Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above...

Every two months ONLINE EDITION KILLIN NEWS KILLIN & DISTRICT COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Issue 65 September 2001 Killin In Bloom, more in middle pages

Transcript of Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above...

Page 1: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Every two months ONLINE EDITION


Issue 65 September 2001

Killin In Bloom, more in middle pages

Page 2: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona


New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich

(Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia,Antonia Dowling, Iona Pritchard, Ailsa Taylor and teacher Mrs Frost.Unfortunately, Finn Rhys and Robert Lafferty are not in the photo.(Below from L-R) Crianlarich: Lynsey Armstrong, Alex Palmer, BethJohnston and Alex MacLennan. Crianlarich were having a ìMufty Dayîwhen we went to take the photo, so no school uniforms.

Below and left are the Green Team - see P3

Fingalsí Stone ñFingals Smiling

A sincere thank you to those whohelped to make the Coffee Morningand Book Sale on 4 August such asuccess.

The generosity of the folk of Killin anddistrict meant that £600 was raisedtowards the restoration of access,fencing and legal fees to ensure thisancient monument remains part ofKillinís tourist attraction.

Several hundred books were donatedalong with home baking, jam bakingfor hall and stall, and there were someplants for sale. Many businesses andindividuals provided raffle prizes. Ourheartfelt thanks to those who gave timeand expertise on the day. The kitchenwas running like a steam train.Without this very practical help novoluntary Killin enterprise couldfunction. The event was so successful,a repeat performance is planned fornext year. Thank you all. AW

P.S. Fingal will be back

Page 3: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona


ResultsHanging Baskets

Winner: Sheena MacColl and John Hunter,Dreadnought PlaceRunners up: 7 Ballechroisk - Pathways,Manse Road - Rahoy, Craignavie RoadCommended: 7 Ballechroisk Terrace -Craiglea, Main Street - Tayview, Main Street- Rowancroft, Main Street - Tigh Breagh,Craignavie Road.

Window Boxes/WallContainers

Winner: Kevin and Linda FitzGerald,Dalerb, Craignavie RoadRunners up: Dreadnought Place - KilvaxterCottage, Manse Road.Commended: Rowancroft, Main Street - 6Dochart Road - 18 Monemore - Rahoy,Craignavie Road.

Tubs/ContainersWinner: Ian & May McGregor 3 Dochart RdRunners up: Pathways, Manse Road - TheCedars, Main StreetCommended: Dreadnought Place (bothsides!) - 12, Ballechroisk - Nos. 2, 3, 5 & 7Ballechroisk Terrace - Craiglea, Main Street- Machany, Main Street - Tayview, MainStreet - Rowancroft, Main Street - An-Grianan, Craignavie Road.

Overall Display inContainers

Winner: Sheena MacColl and John Hunter,Dreadnought PlaceRunners up: Pathways, Manse Road - 3Dochart Road - 12 BallechroiskCommended: The Cedars, Main Street -Craiglea, Main Street - Machany, Main St. -6 Dochart Rd - Rowancroft, Main St.

All Year Round Gardenwith Summer Bedding

Winner: John and Dorothy Farmer,Pathways, Manse RoadRunners up: 12 Ballechroisk - 17, Monemore

CommercialFloral Frontage Display

in ContainersWinner: Invertay HouseRunners up: Shutters Restaurant - DallLodge Hotel - Killin Crafts

Green Going-OnThe Green Team has been very active over the summer, despite coldwinds blowing up at around 6pm every other Thursday!

In June, members were faced with a challenge to save the Golden Birch(photo in woods, page 2). This involved them meeting some very strangecharacters in the oak woods of Sron a Chlachain and carrying out anumber of tasks to earn the information which enabled them to save theday.

(Group photo, page 2) During the school holidays we visited the LochayPower station to learn about hydropower. Here we were shown around byRoger Twigg, to whom we are very grateful, and found out that in someparts of the scheme, water is used three times to generate electricity.That is a pretty good use of a natural resource. We also saw the fish liftwhich enables salmon to pass up the river. At our next meeting we triedto put some of what we had seen into action by making our own waterwheels. In my house this has subsequently become a favourite bathroomtoy, so perhaps we should go into business!

At our last meeting we were making the most of the fruit available fromour hills and hedgerows by making summer puddings. These seemed to godown very well, although the lino at Lynedoch now has a number of newshades!

Once we get into October, and the evenings start drawing in, we have toabandon our evening meetings and instead we will have monthly meetingsat Lynedoch from 3.15 - 4.45 pm. The dates for these are Wednesday 17October, Thursday 15 November and Thursday 13 December, so seeeverybody there.

Helen Cole

As each year goes by it becomes increasingly obvious that the interest in gardening,throughout the village, is making the judging of the Awards ever more difficult.Judging the ìGarden Awardî is an ongoing task throughout the year and the judging ofall the other categories is not just a ëone dayí event. From early June the FloralAssociation is on the look out for the appearance of baskets, tubs and containers aroundthe village. Lists are drawn up and reviewed as the summer progresses and then handedto the independent judges for the final inspections.

This year has proved a very difficult year for gardeners. Some plants grew quickly andflowered early, whilst others struggled through the cold spell in July and then suddenlyìblossomedî in late July/early August, only to be swamped by the torrential rain.However, the skilled (or perhaps it is just luck!) gardeners have come to the fore andmanaged to maintain a marvellous display throughout.

The judges were looking for various criteria including:W a good overall display of colour W plants that are healthy and well cared for with evidence of dead heading,

removal of dead leaves etc. W planting should demonstrate that thought has been given to the plants

chosen for the particular site/container and its location W imaginative use of plants and containers or in the garden

At the risk of boring some readers, the Floral Association felt that this year there shouldbe a more comprehensive list published of those gardens commended and not just thelucky winners.

This is the first year that the Killin Floral Association has placed tubs at Monemore andwhat a splendid display they have produced throughout the summer months, givingpleasure to passing residents and to visitors arriving in the village. Even into Septemberthey continue to give a wonderful splash of colour.

Killin Floral Association

Overnight FilmDeveloping

Use your Local Post Office for:

Post Cards - Greetings CardsStamps - Books - Stationery

Batteries - FilmsIan & Frances McLaggan

Tel: 01567 820201

Page 4: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Killin Community Council


A meeting of the Killin CommunityCouncil was held on 11 September at 7.30pm in Killin Primary School.

Stirling Tenants Project.Elaine Morrison spoke for the tenants ofStirling Council area who have applied tothe Scottish Executive to investigate allthe options for the future ownership andmanagement of council houses. There arethree options, retention by the council,Stock Transfer to registered sociallandlords, or to set up arms lengthmanagement. The Scottish Executive ispromoting community ownership. Thereis an Options Appraisal Project, wheretenants have their say, but a meeting heldrecently in Killin was very poorlyattended. Tenants need to have moreinformation about what is happening andSTP require more feedback.Subsequently Dougie Livingston of theCommunity Council has volunteered tobe in the project.

There is to be a joint event in theMcLaren Hall on 28 November withKillin, Strathfillan and Lochearnheadtenants.

Housing DevelopmentAt Fingal Road

Dorothy Irvine & Ken Hutton fromStirling Council Planning and SandraMcGinlay from Rural Stirling HousingAssociation were in attendance, andfollowing a presentation from SandraMcGinlay on behalf of RHSA variousquestions and points were raised.

The main concerns were regardingdrainage and the supply of water, and inparticular more information was requiredabout the proposed pond for surfacewater. The current problem of theflooding at the back of the School and atBank House were brought up. With

regard to the water and drainage queries,they stated that SEPA and East ofScotland Water Board had been advised,and that consultations were underway. Inrespect of the complaint about the lack oftime given to the adjoining neighbours torespond to plans Stirling Council came tothe meeting to hear comments directly.

Dorothy Irvine from planning impressedthat they would welcome any feedbackfor assessing type of housing etc.,landscaping and drainage still to befinalised by developers.

All the plans are available in KillinLibrary for inspection.

Nurses ClinicDue to the previously raised concernsraised by the Community Council,Dorothy Irvine stated that the Architectsand Roads Department were re-assessingthe situation.

Central Scotland PoliceInspector Kevin Findlay who is now incommand of the Callander area, whichincludes Killin, introduced himself andhis views on policing and looks forwardto working closely with the community. Anumber of points were raised with himpredominantly the recurring problem ofschool transport to Callander, pupilshaving to stand in an overcrowded bus ona road notorious for accidents.

National ParkA petition has been put into the ScottishParliament regarding Killinís exclusionfrom the National Park. The petition wasdeemed admissible and that it should bepassed to the Rural DevelopmentCommittee with the recommendation thatthe petitioners concerns be raised with theMinister for the Enviroment and RuralDevelopment which meets early in

October. It is hoped that a petition will behanded to Rhona Brankin by theCommunity Council on 19 September.Letters of support for the petition havebeen received from numerousorganisations.

Roads DepotBEAR & Stirling Council are stillnegotiating regarding wintermaintenance. The cutting of grass vergeshas been tendered out to a privatecontractor.

SkateboardingSkateboarding facilities are now providedin the school playground.

Cyclists On Lyon RoadYet another incident has been reported ofa child cycling the wrong way, this timewith an adult! Speeding on Manse Roadhas also been brought to the attention ofthe Police.

A84/85 Callander To TyndrumThree major concerns have been broughtto the attention of Chief InspectorMarshall at a recent meeting.

1) The delay in getting schoolchildrenhome following a serious accident2) Lack of information from the Policeas to when the road would re-open3) Lack of sign posting of alternativeroutes.

Chief Inspector Marshall has since beenin contact with BEAR and the ScottishExecutive regarding road signs, andstated that already steps had beenimplemented for information to be morereadily available.

The next meeting will be in KillinPrimary School 13 November at 7.30p.m.


The Rod & Reel Restaurant & Bar& Lisvarna Holiday Cottage, Crianlarich

Tel & Fax: 01838 300 271 E-Mail: [email protected]

Gymnastics InstructorNeeded

There are a group of youngsters whoregularly travel to Callander fromKillin and Strathfillan for gymnastics.This group is large enough that theycould form their own class locally butso far, have found no-one qualified toinstruct them.

If you know of anyone who would beprepared to travel to Killin orStrathfillan, please could you contactSuzanne Player, CommunityAnimateur on 01567 820154

Page 5: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona


Some of you may have noticed by now the new Millennium Clock on the McLaren Hall. This brought to our notice how many clocks there are in our immediate area

and we thought this would be an ideal opportunity to share some of their history with you.

Probably the largest and oldest clock in Killin is the one in the courtyard atAuchmore. Made by Brydens of Edinburgh, this clock dates from thel820s, when not everyone had a watch and was perhaps put up to ensure thegrooms and servants in the stableyard were on time with their duties.

