Esoteric Astrology as news for week RISA’S STARS · Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 9 –...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 9 – 15, 2018 Mother’s Day, New Moon, Uranus Enters Taurus Mother’s Day is Sunday; Tuesday is the new moon (24.36 degrees Taurus) and soon after, Uranus (planet of revolution, ultimate change) enters Taurus (stabilizing new ar- chetypes, new ideas). This is a change for Uranus after seven years in Aries (all things new). Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers (what- ever gender or species) & to fathers who are also mothers. We nurture and nourish and bring comfort to our mothers today in ways they need and understand (not our ways and needs). Mercury (talk)and Moon (mother) enter Taurus Sunday, too. We speak comfort- ing words and create beauty and the Art of Living for our mothers. Tuesday early morning is the Taurus new moon. Sun/Moon in Taurus – creating a new moon. The personality-building keynote for Taurus is, “Let struggle be undismayed.” It reveals the Ray 4 of Taurus – understanding harmony emerges from conflict and chaos. The Moon is exalted (works well) in Tau- rus. And Taurus is the Mother of All Forms. It’s a time of stability, we don’t want change, we don’t want hurry or stress or disharmony. We want a comforting couch to sit upon, to rest; fine foods; quality friendships; art and beauty. Amidst this kindly scene, Uranus quietly shifts into Taurus (8:16am west coast time, Tuesday). And a new rhythm begins. From out of the darkness of form, a newly awak- ened perception of Light is “seen”: From darkness to light, the unreal to the real, from chaos to beauty.” (more on Uranus next week) ARIES: You could feel the need to spend and spend. However, it’s best to restrict this desire. If you must, concentrate on prepara- tion of foods, water, medicines, things need- ed in case of emergency. I know this may be difficult for a fire sign to concentrate on details needed for this task. However, it may save your life. Be a leader in this. Others will learn and follow. TAURUS: A growing sense of importance and a new state of self-identity begins to be realized by you along with a new level of courage. Others see this, too, and they call upon you for strength, leadership and knowl- edge. You have dreams and visions concern- ing future accomplishments. Soon others will join your visions and bring new Aquarian community ideas into form and matter. Con- centrate on vivifying your health. GEMINI: Your energies are slowly reced- ing to a place of rest and reflection. It’s good to read about communities during this time, considering how you would create communi- ty, what community means to you, and what talents you bring to a community you would choose to help create and live in. Turn inward more and more. A spiritual circadian-rhythm time schedule emerges. CANCER: While the past becomes more visible, especially in dreams, you gradually become more visible in social groups, in the work you’re accomplishing at home and in the world. It’s most important you listen to others without judgments, opinions, tak- ing sides or giving advice. You have many ideas, and much thinking, based on the past. Events now will bring you into the present/ future. LEO: I often tell everyone that Leos need praise and recognition so they can evolve more easily. This is true. There will be up- coming new and challenging work you might consider doing. You will have assistance from colleagues who recognize and respect you and the outcome will be more than good. This will be gradual and take some time. You will develop the needed fortitude and patience. VIRGO: Your mind is focused on learn- ing something large and important. You are also thinking about teachers who helped de- velop your mind, providing new avenues of thought, perceptions and creative ideas. You might want to be in touch with what your true hopes and wishes are. And resume studies set aside long ago. You may also want to travel. Desire, independence and aspiration lead you. LIBRA: Are you concerned with money and finances? It’s important to use your resources to prepare for the future. Not a retirement far-off future, but soon into the future. Let’s consider the following. What would you do without food, power, water or gas for your car? What can you do now that would care for you, loved ones, family and friends should any type of emergency occur? Because you’re the sign of balance, you must balance this reality with previous future hopes. SCORPIO: Wherever you are, no matter whom you’re with, something fiery seems to pulsate and things swift and moving seem to be on the verge with everything chang- ing minute by minute. These energies are complex and almost not understandable. It’s best to agree with everyone, take your- self far away somewhere, seek the silence of clouds, oceans, sand, gardens, trees, forests and stars. They make everything as new within. SAGITTARIUS: Money’s something you simply can’t understand at times. Don’t try. You’re experiencing a secret wound some- where. Being creative becomes an over- whelming feat. There’s so much approach- ing, you can’t decide things anymore. Try not to burn out with anxiety. You wish for safety in relationship but only sense the past. The only thing left are friends who are serious and responsible. They care for you. CAPRICORN: This month allows you to be freer than usual, setting its pace accord- ing to your needs, calling for you to seek all types of creative art forms, to have fun, and to be a bit more social. Home is the best place to be after a long trip. As you look around you’ll see the opportunities to change its appearance, expanding its com- fort and joy and creating art of living there. Your home loves you. AQUARIUS: Be the family member ev- eryone can communicate with. Reach out to everyone with this in mind. Refrain from solv- ing problems, offering advice, making judg- ments, stating opinions. True communication occurs, continues, and lasts when listening is the main component. People communi- cate so they can be heard. They don’t com- municate in order to be advised. Knowing this changes our lives. PISCES: Two tasks occupy your mind. Tending to money and finances; arranging and beautifying your environment. First, ei- ther set up a new account or take your money out of the bank and buy gold and silver. Tithe regularly. Create a time schedule for organiz- ing your environment. Set up shelves; give away what’s not being used. Don’t hesitate; be lavish in these tasks. Beauty is at stake. Without beauty, order and organization you simply cannot function well. Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute in Santa Cruz. Risa can be reached by email at [email protected]. Her website is RISA’S STARS Found Property U.S. Currency located near 11136 Jefferson Blvd., on December 31, 2017. Please contact the Culver City Department: Property Supervisor 310-253-6122 4040 Duquesne Ave. Culver City, CA 90232 Culver City News-5/10/2018- 64933 Legal Notices-CC Notice: $331,605 un- claimed money from Culver City Police De- partment cases prior to September 2014 are being held in the Prop- erty Fund. Unclaimed money will become the property of the agency on June 25, 2018. Culver City News- 5/10,17/2018- 64861 Legal Notices-CC INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. A- FN4655637 05/03/2018, 05/10/2018, 05/17/2018 Culver City News- 5/3,10,17/2018- 64420 Public Notice Notice: $331,605 un- Legal Notices-CC FOR TRUSTEE SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL:AUC- TION.COM, LLC 800- 2 8 0 - 2 8 3 2 BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TREDER and WEISS, LLP as Trustee 2095 5 Pathfinder Road, Suite 300 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (866) 795-1852 Dated: 04/26/201 8 BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TREDER and WEISS, LLP I S ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT - TEMPTING TO COL- LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OB- Legal Notices-CC trustee's sale or visit this Internet Web site for information regarding the sale of this prop- erty, using the file num- ber assigned to this case 00000007239122. Information about post- ponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immedi- ately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement in- formation is to attend the scheduled sale. FOR TRUSTEE SALE Legal Notices-CC neficiary under said Deed of Trust hereto- fore executed and de- livered to the under- signed a written De- claration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of De- fault and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. NOTICE TO POTEN- TIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bid- ding on this property li- en, you should under- stand that there are risks involved in bid- ding at a trustee auc- tion. You will be bid- ding on a lien, not on the property itself. Pla- cing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically en- title you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bid- der at the auction, you are or may be respons- ible for paying off all li- ens senior to the lien being auctioned off, be- fore you can receive clear title to the prop- erty. You are encour- aged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding li- ens that may exist on this property by con- tacting the county re- corder's office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pur- suant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law re- quires that information about trustee sale post- ponements be made available to you and to the public, as a cour- tesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 800-280-2832 for in- formation regarding the trustee's sale or visit Legal Notices-CC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TREDER and WEISS, LLP, as duly appointed Trustee under and pur- suant to Deed of Trust Recorded on 08/04/2005 as Instru- ment No. 05 1864367 of official records in the office of the County Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, State of CALIFORNIA. EXECUTED BY: MISHA M. REESE, A SINGLE PERSON, WILL SELL AT PUB- LIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER'S CHECK/CASH EQUI- VALENT or other form of payment authorized by California Civil Code 2924h(b), (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States). DATE OF SALE: 06/07/2018. TIME OF SALE: 9:00 AM. PLACE OF SALE: DOUBLETREE HOTEL LOS ANGELES-NOR- WALK, 13111 SYCA- MORE DRIVE, NOR- WALK, CA 90650. STREET ADDRESS and other common designation, if any, of the real property de- scribed above is pur- ported to be: 5875 DOVERWOOD 307 DR, CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA 90230. APN#: 4134-017-120. The undersigned Trust- ee disclaims any liabil- ity for any incorrect- ness of the street ad- dress and other com- mon designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied,regarding title, possession, or encum- brances, to pay the re- maining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, un- der the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the un- paid balance of the ob- ligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $253,214.59. The be- neficiary under said Legal Notices-CC to the personal repres- entative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of let- ters to a general per- sonal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a no- tice under section 9052 of the California Pro- bate Code. Other California stat- utes and legal author- ity may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to con- sult with an attorney knowledgeable in Cali- fornia law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a per- son interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Re- quest for Special No- tice (form DE-154) of the filing of an invent- ory and appraisal of es- tate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is avail- able from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: STEFANIE S CUTLER ESQ SBN 254364 RUTTENBERG CUTLER LLP 11111 SANTA MON- ICA BLVD STE 1840 LOS ANGELES CA 90025-3352 CN948597 ISAACS Apr 26, May 3,10, 2018 Culver City News- 4/26,5/3,10/2018- 63916 NOTICE OF TRUST- EE'S SALE Trustee Sale No. : 00000007239122 Title Order No.: 730- 1710786-70 FHA/VA/PM No.: AT- TENTION RECORD- ER: THE FOLLOW- ING REFERENCE TO AN ATTACHED SUM- MARY APPLIES ONLY TO COPIES PROVIDED TO THE TRUSTOR, NOT TO THIS RECORDED ORIGINAL NOTICE. NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT AT- TACHED. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 06/24/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO- TECT YOUR PROP- ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED Legal Notices-CC NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF GITTA ISAACS Case No. 18STPB03552 To all heirs, beneficiar- ies, creditors, contin- gent creditors, and per- sons who may other- wise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of GITTA ISAACS A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Frumeh Labow in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Frumeh Labow be appointed as personal representative to ad- minister the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION re- quests the decedent's will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codi- cils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION re- quests authority to ad- minister the estate un- der the Independent Administration of Es- tates Act. (This author- ity will allow the per- sonal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before tak- ing certain very import- ant actions, however , the personal represent- ative will be required to give notice to inter- ested persons unless they have waived no- tice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent adminis- tration authority will be granted unless an in- terested person files an objection to the peti- tion and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the pe- tition will be held on May 17, 2018 at 8:30 AM in Dept. No. 67 loc- ated at 111 N. Hill St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appear- ance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CRED- ITOR or a contingent creditor of the de- cedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal repres-

