European Dialogue on Interregional Cooperation 2 October 2006 – Strasbourg ____ (afternoon...

European Dialogue on Interregional Cooperation 2 October 2006 – Strasbourg ____ (afternoon session) What do Regions propose to ensure that interregional cooperation acts as a major tool for EU regional policy?

Transcript of European Dialogue on Interregional Cooperation 2 October 2006 – Strasbourg ____ (afternoon...

Page 1: European Dialogue on Interregional Cooperation 2 October 2006 – Strasbourg ____ (afternoon session) What do Regions propose to ensure that interregional.

European Dialogue on Interregional Cooperation

2 October 2006 – Strasbourg ____

(afternoon session)

What do Regions proposeto ensure that interregional cooperation

acts as a major tool for EU regional policy?

Page 2: European Dialogue on Interregional Cooperation 2 October 2006 – Strasbourg ____ (afternoon session) What do Regions propose to ensure that interregional.

13.30 - What do Regions propose (to do) to ensure that interregional co-operation acts as a major tool for EU regional policy?

Moderation: Michel LAMBLIN - Programme Manager - INTERREG IIIC WestWith the participation of Elisabeth HELANDER, Director, Directorate D, Territorial Cooperation, urban actions and outermost regions, DG REGIO, European Commission

« The focus on the Lisbon priorities should not exclude rural areas from interregional co-operation, as they represent a large part of EU territory»Jack ROCHE, President of the European Leader Association for Rural Development Questions / Answers

14.00 - « Interregional co-operation can only be efficient with the strong involvement of the Regions. The Region Alsace is the proof of this/ proves it: decentralising the management of structural funds is a guarantee for the quality of the projects. » Pierre MEYER, Director for Co-operation and International Relations, Region Alsace (F) Questions / Answers

14.20 “What are the main difficulties experienced by the Regions to implement efficient interregional programmes?” Jitka BRABCOVA, Director of International Affairs, Olomouc (CZ)

“Learning process, experience-sharing, pilot activities: what should we learn from the Centurio programme? What should we change? What can we develop? Anita GALÓ, International Officer, European Integration Office, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County (H)Questions / Answers

15.00 - End

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Questions 1/2• Positionnement et présence active des autorités

régionales dans la définition des Programmes Opérationnels

• Facteurs qui permettent à une région de mieux réussir qu’une autre en matière de coopération interrégionale ?

• Budget réduit? Taux d’intervention accru (75%) Thémes ciblés (Lisbonne / Göteborg): conséquences, quid des autres thèmes, aperçu des sous-thèmes futurs

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Questions 2/2

• Coopération interrégionale et « mainstream »

• Les partenariats au niveau régional et local: implication des différents niveaux de gouvernance, des acteurs de la société civile et de l’ensemble des secteurs économiques

• Simplification

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INTERREG IIIC – Chiffres clés

• budget total = 315 MEUR

• 264 projets

• impliquant 2634 collectivités

• ... de 49 Etats (25 EM + 24 ENM)

• toutes les Régions d’Europe – sauf 5 - sont concernées (191)

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INTERREG IIIC 300 M€ _________________________ = _______________

Fonds structurels 300 000 M€

= 1 °/°°

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4 Autorités de gestion:

• Nord: IB Schleswig-Holstein (D)

• Est: Ville de Vienne (A)

• Sud: Generalitat Valencia (E)

• Ouest: Conseil Régional Nord – Pas de Calais

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D’où viennent les partenaires des projets?






126101 94 89 87 81 77

6448 48 40 39 39 38 35 26 20

9 40









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Partenaires des pays tiers




13 12 11

6 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10








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Statuts des partenaires impliqués

Organismes publics


Collectivités locales et régionales


Page 11: European Dialogue on Interregional Cooperation 2 October 2006 – Strasbourg ____ (afternoon session) What do Regions propose to ensure that interregional.

Thèmes de coopération

Page 12: European Dialogue on Interregional Cooperation 2 October 2006 – Strasbourg ____ (afternoon session) What do Regions propose to ensure that interregional.

La coopération interrégionale

2007/2013Une politique de fonds structurels articulée en 3 Objectifs

- Objectif 1 Convergence

- Objectif 2 Compétitivité

- Objectif 3 Coopération (territoriale)

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Une double approche pour la coopération interrégionale

• La coopération interrégionale aussi soutenue au travers des programmes régionaux d’Objectif 1 et 2

• La coopération interrégionale, partie intégrante de l’Objectif 3 – “INTERREG IVC”, concentrée sur les priorités de Lisbonne (Entreprenariat, R&D, innovation) et de Göteborg (Environnement, énergies renouvelables, prévention des risques)

Budget : 285 M€ (contre 315 M€ pour 2000/2006) + mainstream

Page 14: European Dialogue on Interregional Cooperation 2 October 2006 – Strasbourg ____ (afternoon session) What do Regions propose to ensure that interregional.

Thèmes (détails) 5.1- innovation et économie de la connaissance, through support for the

creation and strengthening of efficient regional innovation systems capable of reducing the technology gap, and which take into account local needs, and in particular:

a) enhancing regional R&TD and innovation capacities directly linked to regional economic development objectives: - by supporting industry or technology-specific competence centres; - by promoting industrial R&TD, SMEs and technology transfer; - by developing technology forecasting and international benchmarking of policies to promote innovation; and - by supporting inter-firm collaboration and joint R&TD and innovation policies;

b) stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship in all sectors of the regional and local economy: - by supporting the introduction of new or improved products, processes and services onto the market by SMEs; - by supporting business networks and clusters; - by improving access to finance by SMEs; - by promoting cooperation networks between enterprises and, appropriate tertiary education and research institutions; - by facilitating SMEs’ access to business support services, and - by supporting the integration of cleaner and innovative technologies in SMEs;

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Thèmes (détails)5.1- innovation and the knowledge economy, through

support for the creation and strengthening of efficient regional innovation systems capable of reducing the technology gap, and which take into account local needs, and in particular:

c) promoting entrepreneurship in particular

- by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and - by fostering the creation of new firms by appropriate tertiary education and research institutions and existing firms;

d) creating financial engineering instruments and incubation facilities that are conducive to the research and technological development capacity of SMEs and to encouraging entrepreneurship and new business formation, especially knowledge-intensive SMEs.

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Thèmes (détails)2) environment et prévention des risques, and in particular:

a) stimulating investment for the rehabilitation of the physical environment, including contaminated, desertified and brownfield sites and land;

b) promoting the development of infrastructure linked to biodiversity and investments in NATURA 2000 sites, where this contributes to sustainable economic development and/or diversification of rural areas;

c) stimulating energy efficiency and renewable energy production and the development of efficient energy management systems;

d) promoting clean and sustainable public transport, particularly in urban areas;

e) developing plans and measures to prevent and cope with natural and technological risks.

f) protection and enhancement of the natural heritage in support of socio-economic development and the promotion of natural assets as potential for the development of sustainable tourism.

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Projet e-Prodat – Madrid (E)

Décideurs de Silésie accueillis par le Chef du projet EMAP – Catalogne (E) Formation « interrégionale » pour les chefs de projets

Le Président Barroso et M. Motta, de l’opération PAGUS à Santiago de Compostela

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