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    entire Christian community. Let us warmly welcome them, and give them a biground of applause. (Clap hands.)

    My dear children, you have been privileged to receive Jesus Christ, the

    Bread of Life, broken-and-shared. Being now, more fully one with the Breadof Life, you are called upon to be bread-broken-and- shared, like Jesus. That is

    why you have been given a cross, as a symbol of your willingness to be broken,to sacrifice by sharing your time, your talents, your treasures with your

    brothers and sisters. This is how Jesus would have us love as bread-broken-and-shared. From here on, let us follow Jesus more closely in loving one anotheras He loves us.

    (The priest-presider gives the crosses to the children who are lined-up by twos. After giving the crosses he returns to his chair. The commentator reads theannouncement, if any)


    C. Please stand.

    P. The Lord be with you.

    All. And also with you.

    BLESSINGP. My dear children, bring Gods blessing and love to your homes. Celebrateyour happiness this day with your parents, relatives and friends. May the God of

    love bless you and be with you always, in the name of the Father +, and of theSon, and of the Holy Spirit.All. Amen.

    DISMISSALP. The Eucharist has been offered. Go now in peace and joy to love and

    serve the Lord.All. Thanks be to God.

    (After the greeting, the first communicants read a message of appreciatioaddressed to the parents expressing their gratitude and happiness for their presen

    and support in the celebration. They read from their seats.


    Option: A representative of the children may go up to the lectern and read.

    Communicants: Loving parents, thank you for coming here with us celebrate this wonderful Eucharistic Offering to the Father. This is the fulfillment

    our desire to receive Jesus into our Hearts. Within this mass, we are going to reneour baptismal vows which you received in our behalf when we were young.

    (The parents will do the same. From their seats they read the following messagaddressed to the children. Or a representative from the parents may go up to thlectern and read.)

    Parents: We, your parents and friends, share with you your happinebecause we too, will be able to receive Jesus our Lord, in holy communion. Liyou, we believe that receiving Jesus is something very special. We are going tshow our happiness and joy by joining you in thanking God our Father, and renewing your baptismal vows during this Eucharistic celebration.

    (Then the priest-presider continues:)P. My dear children, when you were baptized, you were given a whit

    dress, like what you are wearing today. It is a sign that you are a child oGod and very dear to Him. At baptism, you were given a lighted candle withe words: Receive the light of Christ and keep the flame of faith alive i

    your hearts. Your candle today helps you to know that Jesus, the trulight, is always with you.

    Today, you are invited with all the baptized to share the brokenbread which is Jesus. We begin this celebration recalling our baptism as wlight our candles and profess our faith.

    CREED(Two representatives from the first communicants come forward to light the

    candles from the paschal Candle and then pass on the light to the other fircommunicants. After this, all make the profession of faith which will take the form question and answer as at baptism)




    Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.

    Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, grant us peace.


    P. Lord Jesus Christ, with faith in your love and mercy I eat your body anddrink your blood. Let it not bring me condemnation, but health of mind

    and body.

    (The priest genuflects and take some of the consecrated bread and the cup andextending them toward the people, he says:)

    P. This is the bread come down from heaven; whoever eats of it will neverdie. This is the cup of eternal life; whoever drinks of it will live forever.

    All. Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall

    be healed.

    (The priest says inaudibly:)

    P. May the body and blood of Christ bring me to everlasting life.

    COMMUNION PROCESSION(Everyone will receive communion under both species. Ideally both parents comeforward with their child and receive communion as a family together. If this is notpossible, the catechist leads the child to communion.)

    P. The Body and Blood of Christ.Communicant: Amen


    (The Choir leads the congregation in singing appropriate songs for communion.)

    SILENCE AFTER COMMUNION(A period of silence, or a song of thanksgiving may be sung after communion)

    This we ask you through Christ our Lord.All. Amen.

    (The lighted candles are extinguished)

    Commentator: All please be seated and let us listen to the readings.


    THE BLESSING OF THE CHILD READER/S(It is a part of Filipino culture to ask for a priests or an elders blessing performing a special task. This is normally done through the gesture of MaPo, which consists of taking the priests or elders right hand to ones foreheaThis gesture signifies respect for authority.The assigned readers (for the first reading and the psalm) go to the priest and makMano Po. After which the priest blesses them by making the sign of the crosThen the reader for the first reading goes directly to the lectern, while the psalmistsit on the chair/s at the side of the lectern. It is preferable that a group of childresings the psalm verses, while everyone else responds.)

