

Transcript of Evaluation

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• I feel that my front cover was exactly how I intended it, I wanted a cover that caught peoples eye to draw more people in and I think I definitely achieved that by using the bright colours and soft edges for the illustrations. Obviously the main intentions of this leaflet was to get people joined up to Veganuary, Do I think I would achieve this? Its hard to say from my front cover but I think that it is definitely a good start to indulge people into this leaflet.

• I looked into lots of examples of leaflet covers and felt that the bright eye catching ones were the ones that I liked visually. The main example I looked into was the Surfers Against Sewerage leaflet as shown in the next slide my cover was influenced heavily by this cover and showed a lot of the same characteristics. Some of these include things like the strokes used around the illustrations the SAS leaflet went for a very rough hand drawn effect where as I chose something very similar but it has a very different effect. Mine was much cleaner and neat which worked well with my booklet to keep it contained and sectioned off nicely where as the SAS booklet was already fairly organised so the it worked with them to use this scribble effect instead of the one I used and the same goes for mine, the scribble effect would have made my cover look very messy.

• Another similarity between the 2 is the layering of the illustrations to add more depth to the leaflet the order of my layering was thought about quite a lot as I wanted the fruit to grab people without totally washing out the title of the booklet, I feel that putting the pineapple to the back was a strong technical choice as it would have definitely washed out nearly all of the page and made it very unappealing. Where as I think using the banana closer to the top was another strong choice as it was enough to grab people without over powering the page.

• This was definitely positive as it was the thing that during production people complimented and noticed the most out of all my production work and personally I liked this the best out of all the pages I created. This front cover got straight to the point labeling things like, Climate chaos and stinking sewerage to give you a idea of what their leaflets intentions were but mine didn’t really have much to give the readers a straight impression about the leaflet which I feel was a drawback but not necessarily a must have.

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• As you can see the layout is very similar with montages of illustrations and also a very similar font that wasn't intentionally picked to look the same but I chose this because is had very soft edges like the fruit and style I was going for throughout the booklet. The font was one of the last things I decided on I think this was because it was hard to find one that worked well with the boldness of some of the colours while still being readable. Overall I think the font chose was the right one as it worked well with my other pages and also the main text font I used which was also a sans serif font.

• I think my design work for this worked better than the rest of my work because before hand I had more practice in making front covers and I have previous to this project. This helped me a lot as I knew the types of things to do and not to do with the front cover and the common characteristics where as the other pages were going on visual and guessing work.


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FRONT COVER• I also have a piece from the NHS which is the complete opposite

to my style and the Surfers one, it uses a very basic colour scheme that can often be associated with hospitals and doctors. I don’t think this works as well as mine and the other example because it just doesn’t have a interest factor coming from the design work, this leaflet is mostly for information but I think because asthma is something that effects everyone adding more colours and vibrancy to the leaflet could interest kids that may suffer to look at the leaflet as it would seem a lot more appealing. My leaflet obviously went with the wow factor to interest people and although It is a mash up of lots of colours which may be seen as unorganized there is still a consistent shade match up for all the colours so it still has a lot of the flow you may see from some of the more simplistic leaflets.

• Although they are both very different there are still similarities between the two. Both used flat colour to make the illustrations but yet they were both used in two completely different ways mine was very bold and added more depth to the page where as the NHS was very flat as it used the same colours throughout. Other similarities is that mine and the NHS one went with very similar layouts, we both had the logos on the bottom of the page and the booklet title at the top sectioned out of the graphics by boxing. Although each boxing is different it still has the same use in creating space for the title.

• Artistically I feel that my skills to create pieces of art have increased creating this front cover as I used simple shapes to create the fruit on the front cover which was late on the basis of a lot of the leaflet. I also think that my eye for colour scheming has also improved and I feel that my front cover had the perfect colour scheme for what I was wanting to create.

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MULTIPAGE ARTICLE• My article was a informal chatty style which I think made mine

unique and added a nice welcoming feel that may make people feel more welcome and wanting to try Veganuary because they know that we are just normal people from the comic chatty style I used. This definitely made my article stronger than a formal article which I feel wouldn’t be there right approach for what my article was trying to achieve.

• From my feedback people mentioned that the style of writing was nice as it made them feel more welcome and less daunted by the thought of the change, but they felt that the design style I used didn’t make a lot of sense and didn’t really fit. I see my mistake now as the design changes on the background and the article starts the page before so it can be confusing. If I was to change it I would start the article on a double page then if it needed to continue put it on the page after then it would be easier to follow. Another thing I would change if I was to go back is to remove the photo image as it doesn’t go with my style at all and I think it looks out of place I feel that I could fill the space better or add more writing to fill the page.

• I think that the practice I had before Christmas on writing articles and putting them in to InDesign helped massively when It came to producing this work, my writing has definitely improved since these tasks and helped me write a well structured article while having my own informal approach to writing it.

• I thought that my design for the article was obvious and flowed through but looking at some of my feedback I now know that it didn’t work as well as I thought. In the question showed they said how it would have been nice to see the style carried out but maybe the design work on these pages wasn’t some of my strongest and could have been improved to be more obvious.

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• Looking at my article pages on a bigger scale side by side you can see where there is misunderstanding that it is all of the same piece. Although the same colour scheme was used I put the opacity down on the first page for the apples to make the font easier which was a good technical quality but I didn’t think of the colour scheme being noticeable which was bad technically.

• The reasoning for the pages being split into three that didn’t really flow well together is because I planned to have the article on three pages like this but when I got the idea of designing using the fruit as a background my technical thinking of putting this onto 3 flowing pages went out of the window and I ended up with a mismatching page.

• I think the better way of taking this would have been to get rid of the third page with the meals and community on and have my article on two pages, I think that this would have worked and looked a lot better as the third page doesn’t look very professional and isn't very important to have in the article.

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• I changed the page that was mentioned on the last slide to fit in with the double page more. I think that the colour scheme does match up a lot more but I feel that it is just too strong and over powers the writing where as the other one is much softer and reserved and in my opinion does look better so maybe using this design for one of the other pages would have worked better because it would be stupid to waste something so aesthetically well put together.

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INFOGRAPHIC• My infographic was the first page I started to create for my

booklet and I think this really set in the style I was going to use consistently throughout my booklet. When I started to make this piece I liked the ideas I had and the design work I started to create like the first piece of the human losing his nose and I also liked the design of the cows faces as I feel they both fitted in together but I think that from there on my art style didn’t keep a consistent flow. I liked all the page apart form these graphics and if I was going to go back and do it again I would do the infographic completely different and go for a more stereotypical infographic with lots of stats and more graphics than text like the one I have shown below my infographic.

• The text I did use was more suited to a fact file excluding a few, I think It may have been a good idea to go with a minimal colour scheme of maybe 2 or 3 colours like seen in other infographics and the example I have used. I think this makes it look a lot more aesthetically pleasing and more ordered rather than mine that is a bit of a mess.

• Although mine does portray some of the characteristics seen in this infographic example I feel it is a long way off in looking professional. As this was my only double page spread I feel there was more room for creativity than I used, using the full page I could have sectioned things together like seen in the world octopus day example which was only little but I feel made the whole page group together nicer and look a lot cleaner. I also think that my background again looked nice but was used on the wrong pages, I much simpler block colour would have made this page a lot more effective rather than having it in the same style as seen throughout the rest of the booklet. In the next slide I created just a small example of what my infographic could potentially have looked like if I followed more of a common style associated with infographics.

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INFOGRAPHIC• This is the quick example I made of what my

infographic could have looked like I think this works a lot better and looks more like a infographic should do. If I was going to go back and change the infographic I would definitely try to follow this design as it looks much cleaner and it would have saved a lot of time in design work creating the graphics when they only had to be simple rather than detailed like I tried creating. It also makes it a lot more visible to read as it was so simple and easy.

• I also think using more of the flat colours that I have used throughout the rest of the booklet worked well and would have kept the consistent flat colour running through the whole booklet I still kept the same colour scheme as you can see from the old version I just think it looked more professional and simplified.

• I also like the hashed lines that I used as it broke the page up more and made it easier to read and I also implemented these in the sign up for a welcome pack page so it would have been a similar style not completely random.

• Even though I got positive feedback on the infographic I still feel it was a weaker piece of my booklet this is probably down to personal preference more than anything.

