EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful...


Transcript of EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful...

Page 1: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And
Page 2: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And

hank you for worshiping with us this morning. We extend a

special welcome to our guests and ask that you complete a blue

or yellow visitor’s card and place it in the offering plate.

or Children: We have trained nursery staff (paid nursery attendant as well as adult volunteers)

for children ages 0-3. The nursery is located on the first floor outside of the Community

Room. (Accessible by the stairs from the Church Street Entrance or via the elevator). Children

age 4 through 2nd grades are welcome to participate in Children’s Church which follows a special

Thought for the Day. Children’s Church is located in the Alcove area below the Sanctuary.

Children are also welcome to remain in the sanctuary with their parents. Children’s programs,

books, crayons and colored pencils are available in the rear of the sanctuary near the welcome


n the pew racks are folders with information about the various aspects of the service. If you

are visiting, please feel free to reach out to someone sitting near you and ask them questions

about the service. Many of our visitors ask us about the time of offering. This is a time in our

service when we respond to God’s gifts of love by offering the gifts of our lives. For many of us,

this is when we make a financial gift towards the ministries and programs of our church. We also

use this time to ask God how we might use the gifts of our hands and hearts in sharing God’s

love. If you are visiting, there is no obligation to give a financial gift. We are just glad you are

worshiping with us.

ll are invited to join us for refreshments and conversation following the service in the

Community Room located on the first floor and accessible via the stairs or the elevator.

e ask that you please silence your cell phones during our worship service. We also ask that

you refrain from applause after our choirs sing or the bell choirs play and allow the music

to resonate in the quiet of the sanctuary and in your hearts. Our musicians are playing and singing

for the glory of God. They know you appreciate their efforts and their gift.

Rest rooms (equipped with changing stations) are located on the first floor of the church building

and outside the Community Room and the Nursery.

here is much information about the church in this bulletin and our website: www.erucc.org .

Donate online by scanning this code:

or you may use our new texting donation system. Send a donation amount to

301-804-2933 . You will receive a text back within minutes with a link. Click

the secure link and provide your method of payment and a receipt will be sent

to you! Or, download the GivePlus Church application and make your donation

via the app.

Thank you.






Page 3: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And


United Church of Christ

- An Open and Affirming Congregation –

June 16, 2019 Trinity Sunday 10:30 a.m.

*All who are able may stand.

The numbered hymns are from The New Century Hymnal

Chimes Concert at 10:00 a.m. from Trinity Chapel’s steeple

Welcome and Announcements

*Passing of the Peace

*Prelude Prelude on IN BABILONE - P. D. Weber

*Call to Worship

Praise to God our Creator, source of our being and wellspring of life.

Praise to God our liberator, who sets us free and gives us hope.

Praise to God the Word, love made flesh to dwell among us.

Praise to Jesus the Christ, who feeds the hungry and shows us the Way.

Praise to God the Spirit, fiery light and rushing wind.

Praise to the Holy Spirit, who inspires, challenges, comforts, and

sustains us.

Come let us worship the Earth-maker, the Pain-bearer, and the Life-giver.

Let us worship God!

*Opening Prayer

O God our Sovereign,

how wonderful are the many ways we experience your presence!

Help us to draw near to you,

that we may receive all that you have to offer us in this time and place.

Open our ears so that we can hear wisdom’s call.

Set our hearts ablaze with your healing fire.

Nourish us with the gift of community.

Empower us to follow and to serve you,

our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Amen.

*Opening Hymn O How Glorious, Full of Wonder - No. 558

*Call to Confession

Page 4: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And

*Prayer of Confession

Gracious God, the psalmist declares

that you have given human beings dominion over the works of your hands.

All too often, though, we confuse this holy charge with having ownership.

We then treat your creation as a resource

to be used for our needs and our profit.

We find ourselves reluctant to count the cost

of our failure to be your faithful stewards

until disaster strikes.

And so we pray, show us another way, O God.

