ESL-TOEFL-intermediate vocabulary.doc

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  • 8/12/2019 ESL-TOEFL-intermediate vocabulary.doc


    TOEFL Intermediate Vocabulary List

    Absurdly Adverb Ridiculously, unreasonablyThe man laughed absurdly and the joke wasnt even funny.

    Abuse Verb To injure, damage or imroerly use!t is wrong to abuse animals.

    Accessible Adjective Able to be reachedThe bus is accessible to all Ann Arbor residents.

    Accuracy "oun #orrect, free from mistakeAccuracy is imortant when you tye.

    Acquire Verb To come into ossession of, to get! ac$uired my fathers car after his death.

    Adapt Verb To make fit, often by modification, adjust!t is imortant to adat your clothing to the weather.

    Adjacent Adjective "earby, ne%t to&y en is adjacent to my book.

    Adjusting Verb #hanging or resolving to conform! am adjusting my schedule so that ! can go on vacation.

    Administer Verb To manage or suervise the use of something! administer the office sulies at work.

    Adolescent "oun The age between uberty and maturity, teenagerAdolescents are often sad.

    Adopt Verb To take u or take on by choice'ou should adot a new hobby.

    Adverse Adjective To act oosite of a direction&ost eole learn from adverse situations.

    Advocate Verb To lead in favor of ("oun )omeone who leads in favor of*

    ! advocate for animal rights.

    Affinity "oun An attraction! have an affinity for chocolate.

    Affluent Adjective +aving an abundance"ot many tutors are affluent.

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    Ailment "oun A bodily disorder or chronic diseasehat ailment do you have-

    Alliance "oun #onnection, association! have made an alliance with my neighbors.

    Allot Verb To give a ortion! will allot / minutes to our studies.

    Amenities "oun )omething that creates a feeling of comfort or convenienceThe amenities in the hotel were great0

    Amicable Adjective 1eaceful, friendlyThe divorce was amicable.

    Amiss Adjective "ot being right, faulty

    )omething is amiss in this room.

    Antagonist "oun Adversary, oonent2eff is my antagonist at work.

    Anticipate Verb To give advanced thought, treatment or feeling, to foresee! anticiated your need for sentences.

    Apathy "oun A lack of feeling or emotion, indifferenceAathy is common among teenagers.

    Appalled Verb To feel shock or disgust! am aalled by his lack of hygiene.

    Appease Verb To acify! want to aease the angry man.

    Aptitude "oun "atural ability, tendency'ou have an atitude for sorts.

    Aromatic Adjective +aving a strong smell, fragrantThe candles were very aromatic.

    Assets "oun The resources3roerty of a erson, business or association&y house is my greatest asset.

    Atmospheric Adjective Relating to or resembling the air surrounding the earthThe atmosheric conditions today make it seem like sring.

    Attract Verb To draw toward oneself

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    &y garden attracts many butterflies.

    Attribute "oun An inherent characteristic or $ualityhat is your best attribute-

    Audible Adjective Able to be heardThe TV is barely audible, lease turn it u.

    Augment Verb To make greater or more intense!t is imortant to augment tutoring with home study time.

    Autonomous Adjective )elf governing4ur tutoring sessions are autonomous.

    Averse Adjective 5ndesirableAn averse outcome to bad weather is the flu.

    Avid Adjective #haracteri6ed by enthusiasm! am an avid et owner.

    Aare Adjective +aving ercetion, knowledge or watchfulnessAre you aware of the noise in this room-

    A!ardly Adverb 7acking in grace or de%terity! awkwardly introduced myself last night.

    "eautify Verb To embellish or make beautiful

    !t is fun to beautify the house at the holidays.

    "edroom "oun A room furnished with a bed, intended rimarily for sleeing(Adjective )uggestive of se%ual relations*

    "ehave Verb To conduct yourself roerly!t is imortant for children to behave in ublic.

    "etrayed Verb To fail a trust or romise, a traitor8ivorce is common if a erson is betrayed by their souse.

    "inoculars "oun An instrument for seeing far off objects'ou should use binoculars to watch birds.

    "ipartisan Adjective !nvolving members of two oosing arties!ssues like the environment should be biartisan.

    "irthday "oun The day of a ersons birth&y birthday is Aril 9th.

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    "li##ard "oun )evere snowstorme only had one bli66ard this winter.

