hurl dy-namite and ro X suit and bmb shellsat the enemy that makes a Donkey ofyour brightest lawyers a bear oi sceneof ycsit beet men and roaring lions ofothers I wart to say that I hope noyoung girl i oorvtemplatii marryinga drunkard f the purpose f reform-Ing him Tfc x are too many horrorsoucmected wth it you wont reformhim but he iii break your heart Thissubject is too avfu1 too extensive toadmit cf its being touchea oMrwfsethan casually In all the panoramaa ihe past and all the expectations of

future is nothing that canCAiirimre with it










it tt l000OMIO to run judicial

t nf


I am against It from the standpoint of


nt his







twenty eighth























Annual Report Forwarded to theef the Interior Beceipts

and Bspoodittxres

President Tanner of the AgriculturalcflRege has forwarded tile annualto the secretary ef the interior Concernlug the condition and progress of the ihsOtution be says

The course of study ranaioed the samethe past year as during the pre-

ceding year The last legiaiaiiuvsMife provuton for a months

of study f tante r 1

befit of students who cannot leavethe farm before time Title course

accordance With the provision of actof congress Nov 1 next

same legislature made provisionfor tire construction of a greenhousell butknng aas already been erected atan expense of

most in theeftttbge ia the increased pcnttntaoe ofstudents who remain throughout the ea-ts year of nine months

The experiment station isnwd duringthe year bulletins and tn re-port as follows Bulletin 68 TheChemical History of Lusarn No W

Utah Suar in 18 No BO

Poultry Experiments No O Alfalfaor Lucern Its Cutting Time and FeedingValue No 3 Tree Planting in Utahand ninth annual report A spraying catesxiar was also issued

In addition to these station publicaions the college ismed durln the nscalyear the second and third aouual reports-of rho Utah ftasfte Farmer Inrtttatah

122tec tor and during the year ended

Jane 36tate Aid

Appropriation for current expensos 1125000

Appropriations for building or forspecial purposes 2060 00

Endowment act of Aug 30 ISM 94891 MFor experiment stations act oC

2 lilt 160K 00Fees and alt other sources 76K 81

Total i 60a0e fitfor and during the year

ended June 90 18

Instruction in the subjects specin sactton 1 act of Aug 30

mo se 9 ssAdministrative expenses presi

dents treasurerssalary clerical serv

ice fuel etcExperiment station 1800814

Total 09M59SProperty year ended June 199of fcuttln

acres M8 acres under cultivation MSaorta used for experiments value offart lands HOasO Number of boundvolumes June ISM 9U pamphlets4336

the year ended June 30of and mechanicarts 3 female 1 College and spec

ial classes Mate 19 3 Totalcovnting none twice Male female 3of staff of Kp rtm nt station 10

Students during the year ended JuneJtt 1889 or and me-chanic arts Preparatory cfeeses Male24S female and specialcUawes Male female grad-uate course Male 2 female Lcounting none twice Male Nit female

Kumber of students that pursuedgiaeertng 3 civil enganearing 9 electrical engineering 0architecture 0 4vetertn

der No 3 with en t Uon of militarytaetics apD es only to junior and senioryears the ant two in ail courses

there were in 1 902 mftnoal training 93 S domestic

On sees nine B S on wo-men one B S


It Is Alleged That They Rolled aBrwnkea Man Prom the North inthe Continental Saloon

M H Curley and C O Scott werelocked up by Officer Davies yesterdayafternoon on the charge of roublngJoseph Hickey who came in from thenorth to svnd his money ofa big Hickey was rolled in theContinental saloon It the stories of witnevjBea are to be believed but he wastoo drunk himself to know anythingabout it

Curley who chUme to be In chargeof the railroad yards at Cheyenne andScott also a railroader and who was injail a few days ago for drunkenness-had been drinking with Hickey in theContinental bar and whil the latterwas in a drunken stupor it is allegedScott took his pocket book rar aroundthe corner and was joined by Curley-In a few moments Scott returned andput the purse back in Hickeys pocketThfe is the story told by two men whowefe in the saloon

William Bingley reported the affair toOfficer Davies and the men werelooked up Hickey held as a wit-ness He not know how muchmoney he had but thinks a time checkfor 30 to missing