Show us another way.

Holy God, your cry for wisdom and understanding

echoes in our homes, our workplaces, our schools,

our church committee meetings, our legislatures and our courts.

We confess we don’t always want to hear that cry,

deciding instead to rely on familiar habits,

comfortable assumptions, and quick conclusions.

We ask you to show us another way, O God.

Show us another way.

Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims

peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us.

And yet there are times when

grief overwhelms us, anxiety holds us captive,

and suffering leaves us numb with despair.

We wonder how, even if you are at work in our lives,

and we long for you to show us another way, O God.

Show us another way.

*Assurance of Pardon

Friends, hear this great good news:

God continually shows us another way.

God’s mercy is as wide as the ocean.

God’s desire to forgive is as strong as the mighty wind.

So let your hearts receive the outpouring of God’s love

through the Holy Spirit.

Thought for the Day

Page 5: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Responsive Reading Based on Psalm 8

O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory high above the heavens.

When I look to the heavens, I see the work of your fingers.

In the heavens, you have established the moon and the stars.

What are human beings that you should pay attention to us?

Why would you care about us mortals?

You have made us a little lower than the angels.

You have crowned us with glory and honor.

You have given us dominion over the works of your hands.

You have put all things under our care,

All sheep and oxen…

The beasts of the field…

The birds of the air…

The fish of the sea.

All these things you have put under our care.

O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth!

The Scriptures

Romans 5:1-15 NT Page 155

John 16:12-15 NT Page 110


Mission Minute

Pastoral Prayer

Prayer Response Lord Listen to Your Children Praying - K. Medema

Lord listen to your children praying, Lord send your Spirit in this place.

Lord listen to your children praying, Send us love, send us pow’r,

send us grace.

Page 6: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And

Honoring 50 Years of Marriage – Terry and Donna Logee

Call to Offering

Sisters and brothers, the Spirit of truth is with us!

Each week we take time to acknowledge the many ways

that God continues to bless us with good gifts.

We then share what we have with joy and thanksgiving,

returning to God a portion of what God has given us.

Offering of Tithes, Gifts and Lives to Christ’s Service

Offertory You Sing Over Me - H. Sorenson

Senior Choir

*Presentation of Gifts

*Offertory Response We Give You But Your Own - No. 785

We give you but your own, whate’er the gift may be;

All that we have is yours alone, we give it gratefully.

*Prayer of Dedication (in unison)

We give thanks, O God, for all that you have given us.

Pour out your blessing on these tithes and offerings,

that they might be a source of blessing

in our church, in our community, and in our world.

Through this act of sharing,

may we counter fear with hope

and transform scarcity through generosity.

We offer this prayer

in the name of the Creator, the Christ and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

*Closing Hymn O Spirit All-Embracing tune- THAXTED

- G. Holst, arr. R. Proulx

* Benediction May God our Creator who crowns each of us with glory and honor,

Christ Jesus who bears our pain and shows us the Way,

And the Holy Spirit who gives us light and life,

Go with you and fill you with strength, courage, hope, and love.

Thanks be to God!

*Anthem Total Praise - R. Smallwood, arr. D. Rao

Senior Choir

Page 7: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And

Postlude Postlude on THAXTED - P. D. Weber

Worship Notes: Today’s liturgy: *Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver are names for the Trinity taken from an adaptation of the

Lord’s Prayer in A New Zealand Prayer Book , Anglican Church of New Zealand, 1989. Wisdom Calls: Service Prayers for

Trinity Sunday was written by the Rev. Heather A. Moody.

The flowers on the altar this morning are in loving memory of my parents, Lester and Mabel

Hall by Charlotte Hall Henderson.

The flowers in the narthex this morning are celebrating Pastor Kershner Daniel's 60th

birthday today. With love from the family.