    "ounce Verb To cause to rebound

    #hildren like to bounce balls.

    "oundary "oun A searating line, something that indicates fi%ed limitsThe 5) and #anada share a boundary.

    "ountiful Adjective +aving a lot, lentifulTrees are bountiful in Ann Arbor.

    "rief Adjective )hort length or duration, concise ("oun official letter3ruling*:ive a brief summary of this book.

    "right Adjective )hiny or intelligentThe sun is very bright.

    "rilliant Adjective 8istinctively bright"o, the sun isnt bright, its brilliant.

    ;rink "oun The to edge of a stee lace! am at the brink of the cliff.

    $alculate Verb To solve or figure out through math'ou need to calculate your ta%es before Aril

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    $haos "oun A state of confused disorgani6ationThe office is in chaos since the secretary $uit.

    $heap Adjective 7ow in value or riceThis is a chea iece of furniture.

    $hore "oun A routine task or job&any children have chores around the house.

    $hronology "oun The science of arranging in order of occurrenceTell me the chronology of your journey to America.

    $ircumvent Verb To avoid or byass often in decision making8ont try to circumvent your boss.

    $itrus "oun The grou of fruits that includes oranges, lemons, graefruit, etc.

    8id you lant that citrus tree-

    $larify Verb To make understood7et me clarify what ! meant.

    $lassified Verb To arrange in categories! classified all my clothes by colors.

    $lassroom "oun A lace where classes meete dont meet in a classroom.

    $laustrophobia "oun =%treme or abnormal fear of being in small saces#laustrohobia effects many eole.

    $lich% "oun A common hrase or e%ression>!m sorry? is such a clich@.

    $lientele "oun A grou of clients&y clientele is not rich.

    $oa& Verb To gently influence by flattery! tried to coa% my dog out in the rain.

    $oin "oun &etallic money (Verb To create or invent*! coined a new tye of refrigerator.

    $ollaborate Verb To work with others, usually in an intellectual endeavore should collaborate on the direction of your studies.

    $ollate Verb To collect, comile or arrange in order

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    ! collated the documents.

    $ombat Verb To struggle against or fight! want to combat mos$uitoes in my yard.

    $ommendable Adjective 1raiseworthy'our work is commendable.

    $ommuter "oun )omeone in the act of traveling! dont live in the dorms, !m a commuter student.

    $ompare Verb To e%amine in order to find similarities and differences'ou should comare rices when you sho.

    $ompatible Adjective Able to e%ist in harmonyAre you and your wife comatible-

    $ompete Verb To strive for an object or win, such as osition, rofit or ri6eill you comete in the 4lymics this year-

    $omplacent Adjective 5nconcernedTutors are not comlacent about their teaching.

    $omplement "oun #ounterart, something that makes erfect or comletes'ou souse is your greatest comlement.

    $omple&ity "oun The $uality of being comlicated

    The comle%ity of your vocabulary is imressive.

    $ompliant Adjective To conform to anothers wishes, to obey'ou are a comliant student.

    $ompliment "oun A flattering remark, e%ression of esteem, resect&ay ! comliment you on your food.

    $omponent "oun A art or iece4nly one comonent on the refrigerator is broken.

    $omprehendible Adjective Able to be understoodAll these sentences are comrehendible.

    $oncentrate Verb To gather or collect focus'ou must concentrate when the TV is on.

    $oncise Adjective ;rief or succinct, not detailed1lease be concise in e%laining your job.

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    $onfer Verb To consult or come together to comare oinions! will confer with my family before making lans.

    $onfide Verb To trust or share secrets

    'ou should confide in your souse.

    $onsensus "oun :rou agreement on a beliefThe consensus is that we should not use workbooks.

    $onsequent Adjective Bollowing as a result of or effect of&y conse$uent actions are your fault.

    $onservative Adjective Tending to maintain e%isting conditions, traditionalReublicans are conservatives.

    $onsistent Adjective Bree from irregularity'ou must be consistent when you vote.

    $onsolidate Verb To unite or join together!f artners consolidate their assets, they can often afford early retirement.

    $onsumed Verb To eat or drink or use u, often in great $uantity! consumed half the cake on my birthday.

    $ontentment "oun Bree from care or discomfort! am content to own a home.

    $ontrary "oun The oosite#ontrary to oular belief, not all Americans are #hristians.

