

Transcript of Evaluation

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Main Image


Cover Lines


Rule of third




These are the typical conventions

of a music magazine, this is what will make a

product successful by having these

form and conventions. I will use these in my

product to make sure that I make a

successful magazine, which looks realistic and


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The MASTHEAD of the magazine is centred in the top third of the page. This is where most MASTHEADS are commonly located. The

MASTHEAD is clear and easy to see, the font has a stroke around it which makes the writing bolder.

Having the MASTHEAD laid out over the image and this is atypical convention of a magazine as images are either placed over or behind the MASTHEAD ,

both of these positions of the main images are readable , most magazine will use either of these positioning on their magazine, this shows how the artist is represented within the magazine and has a big impact on the audience. I decided that having the MASTHEAD in front of my magazine would

have more of an impact than if the main image was in front of the text, this is because I wanted the

image to be closed in because of the body language that the artist is giving off.

Placing the MAIN IMAGE in the centre third of the front cover is a typical convention of a magazine

and the placing of my image uses this conventions of a magazine, at first glance I felt that the

audience may feel like the image wasn’t related to an indie magazine, however in the centre third is

where the audience first looks this means that when they look to magazine this is the first thing

they will see. This is a medium shot which shows the top torso of

the body and it gives the reader a grasp of what the artist looks like. Most of the page is covered

with the artist Hayley Woods, I wanted it to cover this much because I want it to show how iconic the

artist. I got inspiration for this image of various magazine covers however I chose not to

specifically copy from one magazine but use ideas from many different indie ones to build on it.

I used cover lines down the side of the page this is a typical convention of a magazine however I used more that the average cover lines that are on a

normal front cover so this is where I challenge the conventions however I think it works well in the

layout as it all fits together nicely. The main COVER LINE is the “Hayley Woods..” I made this to a different colour and style than the masthead

because this is two conventions used in a music magazine. The cover line is over the artist and is in in bold, this is how the audience will recognise the

celebrity.Placing the BARCODE and the PRICE on the side of

the magazine, this is so the product can be recognised as a product that can be bought or sold.The price and barcode are out of the way in the top

corner, I have used the same colour as the masthead for the writing and then made the

barcode a reasonable size.

The PLUG that I used is situated at the bottom of the page this is a typical convention as the reader will look to the bottom of the page and notice this, it draws the eye in and is recognisable because of the name of the festival which is popular to indie

fans.I used the rule of third with my IMAGE and

MASTHEAD this is because I wanted it to be the first thing that the reader see’s when they pick up

the magazine.The colour scheme for the front is bright but it isn’t to overpowering, I think that it represents the indie genre and shows that I have tried to keep the indie

theme in my production processUsing the Stroke tool to make the text stand out

more then exaggerates the importance of it.

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Main Image



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Keeping in theme with my design, I included a bar at the top of the contents page which I then put

the issue number and the date of the issue. I also put links to the website this is because of the audiences generation using the links from a

website means that they can go straight online and see the online version of the magazine as well.

I’ve also included a link to twitter this is because this is where most of the audience will be day to

day so by putting a link up they can type it in their phones and follow and it becomes an easier way for them to look at the update of the magazine.I just used whit and black on the contents bar

however I used grey for the links to the website, to show that they were a different aspect compared

to the date and issue.

The main image of the model is a medium long shot, I used this shot because I felt I gave a natural stance to the model and it presented with her own natural beauty that the reader want to see. As you can see the model isn’t dressed up all fancy for the

shoot she is dressed in casual clothes which represent the genre. Standing against the brick wall make her stand out in more detail but also

becomes more effective that a plain white background because it shows that she is outdoors

and gives her that natural light. I have put a page number next to the image as to

represent he interview that she is in, this is the same next to where in the reviews it talks about

her in brief detail.

I used three boxes at the bottom of my page for the reviews, news and features, these are typical conventions which are seen on a contents page of a music magazine, within each one I have included typical information, which also is related from the

front cover and given page number next to the information so that the audience can navigate their way to the page that they want without having to

look through all of it.I’ve also made the text bolder on the numbers and the sub heading, this is to make sure that the font is clear for the readers and so they feel that they will be able to look at it and go straight to where

they want to go without struggling to see what the page number says/

With each different box I created a colour overlay this gives each box more depth and

makes the contents page look more professional, this is because it uses the colours from the artist top which then links it to create

an effect like the page has been turned too many times.

The line running across the bottom of the main image shows a range of different artist that will

feature with the magazine=, this bring the reader in because they will notice a artist or

group which they recognise and they will want to read on wondering why their names are

there so its draws them in.Having another image at the bottom of the page

shows a range of different photographs which can also link in thin the reviews box.

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I’ve used a bold masthead with a stroke which enhances the writing and gives it depth from the

page, the short heading attracts the reader to think why is she hitting this year with a band it pull the

audience in so they want to read on more. I’ve situated it at the top because when the customer first opens the page they will see the title, I have also included an strapline underneath the titles, this isn't a common convention of a magazine

double page spread however many magazines do this before to give the reader a brief incite into

what this may be about.The font size for the strapline is a little bit bigger

than the interview text but smaller than the heading. I have included links at the bottom of the article to the website and to social networking sites this then shows the reader that they can access the

magazine from all media formats

The main image is of the artist/model who featured on the contents page, this is because I

have used this as a feature interview, she is wearing the same clothes and the image is a long shot, this is because you can see all of her body

and the surroundings. She is sat on the wall looking towards the camera to make the reader think that she is looking at them which gives them a sense of

involvement within the interview.Up in the corner next to the model is an up next

box, this isn’t a typical convention and where it is positioned challenges it, normally it would be situated at the bottom however as the picture

came towards the bottom it wouldn’t have looked right if I had taken the writing around her head this

would have made it look unprofessional, so I decided to develop it and put the box in the corner

with a range of different angled photographs.

I have kept with the typical conventions of a double page spread by keeping in line with the columns, I decided that I would do a interview

between an interviewer and Aimie Stones. I kept within the columns as to create the professional look of the double page spread making sure that

when I was writing around the picture that I didn’t overlap it. Using an interview is a common

convention in a music magazine.At the start of the interview I have used drop capitals this is a common convention and is an

indication as to where the interview/article starts.