Evening Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains Bulletin · Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn-rn of...

'; J i r W JWj &$ 3?WT1 3 Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains ! l J Evening Bulletin Capt, ONE VOTE FOR i THE MOST POPULAR CP Register Your Votes for Your Favorite ! TAIN OF FLEET. THE ISLAND $ Vol. VIII. No. UU. HONOLULU, H. I.. THURSDAY, FEBltUAKY 1. 1900 PlMUB 5 Ukth. PLANNING FOR CHINATOWN Shall the Block Be Cat Up With Alleys Or Hot? Question Is Discussed at Conference of Gov- ernment, Board of Health and Citizens -H- atter Left to the Board of Healtb. There was nn attendance of about thirty persons nt the triple confer- ence of the Exccutlvo Council, tho Board of Health und tho Citizens' San-Har- y Coramlttco yesterday afternoon. Attorney Gcnernl Cooper Introduced tho subject for discussion, which was tho question of streets and alleyways for i..c rebuilding of Chinatown burnt district. A map that had been drawn for tho purposo was hung on the wall. It was proposed to cut up blocks wltlr alleys. President Dolo was opposed to wide alloys between parallel Btrcets. Fifteen feet Bhould bo tho maximum. It raado too wldo tho alleys would tempt store- keepers to havo business fronts placed on them. Col. V. P. Allen thought that tho question of tho extension of tho fire limits should bo settled befoio that of alleys. His oplulon was that tho flro limits should bo extended to Ilcrctnnla street and tho river. C. S. Desky suggested that fac slmllo of tho map displayed on tho wall shouhLbo published In tin newspapers, so that property owners and others should have a clear Idea of the subject. Dr. Wood snoko of tho determina tion created In nil whoso duty In tho past two weeks had colloi Ihcm lulo Chinatown, now fortunately obliterat- ed, that tho conditions there found should never again bo nliowul to exist. was In meet action. opposltoion circles. cither thing o.- - (ho other carry alloys to which sho narrow streets (nK wider they I enough for vehicles Ting other, tuo si,own laturo would appropriating money for paving, water pipes, etc.. In such Mr. Desky oppposcd alleys altogeth.- Minister Young was In of al- io) s. They ought either ono thing argued by pre- vious speakers. If they wero streets, they should '10 p:ivod with bitumen oliUwalks. They would provo n great to congested streets, from their con- venience for receiving ami d llverlng merchandise in rear or jur. ing The been tnat with that been else rcnr(l. Jun. The have was in proposed naied. this jn mcautlmo Hoard until nny beforo tho Omj of the es sentials was tho completion ot ino sewcrago In that district. J. Magoon thought tho question ot alleys should bo considered block by block. bo taken grant- ed tho territory was bo occupied exclusively by tho Chinese and Japanese. This might not provo case. advocated inclusion of park was con- sidered. V. Gear that alleys It mado too narrow would futility for conditions. existing alleyways off anil Emma stroots, tho access to many dwell- ings, which woro usually In nnythlng but cleanly condition. P. S. Dodgo said tho alloys should nrtpon feet wldo and paved clear tlirntlfrll. J. Lowrey was much lit of tho Idea alloys relief from congestion trafilo in tho E. .Cunha favored alloys flttceu feet wide In somo localities. Mr. Edwards, in cltargo of tho sowerage said tho depth ot tho mapped out was sulliclent for alloys ot fifteon feet width. This would enough room for yards In rear streets on either side. No mat- ter how narrow tho the class people would havo dwellings facing upon them. Therefore, would bo well havo tho alloys not too nar- row. J. Colburn wa3 In of firenroof building limits. W. C. Achl would have alloys twenty twenty-fou- r feet wldo, as they would bo loca- tion of homes for tho poor. J. P. Mendonca had no suggestion to offer, but would stand by ac- tion was agreed H. Holmes thought oven parallel wero required, bo wldo enough meet re- quirements ot law for tho width thoroughfares upon which dwellings may front. lflshcr was opposed to tho ex tending tho fireproof limits over all of Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn- rn of Honolulu. The had seen In nowspapor. ot making streets hundred feet ho considered were streets so wldo In cities which wcro prosperous streets. Minister preferred wide alleys. He had seen much lnconvcnl- - enco clsowhcre caused by teams meet in narrow alleyways. alleys ought to jc of much benefit for the handling of merchandise as well as tho removal of garbage. Ho would make the alleys eighteen feet wide. Mr. Dodge, referring to tho map, thought fsomo of the blocks were too Attorney Cooper, who had taken the chair on Dr. Wood's being called out, thanked tho citizens for their presence and suggestions, which would be of material to tho Hoard of Health In determining tho problem. Geo. Campbell advised departing from old street lines altogether and laying out new town so far the burnt was concerned. Mr. Magoon seconded this sugges- tion. Tho streets had belonged to tho Government and property holders could be within reason. J. A. McCandlcss having Just enter- ed had not heard what been said by others. Ho would suggest an alley at least every 120 feet, and allow no moro shacks to bo built. Tho Hoard of Health not extend tho flro but ho would advocate that be- fore rebuilding was allowed the class of bullmngs to bo permitted should settled. Wooden shanties endangered buildings of brick and Increased rates. New Ruler Named for Chinese Empire l'ckln, Jan. 23. Tho Imperial edict Issued yesterday says that owing to the Emperor's poor health ho is tumble to conduct tho business of state, and ap- points I'rlncc Tuano, his heir. Tho Emperor apparently has compelled by tho Dowager Empress to nlirllrntn nlimit tho Chinese New Year. It necessary, with purposo though It Is understood this will view, to take prompt considerable In cer-- A. 0. M. argued it tan t.ourj Tho Dowager Em-shou- ld bo otto j,rC8Si however, Intends to out too narrow bo treated as tj)C mogrnm has plan-httce- ts or to bo f0I. cared for like tho ones. It Washington, 25. Chinese were inudo wldo to jnnlstcr. Mr. W11 rang, when pass each next-thin- g tegts- - tho above dispatch was at first bo alleys. favi.r to bo or tho other as to bo narrow and relief tho tho lutes. ngnln Ho the offer He only lota as it tho r. ho large. as had Inclined to doubt nnd discredit, but examining tho detail of tho reported edict, ho said "I unable to whether it Is true or not. Thus far I havo nothing, official or unofficial, to Indi- cate that' such a change, hns been or was contemplated. A short tlmo ago a was current that tho ton of tho 1'rlnco of Tuan given In tho as Prince Ttiana) would bo named as heir apparent. Uut I havo not been Informed that this would It would not sur prising if nn heir apparent Young favor ot th , as occurs at times, usually extension of tho flro limits in thu onjer to provldo n succession when the of Health snould nn Emperor Is sick of otherwise ld tho situation down Measures capacitated." can bo completed for preventing tho re- - when nsiccd If such n change would cttrrence forever or sucit comiuiona us cntnn chnnge of Chinese policy, existed flro. system A. It seemed to tor that to tho a In whatever scltome A. feared only unsanitary Instancod Port bo P. favor of as a the of streets. S engineer works, leavo of alloys, poorer of to P. favor tho of tho tho or undoubtedly whatever upon. tho alloys, If two ones should to tho minimum ot v development suggestion a a wide. as mucinous, no other Mott-Smlt- h General assistance a plan district compensated for could limits, be Robertson on circumstantial am say received made report (erroneously dispatch bo done. bo wcro desl;j Minister Wu said "Not tho slightest. It does not In- dicate any chango of policy on Inter national or foreign affairs, nor on our domestic nffairs. Our people aro a quiet, peaceful people and havo little regard for porsonal changes which may occur In tho Government." LOBBEN8TEIN IN TROUBLE. A. 11. Locbcnsteln had a hard tlmo ot It yesterday. Ho went over to tho U. S. S. Pathfinder to luncheon and, upon returning to tho Kllauea Hou, was told ho could not embark. A pormlt from 1'rcstdent Wood was necessary. Mr. Loebenstcln returned to tho Pathfind- er, wroto a. note and sent it up to Dr. Wood, but ho had gono out to tho China on account ot tho Illness of Dr. Day. Obtaining permission from. Cap tain Perkins to take his boat, Mr. Loeb- - onsteln went out to tho China, saw Dr. Wood and returned smiling. Dr. Wood said that ns 1io had not been aboard nnythlng but a clean vessel, ho could return aboard tho Klla.uca Hou with- out a pormlt. Arriving back nt WU-der- s' wharf, he, found that a telcphono message hntl been received nt tho wharf to tho effect that ho,could go aboard, this In tho Xaco ot tho fact that, upon telephoning, tho message was sent down to provent Mr. Loebenstcln from embarking. Dr. Wood was out aboard tho China nt tho time. Mr. Loeben- stcln stated that ho had received noth ing but uniform courtesy at tho hands nf thn Hoard of Health and that ho did not bellovo tho troublo occasioned him had had its origin from that point. - 1 Alnmedu Mail. Postmaster General Oat announces that tho Alameda mall for San Fran; Cisco will very probably closo Immedi- ately upon tho urrlval'bf'that steamer in port tomorrow morning, without a bit of warning. Therefore, It would bo best for thoso having mall to forward to havo tho same In tho post ofllco somo time tonight. 8. 8. Monna. Tho It. M. S. S .Moana, Carey com- mander, arrived In port nnd anchored In thn ntrnnm nf nhmit 7 n'p.lnpk this Thoro ni0rning, having been delayed twenty- - four hours awaiting tho English mans. Smith Opposes nn Usual. H Washington, January 22. The q House Committee on Territories to- - Rave a hearing upon the subject or disposition of the public lands of 3 Hawaii. Mr. Hermann, Commls- - J sloner of the Public Land Office, favored placing the lands under the I Public Land Office, and his attitude 5 was opposed by William O. Smith, B Attorney-Gener- of Hawaii, and 3 other Hawallans. 1 R. W Wilcox, a native Hawal- - 1 Ian, spoke In general approval of 1 the bill, but urged that the provl- - slons as to the crown lands be 3 changed, as these lands, he (.tainted, 3 rightfully belonged to the heirs of 3 the old line of kings. General Hartwel' of the Hawal- - j Ian bar supported the bill. S Gilbert F. Little, an Hawaiian J attorney, presented the views of 2 the small propert owners and Am- - 3 erl ans In Hawaii, and Incidentally 3 took occasion to sharply criticize 3 the present Administration. rjorjtrrrjorjsrjirArjirjarAw: MOST HOPEFUL OUTLOOK ,2 p. m. The plague situation Is most hopeful. For four das there has not been n single, sus- picious case and for six days not a suspicious cnno has ap- peared otttsldo of tho camp or what remains of tho Infected district. A cottplo moro days of this most hopeful outlook and Honolulu will havo gr-o- cause to rejoice. It is a, signi- ficant fact that, slnco the great flro In Chinatown tho number of cases has been dwindling until now none tiro appearing. Tho last case in tho districts otttsldo of tho enmps and the Infected district wns tho otto of tho native woman at Kalntukl, while tho very lust case was that of the Japanese nt tho Kn-lll- il detention camp. S Tho Don til of Health held a street meeting In tho Infected dlstrl:t this morning, during which four buildings In Powlor's yard, facing on Ntntanti street In closo proximity to the Mc- Lean building, lean-to- s ot the buildings on tho Ewn sldo of Ntiuanu streer with tho exception ot thoso In the block bounded by Ntiuanu, King, Smith mid Hotel streets, wero ordered destroyed. Tho remaining buildings of Block IS wcro destroyed by tho flro department: this forenoon and tho occupants pent to Knllhl. Tho remaining soldiers on duty at tho Exccutlvo building grounds nnd drill shed enmp wero sent out to Knll- hl today and their posts nt tho latter place havo been taken by pollco guards. Tho fumigation nnd bathing opera- tions at tho drill shed enmp will begin this afternoon nnd Chester Doylo ex- pects to havo tho work done by mid- night. Up to date there havo been G5 cases of plague and 47 deaths. Thero was n total of 175 deaths during the month of January. PLATT OPPOSES HAWAII Washington. Jun. 21. Senator Piatt of Connecticut, today gavo notico of important amendments ho will offer to the bill providing n form of gov- ernment for Hawaii and Porto Illco. Ono of Senator Piatt's proposed amend- ments to each ,of tho bills strikes out tho provision for tho election of a del- egate to Congress. Tho other amend ments relnto to the customs regula tions. In tho case of Hawaii!, ho pro evident Urltlsh InK customs between tho United States and Hawaii until further by Congress. Tho customs provision suggested by Mr. Piatt In cusq of Porto re- quires collection on Rlcan articles Imported Into tho United States "a sum equivalent eighty per cent of tho new customs duties levied upon Ilka articles Imported Into tuo United States from foreign coun- tries." Articles originating In United States and shipped Porto Rico aro to nay thero 80 per cent of tho duty upon Importations from countries. DON'T PASS our OPERA GLASSES for tho World. Thoy'ro mndo by Le Mairo. "Nutfsald." H.P.WICHMAN Tho Lo Munyon Photo Supply calendar for 1900 arrived the Gaelic is on salo their storo at No. 420 Fort street. Mr. Lo Munyon has spar- ed no nalns 10 It tho finest and most ellto calendar over published In world. It will he strictly three col- or process work and very elaborate, being "' Mr. Lo Munyon's own nega WARREN GAINS SPIUN KOP Question Now Arises Whether Can Hold It. Boiler's Despatch Indicates Heavy Losses Boers Still In 'Good Spirits -S- teady Fighting Along the Line. He London, Jnn. 25. Tho War Ofllco has Just Issued tho dispatch from Spearman's Camp, dated January 25, 12:10 n. m.: "General Warrcn'B troops Inst night occupied Splon Kop, sur- prising the small garrison who fled. It has been held by us all day though wo were heavily attacked, especially by a very annoying shell Arc. "I fenr our aro con- siderable arid I havo to Inform you, with regret, that General Wood-gat- o was dangerously wounded. "General Warren Is of the opin- ion that ho has rendered tho ene- my's position untenable. The men nro splendid." Warren's Smccchh Doubtful. London, Jan. 23, 2:2 p. m. The General Warren's achieve- ment In cnpturitig Splon Kop Tuesday night Is by tho realization that his success Is only provisional, ns It appears clear from General Huller's dispatch that tho Doers fully realize tho strategical Importance) of Splon Kop nnd at the tlmo his message was sent off, the)' had not abandoned tho hope of recapturing tho Nevertheless, a heavy load ot anx- iety has been removed from tho nation and thero Is general expectation that ns tho Ittitlsli havo succeeded In keep- ing the hill all day long, they wilt man-ag- o to retain It until General Warren plants guns enough nn It to dominate tho Doer trenches and left. Thero Is tho ivMial disposition hero to exaggerate tho Importance of tho point scored, but It is realized that General Duller still has n task beforo him calling for tho most dogged per- sistence hntl untiring nttuck and that the difficulties will Increase as the po- sition developes. Tiro relief nf the tension on tho Stock Exchange was very marked. Dttslncss opened moro cheerfully all around and with an upward movement, tho inlluenco of tho news nt tho War Officii anil at tho clubs and other resorts thero was a notable change from tho glomy fears of yesterday. Tito appearance of tho news placards on the streets sent crowds of peoplo to the War Ofllco and tho lobbies woro soon filled to suffocation. Thoso near the notice board read out tho news at fre- quent Intervals fur the benefit of tho lato arrivals who woro ttuablo to ap- proach and each successive reading led to reucwnl of cheering. In tho ladles' lobby thero wcro signs ot tho sad side ot tho victory. A qucs tlon often asked was: "When will tho casualties bo received?" Though General Dullcr's dispatch Is dated today and spcakB of Splon Kop being captured lust night, It apparent- ly means Tttcsdny night. As, according to General Duller's dis- patch tho "Btnall garrison was surpris- ed," his subsequent statement: "Our losses wcro considerable," Indicates that tho Urltlsh Buffered greatly later from tho shell flro from a farther Hoor position. Tho statement that there was only n small garrison at Splon Kop came somewhat as a sttrprlso as It was Ima- gined tho Doers wcro thero in great forco and it is taken In some quarters to Indlcato that thn Doers wcro not so surprised at tho assault as It uppearcd, but previously drew off their main and left a forco to with- stand tho Drltish advance.. It is even suggested that tho Doers lnvclghled tho Ilritlsh Into occupying Splon Kop poses to cllmlnato tho provision ot tho ami havo now surrounded Uiem. Hawaiian Commission and insert a lt In splto of tho fact that clauso for tho contlnuunco of tho exist- - the. hold Potglcter h drift and legislation tho Rico, tho Porto of to tho to imposed other Oi. on and at make tho follow- ing casualties chastened position. right under body small tho hills above that tho Doers havo succeeded In bringing up enough artil- lery to Inflict considerable losses on the Drltish forco, which seized Splon Kop, although Lord Dttndonald Is supposed to havo been scouring tho country be- yond tho ranges In order to provent this very thing and ulthough General Lyttleton ought to havo got near enough to Splon Kop to cither Inter- cept tho retreating Boers or provent n serious attack, onco tho Ilritlsh hnd taken possession of tho hill. Donations Acknowledged. The following donations havo been received by tho Japanese Ladles' Re- lief Society: MJss Carrie Castle, 30; Hon. S. M. Damon, $100; Mrs. and Miss Dayton, two dozen children's garments; Jap- anese women, LIhuo, Kauai, CO pieces holokus; Sj Japaucso laborers em- ployed by O. 8. Desky nt Pacific Heights, through his kindness, $100,' Jnpancso, Mnnoa Valley, ?9.25. WEDDING STATIONERY, Engraved CnrilB, Embossing. H. P. WICHMAN. EXPENDITURES APPROVED President Mioley Endorses Appropri- ations by Council of State. Hone; Hay Be Spent for Suppression ot Plague And New Sanitary Improvements Ttltgrams Hum tuy am uiriwill. President Dolo has received the fol- lowing telegrams from Washington: "Washington, D. C, Jan. 23, 1900. "In view ot the Importance of thor- ough nnd I mined la to measures for tho Hnnltnrv nrntpptlnn nf Hminlnlu nnd nf any other spot in tho Hawaiian Islands i threatened with contagion, tho Pros!- - j dent directs mo to say to you that nil I proper expenditures authorized by the ' Council ot Stato of Hawaii, titular tho provisions of section six ot nrtlclo clghty-on- o of tho Hawaiian Constltu- - I tlon, for tho purpose of eradicating tho bubonic plagtto will meet the Presi- dent's full approval. (Signed.) . "JOHN HAY, "Secretary of Stato." "Washington, Jnn. 24, 1U00. "All proper expenditures for now sanitary Improvements In Honolulu au- thorized by thu Council of Stato under tho Hawaiian Constitution approved by President McKlnlcy following yours fourteenth Instant. (Signed.) "A. S. HAUTWELL." Special Agent Hartwell's telegram leaves no doubt of tho competency of tho Council of Stato to voto money for the extension of tho sewerage system over tho lately infected district or Chinatown. LAUNDRY SEEKING LOCATION. P. M. Hatch, Dr. Emerson nnd Geo. W. Smith nro a committee of tho Hoard ot Health to decide on the application of J. Ltghtfoot and others fur lenvo to establish n steam laundry near tho Ucach boulevard. A meeting of resi dents Interested In thu question wns to have been held with tho committee nt 11 o'clock this morning. Owing to the abseuco of tho Iloatd of Health In u body attending to condemnation busi- ness tho committee did not appear. Geo. Manson wiih on hand, however, with n strongly protesting petition against tho laundry, signed by about fifty substantial residents ot Will Ink 1 district. Mr. Llghtfoot told a repor- - I ter that his company had virtually de- cided to discard the application. Tho committee, has been Informed that the projectors ot tho laundry aro now seek- -' lug n locntlon opposite Magoonvllle, or right In town along thu name bottle- - vard. Although this section has been condemned as unlit for habitation, there Is a probability of Its being grad- ed up to sanitary level. THE PARIS EXHIBIT. Mujor Geo. C. Potter, secretary of tho Hawaiian Commission to the Paris Ex- position, hns received advices from Commissioner W. G. Irwin, oxprcssing jonfldenco that tho exhibits will not bo blocked In transportation at Snu Francisco. Mr. Irwin would not cause tho exhibits left at Omaha to bo fur-- warded until tho secretary attended to tho matter hlmsolf. Mnjor Potter Imi tho Paris exhibits nearly nil packed, but cannot say when ho will bo able to leavo with them. Ho has command of material that will mako 11 fine show ing for Hawaii In Paris. HoHman-McNcll- l. Dr.. Walter Hoffman and Miss Mc- Neill wero married In St. Andrew's Cathedral at high noon" today, tho Rov. Alex. Mackintosh officiating. The Alex. Mackintosh officiating. Tho brldo was given awHy by Rev. Mr. Pearson. Dr. P. It. Day acted ns best man. Tho wedding party marcned in to the strains ot tho inarch from Lohengrin, played on tho organ by Wray Taylor. Sehtibort's serenndo was played dur- ing tho ceremony which was witness- ed by a largo number of peoplo. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman havo gono to Dr. Cooper's homo In Tantalus to spend their honeymoon. Naval Notes. Lieutenant Commnnder Pond of tho Iroquois has recolvcd orders to roport to Captain Merry ot tho Naval Station. The understanding Is that, In addition to IiIb other duties hero, ho Is to assist Captain Merry. Tho Iroquois was to havo gono to Maul to do tho samo work that the Pathfinder departs soon to undertako. On this account tho Iroquois will prob- ably remain In Honolulu. t WIIUTakc Passenger. In accordnnco with ndvlces re ceived in tho China yesterday tho Pa-clf- lo Mall steamers will hereafter tako passengers both ways after these havo had their names on tho register tho re- quired length ot time. During the plague- thoso steamers havo been in tho habit ot refusing passengers from Honolulu under and circumstances. oisa 3i5i3.'Sjan2ja'3i3jarsisiaiaai9SEf9 mp ColicrtN Ih Uxpcllcil. k (Special to the Bulletin). Wellington, Jan. 25. The case of Brlgh.im H. Roberts, the Mormon representative-elec- t from Utah, which lus occupied so much of the attention of the House since the as- sembling of Congress, was decided toJay by the ajjptlon of a resolu tion to excluJe him by a vote of a 278 to 50. I The exact language of the resolu- - fcj tlon was as follows:: "That, under the fact and elf j cumstancesof thecase.BrlRham rl. U Roberts, representative-elec- t from j the State of Utah, ought nut to have j or holJliiR seat In th House of gj Representatives and that the seat to which he was elected Is hereby de- - j dared vacant." ri The amendment to expel Mr. a Roberts without seating him, ofter eJ by Air. Lacey was ruled out on a 'ej point of orJer and the Hous only & voted on the resolutions of the ma- - f titrtlt, nml mtnnrifi, nf til, etm $i I inlttec. ill The latter to seat and then expel B Mr. Robetts, was' defeateJ, 8t to 244. An analysis of this vote showi a that 170 Republicans for It. The W majority .resolutions, to exclude Mr. Roberts and declare the seat vacant were adopted, 278 to 50. The vote was divided as fo- llow: Republic mis 164; Sllvrr 2; Populists t. There pi were over a score of speakers toJay j and tile closing of speeches on each M Me were rurtlci.lirlv able. Mr. a L'llllinm. nf Texas, closed for the U majority and Mr. DeArmond of ' Missouri, for the minority. Mr. Roberts was present through- out the dav left the hall after the result of the last vote InJ been an- nounced. As he did so, he guve out a statement justifying his re- tention of his plural wives on the ground that his moral nbligitlon was more binding upon his con tn science than technical obedience to W st ttutory law, and saying that there g was little excuse for the extraordl- - $ inry efforts to crush a syste n nl- - S rea iy abandoned and practically S dead. & He said he was a martyr to a 'spism of prejudice. " He would & not, he said, attempt to run for fa Congress again, although he would j go back home with a,light heart, ontident 'f tne future. m gisj BEraisjsisiaiajaisiT'ja.'SfajsisJiSSEisfsjo PLAGUE DELAYS TELEGRAPH; "Afraid to send assistants until plagtto Is better" Is tho text ot a cable- gram received by Manager P. J. Cross of tho Inter-Islan-d Telegraph Co. this morning from the Mnrcont headquar- ters, London. It was in anticipation of such a view of tho situation that Manager Cross forwarded his cablegram by tho Aus- tralia. Tho Marconi dispatch Is dated Jun. 25, and it is probablo Mr. Cross' cable was received In Ixjndon today. To tuakn nssuninco doubly suro Man- ager Cross will forward another ca'.'le by tomorrow's steamer notifying the Marconi Company that tirrauneniouts havo been mado for sending the assist- ants direct to tho other Islands, also that tlio plague situation shows marked Improvement. Every effort will bo made to push tho construction ns r,nplilly as possible. Just received the very thing to gladden the hearts of the ladies. The most acceptable Xmas gift your wives, sisters or daughters a pal-- of our BEADED STRAP SLIPPERS These are Included In the 7000 pairs of shoes just opened ex S. S. Australia ard hold premier place for beauty. The Manufacturer;: Shoe Co C i 1 a is . i 1

