Evaluating Surgery for Prostate Cancer


Transcript of Evaluating Surgery for Prostate Cancer

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B Y : M A S O N M A N D Y

M A S O N M A N D Y . C O M | M A S O N M A N D Y . N E T

Evaluating Surgeryfor Prostate Cancer

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The most recent, robust examination comparingsurvival rates of prostate cancer patients indicates

that patients actually have a better chancesurviving by undergoing surgery instead ofradiotherapy. According to the nonprofit

organization called the European Association ofUrology, this new medical discovery even holds

truth regardless of cancer degree or type ofradiation.

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This nonprofit organization’s primarymission is to holistically address and raisethe level of urological care within various

European countries to ensure thatknowledge within the industry is accessibleto not only patients, but other professionals

in the industry.

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Dr. Robert Nam the senior author of this study, claims thatthe results point to the fact that on a large scale level,

surgery provides a higher mortality rate across the board.Although this is the concluded scientific analysis, Dr. Robert

Nam makes it clear that there are cases or specificsituations when radiotherapy would have greater healthbenefits for the patient. Similar to any medical situation,

the need for radiotherapy or surgery is very much context-specific, so be sure to contact your physician to discuss

different forms of treatment.

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In terms of prostate cancer prevention,researchers have found certain foods that containnutrients which have shown to reduce overall risk.

As scientists are in the process of developingvarious supplements to the protect people from

prostate cancer, there still has been some debateas to whether or not consuming vitamin D is an

actual preventive to take or if it is whollydependent on genetics.

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Research has also shown that taking vitamin Dsupplements geared towards lowering prostatecancer risk can actually result in causing more

detriment or harm to their bodies. Other researchstudies indicate that men who have a high level of

omega 3 fatty acids in their blood due toconsuming fish oil tablets to improve their heart’s

health can actually increase the risk of prostatecancer.

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Even though studies still have contrasting scientificevidence with regard to vitamin D supplements or

omega 3 fatty acids affecting the likelihood prostatecancer diagnosis, there are some nutritional sources

that actively treat this type of cancer. Compounds thatcome from extracts such as pomegranates, turmeric,

flaxseed, broccoli, soy and green tea are all naturalsources that have been reported to slow any negative


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With regard to flaxseed supplements, onestudy showed that this seemed to slow the

prostate cancer rate for many men in a smallgroup. However, this specific study needs

more evidentiary support before any othermedical organization or hospital confirm

these findings as valid across the industry.