    FIRST READING (Deuteronomy 8:2-3)

    A reading from the Book of Deuteronomy

    Remember how for forty years now the Lord, your God, has directed ayour journeying in the desert, so as to test you by affliction and find out whether o

    not it was your intention to keep his commandments. He, therefore let you bafflicted with hunger, and then fed you with manna, a food unknown to you an

    your fathers, in order to show you that not by bread alone does man live, but bevery word that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord.

    The Word of the Lord.

    All. Thanks be to God.

    RESPONSORIAL PSALM (Psalm 78)(The assembly repeats the response said or sung by the psalmist/s the first time anthen after each verse.)

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    Remember Christians everywhereAnd all other people in the world

    We are filled with wonder and praise

    When we see what you do for usThrough Jesus your Son, and so we sing:

    Through him,

    with him,in him,in the unity of the Holy Spirit,all glory and honor is yours,Almighty Father,Forever and ever.

    All. Amen.


    THE LORDS PRAYERP. In Christ, we have received the Spirit of adoption. Now, as children

    of God, let us all join our hands as we sing the Lords prayer.

    All. Our Father in heavenHoly be your nameYour kingdom comeYour will be doneOn earth as in heavenGive us today our daily bread.Forgive us our sinsAs we forgive those who sin against us.Save us from the time of trialAnd deliver us from evil

    P. Deliver us Lord, from every evil,And grant us peace in our day.In your mercy keep us free from sinAnd protect us in time of trial,As we wait in joyful hope

    Give them some food yourselves. They replied, five loaves and two fish are awe have, unless we ourselves go and buy food for all these people. Now, the mthere numbered about five thousand. Then, he said to his disciples, Have them sdown. Then taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, h

    said the blessing over them, broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set befothe crowd. They all ate and were satisfied. And when the leftover fragments wer

    picked up, they filled twelve wicker baskets.The Gospel of the Lord.

    All. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

    HOMILYOptions: a) Dramatization of the Gospel by children who are not

    communicants;b) Priest/catechist/teacher who is gifted to speak to the children.

    Points to be considered in delivering the Homily:1. In baptism, we celebrate:

    a) that we are Gods children and very dear to him;b) that Jesus accompanies us on the path of life.

    2. In the Eucharist:

    a) Jesus breaks bread --- shares his life with usb) to make us one community of lovec) so we can break bread with others

    GENERAL INTERCESSION(After the homily, the Prayers of the Faithful will follow. The commentator invitthe congregation to stand. After the presiders invitation, assigned catechist, paren(mother and father), and communicants go to the lectern to read the intentions.)

    C. Please stand.P. Brothers and sisters, Jesus nourished us with his word of life and

    invited us to his table. Let us present our petitions to the Father whocares for all his children and let us say to him:Lord, hear our prayer.

    Catechist: For the Church, that the Eucharist may remain the source of life anbearer of light for all Christian families, we pray:

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    All. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of power and might,

    Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

    Hosanna in the highest.

    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

    Hosanna in the highest.

    C. Please kneel.

    P. God our Father,You are most holyAnd we want to show you that we are grateful.

    We bring you bread and wine and askYou to send your Holy Spirit to make these giftsThe Body + and Blood of Jesus your Son.

    On the night before he died,Jesus was having supper with his apostles.He took bread from the table.He gave you thanks and praise.Then, he broke the bread

    Gave it to his friends, and said:


    When supper was ended,Jesus took the cup that was filled with wine.

    He thanked you,Gave it to his friends, and said:



    We do now what Jesus told us to do.We remember his death and his resurrection

    present them to the presider. Then the parents may follow and the rest of thcongregation. Two first communicants should be selected to bring the gifts of brea

    and wine. Meanwhile, the congregation sings the Offertory Song.)

    C. My brothers and sisters, we now have the offertory.a) The love offering and other gifts are offered to symbolize our

    solidarity with the poor. It symbolizes our readiness to giveourselves, our hopes and dreams, for others.

    b) The bread and wine, these are the primary elements for thecelebration of the Eucharist. They symbolize the efforts, laborsof joy, generosity and gratitude of the community which areoffered to God, and shared for the good of the community.

    PREPARATION OF GIFTS(The priest takes the plate with bread and holding it slightly raised above the altesays quietly:)

    P. Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation. Through your goodness we hathis bread to present before you, which earth has given and human hands have madIt will become for us the bread of life.

    ALL. Blessed be God forever.