The yellow rose bud on the stand is in honor of all those serving in the military Tom and Evie


Attendance Last Sunday: 8:30 –16; 10:30 – 107

Every Sunday at 10:30 https://sundaystreams.com/go/ERUCC

Want to listen to the sermon again? Visit our Youtube channel:


You can get to the link on our homepage at www.erucc.org

June 23

This week’s readings invite us to turn our whole selves – body, mind, and spirit – toward God,

who envelops us in grace. 1 Kings 19:1–4, (5–7), 8–15a . This week introduces the prophet

Elijah who is in conflict with the prophets of the rain god, Baal. As in the Elijah story, the

gospel reading shows God as having power over nature and human life. In Luke 8:26–39, Jesus

visits the Gentile region and meets a person overcome by demons. On the way there, Jesus has

calmed the lake storm. Now he calms this troubled one. Paul is responding to challenging

questions in Galatians 3:23–39. Paul argues that, by baptism, we are all children of God. There

is no distinction between Jew and Gentile. All are one in Christ.

The Rev. Richard Leslie will be preaching and leading worship this morning. The Senior Choir

will be singing.

Anticipating a stay in the hospital? Please call the Church Office at 301-662-2762. If you

are admitted unexpectedly, please have a family member or friend notify the office.

Hospital and Prayer List – Your pastor wants to be available when members of ERUCC are in

the hospital. Please let us know so that we can visit with you and your family and provide

support. We always ask permission before adding a name to be included in the prayer list or in

the verbal announcements on a Sunday morning. There are many for whom we pray and visit

whose names are not listed in the bulletin by their request.

Page 8: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And

Prayer List - Please remember the following people in your prayers this week: The family of

Don Roberts, Suzanne Schmidt, Peg Stahler, Susan Leathery, Pat Hevner, Roger Williams (father

of Starr Schaeberle), Mary Remsberg, Faith Kline (friend of the Schaeberle family), Susan Matesa

(friend of Dan Smith & Austin Byrd), Jennifer Barr, Kelly Hueting, Ed Crutchley (Milt’s brother),

Vida Penn, Starr Schaeberle, Wells Condo, Larry Maples, Dawn Simmons (friend of Scott Smiley),

Mabel Ellam, Linda Stacy Gross (sister of Brian Stacey), Susan Slade (mother of Arthur Slade),

Dustin Chapman (friend of Catie, Alex & Sean), Jane Doll, Betsy Fisher, Emily Perlet, Susan

McCauley (niece of Jack Stush), Bob and Carolyn Lambie, Heleen (sister of Karin Mens), Kathy Blue

Shores (friend of Jean Fish and Barb Biser), Kirstin Homborg (friend of Katherine Penick), Christopher

Furry (friend of Cindy Smith, Jenna & Cindy Duranko),Terry Smiley (uncle of Scott Smiley), Joe Jahoda

(Kim Jahoda’s dad), Gretchen Manuel (niece of Audrey Rayfield), Marcia Eisenstein (friend of Sue

Kreh), and Ann and Cal Theiss (parents of Katharine Alley).

Mary Ellen Baker Mary Remsberg Peg Stahler Susan Leathery

634 Schley Avenue 5331 Mountville Road 5649 Crabapple Drive. 104 Mercer Ct. #13-2A

Frederick, MD 21702 Adamstown, MD 21710 Frederick, MD 21703 Frederick, MD 21701

Patti Patterson Starr Schaeberle Bonnie Devilbiss

10710 Grangerford Ct. 2016 Chapel Ct. 10 W. 14th St.

New Market, MD 21774 Frederick, MD 21702 Frederick, MD 21701

Suzanne Schmidt Carol Lambie

18920 Falling Star Road 20990 Father Hurley Blvd. Apt T1-47

Germantown, MD 20874 Germantown, MD 20874

We ask you to remember all of those currently serving in the Armed Forces. Your prayers and

cards are welcomed and appreciated by those on our prayer list.

It is with sadness that we announce that Don Roberts, father of Carolyn Roberts, died

on Tuesday, June 11.

