

Transcript of Evaultion


Was the research helpful?The research we done as class before starting our short productions did help me.

It helped me understand different camera angles that we could use in our short film. such as an establishing shot which my group used as the opening scene of our film. also a high camera angle which we used in the elevator shot whilst me and aaron was fighting in the lift.

The research also helped me understand what sort of sound effects and music to add in our film. As our film was a horror film i knew to add suspense building music and eerie sounds.

The research also helped me understand mise-en-scene. Before the research i had no idea what mise-en-scene was but now i know that it is what is in the shot and why it's there.

Pre-production In my group we made 4 different types of pre-production: storyboard, treatment, callsheet, recce.

Storyboard: the storyboard helped us to keep on track with our original idea, after a little bit of filming we had to change the idea because the film was hard to follow. But at the beginning the storyboard was very helpful.

Recce: the recce we made helped me to know when to film in the busy corridors and also where there was electrical power.

Call sheet: the call sheet was extremely helpful. It let me and my group know where we was going to be filming that day and also what we was going to need. E.g equipment.

Filming Both me and Aaron was main characters in our short film so we didn't get any time filming and using the camera. Gaetan and richard directed the short film and Phatima filmed, Richard also filmed.

strengths : we worked well together as a group to improve our film. At first it was a boring clip but together we chose music and sound effects to make it an interesting story. Also we all had even roles to play in the production of our film making.

Weaknesses: our weaknesses was that we didn't know each other at the start which made it hard to work as a group, but once we got to know each other we knew what we had to do and we put a good piece together.

Conventions In our short film we followed horror conventions because it was meant to be a horror based film. We started using horror conventions such as eerie sound effects and weird, scary music we found on youtube. Our story also had a very creepy storyline. It was quite hard sticking to these conventions so we changed it to a horror/comedy film. The outcome made people laugh and also was creeped out by it.

We did use horror techniques such as darkness in our film. We made the killer wear all black to symbolise that he was a mysterious person and also in our poster we made it look very dark and mysterious.

Audience Feedback on short film. For our film we got mixed feedback from the rest of the class, overall the class thought our film was well put put together and good.


The split screen was a good sign of editing.

The music suited the film and raised suspense.

Good filming and camera angles.


The storyline was hard to follow.

There was a second or two delay between the two split screens.

Audience Feedback on poster.Similar to the film i had both positive and negative feedback. However, i made the poster by myself. I found it challenging at first because i wasn't used to photoshop but after a couple of lesson i got the hang of it and made a pretty good poster.


The pictures i added into my poster went well with the theme of the film

The facial expressions on the characters on the poster showed the sort of character they are in the film.


The colour font i used was hard to read.

Use a different page size to make it look more like a poster.