Evaluation pro forma

Film4 Advert Evaluation Robbie Hickman

Transcript of Evaluation pro forma

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Film4 Advert Evaluation

Robbie Hickman

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What worked well There are many features of my finished production that I enjoy, particularly the structure of it. My finished production is a 19 second-long advert, so it

is within the specified timescale (10-20 seconds), one aspect of the brief. The advert is not only related to a specific film genre: action, but it is also aiming to promote action by reminding its audience that it is indeed the best genre, and pleasuring them with strong contemporary images of famous action characters and an adrenaline evoking soundtrack. The images of action characters gratify the audience as they are easily recognizable and do well to promote the genre because they are using weapons which tie to action. Sound effects of guns firing as well as explosions also match with the images. The thesis is another feature which I enjoy because there aren’t many adverts with that sort of thing featured in them nowadays. The thesis is that parents should keep an eye on their children as they are growing up, as they can easily end up seeing scary things on TV which they can’t un-watch, especially at a young age. Despite the fact that this aspect of seeing scary things is explored in the first few seconds in the advert, it is by no means unsuitable for younger audiences. The advert should be appropriate for a pre-watershed broadcast. I also enjoy this soundtrack because it is nerve wracking and adrenaline evoking; this gratifies the audience as it ties to the action genre.

One specific part that works really well is the text that appears: ‘You never know what your children are exposed to on TV, so why not expose them to

Action Season?’ The reason for this is because it separates the two different sequences featured in the advert (the living room sequence and the scenes of action). In fact, it is vital for ensuring the audience doesn’t get confused in any way, as well as informing the viewers what they are about to see. It also works well to interest the audience as it evokes adrenaline; this is something many action films are famous for doing. The manner of the text also ties to the action genre as parents would see it as a mission to be completed. It was proved in the audience feedback that the quote is something people are not used to seeing on action trailers. The text works well from an aesthetic perspective; it interprets real human experiences and communicates them with the audience. It also works well from a technological perspective as it critically considers the issues surrounding technology these days. The text does well to advertise the action genre solely because the genre is addressed and because of the adrenaline-evoking theme. The track ‘Till I Collapse’ by Eminem also starts playing at 05:00 during the text sequence to change the dark and potentially unsettling mood created by the previous living room scene.

Another aspect that worked well was the production. All images were taken within college and all depicted scenes which were related to the action genre. The main thing that worked well throughout production was the way in which all requirements of the brief were fulfilled, including timescale, the Film 4 Logo, and the way the animation is suitable for the watershed. Specific examples including action, narrative, soundtrack, sound effects, and screenshots have been referenced above. Time codes below.

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Areas for improvement There are many aspects that can be improved. The sound effects, including gun shots and explosions, are from

Findsounds.com, which means they are likely to be old and overused. This aspect can be improved by grabbing different versions of these sounds from movie clips of action films or even video game trailers. I could replace the track ‘Till I Collapse’ with another better-sounding piece of music which could go well with the action sequence and appeal to the audience more as not everyone listens to the rap genre. I could also improve the way the images were taken as they appear clumsily positioned in different ways throughout the advert. To do this, I would need to frame the shots with more focus as lots of production space was showing and needed to be cropped. This was needed to keep the images central to the frame. I could even have taken more shots to give myself more work and make the animation look more aesthetically pleasing. To make the animation adhere to the regulations of the brief even further and make it look more technologically pleasing, I could have used special effects which would have gone with the sequences and help viewers connect even further with the genre.

