Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1863-04-14 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 13. · V2fc XXI....

V2fc XXI. WASHINGTON. D. C.. TUESDAY. APRIL 14. 1863. NS. 3,162 THE EVENING STAR. x* niBIUSHED EVfeKY AI'TERNOOM, (,SUNDAY MJtOMPTKD,) AT THE STAR BOILDIJIQI. JPUK'A AVMHUM AND 11TH ST1HT, *T w. D. WALLAOH. him served in jukinibr carriers at 94 ft Marar 3T eente p«r month. To mail subscribers STLriM la #4.AO ft reftr, in advance- $2 tor lix $ i far three months; and for leee than iteaamartb' at the rate of 12 cents a week. Single g oil oin; in wrappers, two cxhts. ADTBRTISRMENT2 should bo went to the before 13 e clack M>; otherwise they mar not «mtil the next day. AMV8TI7S JOHlfSO.f * CO., PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, firrwRKS 9th A IOtb Br*., <OOMBS? BUILDING,) B**« Jut Received 100 CASKS J3S ST. MAErCEAUX CHAMPAGJT5 "RED IaAO," IN QUARTS AND PINTS. raim Wine is pronounced by connoisseurs superior to say othftr brs.M<i in the market, and prom- b>>nt on the Wine list of flrst-c'asB Mew York Hotels and Restaurants. ALSO 190 CASKS ItREER SEAL, QUARTS. Ve*Mea the above Wines, we bare constantly en a fn-1 supply of all other well-known braccin. FIFER HE1DSICK, HB1DS1CK A 00 MOET A CHANDON QL1QU0T, 6. n. MUMM A CO.. Etc. KTAn Inspection of our stock, whi"h is now replete in every branch, is reppectfolly solicited, AUG. JOH.NSOS 4c CO. 13- tf EST, NORTH AND 80UTHWEST. OFFICERS A WO SOLDIERS TiKEX .12 GOVEHNMEXT RATES. The oi>ly pi* e to buy tic*ets is at the ticket office of the Baltimore and Ohio B»ilroa-i at the Dvp"ts <!Bi. ggjS change of cars betw ea WMh-ae3t-a!e in*toe and the Ohio river. Baega^e checked through frnn this c ty. Splendid sleeping cars at- tacfceoto all night trains Trains leave at 8 a. m. arid fi and 6 3'p. ro. beware of runuers and hire¬ ling?; have nothing to do with them, but come di¬ rect to the depat and procure your tickets. B. W. EDMONDS, nar 91 Passenger Ag:ent B. A O. R. R. Co. STRICTLY TURE california WINES AND BRAN DISS. Sole agents for th'- District of Columbia for the sal.? of Messrs. Kohler A Erohling's pure Califor¬ nia Wites and Brandies. The following are our brands : angelica, MOC'K or WTITTE WINKS. PORT, WHITE MUSCATEL, GRAPE BRANBY. EG AN A y KRRI E, Sole Agents, mar Sl-lm corner <»th and E streets. 1V1EW RINGING CLASS..Professor Alex. Wo- 1 v lovski is formiDK a new i"ii;giuK Clam by his New a:i l Amplified Method To beicin thatctass immediately are punted i^niy a few good ladies' and gentlemen's voices. Those ladies and gentle¬ men who would like to join that fine elass, and an liberal terms, can apply immediately at the Pro¬ fessor's residence ana try their voice*. Professor's residence is No. 4 .>1 Tenth street. between E and P. Dour of reception only between 2 and 3 o'clock p. in,,daily. ap 3-2w Richardson on domebtic fowls. Bement on Poultry. Dixon and Kerr's Ornamental and Domestic Poultry. Manual of Domestic Animals. Baili on Fowls: London. Dickson and Moubrav on Poultry: London. Browne's American Poultry Yard. Doyle's Domestic Poultry: London. Tie Poultry Maid: London ap7 FRAN0K TAYLOR. This is to notify sutlers or the army that I am prepared to furnish at all times and at short notices all kindsof WAGONS, Ac.,ap¬ pertaining to sutlers. CHARLES SLACK, Corner of John and Cathedral sts., mar H-6m* Baltimore, Md. gfOTB AND SHOES TO^ SC IT THE THdEsT" We are now manufacturing all klnda of BOOTS and SHOES, and constantly receiving a aup-Mgte .iy of Eastern-made Work of every desert*-SMI tion, made expressly to order, and will Mflj .old at a much lower price than has been* JMb heretofore charged In this aity for much inferior articles. Parse us 1b want of BOOTS and SHOES ef Eastern K Citv-mede work, wlU always And a good assort¬ ment la store and *t the lowest prices. Give us call. GRIFFIN A BROTHER, a»^tf.r 314 Pennsylvania avenue. NTEBNAL REVENUE STAMPS, OF EVERY DENOMINATION, Can be had at all times hereafter AT the COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, No. 476 Sbv«sth Stbbkt, OpvosiH Post UJfa* ^ 25 J. BvWIN. Collector of Internal Revenue for the fs M tf District of Columbia. A DAMS' EXPRESS COMPANY. NOTICE Q¥~1EM0VAL. The DELIVERY OFFICE of thla Oompany . .amoved from Thfrd street to the large depot on V M aad M itreeta. «M»tr DIARY, vnoM iuxoi 4,1881, to lovmn IS, ISO. by ADAM GUROWBKI HBILPRIN'S Bookstore, .aB-tf M44 Pa. avenue. IVEW BAG STOREV NEW RAO BTORHH Bring your rags of all kinds to Island Hall Build¬ ing. «th strtet south, where you can get the highest cnah prices. Alto. METALS of all kinds. mar 18-1 COREY A P0WERS._ XK PAWNBROKER-PA *NBT OKBRI /©V AwJL No. -J»* C Strkkt. /W1 W O Biitcten 9iK ami mtA strttU. 0 Q §y Meney advanced on Gold, Silver, Jewelry, Dlamcnds, and all articles in g«od order. marlJ lm* JOHN PBLLA A CO. UlLERS, ATTENTION ! m.tORSiLE. »0 boxes CASTILE SOAP. 8 » dANDLKS, W '. TALLOW . ^ . ., Cheap for cash at National Soap and Candle Works, Green street and the Canal, Georgetown, D. C. "n* niANOS..A new assortment of St«inway h. Son's I BBrivaled PIANO FORTBd have b*sa reeeived at the Masis store of W . METZEEOTT, corner of Pa. avena* aBd*'11»» Eleventh st. Several Second-hand Pinnae for sale ebeap. m36 EDUCATIONAL. ^EWAftD INSTITUTE, ^ Hon. WM. U. SEWAED. President. FEMALE UKifARTMENT.Miss M. E. Hotoh » i8p, Principal .The Summer Session sommintes April 2 . Board, tuition in English and French, $140 per annum. _ , _ T _ Rtltrtmtts -Hon. Wm. H. Sewarf, Rev J. Bells, B D., Church on the Hights, Brooklyn; R. G. Pardee Supt. N. Y. 8. 8. Union, 399 Br^dway; and Iv.sod & Phinney. 48 Walker street, N. Y. Florida, Orange county. N. Y. ap W Sw I^EMALl COLLEOB,boBi)1!NTOWN r f This Institute is yleasantlr locatel on the Dela¬ ware RiTer, »> miles north of Philadelphia. It haa been in successful operitioi for more than ten years, and is one of tbe Uiost flourishing Institu¬ tions of learning In the country Breeial attention la paid to the Common and Higher branches of English, and superior advan¬ tages furnished in Vocal ana Instrumental Music. {rawing, Painting. French and Latin are t&ughi f experienced teachers. Persons eomiug from the South can leave Wal- n«t streetwbarf^ Philada.,at fl a.m. and 2, 4, 4)j and 6 p m. Far catalogues address Rev. JOHN H. BRAKEL1Y, A. M. President. References in Washington : Hon. J C Ten Eyke, Senate; Hon J. N. L Stratton .House -»f Represen¬ tatives; Jno. P. Polk, State Department; Jcs. L. Cox, Treasury Department; W H. Van Northwick, Department of the Interior: 8. J. Groot, M. D. fe 18 2m* AUGUSTUS J0HH801 k CO., .J«9 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Bktweex 9th isd 10th Sts., EAVK BOUGHT AT TnE RECEIVER'S SALE, THE WHOLE BALANCE OF STOCK I of the late firm of LEACH k CO., Baltimore, consisting I HERMETH ALLY-SEALED GOODS, OF E VERY DESC RIP 11 OS : MEATS, POULTRY, KISH, ERUirS, VEGETABLES, SOT" PS, Et ., WHICH WE OFFER TO THK TRADE. BY THE PACKAGE, FAB BKLOW MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. A1 GI STI S JOHNSON A < «., S-tf Pennsylvania Avenue. BOSWELL A WARNER'S COLORIFIC For Coiorinx. tiu Hair to a B'yiirtiful Broirn and Bl-irk. A pyli'-d without wash or preparation ; will not crifp tbe hair or wliisktr-^ liKe a dye ; laaves it soft snu glossy, promoting its urowtb; partiuultrly adapted to ladies' use, whose hair is prematurely gray. Guarantied as represented. Try it! Wholesale and retail at BOS'VKLL'S MILI¬ TARY AND FANCY STORE. :{0--> E street, n?ar Hth, Sole Agent for Washington and the District, ap 4-lm» Hi BARGAINS-BARGAINS! BOOTS A iY 1> SHOES Ohb^per than Ever! L. HEILBRUN A CO., SOU SEVENTH STREET, Undrt Odd Fellow."'' Hall, have Jni<t opened the largest and best selected stock ot fashionable Ladies' and Misses' Lasting and Morocco BALMORALS, GAITERS BOOTS and SLIPPEBS : Men's and Boys' Sewed and Pe^ued BOOTS. GAITERS, TIES and PUMPS-which will he sold at astonishing low prices. Call and see. No charge for showing goods. L IIEILBRUN k CO.. sp 3-lm* 506 Seventh st., betw. D nn-d I*. A PR O(LAM A TIO > I A PROCLAMATION ! DAYTON'S CELEBRATED BOSTON CRACKERS, WINE BISOUIT, LEMON BISCUIT, PIC NIC CRACKERS, ARK HOLD BV . ORME k SON, KING k BURCHELL, GASS k GATLEY, GUL1CK, HOOVER, WHITE k JOYCE, M. GREEN, B. FENNER. mar 21-lm* Steamship great eastern.~ FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL.< THP STKAMSHIP ¦ GP.EAT eastern, WALTER PAT0N Commander, WILL BB r>I jPATOHKD fRUM LIVERPOOL. I FROM SEW YOKK, Saturday April 18. Saturday M«y9 Tuesday June 2.1 Tuesday June 23 First Cabin, from $9.5 to $135 each berth, according to size, situation and accom¬ modation of the State Rooms; ali having the nan* privileges in the Saloons in regard to meals and attendance. Suits of apartments for families may be engaged by special agreement. Excursion Tickets out and hack, in the 1st Cabin only, a fare and a half. Servants accompanying passengers, and children under twelve years o' age. half 'are. Infants free. Sioond Cabis.State Reom berths, meals furnished at separate tables $70 Thim) Cabii .Intermediate State Rooms, pas¬ sengers found with beds, bedding, table uten¬ sils. and good substantial food ffift Btirracb, with superior accommodating All farvs payable in Gold, or its equivalent in U. B. currency. Each passenger allowed twenty cubic feet of luggage. An experienced Surgeon on boaid. For pa*f-age apply to CHARGES A. WHITNEY, at the Office 2t> BROA DWAY. New York. For freight apply to HOWL AND k A8PIN- WALL, Agents, 54 South street, New York, mh 2f*-t)e9 BARROW, M'KELDEN A- 00., BANKERS S33 PENNA. AV., OPPOSITE WILLARDS, Washington, D. C., WILL BVY AND SELL GOLD AND SILVER, CNCURRENT MONEY, VIRGINIA AND OTHER SOUTHERN BANK NOTES, DEMAND AND 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES and ail other GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, DRAFTS ON THE NORTHERN CITIES AND EUROPE. Navy and Army Cheeks and Quartermasters' Vouchers Cashed. Collections made cn tbe most liberal term*. Bonds, 8tocks and Gold bought and sold on usual commissions. Deposits received. mar 21-lm MAYOR'S OFFICE. Wamhihoton, D. C., April |0,1863. Proposals will be received at the Mayor's Office nntil 12 m oc Monday, the 20th instant, for contin¬ uing the Sewer from its p-esent terminatier on I street north, between 9th and inth streets west, to a point en 10th street thirty feet from the east side of loth, and thenoe along said KHh street to the north side of New York avenue, with laterals and drone, <kO. Bfdcers will state the price per lineal foot for the main, laterals, including drops and excavations. Specittcations can be seen at the Surveyor's Of¬ fice on and after next Monday. Bidder* are notified that no part of the appro¬ priation will be paid unless the Commie-ioner and A f sis tan t Commissioners express in writing that U.. wrt i. prwrl, ..«.«. GARNKR, Commissioner Third Ward, JOSEPH BRYAN, GHA8. EDMON8fON, Assistant Commissioners, ap RVtd [ Intel.. Ohron. k RepuhJ Mm'ME JOLLIVir, ILL1NER, 46*» Eleventh etreet, corner of 9, bas the honor to announ:e te the ladies of Washington that she has Just returned fromOKtf New York with an elegant stock of SPRING^^ BONNETS, and will bi ready next Friday, April loth, to show them ap7-6t* FDE BALE.. A good BOILER, three-horse power; nearly new; very little used; suitable for almost any pnrpqse. Will be sold cheap Call at tbe Goslinc Restaurant, No. 247 Pa. avenue. _a» <^3t The bteamship salvor, from hew York, hat arrived, and is now dis¬ charging cargo at the foot of High st.,< Oeorgetown « ap»-tf MORGAN ft RHINKHART, Agecte. OFFICIAL. fi HIEF A88T QU ARTERM A8TBR*8 OPFIOl,) Depot of Washington 213 If, corner MtA .if.. } Wabhiwotoh, ». 0., March 21, WS3.> With a view to obtain on short notice and on th« best terms such supplies for the use of this Depart¬ ment, by purchase in the open market, as may be required by the exigencies of the service, and not otherwise provided for by estimate on the proper officers of the Quartermaster's Department, all dealers in Fuel, Stationery, Hariware, Drugs, Lumber of all description*, Leather, Paints, Oils, 6 lass, Lanterns, Ship's Stores, and ouch ether sop- plies as are known to be purchaf ed by the Quarter¬ master's Department, are hereby requested to fur¬ nish this office weekly with price lists of the articles in their line, corrected according to the fluctua¬ tions of the market. None other than those complying with the above advertisement will receive orders from this office. EDWARD L HARTZ. mra Zl-lm Captain and A. Q. M.,U.8A WAR DEPARTMENT, . Washington, January 28,1863. In consequence of the pressure ef business at the War Department, passes for citizens to visit the At wy of the Potomac will be given at the office of Lieut. Col. Oosrad, 132 Pennsylvania avenue above Nineteenth street. PERSONAL. Mno imposition ADAMS ROSS, Doctress and Astrologist. was horn with a natural gift. She tells the past and future.was never known to fail. Cau«e speedy marriages, brings together those Ion* separated. Cures all dirieases; business strictly confidential. No. 435 F street West, between 6th and 7th, near the Patent Office. The only person that can show a likeness ef future husband or absent friend in reality. Ladieii 50 cents; gentlemen .91. mh£> lm GREAT EXCITEMENT ' AT L.YJVSBl RG1I & BRO.'S BALTIMORE BARGAIN STORE, 3«5 Seventh St., bet. I and K. SELLING OFF! SKI-LING OFF! SELLING OFF! THE ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY AND FANCY GOODS, m hi< h we predetermined to close out in ft few week". Light and Dark PRINTS at 16,13. 2U and 23 cents per yanl. Host of which utre Merri aack. Splendid Figured DEI AINES, su.table for the spring, at 05 cents per yard, A beautiful assortment «t Black aud White PLAiDS for dresses, Bleached an'! Brown MUSLINS at 20, 25, 1», and .15 cento. SHEETING COTTONS of all width*, at nvich re¬ duced prices. Brown hn-I Bleached TABLE LINEN-*, very cheap, IRIHl LlNEN6.it 40, 5i, and bO cents per yard, Black ALPACAS of all grades. Spring CAsSIMERES aud COTTON ADE8 for M-n acd Boyh' w<\ir. Yard-wine good quality BRILLIANTS, at 25 cents Whre aud Colored Beat Mechanical CORSKTS, at i%l 5". Lin*'ti SHIFT FRONTS.at ma, 18, and »i cents, Also, a nil line of HOSIERY, all of which will b. i sold cbtap. Ladies and Slisses Cord and Tape 1IOOP SKIRTS. having a very large lot on hand, wo have to sell at ativ price, A beautiful lot of SPRING SHAWLS. «. Ladies Fint' W^ite LinevHAN DK ERCH1EFS at 5,i Oo dozen Green <V Dauiel's SVljOL COTTON, at 9 ' cents p.-r dozen, lf(o<loTf>nl A P. Coates'Spool Cott7Ti». a', fell". 3^ lbs. Black LINEN THREAD at #1.5'per lb.. Invisible 11 A'R N ETH, at 3?}*. VI and * 8 cen^a, hTAPI.E NOTIONS.such as l'in«, Needle*.Comhs, liaii and I ooth Brnr h"B. Sewing Silks. Skirt Braids. Twilled Tapes, Colognes, etc.,.in great quantity. KTCall early and secure your goods at LANS- BURGH \ BRO 'S BALTIMORE BARGAIN STORK, 3 7 .