Transcript of Evening Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains Bulletin · Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn-rn of...

Page 1: Evening Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains Bulletin · Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn-rn of Honolulu. The had seen In nowspapor. ot making streets hundred feet ho considered were




W JWj &$ 3?WT1


Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains !l J

Evening Bulletin Capt,


THE MOST POPULAR CPRegister Your Votes for Your Favorite !



$Vol. VIII. No. UU. HONOLULU, H. I.. THURSDAY, FEBltUAKY 1. 1900 PlMUB 5 Ukth.


Shall the Block Be Cat Up With

Alleys Or Hot?

Question Is Discussed at Conference of Gov-

ernment, Board of Health and Citizens -H-

atter Left to the Board of Healtb.

There was nn attendance of aboutthirty persons nt the triple confer-ence of the Exccutlvo Council, thoBoard of Health und tho Citizens' San-Har- y

Coramlttco yesterday afternoon.Attorney Gcnernl Cooper Introduced

tho subject for discussion, which wastho question of streets and alleywaysfor i..c rebuilding of Chinatown burntdistrict. A map that had been drawnfor tho purposo was hung on the wall.It was proposed to cut up blocks wltlralleys.

President Dolo was opposed to widealloys between parallel Btrcets. Fifteenfeet Bhould bo tho maximum. It raadotoo wldo tho alleys would tempt store-keepers to havo business fronts placedon them.

Col. V. P. Allen thought that thoquestion of tho extension of tho firelimits should bo settled befoio that ofalleys. His oplulon was that tho flrolimits should bo extended to Ilcrctnnlastreet and tho river.

C. S. Desky suggested that facslmllo of tho map displayed on tho wallshouhLbo published In tin newspapers,so that property owners and othersshould have a clear Idea of the subject.

Dr. Wood snoko of tho determination created In nil whoso duty In thopast two weeks had colloi Ihcm luloChinatown, now fortunately obliterat-ed, that tho conditions there foundshould never again bo nliowul to exist.

was In meetaction. opposltoion

circles.cither thing o.- - (ho other carry

alloys to which shonarrow streets (nK

wider they I

enough for vehicles Tingother, tuo si,own

laturo would appropriating moneyfor paving, water pipes, etc.. In such

Mr. Desky oppposcd alleys altogeth.-

Minister Young was In of al-

io) s. They ought either onothing argued by pre-

vious speakers. If they werostreets, they should '10 p:ivod

with bitumen oliUwalks.They would provo n great tocongested streets, from their con-

venience for receiving ami d llverlngmerchandise in rear or jur.

ing The




beenelse rcnr(l.

Jun. The


was in proposed naied. thisjn

mcautlmo Hoarduntil

nnybeforo tho Omj of the es

sentials was tho completion ot inosewcrago In that district.

J. Magoon thought tho question otalleys should bo considered block byblock. bo taken grant-ed tho territory was booccupied exclusively by tho Chineseand Japanese. This might not provo

case. advocated inclusionof park was con-

sidered.V. Gear that alleys It mado

too narrow would futility forconditions.

existing alleyways off anil Emmastroots, tho access to many dwell-

ings, which woro usually In nnythlngbut cleanly condition.

P. S. Dodgo said tho alloys shouldnrtpon feet wldo and paved cleartlirntlfrll.

J. Lowrey was much lit oftho Idea alloys relief fromcongestion trafilo in tho

E. .Cunha favored alloys flttceufeet wide In somo localities.

Mr. Edwards, in cltargo oftho sowerage said tho depth ottho mapped out was sulliclentfor alloys ot fifteon feet width. Thiswould enough room for yards Inrear streets on either side. No mat-

ter how narrow tho theclass people would havo dwellingsfacing upon them. Therefore, wouldbo well havo tho alloys not too nar-

row.J. Colburn wa3 In of

firenroof building limits.W. C. Achl would have alloys

twenty twenty-fou- r feet wldo, asthey would bo loca-

tion of homes for tho poor.J. P. Mendonca had no suggestion to

offer, but would stand by ac-

tion was agreedH. Holmes thought oven

parallel wero required,bo wldo enough meet re-

quirements ot law for thowidth thoroughfares upon whichdwellings may front.

lflshcr was opposed to tho extending tho fireproof limits over all ofChinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn- rn

of Honolulu. Thehad seen In nowspapor.

ot making streets hundred feetho considered

were streets so wldo In citieswhich wcro prosperous streets.

Minister preferred widealleys. He had seen much lnconvcnl- -

enco clsowhcre caused by teams meetin narrow alleyways. alleys

ought to jc of much benefit for thehandling of merchandise as well as thoremoval of garbage. Ho would makethe alleys eighteen feet wide.

Mr. Dodge, referring to tho map,thought fsomo of the blocks were too

Attorney Cooper, who hadtaken the chair on Dr. Wood's beingcalled out, thanked tho citizens fortheir presence and suggestions, whichwould be of material to thoHoard of Health In determining thoproblem.

Geo. Campbell advised departingfrom old street lines altogether andlaying out new town so farthe burnt was concerned.

Mr. Magoon seconded this sugges-tion. Tho streets had belonged to thoGovernment and property holderscould be within reason.

J. A. McCandlcss having Just enter-ed had not heard what been saidby others. Ho would suggest an alley

at least every 120 feet, and allowno moro shacks to bo built. Tho Hoardof Health not extend tho flro

but ho would advocate that be-

fore rebuilding was allowed the classof bullmngs to bo permitted shouldsettled. Wooden shanties endangeredbuildings of brick and Increased rates.

New Ruler Named

for Chinese Empire

l'ckln, Jan. 23. Tho Imperial edictIssued yesterday says that owing to theEmperor's poor health ho is tumble toconduct tho business of state, and ap-

points I'rlncc Tuano, his heir.Tho Emperor apparently has

compelled by tho Dowager Empress tonlirllrntn nlimit tho Chinese New Year.

It necessary, with purposo though It Is understood this willview, to take prompt considerable In cer--

A. 0. M. argued it tan t.ourj Tho Dowager Em-shou- ld

bo otto j,rC8Si however, Intends to outtoo narrow bo treated as tj)C mogrnm has plan-httce- ts

or to bo f0I.cared for like tho ones. It Washington, 25. Chinesewere inudo wldo to jnnlstcr. Mr. W11 rang, whenpass each next-thin- g tegts- - tho above dispatch was at first



favi.rto bo

or tho other asto bo


relief tho

tho lutes.


Ho the



lota as








Inclined to doubt nnd discredit, butexamining tho detail oftho reported edict, ho said

"I unable to whether it Istrue or not. Thus far I havonothing, official or unofficial, to Indi-

cate that' such a change, hns beenor was contemplated. A short tlmoago a was current that tho tonof tho 1'rlnco of Tuangiven In tho as Prince Ttiana)would bo named as heir apparent. UutI havo not been Informed that thiswould It would not surprising if nn heir apparent

Young favor ot th , as occurs at times, usuallyextension of tho flro limits in thu onjer to provldo n succession when

the of Health snould nn Emperor Is sick of otherwise ld

tho situation down Measures capacitated."can bo completed for preventing tho re- - when nsiccd If such n change wouldcttrrence forever or sucit comiuiona us cntnn chnnge of Chinese policy,existed flro.


It seemed to torthat to

thoa In whatever scltome

A. fearedonly

unsanitary InstancodPort


P. favorof as a the

of streets.S



alloys, poorerof


P. favor thoof tho




tho alloys,If two onesshould to tho



developmentsuggestion a

a wide.as mucinous,

no other

Mott-Smlt- h



a plandistrict







am sayreceived




bo done. bowcro desl;j

Minister Wu said"Not tho slightest. It does not In-

dicate any chango of policy on International or foreign affairs, nor on ourdomestic nffairs. Our people aro aquiet, peaceful people and havo littleregard for porsonal changes which mayoccur In tho Government."


A. 11. Locbcnsteln had a hard tlmo otIt yesterday. Ho went over to tho U.S. S. Pathfinder to luncheon and, uponreturning to tho Kllauea Hou, was toldho could not embark. A pormlt from1'rcstdent Wood was necessary. Mr.Loebenstcln returned to tho Pathfind-er, wroto a. note and sent it up to Dr.Wood, but ho had gono out to thoChina on account ot tho Illness of Dr.Day. Obtaining permission from. Captain Perkins to take his boat, Mr. Loeb- -

onsteln went out to tho China, saw Dr.Wood and returned smiling. Dr. Woodsaid that ns 1io had not been aboardnnythlng but a clean vessel, ho couldreturn aboard tho Klla.uca Hou with-out a pormlt. Arriving back nt WU-der- s'

wharf, he, found that a telcphonomessage hntl been received nt tho wharfto tho effect that ho,could go aboard,this In tho Xaco ot tho fact that, upontelephoning, tho message was sentdown to provent Mr. Loebenstcln fromembarking. Dr. Wood was out aboardtho China nt tho time. Mr. Loeben-stcln stated that ho had received nothing but uniform courtesy at tho handsnf thn Hoard of Health and that ho didnot bellovo tho troublo occasioned himhad had its origin from that point.

- 1

Alnmedu Mail.Postmaster General Oat announces

that tho Alameda mall for San Fran;Cisco will very probably closo Immedi-ately upon tho urrlval'bf'that steamerin port tomorrow morning, without abit of warning. Therefore, It would bobest for thoso having mall to forwardto havo tho same In tho post ofllco somotime tonight.

8. 8. Monna.Tho It. M. S. S .Moana, Carey com-

mander, arrived In port nnd anchoredIn thn ntrnnm nf nhmit 7 n'p.lnpk this

Thoro ni0rning, having been delayed twenty--

four hours awaiting tho English mans.

Smith Opposes nn Usual. H

Washington, January 22. Theq House Committee on Territories to- -

Rave a hearing upon the subjector disposition of the public lands of

3 Hawaii. Mr. Hermann, Commls- -

J sloner of the Public Land Office,favored placing the lands under the

I Public Land Office, and his attitude5 was opposed by William O. Smith,B Attorney-Gener- of Hawaii, and3 other Hawallans.1 R. W Wilcox, a native Hawal- -

1 Ian, spoke In general approval of

1 the bill, but urged that the provl- -

slons as to the crown lands be3 changed, as these lands, he (.tainted,3 rightfully belonged to the heirs of

3 the old line of kings.General Hartwel' of the Hawal- -

j Ian bar supported the bill.S Gilbert F. Little, an Hawaiian

J attorney, presented the views of2 the small propert owners and Am- -

3 erl ans In Hawaii, and Incidentally3 took occasion to sharply criticize3 the present Administration.



,2 p. m. The plague situationIs most hopeful. For four dasthere has not been n single, sus-picious case and for six daysnot a suspicious cnno has ap-

peared otttsldo of tho camp orwhat remains of tho Infecteddistrict. A cottplo moro daysof this most hopeful outlookand Honolulu will havo gr-o-

cause to rejoice. It is a, signi-ficant fact that, slnco the greatflro In Chinatown tho numberof cases has been dwindlinguntil now none tiro appearing.Tho last case in tho districtsotttsldo of tho enmps and theInfected district wns tho otto oftho native woman at Kalntukl,while tho very lust case wasthat of the Japanese nt tho Kn-lll- il

detention camp.


Tho Don til of Health held a streetmeeting In tho Infected dlstrl:t thismorning, during which four buildingsIn Powlor's yard, facing on Ntntantistreet In closo proximity to the Mc-

Lean building, lean-to- s ot the buildingson tho Ewn sldo of Ntiuanu streer withtho exception ot thoso In the blockbounded by Ntiuanu, King, Smith midHotel streets, wero ordered destroyed.

Tho remaining buildings of Block ISwcro destroyed by tho flro department:this forenoon and tho occupants pentto Knllhl.

Tho remaining soldiers on duty attho Exccutlvo building grounds nnddrill shed enmp wero sent out to Knll-hl today and their posts nt tho latterplace havo been taken by pollco guards.

Tho fumigation nnd bathing opera-tions at tho drill shed enmp will beginthis afternoon nnd Chester Doylo ex-

pects to havo tho work done by mid-

night.Up to date there havo been G5 cases

of plague and 47 deaths. Thero was ntotal of 175 deaths during the month ofJanuary.


Washington. Jun. 21. Senator Piattof Connecticut, today gavo notico ofimportant amendments ho will offerto the bill providing n form of gov-

ernment for Hawaii and Porto Illco.Ono of Senator Piatt's proposed amend-ments to each ,of tho bills strikes outtho provision for tho election of a del-

egate to Congress. Tho other amendments relnto to the customs regulations. In tho case of Hawaii!, ho pro


InK customs between tho United Statesand Hawaii until further byCongress.

Tho customs provision suggested byMr. Piatt In cusq of Porto re-

quires collection on Rlcanarticles Imported Into tho UnitedStates "a sum equivalent eightyper cent of tho new customs dutieslevied upon Ilka articles Imported Intotuo United States from foreign coun-tries." Articles originating InUnited States and shipped PortoRico aro to nay thero 80 per cent oftho duty upon Importationsfrom countries.

DON'T PASS our OPERA GLASSESfor tho World. Thoy'ro mndo by LeMairo. "Nutfsald." H.P.WICHMAN

Tho Lo Munyon Photo Supplycalendar for 1900 arrived the Gaelic

is on salo their storo at No. 420Fort street. Mr. Lo Munyon has spar-ed no nalns 10 It tho finest andmost ellto calendar over published In

world. It will he strictly three col-

or process work and very elaborate,being "' Mr. Lo Munyon's ownnega


Question Now Arises Whether

Can Hold It.

Boiler's Despatch Indicates Heavy Losses

Boers Still In 'Good Spirits -S- teadyFighting Along the Line.


London, Jnn. 25. Tho WarOfllco has Just Issued tho

dispatch from Spearman'sCamp, dated January 25, 12:10 n.m.:

"General Warrcn'B troops Instnight occupied Splon Kop, sur-prising the small garrison who fled.It has been held by us all daythough wo were heavily attacked,especially by a very annoying shellArc.

"I fenr our aro con-siderable arid I havo to Inform you,with regret, that General Wood-gat- o

was dangerously wounded."General Warren Is of the opin-

ion that ho has rendered tho ene-my's position untenable. The mennro splendid."Warren's Smccchh Doubtful.London, Jan. 23, 2:2 p. m. The

General Warren's achieve-ment In cnpturitig Splon Kop Tuesdaynight Is by tho realizationthat his success Is only provisional, nsIt appears clear from General Huller'sdispatch that tho Doers fully realizetho strategical Importance) of SplonKop nnd at the tlmo his message wassent off, the)' had not abandoned thohope of recapturing tho

Nevertheless, a heavy load ot anx-iety has been removed from tho nationand thero Is general expectation thatns tho Ittitlsli havo succeeded In keep-ing the hill all day long, they wilt man-ag- o

to retain It until General Warrenplants guns enough nn It to dominatetho Doer trenches and left.

Thero Is tho ivMial disposition heroto exaggerate tho Importance of thopoint scored, but It is realized thatGeneral Duller still has n task beforohim calling for tho most dogged per-sistence hntl untiring nttuck and thatthe difficulties will Increase as the po-

sition developes.Tiro relief nf the tension on tho

Stock Exchange was very marked.Dttslncss opened moro cheerfully allaround and with an upward movement,

tho inlluenco of tho news nt thoWar Officii anil at tho clubs and otherresorts thero was a notable changefrom tho glomy fears of yesterday. Titoappearance of tho news placards onthe streets sent crowds of peoplo to theWar Ofllco and tho lobbies woro soonfilled to suffocation. Thoso near thenotice board read out tho news at fre-quent Intervals fur the benefit of tholato arrivals who woro ttuablo to ap-proach and each successive reading ledto reucwnl of cheering.

In tho ladles' lobby thero wcro signsot tho sad side ot tho victory. A qucstlon often asked was: "When will thocasualties bo received?"

Though General Dullcr's dispatch Isdated today and spcakB of Splon Kopbeing captured lust night, It apparent-ly means Tttcsdny night.

As, according to General Duller's dis-patch tho "Btnall garrison was surpris-ed," his subsequent statement: "Ourlosses wcro considerable," Indicatesthat tho Urltlsh Buffered greatly laterfrom tho shell flro from a farther Hoorposition.