The clock needs to be wound weekly and this job falls to whoever lives inthat part of Auchmore. Over the last 180 years many different people musthave turned the old handle and checked the time. Engineers who stayed atAuchmore in the days of the Hydro scheme, refer to winding up the oldconcrete weight. For the past thirty years or so, the clock has been keptgoing - one might almost say religiously - by the recently deceased ArnoldYoung, who always wound it on his return from church on Sundaymornings.

Although few people see it, Auchmore would not be the same without itsclock. The clockmakers for the new Millennium Clock advised on theupkeep of the Auchmore clock when last necessary - l9 years ago. MM

From ëtime to timeí, if you will excuse the pun, interest has been expressed in the Lynedoch clock. The clock is in the Main Streetbuilding which was formerly Horwoods Ironmongerers, and now belongs to the National Trust for Scotland. It has been operationalintermittently since the Trust has owned the building. It is over a century old and pre-dates the house, which was established forHorwoods clock making business. Made in 1895, the clock was serviced every 10 years until 1945, but thereafter no record of serviceexists until 1996, when it was cleaned by Andrew Warwick (NTS). At that time the weights were attached by baler twine!

In spite of our desire to keep the clock running, we have experienced a ëtechnicaldifficultyí in recent years, and some malfunctions that have occurred recentlywere not readily cured. Our own staff, lack the knowledge necessary. Specialistskills could be called upon, but at a cost, and alas we are in a period of ëbudgetrestraintí. However, our long-term volunteer and Seasonal Ranger, Harry Lobnitz,managed to restore function after some literary research. Although no new partswere needed, some tweaking of existing ones was necessary.

One of the main functions of the house is as accommodation for staff, and thebedroom allocated to a seasonal staff member, is also where the clock lives.Unfortunately this yearís occupant found it difficult to tolerate the loud sound ofthe movement, and declined to wind the clock - sleep deprivation is not part of acontract with the NTS. The dilemma we have is whether to regard the clock aspart of our heritage and to maintain it in its original state ñ but not wind it up, orwhether to replace the movement by a modern, silent mechanism that does notrequire constant attention. David Mardon

Hickory, Dickory, Dock, Killin didnít have a clock

That worked with a tock or a tick,So, to sort the problem, I asked Mick.

If we could install a clock above the shop doorBecause the ëHorwoodí clock, worked no more.

The clock was bought and installed just fineAnd still to this day, keeps very good time.

The Millennium Clock, it is not, But, to tell the time it was got,

So in the middle of the village, you can seeIf itís nine oíclock or quarter to three !!

The Millennium Committeehas successfully completedthe last of their projects,with the installation of theclock on the McLaren Hall.This permanent memorial isnot only sympathetic to thearchitecture of the hall; itcould be argued that itenhances the facade of thebuilding.

The clock maker, JamesRitchie & Sons, along withour local architect FarquharMacLean, must becongratulated on achievingthis. Local builders StittBros, and electrician Scottyof Scot Electrical Services,also played a very importantrole, working together tomake it happen.

Colin J McRae Dani Grant

Photos: IainCampbell

Page 6: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona


Strathfillan Community Development TrustThe community consultation process, ëCommunity Ideas 2001í is well underway. The major part of it was thehousehold questionnaires that each household in Strathfillan received for completing. We had exactly half ofthem returned. Thanks to all who came to the Open Day in Crianlarich on a Saturday afternoon and evening inlate June. The intention here was to let you have first sight of what others had said in their questionnaires; to getyour comments on that and to chat about the work of the Trust in general.

What is the story emerging from the Strathfillan Community? In Crianlarich the will is to improve the ëlookí and tidiness of the village; by cutting back bushes and grassverges, more flower beds and tidying up things that look abandoned (like old cars) and areas that look abandoned (like the old stationyard opposite the school).In Tyndrum there appears to be a general feeling that there has been enough building, growth and change for the time being. It istime to put effort into activities and facilities for locals. The ëkickaroundí is to be completed.

The most popular new project suggested is to build a cycleway between the two villages, and link it into the National CyclewayNetwork at Lix Toll. The Strathfillan Community Development Trust will be working with you, and with others to try to progress

these ideas: with the Community Council and Stirling Council around the old StationYard in Crianlarich. We are also working with Suzanne Player to try to bringart/drawing classes and some form of Keep Fit to Tyndrum as soon as possible. Inaddition, it is hoped to get a group of Tyndrum residents together to explore further thewhat, where and when of ëthingsí for locals in Tyndrum. Regarding the Kickaround

area beside Mansefield playpark, we aregetting technical advice on drainage andaffordable options (using your ideas) atthe moment. Do keep in touch withMairi McIlroy.

It has been great to get your ideas. Weare planning to deliver detailed feedbackto each Strathfillan door soon.

Sue WyllieTelephone: 01838 400545

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Killin LibraryAuthor Visit

The author Isla Dewar will be givinga talk at Killin Library on Wednesday3 October at 7.30pm. Tickets areavailable from the library or phone tobook a place.

Page 7: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona


MS Fund RaiserStrathyre Gun Club held a 5-man team, 75 Down The Line shoot on Saturday8 September in aid of funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre inGlasgow. The shoot was organised by Scottish International shooter GordonWebster, whose daughter Morna suffers from MS and has received treatmentat the centre.

A total of 11 teams turned out from all over Scotland to shoot in a strong northwest breeze, which lasted all day so no one gained from shooting early or late.The wind made the targets fairly tricky resulting in lower scores than normal formany of Scotlandís top trap shooters.

The winning team in the open competition was the Carpet Baggers 1029/1125,followed by Winkies Cowgirls on 988. The Cushnie Hill Billies 2 won the clubshooters competition 971 points, followed closely by the Ayrdhire Men on 970.Dennis Castles from Kirriemuir won the pool shoot after a shoot off with BertHunter who was second and Gus MacDonald who came in third. The doublerise competition was won by John Gilchrist with Andrew Heatherington second.

Open team winners were, John Gilchrist, Nick McFarlane, Eric McAllister(Killin), Davie Robertson (Killin), Andrew Heatherington.

Prizes were donated for the shoot and raffle by gun clubs, shooters and manyof Gordonís customers and suppliers. They ranged from cash donations tobottles of whisky, wine, fresh fruit and vegetables along with boxes of Mars Barsand Crunchies.

A total of £1859 was raised. Gordon and the Strathyre Gun Club would like tothank everyone who attended the shoot and gave a hand for this very worthwhile cause.

McLaren Learning CentreMcLaren Learning Centre opened inSeptember 2000 to provide the peopleof the Highland Stirling area access toinformation, advice and learningfacilities. The Centre is operated by apartnership comprising of Childrensí &Community Services from StirlingCouncil, Falkirk College, ScottishEnterprise and Callander 2000.

Situated in the McLaren Campuswhich includes the McLaren HighSchool, McLaren Leisure Centre andthe offices of Community Support,local people are be able to use thefacilities and resources to improve theirskills and knowledge or just have funlearning.

Since September 2000 over 140 localpeople have enrolled to study on eithera flexible or group basis the followingsubjects:m Basic Photographym European Computer Driving Licencem Spanishm Introduction to the internetm Computing for the terrifiedm Psychologym Conversational Frenchm One Foot in the Web Roadshowm Refreshing your Englishm Personal Communicationm Popular sciencem Stress managementm Webwisem Excelm Return to Learningm MS Windows 98

If you want to come to the McLarenLearning Centre for a visit, just to seewhat it is like, or to join in a class orcourse, then you will be very welcome.

Phone Ian McCourt on 01877 331766to make arrangements or to ask anyquestions about the Centre.


Tel: Killin 01567 820 359


Supplier of Carpets & Vinyls


The finest of fresh fruit & vegetables alwaysavailable, both from local suppliers andfrom around the world. Fresh fish from

Aberdeen on Thursdays & Fridays. We tryto buy the finest produce available and to

provide a service second to none.

In the GARDEN SHOP we stock anextensive selection of fresh cut flowers andpot plants plus ìeverythingî for the garden.Shrubs, Conifers, Heathers, Alpines. Largestock of Compost, Peat and Bark, Tubs &

containers in the GARDEN CENTRE.

------------------ WHOLESALE & RETAIL ----------------PROPRIETORS - GORDON & SHEILA WEBSTER

Page 8: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona


Thatís JazzOn Saturday 8 September, theMcLaren Hall had a night toremember. The Reunion Bandprovided a foot stomping,traditional, Jazz Concert for around150 dancers, jivers and jitterbugs.

At first we all sat peacefully attables laden with bottles of wine,as the band came on stage andbegan to play well knownfavourites ñ from times past. Thespace in the middle of the Hallremained empty for some 10 ñ 20minutes. Then it started! Twodancers started jiving, and soonmost of the audience, throwingcaution to the wind, were cavortingover the dance floor. And, it wasnítjust youngsters (if any?). Theelderly ladies and gents soon gotthe bit between their teeth andremembered how they used todance. Iíll bet there were someaching bones the next morning.

When the band eventually finishedand had even begun to put theirinstruments away, there was afantastic foot stomping andwhistling demand for an encore.So the band came back and gaveus a closing session.

The Reunion Band will be welcomeagain in the McLaren Hall. Theycame from Comrie (at least someof them did). The evening nettedsome £1,200 for Cancer Research.Incidentally, between thedonations, we had a splendid buffetthanks to the local Cancer ResearchCommittee.

A great night! Thanks to all whocontributed. When is the next one?

Sinclair Aitken

Situated midway between Killin and Crianlarich on the A85.

Meals and snacks served all day in the bar area, up to 9 pm.

Dining room available from 6.30 - 8.30 pm - Parties welcome.

Comfortable refurbished accommodation available throughout the year.

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Glen Dochart Adult Education GroupLearning Opportunities September - December

Following the May meeting which resulted in a wealth of ideas for classes, courses andone off events, work to develop the adult community learning programme for the areawith Clackmannan College and Stirling Council Community Support has been fairlysuccessful for this term. Computing and art classes have already started in Killin, as has computing inCrianlarich. The following have either been confirmed or are still being planned - soplease look out for posters:

Gaelic for Beginners and Conversation Course (confirmed)Monday 1 October for 10 weeks 7 - 9 pm in Killin Church HallThis will be a combined class but the focus for the first hour will be for beginners andthe second hour for Gaelic conversation.

Upholstery Course (confirmed)Thursday 4 October for 10 weeks 10am-12 noon Lochearnhead Village HallLearn the basics skills and transform your old furniture.

Art CourseTo be confirmed but planned for 10 weeks in Tyndrum

Basket Weaving WeekendTo be confirmed but planned for a weekend in November/December in Killin. (Ifanyone is interested please let me know as we need a minimum number of 8)

The following are still possibilities that are being explored for this session:

Internet Course (2-3 weeks)Cake Decoration/Cookery Displays

In addition, some one off ëtasterí sessions may be offered in a variety of arts and crafts

The possibilities for the session starting in January include Dog Training in Killin,Aerobics in Tyndrum and Lochearnhead, Art in Strathyre or Balquhidder, Computing inKillin and Lochearnhead.

