Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify...

Evaluating UI Designs •assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction •identify specific usability problems •evaluate users’ access to functionality of system •compare alternative systems/designs e with software testing (quality assurance/enginee

Transcript of Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify...

Page 1: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Evaluating UI Designs

•assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction

•identify specific usability problems

•evaluate users’ access to functionality of system

•compare alternative systems/designs

Compare with software testing (quality assurance/engineering)

Page 2: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Evaluating UI Designs

Major parameters of UI evaluation activities:I. stage of the designII. UI inspection methods vs. usability testingIII. formative vs. summative

These parameters influence:how the design is represented to evaluatorsdocuments/deliverables requiredneed for resources (personnel, equipment, lab)methodology

for data gatheringfor analysis of results

Page 3: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Methodologies for Data-gathering(several may be used together)

Structured InspectionInterviewsFocus GroupsQuestionnairesField StudiesControlled Experiments

quantitative metrics (Ch. 6 in Ratner)thinking aloud, cooperative evaluation

Page 4: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Evaluating UI Designs I

Stage of the design process

• Early Design• Intermediate• Full Design• After deployment

•Evaluation should be done throughout the usability life cycle – not just at the end “iterative design”•Different evaluation methods appropriate at different stages of the cycle

Page 5: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Evaluating UI Designs II

Inspection Methods Usability Testing

Cognitive Walkthrough

Heuristic Evaluation

Guidelines Review

Field Study


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Formative v. Summative evaluation III.

Formative Evaluation: Identify usability problems•Qualitative measures•Ethnographic methods

Summative evaluation: Measure/compare user performance•Quantitative measures•Statistical methods

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Users are active members of the design team


context and task oriented rather than system oriented


iterative – but tends to occur at earl


brain-storming (“focus groups”)



pencil and paper exercises

Participatory or User-centered Design

Page 8: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

• evaluates design on how well it supports user in learning task

• usually performed by expert in cognitive psychology

• expert `walks though' design to identify potential problems using psychological principles

• Scenarios may be used to guide analysis

Evaluating Designs - Cognitive Walkthrough

Page 9: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

For each task walkthrough considers

• what impact will interaction have on user?

• what cognitive processes are required?

• what learning problems may occur?

Analysis focuses on users goals and knowledge: does the design lead the user to generate the correct goals?

Cognitive Walkthrough (cont.)

Page 10: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

usability criteria (heuristics) are identified

design examined by experts to see if these are violated

Example heuristics

system behavior is consistent

feedback is provided

Heuristic evaluation `debugs' design.

Heuristic Evaluation

Page 11: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Guidelines Inspection (for consistency)

Written guidelines recommended for larger projects:Screen layoutAppearance of objectsTerminologyWording of prompts and error messagesMenu’sDirect manipulation actions and feedbackOn-line help and other documentation

A usability group should have a designated inspector.

Page 12: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

What is a Usability Experiment?

Usability testing in a controlled environment•There is a test set of users•They perform pre-specified tasks•Data is collected (quantitative and qualitative)•Take mean and/or median value of measured attributes•Compare to goal or another system

Contrasted with “expert review” and “field study” evaluation methodologies

Note the growth of usability groups and usability laboratories

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Subjectsrepresentativesufficient sample

Variablesindependent variable (IV)

characteristic changed to produce different conditions.e.g. interface style, number of menu items.

dependent variable (DV)characteristics measured in the experimente.g. time to perform task, number of errors.

Experimental factors

Page 14: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

•Hypothesis-- prediction of outcome framed in terms of IV and DV-- null hypothesis: states no difference between conditions and the aim is to disprove this

•Experimental designwithin groups design == each subject performs

experiment under each condition.- transfer of learning possible + fewer subjects needed+ less likely to suffer from user variation.between groups design == each subject performs

under only one condition+ no transfer of learning - more subjects required (therefore more costly)- user variation can bias results.

Experimental factors (cont.)