Tho statement that there was only nsmall garrison at Splon Kop camesomewhat as a sttrprlso as It was Ima-gined tho Doers wcro thero in greatforco and it is taken In some quartersto Indlcato that thn Doers wcro not sosurprised at tho assault as It uppearcd,but previously drew off their main

and left a forco to with-stand tho Drltish advance.. It is evensuggested that tho Doers lnvclghledtho Ilritlsh Into occupying Splon Kop

poses to cllmlnato tho provision ot tho ami havo now surrounded Uiem.

Hawaiian Commission and insert a lt In splto of tho fact thatclauso for tho contlnuunco of tho exist- - the. hold Potglcter h drift and


tho Rico,tho Porto

of to




and at









body small

tho hills above that tho Doers havosucceeded In bringing up enough artil-lery to Inflict considerable losses on theDrltish forco, which seized Splon Kop,although Lord Dttndonald Is supposedto havo been scouring tho country be-

yond tho ranges In order to proventthis very thing and ulthough GeneralLyttleton ought to havo got nearenough to Splon Kop to cither Inter-cept tho retreating Boers or provent nserious attack, onco tho Ilritlsh hndtaken possession of tho hill.

Donations Acknowledged.The following donations havo been

received by tho Japanese Ladles' Re-

lief Society:MJss Carrie Castle, 30; Hon. S. M.

Damon, $100; Mrs. and Miss Dayton,two dozen children's garments; Jap-anese women, LIhuo, Kauai, CO piecesholokus; Sj Japaucso laborers em-ployed by O. 8. Desky nt PacificHeights, through his kindness, $100,'Jnpancso, Mnnoa Valley, ?9.25.

WEDDING STATIONERY, EngravedCnrilB, Embossing.



President Mioley Endorses Appropri-

ations by Council of State.

Hone; Hay Be Spent for Suppression ot Plague

And New Sanitary Improvements

Ttltgrams Hum tuy am uiriwill.

President Dolo has received the fol-lowing telegrams from Washington:

"Washington, D. C, Jan. 23, 1900."In view ot the Importance of thor-

ough nnd I mined la to measures for thoHnnltnrv nrntpptlnn nf Hminlnlu nnd nfany other spot in tho Hawaiian Islands ithreatened with contagion, tho Pros!- - j

dent directs mo to say to you that nil I

proper expenditures authorized by the '

Council ot Stato of Hawaii, titular thoprovisions of section six ot nrtlcloclghty-on- o of tho Hawaiian Constltu- - I

tlon, for tho purpose of eradicating thobubonic plagtto will meet the Presi-dent's full approval.

(Signed.) . "JOHN HAY,"Secretary of Stato."

"Washington, Jnn. 24, 1U00.

"All proper expenditures for nowsanitary Improvements In Honolulu au-

thorized by thu Council of Stato undertho Hawaiian Constitution approvedby President McKlnlcy following yoursfourteenth Instant.

(Signed.) "A. S. HAUTWELL."Special Agent Hartwell's telegram

leaves no doubt of tho competency oftho Council of Stato to voto money forthe extension of tho sewerage systemover tho lately infected district orChinatown.


P. M. Hatch, Dr. Emerson nnd Geo.W. Smith nro a committee of tho Hoardot Health to decide on the applicationof J. Ltghtfoot and others fur lenvo toestablish n steam laundry near thoUcach boulevard. A meeting of residents Interested In thu question wns tohave been held with tho committee nt11 o'clock this morning. Owing to theabseuco of tho Iloatd of Health In ubody attending to condemnation busi-ness tho committee did not appear.Geo. Manson wiih on hand, however,with n strongly protesting petitionagainst tho laundry, signed by aboutfifty substantial residents ot Will Ink 1

district. Mr. Llghtfoot told a repor- - I

ter that his company had virtually de-

cided to discard the application. Thocommittee, has been Informed that theprojectors ot tho laundry aro now seek- -'

lug n locntlon opposite Magoonvllle, orright In town along thu name bottle- -vard. Although this section has beencondemned as unlit for habitation,there Is a probability of Its being grad-ed up to sanitary level.


Mujor Geo. C. Potter, secretary of thoHawaiian Commission to the Paris Ex-

position, hns received advices fromCommissioner W. G. Irwin, oxprcssingjonfldenco that tho exhibits will notbo blocked In transportation at SnuFrancisco. Mr. Irwin would not causetho exhibits left at Omaha to bo fur--warded until tho secretary attended totho matter hlmsolf. Mnjor Potter Imitho Paris exhibits nearly nil packed,but cannot say when ho will bo ableto leavo with them. Ho has commandof material that will mako 11 fine showing for Hawaii In Paris.

HoHman-McNcll- l.

Dr.. Walter Hoffman and Miss Mc-

Neill wero married In St. Andrew'sCathedral at high noon" today, tho Rov.Alex. Mackintosh officiating. TheAlex. Mackintosh officiating. Tho brldowas given awHy by Rev. Mr. Pearson.Dr. P. It. Day acted ns best man.Tho wedding party marcned in to thestrains ot tho inarch from Lohengrin,played on tho organ by Wray Taylor.Sehtibort's serenndo was played dur-ing tho ceremony which was witness-ed by a largo number of peoplo. Mr.and Mrs. Hoffman havo gono to Dr.Cooper's homo In Tantalus to spendtheir honeymoon.

Naval Notes.Lieutenant Commnnder Pond of tho

Iroquois has recolvcd orders to roportto Captain Merry ot tho Naval Station.The understanding Is that, In additionto IiIb other duties hero, ho Is to assistCaptain Merry.

Tho Iroquois was to havo gono toMaul to do tho samo work that thePathfinder departs soon to undertako.On this account tho Iroquois will prob-ably remain In Honolulu.

tWIIUTakc Passenger.

In accordnnco with ndvlces received in tho China yesterday tho Pa-clf- lo

Mall steamers will hereafter takopassengers both ways after these havohad their names on tho register tho re-

quired length ot time. During theplague- thoso steamers havo been intho habit ot refusing passengers fromHonolulu under and circumstances.

oisa 3i5i3.'Sjan2ja'3i3jarsisiaiaai9SEf9 mpColicrtN Ih Uxpcllcil. k

(Special to the Bulletin).Wellington, Jan. 25. The case

of Brlgh.im H. Roberts, the Mormonrepresentative-elec- t from Utah,which lus occupied so much of theattention of the House since the as-

sembling of Congress, was decidedtoJay by the ajjptlon of a resolution to excluJe him by a vote of

a 278 to 50. IThe exact language of the resolu- - fcj

tlon was as follows::

"That, under the fact and elf j

cumstancesof thecase.BrlRham rl. URoberts, representative-elec- t from j

the State of Utah, ought nut to have j

or holJliiR seat In th House of gjRepresentatives and that the seat towhich he was elected Is hereby de--


dared vacant." riThe amendment to expel Mr. a

Roberts without seating him, oftereJ by Air. Lacey was ruled out on a 'ejpoint of orJer and the Hous only &

voted on the resolutions of the ma-- f

titrtlt, nml mtnnrifi, nf til, etm $i

I inlttec. illThe latter to seat and then expel B

Mr. Robetts, was' defeateJ, 8t to244. An analysis of this vote showi athat 170 Republicans for It. The W

majority .resolutions, to exclude Mr.Roberts and declare the seat vacant

were adopted, 278 to 50. Thevote was divided as fo-

llow: Republic mis 164; Sllvrr2; Populists t. There

pi were over a score of speakers toJayj and tile closing of speeches on each

M Me were rurtlci.lirlv able. Mr.

a L'llllinm. nf Texas, closed for theU majority and Mr. DeArmond of

' Missouri, for the minority.Mr. Roberts was present through-

out the dav left the hall after theresult of the last vote InJ been an-

nounced. As he did so, he guveout a statement justifying his re-

tention of his plural wives on theground that his moral nbligitlonwas more binding upon his con


science than technical obedience to W

st ttutory law, and saying that there gwas little excuse for the extraordl- - $inry efforts to crush a syste n nl- - Srea iy abandoned and practically Sdead. &

He said he was a martyr to a'spism of prejudice. " He would &

not, he said, attempt to run for faCongress again, although he would j

go back home with a,light heart,ontident 'f tne future. m

gisj BEraisjsisiaiajaisiT'ja.'SfajsisJiSSEisfsjo


"Afraid to send assistants untilplagtto Is better" Is tho text ot a cable-gram received by Manager P. J. Crossof tho Inter-Islan-d Telegraph Co. thismorning from the Mnrcont headquar-ters, London.

It was in anticipation of such a viewof tho situation that Manager Crossforwarded his cablegram by tho Aus-tralia. Tho Marconi dispatch Is datedJun. 25, and it is probablo Mr. Cross'cable was received In Ixjndon today.To tuakn nssuninco doubly suro Man-ager Cross will forward another ca'.'leby tomorrow's steamer notifying theMarconi Company that tirraunenioutshavo been mado for sending the assist-ants direct to tho other Islands, alsothat tlio plague situation shows markedImprovement. Every effort will bomade to push tho construction nsr,nplilly as possible.

Just receivedthe very thingto gladden thehearts of theladies.

The most acceptable Xmas giftyour wives, sisters or daughters a pal-- of


These are Included In the 7000 pairs ofshoes just opened ex S. S. Australia ardhold premier place for beauty.

The Manufacturer;:Shoe Co








Page 2: Evening Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains Bulletin · Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn-rn of Honolulu. The had seen In nowspapor. ot making streets hundred feet ho considered were


V r



CTftSnetrrt iind liulldertt of Hifih Duty Pumping Eiilnc- -


AGUN IS Is called U the fact that we carty In tuik at our Queen street warehouse

i latRit assortment of pumps tor all kinds of sugar house service, Including vacuumpumps air pumps, condensers, feed pumps. Juice puim s, niul.ie pumps, etc., tr

with a complete stock of spare parts and valves fr all sues. Careful attentiongln all otders, and prompt shipment guaranteed.

Est. mates furnished for complete Irrigation pumping plants of any capacity 01

Ollicct Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., Honolulu, li. I.Warehouse: Cor. Queen & Cook Sts. Telephone sou.

E1SD0N IRON WOMS,San FrancigcQi


Hi&h Pumping Machinery,le. e Hollers, Plain Tubu ar Hollers, Corliss Engines, Cane Cars

Vacuum Pans, and all machinery for the complete equipment of Sugar Mills.


Fraternal Directory.

HAKMoNY LODGE: No. 3,I. 0. O. !'.,

Mteta every Monday evening at 7:30,U Unruiuuy Uail, K.ng street.

J. D. McVKIQII. N. 0.K. It. HHNDHY, Secretary.

All vlstlng biotkora very cordiallytart ted.

riYSTIC LODOU No. 2." K. of P.,M.eta every Wednesday evening at

J:I o'clock, Castlo Hall, Fort street.fTLttlng brothers conllaly Invited to

ttend. S. J. SAI.TKii, C. C.Hl A. 13. MURPHY, K. It .S.


Meets overy third Thursday eveningIn' Masonic Temple. AM visiting s

cordially InvitedA. I GILFILLAN. II. P.

J. U. TUCKER, Secretnry.


Meeta In Maaoulc Tcmplo on-th- e sec-l- a

Thursday evening ot each monthEM.TUitiug Sir Knights courteously Intltcd.


OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. ot P.MeU every Thursday evening nt

telr Castle Hall, 420V4 Fort street, ati-- Members of Mystic Lodge No. 2.ftM Ttltlng brothers, cordially Invited.


mi K. of R. and 3?'HUUANU CHAPTER ROSE

CROIX,No. 1 ,A. & A. S. R.

KMti tho first Thursday In eachMBBth. it Masonic Tcmnln. Kntnurn.

I and visiting brothers cordially In--to attend all meoUngs

W. M.. FRANK D. AtlRnnAniT.MiAN B. SCRIMOEOUR, Secretary.


No. 124, A. & A .3. Rlto.Mated meetings on tho last Mon-l- ar

ot each month, In its hall, Masoniclaple.

C. M. WHITE, W. M.IB. FRIEL, Secrotary.

OKO. W. DeLONO POST No.45, O. A. R.,

Department of California and Nova-l- a,

meets at Harmony Hall, Kingatr t. first Thursday evening of every

aattu Sojournlcc couiradca aro cor-al- ly

Invited to aticcd.W. L. EATON, P. C.


F. AND A. M.tated meetings, first Monday each

enth. Special mottlngfl, when calledWill be noted In this space).Members Lodge Lo Progros, Pacific

ladre, and all sojourning brethrenasrdlally Invited.

ED. I. SPALDINO, W M.X. R. Q. WALLACE. Secretory.


No. 171,Regular Army and Navy Union of

the United State's of America, meets atHarmony Han, Kin? street, every sec-ond and fourth Friday In each monthat 7:30 p. m. Visiting comrades arecordially Invited.

All honorably discharged soldiers oreallors, cither regulars or volunteers,are eligible for membership.

' E. J. WILSON,Commander.

J. H. SHEAHAN. Adjutant.

THE WAVERLY CLUB.Waverly Block, Bptbol street. Stan-lor- d

magazines and periodicals;billiard, pool and card Ub'cs

Jer free use of members. Arrange-auat- a

for transient visitors. Entrancelee fl.25, monthly dues $1. Open from

a. m. to 11 p. m.A. V. GEAR, Prcsldont.

IMffiS T. COPELAND, Recording Sec.t.LKN o SCItlMGEOUR. Fin. Sec'y.

1 flAii Priii Co.

H I Limited I.


f .

w " ?BiiftaroM 119 KInft St.S; CWIIRCHtAND SOCIETY WORK.

wmusK I

mwi ' T BTenln' Bulletin, 75 acuta fer I

r tt-- r '.""""'f y '""WtW"""1- - usicr









EverywhereYou nro worn out, tired, can't put

tho onergy you detdro lntc yourduties. Well, tlion, you must tryHomethiftg that will ovorcomo thisfouling anil rostoro you to porfocthealth.

PleasantFrom childhood wo aro taught to

respect tho curattvo features of herbs.Our grandirothcrs used them, andwore, as n rule, vorsod In tho art ofpreparing romodlos from variousplants

asWe have a preparation that Is of

the typo purely vege-

table, mado of herbs with wine. Fora general tonlo to produce vigor andstrength, you cannot And n betterone.

Wine.For malarial disorders, Iom of ap-

petite, that tired feeling, loss of en-

ergy, it Is a truo panacea.

Royal Bitten it the name,They gave me at my birth,

From Royal no one need rerain,lit vie will turely bring mirth.

Put up In pint bottle at 51) cent.Only of

Hollister Drug Co.

H" "1 - - W"

IOO Volt

Ol the Genuine jr

Edison Type tI ifOMiiicGanlFJpiliet


"HJP- -

See E. O. I tall & Sons chnngo of ndj n pagu 8.

ah lauds of carriage painting t ippaluteia at tho Stock; r Jb


Hlug up 191 when you want n reliable(lilvur, u good hack and no over charg-ing.

A meeting of tho Catholic HenovolcntSociety will bo held nt 2 o'clock Fri-day afternoon, at tho Convent.

Wnlklkl lun took a sulphur bath thisweek and overy nook and corner Sloaned out. One loom to rent, $12 pelweek.

Captain Senbury of the China Is on"on n vacation for one trip. CaptainFrlelo, formerly of tho Peru, Is In com-

mand.'I ho It. S. Suricy ship Ranger Hailed

for Panama from San Fianclsco, .Inn-nar- y

20. She carried dispatches to Ad-

miral Kautz nt Sail Diego.Stockholders in tho Nnhlku Sugar

Co. nic notified thnt tho RecOnd assess-ment Is dcllmiucnt from the 1st day ofFebruary, 1900. Sco New Today.

The monthly mcetlngof tho St. An-

drew's l'rlory Aid Society meetingheld every first Saturday of eachmonth win bo postponed till furthernotice.

A San Francisco paper of January1!) sas: Tho Uiltlsli bark Holywood,out 171 days from Antwerp for Honolu-lu, Is now quoted by reinsurance bro-

kers at 10 per cent.Tho Lo Munyon Photo Supply Co.

will receive on the Australia the larg-est line of moulding thnt ever came toHonolulu, also th clatest machinery tomake up samo Into frames.

Tho Klnau sailed for Walmca, Kntinl,yesterday to load sugar for San Francisco. It was tho first Intention to havotho Klnau proceed to Mnknwcll but thiswas changed ut tho last moment.

Thcro Is talk In town of fin attemptbeing mado to havo tho hanks open nt10 a. m. nnd closo nt 3 nfter the quarantine Is lifted from the city. This Is ofcourse, the plan now being followed.

A late San Francisco paper containstho arrival of tho Italian cruiser Cala- -brla nt Cnllao. Sho wns to remainthcro n few dnys beforo continuing onher way to China, via San Francisconnd Honolulu.

"Tho Hawaiian Scenic Calendar" for1900, published only by the GoldenRule Bazaar, 316 Fort street, Is a beautiful worlt of art. It eclipses all pre-vious efforts In this line, and nothingwould bo more appropriate at this timethan to mall one of theso to tho "folksnt homo." Price 50 conts.

Among tho knmnnlnas who returnedin the Moann this morning wero thefollowing: W. A. Kinney, Mrs. Brcn-ha-

W. F. Drake, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Jackson. Thokamaalnas by the China yesterdaywero as follows: Mrs. C. O. Berger andtwo children, Miss A. Wldemann. Mr.nnd Mrs. J. B. Castle, II. P. Becklcynnd Mrs. M. Is. Tenncy.

Ships for Oriental Trade.St. Paul, Jan. 18. President Hill of

ttic Great Northern today gave out ndescription ot the big ships which arcnow being built for tho Oriental trade,to, run in connection with his road.Four vessels will bo ready for servlcoIn eighteen months. Each ship will bo730 feet long by 74 feet nmldshloa. 50feet from tho water to tho deck linoand will havo n carrying capacity of22,000 tons. Tho ships will bo tho lar-gest In tho world, exceeding tho Ocean-ic und will' bo nblo to carry "freight atlow rates.

If you are :ond ol pic ures,drop in and look over the reshlot of Copley Prims, Car ons,and London Prints, cov ringover fifty subjects of the erylatest publications.

110 Hotel street.

1,CHAS. D. WALKER,Designer anJItlullder fof e

Yachts, Boats and Launches!Works. 691 KING ST.

P. O. Dox 6ji. Telephone 760.


JBLHcnrv Watorliouse k Co.

A.GE2SJ-T- PORGerman American Ins. Co.,

Of New York, and

Union Assurance Co.,Of London.

Members Honolulu StockExchange.

: Wernicke book Cases, :

AN- D-

The Globe Company's Desks,Filing Cases and office

novelties,Secured at lowest prices..


Telephone, 313.Queen street.


Sanitary Flooring,Harbors no germs. It is the only floorsuitable for residences, and Its cleanlinessand moderate cost recommend It to allhouseholders

Plans and estimates cheerfully furnishedupon application to

Lewers & Cooke,Sole Agents for

Johnson's Celebrated Parquetry,Johnson's Floor Wax,Johnson's Floor Brushes,Johnson's Restorer,Johnson's Solvent.


Pap-er-Latest styles. A large

invoice just received.

Wilder & Co., Ltd.1231

taking a tripofthe

ra&rraij.r TRACT"- - -- H- -- H- --H-

Bounded by Keeaumoku, Kinau,r Piikol and Lunalilo streets; onlyI one block from the Beretanla' street cap linei'i"i55"i5!"R?'; This tract is situated in one of the finest resi- -

C dence portions of Honolulu, and in a direct line withK the cooling breezes of Makiki.Ifc Lots Sox 90 feet will be sold for the reasonable

price of $1,250. Terms, 2j0 cash, balance on in--C stallments, payments to suit purchaser.I This land has a very gentle slope, and purchasers

'can immediately commence building operations.nt cuny uuiui;isci: tiiu cluic

For further particulars apply to

GEAR, LANSING & CO.,Judd Building.

-fcAS - ii




Large stock of Coffees from the Kona, Hamakua, Oiaa Dis-

tricts always on hand. Old Coffees a spaciality.

H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD.PropfUlct.


Salter'sTelephone 680.


Bethel street. Telephone 24.



fcli- -



and Fort streets. 31,


and RetailGrocers. . . .

Waterhoise Store,

Just ReceivedCape Cod Cranberries,

Atmore's Mince Meat,Mince Meat,

Apples, Turnips, Hams,New Crop Nuts and Raisins,

Cream Chocolate Tablets, Jams,Jellies, Shrimps, Table Fruits, Olives,

Oregon Burbank Crickers and Cakes, &c, &c.