Transcript of Esoteric Astrology as news for week RISA’S STARS · Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 9 –...

Page 1: Esoteric Astrology as news for week RISA’S STARS · Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 9 – 15, 2018 Mother’s Day, New Moon, Uranus Enters Taurus Mother’s Day is Sunday;

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 9 – 15, 2018

Mother’s Day, New Moon, Uranus Enters Taurus

Mother’s Day is Sunday; Tuesday is the new moon (24.36 degrees Taurus) and soon after, Uranus (planet of revolution, ultimate change) enters Taurus (stabilizing new ar-chetypes, new ideas). This is a change for Uranus after seven years in Aries (all things new).

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers (what-ever gender or species) & to fathers who are also mothers. We nurture and nourish and bring comfort to our mothers today in ways they need and understand (not our ways and needs). Mercury (talk)and Moon (mother) enter Taurus Sunday, too. We speak comfort-ing words and create beauty and the Art of Living for our mothers.

Tuesday early morning is the Taurus new moon. Sun/Moon in Taurus – creating a new moon. The personality-building keynote for Taurus is, “Let struggle be undismayed.” It reveals the Ray 4 of Taurus – understanding harmony emerges from conflict and chaos.

The Moon is exalted (works well) in Tau-rus. And Taurus is the Mother of All Forms. It’s a time of stability, we don’t want change, we don’t want hurry or stress or disharmony. We want a comforting couch to sit upon, to rest; fine foods; quality friendships; art and beauty.

Amidst this kindly scene, Uranus quietly shifts into Taurus (8:16am west coast time, Tuesday). And a new rhythm begins. From

out of the darkness of form, a newly awak-ened perception of Light is “seen”: From darkness to light, the unreal to the real, from chaos to beauty.” (more on Uranus next week)

ARIES: You could feel the need to spend and spend. However, it’s best to restrict this desire. If you must, concentrate on prepara-tion of foods, water, medicines, things need-ed in case of emergency. I know this may be difficult for a fire sign to concentrate on details needed for this task. However, it may save your life. Be a leader in this. Others will learn and follow.

TAURUS: A growing sense of importance and a new state of self-identity begins to be realized by you along with a new level of courage. Others see this, too, and they call upon you for strength, leadership and knowl-edge. You have dreams and visions concern-ing future accomplishments. Soon others will join your visions and bring new Aquarian community ideas into form and matter. Con-centrate on vivifying your health.

GEMINI: Your energies are slowly reced-ing to a place of rest and reflection. It’s good to read about communities during this time, considering how you would create communi-ty, what community means to you, and what talents you bring to a community you would

choose to help create and live in. Turn inward more and more. A spiritual circadian-rhythm time schedule emerges.

CANCER: While the past becomes more visible, especially in dreams, you gradually become more visible in social groups, in the work you’re accomplishing at home and in the world. It’s most important you listen to others without judgments, opinions, tak-ing sides or giving advice. You have many ideas, and much thinking, based on the past. Events now will bring you into the present/future.