    $ontroversy "oun A disagreement, disuteThe controversy over gay marriage will be imortant in "ovember.

    $orrosion "oun The rocess of gradual wearThe corrosion on my car is causing it to look badly.

    $ouncil "oun A grou elected or aointed as an administrative body! am a member of the city council.

    $ounsel Verb To advise or give suggestion! would counsel you to attend 5niversity of &ichigan.

    $ovenant "oun A romise or agreement! made a covenant with my friend to call her at every birthday.

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    $reate 'Verb To roduce or invent! like to create lavish meals.

    $ritical Adjective !nclined to unfavorable judgement1lease do not be critical of your children.

    $rucial Adjective =ssentialThis is a crucial oint in your lesson.

    $uisine "oun A style of cooking! enjoy restaurants that serve !talian cuisine.

    $ulminate Verb To reach a decisive oint4ur lesson will culminate in imroving your =nglish.

    $urrently Adverb +aening now

    #urrently, ! have only C students.

    $ynical Adjective An attitude that is distrustful of life and human nature! am not a cynical erson.

    (amage "oun 7oss or harm resulting from injury to erson, roerty or reutation1lease dont damage the library book.

    (ebris "oun The remains of something broken down or destroyedD ruins#arry the debris out to the garbage.

    (ecade "oun A eriod of ten years!t has been a decade since !ve seen my friend.

    (eceased Adjective "ot living&y father is deceased.

    (eed "oun A notable act, a feat&y deeds will make me famous.

    (eficiency "oun "ot u to the normal standard, defective, inade$uate+is deficiency is well known.

    (elete Verb To eliminate or erase'ou should delete those files.

    (eliberately Adjective !ntentionally! did not deliberately dro the bo%.

    (ependent Adjective Relying on another for suort

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    ! am not deendent on anyone.

    (eplorable Adjective ;ad or awful+is delorable actions caused a fight.

    (espite 1reosition !n site of or without regard to8esite my worry, nothing bad haened.

    (etrimental Adjective +armful#ocaine is detrimental to your health.

    (evastate Verb To ruin or reduce to chaosar devastated my home town.

    (evised Verb To lot or invente must devise a way to win the election.

    8ichotomy "oun A division into two oosing grousThere is a dichotomy between my beliefs and yours.

    (iet "oun Bood and drink regularly consumed (Verb To eat and drinksaringly in order to lose weight*&y diet consists of vegetables, meats, fruit and dairy.

    (ilemma "oun A choice or situation involving e$ually unsatisfactory alternatives'ou will have a dilemma if you are acceted to two schools.

    (iligent Adjective =arnest, steady effort! will be diligent in studying for the T4=B7.

    (irect Verb To show, oint out or encourage to move1lease direct me to the bathroom.

    (isconcerting Adjective 5set or lose comosure!t is disconcerting that diligence doesnt always hel.

    (ispense Verb To give out a ortion1lease disense the aers to the class.

    (isperse Verb To sread, break u or distribute1lease diserse these seeds in the garden.

    (isposal "oun To have on hand or available8iet 1esi is always at my disosal.

    (isreputable Adjective +aving a negative reutation

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    &any emloyers are disreutable.

    (issent Verb To differ in oinionThere was dissent among the emloyees.

    (issolve Verb To make into a solution, to melt8issolve the owder in water before serving.

    (onate Verb To make a gift, most often to a ublic or charitable cause8o you donate your time as a volunteer-

    (ough "oun A mi%ture of flour and other ingredients stiff enough to hold ashae (slang for money*The bakery makes several kinds of dough every morning.

    (rag Verb To ull slowly or heavily

    ! had to drag myself out of bed this morning.

    (rugstore "oun 1harmacy, a lace where you buy medicine! work at a drugstore.

    Easygoing Adjective #omfortable, unhurried, taking life easy! areciate easygoing eole.

    Economical Adjective #areful or efficient use of resources!t is economical to read the newsaer while riding the bus.

    Effect "oun The accomlishment of a desired imression'ou had $uite an effect on the arty.

    Efficient Adjective 1roductive without waste&y boss is very efficient.

    Elapse Verb To ass or sli awayThe time elased to bring the felon to justice.

    Elderly Adjective 4ld, ast middle age&y mother is elderly.

    Elicit Verb To draw out or re$uest! will elicit information from the emloyees.

    Eliminate Verb To get rid of'ou should eliminate all worry from your mind or you wont get any slee.

    Elite "oun )ocially or financially suerior minority grou

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    &y 5niversity is very elite.

    Emigrate Verb To leave ones home or country for a life elsewhere! emigrated from Turkey.

    Encroach Verb To advance ast the usual limits, to tresassThe border of !srael is encroaching uon 1alastine.

    Enhance Verb To make greater! want to enhance my vocabulary.

    Entice Verb To temt, arouse hoe or desire#an ! entice you to buy cookies-

    Equitable Adjective =%hibiting fairness&y ay is not e$uitable to the other emloyees.

    Escalate Verb To increase in volume or intensity! dont want our argument to escalate.

    Evasive Adjective Tending to avoid#riminals are evasive.

    E&ceed Verb To go above or beyond the e%ected limitThe total e%ceeds my ability to ay.

    E&cluded Verb To sto from articiating

    omen are e%cluded from being 1riest.

    E&hilaration "oun Beeling of e%treme e%citement! was e%hilarated during the last football game.

    E&it "oun A way out of an enclosed laceThe e%it is at the rear of the building.

    E&otic Adjective e%citingly different or unusual, not nativeThe woman is very e%otic.

    E&plicit Adjective 5nreserved and unambiguous, free from vagueness! was e%licit in my directions.

    E&travagant Adjective =%cessively elaborate! made an e%travagant urchase today.

    Fad "oun A ractice or interest followed for a short time with e%aggeratedenthusiasm

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    These jeans are a fad.

    Fee "oun A fi%ed charge for an item or serviceThere is a fee for the ta%i.

    Ferocious Adjective =%hibiting fierceness and the otential for violenceBew dogs are ferocious.

    Fierce Adjective Aggressive, vehemente had a fierce discussion about the 1residents decision.

    Fire "oun #ombustionD that which is burningThere is a fire in the firelace.

    Fitness "oun 1hysically sound or healthy'ou are of average fitness.

    Flirtatious Adjective !nclined to show suerficial interest or liking&y husband is not flirtatious.

    Form "oun A document with blank saces for the insertion of re$uired information(Verb To shae or mold*

    1lease form a line behind the cash register.

    Formerly Adverb 1reviously! formerly lived in Ann Arbor.

    Forte "oun 4nes strong oint or nicheThe game of oker is not my forte.

    Forthcoming Adjective About to aear&y ideas are forthcoming.

    Frequently Adverb 4ften, commonly! fre$uently drink diet 1esi.

    Frugal Adjective =conomically sending resources! am very frugal with my money.

    Furnace "oun A mechanical device in a home which roduces heat&y furnace has never broken down.

    Furthermore Adverb !n addition to what recedesBurthermore, ! believe the animal will die.

    Futile Adjective 4f no useful urose

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    !t is futile to try and save this animal.

    )ap "oun A break or sace between a barrierThere is a ga in the fence.

    )ourmet "oun An e%ert in food and wine+e is a Brench gourmet.

    )racious Adjective &arked by kindness and courtesy'our invitation was very gracious.

    )randparent "oun The arents of your arents&y grandarents are not living.

    )rievous Adjective )erious, grave, oressive&any customers have grievous concerns about this restaurant.

    *abitat "oun The lace or tye of area where a lant or animal normally livesThe wolfs habitat is being distroyed.

    *alt Verb To stoThe deuty told me to halt before utting on the handcuffs.

    *a#ardous Adjective Risky or otentially dangerous8riving can be ha6ardous in the winter.

    *umble Adjective "ot roud, not arrogant

    The humble erson often learns the most.

    Ideal "oun A standard of erfection, beauty or e%cellenceA two hour class would be my ideal.

    Illicit Adjective 4utside the law8o you sell illicit drugs-

    Illiterate Adjective 5nable to read or write+ow many adults are illiterate in your country-

    Illusion "oun A misleading image or visionThere is an illusion that all Americans are wealthy.

    Immigrate Verb To enter and become established, often in a country where you arenot a native! want to immigrate to the 5).

    Immobile Adjective 5nable to move

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    'ou should stay immobile while ! throw this knife.

    Immodest Adjective !ndecent, not dressing or behaving in the roer wayhen you dress immodestly, men get the wrong idea.

    Impartial Adjective "ot biased, treating all e$ually!t is imortant to have an imartial judge.

    Impasse "oun A roblem with no obvious conclusione came to an imasse at the meeting.

    Impediment "oun )omething that interferes or slows rogressA boyfriend can be an imediment to studying.

    Imperfect Adjective "ot flawlessD with defectThis county is imerfect, like all others.

    Impetuous Adjective Borceful, imulsive or unredictable in movement or action&any young eole are imetuous with their money.

    Implement Verb To accomlish or carry out! would like to imlement a new rule.

    Implicit Adjective ;eing without doubt or reserve, un$uestioning+onesty is an imlicit asect of my character.

    Imply Verb To e%ress indirectly

    Are you imlying that ! lied-

    Impolite Adjective "ot following social e%ectations, rude!t is imolite to lie.

    Impossible Adjective "ot able to occur, unable to be done, hoeless!t is imossible to get a erfect score on the T4=B7.

    Impractical Adjective "ot wise or sensible!t is imractical to have a car for every member of the family.

    Improper Adjective "ot in accordance with right rocedure!t would be imroer to be flirtatious with your boss wife.

    Inability "oun 7acking sufficient resources or caacity)ometimes ! have an inability to ay my bills.

    Inactive 'Adjective )edentary, not moving&y mom is very inactive during the winter months.

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    Inadequate Adjective "ot sufficient! feel my e%lanation was inade$uate.

    Incalculable Adjective "ot able to redict

    There is an incalculable cost to legali6ing abortion.

    Incapable Adjective 7acking ability! am incaable of learning #hinese.

    Incentive "oun )omething that encourages an action or behavior!ll give you an incentive to do a better job.

    Incessant Adjective #ontinuous without interrutionThe garrulous woman soke incessantly.

    Incoherent Adjective 8isorgani6ed, lacking in continuity, unable to understand!f you are very sick, you may become incoherent.

    Incompetent Adjective "ot effective, inade$uate! am not incometent.

    Indicative Adjective )erving as a sign or symbolA cough is indicative of a cold.

    Indisputable Adjective "ot able to argue or $uestionThe win was indisutable.

    Inept Adjective 5nfit, lacking in fitness or atitude, incometent&y secretary is very inet.

    Inequitable Adjective 5nfairThe ay raise was ine$uitable.

    Inevitable Adjective 5nable to be avoided or evaded!t is inevitable that you will die.

    Infallible Adjective !ncaable of errorThe ;ible is said to be infallible.

    Infection "oun #ontamination often resulting from injury! do not have an infection.

    Infle&ible Adjective "ot easily moved or bent&any older eole are infle%ible.

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    Infringe Verb To encroach or tresass! dont want to infringe on your sace, but can ! set my o here-

    Infuriate Verb To make e%tremely angry&y son infuriates me when he comes home late.

    Initiate Verb To facilitate the beginning of! will initiate you into ashtenaw 7iteracy.

    Innovation "oun !ntroduction of something newThis innovation will hel the comany.

    Insert Verb To ut, add or thrust in!d like to insert one idea.

    Instability "oun ;eing not ermanent, reliable or consistentD easily collased

    !nstability in a building can be caused by fire or earth$uake.

    Insurgent "oun A erson who revolts against an established authorityThe insurgent killed many olice.

    Intend Verb )ignify or mean! intend to comlain to your manager.

    Interacting Verb To act on each other! enjoy interacting with eole from other countries.

    Interim Adverb Temorary, the time between two things!n the interim, ! will read.

    Interrupt Verb To sto by breaking in! dont mean to interrut, but can ! ask a $uestion now-

    Intimate Adjective #lose association, contact or familiarity&y friends know the most intimate details of my life.

    Intricate Adjective #omlicatedD having many arts'our necklace is very intricate0

    Introduction "oun The act or rocess of a first time resentation! like an introduction to your family.

    Inundate Verb To overwhelm or overflow! am inundated at work so wont be home until late tonight.

    Invincible Adjective 5nable to be con$uered

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    &any heroes seem invincible.

    Irreparable Adjective "ot able to fi%'ou have done irrearable damage to the car.

    Irresistible Adjective "ot able to sto the effect of;abies are irresistible.

    +oin Verb To connect or ut together'ou should join a gym.

    +udicious Adverb +aving or e%ercising careful thinking or oinion5se a judicious amount of garlic when cooking.