    (Then, he pours wine and a little water into the chalice, the priest says quietly.)

    P. By the mystery of this water and wine may we come t

    share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself share in our humanity.

    (Before placing the chalice on the alter, the priest says quietly: )

    P. Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, through your goodness we havthis wine to present before you, fruit of the vine and work of human hands. It wibecome for us our spiritual drink.

    All. Blessed be God forever.(The priest then says quietly:)




    P. With humble and contrite hearts, Lord God, we ask you to receive us and tobe pleased with our sacrifice this day.P. My dear children, now I ask you to renew your baptismal vows

    which you have made when you were young through your parents.

    Do you reject sin, so as to live in the freedom of Gods children?

    Communicants: I do.

    P. Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth?

    Communicants: I do.

    P. Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of theVirgin Mary, was crucified, died, and was buried, rose from the dead, and isnow seated at the right hand of the Father?

    Communicants: I do.

    P. Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communionof saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life


    Communicants: I do.

    P. This is our faith. As I sprinkle you with water, thank God for baptism which

    has given you such a great privilege---to share the broken bread which isJesus.

    SPRINKLING(The priest sprinkles the congregation with holy water while the choir sings asuitable song. After the sprinkling, the priest returns to his choir and says theOpening Prayer)


    P. Let us pray.God our Father, we thank you for your Son Jesus. In baptism we become hisbrothers and sisters. In the Eucharist, we become his table guests. As we

    receive his goodness at this table, may we share whatever good we havewith others.

    (After a period of silence, or the thanksgiving song, a representative fro the parenmay go to the lectern and read in behalf of the parents, the Prayer for the ChildreEverybody is requested to stand for the Prayer.)C. Please stand.


    Parents: O Lord, with joyful hearts, we offer you our children. We ask you help us keep our children pure and faithful to their Christian calling, to serve yogenerously all the days of their lives. O lord, with your constant guidance, help us bring our children closer to you, by our own good example day by day. Amen.

    (Then, the prayer after Communion will follow)


    Lord, may this sacrifice and communion give us a share in your life and heus bring your love to the world. Grant this through Christ our Lord.

    All. Amen.


    BLESSING OF CERTIFICATES AND CROSSES(Crosses and certificates are brought forward for blessing by the priest)

    P. Merciful God, bless these certificates and crosses, and bless too, the childrewho will receive them. May these certificates and crosses constantly remind

    these children of your great love for them, and inspire them to be alwayloyal to your Son, Jesus Christ. This we ask you through Christ our Lord.

    All. Amen.

    (The priest sprinkles the certificates and crosses with holy water)






    P. Having received Jesus Christ in the Eucharist for the first time today,these children now share a new level of oneness with us and with the

    RESPONSE: The Lord gave them bread from heaven.

    Verse 1: Listen to the words of my mpouth

    For I will speak of stories of old;I will talk of things seen and heard

    Which your fathers have told you.

    Verse 2: He commands the skies aboveAnd opened the heavens;He rained manna upon them for foodAnd gave them heavenly bread.

    Verse 3: They ate and had more than their fillAs they ate the bread of angelsThey ate and had more than enoughFor he gave them what they desired.

    Commentator: Jesus will speak to us in the Gospel. We stand now to give

    respect and prepare ourselves to listen to his message.

    ALLELUIA(The choir sings the appropriate Alleluia song)

    Alleluia Verse: (Luke 9:14)He took the five loaves, blessed and broke them, and gave them to eat.

    GOSPEL: (Luke 9: 10-17)P. The Lord be with you.All. And also with you.

    A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke.

    When the apostles returned, they explained to him what they had done. Hetook them and withdrew in a private town called Bethsaida. The crowds,meanwhile, learned of this and followed him. He received them and spoke to themabout the kingdom of God, and he healed those who needed to be cured.

    As the day was drawing to a close, the twelve approached him and said,Dismiss the crowd so that they can go to the surrounding villages and farms andfind lodging and provisions, for we are in a deserted place here. He said to them,For the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.

    All. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever

    P. Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: peace I leave with you, my

    peace I give you. Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church, and grant uthe peace and unity of your kingdom where you live for ever and ever.All. Amen.

    P. The peace of the Lord be with you always.All. And also with you.

    P. As children of the God of peace, let us offer one another with a sign ofpeace.

    SIGN OF PEACE(the communicants move in silence, approaching their parents, and catechists

    give the sign of peace. Ample time is provided for the communicants to go around

    They make Mano Po to their parents or elders or may even kiss or embrace themWhile to their teachers or catechists, they may shake hands or make some otheappropriate signs of peace and fellowship.)

