Evaluation of photos

Advert 1 Original Edited


Evaluation of photos

Transcript of Evaluation of photos

Advert 1 Original Edited

Advert 1• What changes have you made to the original picture and why?Firstly I cropped the image to the correct size I wanted. I then adjusted the brightness slightly so you could see the image more. I then inserted a logo and slogan. I put the logo in the bottom left corner and put the slogan at the top of the image. I changed the colour of the two to purple and added a white stroke.

• Explain the qualities of the image. The image follows the rule of thirds because the model is in the golden points. The lighting is not very good in this particular image but you can still see the model and clothing which is priority and is the main thing that needs to be focused on. The image is in focused and not blurry.

• Why is the image suitable for your advertising campaign? This image is suitable for my campaign because the target audience will see this advertisement and think wow you can get nice clothes from that shop for cheap and then they would possibly go to my charity's shop.

Original Edited

Advert 2

• What changes have you made to the original picture and why?First I cropped the image to the correct size I wanted. I then adjusted the brightness very slightly. I then inserted a logo of my charity and also added my slogan. I cropped the logo using the magic select tool. I trimmed away things I didn’t want placed it into the top left corner. I then inserted a slogan using the text function on Photoshop. I placed it at the bottom of the image and then changed the colour of it to the same colour as the logo which was purple. I then added a white stroke to the slogan and logo. The image was then complete

• Explain the qualities of the image. The image follows the rule of third as the logo and face of the model is the golden points. The image is focused correctly and not blurry. The lighting of the image is well lit so you can see the clothes represented well by the model.

• Why is the image suitable for your advertising campaign? The image Is suitable for my campaign because the model in the image is the type of person my product is aimed at. So when my target audience sees these advertisements they will be most attracted by them because it shows someone similar to them wearing nice luxurious clothing for very cheap.


Advert 3

Advert 3

• What changes have you made to the original?I have made the image less brighter so you can see the models face more clearly I have then changed the contrast so the colours are better. I have also cropped it and added a slogan and logo.

Explain the qualities of the image?The image follows the rule of thirds as the models face is in the golden points. The image is not blurry and you can see the models face quite clearly. you can see the clothes represented well by the model

Why is the image suitable for your advertising campaign? The image Is suitable for my campaign because the model in the image is the type of person my product is aimed at. So when my target audience sees this advertisements they will be most attracted by them because it shows someone similar to them wearing nice luxurious clothing for very cheap. This will attract new customers to the charity.