> Seventh street, between I and K. P. K..Ladies who wiah to avoid a crowd will please call early in the morning or -late in the eve¬ ning. The Store is open every evening until 9 o'clock.__ apiMw*_ I8TRICT CHTRTOF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. D Cnit'll Mat's ) if Whisky < Colhr., IM Af'MI K ALTY. CnrgOqf . W hereas the said «argo was captured a prize by the officers and crew of the United States flotilla and brought into the port of Washington, District of Columbia, and brought within th'- jurisdiction of said Court, and on the 2d day of March, 186.1, a libel was tiled in said Court by the United States Attorney for said District praying the condemna¬ tion of suid cargo, and that moxition and attach¬ ment issue against the cargo and the owners there¬ of. and all persons interested or claiming an inter est therein, warning them at some early day to appear Rnd answer said lioel: It is therefore or¬ dered by this Court, in admiralty si ti ng, this 31st da> of March, 1863. that notice be given to the own¬ ers of said cargo and all persons interested or elaiinist.'an interest therein to appear and answer tlii* libel on the first Monday of May. 13o3, and show cause, if any they have, why said cargo should not be con letcned and sold according to law; aud that Paid notice be given by posting a copv of this order upon the front door ol the Court House of said District, aud by publication in the Evening Star twice a we<>k previ >us to said first Monday of May. lafti. the first publication to be on or before tke first Monday of April 1863. By order of the Court. Test:- R. J. MEIGS, Olerk. Cr py-Testr-R. J. MKIGS. Clerk. ap 4 iaw DISTRICT COUR f OFTUE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ' United Stales I vs. 207 Cases of Milk Drink,paM > I* Admiralty. of the ear go of the schooner I Tho.C. Worrtll ) \Vh'-reas, the said >f7 c**es of milk drink were, on the 24th of February, 1863, seized for violation of the Revenue Law of the United States mid brought within the jurisdiction of this Court, and ou the second of March. 1863. a Libel was filed by the Unit"d States Attorney for the District of Co¬ lumbia, in this Court, praying the condemnation of said cases of milk a rink, and that process of monition and attachment issue against said cases of milk drink and the owners thereof, and all per¬ sons interested or claiming an interest thireiu. warning them at some early day to appear and an¬ swer said Libel; It is therefore ordered by this Court, in Admiralty sitting, this tirst day of April, 1863, that notice he given to the owners of said cases of milk drink and all persons inturesUd or claiming an interest therein to appear and answer this Libel on the first Monday of May, 18-lf, and show cause, if any they have, why said cases of milk drink shsuld not be condemned and sold ac¬ cording to law, and that said notice be given by posting a copy of this order u pou the front door of the Court Bonse of said Diftriet, and by publica¬ tion in the Evening Star twic- a week previous to said first Monday in May. the first publication to be on or before the second Monday of April, lo63. By ordtr of th^ Court: Test; R. J. MKIGS, Olerk. Copy.Test:.R. J MKIGS. Clerk. up 4 2*w District COCRTOFthe united states FOR THK DISTRICT OF COLOMBIA. United State* | The Sfhtxnur Emily Murray lM Admiralty. and Cargo. ) Whereas, the said schooner Emily Murray aud cargo were captured as prize by the officers and erew of the U. 8. stsanier Co'ur de Li«n,a'Uched to the Potomac tiotil'a, and brought into the port of Washington, District of Columbia, aud brought within the jurisdiction of said Court, and on the £id day of February, 1863, a libel was tiled iu said Court, by the United States Attorney for the Dis¬ trict of Columbia, praying the condemnation of said scboonei aad cargo, and that process of inani¬ tion and attachment issue against said schooner and cargo, and the owners thereof, and all persons interested or claiming an inter*st therein, warning them at some early day to appear and answer said libel: It is therefore ordertd by this Court, !n ad¬ miralty pitting, this 1st day of April.l8»V?.that notice be given to the owners of said xhooner and cargo, ana: all persf/tis interested or claiming interest therein, to aupear and answer this libel on the 1st Monday ef May, 1H63 aud sh^w cause, if any they have, why said schooner and cargo should not be condemned and sold according to bur, aad that said notice be given by postiag a ropy otthis order upon the front door of the court house of said District, and by publication in the Evening Startwicea w<*ek p-eviou* to said 1st Monday iu May. the first publi cation to be on or before the 1st Mecday of April, 1863. By order of the Court. . T*st: R. J. MKIG8,Clerk. True copy. Test:.R. J. MKIQ3, Clerk, ap 6-2*w_ j^RUIT TREKS.FINL^CHEAP PXACH TREES, splendid two ysar old Trees, #8 per l«-»«r» per lJwn; APPLE TkKKS very fine. 912 per 1<>0; DWARF PEAKS, two years, beautifully shaped J#23 per lfti; LAW -^~ TON BLACKBERRIES, 84 per I'M. With all ar¬ ticles pertaining to the Naraexy business, at cor- re'potdiufly cheap rates. Garden and 'lower Seedi of every description. JOHN SAUL, ap9-6t* :}«»G S*v4nth street.corner U._ 2,000 BBL0. PBlMi? CLARIFIED CIDER 6»T Ml* by RLLlS * CAIRNS, It South Gay street, tl - . Baltmc AMUSEMENTS. QROVER'S THEATRE. rSBR8TLYANIA AYBNUB,M»r WilUrd'i Hotol baoaABS Gbotbb .. _.Ma*a»m THIS EVENING, Third appearance of the eminent young American Tragedian J. WILKES BOOTH, . Appearance of the charming favorite Actress, MISS SUSAN DKNIN. Special appearnrce of the beautiful favorite actress MISS Ef KIE GERMON. Appearanctf of the popular young Actor, MR J. M. WARD. first sppe»r*nce ot the gifted Actor, MR CHA8 WYNDHAM. Will be acted this eveningthe great shakspearean masterpiece, HAMLET. Hamlet .J. Wilkeg Booth liueen Gertrude 8a*-n D<juin Ophelia Effie (iermon I.aeites ......... J.M. Ward Polonius... Ken Rogers Ghcst W H. Bikee Osric . t'has. Wyndhom §y Admission flO, 35, and 75 cents. No extra charge for secured seats WA8HINQTON THEATRE. CORNER ELEVENTH AND O STREETS. UAKAOKRS . .MRS9B3. Maedbs & Gossob 8TAGB MaSAGEB . Fbbd. G Murdk* Tbbabukbr, Geo. W. Fares* THIS EVENING, April M. Fok Terek Nights Okly. The beautiful English A-tres* and Vocalist, M188 EMILY TUORNE, who will nnake her first appearance in Washington as Joss-phink, in THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, w ith Songs, See., supported b7 the entire company. ME. JOHN T. RAYMOND a<* Poaop'-rnicke) ; also.as R'igirad Pat, in IRELAND AS IT H AS. Or.ly night of this great lri-ih Drama. In rehearsal, LAKES OF KILLARNEY, «ith beautiful new scenery,\c , in which MIS8 EMILY TPORNEwill a spear as Kate Kearney. D B FELLOWS HALL. o THIS (MONDAY) EVENING. April 13th, And Ertry Evtuing durin ij tins w-h, SAJ> DFRfc'ON'S GIGANTIC DIORAMIC ILLU8- TRA TION8 OF THE RUSSIAN WAR! It will be shown with all its THRILLING INCIDKNTS, BOMBARDMENTS AND SIEGES, RATTLES ON LASD AND SEA, And ending with the grandest conception of Scenic Art : THE FINAL DSTRUCTION AND CONFLAGRA¬ TION OF 3EBA8TOPOL, pronounced the most successful Llustntion of its Kind tver attempt id in thi = country. This Dio-Panoraiuic Exhibition represents in the iik «rt. era phic manner the mo«t important events which distingushed the CKIMEAN WAR! Moral, Jns'rurtivf and Entertaining ! Doors op^n at 7 o'clock ; to commence at a quar¬ ter of 8 o'cl« ck. AdmisMon 25 cents ; children 16 cents. Br/f" Rf t-er \ ed Seat* f»i oeuts. «*>~GRANl> IMY PERFORMANCE ON" SATUR PaY at s o'clock. »p 14 St* ASHING TON THEATER. ITALIAN OPERA! DIRECTOR J. GRAU. Mr. Gr».i has great pleasure iu announcing that he ha- made such arrangements as will enable him to five in Washington 1 wo (Ibasp Opera Nights. on FRIDAY and i-ATURDAY. April 17th and l3thH bv i'is tn'if Oprra Cinu'nny. OrrhrUm and Chorus, (uow performing in Philadelphia.) which Uas met with su-h unparalleled success during the pasttive months in New York. Boston ar d Philadelphia. Mr. <irau has selected for the gratification of the well fcnoTvr mur icai taste of this city two of the most magnificent Opera* of 'he modern repertoire. The immense expenses attending the production of these operas,Mr (irau is conliaent, will be fully appreciated by the citizens and visiters of Wash¬ ington. The Compacy conipri-.es. CM'ME LOIilNI, tile celebrated braruatic Prima l>onna, f her first appearance in Washington ) M LLE (ORDIER, th-»celebrat d Cantatrise. M'LLE MORRNSI, the famous Contralto Tenori.frignori BBIG NOLI and MACUAFKRRI. Baritoni..