    Option: [If there is a great number of communicants, it is preferable to just givsimply the sign of peace to each other according to what have been commonlpracticed: such as bowing or shaking of hands.]


    (Christians are gathered for the breaking of the bread. In communion, thougmany, we are one body in the one bread which is Christ.)

    [The priest breaks the host over the paten and places a small piece in the chalice

    saying quietly:]

    P. May this mingling of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ bringeternal life to us who receive it.

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    (The choir leads the congregation in singing Lamb of God)

    Father: For our government leaders, that they may always defend the

    rights of all unborn children, we pray:

    Mother: For us parents, that we may be united in the Lord with a love thatis ready to serve and attentive to the needs of our children, we pray:

    Communicant (boy):For us children, that as we grow up, we may appreciate and be

    grateful to the love shown by our parents, we pray:

    Communicant (girl):For all of us, first communicants and for this community, that as we

    are gathered around the Eucharist, we may share each others lives andconcerns as one big family, we pray:

    Communicant (boy or girl):For our beloved (Bishop Jesse Mercado and Mass Celebrant Fr.

    Rex Tapales) our teachers, catechists, our parents and those who

    made this day a meaningful one, may God continue to bless them with hislove and peace, we pray:

    P. Heavenly Father, who sent your Son to give us life, keep us closeto him so that we may arrive at the heavenly meal with our baptismal

    dress spotless. We ask this through Christ our lord.

    All. Amen.

    IV. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST(The commentator introduces the Liturgy of the Eucharist)

    C. Please be seated and let us prepare ourselves for the Liturgy of theEucharist. We now celebrate the memorial which the Lord instituted

    at His last supper.


    (While everybody is preparing for the offertory, the commentator reads thesymbolism of the presentation of gifts. After the reading, the first communicants

    come forward row by row to bring their giftslove offering or other items andAnd we offer you, Father, the bread that gives us life,

    And the cup that saves us.Jesus brings us to you;

    Welcome us as you welcome him.

    C. Please stand.

    MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION(All say or sing: [one of these forms])

    a.) Christ has died,Christ is risen,Christ will come again.

    b.) Dying you destroyed our death,Rising, you restored our life.Lord Jesus, come in glory.

    c.) When we eat this bread and drink this cup,We proclaim your death, Lord Jesus,Until you come in glory

    d.) Lord, by your cross and resurrectionYou have set us freeYou are the savior of the world.

    P. Father, because you love us,You invite us to come to your tableFill us with the joy of the Holy SpiritAs we receive the body and blood of your Son.

    Lord,You never forget any of your children.We ask you to take care of those we love.Especially of N and N)And we pray for those who have died.

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    Remember everyone who is sufferingFrom pain or sorrow

    (Then, he washes his hands, saying quietly:)

    P. Lord, wash away my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

    C. Please stand.


    P. Pray, brothers and sisters, that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God, theAlmighty Father.

    All. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and

    glory of His name, for our good, and the good of all His Church.


    P. Lord, may the bread we break and the cup we share make us in love with allhumankind, through Jesus our Lord.

    All. Amen.


    (For Masses with Children)

    P. The Lord be with you.All. And also with you.

    P. Lift up your hearts.All. We lift them up to the Lord.

    P. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

    All. It is right to give him thanks and praise.


    P. God our Father,You have brought us here together

    So that we can give you thanks and praiseFor all the wonderful things you have done.

    We thank you for all that is beautiful in the world

    And for the happiness you have given us.We praise you for daylight

    And for your word which lights up our minds.We praise you for the earth

    And all the people who live on it,And for out life which comes from you.

    We know that you are good.You love us and do great things for us.(So we all sing/say together)


    P. Father,You are always thinking about your people;You never forget us.You sent us your Son Jesus,Who gave his life for us,

    He cured sick people;He cared for those who were poorAnd wept with those who were sad.He forgave sinnersAnd taught us to forgive each other.

    He loved everyoneAnd showed us how to be kind.

    He took children in his arms and blessed them.(So we are glad to sing/say:)


    P. God our Father,All over the world your people praise you.

    So now we pray with the whole Church:With N, our Pope, and N, our bishop.In heaven the blessed Virgin Mary,The apostles and all the saintsAlways sing your praise

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    Now we join with them and with the angelsTo adore you as we sing/say:


