

Transcript of Evalutation

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Within the pages that I have created for my magazine, I have used and developed different forms and conventions of other similar magazines. I have tried to make it as realistic as possible, and in doing this I carried out research into different magazines and tried to work out what made them popular. I will now compare my own magazine with other published magazines, and describe how I have used the conventions that they have set out.

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Front PageI will now look at the conventions that are used in another front page, then compare them to my own magazine.

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There are many conventions set out by this front page that I could have used in my own magazine. Working from the top of the magazine, there is a tag line just above the title which gives the customer a greater idea of what to expect from the magazine. The title is one of the largest fonts on the page; it is immediately apparent when looking at the magazine which part of the text is the title. It is also bold and the colours used in it are used throughout the remainder of the page. There are other images of artists and smaller quotes which grab audience interest and don’t give too much away, instead ‘teasing’ them with what else is included within the magazine. The main image takes up the whole of the page, with eye contact held to engage the reader.

The quote is interesting and holds audience interest, as well as the band name being another of the largest fonts on the page so that the audience know exactly who the main feature is about. The barcode, price, date and website are standard conventions of magazines, so that the audience are aware of when it was issued and how much it is, and so that they know where to look to find such information. There is also the chance to ‘win’ various items, this is another method that engages the audience and allows them to feel involved.

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Main Conventions

‘Tag line’ above title, captures interest

Magazine name, largest font on page

Main feature image with opportunity for eye contact

‘shocking’ quote, designed to intrigue the audience

Feature band name; large font gives connotations of importance

Smaller images and quote show the audience what else is included and raises their interest

Opportunity to win involves the audience and makes them feel part of the magazine and appreciates as readersBarcode, price, date and website; audience know exactly where to find important information

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When comparing my front page to the other magazine that I have analysed, I feel that I have used the conventions effectively. With regard to the main image, I have ensured that eye contact is maintained in order to engage the reader; also ensuring that the image is professional and appropriate, for example by ensuring that there is no red-eye or anything covering the eyes. The text relating to this feature image was clear and large and stood out from the rest of the page. I used the adjective ‘exclusive’ to reinforce the point that this wouldn’t be seen in any other magazine, making the audience more inclined to purchase it. I made sure that the barcode, price and date were situated close together so that the audience knew where to find information. I also used a ‘tag line’ above the title (concert special) to remind the audience exactly what they would be getting by purchasing the magazine.

The title itself is the largest font on the page; it is bold and stands out from the remainder of the magazine. I included another quote from other band featured within the magazine, which I felt captured interest and made the customer want to find out more about what was said in the interview. Finally, I followed conventions in including other smaller images and including other features within the magazine to prove to readers that there is a lot of material within the magazine which may encourage more to purchase.

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Main Conventions

‘Tag line’ above title, captures interest

Magazine name, largest font on page

Main feature image with opportunity for eye contact

‘shocking’ quote, designed to intrigue the audience

Feature band name information; clear font and captures attention

Smaller images and information show the audience what else is included and raises their interest

Barcode, price, date and website; audience know exactly where to find important information

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Final comparison

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The top of the page includes the main magazine logo, with the ‘contents’ title next to it. It also includes the date and the magazine website. There are many different titles, with page numbers next to them and a short description of what can be found underneath each one. There are also a few main titles, which allow the audience to find a specific page quickly depending on which section it would be under. There is a main image on the right, with a brief description and a page number, and a review section at the bottom. It has a separate box and a main image which immediately attracts the audiences attention, and a further list of the other reviews that are included.

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Main Conventions

Magazine title and ‘contents’ title so the audience know the exact nature of the page

Date, issue number and web address

Main feature image with short description and page number

List of features with page number and short description‘Special’ captures interest and attention

List of features that occur every month; allow the audience to find specific pages quickly if it is a regular feature

‘Review’ section; again allows the audience to find exactly what they are looking for. Use of main image attract attention and highlights the main review within the magazine

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Following on the conventions from the previous contents page, I also included the magazine name at the top left hand side of the page. I added the ‘contents’ title and the date, as well as the page titles and their relevant numbers and descriptions. I also had a main ‘features’ section and an ‘every week’ one; with the review box at the bottom of the page, and a main picture within this. I included a main image of the feature artists with their name and the relevant page number next to it.

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Magazine title and ‘contents’ title so the audience know the exact nature of the page


Main feature image with title and page number

List of features with page number and short description

‘Special’ captures interest and attention

List of features that occur every week; allow the audience to find specific pages quickly if it is a regular feature

‘Review’ section; again allows the audience to find exactly what they are looking for. Use of main image attract attention and highlights the main review within the magazine

Main Conventions

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Final comparison

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Double Page Spread

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The quote at the top of the page which also includes the name of the band is very effective, as the band name is also shown in a different colour which makes it stand out. The quote engages the audience and gives some idea as to the tone of the remainder of the article.

Below this, there is a short introductory sentence, again where the band name, this time the full version rather than the abbreviation , is shown in bold unlike the rest of the sentence. There is a main image and a few smaller ones below it, where there is no eye contact and the band is seen as more separate from the audience; they seem more difficult to relate to. The text follows conventions in that the first letter of the prose is enlarged and in a different colour, and the short review section is a popular feature with double page spreads and is following conventions. Finally, the page number is an important convention as it gives the audience valuable information, and the ‘news’ section at the top of the page gives information as to the website of the magazine and where readers can find other similar information.

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Main Conventions

Quote, also includes band name

Review section

Introductory sentence

Main Prose

Smaller imagesMain image


Page number

News and website give information about where to find similar stories

‘exclusive’ and use of stars make the article seem original and important; connotations of being a one-off experience

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In comparing my double page spread with the previous one, I have used many of the conventions. The name of the band is in a large font and a different colour, making it stand out, and the introductory sentence is also in a different colour. I have included a quote to draw the audience in, and have used a main image where the artists give full eye contact, and below this have used several smaller images to give a greater impression of their personality; it allows the audience to relate more to them.

This is challenging conventions from the previous magazine which I analysed; it seemed to me that they were trying to make their artists separate from the audience. I have included a page number, following conventions, and the first letter of the main prose is enlarged and in a different colour to make it stand out. I have also incorporated the idea of the ‘news’ section at the top of the page, as well as the ‘exclusive’ banner next to it, which gives further connotations of originality and not being seen anywhere else.

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Introductory sentence

Main Prose

Smaller images

Main image

Page number

News and website give information about where to find similar stories

‘exclusive’ and use of stars make the article seem original and important; connotations of being a one-off experience

Band name

Main Conventions

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Final comparison