-ignori AMO<Jj<>and DUR8AIL. Bassi.Signori SUSINIand BARII-I. Cunduftt r :ind Musical Director.lienor MUZIO OPENING xM«;HT. FRIDAY. April 17, Verdi's most celebrated Onera 1L TROVATORE. Debut of Mad. LORINI in her admirable part of SECOND OPERA NIGHTS A TURD A Y, April !8, Mozart s immortal muster-work. J) OS tilO VAN*7, DON JI AX, With the full streBgth of the C<>mpiiiy. Admission % 1; Orchestra Ciiaiis, .fl'; Parquette and Dress Cirele, each .®l ..50. teats for either of the two nights r.\n secured at Metzerrtt's Music Store, commencing oa Wed- nefilay tr ornicg at 9 o'clock. Doors open at 7 ; Opera commence at aplS tf CANTERBUkY HALL, LOUISIANA AV., mbab Sixth Stbhbt, A PERFECT CONSTELLATION OF BEAUTY, WIT AND TALENT. Tieiiiendous Success of the five Female Stars and the Mammoth Company A .V 1 M A1 E N S E RILL ! THIS EVENING. Return of the Washington Favorite, DICK PARKER. w ho will appear in a choice lection «f N. gro Com¬ icalities and sing some ot his popular Banjo 8o!os. First representation of the beautiful musical comedietta entitled I.A CHALET: Or, LI/.ZSTTE'S WEDDING! With Mifs Julia Mortimerand Mr. George R. Ede- f,on in the principal parts ¦ltt E FA JRY COM BINA TION ! Mlf 8 JULIA MORTIMER, The qu- en of Song. MI^S F.RN8TINE DE FaIBKR, Th" Chariring Vocalist and Danseuse. M LLE8 AUGUSTA AND MARIE, The Fairy Stars MISS KATE PENNOYER, The Btautiful Danseuse. Forming in ail a bevy of Female Loveliness. Tal- eDt and Attraction rot to be equaled. First week of the magnificent Ballet, produced afttr weeks of eare'ul preparation, with new scene¬ ry and appointments, arranged by Mons 8zoll«sy. entitle AMOLRS DF: DiiBLE. Tke D , his favorite part Mjns. Szolloiy The Great Ballet Tronpe, co agisting of the fol¬ lowing beentiful young ladies: MlfS JUL*A RICHMOND. Mis« I.ILLIE BRANDON, LI «Y CLIFTON. BEULA WOLBERT, ANNIE EDWARDS. . M'LLE JENNIE. LA PETITE ELLA, Forming a perfect COURT Of BEAUTY. MR. GEORGE R. EDESON, the Favorite Corned an and Oomie Yonalift, in a new budget of comicalities. Fitst we«k of MIBS JULIA RICHMOND. The Pleasin?{ D»nseuae. H. W. EGAN, The Favorite Negro Comedian. WILLIS ARMSTRONG, The Wonderful Juggler and Pantomimist. J. 8YLVAS CLARKE, The Versatile Performer. The performance will conclude with the musical comedietta entitled LA CHALET: ob, LUBTTE'S WEDDING. Nat/, Tieck. a Young \ illager 6e». R. Edeson Lizette, with songs Mis.s Julia Mortimer Doors open at 7 o'clock. Admission 25 cents; Orchestra Arm Cl:aira, 60 cent*; Private Boxes (holding six,) $5. A GRAND MATI SEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at2o'cleck, For Lauib» asjj Chm.dkkn. Admission.ladies,20cents; children, 10Cents. VARIETIES! VARIETIES! NATIONAL AMUSEMENT INSTITUTION. Fronting on Pa avenue and Ninth st. Pioprietors Hamblin k. Co. Stage Manager James Pilgrim THIS .MONDAY HE YEN ING, ABOUT SIX P. M., A GRAND PUBLIC ROPE ASCENSICN. Bv the Inti:kimpRopk W ilkkk and Pastomibist, MB. HARRY LESLIE, Who will make n perilous ascension from Pennsyl¬ vania avenue and Ninth street to the topmost of the Varieiles Edifice. After which he appears in the evening's performances with the boneless Gym- kast and Contortionist. 0 W PARKBR ADA LAMENT, M ile BRIGNOLLI, HELENA SMITH. WXLLACF, WATKINU, ADA TE8MAN, PILGRIM. ^"The Vocal Combination. ¦^"The Troupe of Lady Dancers. KTThe Y'audeville Company. .T'The Corps de Ballet, and the Ethiopian Oon- * Our Matiucc.every WEDNEfcDA YAFTERNOON 3 p in > for Ladies and Geutlen, Master* and Mis«'.*fl The Champion Dancerof the world, Mf?S NELlIB HOWARD, In sn Excvl#ior Clog Dane, shortly app »rs. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. [ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES.] FROM NORTH CAROLINA. General Footer'* Position.Another Ar¬ rival from New Orlennv New York, April !3.. An officer whoarrived here on the ptff.miT Dudley Buck, «ays that General Foster had provisions sufficient only for the use cij his troops to the llth instant. Well informed people deny the statement that the large reinforcements gent overland from Newbern had returned, anft thai some of their ba^pnge nnd artilletv is stuck in the mud. The rebel force between Washington ami Newbern is reported to Dumkr 20,000 men under Gen. Hill, »nd 7,M*i under Gen. I'ettigrew. The gunboat Valley Ci y is said to h^ve reached Washington, riddled with caunon bgils. The Dudley Iluck touched at Fortress Monroe, where it was rumored that Gen. Foster had surrendered. A letter from Col. Sissell, an officer under Gen. Foster, under date of says that the latter cannot hold ont more than a day longer, being: short of provisions and completely sur¬ rounded. One report states that the gunboat Valley City, which passed the rebel batteries below "Washington to go to Gen. Foster's assistance, wae struck by 03 shot. Her subsequent fate is not known. A reconnoitering cavalry force sent out over¬ land on Tuesday, encountered a strong fore* of reb> 1 pickets ten miles from here aiul drove them in live miles. Yesterday a large force went over the Neuse river on an overland ex¬ pedition to the relief of Gen. Foster. The transportation train was to cross the river last nipht, where the expedition is encamped. Precautions are being t ken against a sur¬ prise here, and it isi xpected there will be some hard fighting tip the road. The rebels are re¬ ported to be in immense numbers, and a rumor tays they are under cnmm ind of Gen. L'?e. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. The Rebel* Threatening Suffolk. Fortress Monroe, April 12..Gen. Keyes has issued the lullowiug order: .. Headquarters Department of Virginia, Suffolk, April i'J..The proximity of the rebel force* to this city renders it necessary for the command ing general to notify all foreign consuls, wo- men and children, and all persons not in the employ of the 1 nited States who prefe^ safety to the conflict of war, to leave any town or vil¬ lage in this Department which may be tired upon by the enemy, lorthwith. "Ma.i. Gkn. Kkvks." Some light skirmishing has taken place to¬ day at Suffolk. Absurd rumors were quite prevalent yester¬ day in the vicinity of the fortress that the iron¬ clad Merrimac, attended by several rebel gun¬ boats, was about io come down the James river, but they were not credited by intelligent persons. Lieutenant Colonel Kimball, of the 0th New York Zouaves, was suddenly killed by a pistol slict iu the hands of a superior officer. The re- pert Fays that lie had applied to the officer for a pa*s, but was relused, and upon using in¬ sulting language was sho' on the spot. (fen. Corceran is the superior officer named in con¬ nection with the affair. It is well know n that the rebels, as well as the Federals, have very considerably increased their forces within the last few days on the Roanoke and Seaboard railroad, and it seems quite evident that ere long a general engage¬ ment will take place. The forces are well posted on the Biackwater river, and should the rebels attempt to advance they will assur¬ edly meet with a most determine'd resistance. On Saturday some skirmishing took place oa the part of the advanced outposts, but the c is- ualties w ere of a trifling character. FROM >»:\V ORLEANS. Reports Relative to Admiral Far rag ut. Ni:w York. April 13..The steamer Roanoke, irom New Orleans on the 5th inst., via Havana on the cth, has at rived. The advices from New Qrleans sta'etliat our troops had destroyed all the railroad buildings at Ponchatoula and fallen back to Pass Manachac. "A scouting party sent ont in the Amite country met a small force of rebel cav¬ alry, with whom they hadasharp skirmish. Ten rebels where kilh-d, -seventeen wounded and live captured. Our loss was only four wounded. Gtns. Grover and Weitzeli's forces ar>? in supporting distance of each other. Gen. Emory's division has l;een sent to join them. It is believed that Gen. Emory will cominaud a strong movement up the Atchafalaya. Business at New Orleans is rather on the in¬ crease, and it is said by people from Dixie that then is a large quantity of cotton hidden away by (lie country people, and as soon as the government get possession, much of this cotton will find its way to market It has been repor'fd as bnrned to the rebel government. The rebels at New Orleans say that Admiral Farragut is in Red Riverbetweentwo batteries, out ot range of either, but unable to pass them; and that a messenger seat by him to in¬ form Gen. lianks had been captured and h-.-Id prisoner. FROM MEXICO. The dates from Mexico via Havana are to the .Jd inst., Irom Pnebla to the 03d ult., and from Vera Cruz to April 1st. Nothing has been done in the vicinity of I'uebla except skirmishes, re¬ sulting rather in the discomfiture of the French. No news was permitted to be made public in Vera Cruz, and a general order was issued at Orizaba imposing a heavy penalty on all who even talked of affairs at Puebla. The guerillas had attacked a body of 1V5M» laborers ou the railroad and carried off all the Mexicans among them as prisoners. FROM THE ARM\" OF THE POTOMAC. The Recent Bread Riot in Richmond.De¬ fences of Richmond, Stc. ]lKAT>QUAETERB ARMY O^ THE POTOMAC, April 11..A refugee who left Richmond last Tuesday has arrived within our lines. The bread riot iu that city was witnessed by him, and caused the greatest consternation among the authorities. The women were the heads of the families ol the working classes, and were actually starving, many having been com¬ pelled to beg on the street. A repetition of the demonstration is feared.' Reinlorcements are hnrrying up to Fredericks¬ burg as rapidly as possible. Most of them are conscripts and convalescents. Several divi¬ sions are enc amped about Richmond. Work lias been suspended upon the fortifica¬ tions around Richmond, their impregnability being considered certain. Earthwork} are be¬ ing throw*n up along the Rapidan river: but the force in that vicinity is composed chiefly of cavalry. The gunboats, iron-clads, are afloat in the James river. The Virginia lies down near Drury's Bluff', and has made several attempts to pass Jhe obstructions, but failed. The third is uniinished, but rapidly approaching comple¬ tion. Riot Between Irish and Negro Laborer*. New York, April 13..A riot occurred to¬ day between some negro and Irish laborers, which was quite serious for a time. The Irish are said to have commenced the difficulty and hurled missiles at the negroes, driving them off the pier into a boat. At this moment one of the negroes, named Oney, fired a pistol, wounding James Agars in the head, but not seriouslv. Another account says that Agars was wound¬ ed by a brick thrown by one of the njob stand¬ ing beside him. The riot was soon after stop¬ ped by the police. The negro Oney had his nose broken. lleayy Robbery. New York, April 13..The paymaster's safe at Brooklyn navy-yard was robbed last night of between $121,000 and #140,000 in legal-tender notes. LOCAL NEWsf. Council. Proceeding*, April 13..fto-xni * Aldernun.A communication was received froiu the Mayor announcing the approval of the no for the relief of W. P. Webb. Also, a communication enclosing the petition of a number of business firms of the eity re¬ questing that an act be passed for the opening of Water street; referred. The following were read and referredPe¬ tition of L». W. Dorsey and others for the reml*. sion of a line; of Mrs. E. E Mockbe asking that certain monies be refunded; of C. J. Ulltnan and others in tegard to the improvement of North Capitol street, from New York av»une to Boundary street; petition of J. G-. Doddridge, of Cireleville, O., requesting that the pictnre of bis relative, Philip Doddridge, which Is now the property of the city, aud i* suspended iu the City Hall, be donated to the new State of West XU I! THE WEEKLY STAR. Tkte «z««1]«b* Family xnd Newt Journal, mi« UJninf » *rn*t«r variety of interesting r*a<»ir§ than nun b# found in any other.Is published FrUay moraine. Taaxs.<>».<*, itvcncUiy, m «tr«w. Single oopy, »«r Miiwiti II 09 »<»«. ,, 4 Tl Ten copies . . ¦ 9 0( Tw«BtT #w coyte* 80 OO It Invariably contains the "Washington Nsws" that kM nade TKs Daih/ Fvtmint SUn «iraol»t« VO geuarsily throughout Ui» oountry, VSingle eoyies (in w-%»»era> ean »roe«r*« ! at Vh« eonnt*r, iar. .nod lately after the issue of th« j *apw. Price.TURK* CXNT8. Virginia, to be placed in their capitol, Mr. Dod dridge having been an honored citizen of Vir¬ ginia; an act to advance money to iuctvnse the pay of the Metropolitan Police; &u net amend¬ atory ol an act to prevent the carrying of con¬ ceal* d and dangerous weapon*; an act to in* cr« ase the pay ot the Corporation polios; a joint resolution fixine the time of the meeting of Coucils from May 1st to October 1st; [th- bill proposes that the boards meet at half-past seven o clock instead of four, as has b«n usual duringthesnmmer month*:) and an act to irrad* [inpt north, brtween Fourteenth and Vif. te< nth streets. Ti e lollowing passed the Board:.A resolu- ti» n requesting the Mayor to communica'e to the Poaid the account of the corporation with ti e Bank of "Washington lor the present fiscal \«?r; an act requiring the city depositories to nedfr a quarterly account; an act for the re- lief ot I'avid May; an act making an appropri¬ ation tor the erection of public hay scale-; an a«-t to pay Justices Drury and Thompson for extra services as police magistrate*: an act makm^nn appropriation for the introduction of Potomac water in the Western Market- house; a joint resolution to defray the expanses of the recent special election in the Fifth Ward; »n act to pave the carriage-way of Ninth street lrom B street north to Pennsylvania avenue; an act to supply a deficiency in the appropn- ation to build small-pox hospital. Mr. Brown presented the petition of Win. N. H. Maatk and George Jneneman, a coinmit'ee of 'lie Brewf rs1 Association of tbis city, s-tting forth