The swellest line of golf capes

Telephone 110.


FMnn ,, t,t-- f



Orpheum Block.

StoresThe Store,

Cor.KlnR Telephone

& Ltd.



212 King street, noxt to the Arlington,

rugs ever imported, are now displayed by


contemplatingthemselves choice assortment.



the coast

-Kftinm MHirii

T5c. Box



Chas. Hustace,


l&t&l&t &?&?li&?

ri,,,,-!- ,

and traveiing

should availft. t

- )

-fii'JilfeiilliftiffIl: ifini '

Page 3: Evening Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains Bulletin · Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn-rn of Honolulu. The had seen In nowspapor. ot making streets hundred feet ho considered were


.i. Jf..mj..

Is a ii

. i n



f " f v m "Iv -




If so, make them AT HOME will) pure water from your ownfilter, by means of ....

SparkletsThe latest scientific method, simple to operate, perfect in result,

absolute purity guaranteed.Every home should have them.


Benson,Smith &Co.,Ltd:

ATOMIZERS,Now Stylos in Iridescent and Oolurod Glass,


In Baskets, Bottles, and Bulk.Now Odors, Now Styles.





BUILDING LOTS AT PAWAA.This desirable property, bounded by Beretania, Punahou and King

street, on the town side of the McCully Homestead, is now offered forsale. The extension of Young street passes through the land. Anartesian well on the premises supplies the purest water. The breezesfrom Manoa valley render the locality extremely healthful. The propertyis on the line of cars, and the Rapid Transit cars will run through orbvlt.

There is no better or more refined neighborhood in Honolulu.For terms, etc., apply to F. v

,- - At J. A. Magoon's office, next to P. O.Or to J. LIGHTFOOT, on the adjoining premises.


40 Selected ones for $3.00-F- OR SALE AT TH-E-

Corner Hotel and





Surreys, Phrotons,



JllSt le3.,


A SplencrW Consignment

unyoLTJLr, '""M'Riuy,








Buggies, Road Carts, and Harness.Specially Selected for Local Requirements.

Honolulu Carriage flanufactoryV. "W. WRIGHT, Prop'r.


Horses, Cattle, Sheep and- - DogsAXiL- - ttJWQJTtt&TTl ILLS.

REMEDIES MADE BY JOHN POTTIE & SONS,Veterinary Surgeons of World-wid- e Fame, will

OURB : THOSE : ILLS.Money is Saved by Investing in Pottle's Remedies.

Black Oils for Sprains. Gall Salve for Sore Necks, White Oils for Swollen Glands,Green Lotion, great healing agent, Soothing Oils for Skin Eruptions,

a Black Ointment for Horses' Feet, Electric Oils, a mild blister,rimic eye -- aivc

Vermin Soap for Dogs, Sheep,This only partial usi; you aoni


ri i m





Cattle, Horses, Shrubs and Treesee wnai you want asK

W. MACFARLANE,Aeent for the Hawaiian Islands.

u r i


llepairiDg, railing, 1 rimming ana MaDutaeiuriDg

Fine HorseHhoelnir a. Specialty.Agency Rubber Tire Wheel Company.HAWAIIAN CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING CO.

Queen Street near Fort. i i2i




It has to. Our waiters are

trained to be civil, quick and at-

tentive to our guests. Our chef

is unrivaled in preparation of daintyand appetizing dishes. Everything

is scrupulously clean, everything

as comfortable as we can make it.And the prices are always in reason.

Home Bakery Cafe.The Best Men I Cnfe.


Best 5c. CigarTo. bo had for tlm monoy.


Beaver Lunch RoomsH. J. NOLTE.

Beer ana Wine Dealers.


fin mifl Ltpr Dealers.Agents for the Bottled Rainier Deer of Seattle.

No. ID Nuuanu StreetFoiter Block. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

P. O. Boa t3T. Mutuel Telephone o.



Uiisoliilatei! Soda Water a, L

Enplanade,.irnar Alien & Pnrl St8 Honoluh.


Markets and rocers.



G. J. iVALLEu, : : Manage!

"Wholeanlo and Itetail


Navy Contractors.BEST OF MEATo.

Families desiring tendor roahU,Juloy steaks and chops shouldc on tho

Central Meat MarketWe mako a specialty of family tratliand soil the best at roasonablifigures.

2H Nuuanu St. Telephone 104


For sale cheap at

J. R. MILLSElneoln Ulock, Klnir street.

"BREAKFASTIs the foretaste of the whole day. Spot,

that and we probably spoil all."Be sire the coffee Is good, and that- - It

Is fromLEWIS & CO.,

LEADING GROCERSJTelephone 240- - 1 1 1 Fori St

DIAMONDAndotjier Rings, Watches, Bracelets, Pins, and an extensive varietyof Jewelry.

bc. a. BXAJRT.Manufacturing Jeweller,

toiU fort Street r

WOMAN'S EXCHANGE112 Hotel Struct.

KAPA, OALMlAslilCS, LUIS, NA-TIVE UATS.HULAHKIKTS. MIIlAUMAW, FANS, SHELI BEKDS, Etc,novt KMADE VOL V" itlv 1..1 lmiiTelophono 769" laii n,

.buers INJOOD ununLoudon, Jnn. 24. 2M5 p, m. The

extretno tension cmisid by whnt innybo Justly designated the most nnxlouapause since tho war begnn had not beenrelieved up to tho tlm of writing byanything save tho dally stock exchangerumors which today happens to havobeen started by tho bulla, who assertthat General Warren has capturedSplon kopf. Anxiety In regard to thonews Is vlslblo on nil sides, Tho WarOIIlco was besieged nt nn early hourthis morning and tho clubs and otherrcsoils liable to iocclo early newshave been ciowded with eager Inquir-ers.

It Is guncially iccognlzed that thoIloer position, If over taken, can onlybo enptured nt n tremendous cost.

A dispatch from Pretoria, datedTuesday, January 23, somewhat ampli-fies tho dispatch of Monday, January22, from the lloer head laager, cabledto tho Associated Pi ess last evening.It say b:

"Four or flc times during the daythe Urltlsh icplaccd their wearied sol-diers by fresh ones. Tho lloer casu-alties to dato nro one man killed andtwo slightly Injured. Our men nro Inexcellent spirits. There Is n largoslaughter of tho Urltlsh.

"General liotha Is now In solo com-mand , General Cronjo having beensent elsewhere."

The same dispatch, eldcntly lefer-rln- g

to tho situation nt Colenso, says:"Ono of tlio largo Moor Maxims was

temporarily disordered but was soonrepaired.

"Tho Urltlsh north camp Is In con-fusion. People nro observed Trekkingaimlessly In all directions."

Commenting on Captain Mohan's at-titude, the St. James Gazette today re-marks:

"Ills aihlco Is good and needed InAmerica. Whllo strict neutrality Ismaintained In tho olllclnl world nndgood will for nnglnnd Is frit by thobetter Informed, It Is simply mislead-ing tho public of this country to Mig-ges- t,

as sonio correspondents aio do-ing, that antagonism to England isconfined to n negligible body of Amer-icans. Tho sympathy om America na awhole Is, as 11 matter of fact, no morewith England nt this moment than wasour popular sympathy with them nttho outbreak of tho war with Spain,and the contrast of olllclal and popularattitudes Is 110 less marked In theUnited States than It Is In Germany."

As the afternoon progressed the ex-citement on Pall Mall reached a highpitch. Uut tho Wnr Ofllco officials

at 3:30 11. in. the oft repeatedstatement that "nothing had been re-ceived from General Duller." Tho sus-pense was Increased by the belief thatGcucinl Uultor would bavu never pub-lished his Intention to attack tho Doerson Splon kopt unless satisfied that theissault would bo carried out beforetho news could bo published nnd It wasfully untlclpated that tho news of hisuieccss or failure would reach London

The Cabinet Ministers called nt thein n few hours nt tho most.


Now Yoik, Jan. 21. A dispatch totho Trlbuuo from London, says:

General Duller found It difficult onSunday night to claim any marked suc-cess In the Urltlsh assault upon theDoer westernmost stronghold, nnd Pre-toria dispatches Indicated that theDutch were satisfied with their ownw oris.

Tho only s.itlsfactoiy fcatuto wastho proof offered by tho light casualtylists that the Urltlsh soldiers were con-tent under prudent leadership to re-

main under coer nnd to avoid recklesschnrges. These lists were not largo inpropoitlou to thn number of troopsengaged, nnd n considerable pciccntagoof tho officers nnd men Included inthem wcro slightly wounded. Diltlshsoldiers wcro learning to fight thoDoers among tho kopjes nnd to takeshelter behind tho boulders.

An English South African, almostunrivalled in experience nnd know-ledge, says that his hopes aro centeredIn General Warren rather than in Gen-

eral Duller. He says that Warren haBlong been known among tho Dutch as"tho general." For example, a friendaccompanying Cecil Rhodes throughtho Darkly West district, during hiselection tour In August, 1S98, heardconstant references to "tho general,"nnd asked wno ho was. "Sir CharlesWarren, of course," was tho Invariablereply, Ucforo Mr. Rhodes had fore-seen and carried out tho great schemeof expansion north waul, General War-ren had been preaching in deaf cars.HIr expedition tluough Dcchuannlandlu 1885, when tho Doers wcro disputingover war northward, was bloodless.This was duo to tho dread which hisname Inspired nmong tho TrnnsvnalDutch. Ho has had gi eater experienceIn South Afrlcn than any other Urltlshgeneral nnd his column ts tho only onothnt has attacked tho enemy in thoDoer way among tho kopjes and bould-ers, nnd taken advantago of tho coveroffered by tho rocks.

Tho plan on which tho Drltlsh troopsaro now operating was not heard ofuntil Warren's nrrlvnl nnd tho compli-ments so freely bestowed upon thotheoretical brilliancy of General Dul-ler- 'a

turning movement have beenearned In reality by tho gencrnj who lacarrying out tho new method of opera-tions with wariness and deliberation.

General Warren Is described as aman of military genius, nnd us pro-

foundly religious, resembling lu manyrespects General Gordon, and having afar seeing mind. Ho has no socialqualities and It la probablo that hisaversion for drawing rooms nnd thodlsllko of tho Lord Wolseley gang for astern, mystically minded soldier of thoGordon typo havo stood lu tlo way ofhis promotion.

If Warren succeeds It will bo thomost brilliant feat of arma slnco thopenlnBiilnr campaign, and General Dul- -

lcr's victory will bo followed by thocompleto calng In of tho Dutch forces,

, and tho war will virtually bc ended; Iftho movement falls tho fault will notbo Warren's, but tho collapse of Dul-ler- 's

campaign will be most dlsas-tioi-

Amorlcun Messenger Service, Mnsonic Templo. Tel. 414.

Real Estate and Insurance.



Lllfii and FIKB


New England Mutual Life In-surance CO. &F BOifON.

Etna Fire Insurance Companyof Hartford.HENRY ST. GOAR.EDWARD POLLITZ.

Members Stock and Bond Exchange.


P.rtlcular .Mention elvta to purchna nd ill. 0Uwill.n Sucr Stk.Lo.ni Negott.tt. Eutirn and Fortlgn Stock

ml UonJi.

403 California 8t.,8un Pranelaco, Cal. 117a

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

?EAL ESTATEOr We will Hay or Levi Seal Estate In

ill parts of the group.tW We will Bell Properties oa Beasoo

ble Commissions 1

)FFICE, 10 West King Street


Real Estate Broker.223 MERCHANT ST.

von salu.Twelve' Chinese Grnnlle Ultchllij

".wU, So ouch.Property In towu.

houses to i,i:r.

F. W. THRUM,Surveyor.

tOOM NO. 10, SPKECKELS BLOCKPlantation Work a Specialty.




Member Honolulu Stook Kxohango.K00111SOI, Judd Hullilluj;.


Mo. tS (Jqmd Street.

Export Appraisement of lies)Crtnte and Furniture.


Stock and Bond BrokerMtotxr of Hawaiian Slock Exchang.

Molnerlly Illook, Fort Street.


Real Estate BrokerFinancial Agent and Collector.

LlncolMock, 039 King street.ml Ttlcphon. 6it.

A. J. CAMPBELL,Stook ami Bond Broker

M.ntxr of tb. Honolulu Slock Eichtait,Office Queen street, opposite Unloi

Feod Company,Tat.phon. $06. P.O. Boa n.


taabti ol Honolulu Stock Eicbant.Quota itm.

TtUphoo r. P. O. Bm h.,

BRUOE OARTWRIGHT,General Manager ol

The lquitibl Life Assurance Society

Ol the United BUtea for the UawaUaaIalanda.

Ottvmi Merchant itreet, Honolulu)

Agents, tiroatW) ana JoDosrs.

. G. Irwin & Go.Limited


Western Sugar Refinery Co., Bl'

Francisco.Baldwin Locomotlro Work!Philadelphia, Penn., U. a A.Nowcll Universal Mill Co. (NatUM

Cano Shredder), New York, ff,llN. Ohlandt & Co'a Chemical Ferttere. iAIoz. Cross & Sons, high KTLim2tlllzers for Cano and CoSm.

need's Steam Plp Covering.

ALSO OKFEK FOR SALErnramnc Paint Co's P. n,

nnd Papers; Lucol and Ujiis, raw ana boiled,ludiirlno (a cold water palatT.

whlto and colors.Filter Press Clothe, Cement. Uand Bricks .


Commission MerchantsSUGAR FACTORS.

AGENTS FORTb. EwaPlanlatl'rtCo.

WJI" Atriculf. ,. Co , tM.rh. KohalaSuparCcJh. WalairM Sueai till Co.in. KoloaAtikuliuril Co,fh. hulton Iron Work. St. Loo'i. Mo.ri). Stand.nl Oil Co.rh. Co. F, Dlak. Steam Punm.W.iton Centrllujali

Th. New EiiRlaiU Life Iniuranr. Co. ol BmIiiThe Alliance Aisutance Co. nt London.


Agents for the California and OrientSteamship Company.



m. G. Irwin & Co.(Liuuno).

Wm. G. Irwin, President and Manajw.Cluua Spreckela V IcePrealdeak,W. AL OIRard.. Second Vice I'resldaaLH. M. Whitney, Jr..... Treas. and BavOco. J. Ross Audita


Commission AgentAOINTH OP THB


BRKWER C0., M).,Queen itre.l, Honolulu, II. I

i'rHawaiian Aerlcuttural Company. American SumCompany. Ootala Sugar Mart CV, Onon... S.,iCo.. Honomu Sugar C .. Wtlluku Sugar Co.. MaL.

s Co. t Lin. ol lionn Packet.LTST OF OFFICEltS

C. M. Coako, Piosldontj Qeoree H,KobortMon. Minin.r . if r ui.k- -Troarturor and Secretary; Col. W. ,......,Allan .ll....,, n .

, .'' .V U....,un u duutu, u. nawr.nouHo, Quo. R. Carter, Ulrectora.

.M. PHILLIPS 007Vholeaalo Importeri and Jobbers t.

iaropun and American Dry &x,to t and Qneen BtrU.

3. HAOKFELD & CO., Ltd


Oor.Fort and Queen HtreeU Honola:m

Honolulu Iron Works CoImproved and modern 8UOAR VA

CIUNERY of every capacity andmade to order. Boiler worb

nnd IUVETED PIPES for IrrigaUoapurposes a specialty. ParUcular attea.tlon paid to JOB WORK .and repalnexecuted at shortcat notice.


Real Estate AgentAbstractor endSearcher of Titles . .

Loans negotiatedRents collected.

Campbell Buildintr,Merchant st at.



M ail Bona Broker.

110 Mo reliant Street.

- - -, r.iaurt, . Jmm! viiu. iXalujAa --m-r aajifaifatfbsM





3, sIUW




Page 4: Evening Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains Bulletin · Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn-rn of Honolulu. The had seen In nowspapor. ot making streets hundred feet ho considered were

Sk .

HI iMtSHP' T, nMTTr,m.., LATE MV8

HP rabltshcd Every Day, except Sunday,Sfc.- - t no KIde street. Honolulu, H. I.,

Crir - l,w OnHt- - ULl.GT'N PUBUSi: COMPANY

iuer - i-- ttrttvtrnrwT t7.iimivq tv. it. r ivinwitu i wi- - . 'iwL nMin i nn a M mtv

HP irS'" rptfiinanAv ..PBHIHJAUY 1, 1000.hii;

we. i






i iiuivnuii a

Tho community Is Indeed surprisedwhen Dr. Ulsliop states that ho lin

seen a sea serpent. Knowing Dr. Bish-

op's strict tempcrnnco principles, Itmay be after nil that a sea serpent is areal thing.

Aro tho former denizens of Pauahlstreet tho Japanese thugs and black-

mailers to be allowed to continuetheir business In Honolulu? Tho au-

thorities have no right to let themloose on the respectable Japancso com-


While there Is nothing In the de-

liberations of Congress to cause Ha-

waii to bo fearful, the situation Is suchthat there Is small prospect of our ter-

ritorial bill being enacted beforo thofirst or middle of April. Senator Piatt'samendments to the bill relative t(tariff laws aro likely to make tho Un-

official Delegate feel dubious, yetPiatt's attitude Is not new or neces-

sarily of serious portent. It Is tho re-

appearance of the old time oppositionto tho reciprocity treaty and from thesamo source. Piatt is likely to be Join-ed by Alilrlch of Hliolo Island and theusual forces within Congressional hallsdisposed to favor tho claims of tho su-

gar men. Tho apparent opposition Isnot nB strong as In the days of tho reci-procity treeaty. The bill will be passedbut the pcoplo must make up theirminds to wait patiently.

(Mo dispatches from tho Tranvaalwar Indicate" that the outcome of Bul-ler- 's

great advanco for tho relief ofLadysmltk is still hanging In the bal-

ance. British forces succeeded incioeslng tho Tugcla river without op-

position, tho Boer plan apparently be-

ing to lead their opponents on to abetter fortified position. Tho latest dis-

patch to tho effect that Gen. Warrenhas gained a tremendous advantage bythe occupation of Spion Kop, a strate-gic Boer stronghold, carries with itmuch the same feeling aroused byitcthuen'fl "victory" at Moddcr river.Tho story will not be complete till tholist of casualties is published. Bai-

ler's message has every evidence ofhaving been prepared with a view tomaking London ready for tho fearfulcost ot llfo at n hich tho advnntagp wassecured. Whether Warren Is In a con-

dition to hold his advantage has yetto bo learned.


Again tho Bulletin's policy regardingthe position ot Washington authorities has been endorsed by the action oftho President. Authorization to spendmoney nccdod for Btamplng out thoplaguo and carrying out sanitary Im-

provements demonstrates tho utternonsenso ot Mr. Dole's proposition tocall tho Legislature In extra session.Tho Council of State has tho power toact and the authority given It by thoPresident Is sufficient to cnablo thopeoplo of tho Islands to cono with suchproblems as may bo presented previousto the organization of tho Territory.


Tho discussion of what to do withChinatown held beforo tho ExecutiveCouncil Is valuable In Its Way, butseems a useless expenditure of timeand energy. Tho reconstruction ofChinatown Is a problem that calls fordeliberate thought and careful con-

sideration of minor details ns well assuggestlons'from leading business nndprofessional men. Necessity havingarisen for rapid destruction, tho Im-

portance of building on broad lines for.tho futuro is self evident.

Tho Executlvo Council has enoughon Its hands without attempting to at-

tend to tho details of crystallizing nub-

ile opinion on the plans to bo followedIn rebuilding tho city. Every Tom,Dick nnd Harry has an opinion, all ofwhich nro valuable. It Is not for theExecutlvo Council, however, to sifttheso opinions. Tho problom now re

the city Is n matter of sufficientImportance to warrant tho appointmentof a special commission composed ofbusiness and professional men ofstanding and experience. Tho workcannot bo done in n day. With active,public spirited men composing a com-

mission to listen to various suggestionsand Investigate the situation tho workcan be dono better, quicker and In amoro business like mannor than by oc-

casional hearing beforo tho ExecutiveCouncil.