Lwwyei Will Take Position On u SCircuit Matter

Considerable interest i beina mani-fested by members of the bar inmeeting is to be held this even-ing in the federal court room to takeaction regarding the proposition to create a tenth federal circuit The com-mittee appointed at the lat meetingto draft a report of the position tokenby rtah in the matter met Saturdayned drew up a partial report but thedocuments will all be edy by thisvetoing

lU substance will be in favor of theestablishment of a new circuit and willcontain statistics to prov

the proposed plan In all prob-ability there wjtl be a minority report

the committee but that will notbe determined untW the members holdanother meetinaj today

he plan aa It will be proposed bythe committee Is to have the new cir-cuit include he states of Utah IdahColorado Wyoming and Montana with

court sitting alternately at Denverand Salt Lake

All Doing WellThere were no new developments In

the local smallpox situation yesterdayNo cases were reported and Htalth Off-icer Keogh the patients at the pest

were nil doing as well as couldbe expected

On every Bott1eof Shiloas OmsumpUon Cure is theguarantee AM we ask of you is touse twothirds of the contents ef thisbottle faithfully then if you can sayyou are not benefited return the bottle-to your druggist and he may refundthe price paid Price 85 cents SO cents

Save Money in Buying ShoesYou can do it at the greet shoe aar

gain sale at Z C M L conunenciogMonday Jan 8

Par Over Fifty YaarMm Winslows Soothing rup hasbeen used for children teething Itsoothes the child softens the gums al-lays all pain cures wind colic andis the best remedy for DiarrhoeaTwentyfive cents a bottle



how-ever Jive


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Two Missionaries on Their Wayto Australia



C P Viking and J Thomas WilhideWith Their Families Are GoingInto Foreign Countries to Tell thePeople About the Religion TheyPropos to Pound

There are two mlntetens of theOathoHc church at the Kenyon

wise with their families are going toAustralia and China to preach a nowcreed to the people of those landsThey are the Rev C F Viking andwife nd Rev J Thumae WiihidB andwife

These gewtemen have most remark-able notions bout many things and ifthey aocceed ia getting audiences inCohen and Auatralii the people ofthose will have very curiousideas of Americans Rev Viking is golag to Shanghai And Rev Wilhide to

finally to locate in MelbeurnA

Contempt For Other SectsThe sect to which thay belong teach-

es many ooctrins which it considersfor the salvation of the world

If it is rapresemed correctly by MrVIking it a supreme contempt forthe followers of all othar sects

When Mr Viking was asked to saysomething about himself and hie religioB h was a little bit scornful anddisdainful

Reporter cant be Christians saidhe They dont understand the Bibletor they read it and theyrouMnt it if they did Ohwhere will they go wh n they die Andth editors too and ihv managers andthe owners of newspapers Whatsto of them They wontpublish the truth and they are all liarsmore or less They cant be Christians

What about the bankers and themerchants and the lawyem wasasked

Yen they are included also saidMr Viking rolling his eyes toward theceiling People who conduct buslneajin the present methods cant be

People in the churches the Methodists are not any better They lie andcheat and go to theatres and swear andsmoke t oacco Tobacco is SatanscouftHirfng fire And the MormonsThey are no better they smoke anddrink and chew

Whet Mr Viking was assured thatas a matter of fact the Mormons as aclass probably ISO lees tobacco andliquor per capita than any other secta half sneering and wearied smilespread over his face It was impossibleto convince him

Dont Practice DoctrinesOh yes they all teach very fine

doctrines but they dont live up tothem I was a Baptist missionary inChina and I quit that church

One of the main doctrines of theChristian OathoHc church and Its distincthm from other churches is its

in divine healing not faith healingor Christian Science for Mr Viking

quite indignant when the comparIon won made

Christina Scientists are mostly humbugs said he We heal by the powerot tOte Lord We will hive twelveties after awhile They will be the men

workthe most miracles for webelieve miracles can be worked todayThey will be the successors of theiarelve apostles who lived at the timeof Christ

Mr Viking said that the twelve aposties wouldnt be appointed by any off-icer of the church but thy would cometo be recognized i time the number

he was aeked to perform a couple ofmiracles just to show what he coulddo in that line oC business he didntcomply

The Christian Catholic church wasfounded in Chicago about four yearsago by Rev John Alex Dowie who isits general overseer It leas a membership of about 40000 It nghts Free

and tobacco among many otherthings Here is what Rev Dowle saysabout Masons

I want to afflict the SQuIB of MasonsI want the women in America to riseup and if they eannot save the wretch-ed hypocrites who are their husbandsto at least help in preventing any moreyoung men entering1 Into that covenantwith death and that agreement withhell I am much stirred up about thisfact that there is not a minister whois Free Ion tout Is a hypocrite

