Evaluation questions 2,5 &7


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Transcript of Evaluation questions 2,5 &7

Page 1: Evaluation questions 2,5 &7

How did you attract address your audience?

According to my questionnaire results and in dept interviews my target audience really wanted

something unusual with attention-grabbing moments and an out of the ordinary storyline well my

group and I attempted to create just that. The use of a young girl doing menacing and evil things

really interest the audience the fact that the other sister seems ordinary makes the audience want

to understand the whole back story which results in them watching the whole film, reaching that

climax and then the conclusion.

My audience will find the protagonist in this opening exciting, and the way we used the codes and

conventions of the thriller genre. Such as the stairs, quick cuts, different camera angles, the use of

black and white and the tension building soundtrack.

My generation are very technology orientated and when watching movies today really do appreciate

special effects and in fact look out for them. We only had final cut pro to achieve this and i think we

did a very good job. We used natural lighting to help produce shadows and special effects on final

cut pro and the use of camera work to help us make the little girl disappear then appear again which

helped create the jumpy, unforeseen moments.

We used elliptical editing to help with the manipulation of time to keep the audience engaged as we

only had two minute s but even they would have been inpatient as with thrillers it really is about

getting to the thrills and terrifying moments.

The main actress the woman adopting the young girl is very young looking wearing a fashionable

jacket she looks very ordinary. Miss en scene is very important the clothes which she is wearing

appeals to the audience as that’s what is currently in fashion and they will probably be aware of this.

Overall my audience was looking for a twist which I believed my group and I delivered. Another

essential element of our thriller opening was that we filmed allot of the unforeseen moments in the

house which the audience like to see as that’s were they would feel their most safe so putting

filming the most thrilling elements in the house was a sensible decision.

Page 2: Evaluation questions 2,5 &7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you

have learnt in progression from it to your full product?

The editing process for the preliminary task was so much easier, there were less mistakes and

retakes which made the editing process so simple, it was even unnecessary for us to go through

logging and capture the footage in parts so when it came to editing our final piece we were quite

surprised at how much work was going to go into this. However the practice in the editing suite

really did do us justice.


When we were given our preliminary exercise task we never anticipated the amount of organisation

and planning that goes into it producing the final piece. After producing our preliminary exercise I

found out how essential planning using storyboards, a lot of research on location actors, etc and

script work was going to be, all of this was truly significant and the p exercise really helped us

discover this.

Continuity editing

After conducting the pre exercise I found that location was also one of the most important factors

(Miss en scene) after conducting my questionnaires and in depth interviews with the prior

knowledge from the p exercise I found that most of the best shots would come from an in closed

location such as a house. As when I shot my p exercise we did it in a class room. I noticed that you

could get a lot of different camera angles and unusual shots in the smallest environments

When shooting our Preliminary exercise we were slightly disorganised and didn’t plan what our

actors and actresses were wearing. One of our characters were representing a teacher and instead

of wearing formal clothes was wearing what seemed to be a baseball hoodie similar to the student

he was acting with. We noticed the costume was essential at the point as the audience would need

to distinguish each character and the status. Although in the end we only used three females’ one

adult two children we made sure they were all dressed suitable for their roles For example the ‘evil’

girl may have been wearing a black jacket throughout but she was also wearing bright coloured

tights to connotate her age.

Practice makes perfect and without the help of the preliminary task we would not follow certain

filming rules and techniques such as the 180 degree rule.

The 180 degree is a significant rule to help the audience avoid. When 2 subjects are situated

opposite each other for example two people in a meeting the 180 degree rule states that the camera

should stay one side of an imaginary line like in the diagram below

Page 3: Evaluation questions 2,5 &7

The main thing my whole group agreed on was that

we were not going to use dialogue or, this decision

came when we were editing our preliminary

exercise, I was one of the actors the preliminary

exercise and found it hard to memorise the script

put on the voice of the ‘rowdy’ character that I was

playing. This even with professional actors would

have been an issue that we just wouldn’t be able to

solve in the limited times we had so we knew that we were going to rely on voice over’s or


How does your opening represent particular social groups?

In our thriller opening we have three main actresses throughout, two of them being only 7 and 8

years of age. This was really the main social representation; they represented children and

presented childlike behaviours throughout. We also had the representation of females, showing

women as needy and in need of a child going to extremities such as adoption.

We had childlike behaviour represented right from the start, in our fourth shot we see Joanna and

Lucy playing and hugging which also relates to how sisters would be stereotyped as playful and


Once again using miss en scene we showed Eleanor the women adopting the young girl with some

status through her clothing, the fact that she is able to adopt a child shows that she must be well off.

We put a blue jacket on her that had sharp corners which was very army like showing her as young

however strong and dominate.

There’s no men shown in our opening which is very unusual as mostly they are the antagonist or

protagonist and tend to be the dominate character in the whole thriller however part of the twist in

our opening was that it was the females dominating with the antagonist being the little girl so we

subverted almost all the typical roles to create something a little more interesting.