The first Chinatown Commission didgood work and the principle still holds


4 i.ir iM I 'tfcMrtP . I


snuvicc.(Rullttln, Jn. ) (AJnlser. Ftb i )

TheAdverllsfr will; The telegramsannounce to in jrrow marked Aitemoontint It has ob .unrd Service" In this pa--

a special telegraphic per, and many of heservice Rl Iiir tnr conuenseu nrwsnuit jlatest news up to whlchfiowlth them,the time of the sail- - are from tne after- -

ineof sle.imers fiom noon buJcet ot tne,San Francisco. I lie Associated Press ofUulletii has had this the d.iy upon whichservice for the last the steamer brlnRl'igtwelve months, and Coast liles Ieit sanwe otfer congratul.i Francls.o. Theset bns to the mornlnir te ecrams serve aspjper In Its pr..Kres an ample pojiscrirtSivee oris nlo ow- - to thoe In the latesthgtheUulletin'sex-- l morning pipers re-

ceiveda nple. I he Bulle at the news-stands.t ii service tontinuesi Ihey are

as before giving ihi given to the Adver-tiser'speople the latest readers by

news from all parts virtue of an arranee-men- t

of the world up to made with thethe hour of the general office of thesteamers' departure Associated Press atfrom San Chicago.

The announcement came a little late,characteristic of the Advertiser's move

ments In giving the news.

Rcgulai.on to Keep

Out Bubouic P.'ague

Washington, Jan. 17. Secretary(age has approved a set of regulationsprepared under the supervision of Sur-

geon General Wyman of tho Marinohospital service, for tho prevention ofthe introduction of the bubonic plagueinto tho United States and its' depen-dencies. They describe In detail thopractices to bo followed by olllcers oftho Marine hospital servlco in dealingwith tho personnel nnd effects of ar-

riving nn'i departing vessels and withthe disinfection and cleansing ot thoships thenibclvcs nnd ore supplementalto the regulations prescribed by thoMarine hospital bureau when thoplague made Its appcaranco at Portu-gal and Santos, Brazil. Persons otplaguo Infected vessels will bo detain-ed under observation fifteen days fromtho least possible exposition to Infec-tion. The body of no person dead ofplague shall bo allowed to pass tquarantine, but shall be cremated Ifpratlcable.

Passengers should not bo vacclnntednt or en route from places Infected, nssuch practice Increases tho liability toplaguo Infection. Animal pets shouldnot bo shipped from a plaguo Infectedor suspected place. It a Vessel hasbeen disinfected nt the port of depar-ture and tho personnel bathed nndtheir bodies, clothing and baggage dis-

infected as required, and all othertreasury regulations compiled with,and If no suspicious caso has occurreden route, tho vessel, In tho discretionot the quarantine officer, may have thetime ot the voyago deducted from thetlmo of detention. No person from onInfected or suspected port shall bo ad-

mitted Into tho United States untilfifteen days have elapsed under obser-vation cither nt tho port of departure,at sea, or port of arrival, except that afirst class cabin passenger, bearing acertificate ot ro to Infectionfor fifteen days Immediately precedingembarkation may bo admitted withoutdetention. All pnssengcrs, except firstcabin passengers, shall bo bathed nndtheir body clothing disinfected beforolanding.

Prospect for Extension

of Tariff Laws

Now Yoilc, Jun. 22. A special to thoHerald from Washington says: Rep-

resentative Payne's bill to extend thocustoms and internal revenue laws ofthe United huitcs over tho Island of

orto Rico will bo considered by thoHouse Committee on Ways nnd Meansduring tho present week. All tho Republican members of the committee,and probably Representative Newlandswill vntn in ronnrl thn hill fnvnrnltlvK s not certain, however, that tho report will bo mado this week, as botntho majority nnd minority will probab-ly wish to prepare statements on thoconstitutional question Involved.

Tho bill extending revenuo laws overHawaii is also.to bo advanced ns rapid-ly as possible. It Is not intended byCongress that any of tho insular pos-sessions of tho United States, exceptPorto Rico nnd Hawaii, sholl bebrought Into tho revenue system of thoUnited States.

Tho present policy of tho Adminis-tration nnd of tho leaders in Congressis to have tho Philippines permanentlyretain tholr own tariff against thoUnited States and all other countries,giving all other nations the samo trndoadvantages that nro enjoyed by thoUnited States, In accordance with tho"open door" principle. Under thotreaty with Spain tho United States isobliged to maintain this system for tenyears at least.

Chinese New Year ntihe Camps.Tho Chinese children In tho various

detention camps were not forgottenduring tho Chincso New Year season.Dr. T. ST. Song, Chan Chow, Look MongWall and Leong Yow succeeded In col-lecting quito a sum of money whichwas expended In providing toys, etc.,for tho children's amusement. It Isneedless to say tho youngsters verymuch enjoyed tho unexpected treat.The gentlemen nnraed are very grnto-f- ul

for the kindness shown their littlecountrymen and women. The childrenaro still handicapped for want of sufficient clothing. Any donations alongthat lino will bo gladly received. FTirlist ot monies collected, Bee New To-day.

ART P(r)(c1, V Jifr i TS 3

ill liS;jnuji

Just opened, directlshipments from the manufacturers.An invoice of

j2French WhiteThe finest assortment ever

from France.Direct from the Fry Art Co.,

Fry's Verifiable Colors in Powder.Lustre Paint.

Thirty thousand feet of

Picture Mouldings in the Latest Patterns.Our selection of Pictures are the Latest from

Art Centres.Howard Hitchcock's Oils, Water Colors, of

Island Scenery and Fruits.

China Firing a specialty, at reduced rates.

The Latest in Lamp Goods.

The Pacific Hardware Co,LIMITED



Port Townsend, Wash., Jan. 19.advices from Washington re-

ceived hero today tho Introduction ofthe bubonic plague at Honolulu wasby means of merchnndlso arriving atthat port from tho Orient. It! Is be-

lieved that tho germs of tho diseasewero carried in dirt in which .plants.wcro shipped nnd niso in a sort of mucKcomposed of dirt and manure In' whichduck eggs wcro packed In China andshipped both to Honolulu ant) thiscountry. So strong is tho belief; ot thedepartment that It was by these' meanstho disease was Introduced, that Dr.Foster, United States Quarantine Off-

icer here, has been instructed ,by- - thodepartment to mnko a thorough in-

vestigation of tho matter and report totho department. :

1 J

Horses properly ouod tofaults of gait at tno Stockyards phop.

Only a Few lLadies'"White" !


and"Remington"BicyclesWill be sold at

$40! cash.To clear out the line.Call early and inspect

Facile Cycle & M'Fe Go.


R. A. DEXTER, Manager.





China(Nine Different Views.)

Children's Books andToys at ReducedRotes.

Hawaiian News Co,,Limited.

Merchant Street,


China fop Decorating.exhibited in Honolulu, direct

Fort Street.

A Beautiful





Hawaiian Scenic CaMflar!


Golden Rule BazaarThlrfeen'Beautlful Views I

Four Pieces Hawaiian Music I

Rainfall and Temperature Tables I

Make this year's Calendar par-ticularly valuable. Price, ready for mail-ing, 50 cents. Send the address, enclosing50 cents, and we will do the rest.

Books and Stationery I


We Are StillIn the Swim!

That's an old saying, yet true, andwhen we say we are In the swim, whywe mean every word of It.

We have the swellest TIES for theHolidays that you want to lay your eyeson, In all of the Late' Styles and Shapes.We have just replenished our stock ofGOLF SHIRTS, and are strictly speakingrliht In as complete a line ofmen's and boys' FURNISHINGS as can?ix Miown in me largest city 01 tne main-land.

A.t our Hotel Street Store, Nos. 9 and 1,Waverle Block, we are going to give youa r nance to win a fine BICYCLE. Forevery purcha-- of 50c the lustomer Is en-titled to one ticket. The party who holdsthe greatest number of tickets on Christ-mas morning at 10 o'clock gf ts the wheel.

"The Kash,"TELEPHONES 679 and 96.

Two Stores.Two Large MsOf the Best Furntshln&i.

Mechanics' Home, corner Hotel andNuuanu streets, lodging by day, weekor month. Terms: 25 and 60 centsper night f 1 and f1.26 per week.

Good Air. Good View. Good Health.

A special invitation is extended to everybody to visit Ho-

nolulu's most delightful residence site

--4p. aafe-.

j$Y- - -?- I--


Via MaximaJCaiulani Drive aptly termed, the Via Maxima or Grand

Boulevard, and in itself an artistic piece of engineering affordseasy access to all points, as pIso scenic and marine views ofexquisite grandeur at every turn.

Electric Railway.Contracts have been let for material, and the work of

construction, equipping and installation placed in the hands of.a competentelectncal engineer1st. Having an independent

fully completed by June

furnish electric power for lighting, heating and other puiposes,toour home builders most reasonable rates.

As Promised.Our reservoirs are now completed and water mains hid so

as to supply each lot. Permits for making water connectionswill be granted on application.

An inspection of the attractive homes now building, orthe names of purchasers of lots, will convince anyone thatPACIFIC HEIGHTS is the choicest and most select of theresidence sites of Honolulu.

For further information, prices, terms, etc., apply atthe office of

BRUCE WARING & CO.Progress Block.

-- Our entire stockat very



Dower olant we are Drenared trf


Dry Goods will be offered to our

Grand Sale.AT


Commencing Next Monday, De-

cember 4th, 1899.

ofcustomers low figures.

Laces, Ribbons, Fine Lawns, Indian Linen, FineCashmeres, Ladies' Capes suitable for the holidays.


DURING QUARANTINEThe Harness FactoryAnd Office of : : :


Lincoln block, King street,- NEAR ALAKEA.

Any orders entrusted to me wil receive prompt attention. Ordersalready booked will be delivered from there.

C. R. COLLINS,Largest Manufacturer o? Harness

and Horse Goods In the Islets.Telephone No. co? p. O. Box No. 507. M-

- tEstablished 1860. Assets 5,211,0IO.I5.




The : Germania :InsurancB Coinpany of Nbw York.

Tho Gold Bond Endowment Policy is Better than. U. S. Gpvornwont Bonds.

lu221S$Bggu' ' EMMETT MAY, Mallow.


Page 5: Evening Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains Bulletin · Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn-rn of Honolulu. The had seen In nowspapor. ot making streets hundred feet ho considered were



it. J

-- i

) i

A Thing ofBeauty Is A

Joy Forever

Just arrived per. S. S. Aus-

tralia a grand display of assort-

ed silver-wa- re viz.:

Cruet Stands,Fancy Berry Dishes,

Cake Baskets,Fruit Stands,

Pudding Dishes,Celery and Pickle Stands

Ice Tubs, Ice Water Pitchers(with or without Filters,)

Fancy Card Receivers,

Spoon Holders,

Toilet Stands,Fancy Vases,

Individual Salts, Peppers andMustard and Napkin Rings.

A great variety of Rodger'scelebrated silver plated "wareviz.:


Desert and Tea Spoons,Medium and

- Desert Forks.

Just the thing for Christ-mas and New Year presents.Please call and examine foryourself. Lowest market pi iceless 10 per cent for cash.

Tbe Hawaiian Hardw&ie Go.

Pert street. opposite Spreckels' Bank.,

There la only one Jesse Moore Whis-key in the world and that Is cold andpure. Lovejoy & Co. are distributorslor the Hawaiian Mauds

H. L, 1, 1900.



Repairing a Specialty.


WHITMAN & CO.,Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

Office Supplies

FOR 1900.Sole Agents for SHANNON FILING

OAHINPTQ ANnnnr.iiMF.NT files.See the ROLLER COPIER-b- est

In the world.

MijjjMi j imi'u ?

Safety Document File Boxes like cut.Many other good things, call and see



Gram o phones !

Talks Tails.Sings Sing

Leu-vigli- s LaiagliSOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS


THE BERGSTROM MUSIC CO. S,Progress Block, Fort St.

Olearance SaleTo Make Room New Stock,

Bargains to be had in ElegantWaists and Skirts, Underwear,

njllinery, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.

MISS M. eTkILLEAN.Hatrdreeslng and Manicuring Parlors.

Arlington Block, 205-20- 7 Hotel St.










John Kidwcll Is anxious to get avnyfor Australia by some steamer In thenear future,

Boarder's nnd livery rigs delivered!mm Willi;'! Ui UL till iiuuib. jiiub aumStables.

Annkakal, female Hawnllun, aged 39,died at Knwn from consumption yes-

terday.Nicely furnished rooms at tho Pop-

ular House, 1C4 Fort street, from 11.00per week up.

DIAMONDS bought before the Doerwar to be sold at low figures. OHO.HAPFNBR. Manufacturing Jeweler

lilshop & Co.'s certificate of DepositNo. 321GC for $1000 has been lost. Pay-ment lias been stopped, Sec Want col-

umn.The band plays regularly on the

grounds of tho Executive building intho morning nnd nt Camp Jones in thoafternoon,

Miss F. n. Wolf of San Francisco ar-rived in the China yesterday to spendthrco or four weeks In Honolulu onaccount of her health.

Wong Chin, a Chlnnman nt tho Chi-nese hospltnl, was visited this morningby Dr. Jobe. Ho is suffering from uvery bad caso of typhoid fever.

A special meeting of the stockholdersof the Mcllrydo Sugar Co., Ltd.j will boheld in tho Chamber of Commerco onMonday, the 12th inst., nt 10 a. m. ScoNew Today.

Tho Pacific Mail S. 8. Co., Occidental&. Oricntnl S. S. Co. nnd the Toyo KlsenKnlslm S. S. Co. have a special noticeto intending pnssengers to tho Coast.Seo New Today.

Tho eighth assessment of 10 per centon the capital stock of the Honolulultapld Transit and Land Co. will bo duennd payable on tho 1st day of Febru-ary, instant. See New Today.

Some of the passengers by today'ssteamer from tho Coast havo enquirednt tho Bulletin ofllco for Information oflooms to rent. Here is a pointer forpcoplo having spare rooms to ratronlzotno uuuetin's want column.

The congestion of Judicial businesspromises to becomo serious. Thereare probate cases now severnl years be-hindhand. One thing adding to litiga-tion is the increase of corporations.For lnetnnce, tho rival tramways con-cerns havo a batch of cases pending.

A. H. Tnrleton, one of tho conductorson the Ojhu Railroad, returned to Ho-nolulu in tho Monna today, after avisit of several weeks to his homo inSan Jose, Cal. He says pcoplo on thoCoast who are acquainted with Honolulu do not view the plaguo epldcirilc'witn ainrm.

Tho folowlng cahes were disposed ofin the Police Court this forenoon: JohnRoach, Hanlan and Pat Murphy, affray,$2 and costs; M. Vasconfnlefl, assaultand battery on S. Rodrigucs, repriman-ded nnd discharged; Sam Kaahlkl, as-sault and battery on Emily Knolo, rep-rimanded nnd discharged.

W. S. Fercuson. who vnil nrroufnriFriday for vagrancy says thnt ho hadin me time ? an in nis pocket and $18due him for wages. Ho says ho has aJob now nt which he is working everyday; was told ho has to go to thoreei or teavo in two weeks. Mr. Fergu-son denies that he is a vagrant,

Arthur Davies, formerly an instruc-tor In the Engineering Department ntKamehameha and who, during hisresidence In Honolulu, was well knownIn musical clicks as a fine tenor singer,hns been appointed a mechanical en-gineer in tho mines nt Kapnlkbanya,Hungary, at a largo salary. His manyfriends In Honolulu will be glad tohear of his success.

Tho uso of tho SIngor In m.'Ulons ofhomes shows tho unpreccdont vl suc-cess of theso ideal Bowlug m Mnes.It Is convincing proof that thw Slugorexcels In all kinds of fnmlly Wagand art needle, work. All on.-- i 'ogmachines are of the best conBtrucv'on.beautifully decorated, nnd urn mmmiulOn slcccted vnnrin In flnnlv flnUha.1cabinets ot artistic designs. D. Bor- -wrscn, agent, lu4 Bethel 6trcet


i Ml




rs11)??ASTORIA,VUttjU .3


SHOES : : : :

last Australia, received a in ,,cnCH.8i aH.8i uartlcttWomen's Children's. . i

Just in season for Holiday trade.The Children's White Canvas Slippers, Men's House Slippers, and

Ladies' Evening Slippers, are especially nice, and are selling readily.Our stock is complete.We are in position to fit you.


New StockOF

Dry GoodsEmbracing departmentsbeing opened by

WHITNEY & MARSH, Ltd.,Importers, 519 Fort

KTOVBXjTIBSHouse Furnishing Goods !

CORK MATS prevent colds and feet and absorb the moisture; just what Iswanted for the bathroom floor. It Is a pleasure to stand on of these mats after

bath,OCEAN CHURN'S make butter In the time or any other kind aud are easily

Ceaned. Simple and effective.PLATES.-T- hey hold six sheets of sticky fly paper. soon

as one Is filled It an be pulled off without soiling the figures; Is andwill not soil carpets or furniture, and Is from first to last.1 he cleanest and surest Sticky FlyCatcher on the market.


Goods Department Is on the second floor. Take the safetv

W.W. Dimoud &; Co., Ltd.Importers of Crockerv nnd Glass and House Furnishing Goods.

Sole Agents Jewel Stoves, Gumey Cleanable Refrigerators.Store open from 7 a. m. to 5:30 p. in.

Vf . in i y i ,4


Several vessels havo been ndded totho Hawaiian sugar fleet between thoisland ports and California in tho pasttwo or threo years, and Invariably of alarger class than previously employedlu that trade. Ultimately small car-riers will be driven out altogether foreconomical reasons. A vessel Is nowbeing built on the Sound after thomodel of the big schooner Mary 1. Fos-ter, S3!) tons, nnd n new steel bark hasJust been launched at Sowall's ship-jar- d

lu Mnino for tills trade under thename of Kalulunl, for Williams,

& Co., who havo also recentlypurchased tho bark Olympic for thosnmo trade, and each has been Incor-porated under its own name. S. F.,Jan. 25.

S. S.

Per the we grand line of new ,,1II18and ..! ..... i.i








', ill,fi


styles pears',Men's,


ui unlets, luiuuuB, cuii'iy, i.iuuutii', cau-liflower, crnnberrles, burbank and redpotatoes, dntes, salmon flounders, hali-but, crabs, eastern and California oys-ters (in tin nnd shell ) turkeys, chick-ens, ducks, quail, chestnuts. A fulllino of canned goods. CAMARINOS'

SEATTLE BEER.The ever popular Rainier hecr 's be-

coming a household word and "willyou havo a glnss of Seattle," Is moreoften heard thnn anything else. TheCriterion Saloon has tho beer on tnp orin bottles.

Livery and boarding stables at LongBranch. Walklkl.

Reduction on Refined Sufinr.Now York, Jan. 18. Tho American

Sugar Refining Company today an-nounced n reduction of C points on softsugars. No. 2 and Nos. 7 to 11, Inclu-sive. In nny quantity. The reductionholds Indefinitely. Reports from thoWest that Independent refiners werocutting prices in that section wero notconfirmed In tho local trado.

THE LAST CAR.Tho last cars of tho King strcot line

going to Walklkl nnd Pnlama pass theAnchor Saloon. The cleverest mixolo-gists In tho city nro there always toput you up anything you may desire.Drop in and tako a drop before yontake tho car. The celebrated Seattlebeer is to bo had here on draught. Afull lino ot liquors, Including tho fa-mous Jesse Mooro Whiskey, otc., al-ways on han... Received per Warrt-mo- o,

Rainier Bock Rccr on draught.The Anchor Saloon is hero to pleaso itspatrons.

For rough sailor hats, ribbons, etc.,try Mrs. Hnnnn. Fort street.

A splendid assortment of Unbleached, Bleached and ColoredLinenTable Damask, with Napkinsand Doilies to match.

E. W. Jordan,

aflafcwitoi. &&Jm,.


Fort Street.






I, a i -

.1 "'








-- HJT1

-- y 5Sf v .fl"- - , . ,."'faiRjgBLptgag egWKmJKmSfaAALMfl-vvjgigf-

Page 6: Evening Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains Bulletin · Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn-rn of Honolulu. The had seen In nowspapor. ot making streets hundred feet ho considered were

KA c

mffl, Attorneys.

ft-'- ?

ATKINSON & JUDD,A.L.a'Alklnwm hihI AlUTt F..Iudd,.Ir.)

Attorneys andCoving " ' - t Law.

KwHlnnn.uiii unit utriTlh.


Attorney andOtiiiiivllin" at Iiw.

rosrc-- nini'i .i)iysitfrnilioiloC'lniroliFort struct, Honolulu, II. I.

,52 Toluplumo U2!2


Judd Building. Telephone 2131411


attorney at Law andiof,ui'v Public.

Kaahumanu Street.

.1. M. KAM2AKUA,Attorney tuul Counsellor at

Law.Ofllcc: In the Occidental Hotel,

coriicr of King anil Alnkeu Streets,Iloiiolnlu. 1443

If. C. Acm. Enoch Johnson.AOHI & JOHNSON,

Attorneys and Counselorsat Law.

Grflce No. lOWest King street.Tclupnone 884.


Attorney at LawShekels Bulldlnc, Fort Street,




HAS MOVED to the JuddBlock, Fort St.