    Label "oun An attached aer offering identification or descritionThe label says there are

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    Lu&urious Adjective :iving unrestrained gratification of the sensesThe lu%urious hotels are always the most e%ensive.

    ,ar!ed Verb To designate boundaries

    +e marked the yard with a string.

    ,ar!et "oun A meeting lace for the urose of trade or selling! went to the market to buy a rug.

    ,astermind "oun A erson who sulies the creative intelligence to a roject! am the mastermind of our grou.

    ,ature Adjective ;eyond the growth hase of lifeD rieD adultThe tree is not mature yet.

    ,ean Verb !ntend to convey! was meaning to tell you the answer but ! forgot.

    ,eander Verb To wander! like to meander when ! sho.

    ,easure Verb To learn the dimensions of an object or sace'ou should measure twice, cut once.

    ,ediocre Adjective 4f average $ualityD ordinary!t is better to be bad at something than mediocre.

    ,emory "oun The rocess of recalling what has been learned&y memory is not as good as it used to be.

    ,ilitant Adjective Actively aggressiveD combative)ome countries are more militant than others.

    ,inute "oun A measure of time e$ualing G/ seconds#ook the rice for G minutes.

    ,onitor Verb To watch, observe or checkD to kee track of'ou should monitor a sick child.

    ,onosyllabic Adjective 4ne syllable, consicuously briefTeenagers will often use monosyllabic seech.

    ,onotheist "oun A erson who believes in one :od&any religions are monotheistic.

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    ,ultilingual Adjective +aving more than one language8id you receive a multilingual education-

    ,uted Adjective )ilent or subduedThe colors are very muted.

    -anny "oun A erson emloyed to care for children"annies are e%ensive.

    -egate Verb To deny the truth or e%istence of! dont want to negate you idea, but it is wrong.

    -egligent Adjective Tyically careless or deficient in erforming duties! was negligent in not adding more water to the ot.

    -evertheless Adverb !n site of, however

    "evertheless, ! like bright colors.

    -espaper "oun A collection of news, articles and advertising rinted anddistributed tyically on a daily basis8o you read a newsaer everyday-

    -onchalant Adjective 5nworried, unconcerned! dont know how you can be so nonchalant about your score.

    -otorious Adjective :enerally known and talked aboutD imlies negative&y father was notorious for his wit.

    Obituary "oun The notice of a ersons death, usually includes a short biograhicalaccount8id you read the obituary in todays aer-

    Object '"oun Any thing, noun (Verb To offer an oosing view*&ove that object over here.

    Obno&ious Adjective 8isgusting&y neighbor is so obno%ious.

    Observe Verb To insect or take note of8id you observe the man stealing the money-

    Occur Verb To take lace or haen!t occurred on Aril 9th,

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    Ought Au%iliary Verb 5sed to e%ress obligation'ou ought to rake your lawn this week.

    Overdo Verb To do in e%cess

    8ont overdo it when you are sick.

    Overgron Verb To grow or e%and beyond the normal limitsThe bush is overgrown.

    .ace Verb To roceed at a measured seed;e sure to ace yourself or you will run out of energy before you have comletedthe task.

    .alatial Adjective &agnificent, suitable to a alaceebers is a alatial hotel.

    .amper Verb To treat with e%treme care and attention'ou should amer children when they are sick.

    .anacea "oun A cure allD a remedy for all difficulties&oney is not a anacea.

    .aramount Adjective )uerior to all othersD suremeThe aramount hotel in Ann Arbor is ebers.

    .articipants "oun 1eole who take art in an activity

    1articiants in =nglish class are often hay.

    .assive Adjective Acted uon, the oosite of active! assively waited for the bus.

    .astime "oun )omething that makes the assing of time funReading is one of my favorite astimes.

    .athetic Adjective !dentified by sorrow or melancholyThis is a athetic attemt at a joke.

    .entagon "oun A fivesided object (the building housing the 5.). military inashington, 8.#.*+ave you seen the 1entagon-

    .erimeter "oun The boundary or outer limitsThe erimeter measures

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    The odor of garlic ermeates the kitchen when you cook.

    .ersonable Adjective A leasing character or humanD agreeable'ou are very ersonable.

    .ertinent Adjective +aving imortance or clear relevanceThis idea is not ertinent to our roblem.

    .lacidly Adverb Bree from interrution or disturbanceD $uietly! lacidly waited for the bus.