LEO: I often tell everyone that Leos need praise and recognition so they can evolve more easily. This is true. There will be up-coming new and challenging work you might consider doing. You will have assistance from colleagues who recognize and respect you and the outcome will be more than good. This will be gradual and take some time. You will develop the needed fortitude and patience.

VIRGO: Your mind is focused on learn-ing something large and important. You are also thinking about teachers who helped de-velop your mind, providing new avenues of thought, perceptions and creative ideas. You might want to be in touch with what your true hopes and wishes are. And resume studies

set aside long ago. You may also want to travel. Desire, independence and aspiration lead you.

LIBRA: Are you concerned with money and finances? It’s important to use your resources to prepare for the future. Not a retirement far-off future, but soon into the future. Let’s consider the following. What would you do without food, power, water or gas for your car? What can you do now that would care for you, loved ones, family and friends should any type of emergency occur? Because you’re the sign of balance, you must balance this reality with previous future hopes.

SCORPIO: Wherever you are, no matter whom you’re with, something fiery seems to pulsate and things swift and moving seem to be on the verge with everything chang-ing minute by minute. These energies are complex and almost not understandable. It’s best to agree with everyone, take your-self far away somewhere, seek the silence of clouds, oceans, sand, gardens, trees, forests and stars. They make everything as new within.

SAGITTARIUS: Money’s something you simply can’t understand at times. Don’t try. You’re experiencing a secret wound some-where. Being creative becomes an over-

whelming feat. There’s so much approach-ing, you can’t decide things anymore. Try not to burn out with anxiety. You wish for safety in relationship but only sense the past. The only thing left are friends who are serious and responsible. They care for you.

CAPRICORN: This month allows you to be freer than usual, setting its pace accord-ing to your needs, calling for you to seek all types of creative art forms, to have fun, and to be a bit more social. Home is the best place to be after a long trip. As you look around you’ll see the opportunities to change its appearance, expanding its com-fort and joy and creating art of living there. Your home loves you.

AQUARIUS: Be the family member ev-eryone can communicate with. Reach out to everyone with this in mind. Refrain from solv-ing problems, offering advice, making judg-ments, stating opinions. True communication occurs, continues, and lasts when listening is the main component. People communi-cate so they can be heard. They don’t com-municate in order to be advised. Knowing this changes our lives.

PISCES: Two tasks occupy your mind. Tending to money and finances; arranging and beautifying your environment. First, ei-ther set up a new account or take your money out of the bank and buy gold and silver. Tithe regularly. Create a time schedule for organiz-ing your environment. Set up shelves; give away what’s not being used. Don’t hesitate; be lavish in these tasks. Beauty is at stake. Without beauty, order and organization you simply cannot function well.

Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute in Santa Cruz. Risa can be reached by email at [email protected]. Her website is


Found PropertyU.S. Currency located near 11136 Jefferson

Blvd., on December 31, 2017. Please contact theCulver City Department:

Property Supervisor310-253-6122

4040 Duquesne Ave. Culver City, CA 90232Culver City News-5/10/2018- 64933

Legal Notices-CCPublic NoticeNotice: $331,605 un-claimed money fromCulver City Police De-partment cases prior toSeptember 2014 arebeing held in the Prop-erty Fund. Unclaimedmoney will become theproperty of the agencyon June 25, 2018.Culver City News-5/10,17/2018- 64861

Legal Notices-CC

NOTICE OF TRUST-EE'S SALE TrusteeS a l e N o . :00000007239122 TitleO r d e r N o . : 7 3 0 -1 7 1 0 7 8 6 - 7 0FHA/VA/PM No.: AT-TENTION RECORD-ER: THE FOLLOW-ING REFERENCE TOAN ATTACHED SUM-MARY APPLIES ONLYT O C O P I E SPROVIDED TO THETRUSTOR, NOT TOT H I S R E C O R D E DORIGINAL NOTICE.NOTE: THERE IS ASUMMARY OF THEI N F O R M A T I O N I NTHIS DOCUMENT AT-TACHED. YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST,DATED 06/24/2005.UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROP-ERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEP R O C E E D I N GAGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. BARRETTDAFFIN FRAPPIERTREDER and WEISS,LLP, as duly appointedTrustee under and pur-suant to Deed of TrustR e c o r d e d o n08/04/2005 as Instru-ment No. 05 1864367of official records in theoffice of the CountyR e c o r d e r o f L O SANGELES Coun ty ,State of CALIFORNIA.E X E C U T E D B Y :MISHA M. REESE, AS I N G L E P E R S O N ,WILL SELL AT PUB-L I C A U C T I O N T OHIGHEST BIDDERF O R C A S H ,C A S H I E R ' SCHECK/CASH EQUI-VALENT or other formof payment authorizedby California Civil Code2924h(b), (payable attime of sale in lawfulmoney of the UnitedSta tes) . DATE OFSALE: 06/07 /2018.TIME OF SALE: 9:00AM. PLACE OF SALE:DOUBLETREE HOTELLOS ANGELES-NOR-WALK, 13111 SYCA-MORE DRIVE, NOR-WALK, CA 90650 .STREET ADDRESSand other commondesignation, if any, ofthe real property de-scribed above is pur-ported to be: 5875DOVERWOOD 307DR, CULVER CITY,CALIFORNIA 90230.APN#: 4134-017-120.The undersigned Trust-ee disclaims any liabil-ity for any incorrect-ness of the street ad-dress and other com-mon designation, i fany, shown herein.Said sale will be made,but without covenant orwarranty, expressed orimplied,regarding title,possession, or encum-brances, to pay the re-maining principal sumof the note(s) securedby said Deed of Trust,with interest thereon,as provided in saidnote(s), advances, un-der the terms of saidDeed of Trust, fees,charges and expensesof the Trustee and ofthe trusts created bysaid Deed of Trust. Thetotal amount of the un-paid balance of the ob-ligation secured by theproperty to be sold andreasonable estimatedcosts, expenses andadvances at the time ofthe initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is$253,214.59. The be-neficiary under saidDeed of Trust hereto-fore executed and de-livered to the under-signed a written De-claration of Default andDemand for Sale, anda written Notice of De-fault and Election toSell. The undersignedcaused said Notice ofDefault and Election toSell to be recorded inthe county where thereal property is located.NOTICE TO POTEN-TIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bid-ding on this property li-en, you should under-stand that there arerisks involved in bid-ding at a trustee auc-tion. You will be bid-ding on a lien, not onthe property itself. Pla-cing the highest bid ata trustee auction doesnot automatically en-title you to free andclear ownership of theproperty. You shouldalso be aware that thelien being auctioned offmay be a junior lien. Ifyou are the highest bid-der at the auction, youare or may be respons-ible for paying off all li-ens senior to the lienbeing auctioned off, be-fore you can receiveclear title to the prop-erty. You are encour-aged to investigate theexistence, priority, andsize of outstanding li-ens that may exist onthis property by con-tacting the county re-corder's office or a titleinsurance company,either of which maycharge you a fee forthis information. If youconsult either of theseresources, you shouldbe aware that the samelender may hold morethan one mortgage ordeed of trust on theproperty. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:The sale date shownon this notice of salemay be postponed oneor more times by themortgagee, beneficiary,trustee, or a court, pur-suant to Section 2924gof the California CivilCode. The law re-quires that informationabout trustee sale post-ponements be madeavailable to you and tothe public, as a cour-t esy to those no tpresent at the sale. Ifyou w ish to lea rnwhether your sale datehas been postponed,and, if applicable, therescheduled time anddate for the sale of thisproperty, you may call800-280-2832 for in-formation regarding thetrustee's sale or visitthis Internet Web forinformation regardingthe sale of this prop-erty, using the file num-ber assigned to thiscase 00000007239122.Information about post-ponements that arevery short in durationor that occur close intime to the scheduledsale may not immedi-ately be reflected in thetelephone informationor on the Internet Website. The best way toverify postponement in-formation is to attendthe scheduled sale.FOR TRUSTEE SALEI N F O R M A T I O NPLEASE CALL:AUC-TION.COM, LLC 800-2 8 0 - 2 8 3 2w w w . a u c t i o n . c o mBARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP asT r u s t e e 2 0 9 5 5Pathfinder Road, Suite300 Diamond Bar, CA91765 (866) 795-1852Dated : 04 /26 /2018BARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP ISACTING AS A DEBTC O L L E C T O R A T -TEMPTING TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANYINFORMATION OB-T A I N E D W I L L B EU S E D F O R T H A TP U R P O S E . A -F N 4 6 5 5 6 3 70 5 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 8Culver City News-5/3,10,17/2018- 64420

