
Who would be the audience for your media product? PLAYLIST MUSIC MAGAZINE COURSEWORK



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Who would be the audience for your media product?


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Groups More Males than females as the approach is similar to Q

which has the same target audience. The differences could result in a higher percentage of a female readership than male due to the style of the first article and contents. However the percentage, it is probable would still reveal a male orientated audience.

The magazine would be read by a majority of students because of its chart focus as well as coverage of resent social events.

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Musicians, Producers The magazines focus on the lives of singers and their time

before fame helps readers who may want to do the same. The presented features are used to

demonstrate the insight within the articles as well as advice it could offer.

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Entertainment lovers Technology is mentioned on the contents page as well as

other forms of entertainment aside from the music. Like NME magazines there would be articles about recent concerts, opinions of other films and new technology.

This content means the magazine covers a diverse range such as Q in there copies.

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Products They will be regular purchasers of new technologies, albums

and often visit the cinema etc.

I have mentioned Sonos, musical gadgets and films. The is what the target audience may consider purchasing and therefore the focus could encourages advertisers of new developed products and the most recent ideas within the magazine as it targets the appropriate audience and is appropriate as the magazine would aim to deliver the most recent news.

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Brands include the clothes many of the target audience will wear hence the present image. The clothes many be from chain stores found regularly in city centres. They will wear graphic t-shirts and have a style which reflects there likes and occupations.

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The Stereo The artists I have invented for the contents page of the magazine represent a range of different genres with a strong focus on acoustic guitar players. The pop genre is prevalent as it is in the charts, another genre is rock which is portrayed by the models with electric guitars and drums there are bands such as NOISE which targets a niche audience. Though the focus on rock, classical etc. is less of that for other genres in the magazines the images and topics might interest people listening to a range of music genres.