Evaluation question 7

Evaluation Question 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Transcript of Evaluation question 7

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the

progression from it to full product?

How good do you think your preliminary task was?

After completing my preliminary task, I was pleased with the outcome. I didn’t think it looked too amateur, although I noticed a significant number of things that could be improved. For example, the layout and placement of images and text could have been better placed to make it a better standard. I used this information during production of my music magazine to produce a more professional piece of work.

Had you used the software before this task or was this the first time? How easy or difficult was it to use?

The preliminary task was my first experience of using both PhotoShop and InDesign. I got the hang of PhotoShop pretty easily and found the tools easy to use.InDesign took a little longer to get to grips with and at first I found it quite difficult. The page seemed crowded with lines and grids but when I understood why they were there and how to use them it became easy to use.

When you started your main task what did you realise about market and audience research that you didn’t perhaps focus on

as much for your student magazine?

I realised the huge depth of a market. There are so many factors to take into consideration when choosing your market for a music magazine compared to a student magazine. In the preliminary task the audience was pretty much everyone in college, but given the huge variety of music there is today, the audience for this magazine was much bigger and a lot more research had to go into targeting it correctly.

How did you use your semiotic knowledge and awareness of codes and conventions to produce work

which looked professional?

By looking at other music magazines, I became aware of certain conventions that were used and I used them in my magazine. This gave my magazine a more professional look. My semiotic knowledge allowed me to effectively use things such as taglines to attract my readers and get them interested. Anchoring them to images on my title page is an example of where I used this.

How did you make use of time effectively?

To use my time effectively, I spread the tasks I had to complete over different times. For example, in lessons I focused on piecing the final product together and taking my pictures. In my own time, I edited the Images on PhotoShop and completed my market research and audience research.

Looking at your page designs, explain and pick out examples as to how your skills and design and photography skills have

improved or altered by answering these questions:

How did you improve your photography skills?

I learned how to use lighting much more effectively to give better effects and create a more professional looking picture.

Preliminary Task Main Task

How did your Photoshop and In Design skills improve?

It was the first time I had used these two programs. At the start of the course I wasn’t very confident but as it progressed I started to find it easier to use. InDesign was especially hard to figure out at the start but once I learned how to use it properly I felt it was a really important tool. I can now create a page with columns which makes it easier to set out and this makes it look more professional. Also, I can edit images using Photoshop to make them look more professional. For example, I can remove things such as tattoos from people and can change things such as brightness and saturation to create a different feel to the image.

This is an example of how I used Photoshop to make the picture look more professional and ready for my magazine.

How did you develop skills to produce the article?

In my article, I used a direct tone with my readers and wasn’t formal. I thought this would give a sense of laid back and fun, which according to my audience feedback worked. Also, I thought it would become part of the house style and be something my readers could become familiar with. Another thing I did was use separate Images of band members to make the readers feel closer to them, as if they know them more now.

How much more important was house style for your final piece?

House style was a much more important part of my music magazine as it was targeting a more specific audience rather than the college magazine that was aimed at a more general audience. I used colours that my audience said they would like and kept repeating them throughout the magazine, these were predominantly red and black. I also used the same fonts throughout to strengthen the house style. The house style had to attract my audience and give them a sense of familiarity in order to keep them interested in my magazine.

How much more professional does your main product look and why is this the case?

My music magazine looks far more professional than my student magazine for a number for reasons. The first is the general look about my magazine. There is more things on the front cover which is common on music magazines and the photography is of a much higher standard. Also, I have stuck to a few fonts and only used the same colours throughout the magazine to give a house style which, in my opinion, makes it look professional.