Evaluation question 4.

How did you use media How did you use media technologies in the technologies in the construction and construction and research, planning research, planning stages? stages? Rachael Rachael Allen Allen



Transcript of Evaluation question 4.

Page 1: Evaluation question 4.

How did you use media How did you use media technologies in the construction technologies in the construction and research, planning stages?and research, planning stages?

Rachael AllenRachael Allen

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Using WordPress.com – Categories & Using WordPress.com – Categories & Research/PlanningResearch/Planning

Before I began any of my research and planning, construction work and evaluation I firstly sectioned my work into individual categories , by doing so it meant that when people were viewing my work they could easily access a particular section of work they wanted without the hassle of going through each individual page of blog posts. The categories toolbar is on the right-hand side of my page which also makes the sections of work easier to access as there is no confusion as to where to find my categories. Similarly, by the category listings being on the homepage of my blog it means that even when someone is viewing my work, if they click on the wrong category the toolbar will still remain on the right hand side of the page, so that a change can easily be made without any confusion. An image opposite is a print screen of the categories I have used on my blog. With one click of a button the work can be accessed.

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Continued….Continued….By using the category toolbar, it allowed me to easily access work that I had done a while back,

without the inconvenience of flicking back and forth through pages of blog posts. This was in particular extremely beneficial during both the research and planning, and construction stage, as it was particularly useful when wanting to remember why I had chosen to do a piece of my work in a certain way. For example, when assembling my shots for my trailer, by being able to access my planning stages easily allowed me to remember my plan, and therefore easily interpret it into my work. If I had not of been able to look at my work with such ease I feel that my work wouldn’t be well connected, and have no structure or plan to it, because I wouldn’t of been able to refer back to research or plans, and therefore would have just improvised.

By using WordPress.com, I was able to insert individual posts, and I also had the flexibility to decide what was inserted in each post, as well as how and when. Typically, a post would be updated according to the date and time, however WordPress.com allows for date adjustments to be made. This came particularly beneficial to me, as if I felt as though I had missed a crucial piece of work out in either my research and planning or construction stage, I could easily insert it into the right date so that my work was able to synchronise in a chronological way. For example, if I had missed out an editing adjustment update on my blog, I was able to upload a new post into the correct date, so that a gap in my work was no longer present.

The individual posts, made my work very clear and concise for the viewer and myself, as it allowed my progression to be clearly identified, as well as allow for a documentation of my decisions to do certain things, and how I have done so.

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Using the internet for research - TrailersUsing the internet for research - Trailers

When firstly researching into different trailers, I initially began my research on ‘Youtube’, and began watching several different trailers. After watching various amounts of trailers, from all types of genres I began to notice the different conventions that different trailers obtained, and how particular elements of the trailers were portrayed to its target audience.

As part of my research and planning aspect of my coursework, I used these trailers and analysed them; my analysis included the different editing techniques, sounds and transititions used within these trailers, as well as the representation of the characters and scenery. For example, I noticed that horror’s tended to have many more quicker and snappier cuts compared to romance films which were a lot slower in pace. Coinciding with this, after watching trailers on Youtube I noticed that it was limited in the amount of teaser trailers, as it primarily only had the full length trailers which meant that I used another site called ‘Trailer Spy’; this site provided a much wider variety of teaser trailers from all different types of genres. Listed opposite are also some other WebPages I used to view trailers.

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Continued…Continued…Once I had decided which genre I wanted to focus on for my teaser trailer, I

decided to continue research into the typical conventions, and decided to research through the internet of the different types of horror, and how their conventions vary accordingly. For example, I noticed that psychological horrors differed from sociological horrors. Because of this research, it allowed me to acknowledge what type of horror I wanted to focus on, and then allowed me to focus my research into that specific genre type.

The internet also allowed me to easily access trailers, and watch them as I would normally on the television or cinema; because of this it made it very easy for my to analysis. Through the majority of my search engines, I was able to reply the trailer and pause it at any moment, because of this it meant that I could break the trailer down into sections and really go into detail for the analysis.

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Using the internet for research – Posters and Using the internet for research – Posters and magazine coversmagazine covers

During my research into magazine covers, I primarily noticed that google was a predominant site to find examples. The majority of examples I found were either through google images, or by typing in the name of the magazine into google, which then took me to the magazine’s home page. I also looked on previous students blogs to find examples that they had used as well.

Google, is a very popular search engine, and in extremely fast, which meant that I was able to access examples without any hassle. Google, also provided thousands of different covers, from different magazines and genres; this meant I had plenty of opportunity to use and view different examples.

I noticed that the two main magazine covers featured within this search engine were ‘Empire’ and ‘Total film’; both of which very popular and in high demand by a wide range of film audiences.