Page 15: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

How many test users?(Cost-benefit analysis)

Problems-found (i) = N (1 - (1 - )i )i = number of test usersN = number of existing problems = probability of finding a single problem with a single user

Example:$3,000 fixed cost, $1,000 per user variable costN = 41

Value of fixing a usability problem = $15,000A test of 3 users: cost $6,000 Benefit $413,000A test of 15 users: cost $18,000 Benefit $613,000

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paper and pencil -- cheap, limited to writing speedaudio – good for think aloud, diffcult to match with other protocolsvideo --

accurate and realistic, needs special equipment, obtrusivecomputer logging --

automatic and unobtrusivelarge amounts of data difficult to analyze

user notebooks --coarse and subjective, useful insights good for longitudinal studies

Transcription of audio and video difficult and requires skill.Some automatic support tools available

Data Collection Techniques

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Summative EvaluationWhat to measure (and it’s relationship to usability elements)

Total task timeUser “think time” (dead time??)Time spent not moving toward goal

Ratio of successful actions/errorsCommands used/not used

frequency of user expression of:confusion, frustration, satisfaction

frequency of reference to manuals/help systempercent of time such reference provided the needed answer

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Measuring User Performance

Measuring learnabilityTime to complete a set of tasks by noviceLearnability/efficiency trade-off

Measuring efficiencyTime to complete a set of tasks by expertHow to define and locate “experienced” users

Measuring memorabilityThe most difficult, since “casual” users are hard

to find for experimentsMemory quizzes may be misleading

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Measuring User Performance (cont.)

Measuring user satisfactionLikert scale (agree or disagree)Semantic differential scalePhysiological measure of stress

Measuring errorsClassification of minor v. serious

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Reliability and Validity

Reliability means repeatability. Statistical significance is a measure of reliability

Validity means will the results transfer into a real-life situation.It depends on matching the users, task, environment

Reliability - difficult to achieve because of high variability in individual user performance

Validity – difficult to achieve because real-world users, environment and tasks difficult to duplicate in laboratory

within-groups v. between-groups – impact on reliability & validity

Page 21: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Formative EvaluationWhat is a Usability Problem??

Unclear - the planned method for using the system is notreadily understood or remembered (task, mechanism, visual)

Error-prone - the design leads users to stray from thecorrect operation of the system (task, mechanism, visual)

Mechanism overhead - the mechanism design creates awkwardwork flow patterns that slow down or distract users.

Environment clash - the design of the system does not fit well with the users’ overall work processes (task, mechanism, visual)

Ex: incomplete transaction cannot be saved

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Qualitative methods for collecting usability problems

Thinking aloud method and related alternatives:constructive interaction, coaching method, retrospective walkthrough

Output: notes on what users did and expressed: goals, confusions or misunderstandings, errors, reactions expressed

QuestionnairesFocus groups, interviews

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user observed performing taskuser asked to describe what he is doing and why, what he thinks is

happening etc.

Advantagessimplicity - requires little expertisecan provide useful insightcan show how system is actually use

Disadvantagessubjectivedifficult to conductact of describing may alter task performance

Observational Methods - Think Aloud

Page 24: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

variation on think aloud

user collaborates in evaluation

both user and evaluator can ask each other questions throughout

Additional advantages

less constrained and easier to use

user is encouraged to criticize system

clarification possible

Observational Methods - Cooperative evaluation

Page 25: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Post task walkthrough --

user reacts on action after the event

used to fill in intention


analyst has time to focus on relevant incidents

avoid excessive interruption of task


lack of freshness

may be post-hoc interpretation of events

Observational Methods

Page 26: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

analyst questions user on one to one basisusually based on prepared questionsinformal, subjective and relatively cheap

Advantagescan be varied to suit contextissues can be explored more fullycan elicit user views and identify unanticipated problems

Disadvantagesvery subjectivetime consuming

Query Techniques - Interviews

Page 27: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Set of fixed questions given to users

Advantagesquick and reaches large user groupcan be analyzed quantitatively

Disadvantagesless flexibleless probing

Query Techniques - Questionnaires

Page 28: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Need careful designwhat information is required?how are answers to be analyzed?

Should be PILOT TESTED for usability!