Public NoticeNotice: $331,605 un-claimed money fromCulver City Police De-partment cases prior toSeptember 2014 arebeing held in the Prop-erty Fund. Unclaimedmoney will become theproperty of the agencyon June 25, 2018.Culver City News-5/10,17/2018- 64861

Legal Notices-CC

NOTICE OF TRUST-EE'S SALE TrusteeS a l e N o . :00000007239122 TitleO r d e r N o . : 7 3 0 -1 7 1 0 7 8 6 - 7 0FHA/VA/PM No.: AT-TENTION RECORD-ER: THE FOLLOW-ING REFERENCE TOAN ATTACHED SUM-MARY APPLIES ONLYT O C O P I E SPROVIDED TO THETRUSTOR, NOT TOT H I S R E C O R D E DORIGINAL NOTICE.NOTE: THERE IS ASUMMARY OF THEI N F O R M A T I O N I NTHIS DOCUMENT AT-TACHED. YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST,DATED 06/24/2005.UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROP-ERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEP R O C E E D I N GAGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. BARRETTDAFFIN FRAPPIERTREDER and WEISS,LLP, as duly appointedTrustee under and pur-suant to Deed of TrustR e c o r d e d o n08/04/2005 as Instru-ment No. 05 1864367of official records in theoffice of the CountyR e c o r d e r o f L O SANGELES Coun ty ,State of CALIFORNIA.E X E C U T E D B Y :MISHA M. REESE, AS I N G L E P E R S O N ,WILL SELL AT PUB-L I C A U C T I O N T OHIGHEST BIDDERF O R C A S H ,C A S H I E R ' SCHECK/CASH EQUI-VALENT or other formof payment authorizedby California Civil Code2924h(b), (payable attime of sale in lawfulmoney of the UnitedSta tes) . DATE OFSALE: 06/07 /2018.TIME OF SALE: 9:00AM. PLACE OF SALE:DOUBLETREE HOTELLOS ANGELES-NOR-WALK, 13111 SYCA-MORE DRIVE, NOR-WALK, CA 90650 .STREET ADDRESSand other commondesignation, if any, ofthe real property de-scribed above is pur-ported to be: 5875DOVERWOOD 307DR, CULVER CITY,CALIFORNIA 90230.APN#: 4134-017-120.The undersigned Trust-ee disclaims any liabil-ity for any incorrect-ness of the street ad-dress and other com-mon designation, i fany, shown herein.Said sale will be made,but without covenant orwarranty, expressed orimplied,regarding title,possession, or encum-brances, to pay the re-maining principal sumof the note(s) securedby said Deed of Trust,with interest thereon,as provided in saidnote(s), advances, un-der the terms of saidDeed of Trust, fees,charges and expensesof the Trustee and ofthe trusts created bysaid Deed of Trust. Thetotal amount of the un-paid balance of the ob-ligation secured by theproperty to be sold andreasonable estimatedcosts, expenses andadvances at the time ofthe initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is$253,214.59. The be-neficiary under saidDeed of Trust hereto-fore executed and de-livered to the under-signed a written De-claration of Default andDemand for Sale, anda written Notice of De-fault and Election toSell. The undersignedcaused said Notice ofDefault and Election toSell to be recorded inthe county where thereal property is located.NOTICE TO POTEN-TIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bid-ding on this property li-en, you should under-stand that there arerisks involved in bid-ding at a trustee auc-tion. You will be bid-ding on a lien, not onthe property itself. Pla-cing the highest bid ata trustee auction doesnot automatically en-title you to free andclear ownership of theproperty. You shouldalso be aware that thelien being auctioned offmay be a junior lien. Ifyou are the highest bid-der at the auction, youare or may be respons-ible for paying off all li-ens senior to the lienbeing auctioned off, be-fore you can receiveclear title to the prop-erty. You are encour-aged to investigate theexistence, priority, andsize of outstanding li-ens that may exist onthis property by con-tacting the county re-corder's office or a titleinsurance company,either of which maycharge you a fee forthis information. If youconsult either of theseresources, you shouldbe aware that the samelender may hold morethan one mortgage ordeed of trust on theproperty. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:The sale date shownon this notice of salemay be postponed oneor more times by themortgagee, beneficiary,trustee, or a court, pur-suant to Section 2924gof the California CivilCode. The law re-quires that informationabout trustee sale post-ponements be madeavailable to you and tothe public, as a cour-t esy to those no tpresent at the sale. Ifyou w ish to lea rnwhether your sale datehas been postponed,and, if applicable, therescheduled time anddate for the sale of thisproperty, you may call800-280-2832 for in-formation regarding thetrustee's sale or visitthis Internet Web forinformation regardingthe sale of this prop-erty, using the file num-ber assigned to thiscase 00000007239122.Information about post-ponements that arevery short in durationor that occur close intime to the scheduledsale may not immedi-ately be reflected in thetelephone informationor on the Internet Website. The best way toverify postponement in-formation is to attendthe scheduled sale.FOR TRUSTEE SALEI N F O R M A T I O NPLEASE CALL:AUC-TION.COM, LLC 800-2 8 0 - 2 8 3 2w w w . a u c t i o n . c o mBARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP asT r u s t e e 2 0 9 5 5Pathfinder Road, Suite300 Diamond Bar, CA91765 (866) 795-1852Dated : 04 /26 /2018BARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP ISACTING AS A DEBTC O L L E C T O R A T -TEMPTING TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANYINFORMATION OB-T A I N E D W I L L B EU S E D F O R T H A TP U R P O S E . A -F N 4 6 5 5 6 3 70 5 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 8Culver City News-5/3,10,17/2018- 64420