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Continued…Continued…Finding posters through google was slightly more challenging,

as due to the search toolbar picking up every word and finding something suitable for it, meant that although what I actually required was there, very limited examples were present. For example, when I first started research and wanted the poster for the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ film, I found that totally irrelevant images like girls called ‘Alice’ popped up within the search. I also found that google picked up film posters from all over the world; I found this most beneficial when analysising my specific genre, as it allowed me to recognise how different countries representation their films to their audience. (This in particular Japanese films).

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The internet also stores images from years gone by, this was most useful to me as it allowed me to recognise how film posters, trailers and magazine covers had changed, according to society and the needs of the audience.

Coinciding with this, remakes of films also provided me with an indication of how a slight change in appearance is also adhered to in regards to the films poster and trailers. I feel if I used a different search engine I wouldn’t of been able to have had such a wide variety. Examples are shown below:

The internet also allowed me access different genres and styles which meant I was also able to understand the typical conventions for each genre, and how they varied according to this. Similarly, with target audience differences, it also demonstrated to me how according to the audience the representation and appearance of the poster, cover and trailer would change, and how these changes took place and what they implies or supported.

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In regards to my blog work, I used my blog to create various different polls. These polls allowed me to recognize what aspects of horror films that my target audience liked more, and elements that they did not. I also used polls during my magazine and film poster construction stages, as I used them as a method for accessing people’s opinions and thoughts.

Nevertheless, polls can have their benefits as they can provide direct feedback, but in a sense do not allow people to truly express their opinions as the options are very closed and concise meaning that they do not provide the person opportunity to explain their thought. A few of my polls included comments from other students whereby they provided their opinions; this helped me considerably in my decision processes. I have found that other students have only started leaving my comments on my blog this year, and I feel by them doing so has really helped my construction stages and broadened my ideas. One student in particular left several comments on my blog, and I found their opinions were very useful as he was also doing a horror trailer, and I felt that his ideas really helped to improve mine. After completing a few polls, I found that I didn’t actually receive that much feedback, as although it was easily accessible, many people didn’t actually do them, which meant I often only got a few results; not enough for sufficient feedback.

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Using WordPress.com – Construction StagesUsing WordPress.com – Construction StagesThe use of my blog allowed me to embed YouTube

video’s which meant that as my trailer progressed and changed I could upload these differences for the viewer to see; coinciding with this, the posts where the video would be embedded meant that any changes could be explained by a following typed analysis underneath, this allowed my changes to be broken down into detail while the viewer could be watching. Another benefit of the blog was that comments could be added to each post, and by having this feature allowed for other students or viewers opinions to be expressed towards my pieces of work.

Similarly, I could also insert images and print screened images of my work into blog posts, this again likewise with my video uploads allows the viewer to see what tools I had used within my poster and magazine cover. For example, print screening my work in PhotoShop allows the viewer to recognize how I had done a certain technique.

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The blog also allowed for web links to be inserted, this is particularly beneficial to both my self and the viewer, as if I had forgotten where I had accessed the information I could simply click on the link and it would take me straight to it; this is similar for the viewer as it allowed them to know where I had gained my information from (what source).

As well as blog enabling PowerPoint presentation uploads to be inserted into posts; I used Slide Share as a method for doing so. SlideShare alongside WordPress.com is also another source of the internet that I regularly used during all stages of my coursework.

The PowerPoint presentations allowed the viewer to flick through each individual page meaning that it could be viewed as an actual presentation. I especially liked using PowerPoint presentations, as they are a relatively simply method for storing information, and allowed it to be presented in a fun and exciting way. I feel by breaking the mould of essay type formats makes the viewer more interested in what they are reading, and helps to maintain their engagement.

A drawback of using WordPress.com is that due to the individual posts, any work that is updated in a sense must clearly introduced and titled in order for the reader to notice and make sense of it. This is because, without a title or clear indication that this is a separate piece of work, the viewer may assume it links to prior posts, and become confused as the post may have no relevance to other pieces of work.

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When firstly planning my trailer, I had already decided upon what actors I wanted, so I therefore took some portrait photographs of them individually. To gain a basic idea of what costumes and props I wanted to use, I then took some character shots of my actors, I feel that this helped me to understand how my characters were going to be portrayed and gave me a basic feeling of how the trailer would appear and be represented.

During the beginning stages of this project I was just jotting some ideas for my trailer, and to help my ideas to develop I decided to take some action shots of my characters; these shots where taken at different angles and techniques. The shots allowed me to acknowledge what techniques worked best and those that did not work so well in terms of my horror trailer. For example, I tried to take some scary shots which could be easily implemented within my teaser trailer; an example of this is the over the shoulder shots of my possessed character.

