Evaluation major porject - website

Evaluation: Major Project - Website

Transcript of Evaluation major porject - website

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Evaluation: Major Project - Website

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Research and Planning Research and Planning:  How well did you research the

project?  Which bits of research were most useful?  

I feel as though I did research I did was sufficient and really helped me to make my website. I feel as though the most useful research I did was the survey that I asked the students because it gave me clear vision of what I need to make that would actually be of use to students

I also found the outline from my client very useful because it gave me clear aims that I had to fulfill with my website, giving me clear direction and a sense of what I had to achieve

I think that the least useful research I did was

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Technical Skills: Technical Skills: What new skills do you think you have

developed through this project?  What have you learned about the software you have been using and what might be next for you here?

I have developed many new skills with my project. I have learnt how to create a website, how to scan documents and then upload them to a site, hyperlink pictures to documents, and also how to convert files

I have learnt how to create a really useful revision tool. Creating a website by which I have to create concise revision notes is a form of revision in its self, but also improving my exam technique of how to get all the clear, vital information down without having to write a lot.

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Communication: Communication: Did you communicate

effectively with the client/your group/your audiences?  What tools or strategies were most useful and why?

I think that I did communicate very well with my client. I feel the most effect tool was email because it was a way of directly contacting them, whilst getting a clear idea of what they expected from the website, and survey monkey because this enabled me to get feedback from them in a clear and organized way, which I could then make improvements from

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Communication: I think I communicated well with my audience. I

feel as though the most useful tool was Survey Monkey as this allowed me to get multiple ideas and aims on what the students would fine useful. As my overall aim for the project was for the website to be used as a useful revision tool, I had to ensure that I was making a product that was effectively designed by students

Survey Monkey also enabled me to get feedback on the product once it was made, allowing me to make further changes to it to make it even more useful for students

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Testing: I think that Monkey Survey was defiantly the

best way to test my website, as not only did it identify unforced errors, but also highlighted what was able to be improved

I think the most useful question on the survey was “What are three specific things that can be improved?”

I think this was the most useful because it gave me specific things that students felt weren't quite useful enough yet. This allowed me to ensure that my website was up to my audiences expectations

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Testing: I think that Monkey Survey was defiantly the best way to

test my website, as it enabled my client to see if what they had asked to be included has been, and also if it as up to their expectations

I think the most useful question on the survey was “What are three specific things that can be improved?”

I think this was the most useful because it allowed me to go above and beyond what the client had initially asked.

I also think the question “Do you think this is a suitable revision tool?” was a very useful question because it showed me that I had fulfilled one of my aims, to create a useful revision tool.

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Originality and Creativity

Originality and Creativity: What did you learn about the way you make creative decisions or can develop your creative capacity using technology?

I learnt that I base a lot of my creative decisions are based a lot on other peoples decisions

I feel as though I wont make a decision unless I have got response on my ideas, or my decision is based upon the response that I get from people

For my IE Award, all my decisions were based upon the feedback from the students, as it increased my confidence that I was creating a useful product