If anyone would like to find out more, please contact Suzanne Player, CommunityAnimateur on 01567 820154.

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Page 9: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona



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Flowers for all occasions10% deposit payable at time of orderingA nominal charge may be made for delivery

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Tel: 01838 300 275

Killin Boy and His Pony, Keeora, Head for ëThe Big Timeí!

Darren Kennedy, age 14, a former resident of Killin, has this year qualified to takepart in the Horse of the Year Show. As a member of the West Perthshire Pony Club,based in Doune, Darren and his team mates will compete at Wembley in a number ofPony Club competitions starting on 2 October. Only a limited number of Pony Clubteams qualified for this event and Darrenís team turned out to be the best in Scotlandand one of the six best in Britain.

They will compete in a number of Pony Club mounted games ñ one, the Horse IT (aone day competition) and two, the prestigious Prince Phillip Cup, over 5 or 6 days.They are clearly thought to be in with a good chance of winning this major event.

The team members are: Darren Kennedy, Andrew Lightbody, Lucy Workman, LaurenBeattie and Rebecca Jackson. Their trainer is Pat Brown. Three of the team are fromMcLaren High School. The Killin News wishes them all the best for the big event.Maybe we will see them on TV!

Sinclair Aitken

Stirling Biodiversity Action Plan On 11 September, the first volume of theStirling Council Biodiversity Action Plan(BAP) was launched. It contains the first22 out of around 60 species and habitataction plans that will be written over thenext 3 years. The first volume of plansconcentrated on the priority habitats, suchas lowland raised bog, upland oak wood,rivers, burns and farmland.

Provost Tommy Brookes launched theBAP at Callander Meadows. Many yearsago the Meadows were a common haymeadow for the folk of Callander, beforebeing turned into a park. Two years ago,the Loch Lomond and Trossachs RangerService and the Community Council tookforward a project to reinstate meadowmanagement to large areas of the park andimprove all weather/abilities access.

The Ranger who had been instrumental instarting the project, Stuart Davies, ledthose present at the launch round themeadows and explained management andmonitoring techniques used on the site.Since the start of the meadowmanagement, more wildflowers havebeen able to flower, and there is a betterhabitat for invertebrates and mammals.

The Stirling Biodiversity Officer,Jonathan Willet said, ìCallandermeadows is a great place to launch ourBAP. The project has worked inpartnership with the local community toprovide benefits to both biodiversity andthe community. Having the River Teithrun past the meadows is an added bonus,not too many parks have a candidateSpecial Area of Conservation (Europeanconservation designation) beside them.î

Copies of the comprehensive StirlingCouncil Area BAP will be available in alllibraries. For more information, contactJonathan Willet on telephone 08452743322 (local rate), or [email protected]

Page 10: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona


Whisky Galore: This truly remarkable display of single malt whiskies is a treat for connoisseurs, holiday-makers and those looking for great bargains. With the best range of prices you can findin Scotland, we are delighted to offer advice if it is required, or, if we have the stock, a wee freesample to help you make your mind up. (As long as you ask nicely!).We also sell an excellent range of Scottish beers, wines and spirits. Come for a browse - you will be glad you did.

The Outdoor Store:We have everthing for the walker: blister kits, Thor-Losocks, quality waterproofs, trekking poles, a widerange of accessories and footwear is our specialty.

Restaurant:Our self-service restaurant has won national acclaimover the years. We offer an excellent range of freshlycooked food, both hot and cold, served in generousportions at reasonable prices. A selection of takeaway items is available from The Snack Stop.

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The perfect spot for a halfway stop!

Page 11: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona


The New Baby Has Landed!It seems like no time since the Killin News held a Fork Supper and produced our firstKillin & District Telephone Book, to raise funds to purchase a computer. Over the pastfew years, as a direct result of having the computer and related QuarkXpress software,the Killin News has become bigger, more colourful, and has taken on additional workin new ventures such as the P7 Press and Team 13. And, although the Killin Newscomputer is still fairly new (when we bought it we thought it would be able to do morethan we would ever need it to do), advances in technology, as well as the Killin News,mean that we have outgrown it.

A new computer has just been purchased from PC Home Fix in Glasgow whoserepresentative, Andy has been very helpful. If you have seen their purple van parkedoutside my house - after midnight on occasions ñ I can assure you that Andy has beenhere in his official capacity getting us sorted out with a computer with much morememory (shame they canít just slot in an extra card in my head also).

So, now that we have the latest technology and additional software ñ all we need is thecompetence to use it. In that respect, we have called upon our print company StirlingReprographics. Their computer ëexpertí Craig will be coming out to Killin to give ussome tuition to ensure that we are totally compatible with them, thereby, hopefullyreducing our printing costs. Also, Pauline at Stirling Councilís Resources Centre isarranging tuition on QuarkXpress for other members of the Killin News Team. Thisdoes of course mean more work for us volunteers, but in the long term it will help KillinNews to improve, and avoid any increase in advertising costs.

The Killin News continues to gain complements and is the envy of many communitiesthroughout Scotland ñ and also worldwide. To enable us to carry on being a free localnewspaper, with free delivery we would appreciate any £££ $$$ donations ñ especiallyfrom those of you who receive your copy by mail.

Our cartoonist Allan Chisholm has captured the moment below of the new computerlanding at Killin News HQ (otherwise known as Linda & Kevinís hoose!)


Killin News RetirementAfter almost 11 years, Sinclair Aitkenhas retired from the Killin Newscommittee. For the first 7 of thoseyears, from the very conception of theKillin News, Sinclair was the Editor,and did a superb job of getting theKillin News up and running. Sinclairwill still write occasionally for thepaper but is basically enjoying a well-earned rest.

When I took over from Sinclair asEditor, 4 years ago, little did I realisewhat I was letting myself in for. Theresponsibility, and volume of work, toproduce one Issue of Killin News, isimmense. However, the flip side of thecoin, is the satisfaction you experiencewhen you see your work in print, andhear positive comments from villagers.Sinclair has from a Killin Newsperspective, experienced both thehassle and the pleasure of fulfilmentover the years. The Killin NewsCommittee and myself are sorry to seehim retire, but also glad, that he feelsenough confidence in us, to let hisëbabyí go, in the sure knowledge that itwill continue to flourish and grow.


The next time ..... I deliver the mouse .!

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Tarmachan Tearoom(opposite McLaren Hall car park)

Morning CoffeeAll-Day LunchesAfternoon TeasHome Baking

Open 11am - closed Friday

What isReflexology?

In Reflexology, the feet are a map of thebody. Working these ëreflexesí withalternative pressure from the thumb andforefinger stimulates the bodyís ownhealing system and thus holistically re-balances the body for better health.

Reflexology was introduced to Britainin the 1060ís, but there is early pictorialevidence of it on an Egyptian tombdating back as far as 2330 BC.

Reflexology may, or has been shown tohelp many stress related conditions. Ithas also been shown to help with painrelief and various chronic and acuteillnesses of adults in all walks of life,and children of all ages. Reflexologyalso works on the emotional as well asthe physical.

Gill Hunt has been interested inalternative therapies since the 1970ís.Gill qualified with the Kristine WalkerSchool of Reflexology in July 1999.Since then she has gone on to open theMargaret Powell Alternative TherapyClinic, in honour of the late MargaretPowell, who inspired Gillís initialinterest and later training inReflexology. Margaret died inFebruary 1999 after a long illness.

Having worked in TV for 15 years andhaving suffered from migraine since theage of 11, Gill is no stranger to, andunderstands the problems connectedwith working in a stressful job, as wellas being very well acquainted withstress related illnesses ñ particularlymigraine.

The Margaret Powell Clinic can befound at Wester Lix, by Killin.Telephone 01567 820990. Gill Hunt isan associate member of the Associationof Reflexologists.

Cross Street, Callander, FK17 8EA

tel: 01877 330200

Fresh Organic Meats, Ham and Poultry

IN STOCK (or to order).

Fresh Organic fruit, vegetables and eggs.

To Help you enjoy a healthy lifestyle

We stock a wide range of suitable foods for Special Diets, Food Intolerance and Allergies: Vegetarian Gluten-free Dairy-free Products.

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A wide range of Health Foods, Supplements, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Homeopathic Products to assist with health issues as varied as

Arthritis, Sleep Problems, Menopause and Stress.

Pet SuppliesA wide range of pet foods and accessories for pet care.

Curling ClubDuring our spell of outdoor curling last winter, the clubencountered a problem. The club have access to several pairs ofcurling stones for use on outdoor ice, but unfortunately, they areminus their handles ñ this means the stones are useless. Does

anyone out there have curling stone handles which they would be willing to donateor loan to the club? It would enable more people to get a game should the weatherprovide us with ice. If we are fortunate enough to get a spell of frosty weather andconditions allow play, the club wish to make it known that any individual who wouldlike to give curling a go is very welcome. The pond is a facility for the wholecommunity.

Indoor CurlingThe season is about to begin and the club would like to encourage anyone who wouldlike to try curling to contact any member. Tuition is available at Stirling Ice Rink forboth juniors and adults. Also, Atholl Ice Rink in Pitlochry are having open nights inOctober where beginners are encouraged to go along. These are to be followed upwith ëcome and tryí nights in November. For further details please contact JaneAnderson (Secretary, Killin Curling Club) on 01567 820610.

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The reconstruction of aCrannog at Kenmore,together with thehighly successfulbuilding and opening

of our associated visitor centre has,understandably, taken a toll on our smallteamís ability to continue its main aim,the historical survey and research ofcrannogs throughout Scotland and inparticular Loch Tay.

However, some 10 years on, excavationwas resumed in August of this year byseveral members of the Scottish Trust forUnderwater Archaeology, headed by ourChairman, Dr Nick Dixon. This surveyhas concentrated upon the OakbankCrannog offshore at Fearnan. Homing inon what is almost certainly the byre areaof the construction, our divers cameacross a deep layer of animal dung. Thiswas supported by finds of animal bones,including a complete jaw with the teethintact, and the horn, probably of a goat.The bones await full scientificidentification.

The diving team then exposed for the firsttime, structural timbers, including around40 supporting piles; a massive pointedëfallen timberí and substantial beams.Many smaller branches were alsouncovered together with some morewooden tapers or ëpine candlesí, and avery nicely cut wooden point. Most of thetimbers identified are alder with a fewoak, and possibly one or two elm.

Past excavation of this site had exposedthe remains of a cooking pot. This yearísdive discovered remnants of another, verythick and coarse pot, again probably theremains of a cooking pot. Perhaps one ofthe nicest and most interesting finds was asmall bronze ring, in very good condition.Too big for a finger ring, its purposeremains a matter of speculation.