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• This was one of the parts of the booklet that I had to think about the most, I needed two pages to fit in the booklet to fill it up and as a whole I think I did the right thing. To start with I really liked the design for this page I used a avocado as my inspiration I think this was one of the strongest from the booklet my reasoning for this is because the flat colours match up well and are subtle enough to have anything overlaid on it where as some of my other pages look quite messy this is probably because the colours don’t quite go. When considering the colour for the font on this I needed a colour that would stand off it enough to grab your attention while still looking very aesthetically pleasing, this pink worked very well and set the pages tone this was both a good technical and creative decision..

• The actual sign up page to the right was the stronger page, this was the first one I created over the two and it has a nice flow but I think its sister page next to it didn’t work so well I think this because I rushed this page as it was one of the last ones to finish as my time was running out to finish this project, I feel that if I planned out more of the pages before hand this page could have worked a lot better as it had the potential to be a good idea maybe by adding some graphics of the types of things that are listed then it would add more character and add something more to the blank spaces on the page.


• My intentional ideas for this is exactly what I created though for the left hand page, I think I could make some improvements though. When creating this page I found it hard to section the page up and to keep the text consistent throughout so I used the same font from other things like my article but I don’t feel satisfied that it fits with the page well and I also dislike my choice to use black for the font colour even though I had to so that it was readable but I just feel it had taken away a lot of the bright boldness I have had through the rest of the booklet. So if I could have an alternative to black that still stood out I would definitely go back and change that and also look to change the font.

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WELCOME PACK PAGES • When comparing my work to others you can see clear similarities as this was the page that I took most of my inspiration from. My page uses a few of the characteristics of this page this was to help me through when creating the page as I was creating it with no knowledge of the common things to see on a sign up sheet. They both clearly have their differences and I do really like my version, I prefer the professional one because it looks a lot cleaner and is a lot easier to follow than mine. I think this one chose a font that may have worked a lot better than the one I picked which I have now learnt from to use much simpler cleaned fonts that can still be similar. A nice characteristic of mine that was also included in the professional version was the cut line down the left hand side I think this definitely made mine feel a bit more professional because its only small but something that people may only see professional work thinking about.

• The example sign up sheet also used their space better than I did, I still have quite a bit of empty space which makes mine look unfinished or like I didn’t think about it much but as mine was on A5 I had to try think about getting simple information across a page twice the size which I think I did the best to my ability with.

• In my feedback people spoke about my sign up pages saying that they were one of my stronger piece which I believe is true, nobody mentioned about improvements so I think as a whole I did well with these pages and I think the audience would also like it for the simplicity and design.

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• My fact file along with my front cover was one of my first pages that I made this was because this would be the back page to my booklet. The design for this was very obvious as it had to link up with the front cover so I went with this melon fruit design which isn’t maybe as obvious as some of the other designs because it is covered by the text boxes but I am still happy with how it looks because I didn’t necessarily want the design to over shadow the rest of the information on the page I think this is why I don't mind using the text boxes on this page unlike some of the other pages where I didn’t use them and then made the text hard to read. I think this was a smart technical choice and looking back now id probably like to follow this text box design with some of the other pages like maybe the sign up page as that is one of the pages that are harder to read but then it would take away the creative elements of the design that I worked hard on for the booklet and wanted the booklet to revolve around as it was a very unique idea that would make my booklet stand out over others so I would maybe consider doing this but taking the opacity down just a little bit more to make the design work more visible.

• There was quite a few strong points to this page and one of the ones that was used to create a effect and would most probably work was the larger fonts on key words to grab people and create more of an effect than just standard font sizes. This let people know the key things they need to concentrate and all together feel it would have a good effect on the audience. When looking at my feedback people also mentioned this saying that it would create a good effect to get people joining up because it would hit them harder. So clearly it had the right effect if people are noticing it in my feedback.

• One small thing I have noticed in the design work for this was the words overlapping the stroke which was a bad design fault on my part even though small it would make the page feel less professional.


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• When comparing my work to other pieces I feel that again I took a lot of inspiration from the SAS booklet. The layout is very similar and both on the back page this may be just common characteristics of fact files found in informative booklets. I also went with the same design in this page as the rest of my pages using the same fonts and design background ideas. I feel like my choice of font and styling of the design worked better for visibility and ease of read but the SAS ones design was much cleaner and sleeker. I think that the design and information on their page worked together stronger than mine as my information pushed the design out of the way and isn’t noticed as much.