Legal Notices-CC

NOTICE OF TRUST-EE'S SALE TrusteeS a l e N o . :00000007239122 TitleO r d e r N o . : 7 3 0 -1 7 1 0 7 8 6 - 7 0FHA/VA/PM No.: AT-TENTION RECORD-ER: THE FOLLOW-ING REFERENCE TOAN ATTACHED SUM-MARY APPLIES ONLYT O C O P I E SPROVIDED TO THETRUSTOR, NOT TOT H I S R E C O R D E DORIGINAL NOTICE.NOTE: THERE IS ASUMMARY OF THEI N F O R M A T I O N I NTHIS DOCUMENT AT-TACHED. YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST,DATED 06/24/2005.UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROP-ERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEP R O C E E D I N GAGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. BARRETTDAFFIN FRAPPIERTREDER and WEISS,LLP, as duly appointedTrustee under and pur-suant to Deed of TrustR e c o r d e d o n08/04/2005 as Instru-ment No. 05 1864367of official records in theoffice of the CountyR e c o r d e r o f L O SANGELES Coun ty ,State of CALIFORNIA.E X E C U T E D B Y :MISHA M. REESE, AS I N G L E P E R S O N ,WILL SELL AT PUB-L I C A U C T I O N T OHIGHEST BIDDERF O R C A S H ,C A S H I E R ' SCHECK/CASH EQUI-VALENT or other formof payment authorizedby California Civil Code2924h(b), (payable attime of sale in lawfulmoney of the UnitedSta tes) . DATE OFSALE: 06/07 /2018.TIME OF SALE: 9:00AM. PLACE OF SALE:DOUBLETREE HOTELLOS ANGELES-NOR-WALK, 13111 SYCA-MORE DRIVE, NOR-WALK, CA 90650 .STREET ADDRESSand other commondesignation, if any, ofthe real property de-scribed above is pur-ported to be: 5875DOVERWOOD 307DR, CULVER CITY,CALIFORNIA 90230.APN#: 4134-017-120.The undersigned Trust-ee disclaims any liabil-ity for any incorrect-ness of the street ad-dress and other com-mon designation, i fany, shown herein.Said sale will be made,but without covenant orwarranty, expressed orimplied,regarding title,possession, or encum-brances, to pay the re-maining principal sumof the note(s) securedby said Deed of Trust,with interest thereon,as provided in saidnote(s), advances, un-der the terms of saidDeed of Trust, fees,charges and expensesof the Trustee and ofthe trusts created bysaid Deed of Trust. Thetotal amount of the un-paid balance of the ob-ligation secured by theproperty to be sold andreasonable estimatedcosts, expenses andadvances at the time ofthe initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is$253,214.59. The be-neficiary under saidDeed of Trust hereto-fore executed and de-livered to the under-signed a written De-claration of Default andDemand for Sale, anda written Notice of De-fault and Election toSell. The undersignedcaused said Notice ofDefault and Election toSell to be recorded inthe county where thereal property is located.NOTICE TO POTEN-TIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bid-ding on this property li-en, you should under-stand that there arerisks involved in bid-ding at a trustee auc-tion. You will be bid-ding on a lien, not onthe property itself. Pla-cing the highest bid ata trustee auction doesnot automatically en-title you to free andclear ownership of theproperty. You shouldalso be aware that thelien being auctioned offmay be a junior lien. Ifyou are the highest bid-der at the auction, youare or may be respons-ible for paying off all li-ens senior to the lienbeing auctioned off, be-fore you can receiveclear title to the prop-erty. You are encour-aged to investigate theexistence, priority, andsize of outstanding li-ens that may exist onthis property by con-tacting the county re-corder's office or a titleinsurance company,either of which maycharge you a fee forthis information. If youconsult either of theseresources, you shouldbe aware that the samelender may hold morethan one mortgage ordeed of trust on theproperty. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:The sale date shownon this notice of salemay be postponed oneor more times by themortgagee, beneficiary,trustee, or a court, pur-suant to Section 2924gof the California CivilCode. The law re-quires that informationabout trustee sale post-ponements be madeavailable to you and tothe public, as a cour-t esy to those no tpresent at the sale. Ifyou w ish to lea rnwhether your sale datehas been postponed,and, if applicable, therescheduled time anddate for the sale of thisproperty, you may call800-280-2832 for in-formation regarding thetrustee's sale or visitthis Internet Web forinformation regardingthe sale of this prop-erty, using the file num-ber assigned to thiscase 00000007239122.Information about post-ponements that arevery short in durationor that occur close intime to the scheduledsale may not immedi-ately be reflected in thetelephone informationor on the Internet Website. The best way toverify postponement in-formation is to attendthe scheduled sale.FOR TRUSTEE SALEI N F O R M A T I O NPLEASE CALL:AUC-TION.COM, LLC 800-2 8 0 - 2 8 3 2w w w . a u c t i o n . c o mBARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP asT r u s t e e 2 0 9 5 5Pathfinder Road, Suite300 Diamond Bar, CA91765 (866) 795-1852Dated : 04 /26 /2018BARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP ISACTING AS A DEBTC O L L E C T O R A T -TEMPTING TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANYINFORMATION OB-T A I N E D W I L L B EU S E D F O R T H A TP U R P O S E . A -F N 4 6 5 5 6 3 70 5 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 8Culver City News-5/3,10,17/2018- 64420