Here Is what he say about tobaccospeaking of a reformed drummer

He is now a meonfjer of the churchand walks with God in his daily lifehavfr found better use for his tal-ents than selling the Devils S F Bsmoke fire and brimstone which had

been his occupation when sin and slckneee had driven him to the verge ofdtsoair

Mother Seal and BabyYouThTs Companion

Near Anacapa Cal one day recentlylbs skipper of n captured a young

succeeded to getting it on boardunharmed When made forSanta Barbara the mother seal appeared

She swam about the vessel utteringpiteous cries while the captiveav1 whined in

U Santa Barbara the youngster en-closed in a bag wa carelessly left ondeck wheo followedthe vessel souse elnty stiles revealedherself in person and voice and her off-spring as if in appealingpromptings wormed himself to

vessel end tumbled overboardThe raotnars tarp teeth made quick

work with the bag Intrice her baby was tree

We are not sequel of thebat it is to be that the mothers

devotion were appropriately re-warded o

Why Did He Not Want to GoTit BitS

A German peasant family had madeHts to emigrata to tho

United State On the tbefamily was to take its departure theson Hen who wa an enormous

cater mOlested that ne did not care to go

to remain behind asked the fatherof the kind

with usrIve been to the school masterWell what did he sayHe that when it is 12 oclock with

ue In Germany i-

We rfHe that when it Is 12 oclock with

us here In America it is 4 in the morn

what of thatI dont want to go to a place where I

have to wait so long for nry dinner andpoor fellow completely broke down at

the mere

Not NaturalTitBits

A certain lawyer portrait paint-ed in his favorite attitude withone hand In his pocket Hisclients ail went to see it and everybodysaid Oh how like Its the ofMmAn old farmer dissented Taint likeno taint said he drily looking outthe corner of hisraid like exclaimed everybody

Talnt like no taint responded theold farmer dont see gut hishand in his pocket Twould he as like

in if he it in somebody eloespocket




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byof nraelea ttter But when





love and





NothtacWhy then dolt thou not wish to go





stan lDg


show us talWt













Has some viflae maiden beguiled












Knights of PythiasCalantbfe lodge meetS tonight alter

missing two conventions on account ofhoUSays and expects a large attendance-to greet the newlyInetalletl ofRcevs

Last Ttfssday evening the lodges metin joint session for Sn allatton of off-icers Fred W Gardiner the grandchancellor presided and Grand ViceChancellor Charles P Jennings andGrand Keeper of Records and Seal WC Wardlalgh of Ogden and GrandOuter Guard H N Standish of

occupied their stations Thefair was one of the most pleasant Ina tong time There was a very largeattendance the ceremonyand after its ciosto all sat down to anelaborate spread Supreme Representative JSd W in his usuallyhappy style presided as master oftoasts Past Grand Chancellor John PMeakin wan present and entertainedthe boys with a rousing talk on Pythlanism

Rocky Mountain No 3 is preparingfor a sociable to be given in a weekfrom next Thursday The meeting willbe open to Knights their ladles andfriends Cardo music addresses andlunch Is being arranged for Chancellor Commander McGill promises a livehalf year tot the lodges

The Knights of Pythlas band metand perfected Arrangements for thework of the comlng year Lovers ofthe best music will be pleased to knowthat the organisation win be brought-up to its old standard

On the 22nd of this month the P 01C K meets for the election of officersfor the coming year The meetingshould have been held in December butwas postponed because the regularmeeting night fell on Christmas

Fraternal Union of AmericaThe members of Evergreen lodg No

161 are requested to attend tonightsmeeting to hear a from DeputySupreme President Loder who hasjust returned from a visit to the

officers at Denver and OmahaHe speaks enthusiastically of Ms re-ception by the supreme officers and thebuolnessilke method of conducting theaffairs of the order The supreme off-icers are eminently fitted for their severaF positions being affable to all vis-itors energetic and yet duly cautious-in nil the ritual affairs of the orderpassing upon every claim in a waywhich prevents fraud and yet payingpromptly every call upon them as soonas verified as correct and Just Thegrowth during 1889 was marvelous andyet even better things sUMare anticipated for 1998 T J

tIne regiment organizer-for Evergreen lodge died lastweek in Denver All candidates elected-to become members are notified to at-tend tonight for initiation Next weekinstallation of officers The supremeofficers look upon No 151 a one of thevery strongest in the order