Surgeon?, Physicians .md Dentists.

Dr.W, J.Galbraiih.Practice limited to Surgery and




Hawaiian Hotel.)

OSSce flours: 8 to 10 a. in.; 1 to 3m. ' 10 8 i. in. SumlavH: 8 to 11

5, Toleplioue 610. P.O. Box601.


.iCK AND RESIDENCE, GEDQECOTTAGK, corner Hotel ami Richardartieut. Ollice Hours : 9 to 1 1 ; 2 to

4, 7 to 8 ruleiihono 953. 1245

DR. A. N. .SINCLAIRSchool s'reet, between Emma and Fott.

Hours: 0 a. m., 4 p. m., 8 p. m.;

Sundays o a. m, 1416

DR. I. MORI,(36 Beretania street, between Emma

and Fort streets.Telpboii( li"7. P. O. Ilox 8 13.

Ofileo Hniitrt: 0 to 112 n. 111. and 7 to 8

. m.j Sunday, to 12 u. in. 1229


DKNT18TS.New Lovo's Iliilldiiiff, Fort Street.




Supported i" Voluntary Conf-"-ulo-

FREE TREATMEN't to tho tv.nr ofall naUoiiniii .

For nifiii" ui on as to canVin'ul ti tliu wjrvlco, etc., 01O. ,

apply at thoInfirmary.

(Third Flo" "i-- v'Htn Illock.t fiulwcrlptloii ... . m left with J. K.

Ilackfold, L.ii. allies or Or. Slogget.k-- 13IHJ-li- n

Mercantile Agencies.

Telephones 10M at s$6. P.O. Boirt.


Mercantile AgencyO. H. BERREY, : Manager,

Judd Building.

..uiiuLiiums a Specialty.

Room 10, !n'o,'pi8 Building,Fott street.

Collections a specialty. PromptNo fee charged unless collec-

tion Is made. M4

'" i." in s 'it-n- ) .


Kiiiiilamm l 2VV'AIH (T

Situated on tlio easl side ofKalilii Valley. Tlio view toPearl Harbor is tlio best inthe city of Honolulu. Tliosoil is vory deep; no stonesor rooks on tlio placo.

Water will bo laid boforopurchasers are roady to build

A spaco will bo sot apart,in memory of tlio PrincessKaiulani, for a park.

Tho lots will bo sold at tliolowest prices in tho market,with which othor real estategents will not afford to com-

poteApplications for lots will

ho recoived at our office, andwill bo given preference ofchpsing lots in tho order thoyare received.

For further particulars ap-

ply to

W.G.ACHI&GO.Real EstateBrokers

10 WEST. KING ST.October 4th, 1899. 1343

Coney EstateLANDS.


INGLOTS on Nuuanu Avenue, at Nlo

lopa, Nuuatiu Valley, for sale. Apply to


Cartwrleht Block, Merchant street.I2S8


532 Fort Street.


Best on the Islands ...

Delivered twice dally to any part ofCity. 1385


Fresh Milkat 12 cents

a Quart!Dollveicu in lany quantities to suit.

Leave vour orders at STAR D TRY.orTKLKPHONE 103.


Thf ty HeadOf FineBuggy andDraft Horses

Just received ex Manna

Ala. To be seen at the Sale Yards'


Giis. Schuman.

WhenYouWaqtiaRigRING UP THE

C-- L- U-- B

Livery, Boarding andSales Stables, : : :


8U)1 "Phone, 477.Hack Stand 'Ptionei, 310 and 777.





The following regulations fclinll npplyto, and bo In forco within, the portionof Honolulu described na follows:

Beginning nt tho hcibIioic, at thowest I'omcr of I.ol(o Kuwlll 2 near thecast curncr of tho Knpalunm DetentionCamp nnd running mnukn, nloug thoWulpllopllo road to the old lino of thoOahti llullway, thenco along Onhu Rail-

way to the boundary of Maunakea,thence mmtkn, along tho Moknucaboundary and tho Kallhl road to thoBiirvcy station nt tho lower end of Mo-kau-

rldgo, thenco In a straight linoto tho survey station above tho northend of Wyllto street, thenco along thocentral lino .of Wylllo street to Nuu-

anu street, thenco In n straight line totho forks of the Manoa road, thenco In

a straight lino to tho corner of the Wal-ala- e

road and the Kapahulu road,thenco down tho Knpnhulu road andalong Campbell Avenue to Monsarratroad, and thenco In a direct lino overtho summit of Diamond Head to theseashoro nt high water line, and thenceto the Initial point.


RAIN WATER.1. Whero tho spaco between tho

buildings Is less than fifteen feet, thewater from the roofs 61 tho buildingson the sides of such space shall bo conducted In water tight leaders and madoto dlschargo Into suitable drains leadlng into street or alley gutters; and iftho building abuts on an alley or road'way of llko width tho same rule shallapply.AIR SPACE BETWEEN BUILD

1NGS.2. There shall bo n clear air spaco of

ten feet between all buildings exceptthose fronting on a street. No buildlng except such as fronts on n streetshall he built within flvo feet of aboundary line. Tho word "buildings"in this paragraph shall bo construed tomean and Include sheds, lean-to- s,

privies, nnd nil other structures.LIGHT AND VENTILATION OP

DWELLINGS.3. Each and every room Intended or

used for human habitation shall boprovided with nt least eight square feetof window area having unobstructedaccess into tho open air for each 100

Bquare feet of floor space In said room,and frco access shall at nil times bo hadto the samo by the occupants of thoroom; and at least one-ha- lf of suchwindow spaco shall bo movnblo anduvullnblo for ventilation.

AIR SPACE UNDER RUILDINOS.4. Every building shall have on an

average nt least twenty Inches of clearspaco for tho circulation of air betweentho floor timbers and tho ground, andshall havo sufficient openings for ven-

tilation In tho outer walls to admit afrco circulation of air; but, in enso thisair spaco cannot bo secured withoutreaching ''ground water lovel" thenthcro shall bo no air spaco, hut tholloor shall bo of concrcto or masonry.

YARDS, AREAS, COURTS, ETC.C. Yards, areas, courts, alleyways

nnd other open spaces within or be-

tween buildings, whero water Is usedfor washing of any kind, shrill bo prop-

erly graded and cemented, or paved sons to bo water proof, and drained intotrapped drains properly connected withsewer or cesspool, nnd no permanentwooden lloor or grating shall bo main-

tained over tho samo.WATER i .GUT FLOORS.

C. All houses, structures, rooms or.parts thereof, In which water Is used,or Intended to bo used, in such quanti-ty as to render tho floor or floors thore-o- f

constantly damp, shall havo suchfloor or lloors, mado absolutely water-proof, with proper drainages Intotrapped leaders conveying tho waternway Into cesspool or sower; nnd thowater proofing of all such floors shallbo dono In n manner satisfactory to thoBoard of Health.

7. No building or structure- shall beused ns a rcsldenco or placo for humanlmhltatln or abode which is situatedupon land whero there Is standingwater within eighteen Inches of thesurfaco of tho ground; nor shall anybuilding or structure bo so used thatis placed on land that has been madoby filling In with refuse or garbage, or.that is declared by tho Board of Healthto bo of foul or corrupt material.REGARDING PRIVY-VAULT- S AND

CESSPOOLS.8. No privy-vaul- t, sink or cesspool

In Honolulu, shall hereafter bo locatedor constructed within fifty feet of anystream, lake, pond, well or spring ofwater, nor within two fcot of tho lineof nny lot; nor shall It bo made morothan eighteen or.lqss than six feet deep,or placed In such position that it isnot easily accessible for emptying andcleaning.

9. When deemed necessary by thoHoard of Health, the sides and bottomsof any privy-vaul- t, Blnk or cesspool,shnll bo mado either wholly or In pnrtwater tight, so as to prevent nny satu-

ration of tho ground about tho saidnult, sink or cesspool, and Bhnll bo

provided with sultnblo ventilating

10. No structuro or cover shall bo

put upon or over nny prlvy-vnul- t, Blnk

or cesspool, until It hns been inspectedby the proper Agent of tho Board ofHealth nnd approved ns meeting tho1 equipments of theso regulations andof public health.

11. Any privy-vaul- t, sink or cesspool,already constructed In Honolulu whichhns become a nuisance, or in nny waydangerous to llfo or detrimental tohealth, shall bo removed,

or altered to moot tho requirementsof theso regulations and of publichealth, as directed by tho Board ofHealth or Its Agent.

12. Tho Board of Health or ItsAgents may causo tho emptying or dis-

infecting of any prlvy-vnul- t, sink orcesspool that may be deemed offensive,or when required by public health, nttho expenso of the owner or occupantof the premises.

13. When thirty dnys after thepublic sower system Is put Into opera'tlon tbo use of privy vaults nnd cesspools shnll ho entirely discontinuedwithin tho limits of such sower system,and all privies shall bo removed, ex-

cept In bo far as permission may begranted by tho Board of Health totransform tho samo Into approved wa-

ter cloeots connected with the sowersystem,

14. No pi Ivy vault or cesspool shallbo excavated or maintained withinten fc?t from nny dwelling houso orInhabited building or cook house orplaco whero cooking is done.

15. No privy vault or cesspool shnllbo maintained or excavated In anyplnco whero for nny reason freo nndunimpeded access may not be had totho samo by an excavator cart.

1C! No privy shall bo built or main-

tained so as to entirely cover tho eess-po- ol

or vault under tho same, but thecesspool or vault shnll project out on0110 sldo beyond tho superstructure In

such a manner as to allow tho Inspec-

tion and removal of tho contents ofsaid cesspool or vault. The contentsof nny privy vault or cesspool shnllnot bo allowed to rlso within eighteenInches of tho top of tho same or to sucha height as to flow out onto tho surfaceof tho ground.

17. No cesspool or privy vault shallbo built or maintained In nny locationexcept tho samo shall havo n substan-tial wnter-tlg- ht curb which shnll re-

tain tho earth without and tho con-

tents of tho cesspool or vault within,and shnll bo provided with n substantial water-tig- ht cover, having a small,movnblo lid In the samo to facilitateexamination nnd removal of the contents.

18. All cesspools or privy vaultsshall havo four-Inc- h cast iron ventpipes with caulked lead joints, or galvanized Iron pipes, extending not lessthan twelve feet Into tho open nlr, andif within twenty feet of 1111 inhabitedbuilding tho top of such vent pipesshall extend above tho roof of tho highest building within n distance of twen-

ty feet of tho samo. All such ventpipes shall run ns direct as possible.Every privy shall have proper seatswith hinged lids to cover tho openingof samo, which shall be kept closedwhen not in use.

19. All connections to cesspools orprivy vnults shall bo mado with castIron, Jead, or vitrified, sower pipe. Allurinals shall bo connected to cesspools,vaults or sower by trapped wastepipes.

20. All cesspools shall he properlycleaned out nt once, nnd hereafter ntleast onco every four months, andshall bo thoroughly disinfected ntleast onco each week with such dis-

infectant as tho Board of Health shalldirect; nil such cleaning nnd disinfect-ing to bo at tho expense of the ownerof tho property.

21. All wnsto, soil, sewer or drainpipes shnll bo of cast iron, lead or vit-rified clay. If of Iron or load tho jointsshall bo caulked with molten lead; Itof vitrified clay, they shall havo tightfoment Joints, all joints to be smoothin tho inside; open drains may bo ofwater tight masonry.

22. All cesspools or privy vaultswhen abandoned and tho uso thereofdiscontinued shall bo at onco entirelyemptied of liquid nnd solid contents,and shall bo disinfected and filled withearth, sand, ashes, or othor such cleanmaterials; and tho wooden curbingabout tho samo removed to a dopth ofat least four feet bolow tho surfaco oftho ground. In no caso shall refuso,garbago or nny unclean material boused in filling such privy vault or cesspool.

23. All buildings and premises which

do not conform In every respect to thorequirements of tho foregoing regula-tions arc hereby declared nuisancesnnd dnngeroiiB to tho public health.

REGARDING GARBAGE.21. Garbago will bo carried away

freo of charge by tho Board of Healthcarts within theso limits, 1. p.: Schoolstreet mnuka; Alnpal street cast; Llll-li- n

street west; nnd seaward by thewnter front.

25. It shall bo the duty of eachhouso owner, householder, lessee, ortenant who Is n housekeeper, withintho district in which tho frco removalof garbage Is provided, to supply, nndkeep ready for use suitable containeror containers, of not more than eighteen cubic feet capacity nnd providedwith tight covers, for tho reception ofnil garbage, and to cause tho samo tobo set out In such places and nt suchtimes ns the Board of Health shall di-

rect for tho convenience of garbagocollectors. All empty containers shallbe kept clean nnd thoroughly disin-

fected.26. Y'nrd scrapings, tree cuttings

nnd stablo manure will not bo removedby tho'Bonrd of Health carts.

27. All garbago and refuso which Issubject to decay shall bo collected byhouseholder or occupiers of dwell-ings each day; nnd If within the lim-

its named In section 24 tho samo shallbo placed In containers as provided insection 25 for collection; and If be-

yond said limits tho samo shall beburnt or removed.

23. No garbago shall bo used forfilling houso lots or other tracts ofland.

29. No garbage shall bo deposited Innny plnco not authorized by theBoard of Health.

Extract from Penal Codo:"Section 874. Every person who

shall vlolato nny regulation of theBoard of Health, after tho samo shallhavo been published, as provided inthe last preceding section, shall bofined not exceeding ono hundred dol-

lars."C. D. WOOD.

President Board of Health.' 1441-2- w


Holders of water privileges, or thospaying water rates, aro hereby notifiedthat tho hours for irrigation purposesaro from 6 to 8 o'clock a. m. and from4 to C o'clock p. m.

ANDREW BROWN,Superintendent Water Works.

AJ vvod by A. YOUNG,Minister of Interior.

Hoi lulu, Juno 14, 189.1244-t- f


All persons having claims against theDrill Shed Camp are requested to presentsame at once. C. A. DOYLE,

Superintendent,Approved by Minister Cooper. I4425t

it American lianl

OF HAWAII, LTD.Incorporated Under tho Laws of the

Republic of Hawaii.Authorized Capital, $1,000,000Subscribed Capital, . 750,000Paid Up Capital 500,00o

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.Cecil Brown PresidentM. P. Robinson nt

YV. G. Cooper CashierE. M. Boyd Secretary

Directors Cecil Brown, Mark P.Robinson, Bruco Cartwrlght, W. G.Cooper and II. M. Von holt

DRAW EXCHANGE ON:San Francisco The Anglo-Calif-

nia Bank, Limited.Chicago Tbo Merchants Loan and

Trust Company.New York J. & W. Sellgmnn & Com

pany.London Tbo Anglo-Californ-

Bank, Limited.Paris Soclotlo Genomic.Hamburg AI. M. Warburg & Com

pany.Hongkong and Yokohama The

Chartered Bank of India, Australiaand China.

Australia Tho Union Bant of Aus-tralia, Limited.

Canada Bank of Montreal.Berlin Gorbruder Meyer.

Exchange bought and sold LettersCredit Issued on all parts of theworld.

Bouquets !


Supplylevery variety of Cut Flowers and

Growing Plant. Sprays, Bouquets and

Funeral and Wedding Floral Designs sup-pil-

on short notice.

Office,lcorner Fort street and Chaplain

1 nne, oppa" the Catholic Mission.1317


Olaus 8P11BOKEI.S. 1V11, . Inwi

oxo:ruiu . . . , j

San Franpiteo AgentiTun NevadaNational Hank op San Francisco.Jan FiiANcisco Tbo Novada NationalBank of San Francisco

London Tho Union Batik of LondonLtd,,

New Yohk American Exchanjjo Na.tlonal Hank.Oiiioaoo Merchants National Bank.PAiiiB-Cr- odlt Lyoniials.BmtUN Drosdner Hank.Uonkono and Yokohama Honkong A

Shnnghal Banking Corporation.Nkw Zkaund and Adktraua Bankof Now Zealand.ViCTOntA and Vancouver Bank o

British North Amorlca.Traisact a General Baling and Eiciam e Btmiau

Depolats Received. Loam made on At- -B

roved Becnrlty. Commercial and Traveler!redlte Issued. Bills of Exchange bonebtand told.

CoixioTiowa Phomftlt Aooopwtid Fo.

mmmoiK e


Ravi ntra Ttavwnt ..ttt ..received and interest allowod by lih... n. ,u, KI1U oiio-iia- u por cent,nor annum. Tim tju-m- .iregulations of tho Hawaiian Postal Say.iu8" "' uve ueon auoptea as far atIt is practicable to apply thorn, and theCash Itnsnrvn nf tf.( nrui . r.n..i tdor the Postal Act will bo maintained.

iiimuurapies or tuo Mules and Ror.ulatlons may bo obtainod on applicationBISHOP & CO.

Established 1853


Transact n General Bankingnd Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler's.cttcrs of Credit issued, avail,bio in all the principal citiesf tho world.Interest allowed after July

1,1898, on fixed dbposits3.months 8 nor conK. ft nmnti..3 por cent, 12 months 4por cent.

Pioneer Bui'ding andLoan Association.

Assets, Dee. SI, 1898, f116,803.98Monoyloanod on approved soonrlty.A Savings Bank for monthly deposits.

" '"umu,jr luaw"montplan.KlshtennHi Rnrl.u o. t. ..

opened.OwTt.tu . fPTSTf V. "nsing, President:S. a Rso, 0. B. GravTreasurer; A. V, Gear, Secretary. '

A. V. GeaT A. W. iSSXhS'wall. HnnnrRmKI. t i w- -t . JlHolt, 0. B. Gray. ,,

vr iurmer particulars apply toA.V.GEAR,8eoretary.

Office Hours; 12:80-1- :30 p. m.

TJjb ftohama gpecis Bin);umiu,

...Subscribed Capital 24.OM.00 yenu,, vm,,, jz.vuu.ooo yen

Resorvo Fund 7.500.000 n.

The Bank lnivs nnit rnUs. -- -lCCtlon Bills of Rlchnnira loan.. nM--nnd Letters of Credit, ana transacta general banking business.

INTEREST ALLOWE-D-On F ed Deposit for i months, 4 p ctol a.On Flied Deposit lor 6 months, i)fOn Filed Dcno.lt for i n, . ,

INTEREST ALLOWEDBy the Held Offlct. t Youohimi, on Comal D..posit, i sen per dy.On Find Deposit for is months, sK per cel p. ,

Sew RepnMlc Building, lifting si, Botoltli

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. AUkea'4 HalokauwIU Bfc.t I

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Qoods

Constantly on haa.EatimatfiH crivan fni- - tinn.. i.

bw and Electrical planter v'aanne.winpg Mpeoialty,




Page 7: Evening Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains Bulletin · Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn-rn of Honolulu. The had seen In nowspapor. ot making streets hundred feet ho considered were







Oceanic Steamship Company,

TIME TABLE.The Fine Passenger Steamora of This Lino Will Arrivo aac

fceavo Thio Port llcroundor.





In conneoUonwItb tho aailinp of tho abnvo Htf,aiuerc, tho jigeutsare prepared to icauo, f,o intending pnapengoia, throughtickets by any railroad from Ban Francisco, to all in thoUnited Stated, and frr m New York by r.py s'.enmsluL' lino to allBatopenn ports.

Fcr fnrthor parlioalars apply to

Wffl. G. Irwin & Co., LimitedGeneral Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

! LL "...

Pacific Mail Steamship -

Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co. i Tojo Kisen Kaisba

. Slimr ottt above contpanm, will call at "onololu iM Itave this prt on CI about tfc .....4itblowwollonti:....

For Japan and Chins:Dork.Nippon Maru ....

lode Janeiro2opticAmerica MaruPeklneGaelicHongkong Maru.ChinaDork

February 8.' February 16

February ?i. March 6

March 14March si

..March jo.... April 7April 14

. ..April 4

For general Information apjCy to

Hackfeld Co., Ltd., Agents.


aWSteanera tte above line, ruaalng la connectloa with the CANADIAN PACIFIC CO.,Mtween Vancouver, C. and Sydney, N. anlcalllnrat Victoria, C Honolulu and Brlthaneill DUE AT IIONWIjUIiU oaoratoutthe datea atatcC!. via fFROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA. B. C,

For BrlabaneandSvdcevtMiowcra ...reoruiuy 17iwarrlnoo.... Marcb 17.Aorancl April 14

WThrourh tkketi Honolulu to Canada, United .aad Europe. 'FreightTaisag ana an fanerai information, appiy o

Tbeo. H. iGen'I

Lisas of Trawl.

Steamshio (X Ltd.



