Everything is That Simple - Zen Mirror

Coming Events Jan/Feb 06 燃点合家新春常 年福慧灯 Whole Year Offering of Lights 1/1 八关斋戒一日修 Observance of the 8 Precepts, 1-day Retreat 1/1 禅修班:第五十 二期开课 52 nd Zen Meditation Course for Beginners  7/1 一日修 1-day Retreat 10/1 除夕团圆聚餐 New Year Eve Gathering 28/1 除夕晚顶礼药 师忏 Medicine Buddha Repentance Chanting 28/1 启建新春梁皇法 会:设有消灾延 生植福,燃灯供  New Year Liang Huang Fa Hui 29/1 - 1/2 (KYCL) 3/2 - 5/2 (PIZC) 拜访老人院 Visit to Home for the Aged 19/2 一切就是那么 简单 性香禅师 [19791229日佛法开示节录] 让我们觉得宽心一点, 那就是很久以前,赵州 禅师用了很长的时间来 了解自己。他十七岁出 家,二十岁开始学习佛 经,历时十年。虽然他 不断的读了又读,还是 不了解心,不了解佛。 之后,他成为禅僧,坐 禅三十年。他不停的坐 了又坐―― 什么是 佛?什么是心?―― 非常努力修行,直到五 十七岁,他还是不了 解。一天,他问师父南 泉禅师一系列有关正道 的问题。最后,南泉 说:道,不依靠了解 或不了解。无念的道, 有如虚空般清明。你为 何要强分对错呢?到这句话,赵州的心打 开了!那时他五十七 岁。接下来的二十年, 他游方各地,寻找中国 各地的禅师印证禅锋。 最后,在八十岁时,他 在一座佛寺定居,如果 有人到来,他便给与教 导。赵州就是用了那么 多时间,才开始教导。 但是,他并没有时间的 观念。他只是勇往直 前,一日复一日,做他 需要做的、让他更坚强 的事。 另一位著名的人物 惠能,在很年轻的时 候,听到几句金刚经 的经文,便完全了解自 己,从未有任何修行。 但他的业很重。许多人 想杀害他,因为他没有 经过训练,没有接受教 育,便获得著名的禅宗 五祖传法,成为六祖。 所以,他必须跑到树林 里,跟猎人一起生活十 六年。最后,经过了那 一段时间后,他走出树 林,出家为僧,开始教 导。就如崇山禅师常说 的,证得开悟很容易, 保持开悟就很难了。赵 州了解这一点,惠能也 了解这一点。 普罗维登斯禅修中 心成立一年半后,还只 是一个很小的禅院,我 们跟着崇山禅师,尽最 大努力禅修,每一个月 都有勇猛精进禅修。一 个周末,两位年轻人 来跟我们一起禅修。一 位坐得很直,姿势很端 正,让我们觉得很惭 愧。那时,我们并没有 什么姿势可言,我常常 打瞌睡。但是这个人却 一动不动――坐得非常 稳。另一位没有坐下, 他的膝盖不好,他只是 站。 小参时,我听到禅 师笑着对他说,他坐得 很好,他已经了解。我 从未听见禅师如此说 过,觉得很嫉妒,心 想:他了解了什么? ( 提起禅杖,在空中 很慢的划一圈,然后 把禅杖垂直敲在桌子 上。) 非常非常慢。 ( 禅杖在空中很快的 划一圈,然后敲打桌 子。) 非常非常快。 普罗维登斯禅修中 心写了一首歌,主题是 时间。我觉得那是恰当 的,因为我们今晚聚在 这里的唯一原因,是人 们认为有时间存在―― 来去、新旧,认为一些 人的禅修进度比另一些 人快。对许多禅修者来 说,那真是一个左右为 难的状况――把自己跟 其他禅学生比较,跟我 们的禅师比较,跟其他 禅师比较――然后心里 想:我修得如何?要 再过多久,我才能觉得 比较好、比较强,能把 内心的光辉照耀在别人 身上?不幸的是,我 们内心的光辉有时太暗 了,所以许多人继续留 在这里,希望充足电以 后,可以在任何时候帮 助任何人。 有一件事或许能 >> pg 2. A bi-monthly newsletter brought to you by Kwan YIn Chan Lin • Singapore • January-February 2006 Issue No. 31 • Jan 2006 Pg 1 季刊 / 第三十一期 赠阅 精神领导:崇山禅师 住持:释继闻法师 主编:颜志豪 出版:观音禅林 印刷:健印务贸易公司 Spititual Leader: Zen Master Seung Sahn Abbot: Ven. Chi Boon Editor: Gan Chee Hau Printer: Kian Printing Trading Co. (T) 6743 0478 Publisher: [email protected] http://www.kyclzen.org Kwan Yin Chan Lin 203C Lavender St, Singapore 338764 (T) +65 63920265 • (Fx) +65 62987457 Pengarang International Zen Centre Lot. 109 Telok Ramunia, 81620 Pengerang Johor (T) 0207 826 4848 MITA (P) No. 195/10/2004