If I had more time during the production, I could have made the advert better by grabbing certain types of

animation, e.g. an explosion which could have been placed in the car sequence before the part where the Ferrari was shown flipping (00:15), bright points of light to go with shotgun sounds and images of actors with firearms (00:10), static animation for the TV (00:01), and so on. There are some things in the timeframe of my production that I think could have gone better, but unfortunately they were unachievable. Examples include: the images which couldn’t have been animated due to the fact that they are from Google and couldn’t be moved only edited, special effects like explosions which I didn’t have time to find, etc. Unfortunately, I had to make due with what I had. But if I had a chance to improve, I would edit the advert to run smoother and better quality images along with special effects to make it more aesthetically pleasing and therefore, an all the more adrenaline evoking experience for the viewers. I do feel as if the animation would have run smoother if I was more careful with framing the shots because some production space was still showing even though the images were cropped. However, I felt this was unachievable because if I’d framed the shots so they’d fit into the frame without showing any production space whatsoever, I might have lost some of the people and objects featured in the sequences. The sequences could have been lengthened but this might mean the animation would fail to adhere to the brief as it would surpass the limit of 20 seconds. But these aspects would have made the animation look more technologically advanced, as pieces of animation from different programs would have made it look better with animated explosions and points of light and appealing to the audience as it identified the characteristics of the action genre even further, and may have also improved the effectiveness of the narrative: family and action films.

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Stop Motion Evaluation

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Adherence to BriefMy advert matches the specific requirements of the brief as it:• lasts 19 seconds (the time limit was 20 seconds). • is based on one specific genre (action) with slight references to horror. • was made using one animation technique (cut-outs). • features the Film4 logo at the end for a few seconds. • is suitable for a pre-watershed broadcast (before 9 am).

• The content of my advert appeals to the target audience, which is mainly adults and teenagers, particularly males, in a number of ways. First of all, the genre is action, and there isn’t any strong bloody violence whatsoever, so it should be suitable for all. Second, cut-outs of famous actors (such as Bruce Willis) who play in action films, are likely to intrigue fans of that type of actor, and thirdly, parents are likely to find that the advert appeals to them, especially as they watch the living room sequence and the text sequence, which both equally inform them to watch over their children. The shots of action characters match with the brief because they clearly identify a certain genre, and the shots of guns being fired, doors being kicked down, and a battle also do well to fulfil the brief. The sequence of a short car chase also ties to one specific genre. The way the shots were framed could also be based on a requirement of the brief to use a specific animation technique, because it was cut-out images on a background that were moved around in different frames to give some illusion of movement. Other viewers will find the advert is hard to stop watching as it uses all the cliché moments that appear in action films. If the audience were kept in sync with the entire video, then they would have found it aesthetically pleasing throughout, and the positive feedback from this particular area supports this statement. The needs of the client are also fulfilled because that area stated how I had followed all requirements of the brief and the only improvements involve taking more shots and making the animation more technologically appealing. Unfortunately, the shots of action characters and sequences do not make the animation look technologically pleasing even though all requirements of the brief are followed.

• The content of the advert matches with the brief as it follows the specific requirements of it e.g. the product lasts 10-20 seconds, features the Film4 Logo at the end etc. It is also suitable for a pre-watershed broadcast and was made using one animation technique. However, the Film 4 Logo could have been shown for a longer period of time, as it only made a brief appearance and the brief required that it lasted longer than one second.

• There are many undertones with the advert. The narrative, soundtrack, and action sequences fit together to create an experience for the audience. The soundtrack, for example, is famous for its own role in action films or in video game trailers, and the same unique feeling generated by hearing that song in those other places will be felt in this advert. The characters are famous actors who play in action films themselves, so this is another aspect that generates feelings within the audience. The colours also connote different feelings to the audience. For example, the colour black (which is the background of the text) refers to elegance, formality, and mystery, and these in turn are associated with the manner of the text ‘You never know what your children are exposed to on TV, so why not expose them to action season?’ which features a black background (00:06).The dark red colour of the Ferrari spinning through the air (00:15) could be associated with red traffic lights which the driver may have likely remained heedless of. The colour orange (the walls of the living room at 00:03) combine the negative feelings of red and the positive feelings of yellow, which communicate the occurrences in family life to the audience.

• The various conventions of action fulfil the brief as they clearly identify the action genre. The brief stated that a specific genre should be advertised and promoted, and I followed this specific requirement more than expected as I encouraged the viewers that the genre is among the best. Lastly, I fulfilled the brief as I used one animation technique: cut-outs. Animation encompasses so many different techniques and styles so there would be no method that is entirely accurate and appropriate. No matter what animation method is used, there are always disadvantages but it is difficult to develop a theory across all existing methods.