Lines of


Change in Sailing ofStmr. "Kinau."

On and after Tuesday, Nov. C, theajtcamcr KINAU will Ball from Hono-lulu on Tuesdays at 12 noon, lor Kau-nakakal, Lahalna, Maalaca Bay, Klbcl,

Kawaliao, Mahukoua,and Hilo.

Returning, will sail from Htlo onFridays at 2 p. k. for above namedfiorte, arriving In Honolulu on Batur-lay- s.

Passengers and frolcht will bo taken(or Makena. Aiannkona, Kawainao, hito Hakalau, Honomu, Papalkou, andPepeekeo.

Passengers and ONLYwill bo taken for Kaunakakal, ea

Day, Ktbel and JOaupahoe- -


8. S. Claudlne.CAMERON, Master.

MAUI.Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday

at D P. M., touching at Lahalna, Ka-hul-

Hana, Hamoa and'Maui. Returning, touches

at above named ports, arriving inSunday mornings.

Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, onco eachaontn.

S. Lehua,BENNETT, Master.

MOLAKAI,, MAUI, LANAI.Sails every Monday for Kaunakakal,

Camalo, Maunalol, Laha-lna, Honolua, Olowalu. Returning ar-

rive at Honolulu Saturday mornings.

This company reserves tho right tomake changes in tbe time of departureand arrival .if Its steamers WITHOUTNOTICE, and It will not bo responsi-ble for any consequences ari- -' ibpre-ixo-

Consignees must r .j trioto receive their rrel.jt. Tl" v- -,

pany will not hold itself iMjpon..sifor frelgbt after it has been landed.

Live stock received only at owncr'arisk.

This company will not he responsi-ble for money or-- valuables of passen-gers unless placed In the care of tho"wers.

.jaengers are requested to pur-chase tickets before embarking. Thosefalling to do so wll subject to anadditional charge of twenty-fiv- e perrnt

The company will not he liable forloss of, nor Injury to, nor delay In,the delivery of baggage or personal

ffects of the passenger beyond taTOOtmi 01 1100.00, unless the vairs same declared, at or befot e

ne of the ticket, and freight paidtea.





" i








For SanOnianK'(ctrKo) .,CnpilcAn.erlca AUruAlcoa (cargo).C.e Ic ...Hongkong AUrti.ChinaDoricNippon MruRio de JaneiroCoptic

olD. C.








H. &



FROM SYDNEY JIMS BANE,Fr Victoria and Vancouver (3. C):


Issue' Statu For and





of Travel.




DavIee&Co., Ltd.. Agents.





All employes of ithe company arc for-bidden to de-livering shipment re ?ipt therefor Intbe .form prescribed tho Company,and which may be seen by shippersupon application to tho of theCompany's steamers.

Shippers are that ifIs shipped such It willbo at tho risk of tho shipper.

jj. president.8. B. Secretary.

V. K. CLARKE, Port Supt.


From slid


HonoluluPearl City....EwaMIIIWalanaeWalaluaCahukuSTATIONS.

Cahuku,,,,,,..WalaluaWalanae .,,.,.B.aMIII


January 1,TRAINS.

Dailyei. Sue. Dally





ei Sun.A.M.

5:500:156. so

Smith, Gen'l Fassi

Dknibqn, Superintendent

next to Pot





Aorangi... hebruaryaiWarrlmoc ...MarchMl'fmra...Warrlmoo


receive freight withou



notified freightwithout rocepit








Dailyex. Sun.

A.M.1 1:0511:40ia.00



F. O.Agent.






I'40t:isDally Dally



O. P.




April 7


May o






Ofllco with the Paclflo Hardware Co.,uuuuiuiu,

EstlmAteg given and contract madefor wolls any tho Islands. SIXNEW PLANTS for heavy work operatedby the most highest class drillers.


FRED J. CROSS,ConsultlnR and Suporlntondlno:

Electrical HydraulicENGINEER.

Eloctro-Hytlrnul- Power TransmissionREPORTS AND ESTIMATESFUHNI8HED.

With Catton-Ne- ll Co., Quoen stroot.umco ..dim. 1223



Hydraulic Engineer,800 Judd Rlook. Tole. 633.


Merchant Tailo7FORT ST.,-- Near comer Chaplain Itand Repairing Short Notlcew

and beat poealMe nennar




ic Ticket


a, i.

on of'



. . .

M. C. E.


ofCleaning at

In Um


commissioner's sai.h of realand personal property.

I'm swan t fo nn order made liy II011-tirnh- lo

A. Perry, First Judge of the Cir-cuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit,lllcd tho Dint day of January, A. U.1000, I am directed to sell nt publicniictlou, subject to confirmation by theCircuit Com t,


At 12 o'clock noon of that day, all tholight, title nnd Interest of OencvlcvoDmvectt, Marlon C. Dowhctt, being nnundivided h Interest each ofsaid Illinois, and also tho th

Interest of Madeline C. K. Dowsctt andAnnln II. K. Dowsctt, Minors, In theEstate of James 1. Dowsett, deceased,Innudtonll those certain pieces and pareels of land situate on tho Islands ofOahu, Maul. Hnwail mid Moloknl, nndmore particularly described ns follows:

1 Tho land Fltuatcd In Nuuami Val-ley Istnud of Oahu, described In deedfrom John H. Wood to tho HonoluluDairy Company, dated April 30th, 1892,and recorded In the Registry of Convey-ances In Honolulu In Liber 13C, ntlinRpq lit to 1,7. Containing nn areajif 271 ncrcs more or less.

2. The land situated nt Knnalamn.in Honolulu, ieiami of oahu, Known nstho Akopo lot, being n part of RoyalPatent No. 0672, and described In deedmado by Knaea nnd J. W. Akopo toJames I. Dowsett, dated tho 3d day oFebruary, 1S82, nnd recorded In Ltbcr73, on pages 210 to 212. Containing nnarea of 1.13 ncrcs.

3. The land situated at Apun, In Honoliilu, described In deed from AFrancis Judd to David Kahanu, datedMarch 21st, 1S70, recorded in Liber 29on pages 124 and 125, nnd the land de-scribed In tmi deed from John O. Dom- -

lnlsnndE.MUhia, Administrators of thocstato of Josla Kaaukai, to David Ka-hanu, dated Juno 7th, ISCfl, and re-corded In'Llber 21 on pages 313 and 31Cnnd In n deed from Kahannnul andKeohokll, her husband, nnd Kalunhlnoto David Kahanu, dated September14th, 1SG0, and recorded In Liber 22, onpages JUG and 107.

I. The land situated at Kakaako, InHonolulu, described. In tho deed fromMookolohe nnd Naliioaelua to DavidKahanu, dated March 30th, 1SS0, andrecorded In Liber C3 on pages 415 nndtie. Containing nn urea of 5 of nnacre.

5. The land nt Aaln, on Llllha 6treet,In Honolulu, described in the deed fromNlkn nnd Punlaknln. his wife, nndKeaka to David Kahanu, dated Octobertith, 1SC9, nnd recorded In Liber 29. onpages 40 nnd 41; alto tho land described In the Ieed from John ThomasWaterhoiiBe nnd Eleanor, his wife, toDavid Kahanu, dated January 25th.187S, nnd recorded In Llbor 5C, on pagest.a and 1,4; nlto land described In thodeed from Kin Nahnolelna and Nnhcleto D.ivld Kahanu, dnted January 10th,187ti, nnd recorded In Liber 49, onpages 383 nnd 3S0. Containing anarea of 3.03 ncres.

5. Tho land tdtuato on King street,in Honolulu, described in the deedfrom F. M. Hatch to James I. Dowsett.dated October 18th, 1888, and recordedin Liber 115, on pages CO and CD. Con-taining an area of 17-1- acres.

7. The land situate at Kanahaha. Ka- -palama. In Honolulu, being a portion ofipana 1, iioyni Patent No. 22CC. L. C.A. 2440B.; described In tho deed fromThomas Carry nnd Mary, his wlfo, toJames I. Dowsett, dated Juno 14th.18S7, and recorded In I.lbtr IOC, oniiiK ma nun voniaining an area

of 1900 square fett.S. Tho one undivided half of tho

minis Mtuated In Honolulu, known astho land of Kahaohao nnd Kahololoa,L. C. A. 153 to Win. Sumner, datedMnrch 5th, 1S49.

9. Tho land situated at Puhawnl,Walanae, Island of Oahu, detcrlbcd InRoyal Patent 1073, L. C. A. 74C5, nndIn tho deed of Pino ami Klnlakua toJames I. Dowsett, dated April 30th,18S8, and recorded In Liber 110, onpage 250. Containing an area of C.71acre.

10. The laud situated on Pearl RiverBay near Honolulu, known as Puuloa,containing nn nrMi of 2221 acres, nnddescribed by mete nnd bounds In thedeed front Keknnonohl to Isaac Mont- -goniciy, dated September 7th, 1S49, andiccorded In Liber 4, on page 4.

11. The land situated ut Honoullull.nt Ewn, on the Itlnnd of Oahu, com-piling SO ncres, more or Ieeu. now un-der lease to Sing Chong & Co.

12. Tho land situated nt Kanal.imn.Island of Oahu, described In RoynlPatent 2380 iesued to John Meek, andcompiislng 9 5S-1- ncres; and alsotho land situated at tho same place partor the III of Kn lino pa described In L. C.A. o."il5, Apnna 1, Part I, and com- -prittli'e; 1 72S-10- acres, moro or lees,whltli said two last mentioned parcelsof laud aro now held under leaso dated'September 15. 1S90, by Y. Ah In.

13, Tin land situated on the Island ofMaul, known ns Rose Ranch, compris-ing nil the lands described in certainRoyal Patents nnd deeds ns follows:nil tho Innd described In tho deed fromParker N. Makeo nnd others to JamesI. Dowsctt, dated March 3d, ISSfi, nndrcroided in Liber 101, on pages 200 ctscp.; nlso tho leasehold estates In thofollowing lands: Lease of tho Hawa-iian Government of tho Ahupuaa ofKanala to Catheilno N. Makco, No. 292,dated February Oih, 1881: Leaso fromJohn M. Knpenn to James Malceo datedDecember 22d, 1870, nnd recorded InLiber 47. on pngo 498. Containing annica of 21.C50 ncres.

1 1. Tho land known ns Knulu sltuatont Ewn, Island of Oahu, being part ofHoacae. Containing an area of about1 jicre.

15. Tho land with an orange grovesituated nt Hana, Island of Maul,known as Dowsett's land. Containingan area of 1,& acres.

10. Tbe taro land situated on tho Isl-and of M'olokal, described in RoyalPatent 2330.

17. Tho land bltuatcd at Walplo, ontho Island of Hawaii, known ns Dow-sett's land.

18. The land situated at Kapulona,In Honoknn, Island of Hawaii, formerlyleased to J. M. Horner & Sons nnd nowoccupied under said lease by the I'a-cll- lc

Sugar Mill. Containing nn ureaof 17',& uoies.

Also tho leasehold estates In tho following lands: The land of Ha'.nwa, theland of Kahnulkl, the laud of I.eilchun,the land of Mlkllun, the land of Nairn-ku- tl

nnd tho land of 'Alea, all situatedon tho Island of Oahu.

Alho all tho live stock belonging tothe Estate of James I. Dowsett, deceased, comprising: 0000 head of cattle, moio or less, CO head of oxen nndbulls, nnd 213 head of horses nndmules.

Also nil nnd singular, tho lands, chat-tels, choses In nctlon, and pioperty,real nnd personal, belonging to theEstate of James I. Dowsctt, deceased,or to which said Estnto may bo en-titled, whether herein eiiumciatcd nndspecified or not.

Terms of sale aro Cash In lT. S. Gold.Deed nt the expense of purchaser. Forfurther pnrtlculats, apply to Paul Neu-mann, Esq., or

GEORGE LUCAS,Commissioner

Chinese and Japanese Firms.


ilerchant Tailor323 Nuuanu St.

?tco Suitlugs in English, Scotch andAmerican Goods made to order.

folophono 668. Postoffl'co box U86.


Watclnnnkcr ami Jowollor.GOLD AND SILVER PLATING.

213K King streot. 1277

Y. MAN SINGrHa3 Removed From Fort Street to jnNuuanu Street, opp. Goo Kim's.


Dresses Made To Order.

HOP HONG,Merchant Tailor,

HAS MOVEDFrom 314 Nuuanu street to largor prem-ises, No. 310, on the opposite side of thotrent. 293

L. CHONG,No. t Nuuanu St., below Merchant, Honolulu.

MERCHANT : TAILOR.jbVSuI(i BuaranfaJ in Hi atiJ . f.. .k.tu-- - l( BIS 4.LJIV.

wiuuiiui- - MMmiMm in nruir' iinirnrifli ai aKuiaik.Clottee cleaned and repaired at reasonable rata.

Architects, Contractors and Builders.

O. A.Howard. Jr. Robt F. Train.

HOWARD & TRAIN,Architects.

Salte r. Model Block, - HONOLULU. OAHU, H.I.P. O. Boa eo,. Telephone 989

1 146

H. L. KERR 8c CO.,

Architects and BuildersIRootnl i,

: PROGRESS BLOCK.Telephone 131.

Oeo W Pjro T.i IZ,F. W. Beardslec p. 0. llix jjd


Architects & BuildersOffice: Rooms 2i. Arllnirlnn Annw.

Honolulu, H. I.Sketches and Correct Estimate fnmUii.

at Sliort Notice. mm

Building MaterialsOK ALL KINDS.

Deulors in Lumber and Coal.

ALLEN & ROBINSON,Quoen Ntroot, Tlnnnlulu

The World RegisterKeepa tho Codh whllo you aro busy,

Try one o

Rock PricesOn Maible and Granite,


Fences and LawnFurniture.

H'dW'D Iron Fence and MonnnTcntal Co,

dll King Hlroet.



Ohin, Algerok and Pine Firewoc

Oat nnd BpUt (ready or the Stove),Also,



Iwent Prices, delivered to any partho Olty.

vnnsrMOMD am

HUSTACE & CO31 Queen Htre-et- .

THEOJ.DAVIES&CO.,Ltd,Merchants and Commission Agents.

Carry a Complete Line of Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, &c, PalntiOils and White Lead.


Agents for Cloriphos & Dick's Balata Belting;This Belting Is acknowledged by several of the most expert engineers on ttm

Islands to be the best, most durable, and least expensive.Also Agents for Kektiefer Bros.' GRAY AGATE WARE, of which a full

Is carried.A good selection of IRON BEDSTEADS, MATTING, LINOLEUA1, LAW


Lime, Cement. Fire Clay and Fire Bricks.



Honoiulu Tobacco Go., Limited,


Pino Grades of Smoking Tobacco.


Preserve theMemory yourFriends andDear Ones


LICHTIG'S, Nuuann St.,

Next to the Honolulu' Hotel.



J. J. WILLIAMS,Photographer.


AVisitors are invited to

call and inspect our gallery of life-siz- e

royal photos, from KamehamehaI. to date.

At tho Old StnndOn Fort Streot ::



Guitar, Mandolin, Zither,and TJkulolo.

iWDuring my absence atOmriaMr. Ames, of Wall. Co..will hae charge of my pupils.


PIANO TAUGHTa New, Quick Method!

Proficiency guaranteed In six months,fernis. 5.00 monthly. Special attention

to aJult beclnners.Address I'l ANO, Bulletin office. 1410

PavLl B g: x --y9VIOLINIST.

16 Beretanla Street,

llll -- . 1. ll.ll..l I ..1 tt 111 in rive .1 iiiiiucu iiiiiuucr 01 punus.

iiuin.-m-u iui LuiiLEin, Ulicinuuil orWenlnp, H'tie


ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNERvocal studio, 720street. Tel. 1111. U71

E. K. KAAI,of-- .iar, Mandolin, Zither'

and Taro Patch.

Orders to bo loft caro of Wall, Nichols



Co., Mid at Mimlo Co. 'a 1265 1

Cor. Fort and Merchant Honolulu.




"Mignon," Deretanla




J" sW.

WH,mi " "


SilentBarber Shop.

Arlington Block,



Joseph Fernandez, Prop!


.J.JM.SM .? Vefr"" sw

hot cloannlnK tho scalp, .tlmulaUastho skin of tho hoatl, reliovlng lioadacncauijod by overwork and niontal worneratl catliiK dandruir, nnd gonerajjnakir-- J'"n like a new man orwoman, t!:ero is nothing oqual toPacheco's Dandruff KillerJ'

For Balo by all druggists, and at.thaUnion lUrbor Shop,Tlllepliniin nun.

Plumbers, Etc.



75 and 79 King StreetTELEPHONE NO. 31.;

NOW Is tho tlmo to get loaks aw)breakages aeon to, and your

Roofs Put In OrderBy coinjietent workrrwn

H. T. SHAW" Sz CO.

Sanitary Plaialiii eil Tin- -

Old Flro Tower, Union Stroet.Wo II Ittiro Oil lintlllllrr l,t l,il,.

of work and material, ienlnK all work!thus liiHtirlnir you agahmtall sower gas.Estlmutng carefully glvon.

Johblng prominly attondnil to.Foplthe Plumbing

Ou that new houao that yoa a-- e

about to bniltl or tho altoratin .

you aro mlondinc to raako f ,nyour properly. Call and eeoUeouu jut au esumato.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.Praotical Tinsmith and riumbor.nfi',0J:nI,,r,fitBnl?1,'troet' 4 doors-uaa- l

Phone 841.Hour V a. 111. to 0 p, m.Jobbine promptly attended to.

N. F, Burgessuoes All Kinds of

Small RepairingJjrWN MOWERS andGARDEN HOSE

Are specialties. Liwn Mowers wlll'ibecalled for, by RINGING UF 220. Alsoa few for rent. '


Honolulu Sheet Metal Works,Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ventilators,

Metal Roofing,Conductor Pipe and Gutter Wo.

RlchrdiSUt tt.Qonana Mwehanl. MB,

BEIT HAAtliuj ""

King street, nef. Railroad Depot,Plumber and Tinsmith J

Satisfaction araarantooi'.All work promptly and carefully

attended to. Ufl








Page 8: Evening Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains Bulletin · Chinatown. It would retatd tho fu-tn-rn of Honolulu. The had seen In nowspapor. ot making streets hundred feet ho considered were






.'p-T- -

r ,.:.

;- - w


Honolulu Drug Co.,


The 1900



&C, &C.

Von Holt Block, King

Columbia, Rambler & Hartford bicycles seem to

be just about the right thine We have had samples of these wheels and

will have a big stock by the "Australia" In two weeks. Most of theChalnless Columblas are sold to arrive there Is such a demitid for this

They are 4 pounJs lighter this year and are fitted with theSPECIAL TROPICAL T1RB vhlch makes them a perfect mount for

these Islands The Columbia Chalnless weighs less than 25 pounds and

we guarantee It for any rider weighing up to 300 pounds. Our HART-

FORD and RAMBLER chain wheels are beauties, call and see the samples

We have as complete repair shop as ever, though It Is not conveniently

located at present. During this year we expect to get back to the old

corner, where a fine moiern department Is to be fitted up In our ne v store.Af n.u.nt i., e.ll writ ren.-il- wluvk In the brick building on the

uppir side of King street opposite to where our old stand was and are able

to do the best repair work done In town, rent the well known Columbia

Chalnless, and sell any model of Columbia, Rambler or Hartford for cash

o-- on easy Installments. We want your custom.

!V lrV

0. HALL SON, Ltd,Cor. Fort and Sts.






Honolulu Drug Co.,



1 I Mil 1Y Ul lUllllllli JUL VI i




Section 14 of the Banking Laws of 18S4require that oh the last Monday In Janu-ary of every year, banks mut mike astatement ot their affairs as of the 1st davnf iinn-irv- . Th? fnllmviiu' Is the" statement of the condition of the Bank ofHawaii. Ltd.. on the 1st day of Jinuary,1000. I he capital or tne corporation is400,000. divided Into 4,000 shares of

$ 100 each, paid up In full :


Loans and Discounts 51,0)6,490 43Call Loins nd Overdrafts.. 300,818 17Hawaiian Govt Bonds 15,40000Lease S ife It Building

and Office Furniture 9,800 00Assets '.. 1,242 3

Hawaiian Govt. Warrantsand Coupons . 8,830 60

Due from OtherI54.0M 5'

Cash on Hand.. 227,280 18 29 nnu uy

Si, 754,794

Pnnll.nl. A.cat share?




Undivided Profits 66,&)S 56

I however499 General Re

Deposits : 99Certified and Ch'ks 9,032 00Due to Other 102,526 72Dividends uncalled 1,575(Tota1 Dividends paid In 1899,




Si, 754,794 7

I, C. II. COOKE, Cashier, do solemnlyswear the above statement Is true tothe best of my knowledge and belief.