Transcript of Everything is That Simple - Zen Mirror

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Coming Events Jan/Feb 06

燃点合家新春常年福慧灯Whole Year 

Offering of Lights


八关斋戒一日修Observance of the

8 Precepts, 1-day



禅修班:第五十二期开课52nd Zen

Meditation Coursefor Beginners 



1-day Retreat



New Year Eve



除夕晚顶礼药师忏Medicine Buddha





New Year Liang

Huang Fa Hui


- 1/2



- 5/2


拜访老人院Visit to Home for 

the Aged

























有 一 件 事 或 许 能>> pg 2.

A bi-monthly newsletter brought to you by Kwan YIn Chan Lin • Singapore • January-February 2006

Issue No. 31 • Jan 2006

Pg 1

季刊 / 第三十一期 赠阅




Spititual Leader: Zen Master Seung Sahn

Abbot: Ven. Chi Boon

Editor: Gan Chee Hau

Printer: Kian Printing Trading Co.

(T) 6743 0478


[email protected]


Kwan Yin Chan Lin

203C Lavender St, Singapore 338764

(T) +65 63920265 • (Fx) +65 62987457

Pengarang International Zen Centre

Lot. 109 Telok Ramunia, 81620Pengerang Johor

(T) 0207 826 4848

MITA (P) No. 195/10/2004

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is That

SimpleZen Master 

Seong Hyang

(Holds the Zen stick and very

slowly traces a circle in the air, then

strikes the Zen stick vertically on

the table.)

Very very slow.

(Quickly traces a circle in the air

with the Zen stick and strikes it on

the table.)

Very very fast.

The Providence Zen Center has written

a song, and the main theme of the song is

time. I think that is appropriate since the

only reason we’re here tonight is that people

think there’s time—coming and going, old

and new. There’s the idea that some people’s

 practice is faster than other people’s practice.

That’s really a great dilemma for many of us

who practice—comparing ourselves to other 

Zen students, to our Zen Master, and to other 

Zen Masters—and thinking, “How well am I

doing? How much longer will it take me to feel

 better and be strong, to go out and make this

mind light shine to other people?” Sometimes,

unfortunately, our mind light gets a little dim,

so most of us keep staying here and trying to

recharge our batteries enough so we can go out

anytime and help anybody.

One thing that might make us all feel alittle better is that long ago, Zen Master Jo Ju

took a very long time to understand himself.

He became a monk when he was seventeen

and started studying the sutras when he was

twenty for ten years. He didn’t understand

mind, didn’t understand Buddha, even though










>> from

 page 1

he had read and read and read. Then he became

a Zen monk and sat Zen for thirty years. He

sat and sat and sat—“What is Buddha? What

is Mind?” —very hard training, until he was

57 years old. Still he didn’t understand. One

day, he asked his teacher Zen Master Nam

Cheon a series of questions regarding the True

Way. Finally, Nam Cheon said, “The TrueWay is not dependent on understanding or not

understanding. The True Way of no thinking

is like space, clear and void. So why do you

make right and wrong?” Upon hearing this,

Jo Ju’s mind exploded—KHHH!! He was 57

years old. For twenty more years Jo Ju walked

around and around, having Dharma combat

with all the Zen Masters he could nd in China.

