Everything is Possible


Transcript of Everything is Possible

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Everything is Amazing Yet Nobody is Happy

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“My back pain started sometime in late middle school. By 8 th grade it had become a regular thing in my life. I would get done

playing ball and need some down time to recoup from the pain before moving on to the next sport. I had visited more than a few

professionals: MDs, PTs, chiropractors, etc. everyone of them treated me as if it was just muscle pain. That summer I went to AAU

Nationals and then family vacation in Florida. When I returned I had decided to focus on 3 sports for H.S.: volleyball, basketball,

and spring track. Freshman year went successfully, I played three varsity sports and was a starter for my basketball team. That

spring I was a varsity long high and triple jumper. Meanwhile my back pain was increasing to a daily intrusion. By that summer I

needed more down time after every event. Returning from vacation the pain was unbearable on the plane ride home.

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The orthopedic doctor sent me for a full body scan and learned my back was fractured. I was fitted for a full body brace and told no

sports for 8 to 10 weeks. After about five weeks in wearing the brace 24-7 yet my pain was increasing to the point that sitting was

near impossible. Even the doctor was confused, I was totally compliant but getting worse. After an MRI showed a large cyst on my

tailbone( which was why sitting was hard), it ruptured and caused an infection. The surgeon needed to wait to remove it for the

infection to heAl. Surgery was successful but spent several month with a reoccurring infection and the incision kept ripping open. I

was back in the brace which became 11 months of waiting.

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Finally, almost a year later I was released to full activity. With just a few weeks to

rehab and train I started PT, arp wave and hot yoga. I was able to return to volleyball

as a junior.

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I was nervous returning to basketball but had an amazing season : Led my team in scoring, and blocked shots,

had 12 double double games, 4th in the state for block shots, Suburban Trends Newspaper Basketball player of

the year. I was named captain and look forward to this season as well as playing in college.”

-Domonique Wirsing

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Domonique had an amazing junior season by any account, but having it after what she went through is a testament to her work

ethic, drive, and “Superhero” like mentality of never giving. This was is why I can honestly say I LOOK UP to a 17 year old girl. I am

not the only one impressed by Dom, after sending the video of her training and this video to coaches in NJ, coupled with her 1100

SATs and her 3.5 GPA, 3 coaches responded within literally 15 minutes inquiring about her; wanting to see her play, come visit, etc.

And since then her phone has been ringing off the hook! ***UPDATE 5/2015*** DOMONIQUE HAS DECIDED SHE WILL BE