that outtide parties tomn here and sen later, ale and other malt liquors, and they .the brewers (desire to know under whatlicens* liw these loreign parties sell. The committee say they have called upor. the Chiefof Police and '.he Corporation Attorney, and he has said th re is no law under which to class these dealers, and therefore the committee would ask the Board to pass a law lo atleot these case?. The petitioners think these parties should come under the wholf sale liquor license law. The committee also desire to be informed whether those who have simply tavern licenses are allowed und<»r that license to sell ale or lager, bringing it here from other cities for that purpose. They also ask a redaction on the beer licnse, or a special license for the same, iu order that juirties who would sell lager only need no: pav the full tavern license. The brewers think it no more than right that the retail license on beer ol their ow n production ought lo be |t»ss than the tax cn those selling all kinds of liquor iiisd beer, and who have no tax but their license j to pay. The act to trim and gravel M street north, lrom Sixth to Tenth street west, was reported upon favorably by the improvements commit- j t»e, and referred to the Third Ward delegation for their consideration. The act to grade and gravel New York ave- nue lrom North Capitol to Boundary street, and the act to open Boundary street lrom New York avenue to Eighth street east, were laid on the table. The act to grade and gravel D street p.or'h, from First to Third street west, was referred back to the committee, with instructions to procure an estimate of cost from the City Sur¬ veyor. The nominations of B. W. Ferguson, for po¬ lice magistrate, and ol G. W. liobinson, for Commissioner of the Northern Market, were confirmed. The act for the reliel of James Towles came up again lor consideration, and failed to pass, by the following vote: Ayes..Messrs. Clephane, Plant, Richards and Brown. Nays..Messrs. Brodhead, Lloj'd, Seiiim-s ai d Clark. Mr. Clar stated that he was not present when the confirmation of 3Ir. Ferguson as po¬ lice magist.-ate was considered. Hid he been, he should have voted for Mr. F., as it was at liis (Claik's) instance the nomination had been laid over at the last meeting and he had no J objection to Mr. F erguson apart from what a. | genii* man in the Fifth Ward had told him, and that gentieman refused to prosecute the | matter or prepare any testimony. Adjourned. Common Council .A .communication was re- j ceivd lrom the Mayor announcing his appro- val of acts making au appropriation for the use I of Center Market, and for other purposes; for r< moving a wreck from the channel of th- river; making appropriationsfqr the contingent fund of the Boaids ot Altlei men and Common Coun¬ cil. and for the relief ol T. G Clayton. Also, one from the Commissioners of the Asylum, tisking ai! appropriation of !¦?:>,(WO to I erect a building, so that employmeut may be I g vm to the inmates in Mianfacturing mattrase*, brooms,\c.: referred. Al^o, one lioin the Surveyoi, recommending an appropriation of 81,'JOO lor the construction oi sewer traps on Sixth street west, between G and I strrets: referred. The lollowing bills were passed:.Increasing the pay of the Corporation police to SfoO per month and the chief to friHt; to lay ling footways on Band Thirteen-and-a-hall street; to lay a footway on west side of Second street, across H street: to place three stench traps on Ninth stieet west: to supply a deficiency in the ap¬ propriation for a small-pox hospital: author¬ izing the election of three tire-plugs in the Seventh Ward; fer introduction of gas into south side of Western Market-house. Mr. Barr introduced a resolution fixing the hours ol meeting of the boards at 7.!, p. m., from the first of May to the first of October, instead ol at lour p. m., as now provided by law. The Epeciul order.the biii providing for lighting the streets with gas.was taken up, the question being upon the bill reported by Mr. Gordon lrom the select committee. Mr. Ctermehle moved to insert the preamble ol his bill to Mr. Gordon's bill; which was agreed to. Mr. Thompson offered in lieu of the first and third sections, the first section of his bill, which authorize s the Mayor on the passage of the act, and annually thereafter, to enter into a written agnement with the Washington Gas Laght Company to supply the lamps of this city with pas untif further ordered, and upon the loliow- ing terms: The price of gas to be in accordance w ith the act of Congress July 11, ISO)?, reducing .ihe price of gas to 'i7 cents per hundred feet; each lamp to be supplied with a four-foot burner, consuming not less than four feet of gas per hour, and to be lighted twenty-four nights in each month, the average time of lighting and extinguishing to be as follows: iu the months of January, February, November and December lighted at 5 p. m. and extin¬ guished at ti a. m.: in the months of March, April, t-eptember and October lighted at 7 p. in. and extinguished at 4 a. m.; in me months or" May, June, July and August lighted at 8 p. iu. and extinguished at .1 a.m. Each lamp .U1 be lighted .>'S5 nights in the year, and the aver¬ age contract price shall not exceed £ per month, payable monthly out of the ward fund. The second section of Mr. Gordoa's bill which provides that the Mayor contract with the gas company for lighting, keeping clean and extinguishing the lamps at a rate uotex- c«eding two cents per night, and for reporting all defective lamps to the Mayor, who sh*il cause the necessary repairs to be made, was adopted. Mr. Utermehle moved the second section of his hill as lollows, as the third section of the bill under consideration, which was adopted; That it shall be the duty of the Mayor to cause lamp posts to be erected, without delay, at proper distances in every street and avenue not now so lighted, where gas pipes are now or shall hereafter be laid, and ?aye the *ame lighted with gas, required by the first sec¬ tion of this act; and he shall invite propona!* for the space of ten days for the furnishing and erection of such lamps and posts, and award the work to the lowest responsible bid¬ der: J'rovidtd, that the whole expense of put¬ ting up each new lamp and post, complete, leady for lighting, shall not, in the average, exited twenty-live dollars, payable out of the ward fund. Mr. Thompson moved to insert his third sec¬ tion, which requests the Superintendent of Police to have all violations of the rules re¬ ported by the policemen, and impose a fine oil . he company lor a violation of the rul-s of from two to five dollars, which was adopt -d The bill was intormally laid over unt.l tLe n< xt meeting. Ihe bill from the Board of Alderman au¬ thorizing the transler of certain monies t«j th > e chcol fund, w as passed. Adjota ned. Secowo W'ard Station Cahbs..Larry Nor¬ ton, drunk and exposure: ^i.5K Lixzie Brow a, drunk and disorderly: *2. J. Limerick, p-t- dliug without license; #-20.04. Wm. Fowhr, drnnk and disorderly: »i^. F. H. Hendly, a - wault; security for peace. Thos. H. Johnsoi.. do do. Wm. Johnson, assault and barer*; dismissed. Samuel Murphy, do.; do. G.«org\ Sprigg** profanity; do. A. Binninger A. <)y- obstracting pavement: costs 5- ctmti. G. G. Corn well, do; do. Margaret WUe, drank and disorderly; HI-*1- Luaie Wise, disorderly; do. John TuGor, drenk; do. Patrick Myer«, do :*l.M. Peter Cooper, do.; dismissed. Ja*. Cannals, do.;