    .olytheist "oun A erson who believes in multile :odsBew eole are olytheists.

    .otency "oun ;eing forceful or owerfulThe otency of my sou has not been tasted.

    .otpourri "oun A scented mi%ture of flowers, herbs and sices8o you like otourri-

    .recedence "oun The riority of imortanceThere is no recedence for giving you vacation.

    .redecessor "oun The erson who reviously occuied a osition or office&y redecessor was a good organi6er.

    .redicament "oun A difficult, confusing or trying situation

    &y redicament is causing me to lose slee at night.

    .redict Verb To foretell or declare in advance! often can redict the weather.

    .ride "oun A reasonable or justifiable self resect1ride can be unbecoming.

    .rocessing Verb :radual changing to roduce a articular result! am rocessing your re$uest.

    .rofound Adjective +aving intellectual deth and insightThis idea is rofound.

    .rohibit Verb To forbid by authority'ou should rohibit the children from juming on the bed.

    .rolific Adjective 1roductive or fruitful+e is a rolific writer.

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    .roponents "oun 4ne who argues in favor of somethingD advocate! am a roonent of animal rights.

    .ropose Verb To offer u a suggestion

    !d like to roose a solution.

    .rovocation "oun The act of stimulatingThe rovocation for my anger was the newsaer acticle.

    .unch Verb To strike or hit with a fist'ou should not unch eole.

    /ualify Verb To meet eligibility re$uirements8o you $ualify for financial aid-

    /uestion "oun An e%ression used to test knowledge or imrove understanding&y $uestion is thisI.

    0apport "oun A relationshi marked by comfort and harmony! have a good raort with my relatives.

    0avage Verb To be violent and destructive&y dog ravaged my garden this summer.

    0easonable Adjective Realistic, moderate or fairThis is a reasonable rice.

    0eceive Verb To ac$uire or come into the ossession of8id you receive my email-

    0ecogni#e Verb To identify as something reviously known! recogni6e your handwriting.

    0ecommend Verb To suggest as worthy or cometent! recommend that you try watching TV.

    0efer Verb To have a connection toD related'ou should refer him to your manager.

    0efuse Verb To be unwilling to accet'ou should refuse to work on )undays.

    0eimbursement "oun To reay someone for the e$uivalent amount sent! e%ect reimbursement for these e%enses.

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    0ejuvenating Verb To restore to a younger or newer stateA bath can be very rejuvenating.

    0elentless Adjective 1ersistent&y cat is relentless when she wants attention.

    0eply 'Verb To resond in words or writing1lease rely to my emails.

    0equire Verb To demand as necessary'ou are re$uired to show !8.

    0esilient Adjective Tending to recover or adjust easilyD caable of withstandingshock#hildren are very resilient.

    0everberate Verb To echoThe sound reverberates in my room.

    0evie 'Verb To look at a second timee should review the vocabulary.

    0oommate "oun A erson you share housing with&ost eole have a roommate during college.

    0oots "oun The original source or underground art of a lant or treeThe roots of the tree are huge.

    0otation "oun The act of turning on an a%is or centerThe rotation of your tires is imortant.

    0udimentary Adjective #onsisting of the first or rimary rinciles)elling is rudimentary to writing.

    0uthless Adjective +aving no comassion for the misery of othersD withoutsymathy&y boss is ruthless in his business ractices.

    1age "oun3Adjective )omeone who is wise through reflection3e%erience!n all your sage knowledge, what is the meaning of life-

    1ane Adjective Antonym of cra6yThe cra6y man said, >you are wrong, ! am sane0?

    1ardonic Adjective &ockingD disdainfully humorousD sarcastic! dont areciate your sardonic joke0

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    1cold Verb To rebuke or reroachD to find fault in words! scolded my daughter for telling a lie.

    1credriver "oun A hand held tool

    :ive me a screwdriver to fi% this bo%.

    1egregation "oun The searation or isolation of eole based on race, classor ethnic grou)egregation has been illegal in the 5) since the fifties.

    1elect Verb To ick one outD to choose1lease select get rich $uick? deals.

    1oaring Verb BlyingThe soaring bird was very graceful.

    1olidify Verb To make solid, comact or harde will solidify our relationshi by marrying.

    1ometimes Adverb "ow and thenD occasionally)ometimes ! like to eat fish.

    1tabili#e Verb To make firm or ermanent'ou should stabili6e the bed before crawling under it.

