Evaluation question 4

Evaluation question 4 What would be the audience for your media product?

Transcript of Evaluation question 4

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Evaluation question 4What would be the audience for your media product?

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Within almost all media productions there is an audience that is specifically targeted. As a consumer of thriller films myself, I can say that the way in which audiences may be targeted is mainly through BBFC ratings and advertising which includes the trailer that ultimately proposes the question to the viewer on whether the film is one that they will enjoy.

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When deciding on a target audience, a lot of research has to be carried out to find out what would be a suitable target market. With my production I have chosen that the target audience would be from around 15-50 years in general. This is because firstly the BBFC rating is a 15 so the film would not be suitable for anyone under the age of 5 and secondly because people who are over the age of 50 tend to have different film interests although some may be interested in the particular genre. The film contains violence as well as inappropriate language so I believe the rating and target audience I have chosen is suitable.

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When deciding a target audience for a film, audience grading is another aspect that has to be considered. The grading goes from A to E, A being upper class and E being the unemployed,  casual and lowest grade workers. I would like to think that all grades of the chart could be interested in the film however the upper class may prefer a more mellow film with not so much violence however this is just a speculation as people have different interests no matter what their social class is. Realistically I would think my production would aim form grade B to E with parts of grade A being also interested as there are parts in the film that may not be that familiar with the upper class but consequently it is the initial reception of a film that draws in audiences from different backgrounds.

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There are many different types of audiences in modern society and no one can judge whether someone else will like or dislike a certain film because it all comes down to interest and opinion. As my film reflects certain parts of modern society in a suburban district of London, people who have limited knowledge of that aspect may not be drawn in by the films story line however these people may like to watch productions that are different to their life in particular, films that explore different cultures and societies.

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To conclude, I personally feel that the film I have directed and produced had a great touch of tension which is truly exhilarating when reaching the climax of the story. The film may appeal to different audiences influenced by age and class as they could empathise or relate to certain parts in the plot but I believe that there is something that all audiences will find enjoyable in my film as thriller films have shown to be very popular and well received my the majority of audiences