The deputy brought from the supremelodge a check for 1000 for the bene-ficiaries of deceased brother DeliiuhSmith 411 claims promptly met whenproofs are filed

WoodInenThe Woodmen of the World in Salt

Lake and throughout the state in gen-eral feel most gratified at prosper-ous condition of the various camps atthe present time It is certainly mostsatisfactory beginning for the sawyear to note that we have ten campsin the state comprising a membership-of 1400 and new camps are being contimmjiy organized and new membersbeing continually introduced into thecamps already existing

Salt Lake camp 53 leads the statewith a reaching above the460 meeting last weekone candidate was introduced into themysteries of the forest Neighbor HeadSentry Elliott made a rousing speechtouching very forcibly upon the

of taking more decided steps to-ward making 53s degree team the bestin the jurisdiction Neighbor Evanswho has had a great deal of militaryexperience and especially as drill mas-ter was elected as of the teamwhich adds materially to the possibtlii-ftee of a perfectnese in the work of theteam Council Commander G J

of 406 was an interested visitor ofthe evenJng

Utah 838 will hold installationof officers next week Last weekstrangers B A Shoemaker and DThompson were initiated into the mys-teries of tfate forest and three

are oooked for next meeting Acontinuation of this good means that338s memtfership will run above300 mark by tfi of another sixmonths-

If some of the neighbors from othercamps that boast of bright and cheer-ful meetings could have happened inon Desert camp 408 last Wednesdayevening they would have been well repaid for the4r visit and in fact theywould have been compelled to concedethe superior character of the work being carried on around this ever glow-Ing camp fire Strangers Gibbs HinesBrown Parish and Madison wore con-ducted into the mysteries of this forestAfter the initiation work and the

of several matters of businessan abundance of cigars and orangeswere distributed among those presentat the expense of the ingoing officerswhich proved a Stoat pleasing mannerof showing the appreciation by the newofficers of the confidence placed in themby the neighbors of the camp Thatwas most pleasing to allpresent it is needless to state it puteveryone present in a most cheerfulmood and as a result one of the bestprogrammes ever rendered at his campwas given by the following neighborsJ Donaldson B S Rives T B Newman P P Christensen E Sloan W LDunn and Neighbor Hudson of Multanohma No 77 Portland Orewhothogether with Warden of 18were appreciative and well entertainedvisitors of the evening Neighbor Hudson brings gratifying news from Oregon reporting Woodcraft circles upthere as most flourishing


Will Tight Measure ClosingForest Reserves

SpecIal CorrespondenceCasper Wyo Jan 6 The sheepmen

of central Wyoming are up In armsover the bill now before congress whichprovides for the regulation of the landleasing business In this state and theclosing of the forest reserves to range3hj r

The sefcpmen say that the bill wasprepared by and for the benefit of thecattlemen who are doing everything intheir power to the sheepmen offthe ranges of the west If they

the measure will result in a de-moralization of the sheep business andwill have the effect of driving the smallowner out of the business

An organization has been effectedand apetitlon is now being circulatedwhich will be presented to the statesropresantativte calling upon them to

thfllr intluence to detent themeasure

Consumption Is preventable Sciencehas proven that and also that neglectIs suicidal The worst cold orcan be with Shliohs Cough andConsumption Cure Sold on positiveguarantee for over fifty years Soldby Z C M I drug department

At It AgainHalfpenny COmic

She If I could live my Me over again Iwould not marry you

well its hardy possible badluck would stick to a man two lifetimes

Lewis Dennis Salem In L saysKodoJ Dyspepsia Cure did me more

good than anything I ever took Itdigests what you eat and cannot helpbut cure dyspepsia and stomach troabier F C Schramm druggist McCormick block


to witness









this feature

T If




Do You Know






























Utah Sugar Company Will Give theFarmers Expert Assistants WillRaise Crop This Year

Special Correspoadence-RIc flSd Jan 7 A public meeting was

held here Friday evening to discuss thesugar beet raisins situation G rgAustin the Loin Sugar company expertand Bishop C A Madaen of Gunniaon and

of SaUna twopioneer ecp rimenters were presentreviewed the results tests

made at th Agricultural college and theL hl factory of the experimental beetsraised in last year showinga without expert care but a fewof that of Utah