A memorial service will be held at ERUCC on June 29 with a reception following.

Expressions of sympathy can be made to:

Carolyn Roberts, 207 Rockwell Terrace, Frederick, MD 21701

Weekly Education Opportunities SUNDAY: FOR THE CHILDREN & YOUTH Christian Education classes are located in Trinity Chapel

Let’s Talk 9:30 – 10:15 a.m.

June Healthy Lives and Conversations

9:30 am in the North Classroom of the Parish House (***Exception is June 23rd. This

presentation will be in the Community Room)

June 16 Pat Hevner will talk about ERUCC’s ministry of visitation, Faithful Friends

June 23 Peter Brehm and others will speak on the topic of Mental Health and Supports in

the Frederick LBGTQ Community. Topics covered will include:

Learn about the prevalence of, and costs associated with, behavioral health

Gain insight about stigma and its impact on people seeking behavioral health service

Page 9: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And

Understand the intersection of sexual orientation, gender identity, and behavioral


Learn about practical steps to address stigma

June 30 Participants to the UCC General Synod meeting in Milwaukee will share their


Interested in Church Membership? Pastor Daniel will be holding two information sessions

about church membership on Sunday, June 30th from 4-5 and Tuesday, July 1 from 7-

9. Conversation will include information about ERUCC, the United Church of Christ, ways to

be involved in the life of the church, and expectations of church membership. Content will be

the same at both sessions so you can choose either one to attend. Contact Pastor Daniel at

[email protected] if interested or if you have any questions. The sessions will be held at the



Mark your calendar. Vacation Bible School will be August 5-10 from 9 am to

Noon in Trinity Chapel. This is for children 4 years old through 6th grade.

$30 Registration fee until end of June

$35 Registration fee until end of July


September 20-22, 2019

Back by popular demand -- Bethany Beach weekend. While we were not able to secure

Alexander Campbell Hall with its 80 beds, we do have the Stone House and Disciples House on

the property for 48 beds. If we need more beds, we can rent rooms in Campbell Hall where we

stayed last time and join another church group scheduled for that building.

Check your calendars and let me know if you are interested. All ages are welcome.

VBS Planning Meeting: There will be a meeting for those interested in helping with Vacation

Bible School on Monday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the North Conference room. Vacation Bible

School runs the week of August 5 thru 9 from 9 a.m. to Noon. Youth in sixth grade and older

may help. Questions? Contact Kim Sexton at [email protected]

Please wish a very Happy Birthday to Pastor Daniel and Mike McGreevy!

HELP WANTED June 22 Rotary Hospitality Stop 7 to 9 p.m. Need two to four people to greet visitors and direct them to the Rotary Happy Hour

stop on our back patio (rain plan is the Church Street Lobby).

We will be hosting the Rotary Club of Southern Maryland who will be providing food

from their region. A musical trio will provide entertainment.

This will be a fun evening to show off our building. If you can help for any or all of that time, please

email Amy at [email protected].

Page 10: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And

Frederick Pride 2019- June 22,2019


Pride. Frederick Pride is celebrating its 8th year in 2019! This year’s festival takes place

Saturday, June 22, 2019, once again at Carroll Creek Linear Park in beautiful, historic

Downtown Frederick.

ERUCC will have a table with information about the church. BUT the best information to share

is about the spirit of our congregation and our people. Please contact the church office

([email protected]), Pastor Daniel ([email protected]), or Tyler York ([email protected])

if you are interested in helping. We’ll need people to set up the table between 10 and

11. People to host the table from 10:30 – 6:30 and then to clean things up and get stuff back to

the church.


It's that time of year again. Time for our summer musical rehearsals! We

hope many of you children and youth will join us. Blast off on an

intergalactic adventure as we board the space shuttle Discovery and travel

through space where we will discover all the indescribable things in

creation that God has created. We will have help from various stars,

planets, and even a robot as we are led by the wise and patient Flight

Commander, Mr. Houston.