Transcript of Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1863-04-14 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 13. · V2fc XXI....

  • V2fc XXI. WASHINGTON. D. C.. TUESDAY. APRIL 14. 1863. NS. 3,162





    w. D. WALLAOH.

    him served in jukinibr carriers at 94 ftMarar 3T eente p«r month. To mail subscribersSTLriM la #4.AO ft reftr, in advance- $2 tor lix

    $ i far three months; and for leee thaniteaamartb' at the rate of 12 cents a week. Single

    g oil oin; in wrappers, two cxhts.ADTBRTISRMENT2 should bo went to thebefore 13 e clack M>; otherwise they mar not«mtil the next day.

    AMV8TI7S JOHlfSO.f * CO.,


    firrwRKS 9th A IOtb Br*.,

    nt on the Wine list of flrst-c'asBMew York Hotels and Restaurants.




    Ve*Mea the above Wines, we bare constantly ena fn-1 supply of all other well-known braccin.


    HB1DS1CK A 00



    6. n. MUMM A CO.. Etc.

    KTAn Inspection of our stock, whi"h is nowreplete in every branch, is reppectfolly solicited,

    AUG. JOH.NSOS 4c CO.13-tf


    GOVEHNMEXT RATES.The oi>ly pi* e to buy tic*ets is at the ticket office

    of the Baltimore and OhioB»ilroa-i at the Dvp"ts

    sal.? of Messrs. Kohler A Erohling's pure Califor¬nia Wites and Brandies. The following are ourbrands :


    EG AN A y KRRI E, Sole Agents,mar Sl-lm corner I jPATOHKD

    fRUM LIVERPOOL. I FROM SEW YOKK,Saturday April 18. Saturday M«y9Tuesday June 2.1 Tuesday June 23First Cabin, from $9.5 to $135each berth, according to size, situation and accom¬modation of the State Rooms; ali having the nan*privileges in the Saloons in regard to meals and

    attendance. Suits of apartments for families maybe engaged by special agreement.Excursion Tickets out and hack, in the 1st Cabin

    only, a fare and a half.Servants accompanying passengers, and childrenunder twelve years o' age. half 'are. Infants free.Sioond Cabis.State Reom berths, mealsfurnished at separate tables $70Thim) Cabii .Intermediate State Rooms, pas¬sengers found with beds, bedding, table uten¬sils. and good substantial food ffiftBtirracb, with superior accommodatingAll farvs payable in Gold, or its equivalent in U.B. currency.Each passenger allowed twenty cubic feet of

    luggage. An experienced Surgeon on boaid.For pa*f-age apply to CHARGES A. WHITNEY,at the Office 2t> BROA DWAY. New York.For freight apply to HOWLAND k A8PIN-WALL, Agents, 54 South street, New York,mh 2f*-t)e9