Where much proficiency has been gainedin the raising and harvestlatr ofboats

Mr Austin made the proposition tothem who were interested In mattereast Uw Ixftrf Sugar company would provide expert year free of costto person who would pleat two acresof The cost of seed and drillingwould be about

Bishop Madsen of the SanpeteSevtercompany said that a factory in this

vAlley was assured when a certain numsores of boots were guara t d

By a little enerjetii work now thiscotrid be secured and he wanted

tho various precinct clubs to take hold ofthe matter hundred acres werewanted precinct

It was moved and carried that a cornmittee of one be elected to promote thematter la this precinct and Simon Christenson was thte work Sub-scribers to a proposition to plant twoacres were a number

With a canvass it isbelieved the fifty subscribers wanted intWs place ann be secured

Madsen said the outlook for afactory was very encouraging It all

responding heartily to the call for xcreage CM

The committee la visIting other towns inthe county on th same mission


New Plant of Double the Capacity-of the Old

Special CorrespondenceMt Pleasant Jan 7 O a Mt Pleasant

Electric Light company held an importantbusiness meeting yesterday Judge JacobJohnson of City who electedpresident of the company at its last

tendered his resignation as his ottl-otel duties with the dutiesrequisite upon the president of the com-pany elected tosucceed Mr Johnson

Mayor John H Seely who Is in Usibleserve as an officer since as

mayor tendered his resignation Hewas succeeded by W D

Olof Roeentof a director who wilt besucceeded by

of a flrstclogswas

next taken up has had agreat AM of lately with the plant-at present In use The action taken yes-terday was to the ertfect that machineryan new plant would be providedimmediately and arrangements madeto supply enough nratctaaa light to meet

city for twenty tocome The power plant owned by the

is as s could be asked forae It is sufficient to run several times theamount of machinery necessary Inorating the light The new thereftire will be one of move than double thecapacity of the one

is the new plant cannot beIn and ready for of threemonths but in meanwhile the old onewill be repaired aad made to meet thedemand a far as possible

A of the nw will be switchboards placed at cross street sothat absolute control of the current maybe retained and the light made as strunga distance away from the plant as it is

decision of the meets withuniversal and unqualified approval asoirizeias almost exception willsupport tOo entarnrlm if can receivea sa saetory service


Wedding of a Popular YoungCouple

Special CorrespondencePrice Jan 6Mr and Mrs Eraetua

were married In this cityWednesday afternooR and later left for a

and gave awedding reception and ball a is cue

It seemed as if almost the entiretown turned out and the largecrowded almost to its full capacity Therewere from old and youngand the dancing was kept until anoarly hour this morning This popularyoung couple will be at to inPrice after the 7th of January-

Dr Shepard who ha detained-in the pest house Just outside ot Castledate Emery quarantine au-thorities has been releasedthrough here the other day for the coastThe claims there is no use of histrying to do business there now as thepeople are scored of him and will be until

and resume the practice of his profes

The dally man service which re-sumed between here and the towns of

contractor are going out on scheduleevery and continue to move onSundays until such time as G T Olsen Isable to get end look after

wrestling with the snailpox


Names of Jurors Drawn Boys InSaloons

Special CorrespondenceProvo Jan 6 George M Smoot of

The Utah stake

churchTwo minors were arrested

Marshal NewaM for frequenting saThe boys paid 0 each into City

Justice Moonfs courtThe B Y academy and gchoola

of Provo resume sessions Monday mora-ine

Tho foltowing names wore drawn thistefteraoon to serve as Jurors in the FourthJudicial district court for

Fork A Dean Provo John HVooten American Fork Edwin AlphaPleasant Grove Don CvilleGeorB Beck Lehi John frPrank BenjaminProvo Packard R

Pleasant William SpanishFork

Coal Mine SoldSpecial Correspondence

CoalvWe Jan 6 A sheriffs j

known a Wilson eros coalmine with all Improvements machineryhoisting works coal i

screens and Ute root estaieconsld

Coaivflle precinct Summit county It wassold to satisfy a judg-ment of the district court wherein There-at Simon of Salt Lake was plaintiff andthe Salt Lake Coal company was defend-ant The Judgment was for something

by S through her attorneySimon for the sum of

Springville Druggist PinedSpecial Correspondence

Springville Jan Today in PoliceJustice Houtzs court Earl Tranchelmanager of the City

to tOO of Illegally selling irunseating liquors He was andagreed to laws

mince ptarecovered are apparently none theworse for the dose








in Richfield

d sub-scribed



the farmers but they were



absent coming two yearn wasTIle

service throughout the City







d880 o

short tftlG trip to StIlt lAke City returned ytday evening

tuna at town in the even-ing

bail was



as the of the epi-demic Is on He wilt return next fail

sI use

Emery county under by ubtime


Is ins Prove on I1JIeAJuab County Attorney Edward Pike is

In the City today OR legal bustDeaB

is being held at the Mor-mon here

last evening-by

the Januaryterm Green American Fork leoneBrown Sprlngvilte George S

E Steel American

fleetCUnJn J S Scott De

Hyrum CluffR

jr Provo It Brertota ProvoOharles Pleasant Grove J WThomas Pork Nelson Fentoe

tookthl Of KOpe I

thetra chute

able of the quarter sectionIn townlp 2 north range S east in

over property was bill in

The boys who ate of polf nedyesterday by accident have









hero hail





priest-hood thetm


Irlne W


salethe for-


elnorthwest of



two sniab












Larger Number In Attendance ThisYear Than Ever Befora Polics-Brougnt Them In

eiel CorrespondencePrice Jia Indian boarding

school at WhIte Rooks agency will resumeMonday mernlrtg a vacation of

two for the Christmas holidaysThere ore about Inattendant at which is aboutthough efforts weremade this Agent Mytoato get every cMM oiv raaarvatlon-Iivatan police on roundun of the children of aohool The lulu ismust antI they arrive atbout the g S 16 them

to aT0ia to school as thenit Is not At lower agencyOuray the in former

not averaged over fortyfive but thisyear it was no vanstton hers for reason that the chfldranare behind with their studies bj reason ofthe fact that of them were not

in until tale m the school year andthen it was through the efforts of tineIndian police were given H a headfor all the truants that wereand the were compelled byagent to round in at leastne cMld a week ef they were subjectedto a fine themselves

Old chief Chavaneaux who has beenpartly blind for several years now wentthrough bera the other en route to

wipers he will have hiseyes treated by an eye specialist DrNie wWo dew the for Thegovernment through Indian Agentfurnishes the money for his expenses

either blind or partly blind on the lowerreservation the other two old Tab

friend and oldSowowto of Meeker massacre fame Thelatter two are beyond medicalif the government wanted to do anythingfor thorn

Inspector Graves of the Irrigatingof the Indian reservation

has recommended that an appropriation of18000 be made to ontwo reservations tn coming year Themoney will be expended under direction-of Agent Myton Indians as-a rude are moro more to farm-ing every year and It will not beaccording to officials out there untilthey will be The unruty ones are almost entirely conflnM tothe White River tribe


City Is Out of Delft With Funds InTreasury

SpecialBphraim Jan 7 Ths n w city council

held its first session last night and themayor d l nated the standing commit-tees Hansons contained-a statement of the financial condition ofthe city showing it to bo giltedged Thecity is entirely out ofdebt and starts thenew year with a balance of nearly 1S0in the treasury Among things themayor recommended the improvement ofthe city cemetery the abolition ofstreet vax fur the year a moreequitable method of levying tie tax forthe distribution and control of water abetter system of distributing water for Irrigation Said the building of reservoirsand digging out springs to increase thesupply of water an attempt to demonstrata whether or not artesian wells canbe bad in the city the purchase of a

land ft public park ofthe city property on MAIn street and thepurchase apparatus for fightlog flre

line eouncH wilt meet again tomorrownight tine will present thenames of officers

Politics religion the Roberts oas andaU other topics are laid aside for thepresent all absorbing of

Wtteo does the twentieth century begin is betes discussed Whenevermen are sean together on the street itis safe say that the matter la under

Wagers have been freelyoffered a d sense money has changedband as a result or the strong views en-

tertained by different personsEttwin was a business visitor at

tine Temple City yesterdayis enjoying balmy spring-

w thW this snow is fastdisappearing and if the present weathercontinues be but a untilthe streats dry and dusty

The weather has as a tonicon the baseball enthusiasts of this cityand they have decided to hold a meetingsome time this week to arrange for waysand means to secure new uniforms andequipments for the coming season

with the board of health beingdetained any longer by quarantine againstsmallpox Mr Jeneens wno

with has contracted thewhile there was no

between the rQom she

Tm eonsldwed it wise to continue the

mander and wife were calledto Sterling yesterday a message announcine the Illness of Mrs