    1tamina "oun =ndurance or staying ower'ou must have stamina to run a marathon.

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    1tereotype "oun A general oinion of members of a articular grou thatreresents an oversimlified attitudeThe stereotye of Americans is that we are all rich.

    1tirred Verb A slight movement that mi%es, agitates or rovokes1lease stir the ingredients in this bowl.

    1trenuously Adjective Vigorously activeD calls for stamina! strenuously object to your use of vocabulary.

    1trip Verb To remove a covering

    1lease stri the aint off this chair.

    1ubmissive Adjective )ubmitting to othersD tame&ost woman are e%ected to be submissive to their husbands.

    1ubtle Adjective A small differenceD delicateThe subtle taste of ork in the dinner was overlooked.

    1uffice Verb To satisfy a needD to be sufficient)uffice it to say, you have worked hard to ass toefl.

    1uperficial Adjective 4f or relating to the surfaceD shallow&y relationshi with him is very suerficial.

    1uperstition "oun A belief or ractice resulting from ignorance, fear, trust in

    magic or chance&any Americans believe the suerstition that

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    &any wild animals are tenacious.

    Timid Adjective 7acking in boldness or self confidence&any children are timid around adults.

    Tolerate Verb To endure without injury or contradiction! will not tolerate your behavior.

    To&ic Adjective 1oisonousThis cleaning fluid is to%ic.

    Traditional Adjective +anded down through generationsThis is our traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

    Transplant Verb To remove from one lace and settle in to another! need to translant this tree to another sot in the yard.

    Transport Verb To move or carry awayThere are many ways to transort eole across the country.

    Treat Verb To deal with or handle! will treat you with resect only if you resect me.

    Tremble Verb To shake or shiver involuntarilyhen ! am frightened, ! tremble.

    Tremendous Adjective Astonishing by reason of e%treme greatness,

    e%cellence, si6e or ower'ou have made me tremendously hay.

    2ltimately Adverb !n the endD finally5ltimately, you will learn =nglish.

    2ncompromising Adjective !nfle%ibleD not willing to make concessions! am uncomromising in my e%ectations that you study at home.

    2nderground "oun A sace below the earths surfaceThe mole made an underground tunnel.

    2nerring Adjective ithout mistakesD faultless&any eole believe the bible is unerring.

    2nfortunately Adverb !n an unlucky way5nfortunately, ! had a car accident today.

    2nilateral Adjective 8one by one erson or arty

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    The 5) often makes unilateral decisions.

    2nli!ely Adjective !mrobable!t is unlikely to have two car accidents in one week.

    2rban Adjective 4f or relating to the city! live in an urban area.

    2se Verb The act of emloying something&ay ! use your en-

    Vague Adjective "ot clearly definedD not having a recise meaningThere is a vague difference between >vague? and >subtle?.

    Vast Adjective :reat in si6e, amount or degree

    The 5) is vast.

    Vehement Adjective !ntensely emotional! am vehement about freedom of seech.

    Versatility "oun The $uality of being able to change $uicklyVersatility is imortant in business.

    Vogue "oun That which is fashionable or oularThis outfit is very vogue. ! wonder if it will be oular in two years-

    Volatile Adjective Tending to erut in violence

    Relationshis between rival sorts teams can be volatile.

    3arn 'Verb To redict or give notice of a danger! tried to warn you that the bo% would fall.

    3ee!end "oun The eriod between the close of one work week and thebeginning of the ne%te are going to a football game this weekend.

    3elcome Verb To greet or receive gladlyThey made us feel very welcome.

    3holesome Adjective :ood or sound in body, mind or moralsThis TV show is very wholesome.

    3idespread Adjective idely sread outD greatly diffusedThere was widesread damage from the forest fires.

    3ield Verb To handle or manage

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    &y boss wields ower like an insane erson.

    3ildlife "oun 7iving things that are not human or domesticatede saw much wildlife in the ark.

    3onders "oun Anything that causes astonishment or admirationThere are many wonders to see in the 5).

    3or!er "oun A erson who is aid for manual labor! am a worker at an assembly lant in #helsea.

    3orthhile Adjective +aving value e$ual to the time or money sentThe =)7 grous are a worthwhile venture.

    4eal "oun =ager and ardent interest in ursuit of somethingD assionThere is 6eal for missionary work at many churches.