Styles of question• general• open-ended• scalar• multi-choice• ranked

Questionnaires (cont)

Page 29: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Advantages:specialist equipment availableuninterrupted environment

Disadvantages:lack of contextdifficult to observe several users cooperating

Appropriateif actual system location is dangerous or impractical forto allow controlled manipulation of use.

Laboratory studies: Pros and Cons

Page 30: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Conducting a usability experiment –steps and deliverables

1. The planning phase

2. The execution phase

3. Data collection techniques

4. Data analysis

Page 31: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

The planning phaseOutput: written plan or proposal

Who, what, where, when and how much?•Who are test users, and how will they be recruited?•Who are the experimenters?•When, where, and how long will the test take?•What equipment/software is needed?•How much will the experiment cost?•Outline of test protocol

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Outline of Test Protocol

What tasks?Criteria for completion?User aidsWhat will users be asked to do (thinking aloud studies)?Interaction with experimenterWhat data will be collected?

Page 33: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Designing Test Tasks

Tasks:Are representative Cover most important parts of UIDon’t take too long to completeGoal or result oriented (possibly with scenario)

Not frivolous or humorous (unless part of product goal)

First task should build confidenceLast task should create a sense of accomplishment

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Detailed Test Protocol

Deliverables from detailed test protocol*What test tasks? (written task sheets)*What user aids? (written manual)*What data collected? (include questionnaire)

How will results be analyzed/evaluated? (sample tables/charts)

All materials to be given to users as part of the test,

including detailed description of the tasks.

Pilot test protocol with a few users

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Execution phase

Prepare environment, materials, softwareIntroduction should include:

purpose (evaluating software)voluntary and confidentialexplain all procedures


invite questionsDuring experiment

give user written task description(s), one at a timeonly one experimenter should talk


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Execution phase: ethics of human experimentation

Users feel exposed using unfamiliar tools and making erros

Guidelines:•Re-assure that individual results not revealed•Re-assure that user can stop any time•Provide comfortable environment•Don’t laugh or refer to users as subjects or guinea pigs•Don’t volunteer help, but don’t allow user to struggle too long•In de-briefing

•answer all questions•reveal any deception•thanks for helping

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Data collection - usability labs and equipment

Pad and paper the only absolutely necessary data collection tool!

Observation areas (for other experimenters, developers, customer reps, etc.) - should be shown to users

Videotape (may be overrated) - users must sign a releaseVideo display capture

Portable usability labsUsability kiosks

Page 38: Evaluating UI Designs assess effect of interface on user performance and satisfaction identify specific usability problems evaluate users’ access to functionality.

Before you start to do any statistics:

look at data

save original data

Choice of statistical technique depends on

type of data

information required

Type of data

discrete - finite number of values

continuous - any value

Analysis of data

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What can statistics tell us?

The mean time to perform a task (or mean no. of errors or other event type).

Measures of variance – standard deviation(For a normal distribution: 1 standard deviation covers ~ 2/3 of the cases) In usability studies:

expert time SD ~ 33% of meannovice time SD ~ 46% of meanerror rate SD ~ 59% of mean

Confidence intervals (the smaller the better) the “true mean” is within N of the observed mean, with confidence level (probability) .95

Since confidence interval gets smaller as #Users grows:how many test users required to get a givenconfidence interval and confidence level

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Testing usability in the field

1. Direct observation in actual usediscover new usestake notes, don’t help, chat later

2. Logging actual useobjective, not intrusivegreat for identifying errorswhich features are/are not usedprivacy concerns

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Testing Usability in the Field (cont.)

3. Questionnaires and interviews with real usersask users to recall critical incidentsquestionnaires must be short and easy to return

4. Focus groups6-9 usersskilled moderator with pre-planned scriptcomputer conferencing??

5 On-line direct feedback mechanismsinitiated by usersmay signal change in user needstrust but verify

6. Bulletin boards and user groups

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natural environment

context retained (though observation may alter it)

longitudinal studies possible





for “beta testing”

where context is crucial for longitudinal studies

Field Studies: Pros and Cons