Then nally, at the age of eighty, he settled

down and went to stay in one monastery, and

if people came, he’d give them teaching. So

that’s the time it took Jo Ju to start teaching.

But he actually had no idea of time. He onlywent straight ahead, day by day, and did what

he knew he had to do to become strong.

At a very young age, another famous

man named Hui Neng heard just a very few

lines from the Diamond Sutra and completely

understood himself with no practice at all. But

he had a lot of karma. People were trying to kill

him because he got transmission from a very

famous Zen Master, the Fifth Patriarch, and

 became the Sixth Patriarch with no training,

no education. So he had to go away in the

forest for sixteen years and live with hunters.Finally, after that length of time, he came out

and became a monk before he began teaching.

So, as Soen Sa Nim has said many times, it’s

very easy to attain Enlightenment, but it’s very

hard to keep it. Jo Ju understood that and Hui

 Neng understood that. >> pg. 3

Pg 2

 Excerpt of a formal 

 Dharma talk given on

 December 29, 1979

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答: 追求真理,服务众生。

问: 师父在决定出家时,希望自己在佛教界做出哪一方面的贡献?而师父现在出家多年,又认为自己在佛教界扮演着怎么样的角色呢?

答: 惭愧。。。无贡献。

问: 师父曾到过许多国家跟不同的法师参学。您是怎样认识崇山禅师,而决定把他的教导带回新加坡的呢?


问: 大光禅师曾说过,菩萨道就如一只小鸟用额嘴含水去扑灭森林大火。您的看法如何?

答: 不要执著语言与名相,这只是个比喻。

问: 师父这么多年的辛勤教学,请问您教学的精华是什么?

答: 只是去做,吃饭的时候只是吃饭、睡觉的时候只是睡觉。。。

问: 观音禅林有许多不同的活动,如诵


答: 佛说一切法,为度一切众(心)。若无一切心,何来一切法?

问: 师父对禅林未来几年有什么展望?答: 金刚经云:三心不可得。

问: 禅林这几年会员逐年增加,我们也看到越来越多青年人对禅法有兴趣。师父对禅林的会员有什么忠告吗?

答: 是什么!问: 谢谢师父!

About a year and a half after the Providence Zen Center rst began,

it was still a small temple, and we’d been practicing with Soen Sa Nim

as hard as we could. We had Yong Maeng Jong Jins every month, and

two young men came to practice with us one weekend. Well, one of 

them sat. He sat up very straight with the correct posture, and he put

us all to shame. We didn’t have much form then, and I just slumped

and fell asleep, but this guy didn’t move—very, very strong sitting. The

other man never sat down; he always stood up. He had bad knees or something. He’d stand.

During the interviews, I heard Soen Sa Nim laughing, telling this

guy how wonderful he was, and that he understood. I’d never heard

him say that before, and I became very jealous, thinking, “What

did he understand? How come he has never told me I understood

anything?” Soen Sa Nim came out and said, “This man attained First

Enlightenment.” Now here we had been there for a year and a half and

nobody had attained anything. Then, in one weekend, this guy was

shining. The other guy said, “Soen Sa Nim, I want to talk to you. It’s got

to be private.” So they go out and sit in my car in the parking lot—of all

 places, my car. And Soen Sa Nim came back beaming and said, “This

man also understands!”So I hated Soen Sa Nim. And I hated these two guys. I did a lot of 

thinking: “What have I been doing here in a year and a half? And why

didn’t I get that attention?” The next day, I took them downtown to the

 bus station to take a bus somewhere. They were talking with each other,

and they started comparing their emptiness experiences which I knew

right away was a mistake. I’d learned that much with Soen Sa Nim.