C. H COOKE,Cashier.

Examined and correct :


Directors.GEO. R. CARTER,


Subscribed and sworn to b'fore me3rd day of A. D. 1000.

HARRIET144a Notary Public,

Fish hascome across some very curiousand fish lately which

being by KINGartist. very

crab is on in KINGBROS Hotel street.




Tioiy( ufilviiii llif Pumping" 500







Inspector Berndt


BROS, peculiar






At a Cost of Two Cts.,WITH A

Rider or Excelsior

HOT AIR ENGINE!. The motive power is Hot Air; fuel,

Coal, Wood, Coke, Kerosene, Gasoline, orAcetylene.

See It working at the store of

Oceanic Gas andElectric Co., Ltd.


I beg to announce to th; public 1

have dNposeJ of to the Pacific Veh cleand Supplv Co., Ltd. the business hereto-fore carried on by ne In Honolulu, of buy- -

391,034 ing, selling importing ueaiuig in remade Cardites. Waeons and' Vehicle,

7 . and Carriage MaterhN, Lamps,5nil.lli.. Whins. Robes, etc

I his does not apply to j,lheBlacksmlthlng and Cirrlage










pairing business, which will st 11 be carriedon by me at the old stand, 615 Fort street.

1443 6t. W. W. WRIGHT.


Notice of Assessment.Notice Is hereby given that the eighth

issessment of ten (10) per cent on thecapital stock 01 the HONOLULU RAPIDTRANSIT AND LAND CO. will be due


and payable to J. H. Fisher, treasurer, 411

Fort Tupstalrs), Honolulu, on the 1st dayFebruary. The shares upon which as

ssment may remain unpaid after thirtydays from said date, will be declared de-

linquent. J. A. GILMAN,Secretary H. R. T. & L. Co.

Honolulu, Feb. 1, looo. 4i9

Assessment Notice, Wala-lu- a

Agricultural Company. Limited.

Notice Is hereby given that an assess-

ment of 60 per cent has been levied upon

the 10,000 shares, new issue, of the Wal-ilu- a

Agricultural Co., Ltd., and that thesame will be due and payable at the office

f Castle & Cooke, Ltd., Jan. 15, 1900.E.D. TENNEY,

Secretary Walalua Agr'l Co., Ltd.


--X "M?1

WANTS.rtr'Cra''"' ' "" tohimii uill ei inuiuJ at utttiliri a lint Hit inutlinn: la ttnli uconj inut- -

litm, )ottntl j,iA jhJ (0 !' j mjnl. Ihitilthtlblif'llJiJvoliuitrtt offtrtj Ibtftoflt of Honolulu.

LOST tlKhnp & Co.'s e of Drnl1. r$iii lntwirfWm II dirty, his

brn I s. Pm mhis betnMiirP'd.anJ all parllarr "aui oned Avails' reRotlaHng the same.

feB. i, 19110. U4t-- t

A Mlv.rMbDAL ner.vei Olio UumtsurLtSI kindly relu'n to Uull.lln office un-t-

I OST Small Sorrel Mr. Suitable rewarJ II returnei tci II. P shoo,

or resume at Walklkl.





Klnc14IH-- "

WANTtD A Hljht, honest office Arply t"Mutual Telephone Office. 1444-1- 1

TO RENT A five or sU room CottageWANTED or unlurnlsheJ AtUrcu U. thisoffice. i4Q-i-

I WANTED Men 10 know that thev can eet shavedJEFFS.W by a white barber for 15 cents at II.

-. . - ,l.ii. Cl.klaaoiqn ran HTcet. opp. vhuu m"'" ,tOQlf

AND ACCOUNTING DONE accurate- -ly; rpoderate rates, mx. jnum,iB cwi-i-

EaoressCo: or General Delivery, l O. mq--

HnunrrMiT rciilliU nfDf WAMTm tnrn central housework and care of chllJren. Kfler-enc- es

required Ayply G. M Uulletln office n6o


A Golf Cape, sray cloth with fine blueFOUND maroon sttlp,s ana Scotch plaid liningTinder can have same by calling at this office andpaying costs of advertising. 44t-- tl


COR SALE J4500. Lease of a large tenementa house situated near the neatt ot tne town I'res-en- t

Net Monthly Income fo,ftf 'gvD0B1441

COR SALE $i4ou.' so years to run.Apply to144

COR SALE $t?oo,I AtKenato. Lot 50x100,



square on Maklkl Plains.Arm tR ' lhl


jioFottLease of centra ly.Ground per month.WILLIAM SAVIDGF.

No jio street.

lotArargain as a nome.

WILLIAM SAVIDGE.No. no Fort street.

with rubber tires Ad- -UullHln office. u-i-

SLF-- A very desirable PIECE OPPHOPFRTV, conlilnlne about

feet"Ma. nffif.

Anthiny Camera, reversibleMorrison





No, steet,

rent $11

New and

so.ooornncipais oniy, nj


COR SALE A Jt8back, with wide angle lens,



Inquire at1418-1- 1


TO LET A sulle of Ho nekeeplng Rooms d

141 Heretmls stret. '44fHTlin AIOIIA ROOMING HOUSE. Fort St.I and attendance In city. ))


Nahtku Sugar Co. Notice.Stockholders are hereby notified that

the Second Assessment of the NAH1KU

STOCK is delinquent from the :st day of

February, igco.J. P. COOKE,

I444'3t Treasurer.

PAPERS WANTED.Ten cents ench will be

puid for a few copies of 1 h sEvening Bulletin of SAT-URDAY, January 20. 1900.Please bring to BulletinBusiness Office, 210 Kingstreet. I M4Pound Master's Notice

of Estrays.Notice Is hereby given, that the animals

described below have been Impounded In

ihe Government Pound at Maklkl, Kona,'sland of Oahu. and unless the pound fees

and damages are sooner sitlsfied, will be

sold at the date hereunder named, accord-

ing to law :

Jan. 26, 1900. 1 j:k, undescrlbablebrand, half blind and fore legs lame.

'Ihe above described animal will be

sold at public a'lthn, on SATURDAY,Feb 10 at 12 o'clock noon, If not calledfor before the date mentloneJ.


1444 Poundmaster.

Departure Bay


14)-- t


Allen & Robinson.Telephone 105.


Notice.At tho regular Annual Meeting ot tho

Stockholders of the Honolulu RapidTrlnslt & Land Company, held tho20th InBtnnt, tho following personswero elcctod as ofllcera:

h. A. Thurston, Presldont.J. B. Castle, Vico President.J. II. Fisher, Treasurer.J. A. Oilman, Secretary.J. A. Kennedy, Auditor.Tho forugoin?, :o?other with Messrs.

J. A. McCandlcss. T. P. Lansing, C. II.Athcrtou and W. It. Castlo, constltutotho Board of Directors for tno ensuingyenr.



Secretary, H. It. T. & L. Co.Honolulu, Jnnuary 30th, 1900.

1 143-- 3 t

REMOVAL NOTICE.On and after February 1st the UNION

EXPRESS CO. will have their office withthe Evening Bulletin.I44i-t- f TELEPHONE 8$.


Weather Ilurcau, l'unnhott, Tob. 1

Tcmiicinturo Morning minimum,C7; Midday maximum, 77.

Uaiomctcr nt 9 n. in. au.uB. ircrgumr.Dew Point GOP.

Humidity nt 9 a. in. 02 per cent.Ualnfnll for January 0.74.Diamond Head Signal Station, Feb.

1. Weather clear; wind light K.AlUUVALtj.

Wednesday, Jan. 31.P. M. S. S. China, Frlcle, from San

Francisco.Thursdny, Feb, 1.

II. M. 8. Mofiun, Carey, from SanFrancisco.

DEPARTURES.Wednesday, Jan. 31.

Br. sp. Beechdale, Knox, for theSound.

Am. hltt. Kllkltat. Cutler, for theSound.

K. M. 8. S. China, Frlele, for SanFrancisco.

Oer bk. Paul Isenberg, Kruse, forSan Francisco.

TO SAIL THIS AFTERNOON.It." M. 8. Moana,, Carey, for the Colo-

nies at 4 p. m.TO SAIL TOMORROW.

Stmr. Hclene, MacDonald, for Paati-ha-

Kukalau, Papaaloa, Hakalau andHonomii at 12 m.

PASSENGERS RRIVED.From San Francisco, per P. M. S. S.

China. Jan. 31. Miss T. E. Wolf, Mi

and Mrs. A. Hartley and child, Mrs. 11.

R. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Smith,Mrs. C. O. Berger ami two children,Miss A. Wldemaun and maid, Mr. andMrs. J. B. Castle. II. P. Bcckloy, J. M.C. Warren, Major Wm. Ennls, L.Blaclunnn, A. W. T. Bottoraley, Mrs.O. J. Augin and child, Dr. nnd Mrs. II.A. Stanstleld, Mrs. M. P. Tenney.

From San Francisco, per O. S. 8.Moana, Feb. 1. Mrs. Hrenham, Mrs.C. E. Camp, J. 8. Ellis and wife, C. E.Guest, Mrs. N. Jackson, W. A. Kinney,wife, child and nurse, Thos. Kuue, R.McDonald. John O. Pond, R. W. T. Pur-vis, wlfo and two children, HarryStlrm. Second class for Honol-uluMrs. Curtis, Mrs. M. A. Clonsalvesnnd six children, Miss Lcllehua, MissKalua, ullss Malic, Miss Kalco, G. E.Morse, N. E. G. Jackson, W. C. Kenake,Miss O. Taylor. H. D. Roberts, II. Bode,Mrs. II. Klcmrae, Master Klemme, Miss ' Kom

E. Scoby. B. P. White, J. B. Maxwell,Mrs. C. E. Pendleton, J. Pendleton,Mrs. M. Kreutcr, Mrs. J. Bell, Miss E.McMchol, G. W. McNIchol, Mrs. D. W.McNichol nnd Infant, Miss B. Schncl-tlu- r,

J. Wilson, J. Birmingham, J. Cllf- -

llet. Miss O. McGulness, M. liosenocrg,J. aitter, Mrs. A. W. Evnns and fourchildren, Miss Orlbble, Miss A. Cribble,O. Grlbble, Mrs. J. Cribble, Miss M.Femtison. Mrs. 11. L. Smith, II. S.Smith, Mrs. S. Rosenberg, P. Phllp,W. E. Howell, Miss P. Smith, J. D.Fraser, Mrs. X. S. Merlcourt, Masternnd Mis Merlcourt, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. II.Tnrleton, Mls3 L. P .Anlston, Miss F.Atwootl, Mrs. F. Schamncr and child,It. E. Farrlngton, Mrs. L. Arnold.


Honeys Collected to Purchase Toys for

Chinese Children Now in Detention


Mr. C. K. AI "20 00Mr. Wing Kwal 10 00Mr. Lenng Yaw 10 00Mr. Oisli 10 00Paclfi Hardware Co 10 00LewerH & Cooke 10 00Mr. W. C. Acil 10 00Clans Spreckels & Co id 00W. G. Irwin & Co.. Ltd 10 00Bishop & Co 10 00Chas M Cooke io 00A. G M Robertson 5 00Henry Holmes 5 00M. P. Rnbl .son 5

J. S. Walker 5 00W. H. Mclnerny 2 50E. A. Mclnerny 2 50Lau Tang 2 50K.m Wing Chew 5 00Chan Lau Sang 5 00Mr. Wong Men Hung 5

Kaplolant Estate 5 00Wilder S.S. Co 5 00E. O. Hall & Son 5 00

1414 ioo 00

Notice to Intending Passengers.

Honolulu, February 1st. I93- -

S. S. Coptic due here on the loth Inst,for Sin Francisco, will take passengersprovided they have observed the U. S.Health Regulations and all persons desk-lu- g

to leave, who have not yet applied atthe U. S. Consulate for examination byDr. Carmlchael must do so not later thanthe 2nd Inst, after calling at our office forInspection cards.

Caoln passengers Intending to leave bysubsequent steamers either for San Fran-

cisco or J ipan and China are advised tobook their names at the U. S. Consulateas soqn as poslble.

H. HACKFFLD & CO., LTD.,Agents, Pacific Mail S. S. Co., Occidental

& Oriental S. S. Co. and Toyo Kisen

Kalsha. 1444'it

IMcBryde Sugar Co., Ltd.A special meeting of the stockholders of

this Company will be held In the office of

the Chamber of Commerce at 10 a. m.Monday, the 12th Instant, for the purposeof receiving the Treasurer's and the Man

ager's reports, for the ele:tlon of officers,

for considering a proposed amendment tothe &c.

The stock transfer books will be closed

between the 7th and 12th lnt.THOMAS RAIN WALKER,

Treasurer.Honolulu, February 1, 1900. 1444


-- . Queen StfecGuardian's Sale

Estate.By direction of Belle F. Jones, Guardian

of Edwin Austin Jones, Helen Jones, Margaret Jones Catherine Hay Jones,minors, and acting un ler and bv virtue ofan order Issued out of the Circuit Court ofthe First Circuit, dated the 2nd day ofJanuary, 1000, I am directed 10 sell atpublic auction, at my salesroom In the cityof Honolulu, Island of Oahu, on Saturday,the 27th day of January, 1000, at 12o'clock noon of that day, all the right,title and interest of said minors, being anundivided half of, in and to all those cer-

tain pieces or of land situate atWalkane, District of Koolaupoko, Islandof Oahu, and more particularly describedas follows : ,

1. All that land In K. P. 180,L. C. A. 5723 and 8095 to Kalkalna,particularly described as. follows:,

Apana 1. 6 lol kalo me ke KakuahaleMamane. E hoomaka ma ke kihl Hemamakal 0 kela ma ke klhi o ka pa hau, keklhl akau makal 0 ko Makakukie pill anai ko Ku halua, a e holo ana He, Goi Kom.2.51 Kaul. ma ka pa hau, ma ko Maka-kuka- e,

a hlkl I ka llhl kae pall 1 ke klhlAk. makal 0 ka lol 0 Kaheana; Alalia He.75M Kom. 2.38 Kaul. Iho ana ma ka pall.1 pll anamala auwal ma ko Kaheana;He. W4 Kom. 1.22 Kaul. ma ko Kaheanaa hlkl I ke klhi Hema mauka 0 kela;alalia Ak. I5,'4 Kom. 2,Kaheana ame ko Ku a

of Real




.jo Kaul. ma kohlkl 1 ke kumu

pall: alalia Hlk. 1.47 Kaul. ma ke.kumupall, a hiki I ko Kaheana mala ulu; alaliaAk. 66 Hlk. 2.25 Kaul. ma ko Kaheana, anil ana a hlkl I ka llhl kae'nall. alalia Ak.50 2-- 4 HI, 1.00 Kaul. ma kula a hlkl 1 kaouhala, ke kihl akau makal o kela, a keklhl Akau mauka 0 ko Ku kahua. AlaliaHe. 31H HI. 2.04 Kaul. ma ko Ku Kahua-hal- e

a hlkl i kahl I hoomakal. Maloko 0la Apana 1 0 Eka.

Apana 2, 0 lol. Mamane. E hoomakama ke klhl Hema makal 0 kela kahl ewalho ana He. 61 Kom. 73 Pauku mal kekihl Hema mauka 0 ka Apana 1 mal, .pillana hoi me na lol elua 0 Kaheana amekahl lol nahelehele. A e holo ana He.49H Kom. ma ka auwal ma ko Kaheana;alalia He. 25K HI. 85 pauku ma ko Kaheana; alalia ma uani wano wale lie. 14

96 pauku, a He. 62 45 Kom. 91pauku, a Ak. 17 Kom. 1 Kaul. a moku kaauwal. Alalia Ak. 40'A HI. Ihoana ma ka auwal; alalia Ak, 7 40 Kom.t.44 Kaul. a hlkl I ke klhl Hema makal 0ka lol poallma. Alalia ma ka lol poatlmaAk. i6tf Kom. 88 pauku; a Hi.jtX Kom.2.56 Kaul. Alalia Ak. i8f Kom. 1.50Kaul. a hlkl I ke kumupall. Alalia ma kekuinupall a ma ka auwal. Ak. 60 HI. 1.05Kaul., a AK. jdji hi. 1.73 Kaul. a niuii ke klhl Al.'au mauka o ko Ku lol;alalia ma ko Ku He. 11) HI. 1.41 Kaul.Ak. 82 HI. 1.66 Kaul.. a He. 28J HI 40Pauku a hlkl I ko Kaheana lol. AlaliaHe. 32 HI. 71 Pauku ma ko Kaheana ahlkl I kahl I hoomakal.

MALOKO IA APANA 1 EKA.A ninn . Inl L nllnlnn 17 lifiniiinlfntlAitia j, t ivi. naiuiiuu. i iivumuna

ma ke klhl Akau makal o kela pill ana I

na 1 ! o Kuluahl ame ko KaukI: a e holoana He. 47Jj HI. i Kaul. ma ko Kuluahl,

a hlkl I ke klhi Hema maka' 0 kef; alaliaHe. 4; Kom. 1.40 Kaul. ma ke akaakal;alalia Ak. 43 t; Kom. 1.18 Kaul. ma koKapulr; alalia Ak. ;o HI. 1.40 Kaul. mako KaukI a hlkl I kahl I hoomakal.

Maloko o la Apana 0 Eka.2nd. All that portion of the land de

scribed In R. P. 158, L. C A. 599 toPaliuhulu, as Is described In deed ofPalauhulu to Nakea, dated Mav, 1857,and of record In Liber 27 on page 41c

3rd. All that land, being aportlon of themakal half of R. P. 158, L. C. A. 5919. toPalauhulu, more particularly described asfollows:

Beginning at the northwest comer oftheland of M. Phillips Ik Co. adjoining theProtestant church yard, nnd running south33 East 5.2$ chains along the line dividingthe mauka from the makal half of R. P.1 ;8: thence south 61 West 1 oc-io- o chainsalong the land of Puka to the Governmentroad; thence north 33H West 5.30 chainsalong the Government road to the Protes-tant church yard; thence north 643 East1.9; cnains along tne said cnurcn yard 10the point of commencement. Containingan area of 1 027-100- 0 acres.

4th. Five undivided shares or Interest Inthe land known as the Ahupuaa of Wal-kane, and held and owned by a number ofpeople as tenants In common, and calledthe Hul of Walkane.

5th. All that land at Kumunul, Wal-kane aforesaid, and more particularly de-

scribed In R. P. 152, L. C. A. 6051, to-

gether with dwelling houses, cook house,servants' dwellings, stable and bath housesituate thereon.

6th. That certain spring of water knownas Ulawlnl, situate in the Ahupuaa ofWalkane. conveyed by the officers of saidHul of Walkane to P. C. Jones, togetheiwith the pipes leading the water fromsaid spring to the last above mentionedpremises.

7th. Lease from the officers of said Hulof Walkane of about ten acres of landknown as" the Peterson lot; rent paid Infull to October 1st, 1907.

8th. Note for ft 20 secured by mortgagedated May 17, 1800, at 12 per cent perannum, made bv Pinl to Peterson, Larsenand Hopkins, of his interest In the Hul ofWalkane.

Tne property above described has forthe most part been used as a country resi-dence, and has on a portion thereof twodwelling houses, ontnouses, stables, etc.,all In good order and condition. A portionof the land's three pieces are leased, andbring In a rental of $155 a year.

P. C. Jones, Esq., who Is the owner ofthe other undivided half of said property,has consented to a sale of his half at thesame time and place, and will join In thedeed for his half Interest with the Guar-dian, so that the party buying can securethe whole property. The five shares Inthe Hul of Walkane represent nearly asixth Interest n between 1. wo and 1.600acres, consisting of Kula and rice land, theland being known as tlie Ahupuaa otWalkane.

Upset price for all the above propertywill be i 12,000.00.

Deeds at the expense of purchaser.Dated Honolulu, January 3rd, 1900.For further particulars apply to Cecil

Iirown, Esq., orJ. F. MORGAN,

1419 Auctioneer.

By order of Judge Perry the above saleIs postponed to Saturday, Feb. lotli, locoat the same hour and place.

Pacific Import Co.(INCORPORATED),


Great News!We beg to inform the Ladies

that we have Just opened out.five cases of Embroideries, In-

sertions, and AHOver Embroid-eriesl,00- 0

pieces of Embroid- -

eries of all grades in widths andqualities to select from, highnovelties in new patterns thatmust be seen to be appreciated.Having imported the same directfrom the largest manufacturerin Switzerland, we are able tosell the same at very reasonableprices.

We invite inspection.


S. EHRLICH, Manager.



