Evalauation post 3

Evalauation Post 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Transcript of Evalauation post 3

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Evalauation Post 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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What Is A Production Company? A production company is fundamentally responsible to assist for the develpment of scheduling, budgeting, scripting, casting and more. Furthermroe, they’re also involved in producing an sort of media such as Movies and TV programmes. They would also need to provide marketing, scripting and funding money in addition to whether anything go wrong they would be held accounted for such as if a prop where to be damaged they would have to replace or if an actor gets injured on the set.

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Why Have You Chosen Your Production Company Logo?We have chosen our production company logo like this as it relates to our chosen genre, horror. Our chosen of two colours, black and red, which features in this gives my logo a singificant, distictive feature of it being dangers. The red conntate with danger, blood even death which links to the generic convention of my genre thriller also giving the background feature of it being gloomy as if it is the ‘final hour’. The black features as to what seems to be death it self or the ‘grim reaper’, the use of blade significes as a weapon which can be used for an act to kill someone which links to death. We can see that the ‘grim reaper’ is holding the blade, but looking sharply we can see that his hand has no flesh or skin just bones, when we die our body decays and eventually turns to bones, this suggests that this person is from the dead in which goes against science and links to paranorma which again links to my genre thriller. The company logo is called ‘Grim Studios’, the text is bold and black this is because being bold will make it stand out and the use of black adds towards this.

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What is job of a film distributer?A film distibuter is responsible for

marketing a film. This can be either a company or an indiviual. A distibuter can decide when to release the film and what the type of viewing availability will be such as being a DVD or a demand programme.

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WHich film distibutor would you choose for your film and why?We have decided to choice Momentum Pictures as our film distributor. This due to that Momentum Pictures is one of the leading motion picture distibutor in both the UK and Ireland. They’ve release around 20 theatrical film a year and with some being thriller which is the same to ours, with several DVT releases. The most significant theatrical release includes The Oscar,BAFTA, and BIFA-winning The King’s Speech, Amelia, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind and many more. Overall, we believe that they’re remarkable film distributor company and with there experience and success of their previous releases, we hope that they too can do this again with our thriller film.

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How would your film be funded?I would hope that the film will be funded by the National Loterry Uk Film Council, if they do fund us with money we will then avoid finacial problems/crisis and it will then would allow us to distribute our film in the Uk. The National Lottery UK Film Council was found in the year 2000 by the Labour government to develop and promote the film industry in the UK. Film markers are supported by them to help investment issues and film markers who are capable of creating entertaining work.