Legal Notices-CC

NOTICE OF TRUST-EE'S SALE TrusteeS a l e N o . :00000007239122 TitleO r d e r N o . : 7 3 0 -1 7 1 0 7 8 6 - 7 0FHA/VA/PM No.: AT-TENTION RECORD-ER: THE FOLLOW-ING REFERENCE TOAN ATTACHED SUM-MARY APPLIES ONLYT O C O P I E SPROVIDED TO THETRUSTOR, NOT TOT H I S R E C O R D E DORIGINAL NOTICE.NOTE: THERE IS ASUMMARY OF THEI N F O R M A T I O N I NTHIS DOCUMENT AT-TACHED. YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST,DATED 06/24/2005.UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROP-ERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEP R O C E E D I N GAGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. BARRETTDAFFIN FRAPPIERTREDER and WEISS,LLP, as duly appointedTrustee under and pur-suant to Deed of TrustR e c o r d e d o n08/04/2005 as Instru-ment No. 05 1864367of official records in theoffice of the CountyR e c o r d e r o f L O SANGELES Coun ty ,State of CALIFORNIA.E X E C U T E D B Y :MISHA M. REESE, AS I N G L E P E R S O N ,WILL SELL AT PUB-L I C A U C T I O N T OHIGHEST BIDDERF O R C A S H ,C A S H I E R ' SCHECK/CASH EQUI-VALENT or other formof payment authorizedby California Civil Code2924h(b), (payable attime of sale in lawfulmoney of the UnitedSta tes) . DATE OFSALE: 06/07 /2018.TIME OF SALE: 9:00AM. PLACE OF SALE:DOUBLETREE HOTELLOS ANGELES-NOR-WALK, 13111 SYCA-MORE DRIVE, NOR-WALK, CA 90650 .STREET ADDRESSand other commondesignation, if any, ofthe real property de-scribed above is pur-ported to be: 5875DOVERWOOD 307DR, CULVER CITY,CALIFORNIA 90230.APN#: 4134-017-120.The undersigned Trust-ee disclaims any liabil-ity for any incorrect-ness of the street ad-dress and other com-mon designation, i fany, shown herein.Said sale will be made,but without covenant orwarranty, expressed orimplied,regarding title,possession, or encum-brances, to pay the re-maining principal sumof the note(s) securedby said Deed of Trust,with interest thereon,as provided in saidnote(s), advances, un-der the terms of saidDeed of Trust, fees,charges and expensesof the Trustee and ofthe trusts created bysaid Deed of Trust. Thetotal amount of the un-paid balance of the ob-ligation secured by theproperty to be sold andreasonable estimatedcosts, expenses andadvances at the time ofthe initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is$253,214.59. The be-neficiary under saidDeed of Trust hereto-fore executed and de-livered to the under-signed a written De-claration of Default andDemand for Sale, anda written Notice of De-fault and Election toSell. The undersignedcaused said Notice ofDefault and Election toSell to be recorded inthe county where thereal property is located.NOTICE TO POTEN-TIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bid-ding on this property li-en, you should under-stand that there arerisks involved in bid-ding at a trustee auc-tion. You will be bid-ding on a lien, not onthe property itself. Pla-cing the highest bid ata trustee auction doesnot automatically en-title you to free andclear ownership of theproperty. You shouldalso be aware that thelien being auctioned offmay be a junior lien. Ifyou are the highest bid-der at the auction, youare or may be respons-ible for paying off all li-ens senior to the lienbeing auctioned off, be-fore you can receiveclear title to the prop-erty. You are encour-aged to investigate theexistence, priority, andsize of outstanding li-ens that may exist onthis property by con-tacting the county re-corder's office or a titleinsurance company,either of which maycharge you a fee forthis information. If youconsult either of theseresources, you shouldbe aware that the samelender may hold morethan one mortgage ordeed of trust on theproperty. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:The sale date shownon this notice of salemay be postponed oneor more times by themortgagee, beneficiary,trustee, or a court, pur-suant to Section 2924gof the California CivilCode. The law re-quires that informationabout trustee sale post-ponements be madeavailable to you and tothe public, as a cour-t esy to those no tpresent at the sale. Ifyou w ish to lea rnwhether your sale datehas been postponed,and, if applicable, therescheduled time anddate for the sale of thisproperty, you may call800-280-2832 for in-formation regarding thetrustee's sale or visitthis Internet Web forinformation regardingthe sale of this prop-erty, using the file num-ber assigned to thiscase 00000007239122.Information about post-ponements that arevery short in durationor that occur close intime to the scheduledsale may not immedi-ately be reflected in thetelephone informationor on the Internet Website. The best way toverify postponement in-formation is to attendthe scheduled sale.FOR TRUSTEE SALEI N F O R M A T I O NPLEASE CALL:AUC-TION.COM, LLC 800-2 8 0 - 2 8 3 2w w w . a u c t i o n . c o mBARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP asT r u s t e e 2 0 9 5 5Pathfinder Road, Suite300 Diamond Bar, CA91765 (866) 795-1852Dated : 04 /26 /2018BARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP ISACTING AS A DEBTC O L L E C T O R A T -TEMPTING TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANYINFORMATION OB-T A I N E D W I L L B EU S E D F O R T H A TP U R P O S E . A -F N 4 6 5 5 6 3 70 5 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 8Culver City News-5/3,10,17/2018- 64420