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Aesthetic Qualities• I am quite proud of the way my production turned out in the end and how it is clearly identified as an

advert for a specific film genre. I like how the sounds of guns firing fit with the images of actors pointing firearms (00:09) and how the sound of a bomb going off fits with the car spinning through the air (00:16). I also like how the two pieces of music fit together in the advert and how the images taken fit together to give the illusion of movement, something which was studied. The presence of famous action characters in the advert is visually pleasing because they are well-known and easily identifiable, attracting the audience’s attention at the same time. They also easily identify the film genre which is being shown in the advert and fulfil one of the requirements of the brief. The advert is aesthetically pleasing because

• My production is creative because of the way it communicates with the audience. It does this by showing an issue within a family which implies there are many families going through the exact same thing, before going on to encourage the audience using scenes of action and a text which informs them of the upcoming ‘Action Season’. The advert is also creative as there is a motive behind it: parents need to be cautious of what their children see on TV. This motive is supported by the presence of action in the advert, which is not only meant to be promoted just like the brief required, but it is also supposed to encourage children what to watch. There is also another creative side to the advert, with the way I took the images and placed them together to make it appear as though there is actual movement. It was easy to focus on the images, though much cropping was needed following the shooting to remove areas of production space.

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Technical Qualities• I have used one stop motion technique: cut-outs. I decided to use this particular style of stop motion

animation because it is far more easier than the other techniques (Claymation, pixelation, puppet and brick animation, etc.) as the only things needed are cut out images and a camera. Another reason why I chose cut-out animation is because I have no toys or objects at home that could have been used during the production. I found that cut-out animation has its own advantages: real life actors can be used for parody and backgrounds and places are easier to obtain from the internet rather than taking pictures of them yourself.

• The use of a DSLR camera and tripod enabled me to shoot with ease during production and Final Cut Pro made it simple to place the images and sound together to produce the advert during post production. I didn’t increase the shutter speed on the camera so it took many images each displaying slight movement, though I did move the pictures and I took the images in between. The shooting was fairly straight-forward as I could angle the tripod down to face the images and frame the shots carefully.

• My own technical abilities are demonstrated in my production. My skills are clearly shown throughout the advert as I grabbed the audience’s attention at the start and ensured they did not stop watching as I included scenes of action and cut-outs of famous characters. These aspects show that I am good at structuring an effective piece of work, like this advert which appears distinctive from other adverts nowadays as it actually has its own storyline. The living room scene, or family scene (00:10), was supposed to create a slightly disturbing atmosphere to lower the expectations of the audience, because at first it would seem as if this is a horror advert, but then it moves on to show otherwise. I used images of famous action characters, sound effects, and rap music to ensure the audience realised what film genre was been advertised, and also to keep them hooked.

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Advertising Evaluation

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Realising original intentions• My production reflects my planning because I remember all the things I wanted to include in my advert, including the family sequence,

the text that appeared, the alleyway fight scene, and the rolling car, all of which appeared in the final production. I didn’t change my ideas. The music I chose (Till I Collapse by Eminem) was my planned song, and that appeared in the advert. It was easy to stick to the planning as nothing else e.g. new ideas got in the way and it seemed fairly easy to pull off. I reflected my ideas easily because any other things I had in mind seemed too difficult to produce. I also didn’t change the genre I wanted to promote in my advert: action. I thought action seemed like the easiest genre to bring to life. It wasn’t too easy to stick to my initial intentions because I had exaggerated during the storyboarding stage and wasn’t aware of the difficulties I had to face during the production. My creativity was the factor that allowed me to reflect my ideas effectively, because I wouldn’t have gone back on the creative side of my ideas.