Edwards had a stroke of paralysis somehis healtk very

from Salina Sat


Effort to Secure Control of CanyonWatershed

Special Correspondence

ManU city council toTUwHw a of ManU canyon as thesenator has promised to bring the matter-to the attention congress so that Mantinay secure oeatrol of the canyon water

yesterdays of the council af asked

be reduced in order that their

thus e e p city taxation The council

Dr B T Horford was appointed quarantine physician in place W JHosford as latter was to be cbeent

apWilliam her deputy

released from quarantine The coun-cil accepted

Mr C F Carlsons chL t wasburred thH afternoon The services wereheld in the South ward hall

The following parties have Delvedmarrla j licenses Oscar

letta Attrad 17 John Humphrey 51

both of Mount Pleasant Andrewand Olena Jane Blancett IS

both of Fairview


Isaac Elwells Establishment TakenSalt Lake Creditors

CorrespondenceLogan Jan 7People here were vastly

surprised this morning to learn that theFTlwjJl

been otosed creditorsc and hardware

doors was done late last even

Btw is nPt at all alarmed how

likely resume business on Monday

days are warm asu

Visitors at CoelvilleSpecial CorresponaeiMS-

QCoalilte Jan G Coalville was throngedtrh visitors from various parts of thecounty slid eCsewhere notably

whom were the following LPak J K Lemon of Kamas BishopJotii PaskU and Micah Harris of Heow

and Peter llfgstm f Warship BishopMarfon Frazier and Ralph Marwell ofOakley Nels Pearson of Peoa Biiop-Klward Richins of Echo Bishop John





toote a IIllS

Dd ha wtet so far as to send outafor-e4acj

marriedtheau anon



My ton

while In or hisa good There are hre old chiefs





tract-or for





Jensen has a protest

has been occupying 1 OOm Inslime lien U6bBn was liken down

dis-ease morsel and com-

munication ocDd tile of the house

by Mr terla the health board


father James Edwards Mr

time aO andwas UPur


ManiA Jan GIt Is the of theforward to SaJILlor


delegation that theboundproperty be left outSide the city

deoflined to take any action

from the for some timeMrs E M Bradford city treasurer



and C 4Q all ofMills 7 suit Martha Spens IS



Ibusiness establishment of Isaachad Mr Ehvel

stovestore and his business Is rated as one ot I

the In the cIty yesterday afternoonhis chattel on a demand I

note and alter getting this inlegal slbape the mortgagee Lake I

qompafly proc d to alone hisls


ever as seine of the business men of thecity have come to his and he will

isMost of the snow disappeared and tho

among Wand

JohnT Bowen R MeMlcbael andhop WUtlam811nt tJt E-

R Young Ysting H F






he Cit

ration beingIn Inn




his rest-





poor tnCO thenPetOiSOii



LeTS ty-



testsigned a

LS theHardware


ingLogan enjcylng weather










Jast before retiring If your liver Issluggish out of tune and you feel dull

constipated tae a dose ol

And yonll bo all right in the morning

Clark and James Judd of Upton J HGrant of Bountiful and ofSaCt Lake-J H Grant of Bountiful Daviscounty is Snore for a few days in the ia

tereet of tbe Improvement


Meetings In TJiatah County to TakeAction

Special CorrasOBdaaeeVernal Jan 4 The Robert question Is

Denting in toe considerable discussion Justnow A meeting was held at Merrti wardlast to discuss tie matter and appoint a committee to draft resolutionsprotesting against the action of congress

will be hevl in Vernalnext Monday evening

BennIon who waselected co city council has ravicnedowing to an opinion from Attorney Gentem bop to the effect that he U In

to the office under the state consdtufloo Went KL Puck was chosen ashis succiauur by the counciL

Mrs Boyar Explains Circumstancesof Spriugville AffairSpecial

Si As there are a fewerrors in the report of the Harry Boyersmallpox case in your Issue of yesterday

It to us all that be corrooted Harry took late Sundaynight and Dr Dunn was called

early but did not arrive untilafternoon after the school hourDunn dW not pronounce the caa smallafternoon when heordered quarantine and vaccination Weat once sent to school for the boy