    Washington, D. C.,WILL BVY AND SELL





    Navy and Army Cheeks and Quartermasters'Vouchers Cashed.Collections made cn tbe most liberal term*.Bonds, 8tocks and Gold bought and sold on usual

    commissions.Deposits received. mar 21-lm

    MAYOR'S OFFICE.Wamhihoton, D. C., April |0,1863.Proposals will be received at the Mayor's Officenntil 12 m oc Monday, the 20th instant, for contin¬uing the Sewer from its p-esent terminatier on I

    street north, between 9th and inth streets west, toa point en 10th street thirty feet from the east sideof loth, and thenoe along said KHh street to thenorth side of New York avenue, with laterals anddrone, QUAETERB ARMY O^ THE POTOMAC,

    April 11..A refugee who left Richmond lastTuesday has arrived within our lines. Thebread riot iu that city was witnessed by him,and caused the greatest consternation amongthe authorities. The women were the headsof the families ol the working classes, and wereactually starving, many having been com¬pelled to beg on the street. A repetition of thedemonstration is feared.'Reinlorcements are hnrrying up to Fredericks¬burg as rapidly as possible. Most of them areconscripts and convalescents. Several divi¬sions are enc amped about Richmond.Work lias been suspended upon the fortifica¬

    tions around Richmond, their impregnabilitybeing considered certain. Earthwork} are be¬ing throw*n up along the Rapidan river: butthe force in that vicinity is composed chieflyof cavalry.The gunboats, iron-clads, are afloat in the

    James river. The Virginia lies down nearDrury's Bluff', and has made several attemptsto pass Jhe obstructions, but failed. The thirdis uniinished, but rapidly approaching comple¬tion.Riot Between Irish and Negro Laborer*.New York, April 13..A riot occurred to¬

    day between some negro and Irish laborers,which was quite serious for a time. The Irishare said to have commenced the difficulty andhurled missiles at the negroes, driving them offthe pier into a boat. At this moment one of thenegroes, named Oney, fired a pistol, woundingJames Agars in the head, but not seriouslv.Another account says that Agars was wound¬ed by a brick thrown by one of the njob stand¬ing beside him. The riot was soon after stop¬ped by the police. The negro Oney had hisnose broken.

    lleayy Robbery.New York, April 13..The paymaster's safe

    at Brooklyn navy-yard was robbed last nightof between $121,000 and #140,000 in legal-tendernotes.

    LOCAL NEWsf.Council. Proceeding*, April 13..fto-xni *

    Aldernun.Acommunication was received froiuthe Mayor announcing the approval of the nofor the relief of W. P. Webb.Also, a communication enclosing the petition

    of a number of business firms of the eity re¬questing that an act be passed for the openingof Water street; referred.The following were read and referredPe¬

    tition of L». W. Dorsey and others for the reml*.sion of a line; of Mrs. E. E Mockbe asking thatcertain monies be refunded; of C. J. Ulltnanand others in tegard to the improvement ofNorth Capitol street, from New York av»uneto Boundary street; petition of J. G-. Doddridge,of Cireleville, O., requesting that the pictnreof bis relative, Philip Doddridge, which Is nowthe property of the city, aud i* suspended iu theCity Hall, be donated to the new State of West

    XU I!

    THE WEEKLY STAR.Tkte «z««1]«b* Family xnd Newt Journal, mi«

    UJninf » *rn*t«r variety of interesting r*a,(WO toI erect a building, so that employmeut may beI g vm to the inmates in Mianfacturing mattrase*,brooms,\c.: referred.Al^o, one lioin the Surveyoi, recommendingan appropriation of 81,'JOO lor the construction

    oi sewer traps on Sixth street west, between Gand I strrets: referred.The lollowing bills were passed:.Increasingthe pay of the Corporation police to SfoO permonth and the chief to friHt; to lay ling footwayson Band Thirteen-and-a-hall street; to lay afootway on west side of Second street, acrossH street: to place three stench traps on Ninthstieet west: to supply a deficiency in the ap¬propriation for a small-pox hospital: author¬izing the election of three tire-plugs in theSeventh Ward; fer introduction of gas intosouth side of Western Market-house.Mr. Barr introduced a resolution fixing thehours ol meeting of the boards at 7.!, p. m., fromthe first of May to the first of October, insteadol at lour p. m., as now provided by law.The Epeciul order.the biii providing forlighting the streets with gas.was taken up, thequestion being upon the bill reported by Mr.Gordon lrom the select committee.Mr. Ctermehle moved to insert the preambleol his bill to Mr. Gordon's bill; which wasagreed to.Mr. Thompson offered in lieu of the first and

    third sections, the first section of his bill, whichauthorize s the Mayor on the passage of the act,and annually thereafter, to enter into a writtenagnement with the Washington Gas LaghtCompany to supply the lamps of this city withpas untif further ordered, and upon the loliow-ing terms: The price of gas to be in accordancew ith the act of Congress July 11, ISO)?, reducing.ihe price of gas to 'i7 cents per hundred feet;each lamp to be supplied with a four-footburner, consuming not less than four feet ofgas per hour, and to be lighted twenty-fournights in each month, the average time oflighting and extinguishing to be as follows: iuthe months of January, February, Novemberand December lighted at 5 p. m. and extin¬guished at ti a. m.: in the months of March,April, t-eptember and October lighted at 7 p.in. and extinguished at 4 a. m.; in me months or"May, June, July and August lighted at 8 p. iu.and extinguished at .1 a.m. Each lamp .U1be lighted .>'S5 nights in the year, and the aver¬age contract price shall not exceed £ permonth, payable monthly out of the ward fund.The second section of Mr. Gordoa's bill

    which provides that the Mayor contract withthe gas company for lighting, keeping cleanand extinguishing the lamps at a rate uotex-c«eding two cents per night, and for reportingall defective lamps to the Mayor, who sh*ilcause the necessary repairs to be made, wasadopted.Mr. Utermehle moved the second section ofhis hill as lollows, as the third section of thebill under consideration, which was adopted;That it shall be the duty of the Mayor tocause lamp posts to be erected, without delay,at proper distances in every street and avenue

    not now so lighted, where gas pipes are nowor shall hereafter be laid, and ?aye the *amelighted with gas, a£ required by the first sec¬tion of this act; and he shall invite propona!*for the space of ten days for the furnishingand erection of such lamps and posts, andaward the work to the lowest responsible bid¬der: J'rovidtd, that the whole expense of put¬ting up each new lamp and post, complete,leady for lighting, shall not, in the average,exited twenty-live dollars, payable out of theward fund.Mr. Thompson moved to insert his third sec¬

    tion, which requests the Superintendent ofPolice to have all violations of the rules re¬ported by the policemen, and impose a fine oil. he company lor a violation of the rul-s offrom two to five dollars, which was adopt -dThe bill was intormally laid over unt.l tLen< xt meeting.Ihe bill from the Board of Alderman au¬

    thorizing the transler of certain monies t«j th >e chcol fund, w as passed. Adjota ned.

    Secowo W'ardStation Cahbs..Larry Nor¬ton, drunk and exposure: ^i.5K Lixzie Brow a,drunk and disorderly: *2. J. Limerick, p-t-dliug without license; #-20.04. Wm. Fowhr,drnnk and disorderly: »i^. F. H. Hendly, a -wault; security for peace. Thos. H. Johnsoi..do do. Wm. Johnson, assault and barer*;dismissed. Samuel Murphy, do.; do. G.«org\Sprigg** profanity; do. A. Binninger A.