• There are some aspects of the production which are different from my planning, but this is because some parts of the storyboard were too difficult to pull off, particularly the door breach scene. This part was reduced to a knock at the door and then Bruce Willis firing at it. Some aspects of the storyboard also seemed too violent for a pre-watershed broadcast, so I refused to include them in my final production. Doing so would likely result in failing to fulfil the requirements of the brief as it states the animation should be suitable for any time before 9PM. I also initially planned for an animated explosion to go with the rolling car, but I couldn’t find one so the only thing which appeared in the advert was the car flipping. These aspects were amongst several others which were difficult to produce , and it was mostly because of time restrictions. With more time I could have done much more, and maybe even shorten the clips so the Film 4 Logo could be featured for an even longer amount of time. However, this would also extend the length of the video, which in turn would lead to failing to follow the requirement of the brief that the video lasts less than 20 seconds.

A family are watching a film on

their TV. Offensive weapons are

displayed clearly. One young family member is

traumatized by the film’s content.

This is what he sees. A second shot of the family. A text appears, convincing the viewers.

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Advertising Conventions• The advertising conventions I used are: • Content: The narrative of the advert is a family who unwittingly come across a scary movie while

browsing through channels randomly and are terrified of it. The family then come across another advert which comes up with the text ‘You never know what your children are exposed to on TV, so why not expose them to Action Season?’ followed by the action scenes and cut-outs. It’s a ‘film within a film’ type of advert which is aiming to promote the action genre.

• Time: The advert lasts 19 seconds, so it is easier to communicate with the audience and it doesn’t take long for the meaning of the advert to be realised. It also fulfils the brief as a key requirement was to produce an advert lasting 10-20 seconds.

• I have included many things in my advert to persuade someone to watch ‘Action Season’, including an effective piece of text with a rhetorical question to create suspense, many cut-outs of well-known action characters that can be easily identified, and a piece of horror solely encouraging the audience to stay away from that genre. These aspects are quite effective for ensuring the message reaches the audience and, in relation to the brief, promoting the action genre. The message is that action is a genre which stands out amongst many others. This is also encouraging people what to watch. I also used sound effects e.g. a loud scream at the beginning (00:01) to grab the audience’s attention followed by an explosion, machine gun fire, and gun shots to keep the viewers synced with the action the rest of the way through. The different sound effects in both parts of the advert do well to keep the audience aware of what genre is being advertised in each and ensure they do not become confused between the two.

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Industry Regulations• The production has adhered to the regulations of the ASA because it doesn’t contain any violent, disturbing, or misleading

content. None of the rules appear broken and the communications are fair. I heeded all the rules of the ASA and I fully understood that they will remove any advert which breaches any of their rules.

• The regulations of the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) that I chose: • 1: Compliance: The advert follows all the regulations. • 2: Recognition of Marketing Communications: The advert communicates with the audience in its own unique way. • 3: Misleading Advertising: The content of the advert is understandable, and isn’t supposed to be interpreted in any other

way that is offensive. • 4: Harm and Offence: The advertisement uses cut-out animation. There are no violent images, though there are gunfights

and implications of people getting shot, though they are not shown. • 5: Children: Children are featured in the narrative, but no physical harm is caused to them, though it is shown that they are

visibly frightened in one scene. • 6: Privacy: the cut-outs of action characters are only shown briefly to promote them; nothing about their personal lives or

background is shown. • There are many aspects of my production which ensure the regulations of the Advertising Standards Authority are not

broken. The text that appears is not misleading in any way, it is positive and shouldn’t be ambiguous to the audience. The text also does a great job in communicating with the audience as it addresses them in a clear and appropriate manner. The actual aim of the advert is about protecting children from things on TV, thus ensuring the regulation for children is not broken. There is no offensive material whatsoever, though copyrighted characters are featured in the advert. However, the advert is only a light-hearted parody. The characters are only featured to promote them and no copyright infringement is intended at all.

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Audience Feedback

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Audience Feedback

Audience/Peer to complete• Things I liked

– I liked the text in the animation because its something you don’t normally see on animations and I thought I worked well with the animation.

• Things that could be developed• There could have been more movements during the animation instead of just still shots.