A calamity of kind 1 sad enoughexaggeration Harry was takento the pest navse on Friday afternoonawl the house is being thoroughly disinfected under the of the quar

antine physician RespectfullyA BOYBR


Animal Fell Through Roof Into thaBabys Boom

PhHadeipiiia North AmericanAll day yedterday Samuel Reid a

oonnty farmerwas kept telling and retelOngr howon Sunday and hte family were lit-erally caged in their home by abear which finally broke through theroof and fell into the room where theirbaby boy was sleeping

Mr Reids pretty little twostory cottage nestles in an apple orchard threemiles north of Willow Grove He comesto Philadelphia on market days hayin a stand in the Kensington marketThere it was that hte friends gatheredyesterday to hear him tell of his

experienceIt was about 3 oclock on Sunday

afternoon Reid says that he and hiswife having put their 3yearold boyto bed started out toenjoy the afternoon air Just at the edge of the or-chard a strange sight met their eyesTwo hundred feet from the house

directly toward them hugebear lumbering along wh two Ital-ians in hot pursuit With a dash theRelds fled inside and bolted the

recovering from their first frightthey ventured to peep out of a windowwhen to their surprise and horror theyspied bruin seated at the top of an-ppple tree one great branch of whichoverhangs the cottage

The two Italians below dancedaround gesticulited and howledvain In answer to question itdid not take the two foreigners longto explain to the farmer that the bearwas a pet which they exhibited Theyintended taking him to Reading but hebroke chain and ran off

A council of war was held and forthe next hour all sorts of devices weremade use of to induce the animal todescend but he would not budge Allbut the bear were in despair when newoctets appeared upon the scene Threehunters whose Sunday tramp had ap-parently yielded them nothing FO farcame in sight Seeing the bear theystopped in astonishment Then notknowing it was tame and anxious todistinguish themselves they opened lireupon the animal

At the first shot bruin was percepti-bly alarmed At the second volley bxmade a mad rushalong the bough

the house lost his footing andfelt plump upon the trail roof Rightthrough he weat into the babys roomto the intense fright of Mrs Reid TheItalians however dashed into the house

upstairs There they found thingsIn contusion The furniture had lx ensmashed by the infuriated animal butthe child was not injured The bearbad not succeeded in removing hismuzzle Throwing themselves on theanimal the Italians by the use of awhip brought him into subjectionThen leading him downstairs theyspeedily decamped leaving a party offoollsb hunters to look bte and a3 nt omery county farmr bewailthe loss of some 50 worth je furmshinge and a damaged r o

American Kumai-Wllltent Archer in his new book

America Today reproduces the following as of American humor Onboard of the Florida Bteambots whlrfilease to be built with exceedingly light

to get over the frequentof the rivers an Englishman accostedtine captain the remark I under-stand that you think nothing ofsteeenlns across a meadow where there

hefevy fall of dew Well I dontknow about that replied the captain but

man ahead with a watering pot Again-a southern colonel was conducted to thetheatre to see Salvinis Othello He

remarked at the close Thatmighty show and I dont see butthe did a well e any of em AtWrd anecdote that charmed me was thatof the man Who being invited to take e

replied No no I solemnlypromised my dear dead mother never totouch a besides boys its too earlyin tine morning besides I vo just ha r

How Is Your WifeHas she lost her beauty If so con-

stipation indigestion sick headacheare the principal causes Karls CloverRoot Tea has cured these ills for halfa century Price 2S cents and 60 centsMoney refunded if results not sat-isfactory Z C H I drug department







Corre bce




prosperous 1rODtK9



com-Ing wan



Reid j







w th

beet aIts true have to a

witsesed the performance gravely andwas a






























A 100BOOKsTHE Book of the

century Ihndsomely illustrat-ed byof the WorldsUreateat Artists

GIVEN FREEt-o each person inter-ested into the Eugene FieldMonument SouvenirFund Subscribe anyamount desiredSubscriptions as lowas ILOO willdonor to hisartistic volumeFIELD FLOWERScloth bound 8x100

as a certificate ofsubscription to fundBook contains aselection of Fieldsbest and most

worksand is ready for

But the noblecontribution of the

greatestartists bookcould not Savemanufactured totlees than 700

Fund created








Is equally betweenthe tate Eugene and the forthe building of a monument to the memary of the beloved pOet of childhood AI


Also at BookIf you also wieh to send postage enclose

1 etaMention thl Joirral as Adv is i rMdas our Contribution