We will begin rehearsing on Sunday, June 23 from 9:30-10:15 in the

Trinity Chapel high school classroom. Rehearsals will continue through

the summer with the production in late August/early September. A

complete schedule will be shared with everyone during the first rehearsal. Participation is open

to anyone who is willing to lend a hand and we hope you will join us! These musicals help

raise money for several of the youth programs and mission trips throughout the upcoming

year. We are looking for older youth to help with important pieces of the production as well

including assisting with directing, choreography, lights, sets, sound, and costumes.

There are also parts for those who want to sing in the chorus, parts for those who want to act,

parts for those who want to dance, and parts for those who want to be involved, but not on

stage. If you have any questions, or if you are an adult and are interested in helping with this

effort, please contact Tricia Coffey ([email protected] or 301-455-8720). We look

forward to having you join us–it’s going to be great fun!!

Pictorial Directory: Those who had photos taken or emailed pictures: your pictorial directory

will be available in the Community Room on June 16 following the worship service.

Evangelism Committee:There will be an Evangelism Committee Meeting on July 1 in the

Flora Room. Time TBD

Page 11: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And


June 9 to June 16

SUNDAY – 6/16

8:30 a.m. Worship in Trinity Chapel

9:30 a.m. Education for All Ages

10:00 a.m. Chimes Concert

10:30 a.m. Morning Worship

11:30 a.m. Young Spirit

12:00 p.m. Fellowship

MONDAY – 6/17

10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting

6:30 p.m. VBS Planning Meeting

TUESDAY – 6/18

11:30 a.m. Faithful Friends

7:00 p.m. Finance Committee


1:00 p.m. Grief Group


7:00 p.m. NO CHOIR Rehearsal

FRIDAY – 6/21

SUNDAY – 6/23

8:30 a.m. Worship in Trinity Chapel

9:30 a.m. Education for All Ages

10:00 a.m. Chimes Concert

10:30 a.m. Morning Worship

11:30 a.m. Young Spirit

NC- North Classroom (Parish House Basement)

CR- Community Room LCR- Liz Coffey Room

BCL- Bell Choir Loft TC – Trinity Chapel

FCR – Flora Conf. Room

Serving you on 6/16/2019

Deacons: Keith Stickley and Matt Pomeroy

Greeters: Lee Thomas, Betsy Selby

Joyce Ann Schmid

Elder: TBD

Scripture Reader: Patti Patterson

Acolyte: TBD

Sound System: Jeff Baker & Ethan Kline

Nursery: Laura Baker

Chimers: Nancy Doll - Sat.

Tricia Coffey - Sun

Welcome Table: Patricia Condo &

Charlotte Henderson

Fellowship: Logee and Daniel Families

Serving you on 6/23/2019

Deacons: Linda Coyle and Andrew Beadle

Greeters: Pat Condo, Ave Barr, Pat Hevner

Elder: Laura Rhoderick

Scripture Reader: Richard Leslie

Acolyte: Max Zander

Sound System: Brian Hernandez

Doug White

Nursery: Beth Bowen

Chimers: Dick Williams - Sat.

Matt Hueting - Sun

Welcome Table: Jeanellen Kallevang

Betsy Selby

Fellowship: Thi Nguyen and Jennifer


Ministers - All the People of Evangelical Reformed Church

Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor ([email protected])

Rev. Fred Wenner, Pastor Emeritus ([email protected])

Kim Sexton, Associate for Children’s Ministry ([email protected])

Alison E. Shafer, Music Director● Tricia Coffey, Head Chimer & Children & Youth Choir Director

Sherry Murray, Nursery● Mike McGreevy, Facilities Mgr.

Amy Aguilar, Office Administrator ([email protected])● Lucy Adkins, Social Media Coordinator

15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701 (ph) 301-662-2762 www.erucc.org

Page 12: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHWe ask you to show us another way, O God. Show us another way. Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us. And