Legal Notices-CC

NOTICE OF TRUST-EE'S SALE TrusteeS a l e N o . :00000007239122 TitleO r d e r N o . : 7 3 0 -1 7 1 0 7 8 6 - 7 0FHA/VA/PM No.: AT-TENTION RECORD-ER: THE FOLLOW-ING REFERENCE TOAN ATTACHED SUM-MARY APPLIES ONLYT O C O P I E SPROVIDED TO THETRUSTOR, NOT TOT H I S R E C O R D E DORIGINAL NOTICE.NOTE: THERE IS ASUMMARY OF THEI N F O R M A T I O N I NTHIS DOCUMENT AT-TACHED. YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST,DATED 06/24/2005.UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROP-ERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEP R O C E E D I N GAGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. BARRETTDAFFIN FRAPPIERTREDER and WEISS,LLP, as duly appointedTrustee under and pur-suant to Deed of TrustR e c o r d e d o n08/04/2005 as Instru-ment No. 05 1864367of official records in theoffice of the CountyR e c o r d e r o f L O SANGELES Coun ty ,State of CALIFORNIA.E X E C U T E D B Y :MISHA M. REESE, AS I N G L E P E R S O N ,WILL SELL AT PUB-L I C A U C T I O N T OHIGHEST BIDDERF O R C A S H ,C A S H I E R ' SCHECK/CASH EQUI-VALENT or other formof payment authorizedby California Civil Code2924h(b), (payable attime of sale in lawfulmoney of the UnitedSta tes) . DATE OFSALE: 06/07 /2018.TIME OF SALE: 9:00AM. PLACE OF SALE:DOUBLETREE HOTELLOS ANGELES-NOR-WALK, 13111 SYCA-MORE DRIVE, NOR-WALK, CA 90650 .STREET ADDRESSand other commondesignation, if any, ofthe real property de-scribed above is pur-ported to be: 5875DOVERWOOD 307DR, CULVER CITY,CALIFORNIA 90230.APN#: 4134-017-120.The undersigned Trust-ee disclaims any liabil-ity for any incorrect-ness of the street ad-dress and other com-mon designation, i fany, shown herein.Said sale will be made,but without covenant orwarranty, expressed orimplied,regarding title,possession, or encum-brances, to pay the re-maining principal sumof the note(s) securedby said Deed of Trust,with interest thereon,as provided in saidnote(s), advances, un-der the terms of saidDeed of Trust, fees,charges and expensesof the Trustee and ofthe trusts created bysaid Deed of Trust. Thetotal amount of the un-paid balance of the ob-ligation secured by theproperty to be sold andreasonable estimatedcosts, expenses andadvances at the time ofthe initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is$253,214.59. The be-neficiary under saidDeed of Trust hereto-fore executed and de-livered to the under-signed a written De-claration of Default andDemand for Sale, anda written Notice of De-fault and Election toSell. The undersignedcaused said Notice ofDefault and Election toSell to be recorded inthe county where thereal property is located.NOTICE TO POTEN-TIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bid-ding on this property li-en, you should under-stand that there arerisks involved in bid-ding at a trustee auc-tion. You will be bid-ding on a lien, not onthe property itself. Pla-cing the highest bid ata trustee auction doesnot automatically en-title you to free andclear ownership of theproperty. You shouldalso be aware that thelien being auctioned offmay be a junior lien. Ifyou are the highest bid-der at the auction, youare or may be respons-ible for paying off all li-ens senior to the lienbeing auctioned off, be-fore you can receiveclear title to the prop-erty. You are encour-aged to investigate theexistence, priority, andsize of outstanding li-ens that may exist onthis property by con-tacting the county re-corder's office or a titleinsurance company,either of which maycharge you a fee forthis information. If youconsult either of theseresources, you shouldbe aware that the samelender may hold morethan one mortgage ordeed of trust on theproperty. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:The sale date shownon this notice of salemay be postponed oneor more times by themortgagee, beneficiary,trustee, or a court, pur-suant to Section 2924gof the California CivilCode. The law re-quires that informationabout trustee sale post-ponements be madeavailable to you and tothe public, as a cour-t esy to those no tpresent at the sale. Ifyou w ish to lea rnwhether your sale datehas been postponed,and, if applicable, therescheduled time anddate for the sale of thisproperty, you may call800-280-2832 for in-formation regarding thetrustee's sale or visitthis Internet Web forinformation regardingthe sale of this prop-erty, using the file num-ber assigned to thiscase 00000007239122.Information about post-ponements that arevery short in durationor that occur close intime to the scheduledsale may not immedi-ately be reflected in thetelephone informationor on the Internet Website. The best way toverify postponement in-formation is to attendthe scheduled sale.FOR TRUSTEE SALEI N F O R M A T I O NPLEASE CALL:AUC-TION.COM, LLC 800-2 8 0 - 2 8 3 2w w w . a u c t i o n . c o mBARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP asT r u s t e e 2 0 9 5 5Pathfinder Road, Suite300 Diamond Bar, CA91765 (866) 795-1852Dated : 04 /26 /2018BARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP ISACTING AS A DEBTC O L L E C T O R A T -TEMPTING TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANYINFORMATION OB-T A I N E D W I L L B EU S E D F O R T H A TP U R P O S E . A -F N 4 6 5 5 6 3 70 5 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 8Culver City News-5/3,10,17/2018- 64420

Legal Notices-CC



18STPB03552To all heirs, beneficiar-ies, creditors, contin-gent creditors, and per-sons who may other-wise be interested inthe will or estate, orb o t h , o f G I T T AI S A A C SA P E T I T I O N F O RPROBATE has beenfiled by Frumeh Labowin the Superior Court ofCalifornia, County ofLOS ANGELES.THE PETITION FORPROBATE requeststhat Frumeh Labow beappointed as personalrepresentative to ad-minister the estate ofthe decedent.THE PETITION re-quests the decedent'swill and codicils, if any,be admitted to probate.The will and any codi-cils are available forexamination in the filekept by the court.THE PETITION re-quests authority to ad-minister the estate un-der the IndependentAdministration of Es-tates Act. (This author-ity will allow the per-sonal representative totake many act ionswithout obtaining courtapproval. Before tak-ing certain very import-ant actions, however,the personal represent-ative will be required togive notice to inter-ested persons unlessthey have waived no-tice or consented to theproposed action.) Theindependent adminis-tration authority will begranted unless an in-terested person files anobjection to the peti-tion and shows goodcause why the courtshould not grant theauthority.A HEARING on the pe-tition will be held onMay 17, 2018 at 8:30AM in Dept. No. 67 loc-ated at 111 N. Hill St.,L o s A n g e l e s , C A9 0 0 1 2 .IF YOU OBJECT to thegranting of the petition,you should appear atthe hearing and stateyour objections or filewritten objections withthe court before thehearing. Your appear-ance may be in personor by your attorney.IF YOU ARE A CRED-ITOR or a contingentcredi tor of the de-cedent, you must fileyour claim with thecourt and mail a copyto the personal repres-entative appointed bythe court within thelater of either (1) fourmonths from the dateof first issuance of let-ters to a general per-sonal representative,as defined in section58(b) of the CaliforniaProbate Code, or (2)60 days from the dateof mailing or personaldelivery to you of a no-tice under section 9052of the California Pro-bate Code.Other California stat-utes and legal author-i ty may affect yourrights as a creditor.You may want to con-sult with an attorneyknowledgeable in Cali-fornia law.YOU MAY EXAMINEthe fi le kept by thecourt. If you are a per-son interested in theestate, you may filewith the court a Re-quest for Special No-tice (form DE-154) ofthe filing of an invent-ory and appraisal of es-tate assets or of anypetition or account asprovided in ProbateCode section 1250. ARequest for SpecialNotice form is avail-able from the courtclerk.Attorney for petitioner:STEFANIE S CUTLERESQ SBN 254364RUTTENBERGCUTLER LLP11111 SANTA MON-ICA BLVD STE 1840LOS ANGELES CA90025-3352CN948597 ISAACSApr 26, May 3,10,2018Culver City News-4 / 2 6 , 5 / 3 , 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 -6 3 9 1 6