Including Nick, our intrepid team ofdivers were Graeme Cavers and CarolineGeorge from Edinburgh UniversityísDepartment of Archaeology, who werejoined by Clayton Kamm from Arizona(Clayton had hear one of Nickís talks inTucson during his lecture tour in Americaand had become fascinated by theproject). Others involved in theunderwater excavation were CarlosAquilar from Spain, David Black andMatthew Shelley from Scotland, andKillinís own Nerena Holden. Nerena,who lives in Manse Road, is anexperienced diver, and in ënormal lifeíworks for SEPA.

With still a few weeks of our season left,I commend the following dates forinclusion in your diary. In particular, ourout of season ëshop till you dropíChristmas shop on Sunday 9 December ñon this day you will have FREE ENTRYto the Crannog and sip a free hot cordialby the log fire from 11 am to 3 pm. Otherevent days include ëBracken Harvest andSculpture Makingí on 7 October, andëLantern Procession and Ram Burningíon 31 October.

To find out more, Tel: 01887 830583,email: [email protected], or ask aboutour mailing list.

Colin Scott, Benula, by Killin

• Business Plans & Projections• Accounts• Taxation• Auditing• Computer Consultancy• Self Assessment

5 Argyll Square, Oban, Argyll PA34 4AZTel: 01631 562643 Fax: 01631 566043

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Clydesdale Bank Buildings, Main Street, Tobermory, Mull PA75 6NUTel: 01688 302372 Fax: 01688 302578

101 High Street, Fort William PH33 6DGTel: 01397 700171 Fax: 01397 704123

R A Clement Associates--- Chartered Accountants ---

We provide a personal service to companies and businesses of all sizes

The Scottish Crannog Centre


(Sole proprietor: A Grant)

Painter & DecoratorsAmes Taping

Greenbank, Main Street, Killin

Tel: (Killin 01567) 820462

Page 14: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona


Stuart Forster5 Lyon Cottages, Killin

SJIB Approved Electrician

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TV AerialsSky Digital In Every Room

Phone Points

Free EstimatesNo V A T

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Lynfern DevelopmentsLimited

Builders of Quality HomesHave your home in the centre of Killin at The Old Mart Built in the latest Millennium design or traditional style home

Each house is unique to your individual taste and we will be delighted to build your new home.

Considering a move? Reservations Taken Now.

Contact: Richard CraigLynfern House, Highfield Park,

Conon Bridge, Ross-shire IV7 8APTel: (01259) 752658 Mobile 07977 535 237

Fax: (01259) 752658 Central Office

Skip AbuseThe Killin Community Council reminds you that the long awaited and longfought for skip is in danger of being removed if anything other than householdwaste is deposited in it. A car engine and 45 gallon oil drum which have beenleft there hardly constitute household waste! This service has been providedfor YOU - if you see anyone illegally tipping there, please report them to thelocal police or to a member of the Killin Community Council. It would be ashame if Killin was to lose this service because of mis-use by a few.

Safari SupperThe next Safari Supper, which is to bein aid of the McLaren Hall, will beheld on Saturday 1 December.

If you would like to be a host/hostessfor the evening, please contactElizabeth Woods on 01567 820267.

Tickets will be £12.50 and availablefrom Colin McRae or ElizabethWoods from early to mid November.

Video Recording Equipment Available to Local Groups!

The video equipment used by the Killin Millennium Committee for the past 2 years, hasnow been placed in the care of the Drama Club. We plan to use it extensively duringrehearsals as an aid to training and to ëfine-tuneí our performances in the annual OneAct Play Festivals. The equipment includes an excellent camera, lighting and video editing equipment, andis seen as an extremely valuable addition to our technical equipment inventory. TheClub wish to make it clear, however, that the equipment is available to all localorganisations, and we will offer assistance with the editing process if required. A smalldonation MAY be requested to cover maintenance and insurance costs, but please notethat the equipment is not to be used for any commercial purpose. If you require any further details please contact Gordon Hibbert (01567 820422) or LizStevens (01567 820369).

Killin Drama Club present ìDickWhittingtonî on 17, 18, 19 January2002. Help still required forcostumes and behind the scenesContact Lesley Syme: 820424.

St Fillans & Comrie ChildrenísMusic & Drama Group

Present ëThe nichts the nichtí(about McNabs and McNeishs)

At Comrie White Church26 & 27 October at 7.30 pm

Tickets £10 adults, £5 children areavailable from White Church, Comrie,Mahri Lawie at St Fillanís PrimarySchool (01764 685206) and theDelicatessan in Comrie.

Killin PlaygroupWill be holding a Sale of toys,childrenís books and videos in theNursery on Saturday 3 Novemberfrom 2 ñ 4 pm, to raise money for thepre-school childrenís Christmasparty.Entrance £1 adults, 50p children,including afternoon tea and creche.Baking stall & tombolaDonations to Judy Holden 820120 orLorraine Pritchard at the nursery.

Dates For Your Diary

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Fairview HouseMain Street, KillinTel: 01567 820667

Rick and Joan offer a warm welcomein the friendly comfort

of their guest houseat competitive rates

Bank of Scotland Ad

The Duck RaceThe duck race this year was held to raise funds for Killin Leisure & RecreationClub and the Fingal Stone Project. The committees of each organisation wouldlike to thank all who helped, whether by buying ducks or assisting in theorganisation and running of the race. Particular thanks to Kay Riddell whoworked with her usual boundless energy and really created the success of therace. Villagers can now approach Kay again without trepidation as they wonítbe asked to buy a duck again until next year!! The river was a bit high this yearand the ducks came down rather faster than usual causing the netters to lose agood few down the river. A lot have already been handed in but if any fishermenor walkers come upon any ducks (plastic ones that is) please hand them either toKay or Davie Osler

Duck Race Results1. No 235 - Paddy MacKinnon - £1002. No 226 - Paul Riddell - £503. No 144 - Ali Campbell - £304. No 350 - Pat Campbell - £155. No 200 - Helen Meek - £10

Best Name: Absolutely Quackers- Ryan Douglas - £10

Lucky Squares79 - Millie Tigwell - £5242 - Mairi Hunter - £5357 - Emma Aitken - £5602 - Neil Cairns - £5

Davie Osler

Page 16: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

World Trade Centre Terror Hits Home to Killin and Strathfillan

Killin retained fire crew together with Tyndrum and Crianlarich volunteer fire crews, joined withFire Brigade staff from all over Scotland to give up their weekend to raise funds for the fire fightersof the New York City Fire Department, who lost their lives trying to rescue people from the WorldTrade Centre. The ëSpecial Relationshipí with the United States stretches beyond governments.


CrianlarichNew York

Killin Flor


Page 17: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Crianlarich Flower ShowSome of the produce entered in theCrianlarich Flower Show which was heldrecently in the Crianlarich Village Hall.Jock Henderson (centre) won severalprizes in the floral section. K. MacLennanìswept the floorî in the Vegetable Section- closely followed by Killinís HectorHall. It was excellent to see somuch superb produce at a timewhen Killin has missed out onthis due to the cancellation ofthe Killin Agricultural Showas a result of Foot & Mouth.

Photos Frances Gaskell

Far left are the lovely colours of Mr& Mrs Farmerís garden and right,surrounded by blooms are SheenaMcColl & John Hunter ofDreadnought Buildings. Left is justone of the displays, villagers havebeen admiring all summer outsideShutters Restaurant. Below rightare Marion & Colin McRaeíshanging baskets at Tay Villa, andbelow is one of the wonderful FloralAssociation tubs enjoyed by visitorsand locals alike at Monemore.

ral Awards


Page 18: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

St FillansVillage Store& Rug Gallery

Presenting a Wide Selection of Hand-Made Rugs

Pakistan Kargayi - Turkish MilasRoyal Kazaks - Bokhara

Chinese Acrylics - Feng Shui

Example: Chinese Superwash 6í x 4íOnly £185 - Normally £240

General GrocersFresh Fruit and Vegetables

Telephone 01764 685 309

Craigard HotelKillin

W e are now accepting bookings for pre-Christmas Day Festive Menu available from 13 - 24 December.

Also, from 1 October there will be a take-away food service available.

Licensed Restaurant open from 6 - 9 PM with a la carte menu

Telephone: 01567 820285

Badminton ClubThe AGM of the Killin BadmintonClub will be on Monday 8 October at7pm. Play will commence after themeeting. Badminton will be on everyMonday from 7pm to 10pm. Newmembers are needed so please comealong and give it a go.

Sports PavilionOver the summermonths, competitionswere played for at thepavilion in table tennis,putting, tennis and barfootball. From L-R thewinners were:-TableTennis ñ AlexanderMacPherson, Tennis ñJamie Murphy, Puttingñ Colin Woods, BarFootball ñ PeterCampbell. The photoshows the boys withtheir trophies. Welldone boys!


Carpet Bowlers The 2001/2 season starts again at7.30 pm on Monday l October in theLesser McLaren Hall. All arewelcome.

Killin KeepfittersNow that autumn is here and winterapproaches, itís time to think ofkeeping fit again. Come along to theKillin Keepfitters classes - everyoneis welcome, and theyíre not takentoo seriously, as the aim is to enjoyyourself. The Aerobics are held onTuesday evenings from 7 ñ 8 pm,and on Thursday mornings from10.30 ñ 11.30 am in the McLarenHall. Yoga is held in the School onWednesday evenings from 7.30 ñ 9pm ñ all at £2.50 per session. Thereis also short series of Gentle Exerciseclasses on Thursdays from 11.45 -12.30 at £2.00 per head. Get fitenough now to cope with Christmas!

Are You Interested in Hillwalking?

One or two local people haveexpressed an interest in going hillwalking, but would like to do this inthe company of others.

John Wyllie of Killin is qualified tolead hillwalking groups and hasoffered to lead a group in earlyOctober on a weekend day. Wehope that this will bring people witha common interest together and givethose who have little or noexperience of walking in the hills,some basic knowledge and essentialinformation about how to go aboutit - as well as a fun day out.

Anyone with an interest in walkingwith others - experienced or not -would be very welcome to join thiswalk. Where and when have still tobe decided but if you would beinterested or would like to find outmore, please could you let SuzannePlayer, Community Animateur,know on 01567 820154.

Whatís Happening?


Page 19: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

KKiilllliinn HHootteell &&

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(24 Hour Answering Service)Mobile 07720 739 270

The Killin Web SiteThe Killin.what?

Where av u been?The Killin Web Site, in a short time thename has become a well used phrase,the Web Site, the KWS, Killin.co.uk -they all point to the same place.

The Killin Web Site opened its doors on20 May 2001 at 6 pm and since that timeit has grown. Old favourites such asëThe Bletherboxí (where on Fridaynights, a warm welcome awaits),ëVillage Guideí and ëScenery Archiveíhave stood the test of time, and newfeatures like ëThe Gossip Boardí and theëOld Photosí have kept things movingwith a stir of excitement.

The Old School Photos section hasbrought about some conversation. Ifyou can name them, or have any tocontribute, please get in touch. Beassured your photos will be returned. Ifyou donít contribute yours, one of yourclassmates most likely will!

Attention clubs and organisations! Youcan have your information, your news,your dates, your results available onyour web site for free! And best of all,we can do all the work for you!

Commercial advertisers can contact usfor more information on our advertisingpackage. Advertise to the world!

In a specimen 40 days: 120,000 fileswere accessed, averaging 3,000 files perday. The Killin News was successfullydownloaded 550 times, averaging 14 aday. Not bad for a wee village hiddenaway in the glens of Scotland. Thereísmore where that came from. Plans for2001/02 are in motion, and waitingpatiently in the wings.

The people, the history, the beauty, thememories - THE KILLIN WEB SITE -


On 11 August, the Killin & Breadalbane Angling Club held itsannual outing to Loch Lomond at which 10 club members took

part. Unfortunately, the edge was taken off the day by the sad passing awayof our dear friend Danny Shaw who will be sadly missed by all who knewhim. Dannyís widow was insistent that the day went ahead as he had madeall the arrangements. It was a very successful day and a few coarse fishwere caught, but the glory went to Stewart Gillies and Taff Mantle whocaught salmon of around 6 pounds. The day closed with the usual buffetand a few drams.

The Casting Competition was held in Breadalbane Park on Saturday 18August. Killin Hotel, Falls of Dochart Inn, Craigard Hotel, Mrs JeanMcLarty for the Chip Van and the Co-Op all donated prizes for theindividual events. The trophy however, goes to Ian Downie, who was theoverall winner.

The winners were:-Trout Target ñ Douglas McRobbieTrout Accuracy ñ Grant Tigwell

Trout Distance ñ Ian DownieSalmon Distance ñ Ian Downie

Junior Casting ñ Calum McLartyOverall Champion ñ Ian Downie

Womenís Competition ñ Susan McRobbie

There was a good turnout of competitors with 14 men, 3 women and 5 juniors. Theweather was good which made the day even more enjoyable.

On Saturday 25 August the club went to Inverawe fishery for the ëAwa Cupí. This isa separate competition for rainbow trout only. There were 23 club members taking partand 27 fish were caught. Ian Downie won the competition with 5 trout weighing 14pounds. The heaviest fish was 5 pounds 12 ounces. Everyone enjoyed a great day.

Donald McLarty


The Angling


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Although we had a quiet year, we made some progress towards ourtarget of enhancing access along paths around Killin. A boardwalkwas constructed to ease passage over the wettest, unavoidable boggy

area on the path between the river mouth and the railway track. Weare grateful to Stirling Council for funding the purchase of materials, to

Mr Don Howe for help with transport and access, and to our participants.

We will be working on the following projectsover the next year:

Footpaths - Richard Barron, AccessOfficer at Stirling Council, has conducted asurvey of opinions on footpaths in the areaand has commissioned a structural survey ofthe Dochart viaduct. These will guide thepractical work we do. Richard will liaise withus over sign posting of paths.

Community Composting Site -Stirling Council is willing to support theestablishment of a community compostingsite beside the skip. The Council will provide

materials, funding to enable the site to bestaffed for 4 hours per week, a monthlykerbside collection of garden waste inKillin and a monthly industrial chipper toshred woody waste. EAK has volunteeredto help build the composting bays and helpto organise the site. Pat Hayes and AndrewWarwick are keen to get started once theCouncil have cleared the site. This shouldbe in operation by the spring.

Environmental Action Day -Thanks are due to Rosie Third for herinspiration, which made this day such asuccess this year. We now need to startplanning what we want to do next year!How about some demonstrations of solarand wind power at the Killin Show?

If you are interested in environmentalissues, please come along to any of ourmeetings, and bring any interested friends.We welcome new ideas! You can phone oremail me for further information or watch

out for posters advertising events.

Elaine Turner , 01567 [email protected]

Telephone: 01877 339088 or 0385 370440Evenings: 01877 330865

Suppliers of all Household Coal and Smokeless Fuels.

Honest, Reliable ServiceWith Discounts for Bulk Orders

CAMAC SOLID FUELSApproved Coal Merchants

Unit 5, Lagrannoch Industrial Estate,Callander

The Squ-EAK !McLaren Learning CentreMondays

Flexible Learning: 5.00 ñ 9.00pmConversational German: 7.00 ñ 9.00pm

Creative Writing: 7.00 ñ 9.00pmTuesdays

Sketching for Beginners: 7.00 ñ 9.00pmWord Processing: 7.00 ñ 9.30pm

WednesdaysFlexible Learning: 5.00 ñ 9.00pm

ThursdaysBrush up your Maths: 7.00 ñ 9.00pm

FridaysFlexible Learning: 9.00am ñ 1.00pm

SaturdaysFlexible Learning: 9.00am ñ 12.00noon

For further information or details pleasephone Ian McCourt on 01877 331766

Page 21: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Twenty One

The Frost ReportAutumn Thoughts

JASMINE BEAUTYAncaster Business Centre

Cross Street,Callander

Tel: 01877 331417

Aromatherapy, Reflexology,Waxing, Facials,

Manicures, Electrolysis, Nail Extensions.


Tuesday - SaturdayOAP Special -Wednesday

For further information contact Angela

In many gun rooms of sporting estatesover Scotland, there are many interestingtrophies. Before modern legislation thesewere the places where the guns were kept.Nowadays, all big houses have far moresophisticated security for firearms, butthe old fashioned gun room is still theplace to meet before and after the dayssport. Over the years the walls havebecome places to collect trophies - notalways large or impressive ëheadsí butalso fish, and heads of interest.

At Badanloch in central Sutherland,which I know that some of our readers arefamiliar with from fishing trips, there isthe mounted head of a red deer hind witha metal bucket round her neck. Thebottom had rotted out of the bucket sowhen the hind was sniffing around thisinteresting article on the hill she put herheard into what was effectively a collar.This unfortunate animal was shot andmounted for the gun room wall alongwith its plaque showing a date a hundredyears ago.

One regular visitor to Badanloch neverbelieved that this was a true story, andsaid that the head was a put-up job.Stalking recently, the same guest was tosee and shoot an identical hind, who haddone the same thing! He is hoping to getthis one mounted too - probably forsomeone else to doubt about.

On the subject of increased security, along study by a former detective ChiefConstable of firearms intelligence hasfound that, against the background ofreduced crime generally, the criminal useof handguns has increased by almost 40%in the three years up to 2000 after the totalban of these guns.

A trader magazine currently bans theadvertisement of air guns so as not to leadto the corruption of young people, but itcarries several pages of sex-relatedadverts - or so I understand, not being oneto read such material! At this time of yearI have enough of a job keeping up withthe sex-related activities of stags.

During the Autumn stags spend quite a lotof their time wallowing in muddy peatholes called broillaching holes. Often thesame one is used for years. This is donein order to cover themselves with thesmelly wet peat as this apparently ëturnsoní the hinds. Some guests this yearwondered how this would work on theirwives, and if they could market thisësmellí as an after-shave - probably calledëRutí. This being the name given to thismating period of the red deer during theend of September into October. Whenwriting this I realised that I didnít knowhow to spell ëbroillaching - answers on apostcard please to the Editor (donít passthe ëbuckí to me Tim, Iím not even surehow to pronounce it! ñ Editor)

This year all professional stalkers have tobe licensed by Scottish Executive andRural Affairs department. Eachprofessional stalker needs to keep records

of all members of stalking parties, dates,names addresses etc. So if you are havinga rural affair, be sure you will be traced!Licensed stalkers will be identified by anofficial red stamp, but it is not yet knownwhere the stamp will be!

Anglers beware - it is not only shootingand hunting which is under review butfishing too. An American organisationknown as PETA is launching a £multi-million campaign aimed at outlawingfishing in UK because they believe thatsuch legislation will be easily achievedonce the government has banned hunting.What price a fish supper then!

On a more positive note to end thisAutumn piece - the smart squirrels ofArdeonaig are really taking nut-gatheringseriously this year. My father-in-lawrecently made us some squirrel feedingboxes for the garden and our only worrywas that the squirrels would find themeasily. So father and mother-in-lawgathered fallen hazelnuts along the roadand left the bag on the step while they hada cup of tea. Before the tea was out of thepot a squirrel was taking the nuts out ofthe bag. They had obviously beenëstalkedí by a very sharp-eyed individual.

Tim Frost



SERVICINGAll cars and commercialsserviced and repaired.

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BREAKDOWN/RECOVERYWe provide a service fromm/cycles to the heaviest.

TYRES, BATTERIES ETCWe have a large selectionof tyres and batteries atvery competitive prices.

PARTS DELIVERYWe send parts all overthe country. FAST !!

FUEL/OILS & SHOPForecourt shopstocked with snacks,sweets, toys.

Page 22: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

On Friday 24 August an Adult and Juniorcompetition was held. Unfortunately dueto a shortfall in the number of adults wehad to change the competition formatfrom a 2 ball foursomes to a TexasScramble. Every competitor received aprize, but the main prizes were won by:1: George Smith, Colin Woods & KatieHolliday2: Chrissie Fenton, Douglas Kane &James Stewart3: Laurence Brown, Donald McAskill &John McRae

Main Junior Prize Giving14 September 2001

Dickie Lewis, the club Captain, presentedthe club prizes and Mark Pirie from CrieffGolf Club, who has been coaching thejuniors over the summer, presented thecertificates in the Merit Award Scheme.

Category WinnersCategory 2 1 Robert Brown, 2 Daniel Holden, 3Colin Woods

Category 3 1 James Stewart, 2 Jamie Murphy, 3 KyleDavidsonCategory 4 1 David McKellar, 2 Fraser Kane, 3 KatieHolliday

Beginners1 Ross Davidson, 2 Mark Holliday, 3Lottie Cameron

Best EclecticCategory 2 (white tees) Robert Brown (37)Category 2 (blue tees) Daniel Holden (33)Category 3 James Stewart (33)Category 4 David McKellar (35)

This year we have been given a specialprize for the most improved golfer, thisprize does not necessarily go to the bestgolfer. All aspects of the game have beenlooked at to decide who should win thisprize - discipline, etiquette (on and off thecourse), politeness and general behaviour.As you will appreciate this was a verydifficult decision. We are delighted toannounce that the winner is AdamMitchell.So, another junior golf season has cometo an end, and Chris McLarty can nowtake charge of most of the boys at BoysBrigade on Friday nights. I would like tothank all the people who have helped methroughout the season ñ without you thisarticle would not exist. A very big thank

you goes to Colin Taylor of theTighnabruaich Hotel, without hissponsorship the juniors would not receivethe amount of coaching that they do.

So kids, keep practising over the next fewmonths, and I will hopefully see you allnext season. Liz

Ladies Scratch Shield ñ Silver Division1. Margaret McRae 76 Pitlochry, 2. SueStokoe 83 Aberfoyle, 3. FloralMcDougall 84 St Fillans.Handicap Sheild - Bronze Division1. Audry Weaver 88 Killin, 2. MargaretGraham 90 Oban, 3. Barbara Mitchel 90CallanderHandicap ñ Silver Division1. Ann Duncan 73 Taymouth, 2. ChrissieFenton 74 Killin, 3. Sylvia Haddoch 76CallanderHandicap ñ Bronze Division1. Sheena Johnstone 70 Aberfoyle, 2.Louise Lauder 72 Pitlochry, 3. MaureenArnott 74 ComrieLongest Drive Silver ñ Helen TelfordPitlochryLongest Drive Bronze ñ Audrey Weaver,KillinNearest the Pin ñ Sheena Chisholm, KillinMagic Twos ñ Sheena Chisholm, Killin &Margaret McRae, Pitlochry

Killin GolfClub

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Offers you a warm welcome for coffees,lunches, our traditional home bakingand freshly prepared evening meals using the best of Scottish Produce.

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Adult & Junior Competition


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tel: 01764 670567mobile: 07887 597455

Twenty Two

Page 23: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Twenty Three

In common with 1950, 1985 and 1998,2001 has proved to be ìa year without a summerî. As withthe three earlier years mentioned, March, April and Maywere drier and sunnier than normal but the three summermonths of June, July and August were the most disappointing. Although there wereshort-lived spells of seasonably acceptable weather, most days were marred at somepoint by one or more showers. It may come as a surprise to realise that on 23 daysthe temperature managed to top 70F (21C), this however, includes the May figures.

As ìSummerî slips into Autumn there has been an improvement, not dramaticperhaps, but it has allowed those who were patient and stayed their hand earlier in theseason to cut and secure some good quality hay, albeit this involved ìstealingî itbetween the ever threatening weaker fronts.

As this is written (7 Sept.) snow is forecast for the high tops. Often after an earlydusting of snow on the high hills conditions can appear to improve. It does appear toothat weather patterns seem to become established for spells of two and a half to threemonths. 2001 has borne this theory out i.e., three Spring months ìgoodî; threeSummer months ìdiabolical; three Autumn months ñ well, we shall see!

Autumn colouring has already touched some trees with Chestnuts and some birchesalready showing tints. Swallows have probably already sent off some of their earlierbroods on their long journey south and the main party will probably be with us untilaround 22 September if they have not already become entirely disillusioned by then!!

Some sheep farmers may have received a proposal form from ìThe InterventionBoardî for application for disposal of light (or any) lambs due to the export ban. Itdoes seem a sad state of affairs that a country such as ours, which produces some ofthe best stock and stockmanship worldwide, is forced to slaughter and render theresults of a yearís endeavour for the princely sum of £10.00 per lamb. Inclementweather conditions are more acceptable!!

Mervyn K BrowneArdtalnaig

ervynís Weather



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Killin Heritage Society Winter Syllabus

The programme for 2001/2 begins onFriday, 5 October, with a talk by StephenBoyle, RCAHMS, on the ArchaeologicalSurvey of Ben Lawers. This will be anupdate on the discoveries ñ and therewere many more than was initiallyanticipated - during the walkover surveycarried out as part of the Ben LawersLandscape Project.

On Friday, 2 November, the Society willwelcome John Orr, Countryside Ranger,to give an insight into A Rangerís Day onthe Black Mount. Johnís remit covers alarge area and he will be telling theaudience about all aspects of his work,from the natural history to the unnaturaldisaster as pathways and landscape areeroded and conservation becomes thepriority.

On Friday, 7 December, localbusinessman Derek Wilkie will join us totalk about The Tyndrum Mines. Derekhas ëdug deepí in to the history of themines at Tyndrum and will give an insightin to the industrial archaeology of thearea.



(01838) 300307 MOBILE 0778 7788360E-MAIL : [email protected]




A new and friendly service


The Killin Gallery



Craiglea, Main Street, Killin

Tel: (01567) 820475 - Shop(01567) 820605 - House

Page 24: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Twenty Four

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event, which aims to highlight theimportance of everyday life for each of us to achieve and maintain a healthy mindand health body. Stirling & District Association for Mental Health, McLaren LeisureCentre, Callander, Rainbow Slides and Stirling District Community Services arebringing together a varied and attractive programme of events, open to all. Thisevent is now in its fourth year and has proved to be a great success for all those thathave participated. Included in this years programme are relaxation, aromatherapy,head massage, wall climbing, orientating and pilates. As well as these activities,SDAMH will be launching their In-Touch project, a facility to enable people toaccess information. These activities may require pre-booking, but are free of charge.For further details contact McLaren Leisure Centre on 01877 330000.

Pat, Ian, Alison & Richard would like to welcome you for friendly hospitality and good home cooking.

Bridge of Lochay HotelKillin

Tel: 01567 820 272


£14.95 per personWild Mushroom and Chestnut Soup

Chicken Liver & Brandy Pate with Melba Toast~~~~~~~~

Roast Turkey with Sage and Chestnut Stuffing andall the trimmings

Roast Loin of Pork with Caramelized Apples and Sweet Mustard Sauce

Salmon with Lemon & Herb Crust with Leek & Sorrel Sauce

All served with seasonal vegetables & new potatoes~~~~~~~~

Christmas Pudding & Rum SauceIce Cream Bombe with Hot Toffee


Coffee & Mince Pies with Brandy ButterBOOKINGS ONLY

HALLOWEEN SUPPERWednesday 31 October at 7.30pm

Adults £12.95 Children £8.95Witches Cauldron Broth (Pumpkin & Tomato Soup)

Witches Woodland Mushrooms (Warm Tartlet with Mushrooms and Cream)


Dr Lector Special (Liver, Bacon & Father Beans)Warlocks Wonder (Roast Loin of Pork & Caramelized Apples)Vegetarian Devils Stew (Roast Italian Vegetabes with Penne

Pasta & Tomato Sauce)Bat Burger (Cheese Burger with Chips)


Blood Pudding with Custard (Strawberry Jam Pud & Custard)Beheaded Ghoul (Meringue Nest with Sweetened Berries)


If everyone in your party is in FancyDress there will be a free bottle of wine

with your mealBOOKINGS ONLY

All private and commercial laundry takenDrycleaning & Linen Hire

No job too big or too small

Grants Laundry

rants aundryMain Street, Killin

Tel: (01567) 820 235 or 820 744Mobile 0780 359 8692

Large enough to cope

small enough to care

Collection of OldNewspapers

The children of Killin Primary Schoolcome round the village every 2 weeks tocollect your old newspapers for re-cycling. This service creates a valuablesource of income for the school, so yourco-operation is very much appreciated.The dates for the remainder of 2001 foruplifts are:-

Friday, 5 October

Friday, 19 October

Friday, 2 November

Friday, 16 November

Friday, 30 November

Friday 14 December

Just leave your bundles of newspapers inplastic bags (to keep them dry) at the endof your driveway/gate so the children cansee them when they come round.Alternatively, if you need to get rid ofyour old newspapers outwith the upliftdates, you can deposit them in thebuilding to the rear of the playground.

Help save the planet, and boost schoolfunds ñ re-cycle.

Page 25: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Twenty Five

Are you interested in herbs? Would you like to know moreabout them, or meet with a group of local herb enthusiasts?As autumn approaches, so does the start of our new syllabus.This consists of ten meetings which encompass variousaspects of herbs: culinary, medicinal, cosmetic and propagation. There are also severaladditional events in the form of garden visits, lectures, or day classes about herbalmedicine.

We vary our meeting times to try and accommodate most members and weatherconditions. Anyone wishing further information about the herb society please phoneeither Patty Hope at 01567 820408 or Judy Forster 01567 820298.

Heart of Scotland Herb Society

TYNDRUM TAXISAdam CunninghamAny DistanceAirport Runs4 x 8 Seater Taxis16 Seater MinibusesDay Tours ArrangedLuggage Pick Up Service

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Tiddlers & ToddlersKillin Tiddlers & Toddlers welcomebabies and toddlers from birth up to theage of three years. It offers a mum, dador carer, a warm welcome and theopportunity to meet others in the groupfor a cup of coffee or tea and a chat.

We meet every Friday in the ChurchHall, Ballechroisk from 9.30a.m. ñ11.30a.m. except from the first Friday ofeach month when we meet in thenursery. We continue to run through thesummer holidays with different meetingplaces dependant on the weather e.g. ñthe park, the head of the Loch etc.

A wide range of activities with plenty oftoys, jigsaws, books, play tents, slides,trampoline and baby toys ensure that allages enjoy the session.

Killin Tiddlers & Toddlers is a memberof the Scottish Pre-School PlayAssociation and is run by the parentsand carers. We hold a variety offundraising events throughout the yearand often have evenings out for theparents and carers.

For further information please contact amember of the committee ñ Norma Lang (Chairperson): 820646Sammy Hibbert (Secretary): 820739 Vicky Stevenson (Treasurer): 820132

Killin PlaygroupKillin Playgroup is held each Friday morning at Killin Nursery during schoolterm from 9.30 ñ 11.30am for pre-school children aged between 3 and 5.

We are owned and run by the parents of children attending playgroup and arefunded by fees, fundraising and grants. We are a member of the ScottishPre-school Play Association and have adopted their approved constitution.We are registered and inspected annually by the Social Services.

At Killin Playgroup we aim to provide a group play experience. Play provisionis well planned to meet the childrenís physical, emotional and social needs byour Playleader Lorraine Pritchard. Playgroup offers a wide range of activitiesfrom sand, water play, painting, dough craft, construction toys, stories, musicand baking through to art and craft work.

We also enjoy interesting visits from invited guests such as the localambulance crew, police, doctors, nurses, postmen and other people withinteresting hobbies or employment.

We hold a joint Christmas Party andSummer Outing with Killin Toddlers,for this yearís outing we were allaboard a coach to Blair DrummondSafari Park.

So, come along and enjoy all the funat Killin Playgroup.

For further information please contactLorraine on 820 836 or a member ofour committee:

Judy Holden (Chairperson) 820120Helen Cole (Secretary) 820497

Frances Taylor (Treasurer) 820658

Specialising in hand crafteditems mostly made in Killin.

Orders taken forpersonalised gifts.

Picture Framing service and Art


CORRIE CRAFTSMain Street, Killin

01567 820 920

Page 26: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Twenty Six


Strathfillan WRIWe hold our meetings on the secondTuesday of the month at 7.30pm inCrianlarich Village Hall. Our firstmeeting will be on 9 October, and wehave an interesting syllabus of meetingsthis season. We start with the ReverendScott who is coming to talk, and JamesFisher will also be coming to show usslides of his and Aileenís trip to SouthAfrica. New members are alwayswelcome. Visitors are also welcome tocome to any one-off evening thatinterests them, so do keep an eye on theshop notice boards for notices of ourmeetings. If you would like any moreinformation, contact KathleenMacLennan (President) on 01838 400277, Sue Wyllie (Secretary) on 01567820 714 or Bernadette Marno(Treasurer) on 01838 300 247.

Aileen Smith, formerly of ManseRoad, died at Perth Royal Infirmary on3 June 2001, after a short illness.

Aileen was the only child of Willie andNell Smith, (formerly of Bank House,Killin). Her early career was innursing, and latterly she ran the CottageLoom Craft Shop at Dochart Falls. Shewas a long time member of the WRIand the Tuesday Club and took anactive part in many aspects of villagelife. Jean & Alex Hay

Arnold Young died in Killin on 17September 2001. He was born inSunderland in 1909, and began hisworking life as an apprentice builder inhis fatherís business. In the depressionhe trained as a teacher but during theWar joined the Civil Service, staying inthe Fighting Vehicle Research &Development Establishment for therest of his career.

Wherever Arnold lived, the churchplayed an important role in his life as itdid in Killin when he and Dora movedhere following his retirement. Theyhad visited Killin several times onholiday and, after spending a winter atAuchmore to see if they could survivethe cold weather, moved herepermanently in 1970. It was not longbefore Arnold found uses for hisvarious skills. He was Registrar foreleven years and as Keeper of theBurial Ground Records he got to knowa lot about the history to be found inthe graveyards. As Clerk and AreaOfficer to the School Board, hearranged school transport and contractsfor Killin, Crianlarich and ArdeonaigSchools. He was Presiding Officer atElections and he made hospital carruns. After finally managing to retireas a Trustee of the George Hogg andMalcolm Ferguson Trusts at the age of88, he was called back to help outagain temporarily when the only otherlong-term Trustee died. At the time ofhis death he was still HonoraryPresident of the Perth branch of theCivil Service Retirement Fellowship ofwhich he was a founder member andproducer of the original newsletters.The first Killin telephone books werealso typed and run off by Arnold whenthey were produced in aid of theChurch Summer Fayre in 1978 andcost 15p.

Until this year when his health failed,Arnold was a keen bowler, walker andgardener. Many people have describedhim as a kind, gentle, man and as agentleman. His family will alsoremember his sense of humour andfun. Dora was left a widow just a fewdays before their 65th weddinganniversary. She and his daughters,Margaret and Sheila, twograndchildren and four great-grandchildren treasure the many happymemories of the long life Arnoldshared with them.

Robert Chapman ëBobí, died inStirling Royal Infirmary on 10 August2001.

Bob who was an executive chef,retired to Killin 12 years ago fromHarrogate, to pursue his favouritehobby of fishing. Sadly, during thelast number of years, his failing healthcurtailed his visits to the RiverDochart, and he had to make do withhelping in the Coffee Shop. He was avery private person, despite his manyinterests Rally Driving, Rock & RollChampion of Yorkshire and of coursehis keen interest in antiques, also hisgreat love of music and wildlife.

Bob is survived by his two sons andthree stepchildren. He was a loyal andtrue friend to me and my family. I willmiss him very much. M Fraser


Circuit and resistance training classes - Special class designed to help you Tone Muscle - Lose Weight -

Improve General Fitness and Health.

September 2001 until further notice - Monday 10-11 am - AerobicsTuesday 1.30 - 2.30 pm - Bums, tums & legsWednesday 10-11 am - Beginners aerobics

7.30 - 8.30 pm - Circuit classThursday 6.15 - 7 pm - Beginners step

7.15 - 7.45 pm - Aqua AerobicsFriday 9.30 - 10.30 am - Bums, tums & legs

1.30 - 2.30 pm - Bums, tums & legs7.30 - 8.30 pm - Circuit class

Book appointment for Holistic Therapies - Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage etc

Under 16 Racquet Tournament - Including Badminton, Tennis & Squash

For more details please contact reception on: 01877 330000

OsteopathMorag Frazer will be will be available on Wednesday afternoons.

Phone for an appointment.

Gus Macdonald

Electrical ContractorFree Estimates

3 Aros LaneCallander

Phone: 01877 330 430Mobile: 0385 526 201

Page 27: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Twenty Seven

Dear Editor

I am E-Mailing you to tell you about my holiday visit to Killin. I saw acopy of your Killin News magazine while I was there and though it wasexcellent. My visit was not without difficulties, and I thought I would tell you about thevery kind (and not so kind) folks, who live and work around Killin - though I supposeyou already know! Perhaps I could even ask you to hand out some (figurative) bouquetsand one brickbat on my behalf.

Anyway, to the story. My car engine packed up just outside Killin, and my wife and Iwere rescued by Lix Toll Garage. They made a valiant effort to get us going, but thefault needed a specialist dealer to fix it, so they arranged to take the car, and us, toStirling. They even got the dealer to work on it straight away, after the dealer told usthat they were far too busy. Full marks and the first bouquet to Lix Toll Garage.

Then my wife injured her back and needed to see a doctor. The kind folks at the healthclinic made a special appointment for her, even though they were very busy, and fixedher up so she was mobile again. Another bouquet to the doctorís surgery.

And the brickbat? Well that goes to the driver of the sign written, local tradesmanís van(name withheld by Killin News) who berated me for blocking the road with my brokendown vehicle. When I told him that it was broken down and not actually parked, hedrove off at speed with neither apology nor any offer of help.

Oh well, even Killin isnít perfect, but we still hope to return next year because we justlove the place. Kind regards to all you good folks. Terry and Ann

Dear EditorSummer Student

In the months of July and August it wasmy great privilege to be a student in yourvillage. Attached to the Parishes of Killin& Ardeoniag, and Balquhidder, I wasunder the supervision of your Minister,the Reverend John Lincoln. I arrived inthe first week of July and very quicklyfelt at home in the cottage provided by MrW. Stitt. My work was to pastorally assistReverend Lincoln, and also participate inservices. This was a great privilege forme to work with such an encouragingminister, and to serve people in such abeautiful part of the country.

Finding my way around at first was achallenge for a ëtown girlí, however, aftera few days ëI found the right road to goíand very soon I was able to visit aloneover braes and along narrow roads. Itwas delightful to be welcomedeverywhere by the people of Killin,Balquhidder, Lochearnhead andStrathyre. It was not only as I visitedhomes that I given a warm reception, butalso in all the local amenities, - the librarystaff, the Falls of Dochart RetirementHome, local schools, Ardeonaig Centre,the residents of the Kirk Care, and all theemployees in the local shops andrestaurants, without whose kindness andservice for 8 weeks, I would not havesurvived at all!.

Killin is a lovely place to both stay andwork. As a first placement for me,working in your community in thesummer of 2001 will always beremembered as special. Thank you all foryour welcoming support. Until we meetagain, take care.

Mrs Jacqueline Thomson 3rd YearDivinity Student. St. Andrews University


Dear Editor

In reply to Willie Dunnís letter in the August issue of the Killin News, may I just saythat if he would like to hear skylarks, he is very welcome to come to Auchlyne in thespringtime and listen to them to his hearts content.

Also, if he would like to get in touch with me, I will show him a list, 6 sides long of A4paper, of flora found on just one small area of Glen Dochart, and a list of birds andmammals found here. There are two Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIís) on thisestate, one where alpine plants are to befound, and the other includes ancient oakwoodland.

I am glad he didnít see any wildlife ofany consequence on his drive to FortWilliam, as it means that he waswatching the road!

And finally ÖÖ. I am not, never havebeen, and never will be Ms Paterson!!

Emma Paterson, Auchlyne, by Killin

All Electrical Repairs, Maintenance & InstallationsDomestic, Commercial & Industrial

Scot Electrical Services

For A QualifiedTradesman -

The Man In The Yellow


Auchmore Lodge, Killin Tel: 01567 820872 Mobile: 0468468228


Suppliers of quality timber framecomponents extend best wishes to

Lynfern Developments at their Old Mart project, Killin.

Chosen again for the very bestquality, value and service.

Specialists in the design and manufacture of

timber frame houses to trade and individual customers.

Please contact us to discuss your next project.

John Denholm ñ Robert Gilfillan

Rob Roy HomesComrie, Perthshire

Phone: 01764 670424/5Fax: 01764 670419

Rob RoyHomes

Page 28: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Twenty Eight

Thank You




Crossword by Scorpio

News FirstNew special offers on toiletries and

medicine every 2 weeks

ìArgosî style toy catalogue now available- collect your copy NOW!

News First for daily newspapers, magazines, stationary, toys,video rental, fishing tackle and live bait, greetings cards,

confectionery and soft drinks

01567 820362

Clues Across1. Would this be used nowadays for transporting guides and scouts? (5,7)9. Glowing coal (5)10. Connected by disturbedtreadle (7)11. Aphroditeís son is inPiccadilly Circus (4)12. Stay the same (6,2)14. Upsets citrus and lives in thecountry (6)15. Lapped together two edges (6)18. Get chain for instruction (8)20. I rushed for a middle easterncountry (4)22. Supervise (7)23. Jean Brodie was in this (5)24. Of oneself created by oneself(4-8)

Clues Down2. Rib bones lose direction fordecorative fabrics (7)3. Soar for boating aids (4)4. Vehicle favourite can be joinedto make a floor covering (6)5. Lets go (8)6. V and V (2,3)7. Dander forger is upset bywarning signal (3,3,6)8. Rejoicings (12)13. Illuminates (6,2)16. Martin and I are in troubleover an Italian drink (7)17. The conclusion of a sound organis sure to inspire affection (6)19. All that the hungry would askfor (1,4)21. Used to urge a horse forward(4) ëScorpioí would like to apologise for the

error in Crossword No 64. Clue 7 downwas the offending one. The answer wasëyeastyí which did not fit in with clue 4across.

Solution to last crosswordAcross: (1)Troop carrier (9) Ember(10) Related (11) Gros (12) Remain so(14) Rustic (15) Seamed (18) Teaching(20) Iran (22) Oversee (23) Prime (24)Self portraitDown: (2) Ribbons (3) Oars (4)Carpet (5) Releases (6) Is ten ( 7) Red fordanger (8) Celebrations (13) Lights up(16) Martini (17) Endear (19) A meal(21) Spur

Dora, Margaret, Sheila and the familywould like to thank everyone for thesupport and sympathy shown in manydifferent ways following Arnoldís death.It was a great help and comfort to us.We are especially grateful to the staff atthe Falls of Dochart for their devotedcare, which enabled him to stay in Killinduring his last illness, and to all thedoctors and nurses who attended him.

On behalf of the MultipleSclerosis Therapy Centre inGlasgow, Strathyre Gun Cluband myself would like to thankmost sincerely, all those whohelped by donating prizesand/or cash. The success ofthe day was entirely due to theresponse we received fromeveryone involved.

The total raised was £1859.Be warned, the day was sucha success that it could becomean annual event.

Once again, a huge thank youto everyone who helped withthe organising of the shoot, thecompetitors themselves and,all who contributed.

Gordon Webster

ShuttersLicensed Restaurant


Coffees, Teas,Homebaking

Full menu available all day

Telephone: 01567 820314

An E-Mail received by Killin News

ìMy name is Joe Killin. I am anAmerican who visited your wonderfulvillage as a child. I now dream ofreturning with my wife and son. I hopeto see you all again someday. GodBless.î

On behalf of the Millennium CommitteeI would like to thank the working partyfor the way in which they undertook thetask of the Millennium Clock to itssatisfactory conclusion.

The clock is a wonderful addition to theMcLaren Hall, and forms a superbcommemoration for Killin of themillennium year.

Colin J McRae, Chairman


Page 29: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Forthcoming EventsOctober

7 Killin Gun Club. Club Shoot 1 pmNovember

4 Killin Gun Club. Club Shoot 11am

The deadline for copy, and advertising for the next issue of the Killin News, is:

Thursday, 1 November 2001This issue will be the Christmas Issue

which will be distributed around 23 November.

Notification of events occurring during December, January and February must be in the Christmas Issue.

The following Killin News will be distributed end February 2002

Killin News

Editorial PolicyThe Killin News is a free communitynewspaper produced and distributedevery two months by volunteers tohouseholds and business in Killin andDistrict. The aim of those involved isto produce an informative, accurateand entertaining journal for those wholive, work and visit in this area.Letters and articles published in thenewspaper do not necessarily reflectthe views of the ProductionCommittee and the Editors reserve theright to shorten, edit, or not publish,any particular article or letter.Contributions will only be publishedif accompanied by a contact name andaddress. Articles and adverts areaccepted and printed in good faith.Should you wish to make a donationor have any suggestions on how toimprove the Killin News, please feelfree to get in touch with the Editor orany member of the ProductionCommittee.

Production CommitteeEditor

Linda FitzGeraldAssistant Editor

Gillean FordTreasurer

Margaret MacIverSecretary & Adverts

Judy ForsterAdvertising Artwork

Liz StevensDistributionAllan Walker

Production TeamAngus Inglis Bill Douglas Kay Riddell Dani Grant

Iain Campbell

Postal Address: Kilchurn, KillinTelephone: 01567 820 298

Fax: 01567 820 043E-Mail: [email protected]

on line at: www.killin.co.uk

Twenty Nine

Church Services

Killin Parish Church10 am every Sunday

Episcopal Churchcheck notice board for details

Roman CatholicEpiscopal Church Sundays at 2.20 pm

For further details on any of the above, orof additional events, please check the

local notice boards, or ask at theBreadalbane Folklore Centre & TouristInformation Centre, Tel: 01567 820254.

Killin Community BusImportant Notice

Would all persons wishing to beincluded on the approved list ofdrivers, please contact Mr Ian Black,Birchbank, Main Street, Killin, for anapplication form. The closing date forcompleted application forms to bereturned is 19 October 2001.

Charlie GrantChairman

Rural RoadshowCentral Scotland Police in partnershipwith Stirling Council and StirlingCommunities for Safety will beholding a Rural Roadshow towards theend of October. An officer fromCentral Scotland Police will be on handto provide advice and answer yourhome security questions, and arepresentative from StirlingCommunities for Safety will beoffering safety and security items atcost price. The exact dates and venuesare still being arranged but should beavailable within the next few weeks.When arranged these will be publishedin local newspapers, local shops andpublic buildings. It is hoped that atleast one of the venues will be in theKillin, Crianlarich or Tyndrum area.

For further information please contactConstable Allyson Blair, CommunitySafety Department, Dunblane.Telephone 01786 826011 (Monday -Wednesday).

In Fearnan, take Fortingall Rd.for 100 yds, then turn right

Tel: 01887 830251Open Everyday for Shopping

Killin Reading GroupThe group meets every other Wednesdayevening from 7.30pm. It currently has abouta dozen members and meets in memberíshouses on a loosely rotating basis. Themembers agree what books it would like toread and then discuss the books.

3 OctoberMeet author Isla Dewar at Killin Library.

17 OctoberEnglish Passengers by Matthew Kneal

31 OctoberSpooky poems/short stories

14 NovemberBreakfast at Tiffanyís. Truman Capote

We would welcome new members. Ifinterested call Carole on 820962.

Page 30: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona


Rabbits make lovely pets, but are a longtermcommitment. They can live for up to eightyears, with the bigger rabbits like French Lopsliving even longer.

Your run should be large and as interesting aspossible with things for the rabbit to climb on,hide in and chew. Female rabbits may dig out ofa run if it is not wired underneath. In thewinter the hutch would either need to go into a shed, or be insulatedagainst the cold. The water bottle will also need to be checked every dayfor freezing. The hutch you buy should be as big as possible. Rabbitsneed a great deal of space to exercise and a rabbit cooped up in a smallspace will get depressed, and is more likely to become ill and die. Sobefore getting a rabbit all this has to be taken into consideration.

Rabbit hutches need cleaning out completely once a week with toilet areascleaned every day. A disinfectant especially made for cleaning hutchescan be bought. It is better to use hay as bedding ñ straw can poke intoeyes causing injury and infection. Runs need to be moved weekly. Witha complete diet, like Russell Rabbit, you donít need to feed anythingextra. Alternatively, a complimentary feed means you have to feed greenstuff as well. Like all animals rabbits need fresh water every day.

Only female litter mates can be kept together ñ anything else will fight,or worse, breed. Rabbits and guinea pigs should not be kept together asrabbits are capable of seriously injuring guinea pigs. Be very careful thatfemale rabbits are really all females and not already pregnant! As ageneral rule the bigger the rabbit the better the temper. Dwarf rabbitscan be very aggressive. Young rabbits need a great deal of handlingotherwise they can become difficult later on. Rabbits are not reallysuitable for small children as they can deliver a nasty bite and a viciouskick with their hind legs.

Rabbits need to be vaccinated on ayearly basis against Myxomatosisand VHD. A consideration whenworking out what you are going tospend on your pet. And remember,a book on rabbit care is a must.

Good luck with your rabbit andwrite to me at Killin News with anyproblems and, or stories.

Gill Hunt

Pets Place


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Available For House CallsLast Friday In Month.

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Tiling, Artexing, Graining,Ragrolling, Sponging, Stripping,

Paper Hanging, Cornicing,Fire Proofing,

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CHARLES GRANTPainters and Decorators

WRI Coffee MorningThe WRI Coffee Morning was held onWednesday 5 August in the McLarenLesser Hall. This was in aid of fundsfor the Childrenís Christmas Party.

Many thanks to all who helped, andspecial thanks to all the grannies andaunties who supported this fundraiser.We were very disappointed with thelack of support from parents of schoolage children. This event was heldpurely to raise funds for the ChristmasParty, if parents donít support thesefundraisers, they could jeopardise thefuture of the party.

Jane Brown (Press Secretary WRI)

Page 31: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Killin NewsAcross The


Thirty One

(Right) We received this photo and a letter fromEileen Tropiano, Perth, Western Australia whoasks, ìI wonder if anyone remembers these twoladies pictured enjoying the Killin News in KingsPark overlooking Perth Western Australia? Yes,we were once the Jeans sisters and we lived inYellow Cottage, Killin, many moons ago!!î

During their teenage years on school holidays,Heather (right) used to work for the late AileenSmith at the Cottage Loom. Eileen recalls many alaugh when she was employed by Paddy (from theBreadalbane Folklore and Tourist Information

Centre), in her shop which was then also thetourist information centre. The tourists werecertainly enlightened in those days, to someinteresting, if perhaps not so truthful, localhistory. Eileen now wishes to confess that shemade a lot of it up as she went along! Heathercaught up with all the Killin news on a recentvisit to Eileen.

Eileen says, ìPaddy, I thank you so much forsending the Killin News ëDownunderí, it isvery much appreciated, and most enjoyable toread about everyone we remember!î

(Above) This ëfine figure of a maní is Gordon Bates of Creagan Cottage, Morenish, by Killin. Gordon now lives mainly inEdinburgh, but was photographed whilst on holiday in the Greek Islands, keeping up with Killin news.

Look What TheStork Brought !

Being introduced to Scotland (and themidges) for the first time is MiaCharlotta Andell. This bundle of joywas born 9 July to Margo & Patrikand weighed in at a healthy 2.945kg(6lbs 7oz). The photo was takenwhilst Mia was visiting her Grandmaand Grandpa, Jan and JohnnyWillison, Dalchenna, CraignavieRoad, Killin.

The Restaurant is open all day & offers freshly prepared Scottish fayre and home baking.

Invervey HotelTyndrum

Tel: 01838 400 219 Fax: 01838 400 280

Large, cosy Lounge Bar and Games Room with pool table & dart board

Page 32: Every two months KILLIN NEWS · 2018-04-19 · Two New Primary 1ís at Killin and Crinlarich (Above from L-R) Killin: Lauren Third, Allan McKenzie, Adele Melia, Antonia Dowling, Iona

Wedding Belles

Thirty Two

(Left) Myrica Mardonof Killin and AlastairReid of Callander weremarried on Saturday28 July at St AndrewísChurch, Callander.The family gathered atthe reception inDunblane HiltonHydro including somefrom England,Germany and Canada.The happy couple arehoneymooning inMexico.

(Right) On 9 September, the church atCrianlarich was filled to capacity withthe family, friends and relatives of Kateand Stewart Winton. All had gatheredtogether for a special service conductedby the Rev. Scott, to celebrate Kate andStewartís 30th wedding anniversary, andto witness the renewal of their weddingvows.

The reception was held in the CrianlarichVillage Hall, and a superb luncheon andbeautiful wedding cake (made by Kate ofcourse!), was enjoyed by everyone.

Kate and Stewart are off to Barbadoscourtesy of their family. We wish themevery happiness in the future.

The childrenís section of the FloralAwards has seen its most successfulìsummerî with sunflowers growing tallaround the village. Members of theFloral Association have measured all theplants on three occasions during thesummer and the final result is based onthe visit made on the 12 September.

Tallest Plant1. Anna Holden 325.2 cm. (128 inches)2. Katy Holden 322.5 cm. (127 inches)3.Antonia Dowling 302.3cm(119 inches)

Widest Bloom1. Laura Aitken 26.7 cm. (10.5 inches)2. Harry McRobbie 25.4 cm. (10 inches)3. Oliver Dowling 24.2 cm. (9.5 inches)

Katy &Anna


Laura Aitken