• Is the advert appealing and engaging and why?• The advert is appealing as it has many famous action movie stars which means that

people can identify them and talk about them in their own households. Also the advert was engaging as the beginning of the advert there is a scream which grabs the audiences attention for the rest of the advert.

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Audience Feedback

Audience/Peer to complete• Things I liked

– The soundtrack is very fitting to the genre of the season he’s advertising. I like how the scream at the very beginning draws the audiences attention from the start. I like how the text addresses the audience with a question too.

• Things that could be developed– The animation could be developed to run smoother, and possibly better quality


• Is the advert appealing and engaging and why?– The advert engages the audience straight away with the loud scream and images at the

start. The sound effects are in sync to the video too which is good.

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Audience FeedbackAudience/Peer to complete

• Things I liked– I liked the use of movie stars like Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis and I like the part from

00:05 – 00:08 that says “You never know what your children are exposed to on tv” “So why not expose them to action season”

• Things that could be developed• The characters in the advert could have moved more and the film4 logo wasn’t on for very long and

even though “action season” does appear in the advert it could have been put at the end again so the audience doesn’t miss it during the advert. Some of the pictures could have been more focused.

• Is the advert appealing and engaging and why?• The advert is appealing because it has lots of famous action movie actors and the pictures are large

and look interesting. I also thought the sound effects and the music went with the animation to make it engaging

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Audience Feedback

Audience/Peer to complete• Things I liked

– I liked the use of many famous action hero’s in it, I also like the way it has a family watching TV in it and then says “you never know what your children are exposed to on TV, so why not expose them to action season” it sounds like an action theme. It also had all the cliché action moments in it which was good.

• Things that could be developed– Some of the images could have been more focused and more visible, the action

theme could have been put at the end so the viewers didn’t miss it.

• Is the advert appealing and engaging and why?– I think the advert was appealing because of all the things happening in the advert which made

it enjoyable for the viewer and might have kept them watching.

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Client FeedbackTutor to complete

• Does the production match the brief?– Yes, the stop motion advert creates clearly advertises a film genre season for the channel Film 4

and lasts between 10 and 20 seconds. It clearly shows the Film 4 Logo and has suitable content to be shown before the Watershed (9pm)

• Strengths– The concept of the animation matches the season which is being advertised as the sequence of

the action showing viewers and characters in an action sequence ties to the action genre. The use of narrative with text works well to involve the viewer with the advertisement and also through using strong contemporary images of action film actors as Bruce Willis etc., car stunts and guns tie the genre together. The soundtrack and sound effects all evoke a sense of adrenaline and action as they are synced well to the action on fit with the pace of the clips.

• Areas for Development– The animation would have benefitted from taking more shots to give yourself more footage to

work with and to frame the shots with more focus to not reveal as much production space within the frame as a lot of cropping was needed in post production to keep the images central to the frame.

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Feedback– Audience feedback– The feedback from the audience is generally positive, with many remarks on the text which appears ‘You never know what your children are

exposed to on TV, so why not expose them to Action Season?’ as it is addressing the audience. There are also other remarks on how this kind of thing isn’t usually seen, implying that I did explore techniques different from other people. For example, others comment on the effectiveness of the soundtrack ‘Till I Collapse’ by Eminem, which matches with the genre. Another highlights the family watching TV, etc. These different opinions prove that this animation communicates with the audience in many different ways. There are also remarks on the mother’s scream at the beginning of the advert drawing attention along with how the sound effects of guns firing and doors been kicked down match with the images , the cliché moments in the action sequence, and how famous action characters are featured. There are some suggestions that I use animated sequences rather than just still images, and better-quality pictures to make the advert look all the more appealing. Some members of the audience claim that the mother’s scream draws the audience’s attention at the start and paves the way for the rest of the advert. The way the sound effects and music go well with the whole animation is focused upon. Many audience members liked the text which appeared as it sounded very much like an action theme and addressed the audience with a question. The use of famous action movie stars e.g. Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone in my animation is another aspect which was praised by the audience because characters like these do well to promote the genre being advertised. The action theme is also said by the audience to promote the genre. All these different opinions prove that the response from the audience was good.