Coinciding with this, I took some location shots for my trailer, and included the characters within some of the locations so that again I could have a feel for what locations worked and those that did not. It also allowed me time to make adjustments to rooms before actually beginning my filming, for example I used one of the girls bedrooms, and by taking an action shot prior gave me time to tidy away any unnecessary clutter or aspects of the room that where not required in the shot.

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Camera and editing skillsCamera and editing skills

When I firstly began filming, I had very little experience of using the camera which meant that I have very little idea of how to use it properly, and because of this when I was doing some of shots I found that on several occasions I was either cutting something vital out of the frame, or catching the tripod in the shot as well.

To start with I found the filming very patience testing, and often got frustrated with it, as I found that shots I had planned to do didn’t work out as well as planned, or didn’t look as good as initially thought. However, after several attempts, my technique began to improve, and by taking onboard ideas from other students and teachers, my method of filming began to improve. I found that as my ideas for my trailer began to take real form, my camera techniques also improved as I found myself having more of a basis to work from and found that because of this I was able to establish a certain representation through my camera work because of my ideas.

For example, because I knew what I wanted my characters to do, I was then able to portray their actions through the best possible shot to accompany it.

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In regards to the editing stages of my trailer, to begin with I found myself constantly just inserting different techniques and transitions to see what they would actually look like, as I didn’t really have an idea as to what they would make my trailer appear like or do to my trailer. As premier elements were a relatively new programme to me, I found adjusting to how it worked was very difficult. Once I had gotten used to the different tools and techniques within the programme, I found that my editing skills began to improve, and I was able to experiment with different techniques much more freely because I was now aware of what they would do to my trailer.

One of the most challenging aspects of the editing stages of my trailer was when inserting the time frames into the sequence; this is because in order for there to be an efficient amount in the sequence to have an effect the sequence had to be zoomed in. By zooming in it made the sequences appear a lot longer; this allowed for more time frames to be added, but also meant that it took an extremely long time. This was the most boring aspect of editing my trailer, as I found that even when all the time frames had been inserted; it still required you to check that they were all in time, and of the right effect to fit the trailer. This technique took up a very large amount of my editing process.

I particularly liked changing the levels, and colour balances of the sequences as I liked to experiment with the different effects and how according to the change it could adapt the whole representation of the shot; this technique was still quite fiddly, as it required you to keep the colour scheme consistent throughout the whole sequence, and to do so I had to remember the number of each colour change. If I did not do so one shot would be have been really bright and another would have been really dark.

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Photography and PhotoshopPhotography and PhotoshopWhen taking the still images for both my magazine cover and film

poster, I ensured that I took a series of shots so that I accessed the best shot possible; I also did this because, it allowed me to experiment with different shots and techniques, which ultimately meant that alongside the quality of the image, the technique was also has best as possible. For example, I experimented with different lighting and angles, until I was satisfied with the image.

I used Photoshop for both of my construction pieces (magazine cover and film poster) and I used many tools and techniques within the programme to obtain my desired effects. I initially airbrushed both of the images so that any features of the image I did not want could be erased. For example, in the magazine cover I airbrushed the girl’s faces, and in particular airbrushed one of the girls make up as I found that it wasn’t very well done and was smudged slightly across her face. I felt that by airbrushing the images they would appear much more professional and crisp, like an actually image of either a poster or magazine cover would.

To airbrush I required a very steady hand, and to begin with I wasn’t very good at carrying out the technique; this is because initially I didn’t realize that the opacity of the tool could be changed, and because of this lack of knowledge I found that when the opacity was 100% it made the image appear very fake, and any of the airbrushed areas looked as though they had literally been coloured in, and appeared very circular. Once, I realized what the problem was, my skill improved, and I obtained my desired effect in both of the images, I feel by the end of my airbrushing needs this skill was mastered!!

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Continued…Continued…An example of where I have dramatically used the airbrush tool

was in my film poster image, as around the characters eyes, I have drastically added black and different shades of black so that her eyes looked more abnormal.

Using Photoshop really helped to improve the quality of my work, and provide me with features and appearances otherwise not possible. I have an image editing programme at home called Picasa, however I feel that Photoshop is much more specific and allows much more variety and variation with what you can do. Picasa often exaggerates the colours of images, and makes them appear very orangey/yellow; this makes them appear very tacky and of a poor quality. As my desired effect for my character was green, I was unable to obtain this by using Picasa, and I feel that Photoshop really helped me access it.

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Using PowerpointUsing PowerpointIn several pieces of my work I

have decided to evaluate my research and construction stages in a PowerPoint presentation as I felt a page full of essay analysis was tedious, and wouldn’t excite the reader.

Such presentations allowed the work to be broken up into sections, according to my preference; because of this it allows shorter and sharper information to be provided, as well as bullet points which allow for concision.