And after about two or three minutes they were arguing with each other 

about who had had the deepest emptiness experience. So, once again,

Enlightenment is very easy to attain but very hard to keep. Already I

saw that their minds were moving; they were having a problem.

Through the years I’ve had a lot of thought about Jo Ju, about Hui

 Neng, and about these two young men that came to the Zen Center oneday, and thought, “What am I doing? How am I using my time?” This

 New Year comes and it really makes you wonder what you are going

to do, how you are going to improve yourself. Something interesting

happened this week at the Zen Center. We were trying to decide whether 

we should make coffee public or private. Some of us thought it should

 be private, and some of us thought it should be public. Finally one of 

us asked Soen Sa Nim what he thought, and he said very simply that

it should be private, because it doesn’t help your practice. That’s the

only reason. It gives you energy that isn’t your own, and you can get

dependent on it, and it can become a bad habit. So it shouldn’t be public

in a Zen Center.

Everything is that simple. It’s very simple that coffee should be private; it’s very simple that we try to do as much as we can to make

ourselves strong so that we can go out and help other people. And

the truth of the matter is that it took Jo Ju sixty years to completely

understand that; it took Hui Neng many, many years to become a teacher.

And I hope that all of us realize that we are Jo Ju, we are Hui Neng, we

are these two young men that came to the Zen Center, that we all have

that same clear mind. Some day we will all have to pick up the stick and

do something with it to give people correct teaching.

Before, this stick went up in the air. One time, very slowly, it

completed the circle, and one time very quickly completed the circle.

Which one do you want?


Welcome to the New Year’s celebration.

Pg 3

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The Secret Garden

Where is Your

Secret Garden?

This is a new column. Here, we hope to share the

teaching of Zen in a lighter mood through movies,

 books, and stories.

The name of this column, “The Secret Garden”, is the

title of a movie. The movie’s main character is a ten-year-

old girl called Mary. Her parents were wealthy land-lords

who indulged in parties and enjoyment, and completely

neglected her. So, she became very stubborn, strongly

resisting everything, and never cried no matter what

happened. In an earth-quake, Mary lost both her parents.

She was shocked, but she didn’t cry. Later, she moved to

live with her uncle, who was also a wealthy nobleman and

owned a very big house. But, the uncle was very depressed

after his wife died. He did not take care of Mary, and not

even his son Colin. Colin was a spoilt child who always felt

that he was serious ill. He was bedridden, always relyingon the maids to serve him, and he did not even have the

strength to walk.

Mary could not stand the stiing atmosphere in the

house, and ventured out of the house. Under the guidance

of a robin, she stumbled upon a secret garden. The garden

was built by her uncle for his wife. Since the death of 

his wife, the garden has been locked up, neglected and

ruined. Mary, with the help of a kind country boy Dickon,

 began to tidy the garden. They removed weeds, planted

seeds, watered, and nurtured the garden. Spring came, the

garden blossomed with many beautiful owers. Mary was

very delighted every time she visited the garden. She and

Dickon put Colin on a wheelchair and pushed him to the

garden. That was the rst time Colin experienced the joy

of living. When he saw the beautiful owers, he picked up

courage and learned to walk again!

One day, when the uncle returned home, he could not

nd Colin in his room and was very concerned. Under 

the suggestion of a maid, the uncle went to search in the

garden. When he saw Colin running and jumping happily

among the owers, his depression was completely swept

away! However, Mary, afraid that her uncle would again

lock up the garden, felt sad and cried! “You have brought

us back to life,” her uncle consoled her, “you’ve done

something that I thought nobody can. I will never lock upthe garden again.”

Finally, Mary said, “The spell has broken. My uncle

learned to laugh, and I learned to cry. Now, the secret

garden is opened. It is awake and alive. If you look the

right way, you’ll nd that the whole world is a garden.”

Everybody has a secret garden. If you open it, you’ll

experience the richness and joy of your life.

Have you found your secret garden?

Nature Walk @ Bt Timah Nature Reserve

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Pg 4