– Client Feedback – It is stated in the client feedback that my production matches the specific requirements of the brief in many ways including how it lasts between

10-20 seconds and how it is suitable for a pre-watershed broadcast. There is good feedback on the use of narrative in the advert to evoke adrenaline and keep the viewer watching and how the music and sound effects fit with the images. Overall, the feedback is positive, with the only improvement being that I focus the shots more to make production easier and less time-consuming as areas of production space in the images needed to be cropped. The feedback from the client is positive and differs from the audience feedback as the images of action characters, gun shots, and the stunt during the last few seconds are highlighted. The way they are connected is also focused on. In some ways, however, the feedback from this particular area is similar to the audience feedback as it features almost identical responses. The client stated that the text in the animation worked well to involve the viewer as it provided a narrative which intrigued the audience. The way the sound effects were in sync was also focused on in this area. The choice of music was clearly appreciated as it ties to the genre of action and matches with the action in the advert. The use of famous actors who starred in action films was also mentioned, with the statement that this also added to the feel of action. The family sequence seemed to be a main focus because the client mentioned that the way viewers appeared in the advert was a good idea as it also involves the viewers in real life, drawing upon real occurrences in family life as well.

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Feedback• After reviewing audience feedback, I would develop the production by including ‘Action Season’ at the end of the advert along

with the Film 4 Logo so it isn’t missed by the audience as it only appears once during the text. It was stated in the feedback that some viewers could easily miss it. The brief stated that the logo is shown for more than a few seconds and not one second. But the video lasts 19 seconds and if I extended the time further, I may have improved on this aspect of the brief although a second requirement (the video lasts no longer than 20 seconds) would be broken. To improve the area of feedback suggesting the characters move more, I would need to find more images on Google to give more illusion of movement. I could also take more shots and speed up the pace of the clips to make it more effective while not exceeding the time limit required by the brief. More than one member of the audience focuses on this area as one for improvement, indicating that there are too many still shots and not enough movement throughout. So it might be beneficial to give myself more images to work with to make the animation better-looking. The feedback also stated that the images were of a low quality. In relation to audience feedback, the feedback from the client does state that the images should be framed more carefully because lots of cropping was needed during post production to keep all images central to the frame, but there were some complications e.g. too much image removed or some areas of production space still showing. To develop this, I should ensure that I print the images on a bigger paper format (A3) and frame the image more carefully before taking the photo so post production can occur uninterrupted by the time-consuming process of editing the frames.

• To improve the quality of the images, I would find better-quality images on Google to make the advert look better and I would find animations such as an explosion to go with the car scene or flashes of light to go with the gun shooting scenes, in response to the statement that I should use more animation rather than still images. Also, I should frame the shots in a more focused way so that the images are accurate and no cropping is needed.

• It was also stated that the images aren’t of a good quality, so I would take more images and make sure they are focused to create better-looking action sequences than the ones shown in the original advert. It was stated that the images could have been larger so they didn’t appear blurry, and improving on this might have made them even more visible. However, I would need to make sure I don’t lengthen the advert as it currently lasts 19 seconds. The time limit is 20 seconds.

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Feedback– Strengths– The positive feedback from the audience and the client were both similar in many ways, with the most common element been

that the text which appears ‘You never know what your children are exposed to on TV, so why not expose them to Action Season?’ is effective as it communicates with the audience and it is something that people never usually see on adverts. Other aspects of the animation include: how the sounds attract the audience and evoke emotion, how the appearance of famous action characters do well to involve the viewer, etc. Both the audience and the client praised the text in the animation which works well to involve the viewers. The soundtrack and the sound effects were also focused as a strength during the production by both the client and the audience. Also, the use of famous action characters was a key focus of both areas of feedback, implying this aspect was a good choice to make. The appearance of viewers in the advertisement alongside action characters (in the family sequence) was praised by the client, who stated that this aspect tied to the genre of action. Another audience member commented on the family sequence, too. The way the action moments intrigue the audience is shown to be a key strength of the advert, as this area is focused on a lot in the feedback from the audience, as well as in the client feedback.

– The responses of the audience are different to one another. One person stated that the sound effects matched the images and another stated that the aspects of the animation would have kept the audience hooked. The client stated that the animation did follow the requirements of the brief and the feedback from the audience is similar to the client as action characters and the soundtrack are focused on in both areas of feedback.

– Areas for Development– I did receive many areas for improvement from the client and also from the audience. I was encouraged to use more images and

find pieces of animation to make the advert more effective and there were some suggestions about using more focused images during production. I could achieve this by taking my time when searching on the internet so I could find more images of a better quality. The client stated that more shots needed to be taken and they needed to be more focused and a better quality so no cropping was needed during production. People in the audience also mentioned that the images were of a low quality and that the animation would benefit from featuring images of a higher quality. Both areas of feedback also stated that there should be more movements rather than just still images to make the animation much more effective. The Film 4 Logo could have been shown for longer and the text ‘you never know what your children are exposed to on TV, so why not expose them to action season’ could have appeared a second time at the end along with the Film 4 Logo, or just be moved to the mentioned position. However, according to the requirements of the brief, the advert only needed to advertise a particular genre, and the content of the advert, as well as the presence of action characters, fulfils the brief because it would be obvious to the audience as to what genre is being advertised. The brief did also state that the Film 4 Logo last longer than 5 seconds, so this could be an area to work on in order to fulfil this requirement.

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Feedback– Agree with and why– I do agree with how the effectiveness of the advert for having its own text and narrative to engage the audience is highlighted in particular, as

these aspects were important for the structure of the advert. There are some positive remarks on how I used actors well-known for their roles in famous action films and also some suggestions stating that I should use more images, clearer and smoother, and feature movement in the advert. I agree because the majority of the advert appeared clumsily produced, and the creativity was probably the only reason why the advert worked well. This particular aspect is also included in the feedback multiple times in different manners including how it is something unusual, how it addresses the audience, and more importantly, how it attracts them. Some people have made similar comments to the client about better quality, and therefore more effective, images in the advert. I do agree that I should have used larger images from the internet and taken the shots in a more focused way. I agree with the fact that most, if not all, requirements of the brief had been followed, as stated by the client. One example of this is the statement that a certain style of animation has been used to advertise a genre for the channel Film 4. This style of animation (cut-outs) that I decided to use during production, clearly ensured that the requirement of the brief stating a specific genre be advertised was followed, because there were no limitations when it came to searching on Google for images to cut out. This can be considered a benefit for using this type of animation, amongst many others including: easy, less time-consuming etc. The choice of this animation was a primary choice I made during production. Another example of the choices I made is when I changed some of my ideas when it came to the real production. I exaggerated in my planning and I wasn’t aware that some areas would be too difficult to produce, let alone all areas been able to fit in the specified timescale (10-20 seconds, as suggested by the brief).

– Disagree with and why– I disagree with the statement that ‘Action Season’ should have been placed at the Film4 logo (00:19) at the end of the advert. It actually was

written with the logo, but due to lots of cropping, I couldn’t keep it and therefore the only reminder of the film season was in the text, as well as in the images throughout. The audience would remember the text more as it is something that is never usually seen on adverts, and the words ‘Action Season’ would be easily distinctive from the rest of the text. Also, the image is a cut-out itself, just like the rest of the other images of actors and locations. Some people suggest that the characters could have moved more, but the images of famous action characters e.g. Bruce Willis were obtained from the internet and couldn’t be animated. This can be considered a disadvantage of cut-out animation, which I used. I also disagree with the aspect of the client feedback suggesting that I took more shots, because this would extend the 19-second long advert over 20 seconds, and the brief required that the video lasts less than 20 seconds. Another reason why I disagree with these areas for improvement is because the feedback from different people within the audience is positive and to them it seems as if the advert is good enough as it is and doesn’t need improving. Also, I wouldn’t want to go back on the choices I made during pre-production; those choices highlight my creative side and I wouldn’t have changed my ideas. The planning was quite comprehensive.