NOTICE OF TRUST-EE'S SALE TrusteeS a l e N o . :00000007239122 TitleO r d e r N o . : 7 3 0 -1 7 1 0 7 8 6 - 7 0FHA/VA/PM No.: AT-TENTION RECORD-ER: THE FOLLOW-ING REFERENCE TOAN ATTACHED SUM-MARY APPLIES ONLYT O C O P I E SPROVIDED TO THETRUSTOR, NOT TOT H I S R E C O R D E DORIGINAL NOTICE.NOTE: THERE IS ASUMMARY OF THEI N F O R M A T I O N I NTHIS DOCUMENT AT-TACHED. YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST,DATED 06/24/2005.UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROP-ERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEP R O C E E D I N GAGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. BARRETTDAFFIN FRAPPIERTREDER and WEISS,LLP, as duly appointedTrustee under and pur-suant to Deed of TrustR e c o r d e d o n08/04/2005 as Instru-ment No. 05 1864367of official records in theoffice of the CountyR e c o r d e r o f L O SANGELES Coun ty ,State of CALIFORNIA.E X E C U T E D B Y :MISHA M. REESE, AS I N G L E P E R S O N ,WILL SELL AT PUB-L I C A U C T I O N T OHIGHEST BIDDERF O R C A S H ,C A S H I E R ' SCHECK/CASH EQUI-VALENT or other formof payment authorizedby California Civil Code2924h(b), (payable attime of sale in lawfulmoney of the UnitedSta tes) . DATE OFSALE: 06/07 /2018.TIME OF SALE: 9:00AM. PLACE OF SALE:DOUBLETREE HOTELLOS ANGELES-NOR-WALK, 13111 SYCA-MORE DRIVE, NOR-WALK, CA 90650 .STREET ADDRESSand other commondesignation, if any, ofthe real property de-scribed above is pur-ported to be: 5875DOVERWOOD 307DR, CULVER CITY,CALIFORNIA 90230.APN#: 4134-017-120.The undersigned Trust-ee disclaims any liabil-ity for any incorrect-ness of the street ad-dress and other com-mon designation, i fany, shown herein.Said sale will be made,but without covenant orwarranty, expressed orimplied,regarding title,possession, or encum-brances, to pay the re-maining principal sumof the note(s) securedby said Deed of Trust,with interest thereon,as provided in saidnote(s), advances, un-der the terms of saidDeed of Trust, fees,charges and expensesof the Trustee and ofthe trusts created bysaid Deed of Trust. Thetotal amount of the un-paid balance of the ob-ligation secured by theproperty to be sold andreasonable estimatedcosts, expenses andadvances at the time ofthe initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is$253,214.59. The be-neficiary under saidDeed of Trust hereto-fore executed and de-livered to the under-signed a written De-claration of Default andDemand for Sale, anda written Notice of De-fault and Election toSell. The undersignedcaused said Notice ofDefault and Election toSell to be recorded inthe county where thereal property is located.NOTICE TO POTEN-TIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bid-ding on this property li-en, you should under-stand that there arerisks involved in bid-ding at a trustee auc-tion. You will be bid-ding on a lien, not onthe property itself. Pla-cing the highest bid ata trustee auction doesnot automatically en-title you to free andclear ownership of theproperty. You shouldalso be aware that thelien being auctioned offmay be a junior lien. Ifyou are the highest bid-der at the auction, youare or may be respons-ible for paying off all li-ens senior to the lienbeing auctioned off, be-fore you can receiveclear title to the prop-erty. You are encour-aged to investigate theexistence, priority, andsize of outstanding li-ens that may exist onthis property by con-tacting the county re-corder's office or a titleinsurance company,either of which maycharge you a fee forthis information. If youconsult either of theseresources, you shouldbe aware that the samelender may hold morethan one mortgage ordeed of trust on theproperty. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:The sale date shownon this notice of salemay be postponed oneor more times by themortgagee, beneficiary,trustee, or a court, pur-suant to Section 2924gof the California CivilCode. The law re-quires that informationabout trustee sale post-ponements be madeavailable to you and tothe public, as a cour-t esy to those no tpresent at the sale. Ifyou w ish to lea rnwhether your sale datehas been postponed,and, if applicable, therescheduled time anddate for the sale of thisproperty, you may call800-280-2832 for in-formation regarding thetrustee's sale or visitthis Internet Web forinformation regardingthe sale of this prop-erty, using the file num-ber assigned to thiscase 00000007239122.Information about post-ponements that arevery short in durationor that occur close intime to the scheduledsale may not immedi-ately be reflected in thetelephone informationor on the Internet Website. The best way toverify postponement in-formation is to attendthe scheduled sale.FOR TRUSTEE SALEI N F O R M A T I O NPLEASE CALL:AUC-TION.COM, LLC 800-2 8 0 - 2 8 3 2w w w . a u c t i o n . c o mBARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP asT r u s t e e 2 0 9 5 5Pathfinder Road, Suite300 Diamond Bar, CA91765 (866) 795-1852Dated : 04 /26 /2018BARRETT DAFFINFRAPPIER TREDERand WEISS, LLP ISACTING AS A DEBTC O L L E C T O R A T -TEMPTING TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANYINFORMATION OB-T A I N E D W I L L B EU S E D F O R T H A TP U R P O S E . A -F N 4 6 5 5 6 3 70 5 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 ,0 5 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 8Culver City News-5/3,10,17/2018- 64420

Legal Notices-CC NOTICE OF



18STPB03552To all heirs, beneficiar-ies, creditors, contin-gent creditors, and per-sons who may other-wise be interested inthe will or estate, orb o t h , o f G I T T AI S A A C SA P E T I T I O N F O RPROBATE has beenfiled by Frumeh Labowin the Superior Court ofCalifornia, County ofLOS ANGELES.THE PETITION FORPROBATE requeststhat Frumeh Labow beappointed as personalrepresentative to ad-minister the estate ofthe decedent.THE PETITION re-quests the decedent'swill and codicils, if any,be admitted to probate.The will and any codi-cils are available forexamination in the filekept by the court.THE PETITION re-quests authority to ad-minister the estate un-der the IndependentAdministration of Es-tates Act. (This author-ity will allow the per-sonal representative totake many act ionswithout obtaining courtapproval. Before tak-ing certain very import-ant actions, however,the personal represent-ative will be required togive notice to inter-ested persons unlessthey have waived no-tice or consented to theproposed action.) Theindependent adminis-tration authority will begranted unless an in-terested person files anobjection to the peti-tion and shows goodcause why the courtshould not grant theauthority.A HEARING on the pe-tition will be held onMay 17, 2018 at 8:30AM in Dept. No. 67 loc-ated at 111 N. Hill St.,L o s A n g e l e s , C A9 0 0 1 2 .IF YOU OBJECT to thegranting of the petition,you should appear atthe hearing and stateyour objections or filewritten objections withthe court before thehearing. Your appear-ance may be in personor by your attorney.IF YOU ARE A CRED-ITOR or a contingentcredi tor of the de-cedent, you must fileyour claim with thecourt and mail a copyto the personal repres-entative appointed bythe court within thelater of either (1) fourmonths from the dateof first issuance of let-ters to a general per-sonal representative,as defined in section58(b) of the CaliforniaProbate Code, or (2)60 days from the dateof mailing or personaldelivery to you of a no-tice under section 9052of the California Pro-bate Code.Other California stat-utes and legal author-i ty may affect yourrights as a creditor.You may want to con-sult with an attorneyknowledgeable in Cali-fornia law.YOU MAY EXAMINEthe fi le kept by thecourt. If you are a per-son interested in theestate, you may filewith the court a Re-quest for Special No-tice (form DE-154) ofthe filing of an invent-ory and appraisal of es-tate assets or of anypetition or account asprovided in ProbateCode section 1250. ARequest for SpecialNotice form is avail-able from the courtclerk.Attorney for petitioner:STEFANIE S CUTLERESQ SBN 254364RUTTENBERGCUTLER LLP11111 SANTA MON-ICA BLVD STE 1840LOS ANGELES CA90025-3352CN948597 ISAACSApr 26, May 3,10,2018Culver City News-4 / 2 6 , 5 / 3 , 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 -6 3 9 1 6