Evaluation activity 1 extension

Magazine Advert - This is our magazine advert for our song ‘New York’ by Paloma Faith. It is very common on the front of magazine adverts to include the artists face (as you can see in the collage bottom left) and we have followed this convention by having Paloma(Annalise) right in the centre of the advert in front of a faded New York skyline connoting she is very important and a star. Plus, to promote the hit single ‘New York’. - One way we have subverted magazine advert front covers is by having Annalise not looking at the camera and somewhere else, this intrigues the audience and is a good way off attracting the audience. -We followed the conventions of having the artists name and the album name on the magazine advert to make it bold and clear who the artist is and what the album is called. You can see this in the examples (left) such as Ellie Goulding, her name and her album name stand out on her front cover as they are in a larger font so therefore stand out a lot more. - In addition, a convention usually seen on magazine adverts, are the reviews, dates it is available, and information about the record

Transcript of Evaluation activity 1 extension

Magazine Advert- This is our magazine advert for our song ‘New York’ by Paloma Faith. It is very common on the front of magazine adverts to include the artists face (as you can see in the collage bottom left) and we have followed this convention by having Paloma(Annalise) right in the centre of the advert in front of a faded New York skyline connoting she is very important and a star. Plus, to promote the hit single ‘New York’. - One way we have subverted magazine advert front covers is by having Annalise not looking at the camera and somewhere else, this intrigues the audience and is a good way off attracting the audience. -We followed the conventions of having the artists name and the album name on the magazine advert to make it bold and clear who the artist is and what the album is called. You can see this in the examples (left) such as Ellie Goulding, her name and her album name stand out on her front cover as they are in a larger font so therefore stand out a lot more. - In addition, a convention usually seen on magazine adverts, are the reviews, dates it is available, and information about the record label. We subverted this slightly, by having information about iTunes, Twitter and Facebook. This is because, the use of digital technology and social networking sites have increased at a rapid rate, our target audience younger members of the public who like the music genre of pop will be able to access these websites to gain further information about the artist.

DigipakA convention of digpak’s that we stuck to was a number of images of the main artist within the panes. This is done to promote the artist themselves and to show they are the most important figure. On the right is the Digpak for Chris Browns album ‘Exclusive’ and as you can see he is on each of the panes, and we tried to replicate this in our Digipak by placing an image of Annalise who plays Paloma on most of the panes.

Furthermore, you can also see a clear consistent colour theme throughout the digipak. Chris brown also seems to be wearing a suit in most of the images of him . Again we tried to do this with our digipak by the colour of each back ground being a blend of dark red and purple, and also her being in similar clothing in each of the pictures. This can be seen as very simplistic but simple elements can be most effective.

From the digipak you should gain an idea of what genre is being represented. Chris browns album consists of pop, RnB and hip hop. You can see this through the front cover art, and the different colours used .